Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 29 - And Washed the Spider Out

Felicia Hardy didn't know what was worse. Seeing the man you love with all your heart brought in half dead, and knowing that if he did die, the last thing you ever said to each other would have been an argument.

An argument she regretted the moment she got home. He was right, like he always was. One would think her pride would hurt admitting that, but Felicia always understood the kind of person she loved.

He was a genius, he didn't have an equal, she highly doubted any man or woman on this planet could match wits with her love, be it with words, actions or thoughts. He would always be superior.

Even if he didn't admit it, he never would, the nobel bastard was too humble for that, she knew the man she loved, she knew him well.

And this just made the sight before her even more impossible to b.a.r.e.

She had gotten the call just as she was going to bed. She was up late, her news feed was filled with images of the Brooklyn bridge covered with her love's webs, a message only for her written on it.

'I love you.'

The moment she saw that, she had forgiven him, though she realised it was her who had to do the asking, it was her fault they fought anyway. But then again being the woman in the relationship did have its perks.

She was actually expecting him to come swimming into her bedroom window, a single rose in her hand and a box of chocolates in another. She expected to spend the rest of the night in bed with him, doing her best to get him to forgive her.

Tony Stark of all people had called her. He was frantic, when the words 'Peter's hurt' reached her ear all thoughts of sleeping left her mind, replaced with a numb ringing in her ears.

She didn't remember how she got to Avengers tower, nor did she remember how she got past security. Thinking back she thinks she used the silver bracelets Peter gave her for her birthday to swing around the city. But she really doesn't remember anything else.

When she arrived, she saw a small army of doctor's surrounding a body. A body so beaten and broken, she didn't realise it was the man she loved until she saw his hair. His blood soaked hair.

She gasped as she stepped back in fear, the door to his room closing behind her.

She walked back and hit the wall, sinking down as the feeling of total helplessness filled her heart. She looked in horror at the door as the doctor and nurse poured in and out. She recalled Tony Stark walking with them as they moved to and from the room, the man looked pale, worse than her, he looked like he hadn't slept in days, his beard scruffy and large, nothing like the perfectly groomed subject she was used to seeing.

"Sir! We need help! His spinal cord has been damaged, we need to fix it before doing anything else or he won't walk again!" a doctor cried out, the words ringing in Felicia's head.

"Fine! JARVIS! Who is the best neurologist in the city?!" Tony cried out.

"That would be Doctor Stephen Strange sir," the AI voice called out.

"Then get him here on the double!"

"I am sorry sir, but I cannot."

"And why the hell not?!"

"He was in an accident two weeks ago. His fingers have been irrecoverably damaged."

"Fine! Then get me the second best neurologist in the city! And get him here now!" Tony growled, he then dismissed the doctors, they quickly ran back to the surgery, eager to save her Peter's life.

Stark approached Felicia, she didn't know how she she looked, judging by the pitying look Stark sent her it must have been bad. Felicia's mind was consumed with...with doubt and fear. Nothing else but the daunting thought of what would happen if her Peter didn't make it.

"He's going to be fine," Stark told her, she didn't believe him, "I got the best doctors in the city working on him, they'll have him fixed up in no time," he gave a half hearted smile, "hey, maybe after that you two could go on a long vacation, I do have this amazing house in the Hamptons you could use, just don't throw any big parties okay?"

Felicia ignored his pathetic attempt at humor, it wasn't his best material, she didn't blame him. She didn't honestly care. She looked at him, "why didn't you take him to a hospital?"

Tony sighed, "given his unique...well, everything, I figured he would be better suited being treated here. Don't worry, I have the best doctors and equipment on standby, Peter Parker will not die tonight, I promise you."

And he kept that promise. Peter did pull through, though barely.

It took twenty doctors working for over 10 hours to stabilize him. For that time Felicia remained rooted to the spot outside his door, not bothering to look anywhere else. She was sure by now she smelt, she was sure off it, but again, she couldn't bring herself to care.

When he was finally stable she stayed by his bedside, refusing to move from it for any given reason. She drank nothing but coffee, watching over him like a hawk, she eat a little, a protein bar here and there. She didn't remember doing anything else.

The room was comfortable enough, people came and left, leaving a card or something to wish him a speedy recovery. They even brought in flowers, why she didn't understand. Honestly, he would prefer something useful, like a comic book or something.

While she sat there, looking at his broken form, she couldn't help wondering just how much she meant to him. Just how in such a short time, the cold hearted persona she so wanted to adapt broke apart like it was nothing. He didn't just break through her walls, he demolished them.

He...he was her everything, she knew this now. There was always a question of just what they were to each other, lovers, partners, She knew now, they were more than all of that. They were soul mates.

She snorted at the thought, honestly, such a thought impossible. But now? Now she had an example to prove the concept was real. Herself.

She felt sadness at seeing him like this, what if he had died? What would she have done then? What could she have done then? Died? Would she ever recover? He gave her everything and still thought it wasn't enough. And yet...Gods, she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

The sadness lasted like a cloud over her head for a whole day, the thoughts of possible suicide surfaced. She pushed them back, but she didn't think she could ever get rid of them. Not until Peter's eyes woke up once more and looked at her with that playful glint like they always had.

Felicia had stayed as the Avengers came and left. Tony came when he could, stayed to make sure she didn't need anything and then left. Bruce, who was horrified at the idea of a child being Spiderman, made his visits an hourly thing. She remembered when he first found wasn't pretty.

"He's just a child!" Bruce cried out, yelling at Tony with such ferocity Felicia wondered if they would have to deal with the other guy as well.

"He is...yes," Tony nodded.

"You let a child fight?! He could have gotten killed Tony!"

"Bruce listen-"

"-No you listen!" Bruce yelled back, "a child has no place in our world Tony! He's lucky he didn't die this time! There should not be a next time! We have to stop him, we have to make sure he never puts on that mask again!"

"You can't do shit," Felicia hissed. The man turned ot her, the teenage girl stared down two fo the smartest men on the planet, one stronger than a God, and she met their gaze defiant.

"You think you can stop him from doing what he does? Do you? Please, don't' make me laugh. He doesn't need your damn permission and he most certainly won't care if he doesn't have your blessing. He's a hero, not because he's a thrill seeker or a mad man, but because he's a hero. And I don't care who the f.u.c.k you think you are, but he's Spiderman And this?" she pointed at his injuries, "won't keep him down. He won't give up, he will never give up, he might stop for a while, just to recover, but you will never be able to stop him."

The two men said nothing, Felicia dismissed them with a wave, turning back to stay vigilant over Peter. They would see, any day now he would be up and running. And she would be there when it happened.

It was mid afternoon of the second day Peter was bedridden when she was forced to leave and shower. She was forced feed by some lady names Potts, she didn't remember, just a redhead, annoying redheads.

Speaking of which...Jean, she would have to tell Jean. She didn't know...Felicia didn't think she could do it. The words, 'Peter almost died' weren't ones she ever wished to use.

When she came back that evening she found she wasn't alone. Standing over his unconscious body was a bald man with a black trench coat and an eyepatch. Fury always looked active, never once looking his age. But Felicia didn't see the director of SHIELD. No, she saw a tired man.

"The kid's strong," he replied looking up at her, "he'll wake up soon enough."

Felicia nodded, "I know. You don't have to tell me."

Fury smiled, "figured...Stark told me you have some choice words to Banner about Peter's condition."

The girl shrugged, "maybe I did. Why do you ask?"

Fury was silent, for the longest time he didn't say a thing, he looked like he was thinking something over, something important. Finally he sighed and took out an SA, an invention of Peter's.

He displayed a map and passed it to Felicia. It was a map of Rome, the outskirts of the city were highlighted. "What's this?"

"Doom's robot had been dismantled and kept for analysis in Peter's lab," Fury spoke, "when it activated it managed to break into Richard's lab and bring it's master back."

"How?" Felicia asked.

Fury slipped the screen and showed a video of a person dressed in black sneaking into Peter's lab through the window. A window that was hundred of feet above ground. He walked to the robot and assembled it together, taking out some kind of glowing blue battery and placing it into its system.

"We haven't been able to find out who this person was," Fury replied, "but we do know that after they left, a signal came from this location," he pointed to the map of Rome, "activating the robot and programing it to free Doom."

"Who?" was Felicia's cold question.

"...I suspect HYDRA," Fury replied.

Felicia turned to him, "how?"

"We managed to track this place down, that's why I've been missing for the past few days," Fury touched Peter's arm, almost apologetically, "we found several files relating to them...they wanted revenge. After what Peter did to Wyndham and revealing their resistance to the world...they wanted to remove him permanently."

"They knew Doom would try and kill him?" Felicia asked.

"Yes...they did….or at least they hoped," Fury growled.

"Bastards," Felicia's voice was filled with bile, pure unfiltered hate for the Nazi group. If she ever saw them again...she didn't think Peter would like what she did to them all.

She passed the SA back to Fury, "thank you for telling helps knowing who was responsible for this whole mess."

Fury nodded, "right...of course."

Felicia walked over to her love's side, holding his hand in hers, "I just wish I could actually do something about this….about them."

Fury looked at her, "do you really mean that?"

"Yes," there was no hesitation, no doubt.

"What would you give up?"


"Even him?" he looked at Peter's body.

Felicia turned to the man, "what exactly are you telling me Fury?"

"I have a mission for you...a mission to ensure HYDRA never tries to attack Peter again."


"You're father will help you in that regard."

Felicia locked down, those eyes...she feared she would never see them open again, "how long?"

"Until HYDRA falls...for good."

She was silent, for the longest time she said nothing. She was thinking, wondering just how much she was willing to give up. She meant it when she said everything, but him? Peter Parker? She didn't know if she could do that. protect him? To make sure those bastards never again tried to kill him? She would gladly die to make sure these past few days never happens again.

She looked at Fury, "what do I have to do?"

With Peter:

Darkness all around.

I couldn't understand, how? Why? How can something be so empty yet I feel so at ease.

I felt my back, it was set into stone, something's wrong. I can't move my arms. I felt my skin, my lips were covered with something, I can't move. It's like I'm stuck in one place, unable to do anything.

I need to open my eyes, I need to find out where I am!

And slowly, there was light.

My eyelids were heavy, as the ceiling came into focus so did the sound of a heart beat monitor. I couldn't look anywhere else but straight up. My neck was fixed, I lowered my eyeballs down, I was in a hospital bed.

I looked around, there was a table, so many flowers. I hate flowers. I would rather they bring comic books. I felt rage, I remembered what happened, Doom, f.u.c.k.i.n.g Doom.

I looked down, my body was broken, my feet were bent at odd angles. My neck looked like it was black, my arms, oh god, they looked like they had been snapped at the wrist.

I felt around, my fingers, I could move them, but everything else, I looked at my legs and...oh god, I can't feel my legs! I can't…

Panic began to set in. I felt tears come up, no, no! This isn't fair! I did good, I was a freaking superhero! I did good! I helped people! What right did he have?! What right did Doom have?! His arrogance, his pride, it was so wounded that he felt it right to injured me?!

I felt my pain turn into anger. Pure unfiltered anger. I wanted Doom dead, I wanted him broken and lying at my feet. I needed...I need my body back, back in one piece. I needed to become strong again. And I have an idea just how to do that.

I looked around, a note was on the table, several notes all wishing me well. I lifted my hand and suddenly felt a flash of pain. No! I refuse to stop because of this! I need to do this!

I touched the edge of onenote and pulled it down. I looked around, no pen, great, just-wait, I looked to the side, mychart was hanging by the side of my bed. A pen was sticking out by the edge.

I felt my body weaken, I was going to go into a coma again, I need to be quick. Sadly my hand movement was sluggish, the pain was fighting through, I could barely touch the tip of the pen, instead of pulling it out, I was pushing it in, it was at the edge of falling off.

I sighed, I closed my eyes and focused, I touched the tip of my finger to the pen and felt my powers activate, sticking onto the pen. I pulled it out slowly, holding it in my hands tightly as I smiled, victory!

I laid my hand down to rest on top of the note, hard part's done. I sighed as I began to write in what was probably my worst handwriting to date.

'Sue: Mutant Spider project, pass: Felicia Parker A9+ Logan's blood. Hurry!' I wrote it down. Yes my password was Felicia, sue me.

I pray that Sue understands my message. She and Richard are my only hope! I knew I would get asked why I was even looking into this project in the first place, but this wasn't the time.

Then came the issue of my blood becoming too toxic to work, but I hoped the regenerative powers in Logan's blood to heal me and reduce the damage even if just by a little. Rightnow, the rewards far outweigh the risks.

I laid my head back down on my pillow, my neck hurting from moving as little as it did. I reached out, I felt the nurse help button and pressed it over and over as my eyes slowly closed.

I felt sleep take me just as the door came flying open and several people ran in.

"What happened?!"

"He pressed the help button! He's awake."

"Not now he isn't."

"Wait, what's that?"

"Call the director, he needs to know about this."

I was asleep again, but I was aware of myself. It's like something was slowly pulling me out again. My consciousness slowly pulled itself out of the abyss that was my coma, I could feel something stir up inside of me.

And suddenly I felt my lungs rage as if on fire. It felt like acid was poured into my lungs. I think my body might have gasped, I'm not sure. But I knew this feeling, I could only think one thing, 'thank you Sue'.

And when I opened my eyes again I felt something different. No restrictions. My body was whole once again. I put my arms down and pulled myself up, I looked around, my neck was healed, my legs were healed, my body was healed. It was like all that pain was for nothing.

I looked around, I was still getting IV drops, hm, don't need that anymore. I plucked all the wires off me and immediately the alarms went off. It shouldn't be long now until they all come running in. I got to my feet and stretch my h.i.p.s, I feel stronger, good.

Suddenly the door was thrown open as Richard ran in first. He looked haggard and beaten with dark eyes. He looked at me like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. I smiled, "hey dad."

"Peter!" he cried out grabbing me into a hug, crying into my shoulder, "oh god I was so worried! I thought, I thought I had lost you too."

"You're going to have to work a lot harder to get rid of me dad," I hugged him back, that word, it came easier to me now. This man tried to knock out Doom with a fire extinguisher. I may not be his son, but he loved me like one. And I can't help but feel like I love him too.

Immediately a few people arrived and began to test me., my dad was apparently my doctor, he nursed me back to health. He sat down right next to me as they looked me over, declaring me in perfect health, which they realised was incredible.

Dad sighed standing before me as I lied down on bed looking up at him. They had forced me back into bed, wanted me to stay off my feet for some time.

"You're blood accepted the mutant gene easily," he said taking down notes on his pad, "it went according to your notes, Sue infused Logan's blood into the radioactive gas, which she prepared exactly to the specifications listed in your notes. I still can't believe your blood has this kind of...side effect."

"Yeah, it does," I looked over his shoulders at the nurses taking my IV and heart monitor out, "maybe you shouldn't be open about things dad."

He noticed my line of sight and smiled, "SHIELD took care of it, you don't have nothing to worry about them."

"SHIELD's not as safe as we can believe," I studied the nurses faces, memorising them just in case, "better safe than sorry."

Richard smiled, "right. Don't worry, I didn't let anyone get a hold of your blood or any medical details, hence why I became your doctor instead of someone else outside."

I sighed, "thank god. If people wouldn't start a f.u.c.k.i.n.g arms race, it will start a war."

"Yes, it would," Richard put down the note and looked at me, "which leads me to my next question: why were you researching this in the first place?"

"I needed to know what happened to my body when Drew's blood was infused into me," which was the truth, "I didn't mean to do anything else," which wasn't. I totally wanted to rip off other people's powers.

Richard sighed, "right, well it's a good thing you did. Honestly when Sue saw the project you were working on, we feared you were going to go mad with power or something."

I smirked, "give it time dad. Where are we anyway?"

"Avenger's tower," Richard explained, "Tony was insistent we use it. He had the best equipment brought in for you. You're right now the only patient here."

So that's why it didn't smell like a hospital, ", guess it would be kind of awkward to explain how I healed so quickly if I had a roommate huh?"

He smiled, "right. Anyway, you've been out for almost a week. We gave you the gas two days ago, it took you one day to adapt it and another for Logan's powers to kick in and fully heal you. How do you feel?"

I clenched my fists, "strong," I sighed, when suddenly I smelt something. I sniffed the air, "what's that?"

My dad raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"I can smell something," I huffed, "it smells nice, like strawberries. And something sour, like stained beer, expensive cigars"

Just then the door opened up and Logan and Jean walked in. I was surprised before I smiled, "hey guys! Long time!"

"Peter!" Jean cried out as she ran to my side. She jumped on me, wrapping her hands around my neck, hugging me close, "oh thank god you're alright!"

"Told you he would be fine Jean, takes a few hours for the healing factor to kick in," came Logan's rough voice.

"I'm fine Jean," I told her as she slowly pulled back, I meet her blue eyes and immediately I knew she was reading my mind, 'I promise, I'm fine.'

"You don't feel find," she thought back, "you feel...angry."

I nodded, "Doom, he tried to kill me, damn right I'm angry. We'll talk later, I promise," I broke away from her and looked at Logan, "thanks for doing this Logan, I know it wasn't fair to ask this of you-"

"-Save it kid," Logan held up his hand, "before and your chatty mouth came along I didn't even know my real name. As far as I'm concerned a few drops of my blood is nothing."

I smiled, "thanks," I turned to Jean, "I guessing when you heard you came running?"

Jean blushed "well, yeah, you are one of my best friends."

"Running? Ha!" Logan chuckled, "she tried to mind control me into coming!"

"What?!" I snapped at Jean.

"He looked like he was going to say no!" Jean defended herself.

I blinked and turned to Logan, "what?"

He shrugged, "some guy came up to me and asked me for some blood, of course I was going to think about it first."

I nodded, "reasonable request," I turned to Jean and flicked her cute nose, "no mind controlling people! Got it?! Unless they are annoying little shits that like to torture little girls and boys, only exception."

Jean smiled, "yeah, deal."

I smiled and turned to Richard, "what did you tell Ben and May?"

"That there was an accident in the lab and that you got hurt," Richard sighed, "they insisted they come and see but I told them you were being treated in the intensive care unit and couldn't have visitors. Now that you've healed up though, I don't really know what I can tell them."

I chuckled, "I'm sure we'll figure something out," slowly I turned serious, "what about the others? Is Reed and Ben alright?"

"First hour concious and already worried about other people," Logan snorted, "last I heard they are all fine."

"Tony arrived just as Doom was...hurting you," my dad explained. Suddenly I looked around on the table and saw the medical instruments start to float up. Immediately I grabbed Jean's hand, her eyes relaxed, slowly everything started to float back down.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"I'm fine Jean," I smiled back before turning back to Richard, "and then?"

"He fought off Doom, he lost about ten suits of armours in the process. Doom flew away, Tony wanted to give chase, but then he realised you were still hurt. He brought you back here where Bruce Banner stabilized you. Captain America chased Doom into open international waters. Unfortunately he did...something, something strange and he just...disappeared."

"He just disappeared?" I asked looking shocked.

Richard nodded, "yes."

'Magic,' I realized immediately, 'great he knows f.u.c.k.i.n.g magic.' I sighed, "okay, what happened next?"

"I managed to get to you in time and with Banner's help we stabilize you. It took a while, but a few days later you woke up and wrote that note. But then Sue was well enough to start making you that gas, and here we are a few days later."

"It caused a major incident kid," Logan picked up, "Doom's the ruler of Latveria, and the country views Doom's little trip into another world a form of prison. They are all up in arms, not to mention the Avengers and the Western hemisphere pissed off that you got hurt in the process."

"Hurt?!" Jean cried out, "that bastard damn well killed him!"

Logan shrugged, "either way, things are really difficult right now. Fury has his hands full trying to prevent world war 3. Shit isn't pretty kid."

I nodded and began to look around, spotting the notes and flowers. I couldn't read them before but now I could. I found wishes from a lot of people. Cap, Tony, Bruce, Clint, Nat, Sue, Reed, Johnny, Ben, Jean, Scott, Logan, Storm, Xavier, heck even Fury gave me one! But there was one person missing.

"What about Felicia?" I asked looking at them, "where is she?"

Jean immediately looked angry, "she's..." she looked and me and the anger drained away replaced with a smile, "she's gone home. She had been by your side all week, I insisted she go home and rest for some time."

"Oh," I blinked, "okay," something's wrong, I looked worried, but Jean refused to meet my eyes. Richard looked at her before sighing.

"Peter, maybe it's best you get some rest," he told me with a smile, "go on."

"I feel fine dad, really, I-"

"-Please Peter," Jean spoke up, "take some rest."

I looked at her and sighed, "yeah, okay. But...can you call Felicia, or text her? Let her know I'm fine."

Jean looked pained but nodded. She promised to do just that as she, Logan and my dad walked out. The moment the door closed I was out of the bed and pressing my ear against the door frame.

"Where is she?" I could hear Jean hiss, "she's supposed to be here."

"She said she couldn't take seeing him like this," my dad sighed, "poor girl."

"Poor my ass!" Jean cried out, "I know exactly what she was thinking! She's going to use Peter's near death experience to break out her dad! I can't believe she would do something like that!"

My eyes went wide, 'no, she can't be that stupid!'

"Where is she now?" Logan asked.

"Somewhere in Texas," Jean huffed, "that's all I could get."

"Thought I told you not to read people's mind Jean," Logan said in a warning tone.

"I'm sorry but no, when Peter was in a coma you know what I did? I tried to bring him out of it with my powers but I couldn't. So I went back into his memories and you know the last thing he thought? 'Please God, whoever's listening, please let her be safe'. He thought he was going to die and all he could think was about her, but she can't even see him when he's in the hospital?!"

I stopped listening, I just couldn't. Why? Why isn't she here? I can understand not wanting to waste any time, but if she was here I, that's a lie. If she was in my position I wouldn't be here, I would be knocking on Doom's door with a cap opener and a gun.

Texas...her father. She's trying to free him! Logan mentioned SHIELD was busy trying to prevent world war 3, this would be the perfect time to make sure no one came after Walter! I'll admit, it's kind of sad she didn't want to be with me, but honestly it's ingenious the way she took advantage of a chance like that.

I need to get to her, before she did something stupid. Texas, a flight? No, the moment I leave Fury will figure that's where I'm going. Hm, maybe I can just take my car, last place I parked it...damn, I can't remember. No, wait, I gave it to MJ, she was going to drive it to her acting class before going straight home!

I looked around, no phone here, none of my clothes of personal items are here. This is Tony's place, he must have it in his lab or storage. I need to get it. I leaned towards the door, I can't hear anyone outside. I opened the door and quickly walked out.

I looked around, not many people here. Good. I kept walking until I saw the sign for an elevator. I called it to me and quickly stepped in, pressing the button that was labeled 'Lab'.

The doors opened and I quickly walked out. Luckily I wasn't wearing those scrubs that was open in the back, nope, just a decent pair of pants and a lose shirt. As I walked down the long corridor I avoided a few people when I could, people generally never look up.

I passed by a lab with a glass window when I stopped and saw my suit laying out on the table. I smiled, 'jackpot!' I walked up to the door and found it locked, I need a thumbprint to get in. F.u.c.k me!

I looked at the scanner, maybe I can use some kind of dust to take the print and then apply it? Is that how that worked? God! All this way and stopped by a door!

"Here let me," I looked up and saw Bruce smiling. I was stunned still as I backed away, he opened the door with his print and stepped away, "here you go."

I blinked, "ah….hi..."

Bruce smiled, "I know who you really are Peter. Or should I say, spider-man?"

I blinked, " can keep a secret right?"

Bruce chuckled, "yes, believe me, I know how to keep a secret."

I looked at him and grinned, "thanks doc," I walked in and looked at my suit. I never realised how broken it was until now. The backpack with my arms was gone. The helmet broken into pieces and my gauntlets shattered.

The armour around my torso looked intact, along with the one around my leg, though they were covered with my blood. I sighed, "this is going to take a lot of work to fix."

"I surprised you even survived," Bruce told me as he approached from behind, "the amount of blood you lost...Peter, it's a miracle Tony got to you on time."

"Believe me, I know."

"The suit's system's gone," he tapped the hexagonal arc reactor, "Tony took a look at it, he got a little bit jealous at the upgrade. But he did proclaim it to be useless now. In his words, 'it's like a c.o.n.d.o.m with holes'."

I snorted, "figured," I picked up the gauntlets and looked them over. I opened them up and took out my SHIELD issue phone, it was shattered, "sigh, no luck here."

"You want to make a call?" Bruce asked reaching in and taking out his own mobile, "here."

"Oh, thanks," I said taking the phone.

"Who are you calling?" he asked.

"My girlfriend."

Bruce shivered, "Felicia right?"

" know here?"

The man gulped, "yes, we met. She had….quite a lot to say. Damn scary woman."

I grinned, "damn straight" I pressed the phone against my ear however the call didn't go through, the number was switched off, "f.u.c.k!"

"What happened?"

"She's switched it off, meaning either she ran out of charge, which is unlikely, or that she's doing something very, very stupid."

"Like something that would make Fury angry?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, maybe. Why?"

"Because he looks pretty angry right now," Bruce looked over my shoulder. I turned around and sure enough Fury was walking towards us with a glare and a feeling of dread took over.

He walked in, it was like the lock didn't even matter to him. He looked at me, "what in the hell does she think she's doing?!"

I held up my hands, "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," which was a lie. Duh.

"Don't you dare play me for a fool Spider!" Fury spat, "your girlfriend! The Black Cat! She just broke her father out, the greatest burglar in the world out of prison!"

I blinked, "I say honestly say I had no idea she did that," which was true, I didn't think she did it already. Damn, nice time management.

"Really? You're telling me you had no idea she wanted to break her father out of prison?" Fury asked.

"No, that's not true," I replied, "I told you yesterday that….I mean a week ago, damn, it's been a week," I sighed, "anyway, I told you a week ago someone I suspected was HYDRA contacted Felicia and offered to help free her dad. So I did tell you, so you tell me Fury what the hell happened?"

Fury met my gaze and held it for a long time. He growled, "she broke in two nights ago. We didn't even get informed about Walter escaping until yesterday evening. She's in the wind Spider, do you have any idea where she is?"

"No, sorry," I told him.

Fury was silent as he studied me, "fine, but if you do happen to find her call us right away. She's in a lot of trouble, but if we deal with it quickly and quietly she might just end up on the other side of this with her hair still white."

He looked at Banner and then to the table with my costume in tatters. Fury sighed, "I'm sorry we didn't get the bastard."

I nodded, "I know. What's the situation right now?"

"Dangerous to say the least," Fury growled, "Doom's claiming diplomatic immunity and keeping quiet, but his people, well they are all rallied up into a frenzy claiming his stay in another world courtesy of Reed Richards and apparently you," he sent me a glare, "is reason enough for war. Honestly kid, I don't understand what the hell to expect."

"Did you call in the Avengers?" I asked.

"The Avengers are a weapon for humanity against threats beyond its reach. They aren't a peacekeeping force or a means of attack for America. They can't be seen taking on a foreign power, believe me, the mere existence of the Avengers makes people nervous, seeing the go after an enemy of the state will only make things worse."

"But that doesn't mean we aren't going to try," a second voice called out as Tony walked into the lab with Steve following behind him. He spotted me and smiled, "hey kid, glad you're alright. You're looking a lot better."

"And I here I have you to thank for that," I smiled, "thanks Tony."

"Oh don't go soft on me, always a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e walking in on a dictator beating a teenage boy to death," he said patting me on the shoulder.

"Not the time Tony," Steve warned, to which Tony just rolled his eyes.

"So what's going on with Doom?" Bruce asked, "are we going to get him any time soon?"

"No," Steve spoke, "it's too complicated. The only way we would even have a chance is if he comes to us."

"Which is highly unlikely," Tony leaned over my costume and examined it, "you need help making a new one?"

"No, well...yeah," I sighed rubbing my head, "but I don't think I'm up to it just yet. Nearly dying tends to….leave an impression on you," I won't admit it, but inside I felt a little bit of doubt stir up, I was afraid, that if I put on that costume again the next time I'm bleeding out there won't be anyone to save me.

"There's no shame in taking a break Peter," Steve said patting my shoulder, "even the best of us need a break sometimes."

The others didn't say much, settling instead to just give me stares of confidence. I nodded to them and stepped back, letting them continue their little talk.

"I have SHIELD monitoring everything," Fury spoke up, "if Doom even thinks of leaving his country we'll have dead to rights."

"He won't leave his country," Tony told, "why would he? There he's safe, the people love him and everything's all right. No, he won't come out, but that doesn't mean he'll just sit there and waste his time, no, he's smart, he's very smart. I'm guessing he'll build up his army, and only when he's sure he can beat us, he'll come back for round 2."

"We need a plan of attack if...when he does," Steve nodded, "Tony, those drones he used, think you can beat it?"

Tony rubbed his eyes, I could see they were heavy, he wasn't getting much sleep. "I can try. But I'm not too sure. Never did trust drones controlled by artificial intelligence."

"Thank you for the vote of confidence sir," came Jarvis' voice off the coms.

"Oh shut it you," Tony smirked.

"We'll catch this son of a bitch Pete," Steve told me, "I promise."

I sighed, "thanks...oh and by the way, you should know he has some new power."

"What? What kind?" Fury asked.

"He can manipulate pure energy," I told him, "it pours out of him, like water from a tap and he can use it to create things, like a shield or energy blasts. It's….different," I was going to say 'magic', but none of these guys believe in magic, and I don't want to become a laughing stock.

"Great, I'll add that into the list," Fury sighed looking upset.

"Peter, maybe it's time you get back in bed," Bruce spoke up, "you need the rest."

"I'm fine Dr. Banner," I shrugged, "Logan's blood worked like a charm. I don't-"

"-Either way, it's best you lay down for some time," Steve insisted.

"Listen to the grown ups kid," Tony patted me on the shoulder with a smirk, "trust me, we got this."

I looked at them and I could see it, pity. They were sad for me. I was sad for me. They never saw me as a kid before, only as Spider-man, guess seeing me made them realise that there was a sixteen year old behind the mask, not a grown man. I hated it. But I feel the same way.

I walked away without a word. As I left the lab I looked over my shoulder and saw them talking again. I needed to hear what they were saying, and suddenly my eyes started to vibrate. I felt them being stretched out, like my ear drums were being pulled inwards. And after a sharp screech I could hear them talking.

"-he's not ready Tony! You saw what Dome did to him! Do you think anyone can take that?!" Steve cried out.

"Yes, because he needs too," Tony insisted.

"He's just a kid Stark," Fury cut in.

"A kid who figured out a year ago that if you don't do good things, you're letting the bad people in the world get away scott free," Tony shot back, "what were you doing when you were 15 Fury? Hmm? In a boot camp somewhere? And you Cap? I know what I was doing, I was making toys in my dad's garage and trying to get with the hottest girl in my school. But Peter? He was fighting an alien invasion. He was out there saving lives, he's better than all of us, he can be greater than we ever could."

"He's still a kid Tony," was Steve's silent response, "he doesn't have to carry this burden. It's not right. We're supposed to protect him, but look what happened. He shouldn't be Spider-man anymore, we can't condone it."

"So what? You're just going to throw him out into the woods?" Tony asked, "come on Fury, you can't seriously be considering this."

"I spoke to his father," Fury said quietly, "the man didn't want this for his boy."

"Because he's such a great father-"

"Enough Tony!" Steve cut in, "he might not have been there for Peter at first but he is now. He has a right to be a part of his life."

"And technically since Peter is still a minor his father is still his parent," Fury confirmed, "he asked me to stop training Peter."

"And you're considering it?" Tony's voice was sharp, like an arrow.


"Fury, that kid started going out in a red jacket and tights long before any of us saw him. You really think you not giving him permission is going to change his mind?! The first day he gets out here he's going to be back in costume putting away bad guys! Mark my words. He's not someone you can order around Fury, you know this. Not giving him training just puts him into more trouble!"

"He's right," Bruce spoke up for the first time, "Peter's a strong kid, he won't let people order him around. You know this Fury. Don't push him away, Peter...he won't take it well."

I looked at them, the four men looked at each other with unwavering focus, they didn't know what to say. I drew my focus away from them and suddenly my ears started to squeeze shut again.

I winced at the strange sensation. It was powers? Logan, didn't he have some kind of enhanced sense? The smell, I smelt Jean and Logan before they entered, and the hearing. Hm, I need to look into this, but not now. Right now I have a silver haired moron to find and keep safe.

Sneaking out of Stark tower wasn't easy. I'll give Tony this much, he has very good security. I knew for a fact that if I was trying to get into the place instead of getting out, it would have been impossible.

"Hey Jarvis," I called out as I walked into the elevator.

"Yes sir?" the AI asked.

"Which floor is housing?" I asked.

"The floor above sir," he told me, "may I ask why?"

"No reason," I pressed the button for the floor above me. It opened up and I quickly walked out. I looked around, no doubt Jarvis would tell Tony what I was doing, so I need to be quick. I found a locked door near the end of the corridor with Bruce's name on it.

I pressed my hand on the handle, it was locked, a deadbolt no doubt. I focused and I knew my eyes flashed blue as I activated my metal bending. I smirked, still a cool name.

I unlocked it with my powers and stepped in. The room was neat, a pile of books and notes in one corner, but generally very clean. I walked into his closet and opened it up. I found a lot of jackets, slacks and purple shirts combos, guy really had a thing for purple.

I grabbed a pair of cheap looking jeans, probablys since Bruce orders them in bulk. I also grabbed a green t-shirt with the Hulk's face on it, probably a gift from Tony judging by the poor taste.

With a new set of clothes on I walked out. Grabbing a cap and a spare set of reading glasses from Bruce's desk. My disguise was complete. I only wish I had a better set of shoes rather than the loafers I had on right now.

I couldn't use the lift, I knew that. So instead I moved to the fire escape. I opened the door and looked down, I must be a hundred floors up. Meh, I'll take the expressway.

I jumped onto the railings and dropped down, landing in a squat. I jumped down two floors at a time, over and over again. I was making amazing time. I reached the ground floor in ten minutes and snuck out.

There was security everywhere, I immediately spotted the cameras and thanks to Widow's training I was able to slip past them undetected. The moment I walked outside the glass doors I heard the faint sound of alarms going off, guess they figured out I escaped.

I quickened my pace, not too much to make myself obvious. I looked around, people didn't care about the fact a teenager in a shirt and jeans just walked out of the Avengers tower. Thank God it's New York.

I put on the cap and glasses, popping the lens out to make sure it wouldn't impair my vision. I looked around, I needed cash. A wealthy looking man was walking towards me, nice coat, briefcase. Jack pot.

I ran into him shoulder first. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry mr," I quickly replied, touching his sides and shoulder, "are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I'm quite alright," came a dry british accent as he pushed my hands away, "watch where you are going."

"Right, sorry," I replied with a smile before walking off. I felt his leather bound wallet in my hands, thank you spider power. One stick finger was all I needed.

I turned the corner into an alley and looked inside. Three hundred bucks in change, not bad. I took the cash and threw the wallet outside, the guy would need this back.

My spy training kicked in, all those hours with Nat and David weren't just me getting my b.u.t.t kicked, it was also training. And I used that training to make it seem like I was heading to the Baxter building, planting several fake leads towards that area. While in reality I just caught the first bus I could to Queens.

It took me an hour to get to get near Felicia's place, I went into a salvation army and got another set of clothes, black shirt and blue jeans with a jacket and another cap. I gave my old set of clothes to a homeless man and paid him fifty bucks to walk around the block three times with it. planted so many fake leads into my track I doubt even Fury could find me quickly.

I walked in and rang the bell. I stepped away and waited, the door opened and Valeri opened it, blinking in surprise as she saw me. "Peter, what a surprise! I thought you were in the hospital!" she was smiling, got you you bitch.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"What? Who?" she was a really bad actress.

"Felicia," I pushed the door open, pushing her away, I looked around, she wasn't in here.

"She isn't here!" Valier called out, "and you can't just walk into someone else's house! I can sue you for trespassing!"

"I know you're lying."

"How?" she asked in disbelief.

"You remembered my name," I scoffed, "plus you smiled at me."

She looked embarrassed but quickly hide it, "I don't know where my daughter is Peter, but the moment I do-"

"-Mom," I turned around seeing Felicia walk in with her father standing protectively over her. She looked at me with broken eyes, "it's okay."

Valerie sighed, she closed the door behind her as I walked in. Felicia winced as I ran towards her, she began "Peter I'm sorry, I couldn't wait any longer."

I took off the cap and looked at her. She looked guilty, so guilty. I then looked up at her father and glared, "you're daughter's a criminal now."

Walter stiffened, "SHIELD won't-"

"-Fury's looking for her right now," I hissed out, "and if I'm smart enough to figure out she's here then so is he. You have half an hour, maybe less before they find you. What's it going to be Walter?"

"He's not going anywhere!" Valeir called out as she stood by her husband's side, grabbing his hand, "he won't be locked up, not again!"

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked her, "and I don't just mean him, Felicia's in trouble too."

"We know," Walter stepped forward, I looked behind him and saw bag packed and ready, a sharp pain struck my heart. He spoke up, "that's why we are leaving, right now."

"W-what?" I looked at Felicia, "where?"

"It doesn't matter," she shrugged, "anywhere."

"You're going to live your life as a criminal? Running away?!"

"I am a criminal!" Felicia snapped, "from day one you knew that! You knew what I was, so don't act surprised now."

"What about your life here Felicia?!" I asked, "what about Liz? MJ? Me?...Us?"

"Peter...I'm sorry, but he's my dad and I'm not letting him get sent away again," she sounded hurt, she really did. She looked me, I could see tears form in her eyes, I couldn't understand, I couldn't move. She whispered, "I'm sorry."

"We need to move," Walter grabbed several duffle bags and gave on to Valeri, "if he's here they won't be far behind."

"Felicia, let's go," Valeri grabbed her daughter by the arm and dragged her out.

"Peter," she called out. I looked up. I saw tears running down her face, "I'm sorry."

I didn't say a thing as they left. I couldn't. If she stayed they would capture her and throw her into the same cell they had for Walter. I….I can't let her go. Never.

"Wait!" I called out running out. They had already left the building. I ran out and chased them. Felicia looked back at me with confused eyes, "I'm coming with you."

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

"I'm coming with you," I told her, "call MJ, tell her to bring my car, we can use it to get away. SHIELD won't be able to track us."

"Peter you can't-"

"-Yes, I can," I remembered the people I would be giving up. My dad...Jean, May, Ben, MJ, many people. But it would be worth it, she was the only one important to me. It was worth it.


"-We don't have time," Walter told her, he looked at me, "I'm sorry son, but you can't come with us."

"I have nothing holding me back."

"You have family Peter, your aunt, your uncle," Felicia cried, "your dad finally came home."

"It doesn't matter," they don't matter to me, "I'm coming with you," you were the only person I care for. They were a part of Peter Parker's world, she is a part of mine.

"Peter," Felicia smiled, she ran at me and I held her tight, "thank you."

"Always Kitten," I whispered back, and suddenly my spider sense went off. I moved away immediately from her when suddenly a hand came flying out jabbing a taser into my gut. I could feel the electricity course through my body.

I dropped on the ground, I felt my body stiffen like a board. She looked over me, silver hair with green eyes. Beautiful, so beautiful. She smiled sadly, "I can't let you do this Peter, I'm sorry. I love you."

"W-why?" I managed to ask.

"Because as much as I need Peter Parker...this city needs Spider-man," I could see her face breaking up, she looked beyond broken. I tried to reach up and wipe away the tears running down her face, but I felt my body suddenly hit again with her taser.

"Moron," I whispered. She really was a moron. I didn't have anyone else, only here. I felt my body slowly heal itself, I could feel my nerves heal themselves. Huh, that's a new feeling.

I moved my arm, my fingers and then my body. I looked up just as her cab turned the corner and disappeared.

'No,' I told myself as I tried to get on my feet only to fall down and hurt my face. I pushed myself up again, "no." I tried to walk, but dropped down feeling exhausted. I looked up, she wasn't there, it wasn't right. It wasn't fair.

My Cat. Why don't you get it? I would give up anything for you.

With Felicia:

The taxi dropped them off at the airport, they managed to sneak into a private runway and by the time nightfall came, their plane was ready to leave.

Felicia and her father stood side by side once more. The cold wind of the night curling her hair and blowing it to her face, it was like the wind itself didn't want to see her tears falling down.

"Kitten..." Walter began, hurt and helpless to make his daughter's pain go away.

"Don't," she whispered, "just don't...that man...he's impossible."

Walter sighed, "if it's any consolation...he's one tough cookie...hard to believe that the man who took down a HYDRA base was just a kid."

"He's more than that dad...he's amazing," Felicia whispered.

"Are you rethinking the plan?" a new voice called out. The two cats turned to see Fury approach them from out of the shadows, his one eye on the younger one, "if you can stop. I can make it seem like you changed your mind, pull the heat off you. You don't need to-"

"-No," came Felicia's harsh tone, "I won't ever see Peter hurt like that...not ever. I'll make sure off he okay?"

Fury sighed, "he's currently frantically searching every single camera feed he can of JFK trying to find you...I doubt he will."

"That boy..." Walter shook his head, "how did he get out of your hands? You were supposed to stall him."

Fury shrugged, "we trained him too well...Widow is proud to say the least, five minutes and he already had us chasing our tails."

Felicia snorted, "and he said he would make a terrible spy."

Silence rained down for a moment before Fury broke it once more, "your wife is coming with you? That's wasn't part of the plan."

"I'm not leaving my family again Fury...never again," Walter shot back.

"How will you manage with a civilian on the trail? She'll slow you down, you and your daughter are Cats, she is not."

Walter shrugged, "we'll manage. you have it?"

Fury took out and held up a piece of paper with his seal and the seal of the president of the United States on it, "full immunity for one Walter Hardy, provided he is able to provide enough evidence that leads to the arrest or destruction of HYDRA."

Walter smiled as he took the paper and carefully put it away, "how long will this mission last Fury?"

"As long as it takes," Felicia replied instead, the two men turned to her, she glared back, "until I'm sure HYDRA will never again even touch Peter...until that day, we keep doing this."

"That could take years," Fury argued.

"He'll wait for me...I know it. He might hate me for a while, hell, he might even try and move on...but I don't think he'll be able too….just like I wouldn't be able to as well," Felicia said with a sad smile.

"Do you want me to pass him a message?" Fury offered.

Felicia shook her head, " would be too suspicious. If HYDRA is watching him and me...they need to think I am truly on the run and no longer his ally. I think I managed to trick Jean...and I don't doubt she hates me for ti...but...damn it...what am I going to say to him? How am I going to explain all of this?"

Fury smirked, "that's a problem for another time...for now," he took out a file and handed it over to the older Hardy, "this is your first assignment. Good luck, Cat, Black Cat." Without a word, father and daughter got onto their private jet and left, heading Eastward to Europe.

Fury looked at the plane's back lights and sighed, 'sorry kid...forgive me.'

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