Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 30 - Up come the sun

Two months later:

"It's been nearly two weeks since the Latverian Dictator Victor Von Doom, also known as Doctor Doom, was last seen in public eyes. The last time he was seen was in France where it is rumoured he threatened the French prime minister and his family. This hasn't been confirmed as no one in the French government has chosen to comment on it. But France's recent departure from the UN charter bill to bring Doom upon charges does rise some interesting questions.

"And in local NEWS there still isn't any word on the local missing hero Spider-man. People last saw Spidey swing into the burning Baxter building in order to save lives. Since that day there have been no sightings of said hero and no reports of his death official released by the Avenger's spokesperson, Tony Stark who only had this to say;

The TV displayed Tony standing before a podium dressed in a shirt and blazer, "Spider-man suffered grave injuries during his confrontation with Doom. I'm not sure whether or not he's coming back any time soon, but I sure hope he does."

"Well I hardly think that matters," May huffed as she switched off the TV, "that young man should know better. The poor Spider dear is probably hurt, he needs time to rest."

"Yes, he does May," Richard reached out and squeezed my hand, "we all do. But there's also a time in life when you try and get back on your feet."

I pulled my hand away getting up from the meal, I grabbed the empty plate and put it in the sink. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," I mumbled and walked upstairs to my bed.

"Peter!" Ben called out, I ignored him. I could hear him sigh, "it's too soon Richard, give him some time."

"But Ben-"

-No Rich, I understand it's important for Peter to break out of this funk. But you understand that he's still just a boy. He needs time to get over her."

It's been two months. Two months since she left me. Two months and she didn't call, text or get in touch in any way. How? How could she do this?

Every moment of my life has been nothing but a grey reminder of what could have been.

I wanted Felicia to be there when I woke up. Instead I was alone. I had Jean, Logan and my dad, but I needed her.

I wanted her to be with me when I came home. But instead I ran to her house where she knocked me out. I woke up to find Natasha looking down at me with a sad look on her face. She didn't ask what happened, she didn't have too.

I wanted her with me when I told May and Ben that I was fine. Instead I had to do it alone, I had to pretend like all I had was sprained ankle and a couple of bruises, how else could I explain such a short recovery time?

I wanted her to be there with me when we went back to school. But instead I had Liz and MJ to keep me company as I walked down those halls. By then people had heard Felicia had transferred away. They looked at me like a lost puppy and they were right.

A few girls tried to get close, tried to get handsy. MJ and Liz scared them away. I didn't care either way. I am well past caring.

For two months I stayed in this shell. I wasn't Spider-man, not anymore. I'll admit, putting on that costume again, that feeling of absolute terror that Doom might one day come back to kill me again, that was why I didn't do it. I was scared to be a hero. And I couldn't be Peter Parker, not without her. I had no reason to be Peter Parker.

The FF were slowly rebuilding their home, I offered to help but they insisted I should take care of myself first. Jean called a few times, asked how I was. She didn't believe me when I said I was fine. She wanted to come over but never could seem to find the time. There was trouble in the new school she was in, I knew right now the X-men Evolution storyline had began.

I knew she wouldn't be able to help. I knew no would be able to help me. And I knew that right now there was no point. The city was safe. Daredevil was born. I never had the chance to make the suit for Matt. But it didn't matter, he got it the same way he did in canon.

He kept most of Manhattan safe, not just sticking to Hell's kitchen. I think that might have been my influence on him. But either way, there was no reason for Spider-man to live. The cops had things under control, crime was slowly going down.

Why the hell should I even bother?

I wasn't always like this, always….so depressed. When I first woke up I did my best to track Felicia down. But Walter knew his stuff. I got one frame of her face in a security camera in JFK, but nothing else. She was gone, like a ghost in the wind.

And that's when I slowly started to give up. Everything was pointless.

A month into my 'retirement' Fury had canceled my training with Nat, guess in the end he figured I was going to quit being Spider-man, and he was right. I wasn't an agent anymore, I didn't want it.

I looked up at my ceiling, God I had that stupid thing memorized by now. Why? Why did she leave? What am I saying, there's no question of why, I know why. Did I really expect her to pick her dad over me?

But all those times, all those times we spent together, the plans we made, we would get a house together, a place just for us. We doesn't matter now anyway.

The next day:

"Have a nice day at school!" May called out.

"We will aunt May!" MJ called out as she waved at her good bye. I pulled out of the driveway and drove us to the dreaded place known as school. I hated it even more now. No point. I had a scowl on my face and MJ noticed.

"Peter," she said slowly, "you need to snap out of it."

"What?" I asked knowing the answer.

"You know what," she sighed, "it's been two months Peter. You need to let her go."

"I'm working on it," I lied.

"No you aren't," she snapped at me, "you're just wallowing in your own self pity and doubt and doing nothing else! It's been months since you did anything other than go to school, and...since you were Spider-man."

"I know," I told her, "and?"

"And? Peter, I know you, you can't stop being the hero, not even for a second. So this little act you're putting on-"

"-Shut up!" I snapped, "you don't know what you're talking about," I was no hero. I'm a coward. MJ was silent for the whole trip. We reached school and went our separate ways.

Classes were dull. I lost count of how many times I begged Richard to let me skip it and go directly to college instead. He refused of course. Stupid stubborn man.

I was barely alive when in classes, I didn't care what was being taught. When lunch rolled around I sat down with Liz and MJ as they talked about classes and such.

Just then Mark came over, "hey girls, Peter," he greeted us all as sat down next to MJ. She smiled as he leaned in giving her a kiss, "hey sweetie."

"Hey," MJ smiled, oh yes, I almost forgot about him. Damn musicians, always rolling over other people not caring about their feelings. Does he think I need to see this right now?

"So Pete, how are things?" Mark asked, MJ hit him in the shoulder, "what? I was just wondering is all."

I sighed, "I'm fine Mark. Stop asking." Mark Raxton, a plague on my being. It's not that he and MJ are a thing, it's that he and MJ are a thing and totally in love. Reminded me of Felicia.

"Right," Mark cleared his throat and turned to MJ, "so what are you doing tonight?"

MJ smirked, "nothing, you?"

"Well, Harry's hosting this party in his place outside the city...if you're interested?" he suggested.

"Right," MJ smiled before her eyes went wide, "no wait! Liz, don't we have that project-"

"-Don't even sweat about it girl," Liz said not bothering to look up from her phone, "I was going to cancel on you anyway. I have plans tonight."

"Oh? With who?" MJ asked.

"Just plans," Liz replied.

"Oh, 'plans', I see, who's the lucky guy?" Mark asked.



"As in none of your business," Liz snapped back with a smirk, "anyway," she looked at me, "are you going home after school?"

I nodded, "probably."

"Harry's party-"

"-Wouldn't go even if he begged me."

"You don't have anything better to do."

"I would rather watch paint dry than go to one of Osborn's parties."

"Right," she drawled out, "okay then...we all miss her you know. It's not just you."

I looked up, "yeah, I know."

"You can't beat yourself up about this."

"I know Liz," I said in an annoyed tone. No one said a thing, turning to ignore me as was normal. I didn't mind, I had nothing to say.

"Liz!" Candice, a cheerleader and one of Liz's friends called out. She and the rest of the cheerleaders quickly crowded around Liz. After Felicia left the trio broke apart, MJ had Mark but Liz was alone. So she reached out to her old friends, and things were back to normal.

"So did you hear about Janet?" a blonde with long hair asked, Patricia I think, "she like totally got pregnant."

"Why do you think that?" Liz asked curiously.

"Because last week at Josh's party she didn't drink," Amber said with a grin, "and you know how much she loves her booze."

"No way," Liz gapped, "isn't her dad like a Republican or something? Is she going to keep the baby?"

"I don't know, but if it was up to me I wouldn't show my face around here anymore," some brown haired girl said as she looked over her shoulder and glared at Jannet.

"We should totally like watch her tonight," Amber said, "like at Harry's party. If she doesn't drink we know she's pregnant for sure!" They all quickly agreed.

"You're coming right Liz?" Candice asked.

Liz nodded, "yeah, but maybe a little later."


"She's got a date," Mark said with a smile.

"Really?!" the girls squealed, "who is it!"

Liz grumbled, "you'll see him tonight, I promise."

"You better!" Amber squealed as they all giggled to each other. God I hate high school.

"Heya girls! How's it hanging!" I couldn't help roll my eyes at the sound of his voice. Flash Thompson, joy. As if this day couldn't get any worse.

Flash came over with a smile on his face, "ladies."

"Flash," Amber said batting her eyebrows at him.

"Hey Liz," Flash turned to Liz giving her his best smile.

"Hey," Liz said not bothering to show anger or any sign of hate. Guess she really was over him.

"So what are you guys talking about?" Flash asked as he sat down next to Mark with a grin, "is it about Spidey?"

"We don't always talk about Spider-man Flash," Patricia said with a roll of her eyes, "besides he's like so last year. People haven't even seen him around since that whole Doom thing."

"Yeah, who know if he's even alive?" Amber sighed.

"He's alive!" Flash smashed his palm on the table, "I know it!"

"How?" Liz asked with a raised eyebrow, I looked up from my meal and we made eye contact for a brief second.

"Because! He's Spider-man! He won't let himself get beaten up by some guy in a green cape! He's better than that!" Flash smiled.

"Well if he isn't dead where is he?" the brown haired- Courtney! That's her name! I remember!

"He's probably getting ready for a big comeback," Flash stated proudly, "he's going come in flying just you wait!"

"Not bloody likely," I muttered.

"What did you say Parker?!" Flash roared, crap, he heard me.

"Nothing," I got up and picked up my tray. But before I could Flash stood up and grabbed my by my hoodie. He pulled me up near his face causing me to drop my plate in surprise.

"He's coming back! You hear me! Nothing's going to keep him down!" Flash roared.

"I hear you," I node, "please let go of me Flash."

Flash growled, he pushed me back and let go, "you ain't worth it."

I sighed, "I know," I bent down to pick up my plate.

"I don't know what Felicia ever saw you," Flash spat out.

"Flash!" Liz cried out standing, "that's too far!"

"Yeah right, what's he going-," Flash turned at me and paused. My uncaring personality dropped. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. I charged forward and grabbed him by the throat, pushing him back onto the table and held him down.

"You want to know something Flash?!" I asked, I let my rage get the best of me but I didn't care, "you want to know what happened that day when Doom came for us? You want to know what I saw?! I saw Spider-man beaten to a bloody pulp! I saw him on the ground bleeding out, dieing. I saw his arms broken, his legs shattered. Doom didn't just beat him, he destroyed him. He's dead Flash, accept it!"

I moved away and let go of him. Flash coughed. Immediately the girls went to his side and helped him up. I turned away and walked, I didn't need this.

"Y-you're wrong," he coughed out. I stopped and slowly turned to look at him. Flash rubbed his throat in pain, I can see bruising on it. He looked at me with such determination I could almost be forgiven for thinking he was anyone else but the moron he was.

"What?" I asked.

"He's not dead," Flash spoke out, "he can't be."

"I saw him die Flash," I spat out, "I saw him bleed out. I was there that day."

"I don't believe you," Flash said, "he's alive! I know it!"

I shrugged, "I don't care if you don't believe it or not," I walked away and called out, "Spider-man's dead. Get used to it."

I can't do this, not today. I went to my locker and grabbed my bag. I walked out of school early and got into my car and drove off. I needed to do something, anything!

I sighed, I had only one place to go to.

I drove into the Baxter building. The place had slowly gotten back into it's former glory. Reed and Sue had taken the liberty of getting a new upgraded security system, nothing too fancy, but enough to make sure Doom won't have a nice time the next time he comes around.

When I stepped into the elevator I had flashbacks to that day. I could almost feel my arms tingle. My back twitched, it remembered what happened here.

The doors opened and I stepped out. The walls had been built back, most of the structural work had been taken care off. But everything was still open, they needed to replace the tech and everything else.

I walked into the lounge, which was reduced to just a newly renovated kitchen and two sofas. I spotted Reed and Sue looking over a blueprint in the middle of the room. I smiled, "hey."

Sue looked up and immediately her eyes went wide, "Peter!" She ran at me and gave me a fierce hug, holding me tightly, "it's so good to see you again!"

I smiled as I hugged her back, "it's nice to see you again too Sue," I looked over her shoulder and saw Reed smiling at me, "hey Stretch, how've you been?"

"Better," Reed shock my hand, "it's nice to see you again Peter. It's been too long."

"Yeah well, the body healed but the spirit...," I trailed off looking around, "but it looks like you're bringing things up nicely."

"We're handling ourselves pretty well," Sue admitted as she broke the hug and smiled at me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the table, "come on, I'll show you."

I chuckled but nodded. I stood there as she and Reed explained what they were going to build in place of the broken down labs. Honestly it was very impressive. I asked questions often, giving her inputs whenever I could.

An hour quickly passed as Sue and Reed took me through each and every room in the building. Just then Johnny flew in from outside with a bag of concrete. He spotted me and smiled, "heya Pete! Fancy seeing you here!"

I smiled as Johnny landed before me and turned his flames off, "nice to see you too. Working hard I see."

Johnny shrugged, "I do what I can."

"Where's Ben?" I asked looking around, "I'm surprised he isn't here."

"Ben ah, he's..." Reed trialed off unsure what to say.

"Ben got lucky," Johnny said bluntly, "he's at his girlfriend's place for the past week. No clue when he's coming back."

I blinked, "girlfriend?!"


I threw my arms up, "it's a f.u.c.k.i.n.g invasion! How?! When!"

"She's a psychiatrist," Susan explained, "she was helping Ben with...his problem."

I winced, "you let him date his psychiatric?"

"Well when you look like him you don't really get that many choices," Johnny replied with a shrug.

"Johnny!" Sue cried out.

"Sorry!" Johnny smiled.

"Alright," I took off my hoodie revealing the white shirt I had on underneath, "how can I help?"

"You sure Peter?" Reed asked cautiously, "we don't want too-"

"I'm fine Reed, really. Please, I need something to do anyway, I would be happy to help," I smiled.

For the next three hours we worked together as a team. Reed and I helped with the heavy lifting, poured the concrete, helped set everything up. The contractors were coming tomorrow, but it was our job to fix everything up for them. Lazy f.u.c.ks.

By around 5 though I got one hell of a shock. The elevator doors opened and I heard a familiar cl.i.c.k.i.n.g of boots. I was with Reed looking over the blueprints for my lab once more when I noticed Liz walking into the lounge.

"Liz?" I asked in surprise, "what are you doing here?"

Liz blinked, "Peter?"

"Liz!" Johnny cried out as he ran over and gave her a kiss on the lips, "hey blondie, ready for our date?"

"Ah Johnny," Liz looked at me.

Johnny looked over, my jaw was practically on the floor. I turned to him and then to his arm around Liz and then to him. I blinked, "what the f.u.c.k?"

"Ah….we really should go," Johnny spoke up grabbing a coat, "bye Peter!" He grabbed Liz and ran out to the door.

"Ah, bye!" Liz called out.

I ran towards them just in time to see the doors shut close. I turned to Reed, "what the f.u.c.k was that?!"

Reed blinked, "oh? Did Johnny not tell you? He and Liz have been going out for some time now."

"What?!" I turned to the lift and activated my advanced hearing.

"I can't believe we just ran out like that," Liz said with a huff.

"Believe me, it's easier this way," Johnny sounded scared, good.

I turned to Read, "anything else you want to tell me? Did anyone else get a girlfriend while I was away?!"

"Oh, did he find out about Liz?" Sue asked as she came in with a grin, "relax Peter, I already warned him that if he doesn't treat her right you would break his arms."

"What? Yeah, fine, but...ah! I can't believe they didn't tell me!" I grumbled looking at Sue and Reed, "are you two dating now too?"

Reed blushed and immediately coughed, "ah, well you see..."

Sue rolled her eyes, "what Mr. Smooth here is trying to say is that he's with someone, but I'm not."

I blinked, "okay, first off all that was a total shot in the dark. And second of all, who?!"

Reed blushed, "her name is Jessy, Jessy Lamburg. She's a friend from college."

"Didn't you like go to college at 16?"

"Yup," Reed nodded.

"So she's older?"

"By about five years," he nodded.

"Huh….cool," I grumbled, "I swear, it's like everyone's in love."

Sue smiled, "relax Peter, I'm still on your team."

I grumbled again, "yeah but you're hot. You can get someone like that," I snapped my fingers.

"Hey, just because I can doesn't mean I will," Sue huffed.

"Oh, and speaking of dates," Reed looked at his watch, "I'll be leaving in an hour Sue, you sure you don't need me to stay?"

"No, you and Jesse have fun Reed, I'll take care of this, plus Peter's there to help me," Sue shrugged with a smile.

"I'm sorry, but where are you going?" I asked.

Reed smiled, "I have a date tonight."

"Oh my God, it's like everyone has a freaking date tonight!" I cried out throwing my arms up, "why god?! Why?!"

"S-should I stay?" Reed asked a little worried.

"Don't worry, he's just throwing a temper tantrum," Sue huffed, "you get to your date."

Reed nodded, we continued to work for another hour before Reed left for his date. It took him forever to decide what to wear before Sue finally helped him out, forcing him into a blazer and shirt look.

Around 7 we finished up, everything was set up and Sue and I found ourselves in the kitchen with a freshly baked meat lovers pizza and large bottle of coke.

"How have you been?" Sue asked as she ate a slice.


"Peter, you don't have to lie," Susan rolled her eyes.

I sighed, "I got beat up by a moron named Doom, my girlfriend left me because she became an internationally wanted criminal and oh, I'm not sure if anything's even worth living for anymore."

"Peter, whatever's wrong you don't have to face it alone. We're all here for you," Sue sounded worried.

I chuckled, "relax Sue, I'm not going to kill myself," I took up a fork, "besides, I don't even think I can."

She blinked, "what?"

I held out my palm and pressed the fork into it. It quickly drew blood. Sue winced and moved to help when I stopped her. She looked at the wound and gasped in surprise when it slowly began to heal itself. Soon nothing remained but dried up blood.

"Logan's's too effective," I sighed, "I can't even imagine what it's going to do to my body."

"Oh my god..."

"One of the reason's I never bother with the Mutant Spider program was because of shit like this," I grumbled, "don't know what the mutagen will do to my body. Logan's been alive for over a hundred years Sue...I really don't think I can live that long."

Sue gasped, "oh Peter...I'm so sorry!"

I shook my head, "it's not your fault Sue. I told you to do it, it's the only way to save my life and I knew it. It had to be done."

"But still," she g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I can't even imagine what you're going through right now."

I snorted, "honestly, the worst part is Felicia," I sighed eating my slice, "she...she just left. Just like that. It's not fair. Not even a damn good bye. She didn't even break up with me properly. She just left."

Sue sighed, "she...she's different. She did what she thought was right."

I nodded, "yeah...and you?"

Sue blinked, "me?"

"Yes, you," I smirked, "Reed's got himself a girlfriend now right?"

"Please, I'm not jealous," Sue scoffed.

"Never said you were," I shrugged, "but...really Sue, what happened? Last I remember he was madly in love with you."

She shrugged, "I guess...I guess he just got tired of waiting. I can't say I blame him."

"Do you regret it?"

"No. Reed and I aren't in a place where we could seriously. It's better this way," she nodded to which I just shrugged.


We sat in silence for a moment before she spoke up, "people are saying Spider-man's dead."

I paused for a moment before sighing, "yeah."

"Are you-"

"-No," I quickly replied, "at least...not anytime soon."

"Right," Sue picked up her plate and put it aside, "for what it's worth Peter, I think you shouldn't stop."


"-No, just listen. If you didn't come that day your father, Johnny and I would have been crushed under that wall. If you didn't come that day Doom would have killed Reed right then and there. If you didn't come that day we would all be dead. The world needs Spider-man."

I was quite, I thought over her words. I sighed, "when I started this...I thought exactly the same thing."

Sue was surprised, "really?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I knew the world was full of shit, that there were people out there stronger and scarier than I could ever imagine. I knew I needed to help keep people safe. So I put on the costume and came out swinging. But….now, everytime I look at that costume...I'm afraid."


I looked her in the eye, "Doom...he broke me that day. Something inside of me...just shattered."

"Peter, he can't hurt you, he won't ever hurt you, ever again," Sue's voice continued hostility in it, I could smell her anger, rusted copper.

"I know but...I'm still scared," I looked at my hand, "I'm practically immortal now, I can't die unless...well I don't know. I can't die, but I'm scared of him, of Doom. What if he finds a way? What if he burns me into nothing, not even ashes? What if….what if I die? Won't it all be for nothing? Is my life only meant to end?"

Sue didn't say anything. She walked up to me and suddenly she had her arms wrapped around me. She pushed my head into c.h.e.s.t as she held me close, "Peter….I promise, as long as I live, Doom won't ever do that. I'll die before he touches you. I promise."

"Ah Sue, don't mean to be a nag, but I totally just got to second base with you," I replied.

"Peter!" she cried out, immediately pulling away from me, "we were having such a nice moment!"

"Yeah, a little too cheesy for me," I chuckled before smiling, "but seriously Sue...thank you."

She smiled, "anytime," her arms were still around my neck. She was right there in front of me. This beautiful woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. We were so close, and then I smelt it. Warm maple syrup.

I got up, Sue moved away, I was quicker. She was warm, I needed that warmth. I was so alone, I never realised what I was doing until I had my arms around her h.i.p.s and my lips on hers.

She was surprised at first, she gasped. I slowly ended the kiss and pulled back when her arms around my neck pulled me forward, her lips attacking my own with passion and vigor.

Sue pushed me back onto my seat as she straddled my l.a.p. My fingers ran through her hair as she m.o.a.n.e.d. And slowly she pulled back. We looked into each other's eyes and slowly the scent of maple syrup burnt away replaced by something new, a mix of lemon fear and watermelon sadness, shame.

"I'm sorry," she said immediately getting off me.

I sighed, "no, it's my fault."

"No Peter's it's not," she replied, "I shouldn't have kissed you back."

"And I started it," I got up, "I'm sorry, it's just….it's been lonely since she left I can't...I'm so sorry Sue."

"It's-it's fine," she stammered out, "ah...I..."

"I think it's best if I leave," I told her, grabbing my hoodie and walking passed her, "goodnight Sue."

"Right," she rubbed her neck nervously. I looked over my shoulder, she felt so ashamed, I could smell it. I couldn't help it, I felt responsible. I shouldn't have done that, but I was lonely.

I got in my car and drove back home. I felt horrible doing what I did. What was I thinking? Susan Storm was destined for one man and one man alone, and I just kissed her. Great, this is exactly what I need right now, another love problem!

I walked inside and found Ben and May sitting in the living room. Ben saw me come in and smiled, "hey buddy, how was school?"

"Fine," I shrugged.

"Why are you home so late? Were you out?" May asked worried.

"I was in the Baxter building, helping set everything up," I replied with a shrug.

"Oh," May blinked, "are you sure that's alright...what if something-"

"-May," Ben cut in, "it's fine, Richard assured us that mad man wasn't getting anywhere near there again didn't he?"

"Yes but-"

"-Relax aunt May," I told her walking up the stairs, "I just helped. I'm still not sure if I'm actually going to rejoin them after they build everything."

"Why's that?" Ben asked worried.

"Just don't feel like it," I replied, 'actually it's because I made out with my boss, who's my best friend's sister and the woman my other boss loves. So I'm obviously not going back there anytime soon.'

"Do you want dinner?" May asked.

"No!" I yelled back as I slammed the door shut behind me. I threw the bag aside and laid down and looked up. That damn ceiling. F.u.c.k.i.n.g stupid ceiling.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take me. I must have been out for an hour or so when suddenly my phone went off.

I opened my eyes and yawned, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. It was around midnight, and Liz was calling.

I yawned and picked it up, "hello?"

"Peter! You have to hurry! Johnny's in a fight with some guy in a vulture costume!"

I shot up, "what?!"

"Yeah! We were partying when suddenly this guy dressed up like a bird came flying in and took Harry! Johnny went after him and now they're fighting in the sky! Hurry Peter!"

"Send me your locations, I'll be there as soon as I can," I jumped out of my bed, and before I knew it I had thrown open my cupboard and opened the secret compartment inside. And there it was, my old red jacket with black spider webs spray painted on.

I had no time to think, I grabbed it, my old web shooters and my mask. I ran outside, Ben and May were asleep, Richard was probably still out. I ran to the garage and got into my car pulling out as fast as I could.

I drove a street over before I activated flight mode and turned on the AI, "Doc, check my phone, Liz Allen would have sent a location, fly to it."

"Understood," my car replied as it took off at max speed towards the location Liz sent.

"Oh, and go incognito," I told it as I took off my hoodie and put on the jacket and mask. The outside of the car shimmered as it turned from grey to pitch black and a holographic projection of a lamborghini spread over my DeLorean. I had it put in a long time ago, I figured if Spiderman and Peter had the same car things would look odd.

We reached there quickly, I squinted my eyes out and saw a trail of fire circling around the sky, Johnny.

And flying around with him was a man with large metal wings with spinning fans and a aviation helmet. The freaking Vulture! And in one of his robotic legs was Harry, screamign his f.u.c.kign lungs off.

"Doc take over, go on autopilot," I told it as I slipped on my web shooters and gloves. Doc took the car over the fight, I went to the door and pushed it open and looked down. I gulped, I'm so going to regret this.

I jumped out and threw my arms out wide. The vulture was right under me, I shot out two web lines that caught onto his wings.

"What the-" he looked up.

I pulled and hit him in the c.h.e.s.t feet first, "yo birdy!"

"AH!" he cried out in pain, dropping Harry.

"I got him!" Johnny cried out going after Harry and flying him back to his house.

I clinged onto Vulture's body with my legs and hit him across the face over and over again. "So who're you?! Everyone's got a gimmick these days! Birdman?! Oh I know, the Flacon! Oh wait, I think that's taken!"

"Get off of me!" he cried out pulling out a gun and firing at me. I had to jump away to avoid the bullets, I knew I would heal, but still, at the time I didn't register it and acted out of instinct. I came flying down before I launched a web line upwards and caught his leg.

"Oh no you don't bird boy! You're coming with me!"

"You want to fly Spider?! Fine! Let's fly!" he cried out as he took off into the air. I held on for dear life as he went up higher and higher.

I growled and pulled myself up with shear strength. My muscles hurt from the stress I put into my arms, I need to hit the gym again. I pulled myself up and reached his feet. I needed to grab him, I needed to grab a hold of him.

And so I used them, the last gift Logan's blood gave to me.

Two bone claws popped out from between my knuckles and a third larger one came out from my wrist under arm. Three bone claws, or as I liked to call them, my stingers.

I lunged forward and pierced Vulture in the leg, cleaving into his muscles and bone. "ARGH!" he cried out, swinging wildly, my claws were into too deep, the more he shook the more pain they caused him.

"Get off of me!" he cried out as he began to dive down. The pain was too much for him. The ground was coming too fast, I need to pull him up.

But just then Johnny came flying in the nick of time. He grabbed the Vulture's arm and pulled him up, the suddenly jerk in movement dislodged my claws from Vulture's leg and went flying down with nothing to hold onto.

"Spider!" Johnny cried out.

But I really wasn't worried. Immediately Doc cam flying in, intercepting me. I landed on the roof of car causing a little dent. Hm, I'll need to take care of that.

Johnny saw that and sighed, he came flying down towards me with Vulture in tow. Immediately the man tried to escape and fly away, but Johnny's hands were hot, hot enough to melt his wings without even realising it.

The moment he struggled the wings snapped and he went falling. I sighed, "I got him," I shot out a web line and caught him by the c.h.e.s.t and left him swinging around, attaching the web line to the roof of my car.

"Dude! You got claws!" Johnny cried out.

I sighed, "I'll explain later. Is everyone alright?"

"Yeah, everyone's fine. How did you know?" Johnny asked.

"Your girlfriend called me," I told him.

Johnny gulped as he rubbed his neck, "right, Liz...see about that-"

"-It's fine, trust me, she's a big girl, she can do whatever she wants," I told him.

"Really?" Johnny grinned, "thanks!"

"No problem," I only hope you'll be as forgiving when and if you ever find out about Sue and me...sigh. "Anyway, did anyone see me?"

"Ah, not really no," Johnny said before looking down, "I mean, other than him."

I sighed, "great...if anyone asks you tell them you caught him all by yourself, don't mention me."

"But why?" Johnny asked.

"I don't want them to think I'm back."

"But you are aren't you?" Johnny asked looking at my jacket, "isn't that why you're wearing that again?"

"No Johnny," I shook my head, "I'm not doing this...not again. Get bird man here to SHIELD or something, let them process him. I'm done with this shit."

"R-right," Johnny nodded as he took the Vulture and flew off, he burned off the web line on his back to hide the fact I was there, good thinking flame brain. I heard cheering coming from the party when he came back, they chanted his name. Good, they don't need to know about me.

I got back down into the driver's seat and had Doc fly us home. I looked at my right hand, the claws were still out. Bone, not metal. Sad, but whatever. The claws weren't like Logan's they were in fact very similar to Daken.

The half-asian boy had three claws just like mine, two from his knuckles and one from his forearm. He could also control people's pheromones, maybe because I already had that power in me it caused my claws to mutate to match his? Maybe.

I grunted in pain as they slowly went back into my forearm. I discovered them a month ago. I was in pain, I was taking it out on a steel beam I found in the abandoned train yard I used to go to for training before SHIELD came into the picture.

I remembered once I got so angry I grew into a frenzy. I saw red, I punched it as hard as I could, bending it slowly with my superior strength and then, they came out.

I was so focused I didn't realise they did. They popped out and I plunged them into the steel beam. They shredded it. I cried out in pain, the way they tore through my skin, I never realised Logan was always in such pain when using his claws.

They weren't just plain old bone, they were something else. They were black, so that sort of gave me a clue. I had Sue and my dad test them out, apparently it was nothing they had ever seen. I urged them strongly to never speak of this to anyone, especially Logan.

I sighed, it was a long flight back home. I looked at jacket sleeve, it was ripped to shreds, 'this is why I can't have nice things. Stupid claws.'

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