Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 35 - Re-spin the Webs

I woke up early the next day and walked down to find Peter and MJ already sitting at the dining table. MJ was fixing up a plate of pancakes while Peter read the newspaper.

I chuckled aloud gaining their attention. Peter raised an eyebrow, "what's so funny?"

"I never imagined I could ever do the whole perfect family thing," I smiled, "mom cooks breakfast while the dad reads the newspaper. Looks so perfect."

MJ smiled, "yeah, this is what your life's going to be one day."

"No offence, but no way," I shivered, "there's no way I would ever have that ugly goatee."

"What? You don't like the goatee?" Peter asked shocked.

"No, who are you trying to be? Tony Stark?" I scoffed, "now a full beard, that would be badass. Can you imagine it? Chicks would dig the beard!"

MJ chuckled as she leaned down and kissed Peter's cheek, "I prefer the goatee, that way I don't feel like I'm kissing a porcupine," Peter smiled winking at me.

I threw my hands up, "whatever. As far as I'm concerned this is version of my life that might not even happen."

"Why do you think that?" Peter asked.

"I've been thinking a lot about what you said last night. A greater responsibility. So, if I'm not going to be Spider-man, I honestly don't know what I should do," I replied sitting down.

Peter raised an eyebrow as he sighed and put his paper away. "Let me give you some ideas Pete, the future isn't set in stone, it never is. The world needs people like you in it, so, whatever you do, remember, with great power, comes great responsibility."

I snorted, "when did I get so sagely?"

Peter smiled, holding MJ's hand, "I think it was a few weeks after I met her"

MJ chuckled, "so are you saying all he needs is a good woman to set him straight?"

Peter chuckled, "maybe," he turned to me, "do you Peter?"

I looked away, a memory of Felicia in my head, "yeah, I did. Felicia Hardy."

MJ humned, "were you close?"

I shrugged, I took out my phone and showed the pic I took on our first date, "we were. She's was actually my best friend. We fought crime together, took classes together… I'm guessing you don't have the same relationship?"

Peter and MJ looked at the picture as the former shook his head, "no. I didn't meet her until I finished college and was few years into my superhero career. I stopped her trying to rob a jewelry store."

I chuckled, "same. And then when Felicia Hardy walked into my classroom the next day I knew that she was the Black Cat. And then shit happened, blah blah blah...what happened to your Felicia?"

Peter passed me the phone, "she married Flash and had a kid. But she-"

"-She what?!" I cried out, completely shocked. I did love May's stories, but I never did read them all, obviously I missed a few critical issues, "she married Flash Thompson?!"

MJ blinked, "yes?"

I gaped, "f.u.c.k me! How?! She married that moron?! That bullying pieces of shit?!"

Peter chuckled, "oh, right, I forgot, he still bullies you doesn't he?"

I scoffed, "he tries. I use big words to confuse him and so he kind of just stays away."

"Well Flash eventually becomes a very good friend," Peter explained as he sipped his coffee.

I blinked, "you're joking."

"No," MJ smiled, "they actually go out for drinks once in awhile." She placed three plates filled with pancakes on the table, "I swear, you spiders and your appetite."

I grumbled, "that's it, this reality is messed up. I have a goatee, end up with MJ, Felicia married a moron and apparently he and I become best friends. "

Peter chuckled, "don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"No way man, Flash's nothing more than a bully, there's no way I'm ever going to be his friend!"

MJ laughed, "give it time Tiger." I grumbled.

Just then May can down and stopped me and blinked, "oh, right, damn I was hoping yesterday was a really messed up dream."

"Sorry kiddo," Peter chuckled.

I smiled, turning to Peter and MJ, "hey, since I'm technically her dad, can I like ground her?"

"No," May said.

"Yes," MJ smiled.


"What? He's technically your dad," she chuckled.

We all chuckled, May just grumbled, rolling her eyes at me. We sat down for breakfast and May turned to me, "so what are you going to do today?"

I blinked, "what do you mean?"

May shrugged, "I mean what are you going to do? You can't just sit here all day can you?"

I hummed, "I guess...well I honestly don't know."

"You should go to school," Peter suggested with a smile.

"What?!" May and I cried out at once.

"It doesn't matter if you are in another world, school is good for you, it's important."

I scoffed, "I don't know about you future me, but I work with Reed Richards and Susan Storm in the Baxter building for a living, I doubt school can teach me things I don't already know."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "you work at the Baxter building?"

"Yup! Even have a few patents under my name!"

" you have a degree?"

I blinked, "no..."

"Then you need to go to school."

"Dad are you crazy?! Can you imagine what will happen to a social life a sixteen year old version of my dad joins up?!" May yelled before groaning, "my life doesn't make any sense."

Peter chuckled, "sorry May, but trust me, you'll get used to it. Now," he turned to me, "you need something to do yes? I don't think Ben would approve of you just sitting here lazing around."

"Hey! Why don't I follow you around? I mean we may end up with the same job, so why shouldn't I shadow you? What do you say?"

Peter sighed, "you can, but you need an education Peter, no matter what you think otherwise."

I grumbled, "you sound just like Richard."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "really? Smart man. Now, give me a few days and I'll set it up, won't be too much of a hassle."

"B-but...please! Anything but school! Come on man! Be cool!" I begged.

Peter winked, "sorry Pete, you know what we say, with great power-"

"-Comes great responsibility," MJ, May and I all g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

"Exactly. Now, do you have a name you go by? Something other than Peter Parker?"

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "yeah...Bruce, Bruce Wayne."

"Good. It'll be done in a few days."

May banged her head against her table, "this is a living nightmare."

I did the same, "with any luck, my time will run out and I won't have to deal with this nightmare again."

Two days later:

I'll give Peter this, it took him two days to fabricate an identity for me, working for the cops must have it's perks. Plus being a genius probably helped too.

"I hate this," May grumbled.

I sighed, "I'm not a fan of their either. I f.u.c.k.i.n.g hate high school!"

May blinked, "dude! Watch your mouth! I'm your daughter!"

I rolled my eyes, "put a sock in it. And besides, I have all the right to complain!"

"Why? I'm the one who has to go to school with my dad!" she hissed as we came up on the school.

"Yeah? Well I'm the one who crossed the dimensional barrier and still ended up having to go to the same boring school, which I already hate! Can you imagine? It's like you finally defeat a game boss only to realise you have to start all over again!"

May shrugged, "don't know anything about that," she sighed as we walked into the oh so familiar double doors, "listen don't...don't cause any trouble, okay? Please, just...keep a low profile."

I smirked, "well I was planning on torturing you by making fun of you before your friends but...fine, I'll be good. Promise."

May smiled, "thanks...Bruce."

I smiled, yup, I love the sound of that. "May! Girl, over here!" a young black teenager with short pixie cut hair waved at May, a bright smile on her face as she approached us, "hey, running kind of late huh? I've been looking everywhere for you girl! What's the deal?"

"Hey Dani," May smiled, "I was just showing my cousin around," she turned and motioned at me, "this is Bruce Wayne, he's my uncle's kid."

"I didn't know you had a cousin May!" Dani smiled at me, extending her hand, hey, I'm Danida Kirby, but everyone calls me Dani!"

I smirked, "Bruce Wayne. So, what dirt can I get on my dear cousin?"

"Bruce! You promised!" May hissed.

I blinked, "oh, right, almost forgot! Sorry, forget I said anything."

Dani chuckled, "funny. So how long are you going to be in town Bruce?"

"I...I not really sure," I sighed, "life's a mess, so I'm just here until everything sorts itself out you know?"

Dani nodded, "I can get that. So, since May already showed you around you know everything yeah?"

I nodded, "yup!"

"So what's your first period?"

"AP chemistry," I smiled.

"Cool! I'll walk you to class! Mine's just a few doors down anyway," Dani smiled when May suddenly pulled her aside and hissed in her ear.

"Your class is in another building!" she was quiet, but my enhanced hearing picked it up.

Dani smiled and whispered back, "I know," she winked at May before pulling me by the arm, "now come on Bruce, you can tell me all about May growing up."

I chuckled, "there isn't really much to say..."

I spent the entire day avoiding people, I wasn't going to be here for long, so as far as I was concerned I was surrounded by ghosts.

I met more of May's friend's at lunch. The two blondes with a crush on her seemed hostile, obviously. There was an asian nerd, a strong moron, a duffy looking chick, Dani and an asian cutie names Nancy, though she seemed to hate my guts the moment she saw me.

"So, you're the famous Bruce Wayne," Nancy said narrowing her eyes at me.

I blinked, "famous? How? I only just got here!"

"Yeah, but May's pretty famous around here," Dani said with a wink, "she's the star of the basketball team and...well, hot."

"You can say that again," Brad chuckled.

Immediately Nancy looked at the boy and glared. He saw her glare and immediately looked away, ashamed. Nancy turned to me, "she never mentioned you."

I shrugged, "she never mentioned you either."

Nancy growled, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means we don't talk," I smiled, "her dad and mine...didn't really get along. You can even say they came from different worlds," que an epic eye roll from May, "so May and I never got together for chats all that often."

"Hm, so Peter, you interested in sports?" Brad asked.

I shook my head, "neah, sports are boring. I'm more of a man of science myself."

"'re a nerd," Yama, the asian wimpy kid, said with a snort.

I nodded, "yup. I'm a huge nerd. Got a problem with that?"

"No," he replied quickly.

I smiled, "good. Now, why don't you guys tell me a little about yourselves?"

The conversations were so boring, typical teenage drama. May participated actively, I'm honestly surprised she hasn't moved past this part of her life yet. But then again she isn't my kid, it must be the MJ in her.

The end of school couldn't come fast enough for me. May and her friends invited me to hang out after school, and since I really didn't have anything better to do, I accepted.

A few hours later:

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "why did I agree to this?"

"Oh shut it Bruce," May said with a chuckle, throwing a top onto the ever growing pile of clothes on my arms, "you get to spend the with three beautiful women! You should be happy!"

Nancy grunted as she walked away while Dani smiled, winking at me. I smiled at the girl, "well, maybe you're not wrong...but do you have to get so much?!"

"Yeah, we're girls," Nancy snorted throwing a shirt on my head, "we tend to wear more than just a pair of jeans and a crappy ironic shirt of a retro superhero."

I glared at the girl, "hey! They ran out of Spider-man shirts okay!"

"Oh, you a Spidey fan Bruce?" Dani asked.

I smirked, "I am...I mean, I was," I shrugged, "but now I think he's kind of over rated."

"Damn straight! Cause now there's Spider-girl in the house!" Dani cheered, much to May's quiet joy.

We took over an hour to finish shopping and but then it was nearing nine in the evening. We walked out of the store just as they were shutting down. And as the only guy in the group I was elected to carry all shopping bags. Yay, feminism.

I grumbled as was walked down the road to the train station, "why can't we just take a damn cab?"

"I live in the Bronx," Dani shrugged, "it's safer for me to take the train."

"Wait, if you live in the Bronx, why do you come to school in Queens?" I asked.

Dani smiled, "Midtown high has the best basketball team and the best science department in the city, so the fifteen minute journey is totally worth it."

"Yeah," Nancy huffed, "I'm from Northern Queens, so Penbrooke would be easier for me, but Midtown has the best basketball team, so here I am."

I whistled, "I didn't realise Midtown high's sports teams were that good."

"Yeah they are," Dani nodded, "in fact it's thanks to coach Flash it happened. His first year he managed to take everyone to the finals! He's been knocking it out of the park ever since."

I grumbled, "Flash huh, how nice."

"You have a probably with Coach Flash?" Nancy raised an eyebrow.

I grumbled, "no...well, it's complicated. I-"

"-Stop," came a dead cold voice as suddenly a white man dressed in a black hood came out of the shadowy alley holding a knife in his hands, "give me all your cash and you won't get hurt."

"Kya!" Nancy shrieked as she moved back in fear, I dropped the bags immediately and stepped forward, May grabbing her friends and pulling them behind her for safety.

"Hey now man, you don't have to do anything risky okay," I said slowly holding up my hands.

"Give me your f.u.c.kign wallet!" he cried out.

"Alright," I said, "I'm just going to reach into my jeans and take it out okay," he looked jumpy, scared, nervous, first timer, figures.

I looked back, "May, keep them safe," she nodded, not questioning my orders. I slowly reached into my pocket and took out my wallet, displaying it to him, "here, see, wallet. Just take it, we don't want any trouble."

The man looked at the wallet, he reached forward, I tossed the wallet, he came to grab it, I was about to leap kick his f.u.c.k.i.n.g jaw off when suddenly, "oh no you don't!"

We all turned and looked up to see a figured in red and blue come swinging down on a rope, double kicking the crook in the gut, sending him flying into a building's side, knocked unconscious.

"Yeah! Scarlet spider for the win!" she cheered landing before us doing a little dance, "that's why you don't mess with the Spider! Yeah!" she paused, slowly turning around and realizing we were all staring at her, " alright citizens?"

I looked her over, she was clearly a woman, that a.s.s and legs gave it away. She was dressed in a skin tight red costume with a blue hoodie on with a spider stitched on the front.

I blinked in surprise, 'isn't that Ben Reilly's Scarlet Spider costume? What the shit?!' "Ah, who are you supposed to be?"

She struck a superhero pose, "I'm the Scarlet Spider!"

I looked her over, legs went on for miles, a.s.s that you could bounce a quarter off of, and a great physique. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, I found myself forgetting a large part of May Parker's life in the comic books, it's been over a year since I last read a comic book, obviously some things became foggy. But I know this woman before me was apparently important in some way.

I blinked, "how many spiders themed heroes exist in this town?"

"Ah, two I think" Scarlet chuckled rubbing her neck, looking over my shoulder to notice May and the others, "are you guys okay?"

"Y-yeah, thank you," Dani nodded.

"No problem!" she said enthusiastically before looking around and picking up my wallet that the criminal had dropped when she double kicked him. "Here, I think this belongs to you cutie," she said handing the wallet over to me.

I blinked, taking it from her, "ah...thanks, I guess."

"Right," she said nervously, "so...bye I guess!" she turned around and leaped onto of the fire escape, climbing up to the roof before leaping away.

I turned to May and the others, "who the f.u.c.k was that?"

"The Scarlet Spider," May grumbled, visibly pissed, "she's ah...she's new."

I nodded, "no kidding," I could see her jumping away, she wasn't very fast, meaning she was not superhuman, "does she have any relation to Spider-girl?"

May snorted, "she wishes. She just kind of showed up one day, nobody knows who she is though."

I blinked, "is that so," my interest was peaked, I needed to find out about this girl...who was she? I turned to May and the others, the normal girls looked scared, kept looking at the unconscious mugger in fear.

I sighed, "May, get Dani and Nancy out of here, I'll call the cops and wait for them to get here okay?"

"Are you sure Bruce?" May asked, "if you want-"

"-No, it's best if you three go," I motioned over, "I'll be fine. Trust me."

May looked like she wanted to argue, but one look at how frightened Nancy and Dani were she decided against it. The girls quickly left, May whispered a word of warning in my ears before she did, 'be careful'.

I called the police, told them exactly where to find the unconscious crook, and then hanged up. I turned to the rooftops, it was time to find out who this Scarlet Spider really was.

I climbed onto the roof easily enough, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I spotted the scarlet Spider off in the distance, leaping through the air as if she was born to do it.

She had gymnastics training, I can tell as much. Maybe better than Felicia, but she was still raw, inexperienced. I could see it in her stance, she knew what to do, but now how. Her movements were too robotic.

I followed her, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, using all the parkour skills Natasha drilled into my head to free run the rooftops. And then, for a second, I lost her.

I spotted her doubling back around, coming behind me, trying to sneaking up behind me. She was almost there when at the last movement I moved, grabbed her by the arms and pinning her to a rooftop door.

"Damn, you're good," she replied, already struggling to break free.

I smiled, "thanks, I took a few self defence classes."

"A few huh?" she smiled before sweeping my legs, and pushing me to the ground, getting on top of me, pinning my arms to the ground, straddling my waist, "but not good enough."

I was immediately hit with a strange sense of deja vu...wait, wasn't this the same way I met Felicia?

"So then, why exactly are you following me?" Scarlet asked.

I looked at her, "I...I wanted to know who you are."

"Isn't that the point of a mask?" she chuckled.

I blinked, "I guess...who are you?"

She chuckled, "well...if you must know," she brought a hand up and slowly pulled her mask up. I was eagerly waiting, I didn't even realise she had release my right arm. Her mask was halfway up her face when she brought her hand back down, pinning me to the ground before pressing her lips to mine.

"Mph!" I cried out in shock as I felt her kiss me hard. Her fingers pulling me up into her as her tongue entered my mouth. She m.o.a.n.e.d into the kiss before suddenly pulling back, my shocked face staring back at her.

"That's who I am," she leaped off me and landed on the roof edge, "see you later alligator!" before jumping away.

I got to my feet and watched her use a grappling hook to swing around a building. I blinked, 'did that really just happen?' Now I had to find out who she was!

I stuck to the shadows and followed her, this time she didn't see me, I didn't let her see me. I followed her from a distance, watching her move towards the upper east side. Rich people, gah, I hate these damn apartments too stupid looking. Waste of money.

I watched her swing around for a bit, fighting street crime, nothing so dangerous that I had to step in. I'll say this for her, she knew how to handle herself.

It was half an hour later when she finally returned home. A very nice apartment on the Upper East side. I watched her from across the road, kind of creepy I know, but hey, she decided to where my symbol, I needed to know who she was.

I watched as she drew the curtains, cutting my line of sight. I cursed, "damn it!...wait," I took out my red tablet and turning it into a helmet, putting it on, "S.e.xy, find out who lives in that apartment, I looking for a woman, around 5 feet 9 inches, maybe taller. Gymnastics background."

"Searching, hacking into government database and….one result found matching description. The apartment is registered to one Felicia Hardy," S.e.xy replied.

I felt my heart catch, it leapt into my throat. "Felicia?" I asked in disbelief. That was her? This world's version of Kitten was right there, and I couldn't see it? She freaking kissed me and I didn't know?!

I hated myself, but then I slowly began to think it over. Felicia Hardy in this world was probably well over 40, and I don't care how much she trained she can't remain that flexible without some metahuman powers. Meaning that can't possibly be her.

No, something else was going on. "S.e.xy, access Felicia's records, is she living with any other woman?"

"S.e.xy, Felicia Hardy is registered to shared the apartment with her partner Diana Sun along with her daughter Felicity Hardy," S.e.xy explained.

"Partner?! Daughter?!" I asked in shocked, "wait….holy shit! I just kissed Felicity! I kissed my girlfriend's daughter! F.u.c.k! Wait….does that mean I also kissed Flash's daughter?!"

"Yes, Felicia Hardy was married to one Eugene Thompson, she had-"

I cut her off, "I know that S.e.xy! Argh, tell me something I don't know," I grumbled, honesty Flash Thompson? F.u.c.k.i.n.g crazy man.

"She got a divorce after the birth of her daughter Felicity and her son Gene Thompson."

I grumbled holding my head in my hands, "this reality blows d.i.c.ks." I looked at the rest of the apartment. Using the zoom function in my helmet I saw an older blonde woman sitting for dinner with a black woman, who I assume was Diana, and another blonde.

The younger blonde looked exactly like my Felicia, like a carbon copy, which was to be expected given her mother's identity. Felicity Hardy...damn, this is so weird. I tried to block all memories of her kissing me, shit like that deserved to be burnt and buried.

But the older woman, Felicia...she looked amazing. The way she laughed, the way she smiled, she had lines along her eyes but….oh my God, I might fall in love with this one too.

I pulled away from her, I forced myself too. I wanted to burst into her apartment, grab her and kiss her with all my heart. I wanted to run away with her, to cry and tell her I forgive her. But….but I knew she wasn't my Kitten, she would never be my Felicia Hardy. So it was best if I did nothing.

And now I found myself once more out in the night, swinging away in the darkness of a city I barely recognized. All of was just too much! Is it too much to want to live a normal teenage life?! Why do I have to deal with this interdimensional shit?!

I grumbled and took off, making my way back to Queens. It was a long way off, and I took the time trying to suppress all memories of that kiss. I also had S.e.xy look up Felciity's file and surprise surprise, apparently she also attended Midtown high.

I reached home and walked in, only to find Peter, May and MJ all waiting for him, looking worried.

"Peter!" May cried out, "about time!"

I sighed, closing the door behind me, "sorry I'm late. The cops took much longer to show up."

"Are you okay?" MJ asked.

I shrugged, "please, I faced Magneto and lived, a common crook has nothing on me. Besides, it was the Scarlet Spider chick that ended up saving the day, May and I didn't even have to lift a finger."

May huffed at me mentioning Scarlet, did she know something?

Peter sighed, "well I'm just glad you both are safe, come, let's eat, I for one am starving."

I grumbled, but nodded.

That night just as I was getting ready to go to bed there was a knock on the door and Peter walked in.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I heard you leapt into action the moment the mugger appeared," Peter said leaning on the door frame.

"Yeah, I did...and?" I asked.

"You said you wouldn't be a hero," he raised a curious eyebrow.

"I didn't put on a damn costume did I? I just did what I had to do to protect my daughter, that's all," I hissed.

"Deny it all you want Peter, but I know you."

"No, believe me, you really don't," I snorted.

He smiled, "no, I do," he sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. I sat down and he continued, "I...I know our lives different, I was driven by the death of my uncle, the guilt and...the drove me.'s not the only reason I did what I did."

I sat down next to him, listening to my hero, "so...what was it?"

Peter smiled, "I did it because I could. Because every time I put on that suit, I knew I was doing good. Listen, I know you and I have different ideals and dreams. But...if you can do something to make the world a better place, shouldn't you at least try?"

I was silent, the words from the real Peter Parker ringing through my head loudly. He smiled before reaching down and taking out the c.h.e.s.t where his old costume and tools were stored. He popped the trunk lid and displayed the contents.

"If you ever change your mind," he said getting up and walking to the door, "don't hesitate to use it."

He walked out, my eyes glued to the costume inside. The original costume, the real costume, not the one I made, no. This was Peter Parker's costume.

I sighed, 'maybe...maybe I don't need to wear it right now,' I bundled up the costume and put it into my school bag along with the web shooters.

I shouldn't lie to myself, being was fun. And maybe...maybe I should stop pretending I didn't want to be him again. So for now, I'll keep it on me, just for now.

The next day:

"And then this new Spider came in, kicked but and just bolted!" Dani cheered, jumping in her seat in the cafeteria, "it was so cool!"

Nancy rolled her eyes, "she was okay I guess."

"So you guys really saw this Scarlet Spider?" Brad asked, sounding skeptical.

"Yeah we did! Hey, just ask Bruce and May, they saw her too," Dani pointed to May and I, both of whom remained silent the whole time.

"Well?" JJ asked, "is this true May?"

The girl cleared her throat, "yeah."

"Nice! So we have another Spider! This is so cool!" said Moose, the big guy I called gay the first time around, "was she cooler than Spider-girl?"

"Hell no!" May snapped, "she's just a rip off!"

"Well I wouldn't say that May," a new voice called out as a woman with platinum blonde hair dressed in a pair of jeans and a green top walked over to our table. She smirked, her face looking similar to Felicia's, "some would say the new Spider is totally a step up."

I blinked, that's right, Felicity Hardy also studied here didn't she?

"Hey girl! It's been too long! Have you heard?" Dani smiled moving over, giving Felicity space to sit down, making her sit down right opposite me.

"About how the Scarlet Spider saved you guys? Yeah, I heard," Felicity replied in a smug voice, "in fact I heard is she hadn't come, May's cousin would have been swiss cheese."

I raised an eyebrow, "I can handle myself Felicity."

Felicity looked surprised, shocked even. May blinked, "you guys know each other?"

I smiled, "something like that," I gave her a knowing smile leaning forward, resting my face on my hand, "you know, that isn't actually where this story ends."

"What do you mean?" Nancy asked skeptically.

"I mean," I smirked at the girl, "after you guys left, Scarlet came back. And then, she kissed me."

"What?!" May cried out, her eyes immediately landing on Felicity, who was blushing red. Ah, so May did know who the Scarlet Spider really was.

"Dude! Are you serious?!" Brad cried out.

I nodded, "yeah, I am. I guess she wanted me to properly thank her or something, so she just shoved me down and kissed me."

"W-woah," Dani blinked, "was she any good?"

"Dani!" Felicity cried out, blushing harder.

"What? I just want to know!" Dani shrugged.

"Well...was it?" Brad asked, the gathered teenagers all looking very curious.

I smiled, "it was..." they leaned in closer, even May looked curious, "the worst kiss I ever got."

"What?!" Felicity cried out, slamming her hands on the table, "what the hell do you mean?!"

I shrugged, "I mean it was the worst kiss I ever got. It was like kissing a horse, tongue going everywhere and lips being shoved all over the place. It was like her first kiss and...wait..." I shivered, "I think it was her first kiss. Damn. Now I feel bad."

"N-no way!" Felicity cried out, the kids turning to her, "it can't have been her first kiss!"

"Why do you think that Felicity?" Nancy asked, her eyes narrowed curiously.

"Yeah Felicity, why?" May asked, a smug smile on her face.

"B-because, I mean, she's a superhero right," Felicity gulped, "they must like be with a lot of people."

I snorted, "well even then, she was still the worst kisser I have ever met."

Felicity was red now, she looked like she wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I chuckled, there, now there's no way she'll ever want to kiss me again.

That night:

I was walking home alone that evening, May stayed behind for basketball practise. And just then, I was suddenly grabbed and dragged into an alley.

I blinked in surprise as I found myself face to face with the Scarlet Spider once again, "oh...hey. What's up?"

"I'm the worst kisser ever?!" Felicity demanded.

I smirked, "oh? And how did you know that?"

Immediately she realised her mistake and backed away, "I-I, I have my ear to the ground."

"Really," I rolled my eyes, "cute."


"Why what?"

"Why am I the worst kisser ever?!"

"Wow, this is really bothering you huh?" I chuckled, God this was so much fun!

"N-no! I mean...I just want to know why!"

I shrugged, "there's no was just a bad kiss is all."

She growled, for a moment I thought she was going to hit me, but then, she lunged forward, pushed me back and raised her mask, kissing me again. Her hands went around my hair, her c.h.e.s.t heaving against mine as she attacked every corner of my mouth with hers.

And then she finally moved away, the skin on my lips wet with her saliva and a shocked expression on my face.

She smirked, "yeah, I'm just the worst," she turned around and took off, "catch you later cutie!"

I watched her jump and leap away and g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "great, just great. I knew I shouldn't have pushed her. God, I hope she doesn't try that again," I swear she gets it from her mother. Urgh, I'm going to be sick!

A week later:

"So Tracy Morgan's dating Tony?!" Dani gasped, "didn't he break up with her a month ago?!"

Nancy nodded, "they got back together."

May snorted, "if a guy broke up with me the way Tony did to Morgan I wouldn't even talk to him!"

"Well you know what they say, young love," Dani shrugged as she turned to me, "what's wrong Bruce? Are we boring you?"

I snorted, "sorry, it's just I don't know these people who you're talking about. Plus...I've never been one for gossip." Plus I'm so f.u.c.k.i.n.g bored!

May rolled her eyes, "yeah? And what-"

"-May!" Felicity suddenly came running up to our table. Her eyes wide in fear, she looked scared, very sacred.

May looked up, "Felicity? What's wrong?"

"I-I need to talk to you, alone," she looked at us, "please!"

"Ah, okay," May nodded as she got up and followed the blonde out of the cafeteria. I sighed, 'why did Felicia have to marry Flash of all people? Yuck!' I grumbled, I watched May and Felicity walk outside...the way she looked, scared, that bothered me.

Deciding to do something about it I got up, "where are you going?" Dani asked.

I smiled, "bathroom, be back in a second," I winked as I snuck away, following May and Felicity as they went behind the building, standing next to a garbage bin as they whispered to one another. I used my super hearing to listen in.

"...she hasn't said a word to me May! I know her! She doesn't just leave like that! Even Diana is worried!"

"Have you tried her cell?"

"No working."

"Damn it! Fine, I'll help. But...where could she be?"

"I don't know! That's what I'm be trying to tell you!"

Ok, this sounded bad. I walked around the corner, "maybe I can help with that."

"P-Bruce?" May turned to me shocked, "what are you doing here?"

"Fetching daisies," I rolled my eyes turned to Felicity, "hey Scarlet, nice to meet you officially."

"I knew it! You did know it was me!" she said looking surprised, blushing, "why did you say I was a bad kisser?!"

I raised an eyebrow, "because I don't like it when people I have never met suddenly kiss me," I turned to May, "so you knew too?"

May nodded, "yeah. Felicity she figured out my other identity," she rolled her eyes, "and then she decided the best course of action was to blackmail me."

I was taken back, "what? Why?!"

"Because I wanted to be her partner!" Felicity cheered, "but May didn't want me…."

"But, why did you even want to be a Spider in the first place?" I asked.

Felicity smirked, "because it pissed of my mom...who..." but her smile slowly fell down, a suddenly wave of sadness taking over her, "she's...damn it mom, what happened?"

May walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "he can help Felicity, I know it."

Felicity gulped, "I hope you're right," she turned to me and with worry now appearing in her eyes she spoke in a voice filled with fear, "they have my mother."

And just like that, I felt it again. That feeling that drove me to beat Magneto into the ground with my fists. To break his face in and keep going until he was dead. That hate, that anger. That was back.

"Who?" my voice went low, a low growl seeping out.

Felicity was surprised "I-I don't know. She was investigating a murder that happened a week ago. The man's wife hired my mom to find out what really happened because the police couldn't find his killer. Last night she….she didn't come home. I thought she was working late but today when I woke up she was gone… and that's why I came to May for help."

I heard my heart beat raise up, anger, pure unfiltered anger begging to be let out. And I honestly didn't want to f.u.c.k.i.n.g keep it in.


May and Felicity gasped and moved back as my stingers came out, blood along my knuckles.

"Holy shit!" Felicity gasped in shock, "what the hell are those?!"

I growled, "sorry," I forced them back into my fists.

May looked at me, "d-does that happen a lot?"

I growled, "only when there's somebody I want to gut," I was sure of it. These guys were going to regret being born. "We need to move, suit up," I opened my backpack revealing a red and blue costume inside.

"Isn't that my dad's costume?" May asked shocked, "why do you have that?"

I grumbled, "he said I could borrow it."

"I-it might be dangerous," Felicity said, "these guys, they might be dangerous. May has powers, it won't be safe for you Bruce."

I smirked, "relax Felicity, her powers are a family thing. I'll be fine. I promise, whoever has your mother," I growled, anger seeping into my voice, "they're dead. Now let's move!"

An hour later:

Inside a room with no windows and one door sat a woman tied up in a chair in the center. There was blood pouring from her face and onto the ground in steady drops, her hands and feet tied down with zip ties and her beautiful silvery blonde hair was covered with sweat and blood.

'And here comes another one,' she thought as the thugs fist came flying across her face.


It was the sound of flesh hitting flesh as Felicia's head was thrown backwards from the source. She leaned back on the chair she was tied too, panting hard as she felt her nose cry out in pain, 'great, as if it wasn't broken enough already.'

She leaned down and spat out a wad of spit and blood on the floor. She saw a molar fly out, another part of her that was broken, perfect.

She looked up at the five men looking down at her, two of them with bloody knuckles and the third looking angry she wasn't showing any reaction towards his strike.

Felicia smirked, "you hit like a bitch."

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g whore!" the large black man roared as he brought his fist down again.


This time the blow rocked her back so hard the chair went flying backwards. She panted, stars circling her eyes. Her head spun as she realised they had picked her up again and put her down facing them. The big black guy shaking his fist in pain, Felicia felt happy for that, bastard.

"I have to admit, you are the strongest woman I have ever met," said a calm leveled voice as a sixth man walked into the room wearing a sluggish white suite and a shit eating grin. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, Felicia knew him, she had been tracking him for over a year now after all.

"Well well well, if it isn't the white knight of York," Felicia spat out a wad of blood that landed on his clean white shoes, "ops, sorry about that."

The man smiled, "oh please Ms, Hardy, no need to worry," his hands came to her throat and slowly slide down her neck into her cleavage. The black turtle neck shirt she wore had been torn apart near the neck.

Felicia felt disgust and horror at his touch, they hadn't touched her, no, just beaten her, but now, now she felt a slight sense of fear, a trauma she never could recover from.

The man seemed to notice it, he smiled, "oh please Ms. Hardy, I'm many things, but never a rapist," his hands wrapped around the fabric around her neck and pulled ripping off a huge chunk of it revealing her black bra underneath.

The man, used the fabric to wipe away the blood on his shoes and throw it aside, "I have to admit though, you are a very fetching woman, especially for your age."

"Heh, I'll say," a seedy looking man in the corner quipped causing the rest of the gang to laugh.

"Yes, quite," the blonde man smiled, "tell me, what kind of woman dresses up in her very best linger to investigate the Kingpin? I really am surprised, you're very daring Ms. Hardy."

Felicia smirked, "Kingpin? Where? Last I heard your daddy was in Switzerland with mommy dearest after Daredevil destroyed his empire."

The man's eye twitched before he smiled, "yes, that's true. My father's empire did crumble and he did run away like a dog who had been scolded. But he's a coward, I'm not."

"Oh yeah, and nothing screams brave like human trafficking," Felicia snorted.

The man shrugged, "you have to start somewhere."

"So tell Richard, what are you going to do to me?" Felicia asked.

"Me? Oh, nothing," the man shrugged before turning to the five other men and smiling, "but you see, these men? They are just itching to break you and unlike me, they don't care what you call them."

Felicia's eyes went wide in fear as she saw the men smiling in l.u.s.t at her body, most eye going to her ample bosom exposed to the air.

"But," Richard Fisk spoke up, "that won't happen, just tell me what evidence you gathered and I'll let you go...after I secure your evidence that is. But...if you don't...then after my man had their fun with you, I'll go after your sweet little girl, Felicity right? Believe me, she is much like her mother, just as beautiful, let's hope she has your sense of fashion as well."

Felicia's fear died away the moment the man mentioned her daughter, "stay away from her!"

Richard blinked, "or what?"

"I'll f.u.c.k.i.n.g kill you!"

The man threw his head back and laughed, "you? Kill me?! Please! Bitch you can't even escape from those ropes! You'll f.u.c.k.i.n.g die here if I want you too!"


His hand flew like a whip striking her numb face, "tell me, how do you think that's going to happen huh? You're in my building, on the top floor surrounded by five of my strongest men not to mention the twenty armed guards I have on each of the top five floors. How in hell do you plan on getting out?"

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" came an alarm off the speakers.

Richard Fisk blinked, "what the-" he turned to his men looking dumbstruck, "don't just stand there! Go see what that's about!"

The big black man who had punched Felicia's teeth out nodded and quickly ran to the door. His hand landed on the knob and was about to turn it open when suddenly the door exploded off it's hinges sending the man flying back with the door smashing into his face.

Richard's eyes went wide, "what the f.u.c.k is-"


That sound, that sound sent a spark through Felicia's body, she remembered that sound. She fought with that sound, she loved that sound, she broke up with that sund. She looked up and like a ghost from the past, a figure in red and blue spandex stood under the door frame with webs coming out of his hands.

'P-Peter?!' Felicia asked in disbelief, but there he was, looking like he hadn't been gone a day, standing in his old costume with the red and blue practically glowing off the single light tube in the room. The only difference was he now wore a metallic helmet over his head instead of a cloth mask.

I pulled the web line pulling the man in white into my arms. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into the air and held him there. I looked around, four men, one under the door woman.

I couldn't help a gasp escaping my lips, "F-Felicia?" Her eyes went wide, I think it was hope, but I couldn't' tell. Immediately my surprise was replaced with horror and then pure anger.

I turned to the guy I held up by the throat, "I'm going to assume you're in charge here yes?" I asked, slowly squeezing my grip on his neck.

"K-kill him!" he cried out.

Immediately the other four thugs took out guns from under their coats and leveled it at me. But I didn't care. Two red and blue burs moved besides me, jumping into the room and kicking the thugs unconscious.

The girls were in costume, May as Spider-girl and Felicity as the Scarlet Spider. They made short work of the men, kicking away the guns before hitting them hard enough to knock them down.

"Mom!" Scarlet spider cried out as she ran to Felicia's side and took off her mask revealing her face.

"F-Felicity?" Felicia asked in such surprise it almost made me what to laugh, but I didn't no, I was far too angry for that.

"Oh my god mom, what did they do to you?" Felicity asked with tears in her eyes as she saw her mother's battered form.

"I-I'm fine," Felicia stuttered before her eyes came to me, looking surprised, "what are you doing here?"

I turned to man I held up, "apparently, I'm here to kill this guy, tell me white boy, do you know how it feels to have your neck snapped by someone who can bench a ton? No? Would you like to find out?"

"No!" Felicia cried out, "don't do it!"

I turned to her, "he hurt you Kitten," my nickname for her coming out by accident, I couldn't help it, seeing her after all this time...and like this...I couldn't help it.

"No, please, he needs to face justice," Felicia said as Felicity and May unbounded her and helped her to her feet. She walked towards me, her legs wobbling with pain, I could smell it, the pain, it was like….it was the worst smell I ever smelt. I didn't even want to describe it.

She rested her hand on my shoulder, "please...this isn't you….this isn't who your daughter would want you to be."

I chuckled, "I don't," I looked at her, pleading eyes looking back, "...fine, I won't kill him," I let him go, dropping his like a sack of potatoes.

He rubbed his throat, panting in horror as he looked up at me, eyes wide open in fear. I looked down at him, "Richard Fisk, your father ran away from this city with good reason. Consider this your only warning. If you even think about coming back here," my stingers came flying out ripping holes in the spandex costume.

I pressed the sharp claws against the man's neck, I could hear Felicia gasping in shock as she saw the bones slowly draw blood.

I hissed, "I'll gut you and hang your f.u.c.k.i.n.g corps off the Empire state building. Got it?"

The blonde man nodded, frantically. His eyes never leaving my claws.

"Good," I pulled them back into my body before slapping his across the face hard enough to knock him out. I stood up and turned to the women, Felicia looked at me disbelieving while the girl's' expression was unreadable, because of their masks.

"We need to go," I told them, "I called the police, they'll be here any moment."

"Right," Felicity quickly came up to her mother's side, "come on mom, we need to go."

"N-no," Felicia said, finally drawing her eyes away from me and to her daughter, "I need to be here when the cops come."

"Mom they can handle it! We need you to get to the hospital! Now!"

"No," Felicia shook her head, "I've been after this man for weeks, he never left any evidence, until now. I'm the proof of his crimes, I need to be here and testify against his crimes. You three on the other hand need to leave, immediately."

"I'm not leaving you here!" Felicity cried out.

"Felicity, don't argue with me, not now, please," Felicia said in almost a pleading tone.


"-She's right," I spoke up, "she's the only chance this douchebag is ever going to face jail time. We need to do this right, come on, we'll follow them from the rooftops, if anything even looks funny we can be at your mother's side in seconds."

Felicity looked like she wanted to argue, but suddenly Felicia hugged her causing the younger Hardy to stiffen in shock, "I'm so proud of you little kitty. But right now, I need to do this. So please, go, I can handle myself."

Felicia broke the hug and pushed her stunted daughter away. May and I grabbed her and walked out, leaving the same way we came in. I gave a glance backwards at the older version of the woman I love and our eyes met, my heart began to pound loudly.

We watched from afar as Felicia was taken away in an ambulance while Richard Fisk and his gangsters were taken in armoured cars. Finding him wasn't difficult, a few minutes searching through records stored by the police and the notes Felicia kept at home gave me more than enough to have S.e.xy work on.

The moment Felicia was admitted into the hospital Felicity changed out her costume and ran to her mother's side. May and I watched the two blonde reunite from across the street looking into their room window.

"Tell your dad thanks...for the suit," I told May as we watched the doctor examine Felicia's wounds.

"No problem, it's not like he was using it," May shrugged, "but I didn't think you would like wearing...well, spandex."

I shrugged, "it was an emergency. Plus it's actually quite snug," I turned to her, "and if you tell anyone I said that I will deny it."

May chuckled, "sure," she looked at Felicia and her daughter before speaking to me in a tone barely above a whisper, "Peter….when you had Fisk in your hands...did you mean what you said?"

"About killing him?" I asked, she nodded, "yes."

May was silent, I knew she was surprised. "I...I didn't think you were capable of that," she said finally.

"I am, that and much more," I looked at her, "in my world I loved Felicia, still do. Seeing someone I care for, even if it isn't the same version….well, I honestly don't know what I would have done if Felicia hadn't stopped me."

May scratched her head, "I don't know why, but this totally feels like you're cheating on mom...or something."

I chuckled, "May, technically speaking I'm not your dad, you do know that right?"

"Yeah, I know. It's just's hard to imagine a version of you not with my mom, you know?" she shrugged.

I shrugged back, "well, that's the multiverse. Heck, there are some worlds where you were born a ginger, think about that."

May and I spent the rest of the day watching over Felicia and Felicity, just incase Fisk's friends did something. Felicia was assigned a private room in the hospital and eventually Felicity had to leave and let her mother rest.

May ventured to watch Felicity while I remained with Felicia. I think deep down she just wanted me to have some time with the girl I loved, even if that wasn't her mother. Honestly, if I ever raised a kid half as amazing as May, I would be a proud parent indeed.

It was around nine when I noticed Felicia get up from her bed. I figured she was just going to the bathroom before surprising she walked out the window and opened it. She looked up and our eyes meet. She motioned me over, and I complied swinging down and landing on the wall next to her window.

"Hello Kitten," I whispered, her face was covered with bandages and her left hand in a cast. I sighed, "I'm sorry we couldn't get to you faster."

The older woman before me smile, "from what Felicity told me, you all were going as fast as you could. In fact I think she mentioned something about you carrying her over your shoulders because she was moving to slow."

I chuckled, "yeah, she's an amazing gymnast, almost better than you. But she needs to move faster. I'm thinking of asking May to get her a set of web shooters, if she's going to be a spider she needs them."

Felicia;s eyes lowered, "I did all I could to keep her away from this life...only for her to run headfirst into it."

I shrugged, "she has too much of her mother in her."

Felicia smiled, she looked up at me, those beautiful green eyes landing on my lenses, "you're not my Spider-man are you?"

I nodded, "yeah. What gave it away? The claws?"

"Yes, those helped," Felicia smiled, "but also, my spider-man would never ever threaten to kill someone, no matter who they are."

"That's because you're Peter Parker isn't the kind that believes in revenge, I am," I moved towards the window as Felicia moved aside letting me in. I stood next to her and removed her helmet, showing her my face, "I'm Peter Benjamin Parker."

Felicia's eyes went wide, "h-how?"

"Do you know about alternate dimensions?" I asked her putting the helmet aside.

Felicia nodded, "y-yes...I see," her fingers came up to my face, tracing my chin and cheek before running through my hair, I had goosebumps from her touch, I tried my best to hide it, but a small smile came on my lips.

"You're so young," she whispered.

"Where I'm from, you're old," I looked at her, "although, I have to say after looking at you now I can't wait for my Kitten to m.a.t.u.r.e too. Honestly, you're like fine wine only getting better with age."

Felicia's eyes went wide, her cheeks tingling red a little, "y-you certainly aren't my Peter Parker. He never would have said that, even if he wasn't married."

I chuckled, "yeah, I guess. Honestly though, this version of me is weird. Did you know he has a goatee? Honestly who is that man trying to be? Tony Stark?"

Felicia chuckled, "well, at least you both have a sense of humor, that's nice," suddenly she winced, holding her cheeks in pain.

My hands went up immediately touching her bandaged face with worry, "are you okay? Should I call a doctor?"

"No, it's fine, it just stings is all," she replied as I continued to c.a.r.e.s.s her cheek, I couldn't help but to worry. Her hands cupped mine as she looked into my eyes, "tell your world...there's a version of me?"

I nodded, "yes."

"I see….and...are you friends?" she asked with thinly veiled hope.

"No," she looked saddened by that, "she was more than that. She was the love of my life."

Felicia's eyes were widened, "w-what?"

I chuckled, "yeah. I heard you and this world's Peter dated?"

Felicia nodded, "yeah...what about you?"

I felt my smile drop, "we...we did date, for a long time we were happy but….she left."

Felicia's eyes widened, "why?"

I sighed, "her dad was in SHIELD custody, she wanted to save him. She knew I couldn't go with her so...she just left. I wanted to go with her, but...she said she wasn't worth it. She didn't listen, stubborn fool."

Felicia sighed, "it's like I manage to f.u.c.k things up in every dimension."

I smiled, "you broke up with Peter in this world too?"

"Yes….things were...difficult," she sighed, "plus it was obvious he still loved there an MJ in your world?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "but I don't see her as anything more than a friend. I can't. I'm still in love with you," I looked at her and she gasped in surprise. Immediately I blinked, "ah, wait, no, that came out wrong!"

Felicia immediately burst into chuckles, "yeah, you're Peter Parker alright," she smiled motioning towards a seat as we sat down before a table. "So, tell me about yourself. How long have you been Spider-man?"

I smiled, "well, I was Spider-man for about a year...before...well, I got hurt. Really bad and...after you left, I honestly didn't know if I should keep doing this. It was...difficult for me. Still is."

"Hey, you shouldn't give up being a hero just because a girl dumped you," Felicia scolded, "even if that girls me."

I smiled, "I know...but I-"

"-But nothing, listen...if I am anything like your Felicia, then she didn't leave you because she was selfish...she did it because she knew that you being Spider-man, is much more important than you being with her."

"Is that why you and he broke up? Because you felt you didn' didn't deserve him?"

Felicia stiffened before she slowly nodded, "yes...that man..he has a special place in my heart. But...he's my's too bad it never worked out between us."

I looked at her, the way she smiled when she spoke about him, the way she laughed. It hit me like a bullet, "you still love him...don't you?"

She smiled, "yes...I do. But...I also love my husband, I did and I love my daughter and son above them all and my wife too but...Peter Parker will always be my biggest mistake...and my greatest love. Well, other than Felicity."

I chuckled, "right….she and May are amazing fighters...they would make one hell of a team."

"That they would," Felicia smirked, "wait, May's technically your daughter isn't she? That must be strange."

"No stranger than you marrying Flash," I shivered, "honestly Kitten, what were you thinking?"

Felicia shrugged, "he's a sweet guy, trust me. It takes a moment for him to grow up, but he really after school."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll believe it when I see it. Anyway, yeah, it's a little awkward, especially when the one who I really want to be the father off kissed me a few days ago," I shivered, "Felicity really does take after you."

"She kissed you?!"


Felicia g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "oh dear God. That girl...despite everything, she still so headstrong on defying my every wish."

I smirked, "sounds like my Felicia, her mother and her didn't get along."

Felicia nodded, "same with me."

We sat down next to each other, I looked at her, "so...what do you think I should do?"

"Me? Personally? I think you should continue kicking a.s.s and taking names," Felicia smiled, "maybe she isn't the woman meant for you, maybe there's someone else out there, but no matter what Peter. You should never give up being Spider-man. Forget Felicia if you have to...but, don't ever lose yourself, because seeing a broken Peter Parker is the last thing anyone wants"

I smiled, "and I hope my Felicia feels the same way you do."

She pressed a soft kiss on my forehead, "I'm sure she does." And we sat, through the night we talked, just talked.

She told me about her life, about her daughter and son. She wasn't close to her boy, he was too much like his father, but she still loved him. She had a wife, I actually chuckled a bit at that, she didn't' understand why until I told her my Felicia was bi-s.e.x.u.a.l as well, another odd similarity.

Around 2 in the morning I left her, now asleep in her bed. I wanted to kiss her, seeing that beautiful face again...I honestly did. But this wasn't my Felicia Hardy, no, she wasn't the same person.

So I left, but not before I planted a kiss on her cheek causing the sleeping woman to smile.

I swung my way back to May's house and snuck into her attic to put away the costume. I had just finished changing when the light turned on and I saw Peter Parker sitting on the bed by the night lamp.

"That was awfully cliched Peter," I snorted as I put on my jacket.

"Is she safe?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's safe," I told him, "thanks...for the costume I mean...I wouldn't have been able to do this otherwise.."

Peter looked at me and grinned, "I love it when I'm right," he got up using his cane and limped to the attic door, "oh, and don't forget to wash the damn thing. Spandex gets smelly really quickly," he limped down the stairs, it looked painful.

"You know, I can build you a proper prosthetic leg," I called out, "one that doesn't make you feel like a cripple."

Peter stopped and looked over his shoulder, "Reed offered that before."

"Why did you turn it down?"

"Because I'm not Spider-man, not anymore," he said turning off the lamp.

"Right," I took off the mask and costume, "hey...can I ask you something?" He stopped, "why did you and Felicia break up?"

Peter looked at me, "I was still in love with MJ. just wasn't right."

I nodded, "yeah….when I get back to my world...I decided. I'll be Spider-man again...there's no point pretending I won't. But….I'm also going after my Felicia, I'm not giving up on her. And one day, I'm sure I'll find her."

Peter snorted, "you wouldn't be Peter Parker if you didn't go after what you wanted. Goodnight Peter. Oh, and stop calling May 'kiddo', only I can do that."

"Technically, I am you," I chuckled.

Peter g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "no wonder everyone called me a loud mouth."

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