Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 36 - Unlimited Power for Twenty Seconds

"So...can I join?" Felicity asked pouting at me and May.

May sighed, "for the last time Felicity, no. You don't have any powers, it would be dangerous."

"That's what you said last time!" Felicity growled, "that's why I went off on my own! But I showed you how strong I am! So why can't join?!"

"Because! You can't protect yourself!" May cried out.

"Girls!" I cried out, "enough! Focus on the problem on hand! We can talk about teaming up, after we finish this damn homework!"

The two of them grumbled, glaring at each other before returning to their notes. I sighed, sipping my coffee, I looked around, everyone was staring, I sent an apologetic smile to them all, a coffee shop really wasn't the best place they could have done this.

"If it's any consolation though," I spoke up gaining their attention, "I think it would be a good idea to have back up."

"What?!" May gawked.

"Yes!" Felicity fist pumped.

"Why?!" May asked.

"Because with or without powers Felicia was a very powerful ally to your dad," I sipped my drink, "you could use someone like that one your side."

"Yeah! What he said!" Felicity nodded.

I raised an eyebrow, "that being said, Felicity isn't ready just yet for the job of being a superhero. She still needs to be properly trained to fight metahumans like us. So...maybe a trial period is in order?"

May grumbled, "fine, whatever….it's just...argh! This is so stupid!"

"Face it May! We're partners!" Felicity cheered throwing an rm around May making the girl groan even louder. Felicity chuckled, "hey, relax, between the three of us, the bad guys don't stand a chance!"

I smiled, "that's nice Felicity, but I'm not exactly going to be sticking around for long."

"What? Why not? Where are you going?" she asked.

I smiled, "home, maybe….look, don't worry about that, worry about how to become a better team," I narrowed my eyes at May, "you don't' have to do this alone May, believe me, that's worth something."

May sighed, "yeah...I guess."

"I nodded, "good, you understand what we're trying to learn?"


I chuckled, guess she got her mother's brains, "alright, it's like this..."

A few hours later:

I sat on the roof of the Empire state building, leaning against a gargoyle as I looked down at the buzzing city below me. The people were going about their day, they didn't bother to look up, most never do.

May had gone her own way for patrolling, Spider-girl was still a solo act and Felicity still had to take care of her mother, and that was may more important that beating up thugs.

I stood in Peter's costume, spandex and all, with my metallic helmet placed over my head instead of a cloth mask. I checked the web shooters and strapped on my backpack.


It hit a building and I swung upwards. The rush came quickly, the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, the feeling of utter excitement, like the world was left behind. The microsecond where I released the web line and for a second...I was free.

Before gravity took over and pulled me back down. I shot out another web line and soon my body began to act on instinct, moving through web lines, swinging through the city, "woohoo!" I crie doubt, my joy coming out in my voice.

"Peter, there's a crime in progress being reported block from here. Would you like me to mark it?"

"Yes please S.e.xy. Oh, and while I'm in costume, don't call me by my real name, okay?" I told her as I changed course, following new directions on my HUD.

"Then what is your new designation?"

I smiled, "call me the Spider."

I came upon a shoot out, two cops were pinned down behind their cars while a gang of mexican cartel members fired automatic rifles at them from across the street. The whole street had been cleared out, though a small group of civilians were forced to take covered with the police, else they get shot as well.

I landed on a roof and looked around, searching for a way to finish this quickly. I spotted a giant dumpster bin in the alley behind the cartel's standoff. So I silently swung off and ducked inside, sneaking behind the garbage bin.

With a huff and I grabbed the sides of the giant bin and lifted it over my head. It was a strain, I really need to hit the gym. Two months of stagnation really took its toll. I huffed, "hey assholes!"

They turned, and I threw it.


"F.u.c.k!" they cried out, one, to my extremely left managed to escape, while the others were pinned down by the giant metal bin, their bodies being crushed, though not enough to break anything.

"What the f.u.c.k puta?!" the lone escapee cried out as he looked at me in horror. I webbed up his gun and pulled it towards me.

I looked at it, inspecting it, "nice toy you have here," I crushed it into a ball before throwing it over my shoulder, shooting a web blast to pin him to the tar road below, "asshole."

I walked over to the police, but the moment I stepped behind cover they shot at me. My spider senses kicked in quickly and I immediately leaped away.

"Woah there!" I cried out peeking out from behind the cover, "I'm just trying to help!"

"Who the hell are you?!" the cops cried out.

I sighed, right, different world, I forgot. I sighed, "I'm-"

I snapped my head to the source of that sound. I looked up to see a bright blue light piercing the sky like a spear. It looked like it was coming from the Baxter Building, huh, okay, now that sounds familiar..

I sighed, "sorry guys, rain check!" I leaped into the air and took off, swinging towards the Baxter building. I really hope I didn't hope this was an end of the world situation. Because of course it's the end of the goddamn world, it always is! F.u.c.k!

I was a few blocks out when I saw something fly out of the giant beam of light and into the New York air. I landed on a rooftop and focused on it, "S.e.xy, zoom and enhance," I focused, the helmet activating it's telescopic features giving me a view of a giant white ape riding a giant green bug, flying around the city streets.

I sighed, "every day it's something new...sigh. Fine, prioritise, stop the portal, then deal with the giant apes. S.e.xy, do the Avengers of this world have a helpline or something?"

"Give me a moment….yes, they seem to have a distress signal."

I grumbled, "fine….hack it and send them the picture of that thing along with its present location."

"Understood sir," S.e.xy replied, "while there be anything else?"

I looked over, another giant ap came flying out of the blue portal, I grumbled, "yeah, call the Parker household, tell them I'll be late" I ran to the roof edge and shot a webline, swinging over.

I quickly reached the building in ten minutes. By now the Avengers had arrived and were setting up a blockade, fighting and then capturing the white ape and flying bugs.

I wall crawled along the Baxter building and found all power was down. Cautiously, I ducked inside and found myself running into Reed's lab, out of which the light came from, because of course it did. Why would I ever think otherwise?

I popped my head inside and g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I watched another portal float in the middle of the room. "For f.u.c.k's sake Reed! Why is it always the same thing with you?! Can't you for once just masterbate to h.e.n.t.a.i p.o.r.n like every other nerd in the world?!"

I walked up to the machine and looked around, no one was there, which was strange. But just as I walked up to the machine suddenly Ben came flying out of it, rolling around the room before stopping right before me.

"Ben? What is going on?" I asked him, helping him to his feet.

"We got a crisis alert from the Negative Zone, Annihilus was causing trouble for the New Earth project, we were called to help out," Ben grumbled.

"Ah...okay….need help?"

He smirked, "you up for it? I know you never had the best experience with traveling across worlds."

"Yeah, I don't have much of a choice do I? It's either help of let giant white apes take over the planet. Sigh, this should be fun," I cracked my neck as Ben and I charged at the portal, "geronimo!" I cried out as I came out of the other side, landed on my feet and stood up slowly, looking around in awe.

It was as if space was dead, and right now I was looking at what remained. There were rocks everywhere, just spread out like the remains of dead planets. There stars dying off in the distance, the last rays of light flashing at me like rays from a supernova.

"Welcome to the Negative zone kid," Ben grumbled, "no time to waste, Reed and the others need our help," we were standing on top of what looked like a mountain of sorts. Ben pointed down at a base camp currently warning with the other members of the FF, it looked like it was made by humans.

"Alright, what can I-"


Ben leaped away, flying down as he smashed into the middle of the base camp, destroying one of the enemies, those giant white apes. Though now that I got a closer view of them, they kind of looked like some kind of giant grey chewbacca looking mother f.u.c.kers. The all had metallic armour and bladed weapons and fought like Logan on steroids.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I stretched my arms, this was such a pain.

I leaped downwards, the facility had a main base in the center, that looked like what all the wookie rejects wanted to get into as they kept trying to break through, but the FF kept them back.

Just then one of them white monkeys leaped away from Johnny's reach and ran to the base. Johnny was about to give chase when I leaped over the protective walls and landed right on the enemies back, plowing him into the ground.

"Nice to see you Spider," Johnny grinned as he burnt a few of the wookies away, "always can do with an extra set of hands!"

"Who are the wookie rejects?" I asked as I leaped and punched two of them before leaping off their falling bodies and kicking a third in the balls, which apparently they had.

"Balurrians Spider-man, native war faring race of the Negative Zone," Franky explained as he sent a blast of cosmic power, blasting a group of Librarians off the ground, "Annihilus' henchmen."

"And Annihilus is a bad guy?" I asked as a Ballurrian nearly cleaved my head off with a swing of his axe, I grumbled and thrust my hands forward bringing out two of my stingers. I swiped across his c.h.e.s.t, cutting through his armour before kicking him away, "annoying."

"Why are they even here?" Lyja, Johnny's Skrull wife, asked.

"Reed mentioned they want something the researchers stationed here made," Ben grumbled out as he grabbed three of the monkey's and sent through through the air, landing on another emerging squad of them.

"And what could that possibly be?" I asked.

"I think that," Frankly said as he blasted the ground again, this time when the dust settled he pointed at the ground revealing a layer of solid gold right underneath.

My eyes shot open, "ah….can I take some? Pretty please?"

"What does a being like Annihilus want with gold?" Johnny asked, "he's the ruler of a freaking reality!"

"I'm just guessing uncle Johnny," Franklin said as he blasted some more Balurrians, "this is the only logical conclusion."

"Not quite," came Reed's robotic voice over the comms, "the researchers here have informed me what the Balurrians and Annihilus wants isn't the gold, that is nothing to him. What he wants is what they have managed to synthesis. The world's first and only synthesis of Proto-Adamantium. If he gets his hands on this it could fuse with his cosmic rod making him unstoppable."

"I'm sorry, I'm not following," I asked in confusion, leaping over a Balurrian, kicking him across the jaw.

"Annihilus has a weapon known as the Cosmic Rod, it keeps him immortal and grants him powers beyond mortal limits. But it does have limits, it's physical container being so. But if he has Proto-Adamantium, that limitation would no longer be of concern."

"Hmm, proto-adamantium, that's what Logan's claws are made of right?"

"No, Logan's claws use just Adamantium, Proto-Adamantium is what Cap's shield is made off," Johnny explained as he and I tagged a bunch of the evil henchmen, "but Reed I thought it was impossible to recreate Proto-Adamantium?"

"It was, but not anymore. That is one of the reasons they came here in the first place, to create more favorable conditions for the process. Hence they made a perfect mixture of vibranium and adamantium, and what's more it's in it's liquid form, potentially deadly."

"Ah guys," Lyja called out, "I think we need to focus on this first," she pointed up at the sky as a large ship big enough to block out a nearby supernova came over the facility.

Immediately all the few remaining Barbarians began to cheer and roar in pride. I gulped as my spider senses began to tingle, I watched as a small portion of the ship opened up revealing a creature that looked like the love child of the Hulk and a praying mantis.

He was huge, bigger than Ben. He was covered with purple armour and wings the size of hang gliders on his back. And on his neck was a glowing yellow rod that just screamed at me now magically active brain. That thing was powerful, I could tell that.

"Oh f.u.c.k me," I gulped as I watched it fly out of his ship, coming down right at us with an army of smaller bug shaped enemies coming right behind him.

"Johnny burn his lackeys! Franky and I will deal with Annihilus! Lyja, you and Spidey stop the ground troops!" Ben called out as the FF moved out.

I saw Johnny fight off his flying hoard, blasting them all with his flames. Lyja and I fought back to back, her morphing her body into that of a giant tiger, charging and slashing everything in her way.

I myself was a lot more in control, moving slowly, slicing with my stingers, making sure none were too damaged. I still disliked killing if I could help it.

But the highlight of the show was watching Franklin and Ben fight the giant Annihilus. It was like watching Gods do battle. I have expected Thor to show up and bring down lightning.

Ben jumped at the monster and socked him across the face while Franky distracted him with blasts of energy. Annulus fought them off both, throwing Ben and Franky before blasting sickly yellow beans of energy at Franky.

The world shock every time Franklin and Annihilus clashed. Their power break the surface of the ground we stood on.


I saw Franky falter, being pushed back slowly. Just then Ben jumped back into action, hitting Annihilus up the back, giving Franklin the chance to blast the energy back at the monster.

"Go Franky!" I cried out, back kicking an Balurrian, "rude monkey, can't you see I'm cheering for my number one fan?!"

"Kid look out!" Johnny cried out as suddenly Annihilus appeared in a burst of speed, crashing into Franklin and sending him flying into the ground. My eyes went wide as I saw the insect like warlord of this world fly right into the base, ignoring the rest of us.

"Franklin!" Lyja cried out as she ran to him, now back to her normal form. She picked him up and held him tightly as Johnny and Ben came up.

I ran to them, "is he okay?" I asked.

"He's just knocked out," Johnny growled as he turned to the approaching army of Barbarians and growled as the flames around his body turned blue, "I'll kill you all!" He exploded forward, sending tsunami's of fire that the army.

"Crap! He's lost it! Lyja, take Franklin inside and try to get him awake, right now the kids the only one who can take on Annihilus! Reed can hold him off but only for so long! I'll stay here and keep Johnny from burning us all!" Ben ordered.

"Right!" Lyja said as she scooped up Franklin and ran inside, "come on Spider!"

"You're pretty strong," I told her as I watched blood flow from Franklyn's temple, "shit! He's bleeding."

"What?!" Lyja asked in a panic, "we need to hurry." Lyja quickened her pace as we entered the building through the giant hole Annihilus made.

"We need to split up!" she said taking a left, "once I have Franklin awake we'll come for you. Help Reed hold back Annihilus!"

I didn't even have time to say a thing as she just left me, going towards the medbay. I grumbled, "I woke up today wondering how to survive going to Midtown high in another reality, now I'm in another world fighting an immortal bug with a glowing rod. Yup, my life is f.u.c.k.e.d up beyond repair."

I ran, following the trail of destruction. This facility looked like something Tony would considering a wet dream, equipment so advanced I could barely believe it. But I wasn't here for that.

I reached the center of the lab and found a giant elevator of sorts ripped out of it's tunnel shaft and thrown aside. There was a woman with blonde hair on the ground, rubbing her head in pain.

"What happened?" I asked running to her side.

"W-why are you here," she looked horrified.

I sighed, "to help. Look, this is not the time for a freak out lady. What happened? Where's Annihilus?"

"T-there," she pointed at the shaft, "he's going after the Proto-Adamantium."

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes, please go, stop him," she g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

I sighed, I ran to the shaft and look down, it was a long drop to the bottom. I sighed and jumped down, sticking close to the walls and approaching near breakneck speeds.

I popped my stingers out and shoved them into the walls, slowly I began to reduce speed, coming to a halt just 30 feet above ground. I pulled out of the wall and jumped the rest of the way down.

The underground lab looked similar to the equipment I saw above, with the added bonus of a large smelting pot in the middle filled with a dull silver metal that swirled around. Next to it were two containers with boiling metal inside, and standing over them was Annihilus, the bug stood over Reed's broken and sparking body, pressing a foot down on his robotic c.h.e.s.t.

"You will not have it," Reed said, his struggle evident in his tone. I looked behind the man, there was so many tech there, sound based tools for the vibranium and heating coils for the Adamantium. A plan began to form in my head.

"And how will you stop me?" he asked.

I needed to act, now. I looked at the counter and found a terminal. I ran to it and began accessing the system, "S.e.xy, hack into the system and give me full control. Turn the audio vibration cutter for the vibranium to maximum and blast it the big green bug."

"Doing so right now," S.e.xy replied.

"Die!" Annihilus cried out about to crush Reed's robot body when the machines around the Vibranium whirled to life, blasting the monster with high frequency range of deadly vibrations strong enough to destroy vibranium on a molecular level.

"ARGH!" Annihilus screamed in horror as he held his ears in pain. I immediately rushed forward and dragged Reed's metal body away while the bug was distracted, hiding him behind the counter.

I looked at him, "you okay?"

"I'm fine," Reed replied, "I need a new body, I will be but a moment Peter, keep him busy," and suddenly the robot's metal head opened up like a ship's shuttle bay doors, causing a brain in a jar to come flying out with rockets attached to its spine. It flew off into the base, I'm guessing Reed has a spare body in here somewhere.

I blinked, "shit gets weirder and weirder everyday. Keep at it S.e.xy, don't let up! Also, see if you can find out how they made the proto-Adamantium, could be useful."

"Right," she replied.

"STOP!" Annihilus cried out suddenly as he looked at me and growled, green blood pouring from his hands, I think it actually came from his ear.

I gulped, "h-hey, how's it going?"

He roared as he leaped at me. I immediately jumped away avoiding him. He swiped over my head and I ducked, landing several punches at his torso before leaping over him, landing behind his line of sight and sending a kick so strong it forced him on his knees.

I then slammed both my palms on his head and channeled the biggest bio-blast I could create, blasting his head with my fury.


I watched as he head began to smoke, I panted, 'was it over? Did I get him?' And then he moved.

I watched in horror as he turned around and swung his mighty tree trunk arms, slamming me across the lab and down on the ground, heaving as the pain slowly began to register.

He quickly walked over and stood above my body, sending a kick across my jaw, it felt like I was hit by a wrecking ball as I found myself on my back immediately, my helmet shattered upon impact.

I looked up groggily as I saw the monster look down at me, almost smirking as he pressed his foot down on my c.h.e.s.t, slowly squeezing.

I felt helpless, broken, defeated. I saw Doom standing before me, smirking once more as he planned to kill me. And I felt rage.

Not again, never again. If I was going to f.u.c.k.i.n.g die, I was taking this f.u.c.ker and everyone else with me!

"ARGHHHH!" I popped my claws out once more, all three of them. This caused me to rip threw Peter's web shooters, tearing it to pieces. I brought them upwards at Annihilus' leg, they clicked at his armour, unable to pierce through it. It must be something harder than steel.

"Claws? You animal," he chuckled as he reached down and grabbed my throat, lifting me up with one arm, slowly squeezing.

I struggled, but knew I can't break through, I need to be smart. I looked around, I need something to help and then I noticed the pot of smoldering adamantium, boiling directly above us.

I coughed, my eyes were getting darker. I had to do it now. So I reached with my hands, stretching them up as far as I could, my fingertip inches from touching the bottom of the boiling pot.

The bug didn't notice, he was too focused trying to crush my windpipe. I pushed my hand forward, I heard something pop as my fingers finally touched the bottom of my pot, I smiled, 'got it!'

I closed my eyes and reached out to the smelter, it was a strange feeling, but I pushed forward until I felt my mind touch the metal. I used my magnetic manipulative powers and pulled with all my might. my body, my mind and my soul were dedicated to pulling it towards me. And then heard it, the snap of metal.

I pressed my feet against Annihilus' c.h.e.s.t, pushing myself off. The creature looked confused, he didn't understand what I was doing. I commanded the boiling metal inside the container to move, it came flying through the air, the silvery metal landing on Annihilus' wings and back.

"SKREE!" he cried out as his grip on my neck weakened form the shock and pain.

I pushed off his c.h.e.s.t, kicking my leg under his neck in order to dislodge the control rod he had attached around his neck like a necklace.

I landed with a backflip, grabbing the rod out of mid air and holding it in my hand. I felt the cosmic rod react at my grip, I felt it's power humming right beneath the surface. And through my mind, I felt it reach out and beg to be controlled.

"NO!" Annihilus cried out as he charged at me. I leaped away, he tripped, the boiling metal on his back burning him, causing him untold pain. He couldn't get back up, though he tried. The molten adamantium was slowly melting down into the floor, pinning him down as it slowly hardened.

This was perfect, he was pinned down and I had the control rod, all this power, so much power. I knew what it could do, somewhat. I felt it enhance my own powers to massive amounts. It turned a bug like Annihilus into a war lord. So what could I do with it?

I felt it resonate with a power inside of me, I felt...I felt the world around me. I felt vibrations, I, I know this feeling. It's the fields that magnets produce, only now I can feel it coming from every single metal in this room.

The rod, it was calling out to magneto's power, of course, that is my most powerful, if not highly limiting ability. Is this was Erik felt like all the time? No wonder he thought he could fight the world and win.

The rare metals alone in this room were….delightful to sense. It was like being in an all you can eat buffet. The vibranium sent vibrations down my spine when I felt it's magnetic field. The Adamantium cooling over Annihilus body was slowly becoming more and more difficult to control, like an immovable force.

But the smelting pot in the middle of the room, that was where the party was at. It was like looking at the face of a God. It was like smell God's essence, it's like hearing his voice. It's like a force beyond my understanding.

An alloy that was virtually unbreakable. I want it. I need it! I need that power!

I felt the rod call out to my magnetic powers, enhancing it. I felt...I felt more powerful than I even have in my life.

I could feel the metal now, I didn't need to touch it to move it. I simply ordered, and it obeyed.

I saw a blob of Proto-Adamantium fly into the air, floating down towards me. I looked at it, unbreakable….my stingers, they need to be unbreakable. Like the legendary Wolverine, yes….I need to protect myself.

I held out both hands and released my stingers. Using my magnetic powers I guided the metal towards my claws. The moment the metal touched the bone I felt it slowly seep into the minute porous surface of my bone claws.

I didn't feel the heat on my claws, I had no nerves on the bone. So I had the metal dig into my stingers. I had to meld itself into the bones, coating it, fusing itself into my bones. I felt the sting of sensation near the core of my stingers, just a tiny sliver near the core, but the rest of my stingers were coated from the tip to the end.

I even had some of the metal seep into the bones present under my skin, burning away into my body. But I didn't feel it, the Cosmic Rod didn't allow me to feel pain. Any pain.

I had my entire claw covered in the metal, it shiner grey and blue in the light. I adjusted it into the shape of blades, one sided blades. And slowly I watched it cool in fascination.

It was similar to watching the adamantium cool, only this did it a lot faster. The Proto-Adamantium melded together, forming an almost unbreakable bond. When it was done I felt it's composition using my powers, I'm not sure even I could separate it now.

This made sense, I always did wonder why Magneto didn't just shatter Cap's shield. It's because the thing held itself together with everything it had. It would take so much energy to break apart those electronic bonds, even Erik wouldn't be able to do that.

"NNNOOOOO, please," came a pathetic wheezing from below.

I looked down and spat at Annihilus pathetic face, "oh, you. I almost forgot about you, bug. You don't deserve such power!" I felt the Cosmic Rod sing at my declaration, feeding me energy to act out my vengeance, "you don't even deserve to live!"

I held out my hands, blasting Annihilus with a powerful beam of energy, flattening him into the ground, his prison of Adamantium holding him down.

"From this day forth let them all be afraid!" I declared, "no more shall I stand for evil! They will all be burnt! I am the Spider! I am a GOD! With this power I shall rule all!"

"And then what?" a voice asked. I turned and saw Johnny there, standing with a nervous look on his face.

I glared, "and then? And then I rule the f.u.c.k.i.n.g world!"

"So you want to be a dictator? What's it?"

"Who else but me Johnny?! Who?! Who deserves more power? Who would actually use it for the betterment of humanity? I deserves this, I am owed this!"

"I can't let you do that Pete," Johnny warned.

I threw back my head and laughed, "you and what army?"

The blonde man smiled, "no army, just him," he pointed over my shoulder. I turned and the face of Franklin Richards smiled at me as his fist came and struck my head.


And darkness.

Some time later:

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I slowly came too.

"Just wait a little bit longer," a woman spoke up next to me as she looked into a machine of some kind. I looked down, I was strapped into a chair in the middle of what looked to be a med bay. Johnny, Lyja, Ben, Reed, now in a new body, and Frankie were all around me

I looked around, "ah...what's going on?"

"Oh nothing," Franklin smiled, "you just sort of went psycho wielding unlimited power and declared yourself a God."

I blinked, I looked down, my costume was torn, my helmet laid to one side of the room, broken into pieces. I turned back to the FF, "so….I turned evil?"

Johnny chuckled, "don't worry about it, we all got a little in over our heads with power once in awhile."

"Some more than others," Franklin muttered to himself, but I heard him. He cleared his throat, "sorry about knocking you out Spidey, I honestly didn't see any other way."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "so that's why my head feels like it's spinning a hundred different ways," I sighed and looked around, "what happened to Annihilus? Did I….kill him?"

"That c.o.c.kroach? Neah kid, it'll take a lot more than that to kill him," Ben grumbled, "when Franky whacked you out, Annihilus took the chance to escape. He took the rod too, damn bug. He'll probably think twice about coming here again, after what you did to him."

I blinked, "what did I do?"

"You don't remember covering him in an adamantium straight jacket?" Johnny asked.

"Oh...that….damn….is he still stuck?" I asked.

Franklin nodded, "he lost use of his left arm as it's still pinned to his arm underneath all that metal. He also can't fly, but he did get unbreakable body armour, so that's a small downside."

I grumbled, "f.u.c.k me," I looked around, "so ah, can you guys let me go? I promise I won't run."

The doctor turned to Reed who nodded his head. She quickly unstrapped me allowing me to sit upright while she began to scan me with her machines. I raised an eyebrow, "what's all this for?"

"We are searching for any side effects you might experience due to being in contact with the Cosmic Rod. So far we see none but...well, can never be too careful."

"Okay...why?" I asked myself.

" do remember what you did to yourself right?" Ben asked in a worried tone of voice.

I blinked as I struggled to access my memories, "I remember holding the rod and felt like vibrations...what happened?"

Johnny put a hand on my shoulder, " us your claws."

I blinked as I held up my hands, summoning forth my stingers. But suddenly as I moved my forearm muscles to push them out, I realised they felt heavier, much heavier. My entire arm felt….like lead.

I grunted in pain as much bigger holes were made into my knuckles and forearm. Slowly three bluish grey claws came out, shining in the light.

I couldn't believe it, I looked at them, seeing my reflection in their shine, "I-I...this is impossible. I did myself?"

"You weren't yourself Spidey," Franklin was quick to assure me, "trust me, when you have that much power in your hands I….it's like nothing is the same anymore."

"Human norms and practices seem unimportant to people with such cosmic level of power," Reed's robotic body told me, "it's understandable. You probably wished for power, hence you got it."

I sighed, "I guess….either way, this is so cool. Logan's going to be super jealous," I smirked.

Johnny rolled his eyes, "and he's back to normal."

"Your scans are amazing to say the least," Reed spoke up, "the Proto-Adamantium has bonded with your claws fully. What more they also seem to be working well with your natural biology."

I sighed, "that's good to know," I looked at the doctor, "ah Doc, about my name and blood work-"

"Policy is to destroy everything we record, don't worry, this isn't the first time I have dealt with you hero types," the woman smiled before turning to the rest, "he's made a full recovery."

"Can't say the same about my web shooters," I grumbled as I got on my feet looking at my torn and destroyed set of web shooters on the tray next to me, "Pete is so going to kill me".

"Oh forget about your web shooters," Johnny grumbled patting me on the back, "you got wolverine claws in exchange man! You can just build new shooters! You don't' get metal claws just like that!"

"Yeah yeah," I smiled, "but you know, ah, I have been wondering..."

"And what's that?" Ben asked as we all followed Reed as he lead us around the base.

"You guys aren't going to blame me for what happened right? I mean I know the Proto-Adamantium is rare and I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine Peter," Reed told me, "the scientist in this facility were just researching the creation process, not practical applications. They are already combing through the data your….modifications with the metal caused. Nobody blames you."

"What were the people here trying to find out dad?" Franky asked curiously.

"The New Earth project was a venture Sue and I began to try and find resources in the Negative Zone that we could use for our world's survival," Reed explained as we walked outside seeing many of the project's workers hard at work repairing the damage Annihilus caused.

"This branch of the project was tasked with finding or making rare metals one wouldn't normally find on Earth, such as Proto-Adamantium."

"Wait, what other types of metal have they worked on?" I asked.

Reed gave a robotic surg, "vibranium, Adamantium, Betatium, Celestium and I believe a new type of metal with the density of diamonds, very peculiar that one."

"And gold obviously," Lyja said eyeing the huge deposit of gold inside the creators now sprinkled around the area.

"Actually gold is so common here it's worthless," Reed shrugged, "we actually mine it ourselves to gain funding for our projects."

I blinked, "wait...seriously? Worthless? Damn it, I wish I could have some on hand for pocket money."

Reid shrugged, "mining it is the difficult, we found that the crust of this dimension if much harder than Earth's own, so even if we could discover them, extracting would bee too much of an effort."

"Plus transportation," Ben grumbled, "we take what we need, but usually it's too long a process just to pick some of them up. So don't go getting any ideas kid, otherwise you're going to be stuck with a huge lump of metal you'll have to carry on your back."

I grumbled, "so unfair," I could maybe use my magnetic manipulation powers to extract the gold, but the factor of transportation will still be a pain. Dammit! And I was so dreaming of building myself a giant mansion like Bruce Wayne!

We walked to the portal and stepped through out onto the other side. I sighed, back to a world I knew, I have that at least.

"Here Pete, I figured you would want this," Franklin walked up to me and handed me my broken helmet.

I sighed, "thanks, thought I doubt it would do me any good. The one thing I had and could rely on. I don't' how I'm going to survive without my AI. Tony's going to be so glad to hear that, man's been preaching about how great they are and all that..."

"If you want you can fix it using our lab equipment," Franklin said with a shrug, "shouldn't be too hard if my dad and uncle were right about how smart you are."

I blinked, "are you serious? You would let me use your tech?"

Franklin nodded, "of course. Please, right this way," he guided me to a room what was once, in another world, my lab, "you know how to get around?"

"Is the password for the terminal still Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?" I asked.

Franklin chuckled, "uncle Johnny always did love that show."

I smiled as I set my helmet on the table, "thanks Franky, this means a lot to me."

Franklin shrugged, "no problem," he walked in and closed the door behind him, he used his powers to summon a few tools and a new plate, "shall we begin?"

I nodded as he and I spent the rest of the night working on fixing my helmet. Of course being the son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, Franky was a genius, he helped fix up my helmet in no time flat.

"Thanks for doing this Franky," I said looking at my now recreated helmet, sparkling new as the internal functions slowly booted up.

"Don't mention it Spider-man," Franklin shrugged, "it's the least I can do after you helped us out."

"You know you can call me Peter right?" I smiled at the kid, "that is my name."

"S-sorry," he blushed, "it's just, you were my hero growing up, uncle Johnny and Ben would tell me stories about you."

I smiled, "well, I'm glad you decided to be hero too Frankly, I know for a fact Sue would be happy you were so amazing," I smiled.

He nodded, "thanks…." he looked at me, "how close are you and...well, your version of my mother?"

I pushed a blush down as the metal image of her kissing me came into my head, "ah, she's my boss and a very good friend. She helped me out a lot, she even gave my dad a job helped him get back on her feet. I honestly wish there was something I could do for her, you know, pay her back."

"I….could you do me a favour?" Franklin asked.

I sighed, "you know she's not your mother right?"

"I know, trust me I do," the boy smiled, "but...can you take care of her for me? I know it's a big request but-"

"-Franky," I cut him off, "I promise, as long as I'm around, Sue won't ever have to leave a child of her's motherless."

Franklin smiled, "thanks. I mean it Spider. Hey, if there's anything I can do, please just ask."

I chuckled, "well, I could use some help making a new suit, got any ideas?" I touched my beaten up suit, "as much as the classic inspires me, I could use an upgrade."

Franklin blinked, "is that all? Sure, not a problem. What do you want it to be made off?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, something that isn't easily broken I guess," I had flashbacks to Doom destroying my old suit and my new ruined jacket, "I have a healing factor that matches Wolverine, but the suits keep tearing apart. Think you can help?"

Franklin hummed, "well, you could use my dad's unstable molecule and make yourself a suit," he turned to the terminal and pulled up the schematics of a type of material that would not tear, not get pulled out of shape or burn.

I remember this as Marvel's answer to superhero clothes. Johnny's clothes are made of this as well. My world also have these clothes, but my Reed never figured out how to make them, guess this world did.

I nodded, "this is amazing Franky, can you show me how it works?" Franklin agreed and quickly we began to go into the details of the material.

We talked for a while longer before he was satisfied. I wanted to make a costume for myself, but I figured that was too much of an ask from them. After all they barely know me. But...I did save their lives...huh...neah, I hate wearing shit made by other people.

I changed into my civilian clothes, since I had no web shooters there was no way I was going out there as Spider-man. I walked out of the place and took a cab to Peter's house, it was about 6 in the morning...shit!

I had the cab drop me off at the front and I quietly walked in, opening the door slightly before making my way up the stairs. But the moment my foot touched the first landing I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

"And what time do you call this?" Peter was standing next to the living room arch sipping a cup of coffee.

I blinked, "ah...morning?"

"Morning," he nodded.

"Right….would you believe me if I said I went out for a really early morning walk?"

"I would, if Johnny hadn't already called me an hour ago to inform me that you were safe and not dead in the Negative zone."

"Huh….dammit Johnny!" I grumbled.

"Grounded, one week," Peter walked off.

"W-what?! You can't ground me! I'm you!"

"I'm the a.d.u.l.t here! And this is my house!" he said walking into the kitchen.

"And? This is also my house!" I followed him walking into the kitchen to see May and MJ already awake.

"No web slinging for one week Peter! That's final!"

"You ain't my dad Peter! You can't do that!" I growled.

"Well as along as you are in this dimension I'm the closest thing you have to a parental figure."

"I prevented a giant green cosmic bug dictator from getting unlimited power, and my reward is getting grounded?!"

"Do you want to make it a month?"

We glared at each other before I grumbled and sat down at the table, "fine! But I'm going to spend that week making myself some new web shooters! Mine got blown up."

"Fine, you can use my lab in the attic," Peter nodded as he put a plate of pancakes on the table, "now who wants pancakes?"

"What did you do?" May asked me taking a few for herself.

"I traveled to the Negative Zone with the FF, fought a cosmic bug strong enough to blow up a planet and then spent an hour or so chatting with Franky," I grabbed five pancakes and began to eat, "you know, the kind of stuff heroes do, but if you're a teenager you'll get grounded for."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "one month."

"Okay! Okay man sesh! I give! God, I so hope I don't grow up to be you.

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