Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 42 - Fire Extinguishers

Miami, Florida:

I looked down at the upcoming mansion right below us. Tony and his suits were floating right behind me, it was the middle of the night, though the lights of his and his suits boosters made us clearly visible.

Meaning, every single soldier inside the mansion came running out with guns pointed right at us.

"So...maybe we shouldn't have arrived in a flying car with sixteen flying suits behind us," I said as I stood up on the roof of my car, cracking my knuckles.

"Maybe, but subtly is more of Natasha's thing anyway," Tony replied, "now, we have 30 hostiles with semi automatics. How do you want to do this?"

"With maximum effort," I replied before leaping forward and activating my repulsors, blasting into the main court yard where the men were all gathering.

"Here's web in your eye!" I took out several web grenades and throw it at the gathering men. The cartridge exploded, fixing them all together in one great lump. My spider sense kicks in, immediately I jumped, just in time to avoid a hail of bullets.

I landed behind the gunners and kicked their legs out before punching their light's out. Tony then swooped down and began destroying people left and right, blowing people away in moments. We were almost done with the court yard when I was hit with a huge wave of danger coming from my spider sense.

"TONY!" I cried out, running to him, "we need to go!"

"What? Why?" Tony asked as I jumped into his arm, the man catching me automatically.

"Just fly up as fast as you can!" I cried out and in a moment he complied, shooting into the air. And as we reached a height of fifty feet, the ground below us rumbled loudly.


I shock my head slowly and looked down, the entire Miami mansion had been totaled, the men there...they were all gone. I looked down, my shin and lower back armour had been burnt off. A layer of my skin had all gotten burnt, but my healing factor was already healing it.

I turned to Tony, who slowly managed to fly by himself, shaking his head, "are you okay Spider?"

"I'm fine," my ear started to ache, I think they got damaged from the explosion.

"How did you know?" Tony asked.

"I have a sixth sense that informs me of danger before it happens," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "and right then it gave me a big a.s.s warning." I reached around and fired my webbing at my exposed back, covering it from the exposed air. It wasn't a proper fix, but it would do for now.

"I see," Tony looked at the fire, "why did they burn it all?"

"Maybe because they didn't need it anymore?" I suggested.

"They would kill their own men?" Tony growled, "monsters."

"We need to find where they are," I told him, "no way they killed everyone. The Mandarin is still alive and so is Aldrich. S.e.xy, JARVIS, does the net say anything about their whereabouts?"

"Sorry Spider, I got nothing," S.e.xy replied.

"Same sir, but there is new information about the Mandarin," JARVIS replied.

"Summarize for me JARVIS" Tony ordered.

"A new video he broadcasted, where he killed an American citizen on live TV. He had the president call him to beg for his life, but ended up killing the man either way."

"Damn it," I hissed, "did he say what he was going to do next?"

"I'm sorry sir, but no," JARVIS replied.

"So we have no idea what the Mandarin or Aldrich is going to do next," Tony hissed.

I blinked, now was my chance, let's see if I can explain their freely or my condition limits the information I'm allowed to give out.

"Actually, I think we do," I told Tony, "the Mandarin has been building up to something, right? A master plan? A great end goal?"

"Yeah, and?" Tony replied, "we don't know what that is."

"Well, if he is as obsessed with the downfall of Western civilization as he claims he is, then we know who he's gunning for don't we? The man who he just know called, who is probably panicking right now as a target. Who, if they follow protocol, will move in a predictable manner of boarding Air Force One."

"Aldrich is targeting the president," Tony stated, "JARVIS, hack into Homeland and find out Air Force One's present location, now!"

"At once sending, sending to the Spider's and your HUD."

I leaped out of the suit holding onto me and landed on the roof of my car, jumping into the driver's seat just as Air JARVIS sent a location to our screens. They were flying over Washington DC, over three hours away.

"Let's go," I took off, Tony flying right besides me.

"JARVIS call Rhodey," Tony relied. The AI did its thing and Tony turned to me, "you know Peter, you really are a pretty good detective."

"I do my best," I shrugged.

"Apologize sir," JARVIS spoke, "I can't seem to get an answer from the conel."

"AIM must have gone after him," I shot forward, "JARVIS, can you track his armour?"

"I'm sorry sir, but no. Whoever redesigned the War Machine armour into the Iron Patriot armour removed all my influence over it. I can't locate the suit in any form."

"Iron Patriot, such a stupid name," I growled remembering that it was actually the suit Norman Osborn wore during his time as 'the good guy'.

"Damn it," Tony hissed, "fine, we'll just have to hope Rhodey can take care of himself."

"Do you have the president's number?" I asked Tony, "we can warn him about the threat to his life."

"Good thinking Peter," Tony replied, "do it JARVIS."

"Yes sir."

The caller rang, Tony used my car's audio system and put his call on loudspeaker.

"Hello?" an older man's voice called out, one I recognized as the president's.

"Hey Ellis it's me Tony!"

"Tony? Oh, why are you calling me?" he asked.

"Well, you see, I've been dealing with the Mandarin and he's kind of coming after you."

"Yes, I know, he threatened me on national TV not ten minutes ago."

"Yeah, well I'm betting that he's coming after you in your damn plane! He's planning all of this Ellis! You need to get out of there!"

"It's alright Tony, I calculated for this threat," he sounded smug, "that's why I invited the Iron Patriot to be my bodyguard. In fact, he's arriving right now."

"What?!" Tony cried out, "no! No! That isn't Rodney! Someone stole his armour! It's not-"

"-ARGH!" we heard the president cry out, cutting the call short.

"Shit!" Tony cried out, "they got him!"


"What now JARVIS?!" Tony cried out.

"The house in Malibu has just been attacked. Ms. Potts and Ms. Williams have been kidnapped. They destroyed the suits and the house sir...I'm sorry, but madam Maya Hasen did not make it."

Tony and I were stunned, the only reason we kept flying was because everything was on autopilot.

"S-show me."

Tony was silent for the longest time, he was seething in rage, I could feel it roll off him. I didn't know what he was seeing inside his armour, but the video feed made him more and more angry by the moment.

"Where are they?!" Tony roared, "where is Pepper and my daughter?!"

"Ms. Potts has activated her tracking beacon, it seems being taken somewhere up North along the Western coast."

"Where is the president being taken?" I asked.

"I'm tracking his phone currently sir, it seems he's being taken somewhere North East."

"Their on opposite sides of the country," Tony hissed.

"Tony," I shot him a look, "I'll save the president, you go save Pepper and your daughter."

"You sure?" Tony asked, but I could see his mind was already made up to leave this to me.

"I'm sure. Go, save your daughter," I nodded.

Tony nodded back, "thanks kid, JARVIS, stay with Peter and help him out with the remaining suits we have on hand."

"Understood sir," JARVIS's voice came from my dashboard, damn, he uploaded himself in seconds, now that was impressive.

Tony then broke off from our route and charged into his fastest speed as he bolted towards Pepper's location.

"Hey Tony," I called into his coms, "do me a favour will you?"

"What's that?"

"Put a damn ring on that woman's finger already," I smirked as I cut off the comns. I leaned back and sighed as Doc took over piloting.

I began to think. I was going to face an army of fire breathing monsters with super strength and heat powers. Oh, and let's not forget the guns. On my side I have around fifteen armour suits, myself and a flying car with no weapons...yeah, I really need to upgrade this thing.

Time to call for backup.

"S.e.xy, call Fury," I spoke.

The call went out, the phone rang twice before fury picked up. "What!?" Fury asked.

"The president is kidnapped," I statd.

"I know! And I'm working on it! So if you have something to say, say it quickly because I'm busy dealing with this damn mess!"

"I have his location on hand," I told him, "they're still transporting him. How soon can you assemble the Avengers?"

"Are you serious?" Fury asked.

"Deadly," I replied, "Tony and I were on the Mandarin's trail when he pulled this stunt. What did he do anyway?"

"Well for some reason the Iron Patriot armor just went crazy and kidnapped the president right out of the Air Force one runway! There wasn't a damn thing they could do!"

"AIM must have done something to the suit," I replied, "anyway, that doesn't matter. Avengers Fury, where are they?"

"Thor is off world and I'm guessing you don't want the Hulk in this mission right?"

"Oh hell no," I shot back.

"Well then I have bad news for you. Cap, Hawkeye and Widow were called out Afghanistan following a lead on the Mandarin."

"What?! But the Mandarin's base of operations is right in Miami!"

"Did you blow up that villa in Miami?" Fury asked.

"No, we didn't. But the place was set to blow up the moment we arrived. I'm guessing it was a trap. Who issued this order? Who pushed Cap, Hawkeye and Widow halfway around the world?"

"...The Vice-President of the United States."

"Fury, something's going wrong," I hissed, "the Vice President is in on all of this. Look, ready as many agents as you can," I looked on the screen, the dot was still moving, "I don't think they're going to stop any time soon. The moment they do, I'll send you the location, be ready to move at a moments notice, got that?"

"Right, stay in touch," Fury replied before slowly replying, "also's good to have you back."

I grinned, "don't say that just yet Fury, this time I'm not retiring until I make every single hair on your body turn white from stress."

"Heh, you can damn well try," Fury snorted as he cut the call.

I sighed, 'okay, no Avengers...what about the Fantastic?' "S.e.xy, call Sue."

"Hello?" Sue picked up sounding sleepy, "Peter? Is that you? What are you doing calling up so late? It's Three in the morning."

"The President of the United states has been kidnapped," I told her, "are you Four in or out?"

"The President?"

"Yes. He's been kidnapped by an army of genetically engineered super mutants with my healing abilities and Johnny's flame powers. They're basically walking nuclear bombs."

"...Give us an hour."

"Don't worry, I'm still following them, I won't have a proper location for you until some time."

"I see...ah, just one thing. We don't have a ride."

"Don't worry, I'll have SHIELD send you one," I took out my SA and typed out a text to Fury telling him to send someone to pick up the FF, "also Sue, remind me to build you guys a flying car, it really saves up on time."

"Yawn, whatever," she replied, hanging up the call. God I hope she doesn't go back to sleep.

Okay, so far I have four people on my side, but that won't be enough. In the movie Tony had nearly 40 suits of armour on his side and he still almost lost. I need more support, meaning...damn, I really hope Jean and the Professor won't get angry at me.

"Call Professor X," I spoke.

The phone rang only once before he picked up, "Peter? What is it? Did something happen?"

"The president of the United States has been kidnapped by man made mutants with healing abilities equal to Logan's, military training and the ability to breath and control fire. The Avengers are halfway around the world so I have to face these guys alone, with some help from SHIELD and the Fantastic Four. Think you guys can lend a hand? It would be a great way to show mutant support."

"Give us a location, we'll be there as soon as we can."

"Be ready, I'll send it to you in one hours time. Spider out."

Two hours later:

President Ellis was tied up in the middle of an abandoned Roxxon oil rig, hanging from the metal cranes by chains while a metallic christmas tree glowed below him. He struggled, but he could barely move, he was after all locked inside a disabled Iron Patriot suit.

I stood once again on my car's roof as I floated a good hundred feet away from the rig, watching the president with my helmet' telescopic vision.

"Are you all ready?" I spoke into my comns.

"Alpha team standing by," the leader of the hundred SHIELD agents Fury sent for this mission replied.

"Fantastic team standing by," Reed replied.

"Such a stupid name," Johnny snorted.

"Shush Johnny!" Sue hissed.

"X team incoming and ready for action," Logan's gruff voice from the radio replied.

"Alright, you all know the objectives. Sound them off," I called out.

"Alpha team will be on the ground taking care of all Extremis targets," the SHIELD agent replied without hesitation.

"Fantastic team will assist and take down any surprises," Reed replied robotically.

"X team will assist with extracting Aldrich and the Mandarin," Logan grunted.

"And the suits and I will take care of the president," I sighed, just then I saw the Mandarin, or Trevor, walk onto a platform with the President behind him and a camera crew before him, "alright they're going to make their move. Get ready to move the moment they begin."

They didn't answer, they knew what to do. "S.e.xy, show me what they're saying," I replied as a TV moniter was displayed on my HUD.

"My children, it's time for another lesson," the Mandarin began to speaking, going into the history of the oil rig, but I didn't care, it was time to move.

"Let's go Jarvis!" I leaped off my car's hood.

"Yes sir," JARVIS brought a suit right under me as I landed on its back and rode it like a surfboard into the oil rig.

"Alpha team, Fantastic team, make some noise people!" I cried out.

"Right!" Johnny cried out. I looked up and sure enough I saw Johnny leap out of the invisible SHIELD chopper flying directly over the oil rig. The Human Torch exploded into flames as he came flying down, throwing fire balls at the Mandarin's camera crew.

"Sorry folks! This news program is canceled!"

"Move move move!" the Alpha team leader called out as he and his team of agents jumped out of the helicopter with jetpacks and guns, gliding down to fire on the the AIM goons on the dock.

"It's Clobberin time!" the Thing replied as he came crashing into the rig from a great height shattering the ground before charging into a pile of Extremis soldier, plowing them down like a bowling ball with pins.

Soon the ground was chaos as the people began to fight, Reed rounding people up, Sue blasting them away with invisible shields. I flew past all of them on the suit I rode, reaching the president in seconds.

"Don't worry, I got it," I replied as I released my stingers and cut into the chains holding him up.

"Spider-man?" the president asked in disbelief, "aren't you local to New York?"

I snorted, "what can I say? I make an exception when it's the president of the United States," I cut the other chain an immediately grabbed him before he could fall down. I then drew a cable from my helmet to his suit and plugged it into a port, "S.e.xy, hack into his suit and give the controls back to JARVIS."

"On it boss," S.e.xy replied.

"There!" I looked over and saw several Extremis soldiers jumping from crane to crane like a child on monkey bars. They were coming straight for us.

"Look out!" the president cried out.

I was about to attack when I felt a strong breeze came across my face.


Thunder came and then lightning. I looked up and saw it began to rain. I smirked, "don't worry, they got this."


"X-men! Go!" I heard Scott cry out as the Black Bird appeared overhead, it's loading bay doors open as the X-men leaped out ready to fight.

I saw Jean fly down with Rouge in toe. Kathy leaped down, phasing through any objects that would hurt her, slowly herself down on decent. Kurt and Evans teleported while Storm, Logan and Scott came down on one of Storm's stronger wind currents.

"Take them out team!" Scott yelled as they did just that, surrounding the president and I, creating a perimeter around us and the Extremis soldiers.

Scott released his optical beams, firing at several Extremis soldiers, sending them flying back. Logan got close and personal while Kathy phased threw objects, brining the fiery soldiers with her, forcing them stuck halfway between objects. Evans sent out his bone spikes, impaling people from afar and any that got too close got slashed across the face, hard.

Jean caught one with her mind before she brought the soldier to Rouge who touched him with her b.a.r.e skin. The girl roared in pain before controlling the powers she gained, proving the transfer a success as she breathed a sea of fire on a metal wire, causing the crate it was holding to come crashing down, crushing a couple of Extremis soldiers fighting the SHIELD agents down below.

Kurt immeditaly bamfed next to me, smiling, "hello sir, can I help you?" The kid wore a face mask covering the bottom half of his face, in fact they all did, hiding their identity, guess they don't want the president of all people to know what they looked like.

"W-what are you people?" the man asked.

"They're mutants sir," I replied, "and they are here to help, do you understand?" I stressed the last part a little too hard.

"Sir," JARVIS called out, "I have regained access to the suit."

"Good, pop him out," I replied, immediately the president was shot out, I grabbed him and helped him back him before turning him to Kurt, "can you teleport him back to the mansion?"

"No, that's too far," Kur shock his head.

"What about that?" I pointed to the SHIELD helicopter.

Kurt nodded, "no problem!" he offered the president his hand, the man looked weary before nodding and accepting Kurt's help, they vanished in a bamph.

I hit my compns, "the president is secured aboard the SHIELD helicopter. You guys can trash the place, go nuts."

And they did. They moment I gave them the green light, they let loose. Ben began throwing crate full of oil around and Johnny light it up, setting Extremis soldiers on fire. And while the damage wasn't permanent, it did give Sue the chance to blast them all into the surrounding waters, cooling them off.

Reed and Logan made a surprising team as Reed would launch people through the air and Logan would slice them up quickly.

Storm kept the rain coming, dousing the flames of the Extremis fighters while Jean and Rouge did their best to beat the shit out of the rest of them, with Scott, Kathy and I providing back up.

As I took down my seventh Extremis soldier I looked over and noticed the Mandarin and another man, blonde in a white suit, I'm assuming Aldrich, run away. They were getting into a chopper, ready to fly away, or so I thought.

Aldrich it seemed was adamant to kill the president and was flying his chopper directly into the path of the SHIELD chopper.

I need to do something, quick. I turned to Jean, "Birdie!" I cried gaining her attention. I pointed at the choppers about to crash, "can you stop them?!"

"I'll try!" Jean replied as she stepped forward, focusing all her attention on the two choppers. An Extremis soldier tried to use her distraction to kill her, but I shot a web blast at his face blinding him before I leaped over and kicked his face, sending him flying off and down two hundred feet.

But as he flew down I don't have the heart to kill him. So I shot a web line and caught him by the leg, I'm not a killer, not a needless one.

I turned to Jean and to my unsurprised self, she did it. She was sweating and her face was bright red from concentration, but she did it. Aldrich's helicopter was frozen in mid air, a good twenty feet away from the SHIELD one.

"Cyclops!" I called out gaining Scott's attention. I pointed at Aldrich's helicopter, "blow him out of the sky!"

"Right," Scott fired off a laser beam, but it was off center, hitting the chopper blades instead.

"I can't hold it!" Jean cried out as it began falling out of the sky and down towards the oil rig, where several SHIELD agents were, along with the FF.

"I got this!" I yelled as I jumped into the path of the chopper.


The four mechanical arms in my backpack popped out. I haven't used these in a long time, let's hope I wasn't rusty. I began to shoot out webs, six at a time, four from my back and two from my shooters. I formed a weak structure just in time for the helicopter to come crashing into it.

The webbing strained for a moment before it held. I continually created more and more lines, connecting to form a stable giat web strong enough to hold the entire chopper. I sighed in relief and jumped inside, looking for Aldrich and the Mandarin.

The Mandarin was in the front seat, and he g.r.o.a.n.e.d in pain, "I'm never drinking again." I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, where was Aldrich? Where was-Spider senses, I ducked and leaped out of the helicopter just as a flaming fist tore through chopper's outer casing.

I landed on my web and watched as Killigan stepped out, his suit slowly burning off as his body radiated heat and magma, he gave a cruel smile, "I'm going to enjoy killing you."

"No you're not," I shot off webs at him, trying to contain him, but he burnt them off.

"Weak," he leaped off the chopper and stepped onto the web, slowly burning them off with each carefully placed step.

"No!" I spun my hands clockwise, forming a glowing red and gold circle before shooting out a whip of energy, wrapping around Killian tightly.

"I told you, these don't work on me!" he cried out, turning up the heat. But no matter what he did, the wh.i.p.s of Vastha didn't burn. He looked surprised, "what are these?"

I grinned, "magic," I flicked my wrist and threw him into the air. He flew straight over before landing into the ocean where a few more of his Extremis soldiers joined him curse of the Fantastic Four.

And the moment Aldrich was defeated, the rest fell like dominos as well. SHIELD got gene suppressive cuffs on hand, courtesy of Reed Richards himself. We brought the president down from the SHIELD chopper and began loading it with criminals, among which Killian and the 'Mandarin' were the first to go.

"Well, this was fun," Sue chuckled as we all gathered around the heart of the oil rig a the agents did their job.

"Hey there Red, nice to see you again," Johnny winked grinning at Jean.

Jean raised an eyebrow, "should you really be sending googly eyes at me Johnny? Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Well, yes, I do. But I'm sure she'll understand," Johnny gave off a nervous chuckle.

"Johnny, here's a little bit of info," I patted his shoulder, "Red over and there and Liz are best friends."

"He's dating Liz?!" Jean shrieked, "what?! And she didn't tell me?!"

I blinked, "you didn't know?"

"No! Gr, that girl!" Jean growled before turning to Johnny cna glaring, "you break her heart, I break you."

Johnny gulped, "yes ma'am."


Kurt suddenly appeared next to us with the president in toe, "ta-da!"

"Amazing, can you teleport anywhere?" the president asked, a greedy gleam in his eyes.

"Yes! All I have to do is know where I have to go!" Kurt supplied happly, not realising the implications of his powers.

"Mr. President," I called out gaining his attention, "surely you aren't thinking of performing uncalled for experiments on an American citizen are you?"

"W-what, no of course not!" the man scoffed.

"Glad to hear it," I nodded, "sir, these are the X-men," I motioned over to the mutants who gathered together, most looking shy at the president's gaze, "their mutants who are being trained to control their abilities so that one day they can work with humanity into a new age."

"I-I see," the man nodded, "thank you, you did a fine job rescuing me today...perhaps one day you could serve your country in other ways."

"We'll think about it sir," Scott replied.

"I don't know about you, but I fell like this calls for a celebration!" Evans cried out, "we should totally take a picture!"

"Here, let me," I took out my phone as we all gathered around with the president in the enter smiling good naturedly. Ever the politician, he knew when to smile, especially if there was a camera around.

The FF stood on the president's left while the X-men stood on his right with me standing at the edge, holding out the camera in a tapering angle, somehow getting everyone into the frame.

Jean was by my side, she smiled as she planted a kiss on my helmet "Say Extremis sucks!" I cheered.

"Extremis sucks!" they all cried out.

I quickly posted the pic on all my social media accounts with the caption: Spidey back at again with the newest super team! #X-men #FF! USA!

And Twitter blew up.

Oh my god he really is back!

Shit! Why is it that every super heroine is f.u.c.k.i.n.g hot?!

Who are these X-men? Why are they hiding their faces?

It took a while, but after the picture everyone went their own way. The FF took a ride with SHIELD back home, the president going with hem. The X-men had their jet, though Jean promised to call again to talk about me returning to my role as a hero.

I then took inventory, out of the fifteen suits I brought with me only six survived. I was lucky to have at least these on hand. I got into my car and took off, leaving SHIELD to clean the rest of this mess up.

As I flew over the country again, heading towards Tony's location, I noticed it was currently in Seattle. I immediately called him up, he picked up quickly.

"Did you get him?" Tony asked.

"Aldrich and the Mandarin are in custody along with his men. The president is's over Tony. Did you find Pepper and Riri? What happened to them."

"It was like you said, divide and conquer. They just wanted my attention away from the Mandarin, I don't think they figured you into their plans because until a few days ago you were still thought to be dead."

"Thank God for small miracles," I snorted, "how are they?"

"Pepper is fine...she's a little shaken up but...she's fine."

"And Riri?" I asked.

"Her mother just died...she's not handling it well," Tony sighed.

I sighed back, "when...when's the funeral?"

"In a few days...will you come?"

"Of course," I replied, "I'll send the remaining suits to your home. And if you don't mind, I'm exhausted Tony, I need sleep."

"Right, yeah, of course. Go ahead kid, you earned it."

"Right...and Tony...I'm sorry."

Three days later:

Maya was buried in a grave outside of Chicago, where she was born. The funeral was a small one, around twenty people showed up, she didn't have many friends.

Tony had arranged the whole thing, with Pepper's help of course. I stood off n the back, dressed in a dark suit, the few I had on hand. It was a bright and sunny day, odd day for a funeral. And standing before Maya's grave, was her daughter, Riri.

The girl carried in her hand a single white flower. I couldn't tell the species, I never good with things like that. She placed it on her mother's coffin and walked back, steeping next to Tony and placed a gentle arm on her shoulder, though she didn't even react.

She watched the coffin lowered into the ground without a word. She stayed while everyone else left. She stood there while they buried her mother, Tony and Pepper now sitting on a bench far away, letting the girl have as much time as she wanted.

I saw the look on her face, they pain, the suffering and I knew then no twelve year old should ever have that look on her face.

I walked up behind her, she didn't even react as I stood right next to her, looking at her mother's tombstone. It read, 'Mother, Scientist and Beloved'.

I took a deep breath and sighed, "you and I aren't that different Riri."

She moved, looking at me finally, "who are you?"

I smiled, a grim one, "can't you tell by the voice?"

She looked at me, it took her a second before her eyes visibly widened in shock before blinking, "you're way younger than I thought you would be."

I shrugged, "most think so," we turned to her mother's grave once more.

We were silent, I was waiting for her to begin her questions, only then would she listen to what I had to say. She sighed, "how are we similar?"

"When I was four years old, my mother died," I replied.

"That's not the same," she shot back.

"I know," I nodded, "but...she died because she knew something. A secret know how Captain America got his powers right?"

"Some kind of drug?" she guessed.

I nodded, "yeah. And my parents were tyrin to recreate it. And they did, in a way. There were people after them, both of them, though they only took my father. They didn't think my mother was worth anything...little did they know she was the one who actually cracked the formula, not my dad.

"She died then, but my dad lived. For fifteen years he worked as their slave before escaping and I have a dad and I don't know how I should act with him."

I turned to Riri, she was interested, "your mother...she gave her life for you. And yes, that's a tragedy, but she did it out of love for you. I'm not a parent, but there are people in this world I will die for, gladly die for, and I can bet your mother felt more strongly about you than I ever can about someone else…

"Greave Riri, compile the pain and use it. But don't let it take it over you, don't let it define you. If you become someone held down by your pain, it can turn good people cruel, vile. I've seen it happen before. Live a happy life, a full life, one that your mother would be proud of...and...well, maybe give this useless dad of yours a chance," I grinned, "he might just surprise you."

Riri listened, but her face didn't change. She looked at her mother's grave, "I can't just leave her. I can't just forget her."

"She'll always be here Riri," I tapped her c.h.e.s.t, "in your heart. Always," I chuckled, "maybe that should be your superhero code name huh? Ironheart...what do you think?"

A smile cracked onto Riri's face, "sounds dope...thanks Spidey."

"The name's Peter Parker," I ruffled her hair playfully, "if you ever need someone to talk to, call," I walked away, letting her say her final goodbyes. I nodded at Pepper and Tony, I noticed a diamond ring on the former's finger, guess Tony did keep his promises after all.

I walked up to them, "Tony, I need a favour."

"What?" he asked.

"I'm working on a new suit design," I told him, "one that should put an end to my need for upgrades for a long time. But I need a few things."

"What do you need?"

"A weapons dealer by the name of Ulysses Klaue," I recalled the name from Age of Ultron, "I understand you used to deal with him?"

"Klaue….you don't want to mix up with him Peter," Tony warned, "he's ruthless and cruel. He's a slaver, a monster and-"

"-And I'm going to rob him blind," I replied, "I just need a location, that's all. He should be somewhere in Africa."

"Well that narrows things down," Tony snorted, "fine, I'll get you anything JARVIS managed to dig up. But no promises, got that?"

I nodded, "right," I smiled at Pepper, "congratulations. He's a lucky man."

"And he knows it," Peper smiled, "you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?"

"No," I sighed looking at my watch, "it's late, I need to get home soon. Besides, it's Christmas Eve and I still haven't bought my presents yet."

"Well you better hurry then, chop chop," Tony waved me away, just as Riri finished mourning and slowly walked to Tony and Pepper.

"Right, see you later. Call if you ever threaten a terrorist or something," I snorted, walking out of the graveyard and into my car. I drove out before taking off into the air, blasting off towards New York.

A few hours later:

I sighed as I put away the washed dishes from dinner, "alright, I'm going to bed you guys."

"What's wrong Pete? Getting old?" Richard asked with a chuckled from the couch next to the fireplace.

"No," I snorted, "I'm just exhausted. From the extra hours at the Baxter foundation and last minute gift shopping I'm spent. Also, I need to sleep, or else Santa might not come this year," I replied, winking at the man.

"Good night Peter!" May called out, "make sure you get enough rest dear!"

"Night aunt May, uncle Ben, dad!" I called out walking upstairs, yawning, it had been a long day. I spent most of it shopping, I had honestly forgot it was going to be Christmas, since I did spend three months in another world at another time.

I had gotten MJ and Liz a custom made smartwatch with a panic button directly linked to S.e.xy, in case they were in danger. And for MJ I also gave her 50 bucks, since she did win that bet we made.

For Johnny I got a year's supply of microwave popcorn, his favorite binge food. For Reed I got him a book on yoga and one on the Kamasutra. What? He's the most flexible guy in the world, it would be a crime if he didn't read those books!

For Ben I got a book on self acceptance, since it was something he really needed and for Sue...well, I got her a smutty romance novel about a love story between an hot older cougar and a young impressionable handsome man. And a signed copy of Stephen Hawkings book on Black Holes. The first one was more of a gag gift than anything.

I also got gifts for Jean and the X-men. For Rouge I got a pair of latex gloves and a whip, hehe. For Scott I got a pair of custom made sunglasses that would never fall off by accident, meaning no clumsy mistakes.

For Kurt I got him a Hellboy comic book and Kath got the Hollow Man. Evans got a new skateboard, Logan got a shaving kit, Ororo got a book on gardening, since I knew she liked that and or the professor I got a book on human ethics. And a afro wig….I was more serious on the second gift.

And for Jean...well, I got her two gifts. The first was a s.e.xy set of red lingerie with my birthday attached to it. And the second was a magical item. A psychic totem which Strange gave me to focus my mental abilities. I told Jean how it worked, hopefully she would find it useful.

I also got a gift for Fury, a box of beard oil. Hehe, figured since he can only grow a beard he would want a big one.

I didn't really get anything for the Avengers, since I didn't know were most of them lived. I got Bruce a book on Krav Maga, my reasoning is if he can protect himself, he won't have to rely so much on the Hulk.

For Nat I got a set of silver bangles, nothing too complex, jewelry is usually the best way to go. For Steve I got him a pendrive filled with popular movies and for Tony I got him a book on parenting.

I also sent Clint a book on how stupid archery was, but I doubt he will actually like it. Hehe, whatever.

I got May a set of gold earrings, Ben, an expensive blazer and for Richard a nice watch. Which also served as a panic button just in case.

I yawned as I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. Now, I had just one last thing to deliver. My final gift to that special person.

I quickly changed into my costume and swung out of my home heading towards the bridge connecting Manhattan to Queens. I set my web shooters into the hardest setting and got to work.

The Next day:

I yawned as I woke up on Christmas morning. I took out my phone and sure enough people had noticed the gift I had left last night and had taken pictures. It was currently the most trending picture on Twitter at the moment.

I smiled as I looked at the pic. It was taken during dawn, just as the sun came up, hitting the water below, casting shadows on the web words I had put up. There, strung across the bridge were the words, 'Merry X-mas Kitten. Love- S'.

I smiled, I really hope Felicia liked it. I put down the phone jumped out of bed, throwing my window open and sighing. It was a good day...a very good day. But….I had one last present to give.

I changed into my costume and went out swinging. I made my way into the city with a red present webbed to my backpack. It took me a while, but I managed to find the hospital in question and by having S.e.xy hack into its records I found his room easily enough too.

I opened the window and slipped inside. The steady sound of his heartbeat ringing loudly in the room. There were various tubes attached to his body, state of the art machines were used to monitor him and a clean set of bandages around his head.

"Hey Harry," I sighed as I sat down next to him, placing the gift I got by his bedside, it was a Blueray of the mask of Zorro, according to Peter's memories he and Harry used to watch that all the time.

I looked at his sunken face, he had been in a coma since the day he was injured. The doctors say he might not wake up anytime soon. I can only imagine what Norman must be feeling.

Usually I wouldn't even think of him but Harry….he was Peter' friend. I didn't want him dead. And I guess I felt a little guilty. I sighed as flicked a hair from his face, "Merry Christmas pal...get better soon, okay?"

And without expecting a response, I left the room the same way I came in. Immediately I heard the siren of police vehicles go off in the distance. I grumbled, even on Christmas crime refused to take a damn day off

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