Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 43 - Light Found Underground

January 2nd:

I looked at the monitor and I began recreating the formula for unstable molecules I remembered Franklin Richards of Earth 982 showed me. It was difficult to do, sure, but it was exciting. And to be honest, the fact that I already knew what to strive for made it all the more exciting.

"Alright S.e.xy, run the simulations now," I ordered, stepping away from the council and looked at the terminal monitor.

"Running," S.e.xy replied, "simulation complete. Unstable molecule fabric has been successfully formed. Testing….no breakdown of the fabric on an atomic level. Congratulations boss, you just made a new fabric."

"Thanks S.e.xy," I grinned, "now, get me a list of everything I'll need to weave the cloth with."

"Here you go, quick note, you are not going to like it," S.e.xy replied.

I raised an eyebrow but looked at the list. IT was all high tech material, state of the art. But then again it would have to be. And it all came up to…

"Two hundred million?!" I cried out at the numbers running before me, and it kept climbing! "What the hell?! Three hundred...five hundred million dollars?! What the living f.u.c.k?! F.U.C.K!"

I knew immediately Sue and Reed wouldn't go for it. Not ever. Sure the inventions I gave them before was nice and all, but this...damn….it's too much. A half a billion dollars...but, I could make suits that would never tear or get old.

Maybe...maybe this wasn't a problem, but a solution.

"S.e.xy, pull up the research paper out of Kyoto about shape changing fabrics," I called out.

"Yes Peter" S.e.xy replied as she displayed the papers I had purchased and read over in my spare time. It was a fascinating theory, a solution to all the waste we as a race produce in terms of clothing.

I read this article the first time because it reminded me off how the symbiote worked. A everchanging suit that could take on different shapes on will? Yeah, it got my attention. But it was far too...extreme for my case. But now...maybe I could use this.

The technology was being promoted by one doctor Wheng Cha, chinese, but moved to japan to continue his research. Cha was a genius, but he hadn't been able to actually get his technology to work, he claimed he couldn't make a material versatile enough to do so. But...maybe I did.

I had an idea, an odd one, but an idea. A suit of unstable molecules for every living person on the planet. Pen that they would wear from the moment they were born, till the day thy day. Adapting to the latest trends in seconds.

The fashion industry would be destroyed, no more sweatshops, no more child labour forces. And...while many many people would lose their jobs, it would be a streamlined process. The possibility was there, simply can a picture of the clothes you want and your second skin will turn into it.

The idea was a little far off, but the unstable molecules I was developing could do it. A few more modifications, add in the ability to change upon will, maybe….200 million dollars to add in memory cloth features to change the shape of the cloth with electrical impulses...a port, a small motherboard, like a raspberry...yes, this could work!

But the money, that is still a problem. Plus now it would cost half a billion dollars! Damn it, if only I had some gold on hand then I….wait, I do...well, not me, but the Reed Richards on Earth 982 had access to the Negative Zone, which was so full of gold that...oh my God!

Yes, the chances of there being a Negative Zone with gold in it in my world is slim, but I'm willing to be that the Negative Zone is similar in most world's, a multiversal constant...maybe. Btu then there are several sub factors, like the fact that it was a world made out of anti-matter and without significant preparation I can't even enter it.

"Damn it," I grumbled, "if only I could go back to that world and get that gold," I sighed as I looked at my lab closet where I stored my robes and bag of infinite storage, if I was in the Negative Zone now I could just carry all that gold in my freaking bag! Grrr! Curse you circ.u.mstances!

I sighed heavily leaning back on my seat, the only way I can imagine making up all that money now would be if I make a crazy new invention and sell it for lots and lots of money. But I first need to think of something that cool, and it should be versatile.

"Peter, I need to remind you, we need to test your blood toxicity levels," S.e.xy's voice rang out.

I sighed, "yeah, sure," I got up and approached my genetic scanner, drawing a small sample of blood I inserted it into the machine and waited. There was a beep as the results were displayed on the screen above.

Blood Toxicity: 67%

Those three months I spent in Earth 982 made things much easier for me. I'm sure maybe after a few months I would be back to normal.

After completing the test I decided to take a break walked out to the lounge where I found it surprisingly quiet, with only Ben there for company.

"Hey Ben, isn't it pretty late?" I asked him as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Kid, it's seven in the morning," Ben grumbled as he changed channels to a new special, "have you been up all night?"

I sighd, "kind off. I'm been working on something new."

"Huh? Make anything good?"

"Yes, but only on paper. To actually make it a reality I need a lot of money."

"How much?"

"Half a billion dollars," I shrugged.

"Woah," Ben blinked, "that's a lot."

"Yeah, I know. Problem is I know exactly how to make that much money, but I can't do it right now," I grumbled.

"Why is that kid?" Ben asked.

"Well, you know about my adventure in another world right?"

Ben nodded, "Johny told me about it, so what?"

"Well, the Reed Richards of that world actually had an portal to a world where the ground was literally gold. An entire planet with the surface made of gold. So….yeah. Kind of a missed opportunity here."

"Hm, why can't you just ask Reed to build this portal?" Ben asked, "I know you don't exactly trust him with this stuff, but shouldn't it be possible if the other Reed did it as well?"

I blinked, "well….I guess….but there are a lot of risks, it would take a lot of work."

"So? Do it. Isn't your project worth it?" Ben asked.

I grinned, "hell yeah it is. Thanks Ben, you always know exactly what to say," I waved as I left the lounge, heading straight to Reed's lab. I threw opened the doors and walked in, finding Reed asleep on his desk.

"Wake up!" I cried out, making him shoot up in shock.

"Peter? What's wrong?"

I grinned, "you and I are going to build a portal to the dimension that gave you all super powers Reed. And this time, I'm making sure you don't blow us all to hell, got that?"

Reed blinked the sleepiness out of his eyes, "what?"

Two weeks later:

"So I told her, that's totally not going to happen," MJ rolled her eyes as Mark and I sighed in despair. A month ago I was fighting six crimilas, three weeks ago I saved the president of the united states. And F.u.c.k my life.

"Oh you better have, I can't believe she thought that was alright!" Liz cried out.

"I know right! Like, she wants my role, but she can't get it just because of that! I earned my spot!"

I turned to Mark, "so, how's the band?"

He nodded, "they're fine," he sipped his water, I noticed he had gotten a few more ear piercings, god, he looks like a porcupine! I know this guy had a statue to maintain, being a musician and all that, but god he looks like a tool.

"You guys playing any time soon?" I asked, curious to see if he was any good in the first place.

"Yeah, we actually have a gig tonight in the Abandoned Train station in the city," Mark grinned, "you probably don't know it, but we kind of use that place as a club of sorts. It's super popular and very exclusive. Hell, getting a gig there was hard as hell! But if we do good tonight, it's all straight uphill from here!"

I nodded, "cool man, maybe I'll swing by."

"Really?" Mark sounded surprised, "don't you have like, work with the FF or something?"

I shrugged, "no actually. I was working on a project, but I did my part," meaning Reed had to finish up on setting up a molecule quantum wave nullifier field. Without that we can't progress any further.

"That's fun, I guess," Mark shrugged, but inside i could tell he was excited. Why did he care so much if I came or not? Hm, curious.

"Wait, did I hear that right?! Parker is coming to the Catch?!" Flash suddenly appeared behind me, laughing his lungs out. I sighed, yeah, he's the one Felicia marries, over my dead body.

"What? Peter's coming tonight?" MJ and Liz stopped talking, all looking at me.

I sighed, "yes, is that so strange?"

"Well...yeah," Liz blinked, "you hardly ever come and hang out with us these days. Ever since you ah...well, you know."

She's right, ever since I came back home from Earth-982 I've been Spider-man 24/7 and working in the lab as well. I shrugged, "well even I need a break now and then. And besides, I've never heard Mark play before, it should be fun."

Mark grinned, "damn right it will! Alright, this is going to rock!"

"Ha, funny, I never expected you to be down to party Parker," Flash snorted, "you know, there are going to be drugs there, so don't go squamish on us Parker."

I snorted, "unlike you Flash I already live life to the fullest, I don't need drugs to help me escape, my life is already awesome."

Flash's eyes began to twitch, "what you say Parker?"

I narrowed my eyes, "you heard me."

"You want to take this outside boys?" Liz said sighing, "I really don't want my lunch spoilt with the sight of your both bickering like an old married couple."

Flash snorted, "fine, you know what, let's make a wager. Loser has to show up to school tomorrow dressed in all pink."

I raised an eyebrow, "interesting...and the challenge?"

"First person to pick up a chick at the Catch wins," Flash smiled evilly, "you in? Or are you still hung up on Hardy?"

I glared, "I'm in," I shook his hand, squeezing harder than usual, "I'm going to enjoy this." Liz and MJ looked confused, they probably expected me to still be hung up over Felicia. And while I was, I also knew it was way past time for me to move on.

"Hey, whatever," Flash took his hand away, shake it as a red handprint appeared, huh, guess I squeezed too hard.

Flash then walked back to his seat and I turned to my friends, "alright, we have a problem," I slammed my hands on the table, "MJ, Liz, make me s.e.xy!"

"Now we're taking!" Liz cheered, "finally, something I'm good at!"

That night:

"Put this on next!" Liz threw another shirt into my arms.

I sighed, "come on Liz, this is the third one!"

"Oh quit whining!" Liz hissed as she searched through the rest of my closet for other clothes to wear. "I got to say Peter you got some nice stuff in here. Heck, I didn't think a dork like you had style."

"Thanks Liz," I rolled my eyes as I stepped into my closet and changed, "actually I didn't really get those, Felicia did."

"Oh," Liz muttered slowly.

"You know Tiger, I'm proud of you," MJ said as she sat on my bed going through her phone, "you haven't done something like this in months."

"Months, try ever," Liz snorted, "Mr. Responsibility there doesn't do parties. But now that he's finally pulled himself out of that rut he got himself into I'm hoping we'll get a funner Peter Parker."

"Well I would hope so," I replied as I stepped out now dressed in black form fitting jeans with a bright purple shirt with the arms rolled up to my biceps and tucked into the pants. I had a coat vest over the shirt giving off the polished h.i.p.ster look.

MJ looked over and whistled, "damn Peter, you look good."

"Not bad," Liz replied, "you know, you really should wear stuff like that more often. I mean, you have a ton of stuff like this in your closet yet you only wear this dumpy looking stuff."

"Well I'm not vain enough for that," I shrugged, "I usually just wear something nice to impress someone. And since you already know my other set of clothes is impressive enough as is it..."

"Well that's something," MJ shrugged, "hey, do you mind picking up Mark on the way over? He kind of doesn't have a ride."

"Sure, no problem, I mean, it's not like I can say no, Mark's the only normal male friend I have."

Liz blinked, "wait, seriously? You don't have any other guy friends?"

I shrugged, "well, yeah. I mean, I have plenty guy friends, but most of them are superheroes or a.d.u.l.ts. There's Johnny, Reid, Ben, Tony, Cap, David….and….ah….woah this is hard….woah, okay, I don't have many friends."

MJ chuckled, "some things never change."

We got ready soon, the girls already dressed for the evening when they came over. Liz wore a long red skirt and black top with a leather jacket over it while MJ wore a green pair of jeans, a bright yellow blouse and a long coat over her.

We walked downstairs just as Richard and Ben got in, they noticed us and blinked in surprise.

"Hey buddy," Ben said looking me up and down, "where are you all off it?"

MJ cleared her throat and began the immensely complicated lie she had prepared, "well you see Me. Parker Liz and I got invited to a friend's place-"

"-Party," I replied with a shrug, shocking MJ and Liz still, "we're going to a highschool party."

"I see...will there be drugs?"

I shrugged, "probably, but I won't need them."

"And loud music?"

"I hope."

"Will you drink?" Richard asked looking curious.

"I'm most certainly going to try," I nodded.

"I see...have fun," Richard smiled much to the girl's utter disbelief.

"Wait...seriously?!" Liz cried out.

Ben chuckled, "Liz dear, do you know how long we have been trying to get Peter to go out and have some fun for once? This is a welcome change! Haha," Ben ruffled my hair, much to Liz's distress as she spent half an hour getting it just right, "just be careful, alright?"

I smiled, "don't worry uncle Ben, I know, with great power-"

"-Comes great responsibility," said literally everyone else in the house.

With that down the girls and I got into my car and drove off, the location already in the system as Doc took over and drove away. We picked up Mark along the way, it took us fifteen minutes to reach, we had to park the car far away near a parking lot a block away, as technically, this place was boarded up.

The entrance was behind a barbed fence that had been propped open with a large crate. Standing gaurd was a scruffy looking kid around our age, maybe older. He was a lookout, making sure no cops came to investigate.

Mark played the kid twenty bucks to enter, and once we walked through we entered a tunnel that lead straight into the heart of the train station, which was a modern masterpiece.

The tracks served as the stage with twelve in total lines up against each other, we had plenty of place to move. The platforms served as the stage meaning we had two bands that would play side by side with the winner being the one that gained the most audience support.

In the back of the station was the bar with drinks being served in kegs and bottles of cheap a.s.s whiskey. And right now, there were two bands battling out, music blaring through the sound system, almost deafening.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Mark cried out as he took charge, leading us into the mosh pit in the tracks.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I may have miscalculated how much humanity I can stomach in one night."

"Oh grow up," Liz snorted as she grabbed my arm and dragged me forward into the pit.

"Mark! You made it!" a couple of guys dressed exactly like makr, leather jacket and all, approached us.

"Damn right I did! Hey guys, these are my buddies from Midtown," Mark said introducing us, "this is my girl MJ," he smiled at her, "and the feisty blonde in Liz. And the classy looking nerd is Peter. Be gentle with him, it's his first time having fun."

"Hey, I can have fun!" I cried out.

"Sure you can," Mark rolled his eyes before turning to his band, "alright, should we set up?"

"Yeah, we can right after this battle is over," the guy with the bass guitar around his neck said, "they're just about doen."

"Cool," Mark nodded before turning to us, "alright, I have to split, babe, you want to come with?"

"Ah, sure," MJ nodded, "but what about Liz and Peter?"

"Oh relax, we'll manage," Liz waved her worry away.

I nodded, "go ahead MJ, have fun, besides, Liz and I have to focus on getting me a date. I do not look good in pink trust me."

"Oh honey, you look good in anything," a guy with long bangs brushed up behind me, sending me a wink before going back into the mosh pit.

I flinched, "and this is why I hate people."

"Oh come on," Liz dragged me away, allowing MJ to go with Mark and his buddies. We settled onto the bar and grabbed ourselves a cup of beer before turning to look at the people, surveying for people for me to flirt with.

"What about her?" Liz asked pointing at a girl with a beanie and dyed blue hair.

I winced, "ah, no, too much personality for me."

"Okay," Liz sipped her drink, "then what about….her?" she pointed at a red head wearing a white see through blouse and a massive rack. For the longest moment my eyes were glued to her c.h.e.s.t, before a guy came between, cutting of my view, glaring at me.

I drew my eyes away and cleared my throat, "I-ah, I don't really think that would be fair to her boyfriend," I pointed to the glaring guy with dyed blonde hair.

Liz chuckled, "right. Then how about-"

"-Babe!" I turned to see Johny rush over through the crowds dressed in civilian clothes, jeans, black shirt and a denim jacket.

"Hey Johnny," I waved as he and Liz kissed, "I didn't realise you would be here."

"Me miss a party? Never!" Johnny scoffed, throwing his arm around Liz, "the question is, what are you doing here?"

"What? Can't I have fun too?" I scoffed.

"Pete, the only time you ever have fun is when you're swinging between rooftops and kicking a.s.s on a hourly basis."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "yeah, I guess," and just then I noticed a girl with bright pink hair brush walk by, dressed like an underground DJ with major daddy issue judging by the 'F.u.c.k Dads' T-shirt she wore over the leather jacket.

"Oh, she's nice," Liz squeaked, "you should talk to her."

"No thanks," I shrugged, "she's gay."

"What? How do you know?" Johnny asked.

I motioned over to the group of girls she was talking too. Liz scoffed, "Peter, that doesn't make her-" and then the girl kissed a brunette right on the lips in greeting shutting Liz up, ""

I grinned, "she got horny only when surrounded by girls, I could smell the l.u.s.t roll off her."

"Woah, so wait, do all these people smell something different?" Johnny asked, "isn't that a bit...confusing?"

I shuddered, "you have no idea," I opened my senses up for one moment and yeah, the resulting wave of signals almost engulfed me.

"Yo Parker!" we turned to notice Flash rush up to us with a smile on his face and a girl walking behind him, dragged behind by his wrist.

"What is it Flash?" Liz asked raising an eyebrow at the girl, she was blonde, tight purple dress and drunk by the way she looked.

"I just wanted to come over and tell you to suck it," Flash grinned at me, wrapping a big beefy arm around the blonde, who didn't look all there enough to care, "this is Kareena, and she's my date, isn't that right babe?"

"Whatever you say handsome," she slurred her words.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Flash, she looks like she's wasted. Where are her friends? We should get her home."

"What?" Flash blinked, turning to the girl and looking shocked, "shit! I thought she felt tipsy. Damn, I don't know, I think she came alone."

"Karen? Hello?" Liz approached the girl, "hey girl, can you tell us where your friends are? Are you okay enough to show us where you live?"

"Hm, no, don't want to," Karen slurred her words.

"Flash,we got to take her home," Liz told the large football player.

"Y-yeah," the teen nodded, "of course. Come on, I'll carry her."

Johnny narrowed his eyes, suspicion rolled off him, "I'll help you."

"I can do it flameboy," Flash glared back.

"I have more experience save people that you Flash," Johnny said as he quickly took Karen's other side and they began walking away.

"Damn it," Liz hissed, "Johnny, wait for me!" she turned back around, "sorry Peter, I got to make sure they don't ripe each other apart!"

I shrugged, "it's fine, go ahead," she nodded and quickly ran. I sighed as I finished the rest of my drink, in all honesty I was hoping for a fun night, but responsibility called.

And now, I have to f.u.c.k.i.n.g entertain myself, just great. Damn it, I have to wear pink now, Flash did technically pick up a girl, even though she was completely wasted…

I finished my beer quickly, and obviously felt nothing. I went to the 'bar' they set up and walked up to the bar keep, a asian teenager in a hoodie with the words 'Street Rat' stitched onto his sides.

"Hey man, you got anything stronger?" I asked him motioning to the empty cup.

The teenage thug raised an eyebrow, "what do you need?"

"Anything with a strong kick," I shrugged, "I'm going stag tonight so I might as well have some fun."

The kid snorted before slamming a bottle of vodka, "this strong enough for you?"

I sighed, "nothing better man? I have kind of a strong resistance."

"Sorry man," he shrugged, putting the bottle away.

"Thanks anyway," I sighed great, alone and I can't get drunk. Maybe I should just leave, if I hurry I can still patrol the streets for a while, do something useful tonight. But before I could leave, a girl walked up to me, a smile on her face.

"Couldn't help overhearing your little difficulty," she said with a salesman's smile. She wore a hoodie similar to the asian bartender, 'Street Rat,' that some kind of gang? She had black skin but bleach blonde hair with pink streaks running through it.

"Ah, yeah, kind of sucks," I shrugged.

"Well, I got something you might like," she pulled out a plastic baggy with a pink pill in it.

I raised an eyebrow and put on a good poker face, looking interested, like a druggy would, "cool. What is it?"

"The newest shit," she replied, "we call it the 'Rumble in the Jungle' or RJ, because one hit and you go down."

"Like Muhammad Ali," I nodded.

"Smart, so you interested?"

"How much?"

"First hit's free," she smiled as she leaned forward placing a kiss on my cheek as she slipped the pill into the pocket of my vest. She moved back and winked, "see you soon cutie."

I smiled back, "I'm sure," she walked away and immediately my smile dropped. I took out the pill and held it in the light, I couldn't see anything inside, not liquid then, solid, probably affecting the body's nervous system someway.

And then, I realised it. Sometimes you don't see something unless you know what to look for and now, I did. The pills were everywhere, almost every three people in a group of ten was taking the pill and these Street Rat kids were giving them out.

I was supposed to take a break and have fun tonight, but, since everyone abandoned me, it's time to get to work.

I slipped into the mosh pit and followed the Rat kids, following their footsteps, their movements. In minutes I had located the head dealer, a buff 40 year old bald guy that had a gun strapped to his back and a very scary precencess.

Every dealer on the floor reported to him, passing every dollar they earned, he was the head, these kids were just...fodder. I suspect they weren't really gang members in the first place.

I followed them for some time, tracking their movements. But ten minutes later, I got distracted. "Hello Catch! We're the Extremes! And we're going to rock this house down!" I turned and to my shock I saw MJ on the stage with Mark and his friends.

"Kick it!" Mark screamed as they began to play.

"Everyday, they tell us what to do, every night, we have nothing to look for but school, f.u.c.k that, it's all a pain, there ain't nothing they can do now, we're free, even just for a day!" MJ began to sing, hitting every note. Hm, maybe in this world she'll end up a singer?

Slowly, the crowd began to shit, the other band that was applying was thoroughly beaten, I had to admit, Mark was pretty good. He and MJ made a pretty cool team. I was getting into the song as well, but then, I realised there was movements in the Street Rat's.

I noticed slowly one by one the dealers began to leave, sneaking away quietly. And then, the big one left as well. I needed to go, it was too late to go into my car and take my spare costume, time to improvise.

The big guy and five older looking Rat's snuck out into a side tunnel making their way out. I ran after them, sticking to the shadows. I need a mask, so I removed my vest and tied it around my face, leaving a little bit of space for my eyes to see through.

The six men I was following went into a service tunnel, talking among themselves. I jumped onto the ceiling and stuck to the ceiling, following them from above.

"The new blood did good," the big guy replied in a gruff tone, "make sure to give them a cut."

"You really think that's a good idea boss?" and underling asked.

"Like I always say Tony, keep your underlings happy, and they won't stab you in the f.u.c.k.i.n.g back," the fat leader said gruffly.

"I'll keep that in mind," I whispered as I jumped down.

"What the-"

I came down on top of his body, my feet plunging into his gut, throwing him into the ground, hard. I back flipped and landed on the other two guys behind them, all three of crashing into the ground.

"Get him!" the two standing thugs took out knives and charged at me. But I was already on my feet and moving. I swung my legs like wh.i.p.s, kicking one's arm so hard he dropp his knife, and I heard a crack, something broke.

"ARGH!" he cried out, dropping to his knees, holding his arm in pain.

"Tony!" the other guy shrieked, I threw a punch at his face, breaking his nose and knocking him out from pure force.

"Die!" one of the man I fell on yelled.

My spidey senses kicked in, I ducked just as he fired off three shots, the bullet sailing over me. I rushed forward, punched his gut, slapped away the gun before grabbing him and throwing him into the last gangster standing, throwing them both into the tunnel wall.

"Argh," the fat man I kicked in the gut g.r.o.a.n.e.d in pain as he held his stomach. I knew nothing was damaged too badly, he was just a lot of pain. I walked up to him and placed my finger on his head.

I channeled bio-electricity through my fingers directly into his skull, just enough to knock him out. In a second he dropped down, unconscious. I got up and turned around, seeing the last gangster still concious.

"Please! Don't kill us! We'll give you anything!" Tony cried out, "drugs! Money! Anything, please just," I tapped his skull, a little blue flash and he too fell down just the same.

I took off my impromptu mask and unruffled it, dawning my vest once more. I stretched my neck and turned around to leave, only to stop dead in my track as I looked at a teenage girl with long blonde hair in a beanie staring wide eyed at me.

She wore a loose fitting jean jacket, a black and white striped undershirt, a short denim skirt with black leggings and worn brown boots.

She blinked. I blinked. She looked at the people unconcious around me. I looked at her bright blue eyes slowly widen as she turned back to me and squeaked, "ep!"

"Please don't scream!"

"AH!" she cried out, turning around and running away as fast as she could.

"Shit," I rushed after her, running as fast as I could before quickly catching up to her. I jumped over her and landed in a squat, blocking her path.

She stopped so suddenly she tripped and fell on her back, she began crawling away, holding a hand out defensively, "don't hurt me please!" she cried.

I blinked, "I won't," I said slowly, surprising her, "please, don't run away. I won't hurt you."

She blinked looking back and turning to me, "those men back there, you killed them."

"Ah, no, they're just knocked out," I told her slowly, "they're perfectly fine. Well, other than a few broken bones."


"Which I won't do to you!" I replied immediately, "I swear!"

"Why did you hurt them?" she asked.

"Well...they were drug dealers," I said slowly, "they sold kids drugs hoping to get them hooked. So...well, so I beat them up."

She looked confused, " you beat them up because they sold drugs?"

I nodded, "yeah."

"...are you trying to be a superhero or something?" she asked raising an eyebrow, "why would you risk your life like that?"

"Well," I offered her my hand, she cautiously accepted it and got on her feet, "my uncle and dad have a saying, with great power comes great responsibility. I do my best to live up to that line. I saw someone doing something wrong, so I stopped them."

"But why? Why do you care about the kids they get hooked on drugs?" she asked curiously, looking me up and down, "you look pretty well off. Why do you care so much?"

I chuckled, "because if we don't care for other people we tend to live shit lives."

She was taken back by that, I could tell. She looked...well, curious. She looked at me, "I...I'm Tandy," she said in a quiet voice.

I smiled, "heya Tandy, I'm Peter, nice to meet you."

"Yeah..." she looked back, "you know...they don't just target kids in parties."

I was immediately on alert, "what do you mean?"

"Well...ah, a few us of homeless kids see them come around, offering free samples," she spoke slowly, was she afraid of me still? Yeah, probably, "t-they hurt a lot of my friends and...they..."

I smelt guilt and shame. "Tandy," I held her palm with both hands, gently c.a.r.e.s.sing it, "did they hurt you?"

She nodded, slowly raising her right sleeves to show a black and blue bruise. I felt hate for those Street Rats, pure unfiltered hate.

"I-I tried to stop them, but t-they didn't like that. A few of my friends were forced to join, if they didn't...the Rats said they would kill us."

I felt my anger escalate, but my eyes were glued to hre bruised hand. It had swollen up many times over. "Tandy, that looks bad. Doesn't it hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah, but, I mean, what do I do?" she gave a sad smile, "it's way too expensive to have it treated."

I sighed, "come, I'll help."


"Come," I motioned, "I'll get you sorted out. I have the cash."

"Y-you don't have to-"

"-If you want, you can think of it like a bribe," I winked, "I'll help you, and you promise not to tell anyone you saw me kicking b.u.t.t. Okay?"

She blushed, giving a shy noddy-yeah, okay."

" you know how to get out of here?" I chuckled, "I'm kind of lost."

"I-it's this way," she pointed and we followed.

"So...what were you doing here anyway?" I asked the girl as we quickly reached the exit, the tunnel leading to an abandoned subway terminal.

"I-I was trying to find some place...some place to sleep," she replied, looking away, ashamed.

"I see...why did you runaway?" I asked as we reached street level, ah, I recognize this road, I'm parked not so far away.

"My dad left and my mom...she remarried. He won't...he wasn't the nicest of people," Tandy held her hurt arm with a tight grip, I'm guessing she didn't only get beatings from her dad.

"Don't you have someone you can stay with? An aunt or uncle?" I asked her.

"And uncle but...he would make me go back to my mother," Tandy looked down in shame.

I wanted to question her choice, but one look at her and I knew she wasn't a very strong person. I sighed, we reached the parking lot, my car there, "right, come on, let's go."

"What?" she asked in surprise as she looked at my car, surprise seen in her eyes as she saw it. Her jaw dropped, "y-you have a DeLorean?!"

I grinned, "damn straight. You like?"

"This is so cool!" she cried out as she and I got in. she looked around, "this looks so cool! Did you customize it?!"

"Yup," I nodded, "Doc, the nearest open hospital please."

"What? Who are you talking too?" Tandy blinked.

"You got it boss" Doc replied as the car came alive on its own.


I laughed as I took it out, "sorry about that. That's Doc, my car's AI, he's handy."

"A-AI?" she blinked, "you mean, he's a machine? You're car is alive?!" She turned to me with eyes as wide as saucers, "are you like super rich?"

I chuckled, "no Tandy, I'm just super smart."

"Where did you get all this?"

"I built it," I shrugged.

"All of it? By yourself?" she asked sounding shell shocked.

"No, I had help," I nodded, "cars aren't my expertise, my friend is more of the motor head then me. So he had a few suggestions."

"This is so cool!" she said in an excited voice, "ah, can I ask it something?"

I shrugged, "go ahead."

"Hey ah..."

"Doc," I supplied.

"Right. Hey Doc, what's tomorrow's weather going to be like?"

"Sunny, with a chance of rain in the night," Doc replied.

Tandy squeaked, "this is so cool!" I watched with mirth as she played with the settings, asking him silly mundane questions over and over again. It was like a child discovering colours for the first time, amusing to see.

We reached the hospital quickly and I took Tandy in, though she looked unsure. It seemed the moment she stepped out of the car th carefree attitude she had vanished, replaced with a more somber and shy tone.

We asked to see a doctor and waited for ten minutes before we were called in. We were taken to a medical exam room where Tandy sat on the examination chair and I stood next to her, waiting for the doctor.

"T-thanks Peter," Tandy replied suddenly.

I shrugged, "it's fine."

"No really...thanks," she repeated, "it really does hurt," she whispered. Yeah, those Street Rats are dead.

Just then the door opened as a woman with dark skin and hair walked in. Immediately, I recognized her, she looked at us and smiled, "hello, I'm Claire, what can I help you with?"

I smiled, Claire Temple, wow, I didn't realise it, but the party was near Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan. So of course this would the best and closest hospital available.

"Hey, she needs a full examination," I motioned ot Tandy who looked surprised by my request, "she's been living on the streets and has a fracture on her right arm."

Claire's eyes shot open, "are you serious?" She immediately went to Tandy's side. The girl tried to move away, but Claire had already lifted her sleeves showing her bruise, "this looks back. You're going to have to leave, you, take off your shirt."

I nodded, Tandy looked like she was going to panic, but the girl needed a thorough examination. I left the room and waited outside. I knew Claire would do her best, the woman could fix superheroes on nightly basis, a girl like Tandy won't be an issue.

And seeing Claire actually gave me an idea. I took out my phone and dialed in Matt's firm's number. The call rang twice before a woman picked up, "hello, Neeson and Murdock's how many I help you?"

"I need to speak to Matt, it's urgent," I told her, probably Karen Page if I had to guess.

"Oh, right, Matt, it's for you," Karren handed the phone over.

"Hello?" Matt asked.

"Hey Devil, it's me, Spider," I whispered.

Immediately tension seeped into Matt's voice, "why are you calling here? This is my work number."

"I didn't have your personal cell," I chuckled, "but, in all seriousness, I'm actually calling because I want to hire you guys. Not for me, but for a homeless runaway. Her step-father's abusive and her mother is neglectful. Think that's enough to put her in a foster home or at least prevent her parents from trying to take custody of her?"

Matt was silent for some time before responding, "yes...yeah, we can manage that. What's her name?"

"I'm working on the details Matt," I replied, "I'll swing by over to your home tonight and drop them. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds fine. Midnight."

"Agreed," I replied, closing the phone. I waited then patiently for a few more minutes before Claire walked out, singing as she did. I walked up to her, "is she fine?"

"I put a cast around the fracture, so that's fine. I'm also writing up some painkillers, if she needs them," she sighed, "but...that's not all. She also has several badly healed wounds on her back and a few cuts and bruises. She's...she's been through hell."

I nodded, "she told me as such. Is there something immediately we have to worry about? Any unsettled bones? Anything wrong?"

"So far? No, nothing. She's perfectly fine in that sense, but...damn it. How the hell did this happen?" she asked glaring at me, "did you-"

"-I would never hurt anyone like that," I stopped her with a glare, "never. I brought her here myself, do you really think I would be that stupid."

Claire scoffed, "yeah, I guess. So what? You her boyfriend or something?"

I chuckled, "no. She did me a favour, I owe her one."

"Right...look kid, I don't know who you are or what you're going to do. But that girl needs help."

I nodded, "I spoke to a lawyer friend of mine. He said he'll take her case."

"Fine, whatever, just be safe okay?" she tore of a receipt, "pay at the counter."

I smiled, "thanks Doc," I walked past her and into the exam room where Tandy finished putting her coat over her brand new cast. "Hey. Ready to go?"

Tandy turned to me and glared, "I didn't want that."

"Maybe, but you needed it, come on," I motioned her over as we left.

"I didn't ask for this Peter," Tandy argued, "okay, thanks but no thanks. I don't need someone controlling my life-"

"-I contacted a lawyer friend of mine. He says he can get you away from your step father and mother," I cut her off as I payed the hospital bills. Shesh, 500 dollars just for a cast? Thank God for my healing factor.

" what?"

I turned to her, "I called a lawyer. So...if you want, you can fight for your freedom. I'm not in the business of seeing a bad situation and just leaving Tandy. You don't want my help, fine, but, ….do you want your freedom?"

She looked shell shocked, I think I may have broken her. Suddenly her stomach g.r.o.a.n.e.d. She blushed red.

I grinned, "drive through?"

An hour later:

I had driven to the top of a parking lot after getting our food. We sat on the hood of my car as we ate, Tandy practically inhaled her meal, swallowing it whole. But then again who knew when it was she last ate.

I slurped my cola and g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "damn it, empty." I put the emptied soda bottle next to three crumpled wrappers of the cheeseburgers I had. I looked at Tandy, she had eaten almost just as much as me, two cheeseburger and extra large fries. Not bad for a girl her size.

"So," I said looking at hr put away the last of her fries, "did you makeup your mind."

She looked down at her food and then at me. The moonlight we got from the crescent moon made her seem almost...glowing. Strange...I don't think someone could be this...bright...huh.

Finally, she spoke, "Peter...why are you doing this?"

I raised an eyebrow, "I told you didn't I? Great power, great-"

"-Responsibility, yes I know but….why? I have never met a guy like you. You're so...calm, collected and...kind. I don't think people are supposed to be this kind."

"Believe me Tandy, I'm cruel when I want to be," I chuckled, "there are plenty of people who would call me the devil."

"Then that's because they deserve it," she shot back, "I know it Peter, You're the nicest guy I know. And...why are you trying so hard with me? I'm nothing special, I'm no one. I'm...I'm just me."

She looked away, looking ashamed. I smiled, I reached up and patted her head, ruffing it gently, surprising her. "Tandy, you may not be special, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try and help you. The truth it, none of us are special. There's always someone better than us. Allways. But, that sure as hell doesn't mean we shouldn't try and help each other out. Hell, if that's the case, th Avengers wouldn't try and help us, they would have joined Loki to enslave us."

Tandy looked at me and suddenly moved forward, wrapping my midriff in a hug. "Thank you," she whispered.

I patted her head, "no problem," I hugged her back for as long as she wanted, times like this, you should never break the hug, because you don't know how long they other one wants to hug.

Finally, she broke the hug and looked at me, smiling, "thanks Peter."

I smiled back, "you're welcome. never told you want to be free?"

She nodded, "y-yes. If you can."

"Alright then. But first, you never did tell me you full name."

"It's Bowen, Tandy Bowen," she smiled.

"Alright then Tandy Bowen, I'm Peter, Peter Parker," we grinned once more. Huh, this night turned out better than I thought.

That night:

It was around eleven in the night when I pulled into the driveway. I opened the door and Tandy and I walked in, the dining room lights were on.

I walked in, motioning Tandy to stay back. I found Ben and Richard awake, the former doing his taxes, which I would eventually have to redo, and the letter reading a book on economics.

"Hey guys," I called out gaining both their attentions.

"Oh, Peter, you're back early," Richard knotted, "don't parties usually last till early morning?"

"Yeah, well, something came up," I shrugged, moving aside to let Tandy come forward, "this is Tandy, she's a runaway and I'm helping her get away from her parents. Is it okay is she stays here for a couple of days? She can use my room, I'll sleep on the couch."

Ben and Richard were speechless.

At midnight:

It took little time to convince Ben to do it. And like ushal Richard was a stick in the mud. But I suppose he can be forgiven, it is an odd request. It actually got so bad Richard and I began yelling at each other. And Tandy immediately offered to leave to stop the fighting.

This caused Richard to eventually give in and accept her, though he told me she could only stay for a week, and no longer.

I got my room ready for Tandy, even prompted her to take a shower and change into a set of clothes. But since she didn't have her own, she used mine. I was form when Peter Parker still had control of this body, black, red and brown plaid shirt a size bigger than her frame and a pair of black shorts.

After getting her to bed, and the rest of the house tucking in as well, I changed into my costume and took off swinging to meet Matt.

I found him waiting on the roof of his building, suited up in costume. I landed before him, "hey, sorry I'm late."

"Just by ten minutes, it's fine," the Devil of Hell's kitchen shrugged, "how is the girl doing?"

"She's feed and has a bed. I took her to the hospital and had her checked up," I shrugged.

"How did you...she knows you're real face?"

"Yes," I blinked, "oh right, you don't do you? But then I again, I doubt someone's real face matters for a man like you."

"Ture," Matt nodded, "did you get her personal details?"

I handed him a flash drive, "it's all in that. Birthday, name, address, everything she could tell me, and everything I could find out after I had someone hack into the government's database. She's also willing to go into court and convict her father if she has too...though the last part took some time for me to convince her."

"I see," Daredevil nodded putting the drive away, "good job Spider. I'm surprised you're taking such interest in this sh someone you know?"

I shook my head, "nope. Oh, and before I forget, here," I took out a wad of hundreds and placed it on his hands.

Matt sniffed the notes and immediately identified them, "Spider, you just handed me ten thousand dollars."

I whistled, "damn, you should be an accountant. Heh, a blind accountant, won't that be rich."


"Relax, I didn't steal it if that's what you're wondering. I do have a day job you know. I actually do pretty well for myself." Not half a billion dollars well, but well enough.

"And this money is for….?"

"For her case fees," I told him.

"That isn't necessary, I'm more than willing to do this pro bono."

"That's nice Matt, that's one of the reasons I like you. You're willing to do work for the poor even when you're at risk. But, I don't need you to do this for free. If you want, say that it's pro bono, but take the damn money Matt. You do good work, and I want to do what I can to make sure that keeps happening."

Matt sighed, "fine… how do I contact you?"

"My number's in the flash drive," I smiled, "by the way, when you do meet me without our masks for the first time, don't freak out, okay?"

Matt smirked, "why? Are you disfigured?"

"No. I'm younger than you would think," I shrugged.

"Who much?"

"Sixteen," I replied.

"S-sixteen?" Matt hissed, "you're just a kid!"

"A kid that stopped an alien invasion and fought off six of the deadliest villains New York ever faced. Oh, and let's not forget I saved the president of the United States of America from a terrorist organization of fire breathing veterans. Am I missing something my handicapped friend?"

Matt was quite for a moment before he shrugged, "fine. I'll handle it."

"Right...hey, do you know anything about the gang known as the Street Rats?" I asked.

"Yes. They operate just Southeast of Hell's Kitchen. Why?"

"They pissed me off. I'm want to break some bones. Do you happen to know where they hang out?"

Matt smirked, "yes. I'll show you."

"You want to come along?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course," he stepped on the edge of the roof, "I'm itching to let off some steam too."

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