Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 44 - The Ancient One

"ARGH!" I heard someone yell.

"What?" I blinked the sleepiness away and pushed myself off the couch. I looked around, why was I on the couch? Wait...oh, right, Tandy...Tandy!

I jumped out and ran up the stairs heading into my room where I found May and Tandy looking at each other with confusion and shock in their eyes.

May snapped to me, her eyes wide, "Peter, explain."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "One above all, help me."


May placed the plate of extra large stack of waffles before us and sent me a glare at the back of my head. Though I could feel it just fine.

"Sorry," I sighed.

"You better be," May hissed.

"May, maybe you should give him a break," Ben chuckled, "he did do all this for someone else."

"That may be Ben, but he cannot just bring a random girl home after going out to a party?! I thought the worst!"

"That he finally had a girlfriend again?" Richard scoffed.

"Yes! And he did something horrible as to have a one night stand!" May cried, making Tandy blush red.

I sighed, "come on Aunt May, you're embarrassing Tandy," I moved to grab a waffle, only for May to slap my hand away, "hey!"

"No," she glared before placing a bowl of dull looking oats before me, "this is for you. Tandy can have the waffles," she said, smiling gently at the girl, making her feel comfortable.

I grumbled, "this blows. Do the right thing and I get punished," I ate a spoonful of oats, "huh...honey. Nice."

"Of course, I'm looking to punish you, not torture," May smiled as she sat down next to Tandy and turned to the girl, "now then dear, tell us a little about yourself."

The girl blinked, "I-I don't really know what to say. I-I like to shop, I guess. Before I ran away I actually wanted to be a model."

I smirked, "well in that case I know two girls who you'll get along with like a house on fire. Wait...oh damn it!"

"What's wrong?" Ben asked.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I just remembered, I lost a damn guys wouldn't happen to have a pink shirt I could use could you?"

Richard raised an eyebrow, "yes...what was the bet?"

"Flash bet me that he could pick up a chic before I did," I shrugged, "I personally think he still didn't win, since his date was totally drunk, but whatever, I'm not going to argue."

"Drunk? My, was she alright?" May asked.

I nodded, "yeah, Liz had Johnny take the girl back home, I think. I didn't really pay attention after they took her away."

"Peter, you really shouldn't go such places," May whispered in a worried tone.

"Oh relax May," Ben chuckled, "you know it's rare that the slugger goes out in the first place itself."

"Yeah," I nodded, "besides, if I didn't, I wouldn't have found Tandy," I winked at the girl, making her blush.

As we ate though I looked at the newspaper Richard had on hand. The headlines read, 'Street Rat's destroyed!'. That was an exaggeration. Matt and I just came in and kicked the asses of five of their bases, no big deal.

As I smiled I realised Tandy was also looking at the headline, her eyes going wide in shock. She turned to me and I shrugged, she was already suspicious of me, no need to be cheeky and give out any clues.

Just then my phone began to ring, I pulled it out and found Matt's number on it. I picked it up, "hello. What's up Matty?"

"Don't ever call me that," he grumbled.

"Ouch, grouchy aren't you? What's up?" I asked.

"I looked over the girl's case. Can I met her face to face? It would help."

I nodded, "of course. What time are you free?"


"We'll be there," I replied, "bye. See you soon," I cut the call and sighed.

"Who was that?" Ben asked.

"A lawyer friend of mine," I told him, "he agreed to take on Tandy's case pro bono."

Tandy's eyes winded, "h-he accepted?"

I nodded, "yup! We're meeting him at noon today. So eat up Tandy!"

"Oh no you're not. You have school Mr.!" May cut in.

"B-but aunt May! This is a girl's life hanging in the balance!" I cried out.

"Then I'll go with her," May offered, "it shouldn't be too hard if you've already spoken to this man."


"-Oh give up Peter," Ben put in, "you lost this one."

"Yeah son, you can't run from wearing pink today," Richard and the other laughed, even Tandy joined in. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, stuffing my oats down my throat, I hate school.

That day:

"Yahahaha!" Flash laughed hard, holding his stomach and physically leaning forward in pain, eyes filled with tears.

My eyelid twitches, "it's not that funny Flash. It's just a colour," I finished the bet, wearing a pink button up shirt with a cowboy embroidery by the sides along with a pair of jeans and a brown overcoat.

"You look like a gay cowboy!" Flash cried out before laughing even harder. A few kids next to us all began to laugh at me, prompting me to just roll my eyes.

"Oh come off it Flash," MJ scoffed, "he's just keeping his word, which he technically didn't have to do."

"What? Why not! He lost fair and square!" Flash exclaimed.

"That drunk girl you picked up didn't count," Liz snorted as we all sat down at one table. Yes, Flash Thompson was sitting down with us eating lunch. The Gods must be crazy indeed.

"Hey, it so does count!" Flash shot back.

"What happened to her anyway?" I asked Liz.

She shrugged, "Johnny and Flash took her around and dropped her with some of her friends. And don't worry, they didn't leave until they proved they were buddies, so they didn't just leave a passed out girl with a bunch of strangers."

"Oh, that's good," I nodded.

"Where were you Parker?" Flash asked, "I looked for you, but I never found you anywhere."

I shrugged, "well I stayed until MJ and Mark played, you killed it by the way," I high fived the red head, "but then I kind of got distracted with something else."

"What?" Liz asked with narrowed eyes.

I grinned, "a girl."

"Oh! Details! Spill! Now!" Liz squeaked.

I rolled my eyes, "not like that Liz. She's kind of...well, she was in a bad place so I helped her out. I took her to the hospital and gave her a bed to sleep in."

"Wait, you took her home with you?!" Flash squaked.

I grinned, "yeah, May nearly had a heart attack when she found her in my bed in the morning."

"WHAT?!" MJ and Liz screamed, as I laughed hard. It took me a while to explain the situation to them, while making sure not to paint Tandy in too much of a pathetic light since the poor girl already had shitty amounts of self respect.

"We need to met her," Liz glared, "who knows how messed up she is because of you!"

MJ nodded, "damn straight. I also want to met her."

"And me!" Flash chimned in.

I sighed, "oh, this is going to be a pain in the b.u.t.t. I just know it."

Mark then sat down, "hey guys, what's up?"

"Nothing much," MJ smirked evilly, "we were just talking about the girl Peter brough home last night. Apparently his aunt almost died of a heart attack when she found her in his bed this morning."

"Oh that's nic-wait what?!"

That afternoon:

I pulled up into my curb and sighed. "I told you, this isn't meant for five people," Liz sat next to me in shotgun, but in the back MJ, Mark and Flash were all stuffed together.

"Dude, you have a time machine, I'm taking every single chance I get to ride in this thing!" Mark argued.

"And I'm not giving you a reason to leave me behind!" Flash argued.

"Fine," we all quickly got out and I lead them to my house. I opened the door and we all came inside, "I'm home! And I brought friends!"

"In here Peter!" May called out. We walked into the kitchen and found May, Tandy and, surprisingly, Matt, all sitting around sipping tea.

I blinked, "Matt? What are you doing here? Don't you have work?"

"Actually my last client of the day lived in Queens, so I was going to come here anyway. Then your aunt insisted that I come over for tea," the man replied without skipping a beat. He stood up and walked over, extending his hand, "nice to finally met you, officially."

I smiled, "same," I shock his hand.

"Peter?" May asked, "what do you mean officially?"

"Matt and I are online poker buddies," I smiled, "we never actually met face to face until today. So it's kind of a big moment."

"Poker?!" May squeaked, "you're gambling online?!"

"Oh no ma'am," Matt chuckled, "your nephew has quite a mouth on him. We actually did meet online however, on a chat room."

Flash g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "ah, how is that possible? Aren't you like blin-off!" Mark quickly elbowed him, shutting the jock up.

"Anyway, it's time for me to leave," Matt nodded, "thank you ma'am, you've been a wonderful host. And Tandy, relax, with your signed request and the hospital reports no judge will ever let you stay with that family again."

"T-thanks," Tandy nodded slowly.

Matt then turned to me, "until next time."

"Right, here, let me walk you out," I motioned for the others o give us some room as we walked out, closing the door behind me "thanks again for this, it means a lot."

"It's fine, it's the job," Matt nodded, "although, you never told me you had such...a big family."

I chuckled, "why do you think I wear the mask Matt? Half the people I care for are superheroes, they can take care of themselves. But the other half...well, they're just humans. If I could, I wouldn't even wear the damn mask. Maybe even did what Stark did and do it at a press interview or something."

"I see," Matt nodded, " was nice to finally met you, Peter Parker."

"Same, Matt Murdock," we shook our hands once more before I got Matt a cab and sent him off.

I returned back inside only to stop and watch with confused eyes as Tandy was surrounded by all my friends, each bombarding her with questions.

"So are you single?" Flash asked.

"Peter said you don't have clothes, we should totally go an buy some!" Liz cheered.

"You interested in music?" Mark asked.

"How close did you and Peter get?" MJ asked curiously.

I sighed, "come you four, let the girl catch her breath."

Tandy smiled, "I don't mind. I-I am single," Flash grinned, "and I would like to buy some, but I don't have any money right now, so maybe later," Liz shrugged, "a-and yes, I like music, but just the nice soft stuff," Mark grumbled, "and Peter….Peter's my best friend," causing MJ to raise a curious eyebrow before turning to me and winking.

I rolled my eyes, "she's exaggerating a little. Anyway, who wants to see a movie? Should be fun yeah?"

"Yeah!" they all replied.

"I call shotgun!" MJ immediately cried out.

"Shit!" Liz hissed.

"Don't worry Tandy, you can sit on my l.a.p," Flash smiled, winking at the girl.

"I-It's fine, you don't have to take me, I'm sure it's already difficult to fit everyone in already," she squeaked.

"None-since! It's fine!" Mark chuckled, "it'll be like an adventure!"

The next day:

Tandy and MJ did get along great, the two girls complimenting each other evry well while Liz was a bit more extrovert for the girl. They were currently using my room to hang out, and I was forced to listen to them chat up a storm.

"So what did you think of the Fall catalogue?" Liz asked passing over a fashion magazine.

"I think the designer finally got her groove mack. Maria Buscemi is a genius, but she's so lazy," Tandy sighed.

"Totally!" MJ replied enthusiastically, "and like, she doesn't even realise how much of time she wasted! Like-"

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "come on! Can we please talk about something else?! Anything else?!"

"Shut up Peter," Liz glared, "we're having girl time. So if you want, you should just leave."

"But it's my room!"

"For the past two days Tandy's been living in it, so it's technically her room," MJ argued back.

Tady chuckled, "yeah Peter, she's right."

"Argh, this blows," I grumbled, but just then my phone began to vibrate. I picked it up and saw a text message displayed on the screen. 'The quantum field has been stabilized.' I grinned, "sweet."

I got up and immediately grabbed my hoodie and bag. "Where are you going?" MJ asked.

"Work. Reed finally made some progress on a project we've been working on together," I grinned, "and if this works my own project will be one step closer to being complete."

"Wait, job? You have a job?" Tandy asked curious.

I chuckled, "yeah, did you think my car just came out of nowhere? I told you I built it right?"

"O-oh, right," Tandy nodded, "where do you work?"

"Oh you're going to love this," Liz giggled, "Peter works with the Fantastic Four."

Tandy's eyes went wide as she stared at me in something akin to worship. "Y-you work for superheroes?!"

"Not for, with," MJ and I said as the same time. People keep treating me like an employee instead of a partner, the pattern was really obvious now.

"That's amazing," Tandy gasped, "you're so cool Peter..." she said in a quiet tone of voice.

I shrugged, "it's nothing. Listen, I may be gone for a few days, so don't worry. Matt and May will take care of everything okay?"

"D-days? Where are you going?" Tandy asked.

I shrugged, "nowhere, but usually when I get into a big project like thi I don't come out of the lab for a few days. This whole week was actually just me taking a break from my work. But once it's done I should be home soon."

"Okay," Tandy blinked, not really sure what she should say next.

"Relax Peter," MJ said, "we'll take care of her, she'll be fine with us."

I nodded, "thanks MJ. Alright you three, I'll see you later!" And with that I ruhed out the door, excited to finally be making some progress into the Antimatter universe.

Three days Later:

Reed and I stared at the gateway with heavy dark eyes. Reed has stubbles growing on his face and so did I, though not to such a vast degree.

His lab had been trashed completely. There were cups of coffee everywhere, we just kept taking new cups over and over again. Paper upon paper of calculation and specifications were littered all over.

Is it ready? I asked, no wait, I thought. I didn't actually move my mouth. Damn it, I wish I was psychih.

"Is it ready?" ah, there we go, this time I did open my mouth.

"Yeah," Reed sighed, "the generator is fixed. Any and all matter that enters through the portal will gain a negative charge allowing us to travel between the worlds," he yawned hard, and thanks to his powers his mouth stretched open so wide you could fit a coconut in there.

"Alright then," I moved to a computer and looked at the readings, "the portal looks stable enough….it's time to see if this works."

Reed nodded as he pressed the blinking red button on the terminal, causing the space inside the gateway to shimmer before suddenly flashing blue. And then, the portal stabilized. And I could see on the other side a familiar barren landscape. Dying stars off in the distance.

"I-it's beautiful," Reed whispered.

" is," I replied before shutting the machine off, causing the portal to collapse.

Reed sighed as we both plopped down on chairs, ealing back in exhaustion. Reed g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "does this really matter Peter?"

I blinked away the sleepiness, "what do you mean?"

"Well, if I already discovered this world in another reality, then….doesn't that mean anything and everything I do will just be a copy? Aren't I just repeating what has already happened? Does any of this matter?"

I thought about that for some time before I replied, "Reed….it does. Because yes, while in the grand scheme of things, nothing matters, right now, right here. We're making the world a better place for our people. For the people living in our dimension."

I got up and stretched, "think of it like a two famine struck villages, identical in every way. One eventually invents a new form of irrigation to bring in a new harvest, but does that mean we should just give up? We are still in a world of famine Reed Richards, we mustn't forget that. This is our reality, it's people and ideas made us, so we shouldn't compare ourselves to anyone else, lest w forget what really happened and what could happen."

Reed thought about that for a moment before nodding, "you're always."

I snorted, "I know...anyway," I sniffed myself, "oh god, we reek! How long has it been since we took a shower?!"

"Around seventy two hours I think," Reed g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I don't think we had anything to eat other than coffee and some donuts."

And then immediately realizing that my stomach growled loudly. I sighed, "fine. Let's go take a shower and eat something before anything else."

"We also need to sleep," Reed noted with a yawn.

"Right," I nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll just swing home and….oh shit," I sighed, "I skipped the last three days of school."

"I'll write you a note," Reed shrugged.

"Not going to help with my aunt and uncle...or my dad," I sighed rubbing the crust of my eyes, "I'm so not in a mood for a lecture right now."

"Then stay here," Reed shrugged as we walked out of his lab, but not before putting security on high alert. No way Doom's getting in here again, "I'm sure there's a spare bed you could use."

"Maybe," I sighed rolling my shoulders. We walked to the lounge where we found Ben present as always on the industrial bench lifter that he used as a seat.

"Oh, you're both alive. That's nice," Ben chuckled, "had an important breakthrough or what?"

Reed smiled, "something like that. Where is everyone?"

"They're asleep Stretch," Ben snorted pointing at the night sky outside the windows, damn, how late was it? I noticed a wall clock off in the distance, it was four in the morning.

"And what are you doing up so late Ben?" I asked with a yawn.

"Can't sleep much these days," Ben grunted as he turned to his personal extra large SA, "decided to read up on somethings."

Reed and I got similar pitying looks. We moved to the counter where we took a bagel from the pantry and began to eat our first proper meal in three days.

"Reed, I got a new project in mind," I spoke softly.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Curing Ben, once and for all," I replied, "we know your powers are interdimensional. Maybe with data we collect from the antimatter universe own unique understanding of inter dimensional energies, we may be able to make some progress reversing his condition."

"When do we start?" Reed asked.

"First we finish with the antimatter universe," I said as I butered my bagel, "I'll get in contact with a few experts on dimensional energies," it's about time I met the Ancient One anyway, "we'll begin soon. Sound good?"

"Perfect," Reed nodded, "wait, you know people who are experts at dimensional energies? Who?"

I smiled, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

The next day:

Sure enough I got yelled at for disappearing for three days. But by now May and the others were used to this, so it was mostly just for show. Though Tandy did seem very worried for my safety and insisted something bad had happened to me.

I slept for about twelve hours, then, at around seven in the evening, I put on my costume and swung into the city.

I had the address memorised of course, 177A Bleecker Street. Kind of hrd to forget the place where you learned magic. I swung over to the place and landed inside a tree across the road, it was getting dark soon, time to suit up. I took off m costume, under which I wore my apprentice robes and stuffed my metal backpack into my bag of infinite storage.

I jumped down and looked around, nobody paid any attention to me, nice. I walked upto the Sanctum and knocked on the door. I stood and waited, and in two minutes the door swung open as a black man wearing orange yellow robes stood before me, his form large and threatening.

He looked down at me, eyes surprised at seeing my clothes. "Who are you? Where did you gain those robes?" he asked.

"My name is of no concern," I shrugged, "but, I am here to use this sanctum's portal to Kamar-Taj. Can I?" I smiled.

He narrowed his eyes, "I don't know who you are boy, but I will not put up with your garbage any longer," he reached behind to grab the staff attached to his back.

I quickly spun my hand clockwise forming a magical circle before me, "relax Master Grumpy, I'm one of you."

He narrowed his eyes before slowly relaxing, "what do you want?"

"I told you, I need to use the portal to Kamar-Taj."


"To speak to the Ancient One," I replied.


"That's between me and her," I smiled, that was a trick, most would assume the Ancient One was a man.

"How did you know all this? Who is your master?" the man demanded.

I smiled, "that's kind of difficult to explain. You see, he's in another dimension."

The man glared at me. I smiled back. He sighed, "everyday it's something new. Fine, follow me," he stepped back and allowed me inside.

I looked around, the house was...different, obviously since the one I was used to was in another dimension. This one looked exactly the one in the MCEU. The Master of this place took me to the back where there was a giant thirty foot tall door with a single on it that stood for the New York sanctum.

He walked forward and pushed the doors open. There was a yellow tinge before us, but the moment we walked through it vanished. The doors closed behind us and I found myself in the crossroads room under the library of Kamar-Taj. And sitting before me on a pedestal was the Eye of Agamotto….and inside it the Time Infinity gem.

"Come, don't dally," the man grunted as he motioned me forward.

I had to force myself to look away from the amulet. All that power...and it just sits there...damn, what a waste. I looked away and followed the man, going through the large stacks of books on either side of me. I spied the book of time to my left, it glowed with power. That's right...the events of Doctor Strange are yet to happen.

I followed him out of the library and into a courtyard where several students in white were practising and at their head was a black man in green robes, Baron Mordo. I think he felt me looking, because he immediately locked eyes with me, for a moment I wondered if he was going to try and stop me.

But that moment passed as the master of the New York Sanctum and I entered the largest building where I was guided into the main hall, just like Strange was.

I found the Ancient One pouring tea in two cups, the old one armed chinese master Strange had confused for her sat relaxed on a seat before her. The Master of the New York brach stood back and motioned me forward.

I nodded and stepped up behind her, "you were expecting me?" The Ancient One placed a cup in my hands, I smiled as I sipped it, "hm...honey?"

She smiled, "very good. You have quite a tongue."

I shrugged, "my master used to put honey in his tea too, a habit he picked up from his master. You."

She raised a single eyebrow. She turned to the old chinese man, "that will be all master Hamera, Master Bendu, thank you." The two men bowed before leaving us, closing the door behind them.

"So do you have him around just to see how many would look over you and assume him to be the Ancient One?"

"Well….it never gets old," she smiled as she motioned to a short table on the floor, "shall we?"

I nodded as we sat down on cushions before the table, our cups of tea placed before us. I cleared my throat, "you never answered my question. Were you expecting me?"

"Does it matter if I was?" she asked.

"Yes. Then it would mean you have some understanding of this whole situation and it would save me the time to explain it to you," I leaned forward sipping the cup of tea.

"I see...well then, yes, I do know who you are, Peter Parker. Or should I say, Spider-man?"

"Ah, so you do know," I nodded, "how may I ask?"

"When the...scientific group, the Baxter Foundation, discovered dimensional travel, I had a few of my agents keep an eye on them. And when you joined, naturally I learnt everything about you as well. I was...shocked to learn of your heroic activities. They were impressive to say the least."

"I see," I nodded, "hm, we need to step up security then."

"Yes, you do."

"So, can I assume you also know about my little trip the days before Christmas?"

"Yes. That was one of the reasons I had my people keep an eye on you. Tampering the the barriers that separate our realities is tricky business, if your group had damaged it...well,that would be a problem."

"You wanted to make sure we didn't f.u.c.k it up," I simplified it.

She smiled, "yes, in a few words."

"Right then...well, what you don't know however, is that the portal sent me to a world that is a reflection of our own. I saw a version of my future self there and in an effort to get a way back and...among other things, the previous sorcerer supreme of that world took me on as his apprentice."

"Oh...I see," she sipped her drink, "show me."

I held out my hand and immediately a disk of magic formed in it. Perfectly circular with a spider's web inside it.

Immediately the Ancient One's eyes went wide, "t-the web of life."

I sighed, "so you do recognize it."

"H-how is this...oh...of course, would make sense. Do you know what this means?"

I nodded, "that was one of the reasons my master chose to train me. He said as a totem to the Web of Life, I was one of the few people in existence who can actually use its power. He said that….he said that becoming a Sorcerer of the Web was my destiny...whatever that means."

She placed her cup on the table and roasted her arms summoning a dozen magical circles and spun them over me. I waited patiently for her to finish as I sipped my tea, hm, this was really good. Just honey huh?

And finally, she was done. She sighed, "this is...amazing."

I nodded, "you're tea's not half bad either."

"Do you understand what you are? Did he tell you?"

"Yes. He did. He warned me o the conceciness of tapping into the Web's powers and he also warned me that if I die at the hands of someone with the possession of all six infinity stones, all of reality can possibly fall too. Is that about the gist of it?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

She nodded, "yes, just about I suppose. Has he trained you in any form? Do you understand your true potential?"

"No. He hasn't trained me in using the Web. He's just...he's just trained me in the basics. The wh.i.p.s of Vanstha, stuff like that you know."

"I see...very well then, I suppose you leave me no choice. Apprentice Parker, would you like to be trained in the mystical arts?"

I sighed, "that is...a difficult question to answer Sorcerer Supreme."

"Why so?"

"As you know...I have other responsibilities. And school, and a job where I do what I can to save the world in my own way. I have just so much to do and I know training in magic is almost a full time thing. Is there any form of exception I can apply for?"

She hummed, " But...maybe your training need not be as strict as the others," she got up and motioned for me to follow.

I followed her outside as we went right back into the bas.e.m.e.nt of the library. The librarian didn't bother raising an eyebrow at our princess as she began looking through several shelves before finally picking out two in particular. A blue book and a red one.

"These are the personal journals of an old friend, Master Kal Cole, an American, like yourself, born in the year 1843 and died two decades later. In it he describes the process he took to tapping into the Web of Life for power," she passed them into my hands, "they could be useful."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I never heard of this man. Was he a totem as well?"

"No, he was not. Rather, he was ambitious. I was present when he attempted the process and...I saw what it did to him. I banned it's use since that moment, it was far too dangerous."

"What happened?"

"He was not a spider, he was a fly. So the web ate him up," she replied, a far away look of sadness taking over her face, "shame really….I had hoped one day he would have taken over my role in all of this...either way, since you cannot train here, you will just have to make do."

"Wait a second...I walk in here, and you trust me with books strong enough to break reality without a second thought?"

"You were tested by someone who once held the title of Sorcerer Supreme yes?"

I nodded, "yes."

"Then I will trust in his judgement," she smiled slyly, "after all, I have come to learn that Stephen Strange is a very good judge of character."

I paused, "how did you know?"

She smiled and looked over my shoulder, and sure enough, hunched up over a book was this world's version of my master. He wore white robes, technically making me his senior in the mystical arts. He was so focused on the book he was reading he didn't even notice us.

"I knew Strange's destiny the moment he was born on this world," she said mystically.

"Do you know mine?" I asked her.

She looked at me, "most don't walk a clear path. Strange's destiny has always been to become my replacement so his destiny was clear. But you….you are far more...obscure. It's difficult to tell with you."

I sighed, "just what I need, more confusion with the future," I looked over to Strange, he was working so hard, it was inspiring really. I sighed, "right, thanks for these books, they should prove useful. But, that isn't really why I'm here."

"Oh? And why are you here?" she asked.

Twenty minutes later:

"Who is she again?" Reed whispered in my ear.

"An expert in dimensional energies," I responded, "now shush." Reed rolled his eyes but nodded. The entire FF and I stood back as the Ancient One examined the portal we created into the Negative Zone. Johnny and Sue eyed her suspiciously while Ben just looked bored as ever.

I had invited her over and she agreed, curious to see mankind's first ever science based dimensional portal. Getting Ready to agree to let her have a look was difficult, but he did sort of owe me one.

And for the last five minutes the Ancient One had done nothing but stare at the portal and the readings it gave out.

"Dude, you're wearing robes," Johnny leaned in and whispered.

"Shut up Johnny," I hissed back.

"Why are you wearing robes?" Sue asked.

I sighed, "it''s a long story okay?"

And then finally she spoke, "you have done an amazing job here Apprentice Parker. The filtration system is remarkable, it should provide you with an adequate amount of time to explore this antimatter universe you have created. Thirty minutes if my calculations are accurate."

Reed was thrown for a loop, "how can you possibly know that?"

"Experience," she smiled before turning to me, "you have created something amazing here Peter. You should be proud."

I smiled back, "thank you Ancient One, I'm glad you approved. Also, there was something else, do you think you could also take a look at these four?" I gestured to the FF, "they gained their powers through exposure to dimensional energies's difficult to pinpoint them."

"Hm, I'll certainly try," she waved her hand causing a magical circle to appear before each of them shocking them all.

"What the hell?!" Sue cried out as she immediately formed an invisible barrier.

"Peter, what the hell is going on?!" Johnny asked as he began to heat up, even Ben and Reed looked ready to jump on the Ancient One and me.

"Relax guys, she's just scanning you," I replied with hands held up in surrender, "trust me, she's the last person on Earth who would harm you."

"And why is that?" Reed asked.

"Because I am the Sorcerer Supreme, and it is my duty to protect all forms of life, not kill it," she replied smoothly before snapping her fingers and sighing, "and you four...and odd to say the least."

"I'm sorry, sorcerer what?" Sue raised an eyebrow.

"She can perform magic," I supplied.

"Magic is real?" Ben asked with wide eyes.

"No way man!" Johnny protested, "magic isn't-" I snapped my fingers, forming a magical circle the size of a car before Johnny, "-real…..f.u.c.k."

" can perform magic?" Sue blinked.

I nodded, "yup."

"B-but how?" she asked.

I shrugged, "magic is just another way of manipulating energy Sue. Our minds are complex quantum computers, they have the ability to change the world, by accessing energy through dimensions."

"But that's impossible!" Reed protested.

"Says the man who lives under the same roof as a walking boulder, a living fire ball and a woman who can become invisible in a split second."

"And you more important, all four of you are currently manipulating dimensional energies in the first place. Though, admittedly, in a much more roundabout manner," the Ancient One said.

I blinked, "I'm sorry, but what?"

"You see Peter, it's like you said. They all gained abilities through exposure to dimensional energies. Not far off from what soccers can do."

"Wait, are you saying you can do what we can lady?" Johnny asked in a skeptical voice.

In response, she just smiled and snapped her fingers causing her entire right arm to be covered with flames. Everyone flinched and tried to help her, only to realised she wasn't in any pain. If anything, she looked a bit cold.

She snapped her fingers again and it vanished, "your skills are quite rudimentary Mr. Storm, though I'll admit, flight is not a skill easily acquired." She then turned to Sue and snapped her fingers, vanishing for a moment before reappearing again, "and your skills are also easy to replicate...though it has to be said that the telekinetic barriers you can form are not in the same category as invisibility."

"C-kan you become like me?" Ben asked.

She turned to him and gave a sad smile, "you poor man," she reached out and touched his skin, "your condition is...much more complex. Unlike your companions, you cannot regulate your abilities, which is a shame," she raised her right hand, the tips of it's fingers glowed gold. And then suddenly, she plugged it into his gut, knocking Bent over.

"Ben!" Reed cried out as he charged forward throwing an enlarged fist at the Ancient One.

"No Reed!" I cried out stepping before her and quickly forming a shield with my magic circle that stopped his fist dead in its tracks.

"Peter, you better get away from her or ese!" Johnny cried out as he went full flames, ready to burn the Ancient One alive.

"N-no! Wait!" Ben suddenly said.

"Ben!" Reed cried out rushing to hs friend's side.

Ben slowly stood up and we all gasped at what we saw. Radiating outwards from his gut was an aura of golden energy that chipped away at his stone skin. We watched as slowly the stone seemed to melt off his body, slowly sinking away.

He stood in the same spot and watched along with us as slowly ore and more of his stone skin melted away, revealing a human figure underneath.

"Oh my God, Ben..." Sue gasped.

And then, just as it began, it started to reserve. The golden glow died down as the stone on Ben's body flew right back up ont's Ben's body.

"W-what?! No! No!" Ben tried ripping the stones off, but they just didn't fall. And in moments, Ben was restored to his original form, not even a scratch on his rocky body.

Reed turned to the Ancient One and growled, "what happened? Why didn't it work?!"

She sighed sadly, "it's a spell known as the Armour of Gae. It was invented in ancient Greece where a sorcerer would channel dimension energy through their bodies, into the ground and back into themselves. This would create a sort of armour around them, for all intents and purposes, it became a layer of skin."

"What's that have to do with Ben?" Sue asked, her attention fully given to the Ancient One.

"Your friend is doing the very same thing," the Ancient One explained, "he's channeling dimensional energy, producing it from his body and forcing the stone to stick to him. I-I have never seen anything like it."

"Can you fix him?" Reed asked, "you did it before, can't you do it again?"

She sighed, "no….the amount of energy he's making cannot be stopped. I tried dispersing the energy with that strike's far too strong."

Suddenly, I had an idea, " you're telling me Ben can't control the energy flow in his body, correct?"

She looked curious but nodded, "yes, that is correct."

"Then teach him," I turned to her, "teach him to be a sorcerer, but not one like me or Stange. But someone who can just perform one spell….one spell, perfectly."

She hummed, "your suggesting I teach him magic to control and regulate the dimensional energies in his body?"

I nodded, "yes….can it be done?"

She g.r.o.a.n.e.d and closed her eyes. We all waited on baited breath for a response. In the end, she opened her eyes and smiled, "yes….maybe it can."

"Y-you can cure me?" Ben asked in shock.

"No Mr. Grimm," she smiled, "you can cure yourself."

An hour later:

Ben went to his room and packed everything he would need. It took him twenty minutes to do so and another twenty to talk too and convince Reed this was something he needed to do. The man didn't like it, but he understood if there was a chance his friend could be normal again, he had to take it.

And now we stood in the lounge hall, each gathered around Ben while the Ancient One stood back, respecting our privacy.

"Did you pack everything you need?" Reed asked.

Ben grinned, "relax Stretch, I got this."

" safe. And remember, if you need anything just call on that SA of yours and i'll be there immediately."

"I know, I know," Ben;s smile seemed impossible to remove, the guy was just so excited.

"I'm going to miss you big guy," Sue said as she hugged the man around his gut.

"I'm going to miss you too Sue. Take care of them for me will you?" Ben smiled sadly.

"I will."

Johnny sighed as he steppe forward next, he looked nervous, sacred even. He looked up at Ben and sighed, "t-take care okay? Don't like, do something stupid."

Ben grinned, "I promise kid. I won't do something stupid...without you."

Johnny grinned, "hell yeah!"

Ben then turned to me and nodded, "thanks kid. Thi means alot to me you know. A chance to be normal."

"Don't thank me just yet Ben," I smiled sadly, "the tough part is yet to come."

"I'll take your word on that," he grumbled before turning to the Ancient One, "I'm ready ma'am."

"Wonderful," she nodded as she walked forward and took out her Slingring. She spun her hands forward creating a spinning disc of sparks that created a gateway directly into the training yard of Kamar-Taj.

"Goodbye you guys...take care and be safe," Ben wished as he followed the Ancient One through the portal, leaning us for who knows how long.

I sighed as the portal collapsed, "damn, today was a long as day."

"Who was she?" Reed asked.

"An immortal," I replied, "no one really knows how old she is. Or even her real name. We just call her the Ancient One...some say she's Celtic, but they aren't really sure."

"Will she be able to help Ben?" Sue asked.

I looked at her and shrugged, "honestly? That part is up to Ben."

"Hey Pete, how exactly did she do that sparky portal thing?" Johnny asked.

I shrugged, "magic I guess."

"What? You don't know?"

"Dude, I'm literally a beginner, there's plenty I don't know!" I sighed, "besides, isn't that good? It would be so sad if I knew everything there is to know about the world. Everything would lose its splendor!"

Sue rolled her eyes, "right...anyway, you guys up for dinner?"

"Can we order take out?" Johnny asked.

"No! We got that last time!"

"But sis!" as the pair of siblings began to fight against each other, I turned to Reed who hadn't' said a thing.

I walked up to him, "hey...he's going to be fine. You know that right?"

Reed nodded, "yes...I do.'s just that I wanted to be able to help. But now...I guess no one needs me after all."

My heart grew heavy at that admiton. I didn't want one of my best friends to feel that way, ever. "Reed-"

"-No," he snapped, "….I can't," he walked away, "we'll talk later Peter...goodnight." He then slammed the door to his lab behind him. And in my gut, a lead ball just dropped.

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