Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 46 - Magnets and Flyers

I finished the drone and stepped away form the table. It was black with blue highlights and a single repulsor in its bottom. It was around the size of my plam and very difficult to spot, unless you were looking for it.

In its core was a miniature arc reactor with Parker blood enhanced systems allowing to go indefinitely without a need for charge. The entire top of its body was layered with several small cameras, recording everything happening around and over it.

"Alright S.e.xy, start it up," I spoke allowed.

"Yes Peter," the AI replied, activating the drone. The repulsor engine slowly kicked in allowing it raise into the air and hover. It wobbled in place for a while before it's onboard computer systems calibrated it, making it steady.

"Alright, begin scanning of room and find the optimal location for recording," I ordered as the drone took off, going to one corner of my land and turning around, using a vacuum seal on its base to lock itself onto the flat wall.

"The feed is coming nicely Peter," S.e.xy replied as I saw the recording on my monitor. Everything was clear, my entire lab was captured by the drone.

I nodded, "good. Now then," I reached into a drawer and took out a mask that was of the comic book version of green goblin. I held it over my face and immediately the alarms in my monitor went off.

"The computer is sending an alert Peter, it's able to successfully recognize the preceness of the target. It's a success sir," S.e.xy replied sounding happy.

I nodded, throwing the mask away, "adjust the parameters, add a few more facial descriptions like glider, pumpkin bombs and mad laughter...also...make sure the nano trackers I placed in Harry's drinks is active."

"Doing it now sir," S.e.xy replied. I had spiked his drink yesterday at school, he didn't even notice. I looked at the monitor and sure enough there it was, the nanobots inside his body gave out a particular signal that only I knew to track, and using that this drone would track and follow Harry's whereabouts, even if I wasn't there directly.

I realised that I can't actually follow him 24/7, just waiting for him to change, I had too much work for that. So I broke my rule of no drones and built on, just one. It would track Harry, only Harry, and if it sees anything even relating to the Green Goblin, I would know about it immediately.

After that was done I left my lab and sighed, cracking my neck. It was an early Saturday morning and I had been working on this all night. I went into the lounge and was surprised to find Johnny and Sue wide awake.

"Hey you two," I greeted them, "what's up? Why are you up so early? The sun's barely up."

"It''s our dad's death anniversary," Johnny said as he sipped his cup of coffee.

I paused, "oh...I see. You two are going to visit him?"

Sue nodded, "'s time...anyway, Peter, here," she sent a message that appeared on my SA immediately. I looked at it and found the paperwork for a bank transfer for around 20 million dollars, "that's the last transaction for this weeks entire Negative Zone resource auction. How much more do you need?"

I nodded as I opened the bank account I had set up just for this purpose, and sure enough there it was, 320 million dollars. I sighed, "it's getting there."

Sue grumbled, "sorry...if you want you can use the funding we have. I'm sure combined-"

"-No," I cut her off, "it's fine. Just a few more weeks and I'll be able to do this. It's fine."

"You know, you never did tell us what that was for," Johnny spoke up.

I grinned, "secret."

The Storm siblings left the building soon after, and the moment they did I got a call. I looked at the number, it was Jean. Curious I picked it up, "hey Birdie, what's up?"

"Spider..." her voice sounded tired. Immediately I was on alert, she didn't call me Peter, she called me Spider.

"What's wrong? Where are you?"

"I'm fine...but...can you come over to the mansion? We need to talk."

"Give me half an hour," I cut the call, "S.e.xy, have the car ready," I rushed into my lab where my costume was in it's back pack form. I turned it on and stripped off my coat and clothes. I put the clothes on and slammed the arc reactor, turning ti on and causing the costume to shrink onto my body.

I put on my web gauntlets and jumped out the window, just as my car began to float up to my window. I got into the driver's seat and punched it, taking off.

I flew over the land, going as fast I could to the Xavier mansion. I reached in twenty minutes, I didn't even bother waiting for it to land. As it came over the mansion I just jumped down and then crawled in through an open window.

I ran out and looked around, "Jean? Jean!" I couldn't find them anywhere. I clicked my teeth in worry, I looked around, finally giving up I decided to head down into the bas.e.m.e.nt, where the real tech was. And sure enough, I found the door to the right wide open, leading to an underground hangar.

I ran in, the X-men were there in full costume and a beaten and damaged plane in the hangar before them.

"Jean!" I cried out, she was bleeding from the head, a bandage wrapped around her skull.

"Pe-Spider," Jean smiled as I ran over and hugged her.

I looked around, everyone was hurt in some way, Logan's clothes were ripped away, Storm's right arm was in a sling. Kurt looked even bluer, Rouge had a deep cut on her left arm, she sat in one corner with Scott, the costume around his gut torn off to reveal a damage there as well.

Kathy looked unharmed, though defeated. Evans wasn't here and Xavier had both his arms covered with bandages.

"What happened?" I asked.

Logan growled, "Magneto."

"He got out?" I asked in horror, "damn it!"

"Did you know this would happen?" Scott asked quietly.

"No, I had hoped SHIELD was smart enough too..." I clicked my teeth and I turned to Jean and touched her bleeding head, "are you okay?"

Jean nodded, "I'm fine."

"All the fault cannot rest with SHIELD Spider," Xavier sighed, "Erik had allies outside who helped him break free."

"Who?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"The Brotherhood of Mutants," Kurt said, "they're like an evil version of us."

"They're also incredibly powerful," Rouge whispered.

"They broke into the facility where SHIELD had Erik restrained and broke him free," Xavier continued, "we tried to stop did not go well."

I looked around, "where is Evan?"

Storm looked away in sadness, Logan put a comforting hand on her shoulder and spoke, "he got the worst of it. Magneto tried to kill us all. That's how most of us worked. He and his cronies then floated away, Storm gave chase but-"

"-I shouldn't have done something so foolish," she spat, "it's because of me that he's hurt."

"Hey now, you listen to me girly," Logan hissed, "the only person who is to blame is that speedster, no one else. Evans just wanted to protect his cannot blame yourself for the actions of others."

Speedster...Quicksilver? Hm, what about Wanda? Whatever, there's no time for that, "S.e.xy, call Fury."

"What did you call me?" Jean asked confused.

I chuckled, "sorry, I got a new AI system since we last really talked. Not that I don't think you're s.e.xy too Birdie," I ended with a wink making Jean blush.

"Wait a minute," Kathy spoke up, "Birdie...argh! Peter?! Is that you?!"

I stiffened, "," just then, the call went through and Fury was on the other line.

"Remind me to get you the number of my assistant," he grunted.

"Is your assistant the leader of SHIELD?" I snorted.

"Sigh, what do you want kid?"

"Magento, he's escaped."

Fury was silent for a moment before he spoke, "yeah, he did. And your X-men buddies were there as well."

"Were they trying to stop him or help him?" I asked, testing him.

"Stopping him."

"Then next time don't make it seem so jaded," I hissed, "do you have a track on him?"

"We're kind of busy at the moment," Fury hissed, "there are reports coming of the laws of physics taking a vacation. So we're kind of having our hands full right now."

I growled, "fine. Thanks Fury," I cut the call and turned to the X-men. I tightened my hold around Jean and sighed, "I'm glad you called...but why?"

"Because he's coming after you next," Jean replied, "and he said he's going to do it immediately. If you stayed in NY..."

"He would destroy the city coming after me. B-but then that would make this his next target!" I realised.

"Yeah," Logan grinned in feral rage, "we're counting on that."

"We aren't just going to let Magneto get away with hurt Evans the way he did," Scott growled, "we owe him."

"But if he's coming here then Evans himself is in danger!" I cried out.

"Kurt has already transported Evans to a colleague of mine who is well versed in mutant physiology," Xavier mention, "it will just be us and them."

"Spider," Jean spoke, I turned to her, looking into those perfect green eyes, "will you fight with us?"

I sighed, "always Jean...but you all look pretty banged up."

"We'll heal," Rouge hissed, a steel in her eyes I hadn't seen before, "he almost killed Evans. And I...I couldn't do anything by just stand and watch."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "oh God, you're all crazy."

"Look who's talking," Jean huffed, "if you had your way you would have fought Magneto all on your own. Again."

I shrugged, "probably."

"Wait, he fought Magneto?" Kurt asked in shock.

"Who do you think put him in the cell in the first place?" Charles asked with an amused smile.

"Wait!" Kathy cried out, "stop talking for one second!" We all turned to the girl who huffed, her face red, she pointed a finger at me, "are you Peter Parker or not?!"

I sighed, "damn, I hoped you would forget about that," I reached up and unlatched my helmet, revealing my face to all of them, "hey all. Nice to meet you."

"YA!" Kathy cried out in excitement, while Rouge, Kurt and Scott had their jaws dropped.

"About time they figured it out," Logan huffed, even Ororo had a small smile on her face.

I turned to Jean, "they really didn't know huh?"

Jean chuckled, "Rouge actually thought I was two timing on you with another guy."

"How?!" Scott cried out.

I shrugged, "man made mutation. It's complicated."

"Well explain!" Kurt cried out.

I groand, "eh, but I don't want too. Look, if you're serious about goading Magento here, then we need to get ready. I don't know about you, but if I have an advantage over my enemy, I'm taking it. Jean, come with me, I need your help building something that can be useful. Logan, I want you to come as well, we need to work on you as well."

"What do you need me for?" Logan asked.

"You're made out of metal, Magneto can twitch a finger and destroy you," I rolled my eyes, "time to so something about that."

The X-men followed me as I went into their lab and took over. I had S.e.xy installed into their system and took inventory of everything they had on hand to get an idea of what I could make.

"Alright then," I placed my helmet aside and turned to the gathered X-men, "who does Magneto have on his side?"

"A speedster," Ororo glared.

"How fast?" I asked.

"Faster than the human eye," Xavier replied.

I sighed, "really descriptive there professor...fine, who else?"

"A mutant who calls himself Toad," Scott signed, "lounge tongue, can jump great distances and can...sigh, can spit out some green junk like substance."

"Lance, I mean, Avalanche," Kathy blushed as she corrected herself, "he ah, he can cause Earthquakes."

"Blob," Jean supplied, "he's...fat. I mean, really fat. Super strength too."

"And then there's Mystique," Logan growled, "she's a shapeshifter."

I raised an eyebrow, "so you guys lost to a human toad, a shapeshifter, a fat guy, a speedster and a guy who can make Earthquakes?"

Jean nodded, "yes."

"...I don't want to sound rude, but my enemies are way cooler," I shurted.

"You have a guy that dresses up like a bird!" Kathy cried out.

"You have a guy who's mutation is just being fat," I snorted, "are you even sure he's a mutant in the first place?"

"Peter," Jean glared, "you're enemies call themselves the Sinister Six."

"..Okyay, I'll give you that," I sighed, "anyway. First thing's first, Toad and Blob are useless. Completely. Kurt, you take Toad, stay on him, he jumps away, you teleport. And you use this to hold him down," I reached into my utility belt and tossed him a couple of freeze pellets.

"What are these?" Kurt asked looking at them like they were tiny marble.

"They are bombs filled with a freezing agent that will freeze anything over for an hour. Use it to tie his legs up."

Kurt looked nervous holding them, "is it safe for me to hold them?"

"They aren't active yet," I told him, "you need to squeeze the top and bottom to activate them."

"R-right," Kurt nodded as he put him away.

"Scott," I turned to the Cyclops, "just blast Blob away. He's a big target right?" Scott nodded, "then blast him into the sky."

"Right," Scott nodded. Wait what? Scott Summers obeying without making an issue? Hm, times are changing.

"For Avalanche I would suggest Jean and the professor go after him. Knock him out psychically."

"Can't," Jean shook her head, "he has a helmet similar to Magneto's, blocks our powers."

"Hm...Kathy, think you can take it off him?" I asked the girl, "you should be able to phase through anything he throws at you, yeah?"

Kathy looked unsure but nodded, "yeah."

"Right. And now for the speedster," I hummed, "I honestly don't have a plan for him..he's...he's tricky to say the least. But, anyone that fast can't be...won't be looking around. They would have tunnel vision, they would need to focus to run without hitting into something. So...misdirection."

"And how are you going to do that?" Logan asked.

In response I grinned, "do you guys have any security on the campus? Also, where is the nearest horse range?"

Three hours later:

Floating high above the sky of the Xavier mansion was a man dressed in red and black with a similarly hued mask and a purple cape. Floating right behind him were five individuals that stood on top of a metal plate.

"Are you sure he's here?" Magneto asked his right hand woman.

Mystique nodded, "my source in town claimed they saw a car come flying towards the mansion. It matched the description of the vehicle the Spider uses in New York."

"I see...good," he lowered down slowly and as to confirm Mystique's report, there was a figure dressed in red and black standing at the entrance of the mansion, leaning casually on the door frame.

I was nervous, more so when I spotted Magneto land on the lawn before the mansion. I got off the frame and walked forward, "hello Erik. It's been a while. How's the face?"

I couldn't see much under his mask, but I knew I gotta him from the narrowed eyes. "Spider," he began slowly, "I have waited a long time to do this."

"Yeah?" I rolled my shoulders, "well so have I. Now!" Suddenly a large machine gun popped out of the front lawn and fired at the Brotherhood.

"I got this," cried out Quicksilver, judging by his silver and green costume and silver hair. He was young, around my age, smile. He vanished in a blue blur as he immediately caught all the bullet that were coming at them.

He then stopped before me with a grin and in his arms were a steaming pile of bullets that he dropped at me feet with a mocking bow, "I'm sorry, were these yours?"

"Pietro, come back," Magneto called out.

Quicksilver clicked his teeth but obeyed, vanishing and reappearing behind magento.

The man nodded before turning to me, "my son. A powerful mutant...strong enough to kill you, if I so wish it, you would be dead before you knew it. It is only my kindness that spared you Spider, know that."

I looked around, "I see...but why?"

"Because I need you to be alive for when I show you humanity's true face," Magneto replied, "you told me man wasn't good or bad, but a product of their choice. That I was the ultimate evil for creating a divide between man and mutants. Well, I will show you otherwise."

"Oh? And how are you going to do that?" I asked the man.

"Don't worry, you will find out soon enough," he snapped his fingers, "Pietro, grab him." He waited, but nothing. No blue blur, nothing. He growled and turned around, "Pietro! What is wrong with-what!?"

Quicksilver held his hands out and looked at them in horror. The tips of his fingers were dyed blue. He was shaking, and then suddenly, he dropped down, landing flat on his face.

"Shit! Pietro!" Toad, I assume from the face and constant squatting down, cried out, running to his friend's side and holding him up.

"What did you do to my son?!" Magneto cried out.

I kicked the bullets Quicksilver dropped at my feet, the bullets rolled down the stairs, cl.i.c.k.i.n.g with each step. "You know the problem with speedsters? They travel so fast, anything they hold will just slip right out of their grasp. Think about it, gloves don't have much traction, well, unless you're me."

Magneto turned around, he looked at his son's arm and realised I was right, Pietro did use fingerless gloves, it helped him grab things easily. And each finger tip was dyed blue.

"Horse tranquilizer," I explained, "strong enough to take down a horse. But I figured I would need more for your son. So I added a mild acidic substance to melt just the surface skin to infect his bloodstream and coated the bullets with it. It was predictable really, a speedster tends to want to prove they're faster than a speeding bullet."

And there it was, a hint of fear in Magneto's eyes. Yes, I knew my plans had flaws. But I took a gamble, and I won.

"X-men!" I cried out leaping into the air, "attack!"

"ARGH!" Logan pouced out of a bush, rushing straight at Magneto.

The man held out a hand to stop him, but to his shock Logan didn't. Erik was forced to fly away as Logan landed before him.

Just then Kathy arose from the ground and holding onto her for dear life were Jean, Scott and Rouge.

They moved, Avalanche cried out, immediately the ground began to shake. But just as planned Kathy phased through the ground and the rocks. She reached him in seconds, grabbed his helmet and pulled it off.

"Sleep!" Jean cried out and immediately Avalanche dropped down like a sack of potatoes. She then turned to Blob, who had ripped a tree from the ground and was about to throw it at her. Scott sent out a beam of energy and blast Blob away, sending him crashing into the mansion.

"Damn this! I'm outta here!" Toad tried to run, but Kurt teleported behind him and threw the pills at the mutant.

"What's this?!" Toad spat out his disgusting green slime, but the moment it touches the pills, they exploded creating a block of ice that came crashing down on top of Toad. One pellet managed to hit his legs, freeze them both in place.

I was focused on fighting Magneto, I saw Mystique transform into a bird, a Raven and fly away. But then Ororo came flying over the mansion, her eyes white.


Yea that birds' not going anywhere.

"What happened to your bones Logan?!" Magneto asked as he flew away, Logan and I managed to hit his left leg, breaking it. Obviously he decided not to risk anymore and floated into the air.

"What's wrong? Can't control them anymore?" Logan grinned.

Magneto narrowed his eyes at me, "you...what did you do Spider?!"

I grinned, "that's for me to know and you to never find out," I shot a web line at him, catching his arm. I then pulled and Magneto came flying down for a second before he took off into the sky, flying high up, taking me along with him.

He then flicked his hands as the machine gun that was used for security came flying out, crashing into my side and forcing me to let go.

I came flying down, I knew this was going to hurt. "I got you!" I heard Jean cry out as suddenly my fall began to lose speed can I safely landed on the ground.

"Thanks," I nodded at her before we both turned to Magneto. He was flying far far up in the sky.


Ororo sent a blast of lighting but Magneto simply held up a hand, creating a magnetic field so strong the lightning was nullified. Damn, didn't think he could do that, but then again magnet and an electric charge are interconnected.

"I'll be back Spider," Magneto narrowed his eyes, turning away and flying off into the air, faster than Strom could. I clicked my teeth, he got away damn. And then I looked down, Quicksilver was captured, Toad has his legs frozen, Avalanche is unconscious, Blob had been thrown into the study and Mystique had been hit with a bolt of lightning.

"S.e.xy, call SHIELD, tell them we have the mutants that rescued Magneto ready for transport," I spoke into my helmet and then turned to Xavier who slowly rolled out.

"He got away," Logan growled.

"That he did," Xavier sighed, "but we captured his allies...hopefully SHIELD will not be too cruel."

"One can always hope," Logan replied. He thorne lifted his forearm covers revealing the metallic bracelets I had made for Rouge, "how exactly did these things prevent Magento from controlling me?"

I grinned, "they use a magnetic field to keep Rogue's powers in check. I just kicked up the output to over 200%. It interfered with Magneto's own powers, nullifying it."

Logan blinked, "I didn't understand a word of what you just said. But thanks anyway."

"We did it," Scott sighed, "finally."

"Yeah," Rouge nodded with a smile.

"Spider!" S.e.xy suddenly cried out, "the drone just gave off a Green Goblin sighting alert! He's on the move!"

"F.u.c.k!" I cired out, "not now!"

"What's wrong?" Jean asked.

"A very dangerous and powerful enemy just showed up," I said as I touched my helm, "S.e.xy bring the car around," I made a metal list of people I could call for help. Sue and Johnny were off visiting their dad, Reed was...not much of a fighter and the X-men just had a fight, I can't ask them for more help.

"Do you have to go?" Jean asked.

I turned to her, she looked hurt, longing even. I sighed, "I'm sorry..I wouldn't unless I had too...but I don't think anyone else is prepared for what's coming."

Jean sighed, "I understand," she then reached forward and removed my mask. She threw it over her shoulder and leaned forward, grabbing me into a kiss. She wrapped her arms around my head as I placed mine on her h.i.p.s.

She sighed as she stopped, touching our foreheads, "when can I see you again?"

I sighed, "I-I don't know...things have been difficult."

"Peter, what are you planning?" My mind whirled all the ideas floating around in my head. Jean's eyes visibly widened, "oh...I see. That's certainly a lot...will you visit me soon though. When you have the time?"

I smiled, "sure," she kissed me again before pulling my discarded helmet into my hands and putting it on me.

"Go get him Tiger," she smiled.

I nodded, "yes ma'am," I looked up just as my car came flying out. I jumped up, clearing over thirty feet and jumped into the driver's seat.

"His car can freaking fly?!" Kurt cried out as I blasted away, heading to New York as fast as I could.

"S.e.xy, display the drone's feed," I called out as the HUD in my car light up, displaying the night sky of New York, the drone must be following him. I suddenly saw a metallic glider come into view with blue fire thrusters burning and an individual's wearing black armour with green highlight flying on top of it.

Suddenly the glider kicked into overdrive as it blast of into the skin, the back draft from the thruster hit my drone and sent it flying off course, crashing into a building side before the feed cut off.

"Shit!" I cried out, "f.u.c.k! S.e.xy, do we still have Harry's location from the nanits in his body?!"

"Yes Peter, we're still tracking him. Though we can't get a signal unless we enter the city limits."

Curse me for using such a damn short range tracking device. But anything stronger and Harry or someone would have noticed it by now. So with nothing else to do, I sat tight and drove as fast as I could back to NY.

It took me twenty minute, but I arrived soon enough. And as soon as I entered the city air space I picked up on Harry's signal.

"Spider, there seems to be some kind of disturbance happening at Times Square," S.e.xy spoke up, "reports aren't clear, but some kind of monster seems to be causing a lot of damage."

"That's Harry," I growled, dammit, damn it all to hell! I swirled the car over and as Time's Square came upon the distance I saw smoke rising up.

"Doc, make sure you land somewhere safe!" I told the car as I opened the door and jumped out, dropping down fast before shooting a web line and swinging upwards, shooting forward and landing on the roof of a building overlooking Times Square.

I saw in the middle of the field a man dressed in green armour holding a car over his head. He roared as he tore it apart before throwing both halves out into the crowd.

"Shit!" I cried out, I shot out a web line, but it wasn't fast enough to catch both halves. But then, something happened. A glowing orange pumpkin ball came flying forward hitting each half of the car and upon contact, they exploded, leaving nothing behind, not even scrap to hurt the people.

Fire burnt down, and out of the flames, a masked man in black and green armour riding on a glider came through. The glider resembled the classic Goblin glider with the bat shaped figure head, the armour was robotic, like the one Willem DaFoe wore in Spiderman and but the helmet however was a half face mask and goggles.

'Harry,' I realised, 'but then who's,' I turned, the man in green who threw the car...he also had a tail coming out of his back. A robotic tail. The Scorpion.

"Hey ugly!" Harry cried out as he threw a pumpkin bomb at the Scorpion. The monster swung its tail, knocking the bomb back at Harry. Osborn swirled off course, the bomb was flying towards a crowd of people.

"No!" Harry cried out. Now it was my turn.

I jumped off the building and reached into my belt, grabbing a freeze pellet and threw it at the bomb. My aim was perfect as the pellet hit the bomb in mid air, causing the both to explode, but the ice cut off the explosion, ensuring that no one got hurt.

I landed on a lamp post and growled, "what the hell is going on here?!"

"S-Spidey?" Harry gulped as he looked at me in shock.

"Spider-man!" the Scorpion cried out, "please, you gotta help me!"

I blinked, "what?!"

"I can't-" the man stopped as suddenly his body flinched and then his gren armour turned black as he began foaming at the mouth. Something was wrong.

"ARGHH!" he cried out in an animal like roar. He aimed his tail at me and fired off green like liquid at me several times. I jumped and dogged, my spider sense warning me so, the liquid hit the lamp post I was standing on, melting it.

"Acid!" I cried out in realisation. I then turned, the Scorpion had ignored me, instead charging at the people gathered around us. "No!"

"I got this!" Harry cried out as he flew down and took out several bladed weapons, throwing them out and hitting Scorpion's armour, piercing him so much he cut through it, drawing blood.

"PAIN!" the Scorpion cried out as he grew even angrier. He aimed his tail at HArry and fired, the teenager dogged quickly, though I could see the acid was still moving, about to land on civilians.

"STOP!" I shot an am out summoning my magic. Immediately a whip of Vanstha came flying out like a bullet, shooting into the air and exploding over the group of people in line to the acid, forming a protective web barrier over them.

Thank God I practised. The acid hit the mystical webs an slowly melted them away, by now the people got the idea and ran away. I turned to the Scorpion, he looked pissed. He grabbed another car and was about to throw it at Harry when grabbed a web cartrag and threw it at him.


His entire body was covered with wb as he was stuck holding the car over his head. "Good job Spidey!" Harry cried out as he took out a pumpkin bomb and threw it at the car.


"No!" I cried out as the car exploded. My webs were burnt off and the Scoprin came running out, crying out in pain as he was burnt alive. I ran to a fire hydrant and drew out my claws, cutting the top and then using my strength to morph the hydrant to aim directly at the Scorpion.

The flames were dosed, the Scorpion was unconscious from the pain as he laid in a pool of water.

I cut the water by crushing the pipe closed. As I did Harry flew down, excitement rolling off him. "Hell yeah! Did you see that! That was freaking awesome!"

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I cried out snapping to him.

Harry looked surprised, "w-what do you mean? I took down the bad guy!"

"No! You didn't! Didn't you hear him?! He was asking for help!"

"Yeah, before he went totally psycho and tired to melt your face off!"

"He was in pain! He needed help! Does he look normal to you?!" I pointed at the burnt figure, even pieces of his armour was melted off.

Harry was stunned, I guess he never really saw what he did. He stammered and was about to say something when the sound of a helicopter suddenly started to ring out.

We both looked up and saw an Oscorp chopper coming down and hanginout outside was Norman Osborn with a megaphone.

"People of New York! I am Norman Osborn. And I am a son of this city! I lived here for my entire life, I was raised on this city's food. And now, in the recent years our city has played hosts to heroes and villains. Aliens and Gods. But...I find the number of villains outweighing the number of heroes. So I decided to put a change to that!"

Immediately Harry took off, flying into the air and stopping next to Norman, standing tall and proud.

"May I introduce Oscorp's newest gift to New York city! IT's newest and greatest hero, the Glider! Fitted with only the best technology Oscorp has to offer, I have hired this amazing hero to be not just my protector, but the city's! I owe this city a great debt and it's time I pay it back!"

And with that, Norman and Harry took of, leaving me with a half burnt super villain and a shattered hold on reality.

What the hell is happening here?!

And just as I was about to help clean up, three large vans suddenly rolled up with a giant green 'G' its side and stopped in the scene of the attack. Immediately people ran out and began to work.

People that were hurt got bandaged up and fixed. Any rubble was being cleaned up, it as a clean up crew...Osborn has a clean up crew?

They were so fixated on the people, they didn't even notice the Scorpion, who was still covered in burns. I did what I could, used my webbing to cover his burnt o prevent them from getting infected.

A few moments later the cops arrived. Five cars pulled up, they got out and began forming a perimeter while a few interviewed the Oscorp crew. And a few, was approaching me and Scorpion.

"Thanks Spider-man," said a blonde man with a trench coat that I recognized, "we'll take it from here."

"Captain Stacy right?" I asked him as I nodded, "haven't seen you around in ages! How are things?"

"Fine...I suppose," he looked down, "who's he?"

"I'm going to call him the Scorpion," I replied with a shrug.

Stacy snorted with a grin, "appropriate….what happened here? It looks like a war zone. And who are these people?"

I sighed, "Norman Osborn just corporised a superhero. He calls him the Glider," I snorted, "stupid name, but whatever. Anyway...he...he and the Scorpion here fighting, he uses bombs as a means of attack. Scorpion here tried throwing a car at people, Glider throws a bomb and...well, you can see for yourself."

"Poor bastard," George Stacy sighed, "don't get me wrong, I know he's bad but-"

"He's not evil," I cut in, "he actually sounded like he couldn't control himself. Like….like something was controlling him."

"Mind control? Seriously?" Stacy snorted.

I shrugged, "I personally know two people that have been mind controlled just the last year. It's not that uncommon...not in my world."

Stacy sighed rubbing his hair, "fine. I'll look into it. You, get out of here. You're technically still a criminal, and I don't want to arrest you, so scram."

I chuckled, "right captain," I leaped onto a lamp post, "take care."

"You too Spider-man," he nodded as I swung away.

'Stacy….now there's a name I wasn't expecting,' I sighed, 'but why I haven't I seen her? Maybe next year or something she'll join Midtown. Whatever...' I looked at the Oscorp tower off in the distance. I didn't realise it, but there was now an alteration to the logo. Next to the giant 'O', there was a small green 'G' next to it.

I didn't understand what was going on, we were officially off canon. But...I understood one thing...shit was about to hit the fan. Hard.

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