Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 47 - Stealing Gollum's Precious

It was Sunday night, I sat in the lounge with Sue, Reed and Johnny. We were all looking at the TV, it was tuned to CNN a debate was going on about the nature of Oscorp's newest enterprize, the superhero Glider.

I sighed, ever since Harry made his superhero debut the NEWS has been talking about him 24/7. Hell, every online social media was talking about him. New York newest hero, or as they also call him, 'The F-Bomber'. Yeah, kind of badass.

He already has a Twitter account and an Instagram account. He was basically a product of OScorp as everything he said and did was supposedly monitored by Oscorp and it's lawyers.

Technically, there was nothing in the books against a privatised superhero, as he would be registered as a company's service to the state….which was free. And since he was a property of Oscorp, he didn't have to reveal his secret identity, which fell under the same trademark like a food company's secret recipe formula.

And right now a Harvard professor of law, a 40 year old asian woman, a representative of the DA, a black man by the name Harold and the blonde caucasian anchorman were arguing the legality of this whole deal on national TV.

"-But what gives him the right?" the anchorman asked his guest, "yes, from a legal standpoint he's in the grey. But who wants him out there throwing around bombs of all things to save people?!"

"I would think the people did," the Harvard professor spoke up, "when the police are unable to handle this issue, they turn to those who can, in some cases that's Spiderman, in others, it's this new one, the Glider."

"But what about the legality issue?" Harold asked, "this isn't a private thing, it's a public intuition! It's risking the lives of people! What's to say this guy won't fail? What's to say he'll make things worse?"

"Exactly," the anchor nodded, "and, what gives Oscorp the right? They-"he stopped pressing his right ear in for a moment and blinking in surprise, " seems we have an incoming call...from Norman Osborn and the Chief of Police."

The TV screen was suddenly split as a new field was shown, one of Norman in the chief of Police's office with the two men sitting next to each other. Norman sprouting a comfortable smile while the chief looked nervous.

"Ah...welcome sirs, this is 'The Talk', what ah, what are you doing here?" the anchor asked.

Norman smile grew bigger, "well Jared, you see, I'm calling to address the issues you have brought up on your show. The ones for legality and execution. As you can see, I'm sitting with the Chief of Police, putting down pen to paper for a legislature which will allow Oscorp's newest hero Glider to serve as a consultant of sorts for the police."

Norman stopped and turned to the chief, he sighed as he stealthily nudged the man prompting him to speak. "Ah yes, you see, this deal ah, has been in the works for some time now. But due to the hasty nature of yesterday events, the Glider had to act on his own. We at the New York Police Department are glad for the help of such a professional and welcome Oscorp's help in these troubling times."

Norman nodded, "thank you Harem. Now, Mrs. Kang," Norman address the Harvard law professor, "does this satisfy any legal loopholes?"

The woman nodded, not skipping a beat, I think she was expecting this. "Yes Mr. Osborn it does."

Norman's smile grew cruel, "excellent, I'm glad we could straighten this out." And just like that, his feed was cut out.

Johnny whistled, "damn. He just legalized a vigilante. Hey sis, think we can get some of that funding?"

Sue snorted, "I doubt that very much," she looked over at me and forced, "what's wrong Peter? You look..distracted."

I glared at the TV, "I'm wondering how long before this whole thing blows up in their face."

"What makes you think that?" Reed asked.

"Because I know Osborn," I sighed getting up and leaving to the kitchen, "he's in this for money, profit. A publicity stunt. Hell...he doesn't care about people. He uses them."

"That we can both agree on," Reed snorted as the others walked up to the kitchen as well.

I opened the fridge and pulled out a frozen pizza. I took it out and tossed it to Johnny, "light it up flames," he did so, cooking it slowly. "Also, I think it'll blow up because of who Glider really is."

"You know who he is?" Sue asked in surprise.

I nodded, "Harry, Norman's friend," I sighed rubbing my eyes.

"How did you find that out?" Reed asked with a suspicious look.

"I-I may have used a drone to track his movements," I admitted softly.

"Peter!" Sue cried out, "that's illegal!"

"And morally bankrupt," Reed hissed.

"Hey! I didn't do it without reason okay!"

"Oh really? And what reason is that?" Reed asked.

"He...he healed in a week. No, not just healed, he became fitter than he ever way, Olympic level fit," I growled, "the only way he could have done that is if he used some kind of new drug. I went to Oscorp to find out what that is and sure enough, it was a drug called Green Fields that has been tested and trialed for two years, but failed every time!"

"Oh? And how do you know?" Reed asked, "how did you find the files?"

I sighed, "I-I snuck into Oscorp and hacked it's system."

"Corporate espionage Peter...that's what you did," Reed glared at me, "do you realise that?! Huh?! You put the Baxter Foundation at rik with hat stupid stunt!"

"Hey! I didn't go as myself! I went as Spider-man okay!"

"Oh yeah, that just makes everything better! Because we aren't affiliated with Spider-man at all!" Reed spat, "what's your problem Peter? Huh? Why do you think everyone else is flawed except you? Why do you think Oscorp can't handle this? Osborn may be a bastard, but he's a highly intelligent one! You don't know if they have made some improvements at the last moment they chose to leave out of their serves, you don't know anything!"

And that's when I lost it.

"Yeah! I f.u.c.k.i.n.g do! I f.u.c.k.i.n.g know that they are going to f.u.c.k this up! And do you know how I know this Reed?! It's because of the f.u.c.k.i.n.g portal you sent me through! Do you know who Norman Osborn was in that world?! What he did?! He was a monster! A monster that tried to kill me! That tried to kill my wife and child! That did kill his own son! So I know for a fact, that this, is leading up to that!"

Reed slammed his hand into the desk, hard, "this world isn't that! There are differences!"

"Like what?!"

"Like the fact in that world I marry the love of my life and in this I'm nothing but a stain on her windshield!" Reed cried out, his anger reaching its peak. He began panting slowly, anger slowly being released out.

Sue, Johnny and I were frozen on the spot. Reed realised what he said and immediately turned and left without another word.

"Awkward," Johnny whispered as he placed a freshly reheated pizza on the counter.

I turned to Sue, "what happened?"

"He...he and his girlfriend broke up," Sue sighed, "it's just...he's just going through a hard time."

"Really? Because it sounds like he was talking about you sis," Johnny infrared with a raised eyebrow.

Sue huffed, "unlikely...look, I'll talk to him okay. Don't take it personally Peter, please," she said as she left, following being him.

I sighed as I sat down, Johnny next to me. We each took a slice of pizza nd ate in silence. Until Johnny spoke that is, " dangerous is he?"

"Like I said, he will one day be the most dangerous villain I have ever fought. He is so dangerous...the other me will be forced to kill him just to stop him."

"I had a wife and child huh?" Johnny continued.

I sighed, "yes...I did."

"You never told us said you were alone," Johnny stated, though the question implied was obvious.

"I did...because things are different here...I'm not with the same person. And if she knew about our supposed destiny then well...that would change our entire relationship."

"I you had a kid? What was she like?"

I smiled, "remember May? The Spider-girl you hit on a while back?"

Johny blinked, "no."


"No..but I-."

"-Yes you did."

Johnny turned red, "we will never speak of this again. Understood?" I chuckled silently and nodded.

That night I returned to the lab after dinner. Reed and Sue were still talking in Reed's lab, and from what I could hear the talk wasn't getting anywhere. Reed kept talking about why his girlfriend dumped him and Sue did her best to console him.

I entered my lab and sat down on my desk. I sighed, I had no idea what to do about Harry...I guess for now, I'll just have to wait and see...neah.

"S.e.xy, open a new project, label it as Goblin killer," I spoke.

"Understood Peter. What will this project be for?"

"Taking down an enemy," I replied as I opened up the specs for my spider-man armour and made a copy. I then began designing weapons that would able to neutralise and defeat the Green Goblin. All types of Green Goblin, be it one with technology or one that was organic, like the Ultimate Green Goblin.

The first I had to take care was the bombs...or rather the fireballs, if the Goblin turned out anything like the Ultimate Spider-man comic books.

Then would come the glider. If it has any AI then S.e.xy can hack into it. It not then I can just use my metal power on it.

If the goblin did end up with increased mass, then my claws will come into play and if he had other tools well...I'll have to get creative.

But as I worked on my design, my phone buzzed. Curious I picked it up and saw it was a message from Tony.

'Sorry it took so long. Forgot where I put it. Also Riri says hello.

Ulysses Klaue- location- Johannesburg, Salvage Yard.

Number- (504)-332-4392'

I grinned, I typed back a thank you and shut the phone off. I needed to get to South Africa fast but...damn it, I have school tomorrow! This is why being a teenage superhero sucks balls!

The next day:

I sat down for lunch, classes today have been...boring to say the least. I began to eat, and just then Tandy showed up, only this time she was surrounded by a new group of friends, the cheerleaders and she wore a cheerleader uniform.

I was surprised, I watched as she joked and laughed with her new friends, sitting far away from me. I was surprised but...happy, it's about time she got more friends.

And then I saw MJ walk in, I was about to call her over when inside she turned right and walked to Mark who sat a few tables down with the rest of his band. They quickly began to chat as well.

Then Liz and Flash came in. I was sure they were going to sit with me, when suddenly Harry came up behind them and dragged them away. The three sat together and chatted like the old friends they were, happy and cheering.

And just like that...I was alone again.

I didn't realise it but...I now remembered that I hated that feeling. Lonyless, especially in school. The joy of being surrounded by people and...and not being seen by anyone. When Felicia was here….I was never alone. When she left, she left me with two friends.

And now the first was too busy with her boyfriend and the second was taken away by Harry was how my life was before Felicia...alone...sad...pathetic.

I can' stand it anymore, I just f.u.c.k.i.n.g can't!

I got up and left, I didn't care about the rest of school, these f.u.c.kers can kiss my a.s.s, I built a dimensional portal just last week, I don't need this! Argh! I hate this feeling of angst!

I hopped into my car and looked at the message Tony sent me. Johannesburg was what, a 16 hour flight? Yeah...I have some time to kill.

I called up May and Ben and told them I was going to a conference in Switzerland about particle science. I asked Sue to cover for me and she promised me she would. I bought myself four days. More than enough to get there and come back.

"Doc, set a course for Johannesburg," I spoke as I pushed my seat down and stretched, this was going to be a long ride.

16 hours later:

I sighed as I put down my SA, the designs for my new suit was present in there. My vibranium suit. I also designed a few more specs, like finishing up the Goblin killer costume and a new experimental weapon.

"We are reaching your destination," Doc called out from the dashboard.

"Thanks, switch to manual," I put my seat upright and took the handle. I took the car down low and looked down, sure enough the salvage yard filled with discarded tankers was seen in the distance.

I quickly put my car down and took out my backpack. I slipped into my costume and then got out. I went to the trunk and opened it, pulling out my bag of infinite storage. I'm so going to need this later.

It was the middle of the night right now, literally. I activated stealth mode, which just meant that the power was cut off, turning the whole suit black.

I snuck into the salvage yard, it was stupidly easy. Only problem now is which ship had all the goodies in it? I looked and observed, and I found that one ship was more cleaner than the rst. It had footmarks going into and out of it. Jack pot.

I walked up carefully, I saw armed guards on the deck with guns. Lucky, they hadn't seen me yet. Looks like it was finally time for me to act like a f.u.c.k.i.n.g ninja.

I crawled up the side of the ship and reached the first gaurd. He was looking out into the distance. I removed both hands from the ship's side and reached forward and grabbed the man's leg.

"What the-" I pulled him out before slamming him into the ship's side and webbing him up. He was soon stuck to the side of the ship and for a finishing touch I fired two web lines at his eyes and mouth. Muffleing him.

"S.e.xy, thermal vision," I whispered and it activated immediately. I looked around, twenty armed guards patrolling the ship, more inside, though the ones inside weren't moving, probably asleep.

I cracked my neck, time to work for a living.

Half an hour later:

I took some time, but I managed to web up all twenty guards without making much of a sound. One did turn out to be very loud, though I just used this as an advantage as he drew five people to his location, which gave me the chance to take them down as well.

And now, I was in. I crawled on the ceiling of the rafters as I made my way through the inside of the ship. I still had thermal vision on, and I looked around, easily spotting the hidden stash of vibranium Ulysses had kept hidden behind a fake room.

I knew if I opened it it would create a lot of noise. So I needed a distraction. I quickly went to the otherside of the ship and found an important steam pipe. I placed three wads of exploding foam all around particular areas of the ship.

I the quickly moved to the hidden room and opened the door, "S.e.xy, bring the room down."

"Working on it now Spider," she replied.


The shifting of the room caused some noise, people would wake up soon. They would move to check it out. And, I clicked the activation button for the foam.




Ah, the sound of pure destruction. Soon steam was pulling into the ship. Everything was slowly getting covered with fog.

"The damn steam pipes broke! Get it fixed!" I heard someone cry out. Just then the room where the vibranium was hidden came into view. I immediately went inside and closed the door behind me. No need to draw attention to myself.

I turned, the room was amazing. Everything was high tech, state of the art. There were stacks of vibranium ore stored in small glass casings with monitors and wires attached all around.

"S.e.xy, disable all forms of monitoring present in this room," I told her as I drew a USB from my helmet to the computer terminal.

"And….done," S.e.xy replied, "you can now safely remove the vibranium."

I grinned, "perfect." I took me five minutes to remove every single glass case of vibranium in this room and put it into my bag of infinite storage. There was enough in here for...well, I needed two canisters to build myself one suit. I stole over a hundred. No wonder Ultron had enough to build himself two new bodies and a doomsday weapon big enough to carry up a country.

And when I was done, just to piss off Klaue, I grabbed a pen I found on the desk and wrote on the wall, 'Thanks for the metal. I needed it to build the Death Star. Love...well, Me!' Hehe, would drive him insane.

I had S.e.xy use thermal mode again and this time I saw that the steam had almost all gone. Most of the men were gathered on the other side of the ship tending to the 'ruptured' pipes.

I opened the door, sneaked out. Ran across the salvage yard and to where I parked my car. I threw my bag of infinite storage in the back and started the car. It took off into the sky and flew across the air. Just as we left I looked back and saw the lights on the ship slowly coming on and yelling in the distance.

I threw my head back and laughed, who needs friends, I just stole a city's worth of vibranium! Ha! No wonder Felicia loved doing this! I might just become addicted!

Another sixteen hours later:

I sighed as I parked my car in the baxter building garage and took the elevator upstairs. I immediately bolted to my room and locked the door behind me. It took me 37 hours total, meaning I had taken a full day off school...and I technically still had three more days.

It was one in the morning currently, Sue, Johnny and Reed were probably asleep, I could continue my work in peace.

I first placed the orders for the materials I would need to create the unstable fabric. I had only three hundred and twenty million, but that should do for now. I bought what I could, transferred payment through the bank. They should be here in three days.

Of course, it wouldn't be complete without the rest of the machines, but for now, this was enough.

WIth that done I turned to keeping the stolen vibranium safe. Just putting it inside a bag isn't all that safe. And that was when I realised I needed to learn more magic. Just a few tricks isn't going to cut it anymore.

So I opened the text of red and blue that the Ancient One granted me, and I began to learn.

I began with the blue text first, since it was the first volume. This book spoke mainly about Kal Cole's life leading up to his discovery of the Web, what he believed it to be and more importantly, how to access it.

It took me a long time, but I finally managed to read all of the book. And what I discovered was...odd. Yes, I wanted to say Strange, but the pun was too bad.

The Web was an interdimensional source of energy, the type of energy that all socceror's use. Or rather use in small quantities. The Web flowed between worlds and riding on its coat tails was the dimensional energies of other worlds.

And if a sorcerer can become powerful by controlling the cars on the road, just how much energy can one have when controlling the roads themselves?

The Web was related to space, time and life. Three important factors that combine the other worlds. It crosses space, time and connects through life. More specifically the life of a spider totem. No wonder those Inheritors wants us all dead, we Spiders literally generate life itself.

And so, I began to train myself in everything that I would need to be competent in in order to even begin to access the Web's energy.

The first thing I have to do, was access, or at least be aware of the Web and its energy. So I began my meditation. And for a day, I stayed like that. The first few hours were impossible, I kept moving, kept fidgeting. But then, I found out a little trick Kal used.

Most people believe meditation is the absence of thought. That is not true. But rather it is the hyperaction of thought. Meaning the brain becomes so active, it can't focus on only one thing, creating a state of absolute bliss.

So I did. I thought of my life, the complex issues I dealt with, possible solutions and as I did, I felt my body slowly humn along. At one point I felt numb, to everything. My self, my problem, my issues. Everything. My eyes were closed, but I knew even if they weren't, I would be feeling nothing.

And then, I felt it. A trickle of energy flowing through me. I felt...power, pure unfiltered power. I unlocked my senses and felt it flow through me, no, not through me….from me., not from me, to me...from somewhere far far away.

And it was powerful.

I opened my eyes, and for a second I saw the world covered with golden webs. Every web connected to everything else, it was like a giant cocoon, yet, this shimmered out of existence and into it, almost like they didn't exist. I knew instantly what each web line was.

There were ones coming from the ground to every single object in this room. They represented gravity. Then there were web that hanged loosely on the surface of an object. I reached out, instantly, when I touched it, the webs came alive and attached themselves to my hand, and I felt the object's warmth.

Each thread represented a...a factor of what makes an object exist, be it their size or shape. It wholesome. Like I was seeing the world truly for the first time. Everything was connected, to everything else.

I decided to dub this ability of mine, 'Web Vision.' I turned it off and on again several time, lucky for me, it stayed. I decided to continue to train, to meditate. And maybe it was time for me to continue to train what Strange taught me, before I left, he was trying to teach me to move things with one's mind, that could be useful.

And so I trained in telekinesis. By opening my mind and channeling my magic into it, I reached out and tried to manipulate object. It was honestly impossible. I thought of just giving in, but then I got an idea.

I used my Web Vision and I watched the way my magic moved and interacted with the material world. I was sending threads of energy through my mind, but they kept moving away from me. So with a now visual guide, I was able to learn telekinesis so much quicker.

And I continued, excited to see what else I could learn.

Three days later:

"Peter? Are you in there?" Sue opened the door and walked in with a letter in her hands, "there are some people in here with some really expensive looking equipment. You may want to come out here and get them, Reed looks like he's-"

She stopped and stared. And I think I can guess why.

I was floating in mid air, with no guidance of help from anyone or anything. I was toplss, chooseing to wear only my jeans and shoes. Slowly I opened my eyes and I found myself floating down to the ground.

I took a deep sigh and got on my feet and turned around, "just wait a moment," I quickly grabbed a shirt and put it on, "well then, let's go."

Sue blinked, "Peter...what was that? How did you...what did!"

"It's a basic sorcery trick," I replied, "I only just recently picked it up."

"What was that?!"

"Telekinesis," I told her.

"Wait, telekinesis?! But how? Are you a mutant? Did you...did you use the mutant spider program on yourself again?"

I shook my head, "no Sue. Your mind can interact with the physical realm by channeling power into your brain waves, the same way I do through meditation and katas using this, one can move any object with just their mind."

Sue g.r.o.a.n.e.d as we walked to the elevator where the men were waiting for us, "so wait. Are mutants magic?"

I smiled at her, "I asked my master the same thing."

"What did he say?"

"He w.h.i.n.ed and called mutant cheaters," I chuckled, "mutant have access to certain things, such as energy fields and power, that soccerors have to strive for through training and learning. Years of it. So it's kind of like cheating because they have a short cut."

Sue hummed in understanding. I approached the delivery men and soon we had set up all the equipment in my lab, just the way I wanted them. After they left Reed, Sue and Johnny all gathered in my lab to inspect the new toys.

"So why do you need these things for anyway?" Johnny asked.

I smiled, "ti's for the project I'm working on," I brought up the morphing clothes project and put it on the screen, "it's a solution for the world's fabric problem. It would essentially make child labour obsolete and no more clothes wastage...ever."

"What material do you use?" Reed asked.

I faltered for a second, I knew this was going to be a issue. I sighed, "it's a type of fabric the other Reed Richards made. Known as Unstable molecules. Essentially they cannot be broken, tore apart, stretched out or anything else. They grow with the person. And with a few changes I have made, they can slowly change form depending on the structure the user wishes."

I displayed the basic design, "here, you see, the memory fabric technology existing today along with the theoretical work coming out of Kyoto Japan will allow for a new type of clothing, one which you will never have to change, but it will change for you. It can be anything, any design you want. And, it can never tear or break. If people want, they could turn their clothes into kevlar, making it bulletproof. The options are literally limitless."

"Except one thing," Reed glared, "who's going to own the patent for this?"

I knew this was coming. Before, when Reed didn't hate my guts for some particular reason, I would think it wasn't an issue. But now…

"I guess you," I shrugged, "I did base this of your designs anway. Just ah, could I use it?"

Reed glared, "I didn't design this Peter...I wouldn't have thought about this in a million years," he hissed glaring at the diagram.

"But you will," I shrugged, "weather in this world or in another. You will-"

"-Stop damn telling me what I will do Peter! Stop deciding my fate for me!" Reed cried out, "do whatever the hell you f.u.c.k.i.n.g want! It's your patent," he threw his arms in rage and left the room.

I turned to Sue, "I thought you talked to him."

Sue growled, "I did," she turned and left as well.

I turned ot Johnny, "dude...what is going on?"

Johnny looked just as confused, "I can honestly say...I have no idea. I think...I think Reed is jealous."

"Jealous? Of who?"

"You," Johnny replied.

"Me? Why would he be jealous of me?" I couldn't even begin to understand. What did the smartest man in the world have to be jealous off?

"Well lets see, you're a superhero-"

"-So is he!"

"-That works with the Avengers on a daily basis. And you aren't even an a.d.u.l.t yet," he raised an eyebrow. "You also got Ben a way to transform back...I guess Reed just doesn't like you taking over."

I blinked, "damn it….should I talk to him?"

Johnny sighed, "no, don't bother. He's...he's just frustrated. Give him a moment, he'll be better latter. Look Peter, I kind of have to go now okay? I'll talk to you later," and with that, I was once again left alone.

I sighed I think I'm losing the people closest to me...but why? What have I done that's so bad? Work as Spider-man? Be a good scientist? It just doesn't make any goddamn sense!

I put the thought out of my mind and instead worked on assembling the machine components before me. It took me the whole day, but I managed to fix it all together into one 3D printer like device that printed out fabric like a copier shot out paper.

All I was missing now was one device know as a quantum particle charge destabilizer which I had to have to make this whole thing work. Sigh, looks like I need to make a few more trips into the Negative Zone.

I packed up early that day, it was still around five in the evening when I left. I found a spell in Kal's notes that would serve as protection. A rune barrier that I placed around the entrance, windows and my machine. It wasn't much, but it would stop anyone from getting in by accident. Plus, it would alert me the moment someone broke through.

With that done I got in my car and drove back home, looking exhausted, which I was.

"I'm home," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I walked inside.

"Peter?! You're back!" I was shocked to find MJ there with my aunt waiting for me. And she looked pissed, "you ass! Where the hell did you go for three days?!"

I blinked, "didn't aunt May tell you? I had a conference in Switzerland about-"

"-I know that! I'm asking, why didn't you tell me?!" MJ slamned her hand on the table and stood up, marching right up to me, she was pissed. "You don't tell anyone where you're going, you don't tell, Liz, Flash, Tandy or me! You just vanish in thin and and then show up three days later like nothing ever happened?!"

I sighed, I would have been pissed, I should have, I had ever right to be. But, after spending three days in meditation and thinking about this, I honestly didn't care. I thought about, and I realised if I chose to be a hero, I'm going to be a very lonely person, I can't live like everyone else, so...I just didn't care anymore.

"I'm sorry MJ, I really am. I should have told you, but I didn't," I sighed, "it's just it was last minute and it was something I had to do. I'm sorry."

MJ blinked, she looked taken back, "ah, what?"

"I said, I'm sorry," I smiled, "come on, I'll tell you what happened," I motioned over, we sat back down at the dining table, "so basically I went there because this new project I'm working on. It can change the world. Basically destroy the fashion industry as we know it."

MJ blinked, "what are you talking about Peter?"

I smiled, "well, how would you like a suit that never tore or got cut, never changed no matter what you did to it and can transform into any design you want just by scanning an image."

MJ's eyes glossed over, "dude...what the hell are you building?"

I chuckled, "I'll show you when it's done. Now then, tell me, what exactly happened while I was gone?"

MJ blinked, "ah, well, nothing much I guess. I mean, it's just been three days. Ah...oh, well I guess there is one thing that's kind of funny. Tandy got asked out by Harry for Valentines day."

And my sense of peace and nirvana came crashing down. I took a deep breath, I must not panic. I sighed, "and?"

"She accepted," MJ shrugged.

May blinked, "really? But I was under the impression she had quite a crush on Peter here."

"She does, but Peter ghosted the entire week so she couldn't ask him. She when Harry asked her out she accepted, but he made it clear they were only going out as friends."

I blinked, "this….this is kind of messed up."

MJ modded, "I guess. But if you liked her you should have just made a move Peter."

"I don't like her in a romantic manner MJ," I replied, "but...she...Harry...sigh, I just get more and more bullshit to deal with."

"Language Peter," May warned.

It took me a while, but I finally managed to catch up on everything that happened over the past week I was gone. I was exhausted by the time I hit my bed, which by now I hardly even recognized.

I layed down on it, and just as I did, my phone began to ring. I saw it was Jean on the line, "hello? What's up Birdie?"

"Peter, did you hear? The Brotherhood of Mutants escaped," she spoke quickly, "listen you need to be careful, the Professor thinks for now Magneto will leave you alone, but we aren't sure. Please keep an eye out, okay?"

I sighed, "yeah...I will," can this get any worse? I have half a mind to call Fury now and yell at him for doing such a shitty job. Honestly, did he put them in a prison or a daycare?!


I was dressed up in a black hoodie and baggy sweats. Underneath I had my Spider-man costume on, my mask had been removed and stuffed into my giant pockets. I was on a mission, I was following Tandy and Harry as they walked inside a movie theater.

"You're going to love this movie, I promise," Harry smiled, "it's about a girl who likes this guy who has no idea she's alive."

"Story of my life," Tandy sighed.

Harry winked, "don't worry, she gets him in the end. And then they lived happily ever after." Tandy chuckled and they walked in. I quickly followed suite, careful to keep my distance. The movie lasted for an hour and a half, and wasn't half bad. I only had to keep one eye on them and the other on the screen.

I had been following them ever since they met up at noon. First they had lunch and then Harry took her to the top of the Empire state building, since she claimed she had never been. And now movie, honestly, it seemed like a nice date.

But, I knew Osborn could snap at any moment, any moment he could go Green Goblin and Tandy could get hurt. Which was why I spent the last three hours stalking them like an obsessed ex.

After the movie they left to the park. It was around four in the afternoon, perfect time for a walk, I'm sure. I followed them from afar, hood put up and my eyes focused on Harry.

They slowly walked towards the Bethesda Terrace, the place was packed with couples today. Kind of sweet, but whatever, I had a job to do. As they walked around I noticed Harry's hand slowly come up and wrap around Tandy's shoulder, she turned to him and whispered something, he just laughed and they continued walking away.

He looked...fine. I hate to admit it, but maybe...maybe I'm being paranoid. He's not just going to snap...would he? I should never underestimate an Osborn, or a Goblin.

They found a park bench and sat down, talking as they watched the fountain before them. I hide behind the trees and waited for them to move again, honestly, at this point, I began to yawn, this seemed like a waste of time.

It was getting close to sun down. I expected them to leave soon, but they didn't. They kept walking. What the hell were they talking about?

I closed my eyes and focused, instantly picking up on Harry's familiar voice. "-So yeah...Peter is my best only friend. And I think he's ashamed of the man I was before, so he stopped hanging out with me and I can't blame him. He's...he's the kind of guy who'll always stand up for right's right, you know?"

Tandy sighed, "yes...I know. He did the same for me...he saved me and I can't...I can't even thank him properly."

"Is that why you love him? Because he saved you? Do you think you owe him something?"

"No...I know he would never accept that. I love him because...because he's the kind of man who didn't look away when a small homeless girl needed help."

I sighed and closed of my hearing once again. I don't need this in my life. I looked at them, they were safe, Harry hadn't lost his mind yet...maybe he won't ever. My job was done.

I turned to leave, and just as I took the first step, my spidey senses went off.

I felt it, it hit me hard. My legs actually began to buckle. I snapped around and looked and there, slowly walking towards Harry and Tandy, was a man in a black cloak flapping behind him. And inside the cloak...there was absolutely nothing.

'Cloak...cloak...oh my God,' my eyes widened in realization. That's Cloak, from the superhero couple Cloak and Dagger! Wherever he went she followed! What was his name? Tyrone? Yeah, yeah that's his name! What's he doing here?

He stopped before Tandy and Harry, the two realising they had company.

"Ah...can I help you bro?" Harry asked.

"The light," Cloak whispered as his eyes locked onto Tandy, "your leaking out...the light."

"I'm sorry?" Harry got up, stepping between Tandy and Cloak, "I think you should leave, you're making the girl uncomfortable."

"The Light….you are the one I seek, balance," Cloak stepped forward, he reached out, his entire hand was covered in darkness.

Harry growled, "hey! Step off! I don't know who the hell you think you are but-" Cloak turned to him, reached out and grabbed Harry, throwing him over his head, "-ARGH!" I heard his screams cry out as he landed on a tree branch.

"H-help!" Tandy cried out, "someone! Anyone!"

There was a darkness that came pouring out of Cloak's body, it seemed to infect everyone around us. I ran, I needed to stop this, I don't' understand why a hero was doing this, but maybe there was some motivations about Tyrone's character I didn't understand.

I'll admit, he isn't my favorite hero. The only thing I know about him is he and Dagger work together to stop drug dealers because they were drug addict themselves, or something like that. Tyrone was a monster without Dagger there to stop him, he would go out of control.

I put on my helmet and threw away my sweats and hoodie, rushing out to fight the man. "S.e.xy, find out everything you can about that energy he's putting out!"

Tryoen turned, he noticed me, f.u.c.k! He opened up his cloak and tendrils of darkness came rushing out of his body. It came flying at me, but I ducked and doged them.

"I'm sorry Spider, but I'm unable to scan him. It seems he allied some form of dimensional energy."

I cursed, this was so not my day. And just then, suddenly my legs were stuck. I looked down and sure enough I was forced in place my by own shadow. It held me tight, not letting me go.

"Shit!" I cried out as I tried to use magic to break free, only for any and all forms of energy I used to be absorbed away into the darkness. I tried shooting out web lines, but the shadows created by said webs came alive and destroyed the webbing before it even left the shooter.

I was being dragged into him, I tried crawling away, but slowly I was s.u.c.k.e.d inside.

"The Lightforce," Tyrone muttered, now turning away from me and to Tandy, " hungry..."

"No!" Tandy cried out, "get away from me!" she pushed, but Tyrone simply grabbed her arms and stopped her from struggling.

"Help!" she cried out, kicking his gut, only to have her feet s.u.c.k.e.d into the darkness inside him, "help!" slowly she was being pulled inside, "help!" and then, there was light.

"ARGH!" Cloak cried out as he pulled away.

Tandy was glowing, shining even. She glowed bright, like the sun. Her hair began to fly in an absent wind, her eyes glowed brighter and brighter as a glowing crescent moon appeared around her right eye.

I gasped. I never realised...Tandy Bowen...she's Dagger! Oh my God! I did this! I seperated Dagger and Cloak! I broke them up! That's why Cloak went mad! Without Tandy to balance his darkness, he's gone mad!

Tandy threw her hands forward as two daggers made out of light came flying out at Cloak. He absorbed the energy into himself and smiled.

"Hungry! Hungry! HUNGRY!" he cried out as suddenly he increased in size, pulling everything inside his darkness.

Tandy screamed. I reached out and grabbed her as we were both s.u.c.k.e.d into Tyrone's cloak. I held her tight as we shut our eyes. I began praying wherever he sent us, we had a way of getting back.

And as the darkness consumed us, I had just one thought. 'This is all my fault'.

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