Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 48 - Dark & Light

We landed in what looked like a field of darkness. I held Tandy tight as we landed on the ground, hard. I got the full force of the landing while Tandy sat safe in my arms.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and looked around, we were...nowhere. This doesn't make any sense, it was like darkness was the only thing that ruled this world. Darkness forever, except the place immediately around us. And that was because Tandy was glowing like the sun.

I looked down at her, the crescent moon around her right eye glowed brightly I think that was a representation of her power. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked up and looked around, "w-where are we?"

"I think it's another dimension," I replied as I let her go, "can you stand up on your own?"

She looked down and nodded, "yes, I," she stopped as she looked at me, "oh my God, you're Spider-man!"

I chuckled, "ah yeah, I am. Hi."

"Ep! I'm actually talking to you! The real Spider-man!" Tandy cried out, sounding very very excited.

"Yeah well if you want maybe we can chat afterwards," I got on my feet and offered her a hand, "after we find a way out of here yeah?"

Tandy nodded, "r-right," she got up and looked around, "b-but how are we going to leave? I-I can't see any exit."

I was about to speak up when I spotted some of the shadows slowly move. It came creeping forward and suddenly it shot out, grabbing onto Tandy's legs.

"KYA!" she cried out in terror as suddenly the tendril pulled her off her feet and dragged her away.

"I got you," I yelled as I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. I then released my stingers and swiped at the shadow, somehow this time they managed to actually hurt the damn shadow. It immediatly coiled and ran away, rushing back into the darkness behind.

I looked at my hand, I felt energy seep into it. I looked at Tandy, "are you okay?"

She looked shaken, but she nodded, "y-yes. Thank you."

I nodded and looked around, there was nothing around, and yet...this entire place fet off. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to focus.

"H-hey, are you okay?" Tandy asked.

"Yes...just give me a second," I replied as I focused and slowly I felt my eyes gather energy into them. I opened them up and viewed the world as webs. I looked out into the darkness and found none. No webs, nothing. And then, I looked at Tandy. And I gasped.

I realised immediately that this was why I could cut the shadows, Tandy's light, it made them vulnerable. Of course, light and dark, a balance...and I broke it.

I felt guilt hit me, Tyrone...he went mad because Dagger wasn't there to help him...oh my God...I did this. I caused all of this. I have to fix this, I just had to.

"Hey," Tandy suddenly spoke startling me out of my thoughts, "are you okay?"

I blinked, "ah...yeah. Yes, I'm fine...we have to figure out a way out of here..can you...are you able to control your powers?"

"Powers? What powers?" Tandy asked confused.

" know...those light dagger things?"

"Wait...I made those?!" Tandy gasped, "but I thought that just came out from him!"

" do know you're technically glowing right?" I pointed at her body and for the first time ever Tandy looked down at herself and gasped.

"What the hell?!" she cried out, "how is this happening?!"

"I'm not really sure," I replied humming, "but for now we have to focus on one thing, getting the hell out of here. And we can't do that without your abilities. So you in?"

She looked conflicted but slowly nodded, "y-yeah. But...where do we go? I can't see anything."

I held up a finger and focused, using Web Sight to look around, hoping to see something, anything that could help us. And then, I noticed it. A small thin line traveling from us, to the darkness outside. It was small, so small I wouldn't have noticed it, if Tandy's light hadn't been there to shine on it.

"This way," I told her as I squeezed her hand, guiding her by following the thread. Of course there wasn't a guarantee there would be anything at the end of this thread, but then again something that existed where nothing exists should be something right?

We walked in silence, I could smell Tandy getting nervous. "So..." she began, "do you like...know where we are?"

I hummed, "I'm not sure but...I think it's someplace called the Darkforce," I remembered what Cloak called it before he consumed us, "I think it's another dimension but...I'm not feels like...nothing to be honest."

"I see..but what was that thing that tried to take me?" Tandy asked, "it looked alive to me."

"That was the world itself," I told her, "it seems this world wants the light you produce. Remember? He said he was hungry...I'm guessing he wanted to feed on you."

"Ep," she squeaked, squeezing my hand harder.

I chuckled, "relax, you're safe. Apparently, you're also the only one who can hurt these things. So even if something happens to me, you'll be safe."

"Don't say that!" Tandy snapped, "if something happens to you then I'll be all alone!"

"I just meant-"

"-No, if we get out of here we're doing it together!" She said with a steel in her voice I didn't expect.

I chuckled, "alright light girl, have it your way."

"T-Tandy," she spoke.


"My name, it's Tandy. Tandy Bowen."

No, your name is Dagger...why didn't I know this? Why? How could I forget? "Hi Tandy, I'm Spider-man," I nodded, "now, let's focus on getting out of here yeah?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

We continued to walk for sometime, but slowly Tandy began to get get tired. At first she didn't mention anything, just kept quiet. But soon enough the silence got to her and she spoke, "how do you even know where to go?"

"I'm able to see some form of energy in here," I told her, "it's the only kind in here other than you, so I'm hoping it'll lead to somewhere."

"Ah...right," she replied. Once again silence, we kept walking for a while. And then, after ten minutes she spoke again, " you think the guy who took us is around here somewhere? Waiting for us?"

"Hm, possible," I replied, "but I doubt that."

"I see...I hope Harry's okay," Tandy whispered.

I chuckled, "don't' worry, I'm sure you're boyfriend is just fine."

"He's not my boyfriend," she replied.

"Oh? You both were in the park at Valentine's day in the evening. And you aren't dating?"

"It's-it's not like that!" she replied, "it's just...he's a friend."

"I see…." I hummed, "well why were you spending the most romantic day of the year with a friend?"

"Because the guy who I wanted to ask out is a total coward," Tandy spat.

I did a double take, "WHAT?!" she flinched in shock. I quickly cleared my throat, "I-I mean, what?"

"Ah...well, it's just that I'm pretty sure he skipped an entire week of school just because he didn't want to talk to me," she sighed, "I'm sure he knows I like him...he's not that stupid. But...I mean, he just left...for an entire week, just because he didn't want anyone to ask him out."

"That's kind of arrogant don't you think?" I suggested as we continued to walk, "I mean, are you sure that's the case? There was no other reason he left?"

"Well, he did say something about a conference but think he lied," Tandy grumbled, "I actually spoke to a couple of his friends, apparently his ex and him were close and he's still hung up over her. They think he's just not ready to move on."

I blinked, Liz and MJ thought I was still hung up on Felicia? Well...I am, but not that much...nowadays Jean is more likely to be in my dreams than Felicia...damn...I never realised that until now.

I sighed, "well...whatever it is, maybe you should just ask him?"

Tandy huffed, "as if. That guy.." she growled, "he's impossible! He's like the sweetest kindest person in the world, but the moment you try to get close to him, he shuts you out. No argument, no debate, he just stops. I actually lived in his house, and then after I moved out he just stopped talking to me you know?! Just like that, one moment it's 'here, you can use my bed' and the next it's, 'bye! See you forever!'. It's impossible!"

I gave a nervous laugh, "sounds like a complex guy."

We continued to walk and talk and then, slowly, the web thread we were following began to grow bigger and bigger until it began to move upwards into the air.

Immediately I stopped. "Why did you stop?" Tandy asked. I followed the tread and sure enough, high above us, was a tear in space which displayed New York, or rather Central Park.

"There," I said pointing at the portal.

"That's New York!" Tandy said excitedly, "we have to get there!'s too far!" It was at least 40 feet above us.

"I can do it," I told her, "all you have to do is climb on and-" my spider sense blared, "-duck!" I grabbed her and rolled, just as a tendril of darkness came crashing down like a whip on where we were just standing.

We rolled and quickly got to our feet. I had one hand on Tandy and spun my other hand, creating a magical circle that shot out several wh.i.p.s of Vastha that stuck the darkness and sliced off pieces of it.

But soon more tendril began to form. I held onto Tandy and threw my hand forward, using the wh.i.p.s to cut away the darkness, cutting off pieces, but they just coming faster and faster.

And then one got me. It came flying from my blindspot, my spidey senses warned me, but if I had moved then Tandy would have gotten hurt. So I stayed, instead I pushed Tandy away, just as the darkness collided into my side like a car.

I was sent flying through the air, "Spider-man!" I heard Tandy cry out. I landed on my side hard, but I managed to flip over and land on my feet. I looked up and saw the darkness coming for me, I swiped at it, but my claws didn't cut it, without Tandy's light, the darkness was unstoppable.

"F.u.c.k!" I cried out as it grabbed onto my legs. I created a magic circle to create a shield, but the darkness just ate the magic whole. It kept struggling, but like quicksand, the more I struggled, the faster it swallowed me.

I was on my knees, the darkness was covering my entire body. I turned to Tandy, she was shocked still, I could see the portal above her, I knew I had to make a choice. I could die, but I had to save that girl.

"S.e.xy, deattach suit! I give Tandy Bowen access to all its functions!" I brought my claws on myself and cut the material just above my h.i.p.s where the darkness had yet to absorb. The top half, now free, expanded itself, I lifted it over my head and removed the helmet. I threw them both at Tandy.

"Put them on!" I cried out as slowly the darkness began to swallow me, sleeping over my n.a.k.e.d abdomen and c.h.e.s.t.

"P-Peter?!" Tandy gasped in shock at seeing my face.

"Tandy! Put the damn suit on!" I cried out, the darkness now grabbed my arms and immobilized them, "put it on and fly! Use the repulsors on the palms! The helmet will teach you! Do it!"

Tandy looked shaken, stunned, "Peter!"

"Fly! Leave me!" I felt the darkness around me swallow my head. I felt my life slowly being drained away. I see, the had a symbiotic nature to it. I suppose I deserve this...I...I was such a fool...I caused all of this….I deserve-

"PETER!" And there was light.

The darkness exploded off of my body. It had been melted off, and standing before me like an angel of light was Tandy, once more fully embracing the light, in here hands my torn suit and helmet.

And then, she collapsed onto the ground.

"Tandy," I whispered as I ran to her side, picking her up and holding in my arms, "are you okay?"

"I-I think so," she muttered as her eyes began to focus again. She looked at me, " that really you?"

I sighed, "'s me," I looked around,the darkness was seeping away, "I think we're safe for now, can you stand?"

"I-I think," she replied. I helped her up and slowly her eyes went down fixed on my abs, "wow."

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean-ah..." she blinked and then suddenly, I saw realization struck her, "you're Spider-man?"

I sighed, "yeah, I am," I grabbed the top half of my costume and slipped it on. The costume shrunk and squeezed me tight, though there was an obvious separation between my top half and bottom. I sighed, damn...looks like it's time for a new suit.

"You're Spider-man?!" Tandy said again, as if only by repeating it could it become real.

I nodded, "yes...and I told you to run," I picked up the helmet and put it on.

"I wasn't going to leave you!" Tandy cried out.

I was silent, I then sighed, "you should have." 'I deserve this…'

"No, she shouldn't have...this is not a fate anyone deserves," a new voice called out. Immediately Tandy and I were on alert. I grabbed her and and drew out my claws. Immediately we spotted a guy walking towards us, a guy very familiar.

"He's back!" Tandy cried out. I grew worried, this wasn't good, he had the home field advantage. I jumped in front of Tandy to protect her, my hand holding hers tightly, afraid to let go, or else, we were both dead.

Tyrone however didn't move or say anything. He just stood there, observing us, and in turn I observed him. He wore a brown hoodie and torn jeans. He looked...tired, and unwell, he looked nothing like the monster that brought us here...something was off.

"You're the real one aren't you?" I asked in realisation, "that thing out took over your body're the real one."

"What?" Tandy blinked, clearly confused.

Tyrone just nodded, "you're name is...I...I'm not sure….I think it was T...T something ...Tyson? No...that's not it…" he stared off into the distance, thinking to himself.

I gulped, "what happened to you?"

He seemingly understood that. He looked up at the portal, we cautiously followed his eyes and saw images flash by, the portal serving as a sort of viewing screen to Tyrone's memories.

I saw him walking inside an alley, I saw him starving, I saw him steal from someone to feed himself, and then I saw him lured into a shelter for the homeless. People offered him a place to sleep and something to eat. But one bite of the food they gave, and Tyrone was out.

"Tyrone..." he muttered, "that's it...that's my name..."

We continued to watch. We saw him wake up in a lab surrounded by people in white coats. He tried to escape, but he couldn't. He was stuck there. The place was dinghy, creepy even. The people there pumped him full of drugs. I saw a familiar blue liquid being used on him, and then the image changed.

"This will activate whatever latent mutant gene you have stored up in your body," the man who said this had a british accent. The image cleared up, I saw a bald man with a strong jawline staring down at Tyrone, "this is going to hurt."

I recognized him, "Franchise," the guy Deadpool was trying to kill...Cloak was being experimented on by the same people! The ones who kidnapped people and turned them into weapons!

I saw Tyrone being tortured everyday, electrocuted, drowned, cut apart. Tandy gasped, I saw tears in her eyes as she grabbed onto my shoulder, squeezing it tight.

And then the image changed. One day, when Tyrone was being taken for more of his special treatment...he snapped. He charged, angry, people tried to stop him, but they couldn't. And then, he changed.

He exploded into shadows, they came pouring out of him, slicing people apart, swallowing them whole. Almost instinctively he grabbed the sheet they used as he bed spread and wrapped it around himself, forming his namesake cloak.

The guards had to be called in, mutants with their own special powers. They managed to beat Tyrone into the ground, one with sharp talons moved to kill him.

"Stop!" I looked up to see Ajax smiling down at him, "he's perfect. Seal him up, we'll have a buyer ready for him soon."

And then, Tyrone did the impossible. He allowed the shadows to eat him, teleporting away. The next moment he was in New York, walking through it, staggering around. I saw him walk in the shadows, starving, hurting.

And night, he couldn't take it anymore. His hunger grew too much. I looked over, Tyrone should the first sign of emotion since I met him, regret. It flowed out of him like water. He felt sorry for what was about to happen.

A beggar came out, he saw the starving Tyrone and feed him scraps he managed to wrangle up. But it wasn't enough. Tyrone was still hungry, the shadows were still hungry. They exploded out and latched onto the beggar, the man was pulled kicking and screaming, before getting swallowed whole.

Soon more people followed, I counter each death, burning them into my mind. I caused this, without Dagger to sate his hunger he just kept eating. Fifteen people died. He ate and ate until...he found her.

He was attracted to her scent, the light she gave off, even before her powers activated, it was like a beacon for him. And that is how we found ourselves here.

"You're a monster," Tandy gasped in shock.

Tyrone hanged his head, "I know."

"No," I snapped, "he's not. He's not a monster. He's just...he can't control his powers, that's all."

"I killed fifteen people."

"Because you didn't know how to stop!" I cried out, "those men that turned you into this, they're to blame! Not you!"

"You are you so adamant that I'm not the monster you see before you?" Tyrone asked.

"Because…." I spoke slowly, "if you are...then this world has no place for people like us. I'm not saying you're guiltless, deserve a chance at the very least to make things right."

He looked at me, sad eyes and a defeated smile, "you're kind of a nice's sad, we might have been friends in another life."

My spidey senses hit me hard. I immediately grabbed Tandy and leaped, just in time to avoid a huge tendril of shadows that almost crushed us.

"Tandy, hold on!" I told her as I created a whip of Vastha and cut into the shadows, Tandy's light reinforcing my magic.

"Girl," Tyrone replied, "you can do're's like mine...but deadly. Please..stop me before I kill someone again," he whispered, through his voice carried out to us both.

"No Tyrone! There's still time! Let me help you! Please!" I begged, but just then, the entire world moved to us. Suddenly we were both wrapped around in a arm of darkness and raised into the air.

"Please...I don't want to die a monster," he begged as the arm shoved us out of his realm.

There was a flash of light as suddenly we found ourselves flying out of a cloak and landing in a heap in Central Park.

I got on my feet, standing before us was tyrone's body, now darker than before. "Light! Hunger! Hunger!" he growled as he charged ahead.


I swiped at him, but like the darkness, this did nothing. He instead caught me in a tight grip before swinging me round and into a tree.

I crashed into it and collapsed down in a heap. I looked up, the darkness was moving to consume Tandy, the girl looking frightened. "NO!" I cried out.

But as it was about to consume her yet again, I saw the fear drain out of Tandy's eyes. I saw an iron will replace it, I saw...pure rage. And for a moment, regret.

I didn't realise it happened until it was over. There was a flash of bright light that ripped through Tyrone's cloak. I watched as several dagger of light came flying out of Tandy and into Tyrone's body.

He swaggered for a moment before falling on his back, coughing up blackish blood as he did.

"No..." I said in horror as I got up and ran to his side. I grabbed his head and held it on my l.a.p as I watched him bleed, "stay with me man, please! I'll get help!" I was about to cast a stasis spell to hold him stable when he grabbed my arm.

"N-no," he coughed out, "this has to happen….I...I won't be a monster anymore," he looked over to Tandy, a genuine smile appearing on his face for the first time since we met him, "t-thank you...what's your name?"

"Tandy, Tandy Bowen," the girl who stammered in polite conversation replied with a steel in her voice. She kneeled down next to Tyrone, holding his hand in hers, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."

" did what I asked you," his smiled continued to widen, "and now...I'm free," he coughed, more blood staining his cloak, "Tandy Bowen huh? I'm glad the last thing I'll see in this world is someone so...beautiful.."

And with those last words, Tyrone died. Tandy looked down, ashamed. And I looked down in horror. All of this...this was my fault...if I hadn't shown Tandy Bowen compassion that night..she would have remained homeless...she would have met Tyrone.

They would have been captured together, they would have awakened their powers together and then...they would have been each other's rock, Tandy keeping Tyrone's sanity in check. But by saving one of them...I damned the other.

And with him...the lives of fifteen other souls...why? Why did this happen? And how could I have prevented it? How could I have known?! I should have known! I didn't realise who Tandy was! Who she was meant to be! By interfering in her life I-I...I changed her destiny.

"Peter?" Tandy spoke quite, "are you okay?"

I looked at the frightened girl before me. I knew I should be angry at her, she killed someone who could have been saved. But she wasn't a superhero thn, no, she was just a frightened little girl...and she still is.

"I'm fine Tandy it's just..." I unwrapped Tyrone's cloak from his body, it had returned to the white bed sheet it once was, "I'm sorry we couldn't help him..."

"What do we do now?" she asked.

I looked at her. Immediately I recalled everything I could about Cloak and Dagger. They lived together, they fought against drugs together. They were an important interracial couple in comic books and they were also...technically mutants.

I sighed, "first, I need to take care of Tyrone," I reached down and closed his eyes, making him seem at peace, "and need to learn how to control your powers. S.e.xy, call the police."

"I'm sorry?" Tandy blinked.

I smiled, "my AI, it's called S.e.xy."

The call went through, a woman picked up on the other side, "hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

"This is Spider-man," I replied, "there's been an accident at Central Park, one young African American teenager has been killed, a female caucasian has been hurt and," I looked around, no sign of Harry anywhere, "and I guess that's all. You need to send an ambulance and a squad car over, now."

"I'm sorry? Is this a joke?" the lady asked in a sassy tone, "because I do not have time for this."

"Lady, I am Spider-man, okay, the real one. Now send a squad over on the double!" I growled cutting the call.

Just then there was a roar of engines as suddenly Glider came flying through the trees, a pumpkin bomb in each hand, "where is that shadow freak?!" he cried out as suddenly he noticed us, "woah! Spider-man?!"

I sighed, so that's why he was missing.

Tandy blinked, "Glider? But how?" she was confused, but I understood perfectly.

"Ah, I was in the neighborhood," Harry admitted sheepishly in his disguised voice, "I saw Harry Osborn flying through the air. So I figured there was something wrong."

"Oh my God! Harry! What happened to him?" Tandy asked worried.

"Oh, it's fine! I got him to safety!" Glider quickly spoke, "I mean, he is my boss's kid, I would kind of loss my job if I didn't. Are you okay ma'am? Are you hurt?"

"N-no," she looked down, at Tyrone, "I'm fine..."

"So he's dead huh? Nice job Spidey!" Glider gave me a thumbs up, "guy was a monster. From what I heard he tried to kill-"

"Shut up!" Tandy and I roared at the same time startling Glider.

"Woah," he put up both hands in defence, " I missing something?"

"No," I spat, "nothing."

"Right," Glider turned to Tandy and looked surprised, "hey it just me, or do you have a crescent moon glowing off the side of your face?"

Tandy gasped as she reached out and touched her new power mark, it glowed in the slowly darkening light, making her stand out even more. Tandy looked up, afraid, she had seen what happened to Tyrone, no wonder she got scared.

"It's fine," I told Glider, "it's a side effect from that shadow monster's attack," I'm sorry Tyrone, but right now I need to protect the living, "listen, it could still be around. I can't really swing around to search, can you do a patrol? That thing might still be around."

Glider was confused, "ah, what thing? Wasn't this guy the monster?"

"No," Tandy snapped, "he wasn't a monster...not in the end."

"He was being controlled," I supplied, "and whatever controlled him escaped after he gave his life to free go, check out the park, if that thing gets out it's on you."

"Wait what?!" he cried out, "but that's not fair!"

"You want to be a f.u.c.kign hero?!" I cried out, "this is what you do! Some days it's not fair! Learn to f.u.c.kign deal with it! Now go, I have no patience for you right now."

He said nothing, sending me a glare before taking into the sky and flying away. Tandy looked at me, "why did you lie to him?"

"I never got along with Harry," I replied, "seeing him play superhero isn't something I want to see right now."

"Oh...wait...Glider is...Harry?" Tandy blinked, suddenly her eyes widened, "oh..." we went silent, looking down at Tyrone's body. I think the shock of everything that happened today made her numb to everything and honestly, I can't blame her.

"I did this," she slowly gasped in realization, looking down at Tyrone's body, "I killed him. I killed a man Peter..." did. But this girl wasn't a monster...she was still innocent. I sighed, I removed my helmet, showing her my face.

And then, I began, " did what you had to do...if I was in your position, I would do the same," I reached out and pushed a stray strand behind her ear, "you're not a killer, you're not a're a kind girl who made sure a young man who was suffering didn't spend the rest of his life as a monster. I know it's difficult don't have to do it alone Tandy," I held out my hand.

For a moment she looked like she was going to say no. But then, she smiled and nodded, taking it and squeezing it tight.

And just then, there was a burst of energy as a circle with sparks rolling out of it appeared before us.

"Get back!" I cried out slipping on my helmet and standing protectively before Tandy. But it seems it as for nothing, as the person who stepped through the portal was none other than the Ancient One herself.

The bald woman stopped and looked down, her face morphing to one of regret at the sight of Tyrone's body. She then turned to me and Tandy, a small smile growing on her face, "I see...I suppose it would be fitting that you would decide the balance between the Lightforce and the Darkforce."

I blinked, "you're going to have to be a lot more specific than that."

"W-what's going on?" Tandy asked.

"What's going on my dear, is that you have become a vessel for a dimensional force far bigger than any of us," the Ancient One spoke before turning to me, "Peter...let me handle this. As skilled as you are, this is far out of your...expertise as it were."

I shook my head, "I made a promise Ancient One. Until she says so, I'm not going anywhere."

"What's going on?" Tandy asked, "who are you? Why are you here?"

The bald woman sighed, "I am...someone who does not mean you harm Tandy Bowen," Tandy gasped, I rolled my eyes, show off, "but, I am here to help. You can feel it can't you? The energy inside you? Just begging to be released? Begging you to allow it to grow, to save the people around you?"

Tandy's eyes widened, "h-how do you know?"

The Ancient One smiled, "because you are not the first person to be able to access the Light," he looked at Tyrone, "and he is not the first to access the Dark and sadly, like those before him, he too fell into its graphs."

"No," I shot back, "in the end...he didn't. He sacrificed himself, for us. In the end...he defeated the Darkness as well."

The Ancient One had a look akin to pity on her face. She nodded, "if you say so."

"How are you even here?" I asked her.

"I sensed their powers, all the way from Nepal," she replied as she leaned down to examine Tyrone's body, "at first I believe the darkness to have won. But then I sensed her...her power, her strength, it can be used for great things Peter. She cannot stay here...let me take her to Kamar Taj, let me train her."

"Wait, what?" Tandy asked, "Peter...what is she talking about?"

I turned dot Tandy, the words stuck in my throat. I sighed, "she's not going anywhere."

"If she doesn't, she'll hurt the very people around her," the Ancient One spoke.

"How can she?" I asked, "she's not darkness, she's the light! What could she possibly do to us?!"

"Do you know how the light works?" the Ancient One asked, at my silence she continued, "it doesn't just give out energy, it feeds on her life force. Just a little yes, but still, she burns so that others can heal. And if she doesn't learn how to control it...she'll burn herself out."

I was stunned, shocked still. Tandy gasped behind me, I knew the Ancient One didn't lie, she wouldn't, not for this. I knew I had no choice, if it meant saving her life….Tandy had to leave.

I turned to her, she looked scared, so very scared. " I going to die?" I looked down Tyrone's body, stark reminder of my failures, of what happens when I interfere.

" won't," I pulled her into a hug, holding her tight as she cried in confusion and terror, not understanding what was happening to her. I trune dot the Ancient One, "if you ever let anything happen to this girl, I will personally hand deliver every single Infinity Stone on the planet to Thanos and step aside to watch him blow this Universe to hell, do you understand?"

The Ancient One didn't treat it as a jest, because she knew it damn well wasn't. She nodded, "I understand."

I nodded, "good," I turned to Tandy and slowly pulled her away, looking into her eyes, " have to go with her. She'll protect you, do you understand? She'll make sure nothing ever happens to you won't end up like Tyrone."

She looked afraid, but she nodded, "r-right. I understand. I-If you say I have to then I will."

I felt my heart break, this girl...this poor trusting girl...if she knew what I did...she wouldn't even look at me.

Suddenly there were police sirens in the distance, the police had arrived. I turned to the Ancient One, "go, now. Talk to her uncle, get this sorted out. If she just disappeared it would be an issue."

The Ancient One nodded, "I'll handle it all. I promise."

Tandy looked at me, "c-can I see? One last time?"

I nodded as I removed my helmet, looking at her with my own eyes. She didn't say anything, instead choosing to lean forward and kiss me on the lips.

Her hands on my face, her palms cupping my cheeks. She tasted cherry. And then, it was over.

I don't remember what happened next, it was a dull blur. I remembered watching her leave. I remembered waiting with Tyrone's body with my helmet on. I remembered Harry coming back as Glider and telling me he didn't find anything suspicious.

The police came soon. I had to face questioning for over an hour, obviously the first time I explained the story things didn't make any sense, even for this town. But eventually my good will with the people won out.

I swung away and soon found myself on the top of the Empire state building looking down at the city. I killed him...I made him a what did that make me?

I curled myself into a ball. What was wrong with me? I had pushed Reed away, Liz and MJ...well, I can't blame them.

Was I truly alone? I looked around and I wasn't.

Half an hour later:

I leaped down from my car and landed on the mansion roof quitely. I carefully moved to her room and jumped down to her balcony. I removed my helmet and put it away, I wouldn't need it, not here.

I knocked on her balcony doors and waited. The lights came on inside her room. The curtains were drawn and the doors swung open. She wore a pair of light purple PJ's and a pink top, her red hair coming down till her lower back, her frame stronger than I last remembered.

"You're late," she smiled.

I looked at the clock in her room, it was ten in the night. I smiled sadly, "sorry," he held out a box of chocolates I had bought at the last moment, "forgive me?"

Immediately Jean frowned, "Peter...what happened?"

I closed my eyes and thought, "so very very much," I sent her images of my day into her mind, my pathetically novice abilities at telepathy proved even that a challenge.

She didn't say anything, she didn't speak. She took the chocolate and guide them to her night stand without a word. She took me by the hand and into her bed. She pressed the spider symbol on my c.h.e.s.t and released the costume.

I didn't even know she knew how to do that.

She threw the costum away and pulled me under her covers, wrapping her arms around my head and pressing her chin on my head gently c.a.r.e.s.sing my back, "it's alright's alright."

"I wasn't strong enough," I admitted, barely able to hold back breaking down in her arms.

"No, you weren't...but you saved one...that's enough," Jean kissed my forehead, "even one life can make a difference."

I smiled, "when did you get so wise?"

She chuckled, "I had to...if I wanted to walk besides you as an equal."

I sighed, "I'm not wise...a wise man would have known not to interfere."

"What do you mean?"

" $##$%" I tried to tell her, but couldn't. I sighed, "I'm sorry...but I can't...I can't explain it."

Jean nodded, "it's fine...tell me...did you try to do what's right?"


"Then...that can never be the wrong thing to have done."

"But if I hadn't done it...things would have been better."

"Better? Or Easier?"


"How can you know that?"

"I do."

"Then maybe you should ask yourself if you could do it all over again...what could you possibly do differently?"

Not save a homeless girl? Not try and protect her? Not...not be a hero? would have done the same thing...if anything, I would try and save them both...I failed him...I have to live with that.

I slowly pulled away and looked up at Jean, " you think me being in your life was...was for the best?"

She smiled, leaning down to kiss me. This time the kiss wasn't a sad goodbye, but of a fiery and passionate hello. I let myself be lost into it, slowly gaining the spark that roared into a fire that gave me the drive to wrap my arms around her and kiss her back.

Jean smiled as she pulled away, "yes Tiger. I do, you were there for me when I thought I was a monster. You saved me, you showed me that I can be someone important, that I can be a good person, even if I'm different. You were there for me Peter," I felt the clouds of sadness slowly lift, "just for tonight...let me be there for you. Happy Valentine's day Peter."

"Happy Valentine's day...Jean."

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