Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 50 - The night of reptile


Oh my God...Gwen Stacy is standing right before me.


She's kind off hot...and now that I think about it...she does kind of look like Emma Stone.

"Hello! N.a.k.e.d boy!" she cried out loud.

And immediately I snapped out of my stupor. I blinked and turned to her, "Peter, my name is Peter."

"Fine, Peter, will you stop spacing out and help me?!" Gwen cried out, "where's your dad? I need to talk to him!"

"H-he's not here," I spoke back, "his job has him out of town...what exactly do you need him?"

"Doctor C told me if anything was to go wrong that I should contact your dad immediately. When I came to the lab tonight...God, it was like an animal broke in and destroyed everything!"

"Shit," I hissed, the Lizard was out, f.u.c.k me! "Okay...did you call the cops?"

Gwen nodded, "first thing I did. But when I told them about Doctor C they didn't believe me, they said it was just a robbery, but there's something more that happened there I just know it!"

"Alright Gwen, I promise I'll help you," I opened the door and motioned her inside, closing it shut behind her, "wait right here, I'll change and be down in a moment."

"What? No, I need Richard Parker! Without your dad I can't really do anything," she looked around, "damn it. What do I do?"

"Okay listen here," I grabbed her shoulders and held them tight, she looked up at me and I met her eyes, "I am going to come with you okay? We'll search for your mentor together, I promise."

Gwen looked back, her eyes wide, "r-right," she then slowly looked down, I realised a second too late that the coat's belt had come undone when I held her shoulders, giving her a full unobstructed view.

I cleared my throat, "as much as I like the staring, I don't think checking me out is the best course of actions right now."

"Sorry!" she squealed as she turned away immediately, blushing up a storm.

"It's fine," I chuckled, "hope you had a nice view at least. Pervert."

"Pervert?! You're the one who's half-n.a.k.e.d! Why were you half n.a.k.e.d?!" she asked.

"Hey, it's one in the morning and you came to my house. I can wear whatever I damn well want."

"Then why did you answer the door like that?!"

"Hey! I heard a girl crying out for help in the middle of the night, what was I supposed to do?! Dress up in a suit and tie and then check up happened?"

Gwen was silent, "right….sorry about that."

I snorted, "it's're lucky i wasn't fully n.a.k.e.d."

"You sleep n.a.k.e.d?" Gwen asked surprised.

"No, but I could," I grinned, "now wait right here," I ran upstairs and put on a hoodie and tracks. As I changed I went through the plot of the Amazing Spider-man in my head.

Since canon was basically thrown out the window there was no point in trying to follow it anymore. And since...well, I have a basic idea about what's going to happen maybe I can prevent it.

I grabbed my 'backpack' and came running back down. By now Gwen looked like she had a moment to catch her breath, looking visibly calmer.

"Let's go," I called out, gaining her attention.

"What's the backpack for?" Gwen asked as she followed me outside.

"Insurance," I replied back, "how did you come here?"

"I drove," she said as we walked to the road where a yellow volkswagen buggy was parked, she opened the door and got in, turning back to see me standing still, "well? Are you coming?"

I looked at the small yellow car and sighed, it's time like this when I wished my own car wasn't being redone. I so hope Johnny doesn't see me riding in this.

I got in and Gwen took off, the roads didn't have much traffic, it was late enough in the night that even the city that never sleep began to doze off. Gwen was driving like a mad woman though, and at one point I began to wonder if we were in a fat and furious movie.

"Okay, so what happened?" I asked as Gwen took the tunnel into Manhattan, "you mentioned something about Connors using the Parker formula?"

"Yeah, he was researching into cellular regeneration when he hit a wall. Well, more like he hit a wall a few years ago and has been trying to climb it ever since," she cut through lanes like a pro, okay I'm calling it right now, if this Gwen stacy ever got chased by the Goblin she would just out drive him.

"So what? He though my parents formula would be able to help him?" I asked as she suddenly took a sharp right, "woah there! Be careful!"

"Sorry!" Gwen called out as she hit the gas hard, speeding past several blocks, I'm sure we probably broke every speed limit in place, but she didn't seem to care.

"Doctor C thought your dad's formula held the key to his success, but he only had half of it. Eventually though he got a breakthrough thanks to Roxxon and he decided to go ahead with the experiment. I told him not too, but he refused to listen," she growled the last part, obviously upset.

I blinked, "I'm sorry, care to run that by me again? What does Roxxon, have to do with this?"

"Well...a few weeks ago the company came to Doctor C and offered to fund his research. Apparently they knew about his work with your dad's formula and wanted to perfect it. Doctor C agreed and they gave him...something. Some kind of accelerant to help him along...well, that was last week."

I narrowed my eyes, Roxxon, again. I knew they were up to no good, but I could never ever pin anything on them...they were just too good! "Damn it," I hissed, "it's always a big corporation."

"Yeah," Gwen hummed as she suddenly pulled up to a building, parking right in front of it, "we're here."

She and I got out and entered the university, the iron gates wide open before us. "Here," she took out two torch lights, one large and black, which she kept herself, and the other tiny and pink, something a child would use, which she tossed to me.

I looked at the torch and raised an eyebrow, "seriously?"

Gwen shrugged, "I didn't have anything else on hand." I was about to retort back when suddenly;


Lighting roared through the night, heavy clouds came overhead, looks like it might rain. The building itself was dark, not a single room light was turned on.

She looked over at me and blinked, "something's wrong. The cops I called before I came for you...they had turned on all the lights before I left...did they leave already?"

"I doubt it," I replied as I looked around for any signs of Conners...or his other form.

"Hey, out of curiosity, why exactly did you come with me?" Gwen asked as we looked around the building's grounds using our torches.

"A girl came up to me in the middle of the night, frightened, rambling on about some monster and asking for help. Do you really think I would have said no?"

"So you came because you were worried about some girl you just met?" she asked skeptically.

I smirked, "well it helps that you're cute as-" I stopped as I looked outside and saw a cruiser parked outside near the university on the other side of the road, the red and blue headlights flashing, "there," I pointed, "looks like the cops are here."

"But...why is it so quiet?" Gwen asked as suddenly lighting flashed in the sky. Immediately my head snapped upwards and I saw a flash of green inside the building pass through the windows on the top floor. It was just a flash, but I swore I saw scales.

"Shit," I whispered.

"What? What's wrong?" Gwen asked.

"Nothing," I replied eyeing the window as slowly a shadowy figure came up and looked at me, yellow glowing eyes clearly visible. Lighting came again, this time not as loud, but I saw the creatures face, green scales and a lizard like face, deadly...dangerous.

I snapped to Gwen, she didn't notice, she was too busy looking at the police car and noting down the number plate.

"Stay here," I told her, "I'll go inside and search for Connor", once I'm inside I Won't have to hide myself.

"What? No! Of course not! Whatever happened here is dangerous! I'm not letting you go in there alone!" she tied away on her phone, "there, I just sent a text to my dad, he's a police captain. He'll have someone here to check this place out, until then we both stay out here, got that, we aren't risking our lives."

I blinked, "oh...okay then," I turned to the window, the lizard face is gone, dammit! I didn't realise she was actually sensible, say what you will, the girl has a good head on her shoulders.

"Honestly, you have got to be the most reckless person I have ever met," Gwen snorted, "two cops go missing and you honestly think you can just jump in there and find them?"

I shrugged, "isn't that why brought me here?"

"I didn't bring you," she snorted, "you sort off just came along. Which was totally weird."

"Says the girl who traveled all the way to Queens instead going to her dad and telling him about it," I argued back.

She sighed, "yeah, I guess..."


Sure it enough rain began to pour down. "Come on," I motioned to a large tree near the building's side, we quickly hide underneath the tree's branches, hiding form the rain.

We sighed as we waited in the rain, I honestly wanted to run in there and stop Conners, but Gwen Stacy...this girl gained my interest. And it's not because she looked like a cute little Tinkerbell, no, it's because she's supposed to be Peter Parker's one true love. Which was total bullshit.

"So," I looked at the windows of the university building, empty, no sign of Corners, "why did you come for my dad instead of yours?"

Gwen sighed, "my dad and I...aren't always on the best of terms. He still considers me a kid, I mean, I have a masters in advanced biotech from MIT, but to him I'm still his little girl. I called him and told him what happened and he...he just thought I was trying to get his attention...again. Guess he only thinks I'm worth sparing two beat cops..."

"Sounds like a shit deal," I snorted as slowly silence came down between us. After a moment though I spoke up again, "so you finished college?"

Gwen nodded, "yeah, I graduated when I was 15."

"And you're now..."

"16," she supplied.

"Right..." I smiled, "always wanted to graduate early. My dad didn't let me. Said he wanted me to learn social skills and make friends."

Gwen snorted, "I know what you mean, my dad's the same. I guess...they just don't get us."

I shrugged, "or maybe we don't get them..."

"KYA!" a woman's scream ripped through the silent rain filled night gaining both our attention.

"Stay here," I turned to Gwen.

"What?! Where do you think you're going?!" she asked.

"I'm going to find whoever screamed!" I ran out and called back over my shoulder, "stay there and call your dad!"

"You're crazy!" she cried out.

"So they say!" I yelled back as I ran into the dark corridors of the university and charged straight through, using my increased sense of smell to sniff the air.

I smelt...chemicals...embalming fluid...testing chemicals and...blood. Coppery blood. I followed the smell, rushing to a set of stairs in the heart of the building and climbed them five at a time, jumping up quickly.

I reached the third floor where the smell was the strongest and rushed down the hallway. I remember seeing Corners running down here, the was cracked, as if something heavy had stepped on it.

"Help..." I heard a soft voice call out. If I was a normal human I wouldn't have heard, but thanks to mys ence it was clear as day.

I followed the sound and came upon a broken door, on the other side was a trashed lab.

I can understand why the police though it was just a robbery, it certainly looked like ti at first. The chairs were thrown all around, the chemicals jars were broken and even the cabinets have been ripped away with papers flug all over the ground.

But if one looked closer they would see the claw marks on the walls and the way certain cabinets had been opened. They hadn't just been thrown open, they had been ripped open. Ripped right off their shelves.

I sniffed the air and immediately picked up on blood. I looked around and suddenly there was a flash of lightning, revealing a hand on the floor that was hidden in one corner of the room.

I ran over and saw a still body. It was of a policeman, he was dead, his c.h.e.s.t cavity had been ripped open. It was so..brutal and cruel, like an animal had done so, his ribs had been ripped apart, his internal organs revealed.

I felt like puking, the pure horror and the fact that Conners could still be here forced me to be brave, I couldn't afford to show fear, not now.

The officer had a gun in one hand and a torchlight in the other, his eyes were wide with shock, his jaw open with a scream he never got to make out. He was dead, that was no question...but where was his partner?

I listened and heard a faint heartbeat in the room. I looked around and saw a closet door near the back. Rushing over and pulled open the door and gasped in shock as I saw the barrel of a gun pointed at me.

I was about to jump away, but immediately the gun lowered as the female officer holding it dropped it down and looked at me. She was brown, had a large cut on her left arm that was hanging limply on her side.

She looked at me with dying eyes, "r-run. Get away...please.." she fainted.

I immediately grabbed her head and gently put it down. I touched her skin, she was freezing and her skin was pale. She was losing blood, I looked around I need to stop the bleeding I eyes landed on her belt.

I took it off and wrapped it around her arm and pulled, tightening it and cutting off circulation for her arm. I then examined her body, no other wounds, God, if she hadn't hide then...I can't even imagine what he would have done to her.

I then looked over my shoulder at the other cop and his gaping c.h.e.s.t. No...that's not true, I wouldn't have had to imagine.

I turned back to the officer, according to the name tag her name was R Diaz. I searched her body but didn't find a radio, the shoulder strap where it is supposed to be resting on was tore apart, did he...did he know what it was?

This version of Lizard wasn't stupid, it wasn't whole animal, there was intelligence inside him. He knew she would call for help and he stopped her. I turned around, the dead cop still had his radio intact, jackpot.

I rushed over and felt my stomach turn from approaching his corpse. I carefully reached the radow and took it off it's strap and touched its side, I looked at the dead cops' lifeless eyes and pushed away the bile and horror coming up to my throat.

"Dispatch?" I called out in my best disguised voice, "this is officer Diaz, we have an office down. I repeat, office down. One has been killed and the other has been wounded. She's dying, please send a team immediately."

"Hello? Who is this?" the officer on the other end called out.

"This is a student studying at Empire State university," I lied, but then again I doubt they need to know my entire backstory for this, "I came upon both officers, one was dead when I got here and the other is dying. I did what I could to help her, but I don't think she'll last."

"Stay right where you are, we'll send an ambulance immediately," the woman on the other end replied.

I looked at the dead officer's body. I couldn't even see his name tag, it had been ripped away. His name started with Q, that's all I knew. And I felt rage. Just anger. It wasn't just a stupid was smart. It knew what it was doing...and it was going down.

"No, you don't understand," I replied in a growling voice, "the thing that did this is still here. Send the ambulance and SWAT, we need people on the ground now. So get your a.s.s down here." I dropped the radio and walked away.

"Hello? Hello? Sir, sir can you hear me?" But I didn't respond.

I took out my phone, "S.e.xy, hack into the building's security cameras, get me eyes on everything."

"Right away Peter," my AI replied immediately.

I was about to reach into my backpack to activate my costume and suit up when I felt my spidey senses go off. I looked up, lighting struck outside and I saw a reflection of something large and green standing behind me.

'Shit!' I leaped away form the cop's body just the Lizard's giant tail came down on where I was standing, breaking the ground into pieces, throwing everything on the ground into the air from the sheer force.

I landed on top of a table and saw the officer's gun fly across the air towards me. Without even thinking I reached out and grabbed it, my fingers gripping the handle and reached into the trigger.

I pointed the gun at the Lizard, time seemed to slow down, his red slitted reptilian eyes looked back at me. I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.


"SCREE!" the Lizard cried out in pain as a bullet pierced it's shoulder, causing blood to come exploding outwards.

I jumped backwards as it swung it's massive tail at me. I landed near the back wall and immediately aimed the gun at it again, firing off several rounds, only for the Lizard to jump up and dash out the open door.

I cursed as I heard a loud crash, I charged out of the room and saw a broken window in the corridor outside. It had run away. That was fine, officer Diaz would now be safe, the only person outside is...Gwen!

I ran to the window and looked outside. It was raining hard and I saw Gwen down in the courtyard under the same tree I left her. She was on her phone yelling frantically, only she wasn't able to see the giant monster that had jumped and landed on the tree's top branches.

Without a second thought I leaped outside and ran down the side of the building, the girl was looking at her phone, not me.

I jumped down three stories and landed on a roll, I had cleared deeper falls than that while in costume. I looked up and watched in horror as the Lizard jump down and standing over Gwen, his bulking form shadowing her smaller frame.

He moved, ready to jump on the girl, I raised the gun I now clutched like a life line and aimed it at the monster's back and fired.


"SCREE!" the bullet hit his back. He turned around and growled, I took aim at his face and fire again.


My eyes widened, "f.u.c.k!" The Lizard smirked and turned around, grabbing Gwen with his massive arms.

"Help! Peter!" she cried out.

"Gwen!" I cried out as I threw away the gun and ran after her, charging straight head at them both.

The Lizard swung his might tail and I jumped, clearing him easily. I landed on his back and stuck on him with my feet. I drew both fists back and-


Gwen's eyes widened in surprise at my stingers. The Lizard moved frantically to pushed me off but my feet were stuck on his back. I immediately placed my stingers into his back, playing all three deep inside.

"GRA!" he cried out as immediately he began to spasm and dropped Gwen. He then began to move like a raging bull, buckling so hard I felt my head start to rattle.

But I held on, my feet firmly on his back and his claw in his body. But then he did the unthinkable. He reached around, wrapped a single giant arm around my hip and pulled me away.

My claws came flying off with the sound of flesh being sliced off. My feet had actually torn off pieces of his skin in the process of being removed. He held me up and roared at my face, holding my hip with both hands and squeezing, trying to crush me.

"SCREECH!" it cried out.

"For God's sake, get a breath mint!" I yelled back as I plunged my claws into its arms, causing it to drop me to the ground before spinning around and hitting me in the c.h.e.s.t with its tail.

I flew into a tree trunk, but by the time I got to my feet the Lizard had rushed out the iron gates, grabbed a sewer disk and threw it at Gwen.

"Get down!" I rushed the girl and pushed her down as the sewer lid flew over her head and crashed into a wall, digging halfway into it.

We both looked up just in time to see the Lizard's tail vanish. I looked down at Gwen, who had turned around to look up at me as I pinned her down with an arm on either side of her body.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, the rain coming down hard. I saw Gwen's eyes land on mine before moving to down to my c.h.e.s.t and then down my arms to my hands.

"Y-you have claws," she whispered, her eyes wide.

"I prefer to call them Stingers," I don't know why I said that, but I just did.

"Huh...they ah...they're kind of cool."

My eyes widened, she knew! "Please don't tell anyone. Please, I know this is a lot to ask, I know we just met and all but-MPH!"

She grabbed onto my collar and pulled me down, kissing me hard as her tongue shot through my lips and explored every inch of it. It felt amazing and at the same time strange. I felt my very soul seem to human in joy, for one sweet second I forgot everything that happened this night.

And then she stopped. She pulled away and looked at me, "I-ah...I don't know why I did that."

I looked at her with wide eyes, "'s been a long night."

"Right, exactly."

"I mean, plus we did just face off against a giant green monster."

"Yeah! And I almost died!"

"And I fired off a gun, I have never done that before."

"Yeah, totally….so..."

"So…," I looked at her again, her wet hair sticking to her face as those amazing blue eyes looked into my very soul. "Oh f.u.c.k it," I hissed as I leaned forward again, this time I kissed her.

She m.o.a.n.e.d as she wrapped her arms around my neck as I slowly pulled back my stingers into my body.

This wasn't love, I knew that much, this was just releasing all this built up tension. I smelt l.u.s.t and relief rolling off of her in droves, she wanted me because I saved her life, I wanted her because she was hot, witty and so f.u.c.k.i.n.g hot.

I thought this moment would last forever when suddenly we stopped hearing the sound of a police siren.

I got to my feet and helped Gwen up. She didn't let got of my arm, squeezing it tightly as we ran outside the university grounds and saw three police cars pull up.

"Gwen!" I saw captain Stacy get out of the lead car and rush over to his daughter's side and grab her in a hug, "are you alright? Are you hurt?!"

"I-I'm fine dad," she spoke as she slowly removed her hand form fine, an odd feeling of lose accompanying the feeling.

"Did you place radio call?" a woman of indian origin with a gun out and a torch light asked me. She wore a pantsuit and looked very very tired, I'm guessing working nights wasn't a very healthy option.

"Yeah," I nodded, "officer Diaz is on the second floor, she's hurt and she needs medical attention."

"What about officer Kimber?" captain Stacy asked as he broke his hug and turned to me.

I looked down, "h-he didn't make it."

"Where are they?" the indian detective asked.

"Third floor, second last room on your left. The window is broken near the door, you can't miss it," I even turned around and pointed at the window in question.

"Madea, go inside and check it out," Stancy motion to his men who all moved immediately. He then turned to me and narrowed his eyes, "now, who the hell are you?"

Four hours later:

I fought to keep my head from moving backward and drifting off to sleep. I did what I could to stay awake, I got a few minutes of sleep when they brought us into the precinct, but now...hmm, maybe just a few more minutes…

"Peter," Gwen whispered, immediately my eyes shot open.

"Hm?" I looked up and found the pixie like girl smiling down at me with two coffee cups in her hands.

"Here, it's not much, but it should help," she smiled as she handed me a cup of black coffee.

"Thanks," I murmured as I took the cup and sipped the contents, immediately I felt like gagging, "oh God, I take it back, this is the worst coffee I have ever had in my entire life."

Gwen giggled as she sat next to me, "well what did you expect? This is a police precinct," she look around, it was nearing six in the morning, but it was already filled with people, police working late shifts, or early depending on how you see it, and perps brought in for processing.

"How much longer will your dad need us to stay here?" I asked as I tried to drink the coffee again, only for my mouth refusing to accept it any deeper than going past my front teeth before spitting back out again.

"He just came back from the hospital, he said he'll be a while before he can process your statement," Gwen shrugged, "maybe a few minutes."

"I Diaz, is she..."

Gwen nodded, "she'll make it. Apparently you have saved her when you stopped the bleeding...apparently she owes you her life."

"It's nothing," I shrugged and sipped the coffee, yet again, my mouth refused any part of it. "God this is disgusting," I shivered.

Gwen chuckled, "I just told you you saved a life tonight and all you care about if how your coffee tastes?"

I smiled, "I'm glad she's safe...I deal with emotions differently. I'm actually scared...a little. I use humor to diffuse difficult situations," which was only half true. I do do that, a lot in fact, but by now saving lives has become an everyday thing for me, I'm used to it.

"Well, whatever happens, I still think you're a hero," she leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

Immediately I blushed, "damn, keep this up and I might just become a full time superhero."

Gwen smiled, "maybe...Peter...those...those claws...what...what were they?"

I sighed, I suppose it would have been stupid of me to expect her to forget something like that. No matter how amazing our kiss was, "you know what a mutant is?"

She nodded, "'re stingers, they are a mutation?"

I nodded, "yup. Pretty cool huh?"

" they like do something?" she asked.

I blinked, "what do you mean?"

" they do something?"

I smirked, "apparently they save the lives of cute pixies."

Gwen raised an eyebrow, "pixie? Really?"

I shrugged, sipping the coffee, "I'm running on two to three hours of sleep, my sense of humor may not be up to par," I spat out a little off the coffee, "God this is shit."

"Don't I know it," I looked up and found captain Stacy standing over us, looking both amused and serious.

"We need to talk," he said, motioning me to follow him. I turned to Gwen who nodded as guided me to her dad's office where he closed the door when we entered and closed the blinds.

He placed a large blue file on his table and motioned to the seats before his table while he stood behind his chair, both arms on the backrest.

"I have two officers down, one permanently and the other just barely managing to hold on," the man began, eyeing the two of us, "I also have a trashed university a missing college professor and two teenagers running around like it's date night."

I grumbled, "and shit coffee." Gwen snorted while her father narrowed his eyes.

"You think this is a time for fun and games?" he opened the file and took out a paper, "Peter Parker, genius level IQ, you personally own over five patents, three off which are in public record. You work for the Fantastic Four-"

"-With, not for," I cut in.

He raised an eyebrow, "is there a difference?"

"I'm not an intern, I'm a partner," I shrugged.

He glared, "alright tell me Peter, what's a smart boy like you doing in the middle of the night in a university you don't go to fire a police firearm?" he placed a pictures before me, it was of the gun I used to shoot at the Lizard, "you're prints were all over it, don't even bother denying it."

I shrugged, "I wasn't going too. I did fire the gun yes, but it was in self defense. I shot it at the thing that was about to do to your daughter what it did to officer Quinber."

"A giant six feet tall walking Lizard?" he raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Last month you faced a man with a tail that shot out acid. Are you really going to tell me a humanoid lizard isn't possible?" I raised an eyebrow.

Gwen smiled, "he has you there dad."

Captain stacy glared at his daughter and then turned to me, "fine...let's say I believe you...what were you even doing here in the first place? You're home is in Queens and it was the middle of the night. For what God forsaken were you in the middle of a blood bath?"

I paused, collecting my thoughts, I opened my mouth to speak but before I could Gwen spoke up, "I called him. I came to his house looking for his dad, I thought doctor Parker would be able to explain where that...thing came from, but...well, he wasn't there."

"So you want to his house for help...and when he told you his father wasn't there you...what? Asked him to come along."

"Yes I-"

"-Actually I offered to come," I cut her off, she sent me a warning look but I ignored it, "I saw a girl in panic, desperate for help on my doorstep, I wasn't going to just turn her away. I offered my help and she accepted."

The police captain looked at his daughter with narrowed eyes, "is this true?" the girl jts nodded, mute from shock or embarrassment I couldn't tell. He sighed, "fine..Parker, you're free to go. Get some rest son...Gwen, go home, your mother is worried sick."

She snorted, "yeah, I bet," she and I got up and left the office quickly.

"Gwen," the man called out, but the girl ignored him, motioning me to walk out faster. I tried to talk, but one look from her and I knew she didn't want to hear it.

"Sorry about him," she grabbed my barely touched cup of coffee and threw it into a trash bin, "you saved a woman's life and he treats like a suspect. God, such a moron."

I smirked, "he's just a dad….I'm guessing being a cop and a father kind of makes him overprotective."

Gwen rolled her eyes, "maybe," we walked out of the precinct just as the sun was ringing off on the horizon. She sighed, rubbing her temples, "this has been such a long day."

"You'll get used to it," I told her, "are you going home now?"

"Yeah...come on, I'll drop you. It's the least I can do," she motioned over to the parking lot where her car was waiting for us.

"No, it's time for me to go to school in about an hour, so I might as well go to my office and get a spare change of clothes," the Baxter building wasn't very far off, "thanks though."

"Right…." she looked away, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she did, "hey...what...what was that thing?"

I sighed, "I...I think it was Corners."

"What?" her voice got a sharp edge to it, "what do you mean?"

"When I looked into his eyes I saw intelligence, it wasn't some kind of mutated lizard it was real. And spoke," this part was a lie, but I had no other way of proving myself to her without going into...spider territory.

Gwen's eyes widened, "w-what did it say?"

"Get out of my lab," I lied, but judging by the way Gwen gasped in shock she believed me.

"Oh my god...we have to help him," she replied, "we-we have to find a way to reverse what happened to him."

I nodded, "and we will," I took out the napkin I used to hold my coffee and wrote down my number on it, "the moment I go to the office I'll have Susan Storm analyse the data from Conner's lab and see what I can find," I gave her the napkin, "go home, sleep and take some rest. Call me if something happens."

Gwen g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Doctor C's stuff will be in the evidence locker, it's going to be next to impossible getting in...I can maybe hack into the system's and...I don't know, maybe get a ghost drive inside something...God I'm too tired for this."

I smiled, "it's fine, I already took care of it," I held out a silver metal pen drive for 16GB.

Gwen blinked, "is that….when did you get that?"

I smirked, "you didn't really think I spent four hours in there doing nothing did you? Ideal hands and all that."

Gwen blinked, "you're a mystery Peter Parker."

"Is that good or bad?" I asked, genuinely curious.

She just smiled, "I guess we'll just have to see." I got her number from her and after a promise to meet up later to try and find Conners we left our separate ways.

I reached the Baxter building in ten minutes and made my way to my lab. The moment I got in I took off my hoodie and tracks and threw them away, drawing my Spiderman costume and helmet.

"S.e.xy, put a notice into my school that I won't be coming in today. Cite medical issues," I instructed as I put the pendrive of stole evidence files into my terminal and began processing the information.

"Very well Spider, shall I also tell your family that you left early in the morning?"

"You know me so well," I smiled as I pulled up the files. Most of the data was pictures and bags of evidence they had gotten. But buried in the back was a list of all the emails and files the cops found in Conner's computer.

I pulled them up and after a little searching I found a file from a Roxxon researching facility. And a manifesto of a case of highly dangerous chemicals that were listed as genetically damaging. Meaning they were some sort of gene splicing technology.

I couldn't help it as a smile formed on my face, a great big vicious smile. I got them. It took me months of biding my time, but they finally slipped up. I f.u.c.k.i.n.g got them.

"S.e.xy, pull up the Roxxon file," I said as I put on my helmet, "it's time we bring down these bastards."

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