Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 51 - Warning: This contains lemons

I narrowed my eyes, the zoom feature on my helmet kicked in as it gave me a proper view at the unmarked fifteen story building standing over a mile away. I couldn't see much, most of the windows were tinted, but from I could see the building was empty, it was midnight.

I was in the middle of nowhere in the state of Massachusetts, out in the countryside. I had taken a train to get here and then a taxi that dropped me off a mile west of where I currently was. I was lucky, fifty bucks and the driver didn't ask any questions.

I so missed having my amazing flying car but...well, sacrifices and all that.

Today was friday night, I had two days times for this, I told my family I was going to work late, they didn't question it for a second.

And now here i was, finally at a Roxxon onshore blacksite, meaning it wasn't listed on any of their official doc.u.ments. The only proof that this place even existed was in the files Connors had in his laptop.

It took me all day to track this place down, but now I finally had it. I had taken a short nap in the train and now I was ready to finally tackle this giant company and bring it down.

I leaped off the tree branch I stood on and began jumping towards the building. There was a giant fence on the border, five guards patrolling the grounds. I managed to jump over the fence and shot a web line out, swinging over to the building's side.

I crawled up to the roof and leaped onto a radio tower in the middle of the roof. This was where all the information for the building was collected and sent through, and for a company like Roxxon that dealt with information on such a massive scale, this tower was very important.

Meaning I can use it. I took out a wire connecting my SA to the tower, "S.e.xy, hack into its security system log and find out everything I need to know."

"Working on it," the AI replied as she supplied me a list of security features the building had. It was all basic stuff, motion sensors, cameras, lasers and...wait.

"S.e.xy, floor five, why is there no records?" I asked allowed.

"That floor is listed as a medical ward Spider, I can't seem to gain access of any, strange," S.e.xy rpelied, "shall I focus my attention on that?"

"An entire floor for medical personal, yeah, please," I snorted as the computer began to do just that.

After a moment a new schematic showed up, revealing a floor plan that didn't match up with the other floor's design, something odd and...familiar. Now curious I decided to check it out, it would be useful.

I removed the cable and went to the air vents. I opened the latch to the door and placed it gently aside. I jumped down and managed to crawl my way to floors down before the vents became too small for me to use them anymore.

I got out of the vents and began to sneak around through sticking on the walls, hanging upside down as I did so. I noticed a managed to find an elevator in the distance and waited for a moment for someone to come and use it.

And sure enough at the five minute mark a security gaurd used the elevator to come up to the floor. The door opened and they walked out, just as they turned the corner and the doors began to close I dropped down and leaped forward, plumbing inside as the doors shut behind me.

I turned out the elevator and found the panel completely digital. I pressed the fifth floor button and waited, but nothing happened.

"Please input your security code," a number panel glowed over the floor listings. I sighed, I took out the cable again and looked around, failing to find an access port.

"F.u.c.k it," I sighed as I examined the panel and found a locked keyboard, probably the manual override. I pressed my finger against the lock and gently pushed on it, exhuming more and more pressure as I did until-


I heard it snap open as the panel opened up to reveal a keyhole and a plug point. I inserted my wire into it and sighed, "fifth floor S.e.xy."

"Right away sir," may I replied as immediately the elevator began to move.

A minute later I came out into the fifth floor corridor. Like the floor plans suggested it was different from all other floors. I extended my senses but found nobody here, no footsteps of security guards, just me.

I rushed out, dashing down the corridor, I could have been worried about cameras, but according to the schematic there were none on this floor.

I looked into the first room I came across and found myself inside a lab. I looked around and found that there was a pseudo production line set up in here with the end result being the creation of some kind of chemical bag.

Currently the bag was empty, so I couldn't tell what the chemicals were, so I looked in other places, mainly the filing cabinets and computers.

Obviously the files didn't have anything critical, more like day to day lab reports. But the computer...well, now that was another story. I found files upon files of research material on whatever they were working on. I downloaded everything onto my personal SA, I didn't have time to read them all, so I might as well just be patient, for now.

I left the room immediately after this and walked down the corridor, searching for more dirt to bury Roxxon under. Eventually I got to the end of the fifth floor corridor and=I found a double door at the end of it.

I careful stopped before it and found they were magnetically sealed off with another digital panel before it. I had s.e.xy hack itno the systems and unlock the door, I gently pushed open the door, peering inside and immediately stopped.

The sound of five heartbeat monitors rang out. They were attached to five unconscious individuals that were strapped into hospital beds.

I didn't have to guess what these people were doing here, I already knew. They were making them into they did to Tyrone.

I walked in and moved to their sides. They were all unconscious with some blue liquid being pumped into their bodies through an IV. I didn't know what it was, but was familiar. Where did I see this before?

I pulled my eyes away from the blue liquid and then to the people. Attached at the front of their beds were medical reports. I picked one up and looked, but apart from a very basic listing of their status, I found nothing else of note.

They were stable, they were strong, seemingly that's all these people cared about. They didn't even have their names listed, just code names. IX-918, IX-901, IX- 874 and so on. But there was one sheet at the very back that gained my attention.

'Mutagene reaction' was the heading, and each person had a different sheet. Out of the five people in here, three were listed as mundane, showing no reaction, but the other two, they were listed as successful.

'Subject has bonded with the mutagene causing manifestation of their powers. Subject IX-901 has obtained the powers of...' I stopped reading as my eyes widened in relaxation, the blue bags...Deadpool.

This was the same thing they pumped him full off! Oh my god! IX...not I and X, 9, the roman number nine! Project nine...I stumbled onto a mutant making factory….

I looked at the people, the two people who gained powers were both male. The first gained the powers of telepathy, though he was barely strong enough to read a person's thoughts. He was ranked as a beta level mutant.

The other other was stronger, he had the ability to control technology, and though he only had the power for little over five days, he could already reporgam and invent new forms of tech people hadn't even seen before.

I knew I had to get them out, all of them, but...if I do, Roxxon would get away and I won't let them get off so easily, not this time, not ever!

I knew I needed proof and what's more I needed SHIELD. I needed their help to secure the facility but if I left this facility, there was a chance they could escape, again.

I left the room and entered the lab once more. I looked through the files once more and compiled a doc.u.ment with everything one would need to sue these f.u.c.kers in court. Records of all the experiments this facility conducted and reports that listed Roxxon as the owner and mastermind of this whole thing.

I then looked around and found an ethernet port behind the computer. I connected my SA to it, "S.e.xy, call Fury, don't use the normal service provider, use the cable port and go through their systems, make it as covert as possible."

"Right, connecting now..."

The phone rang twice before it was picked up. "Hello, Fury's office, how may I help you?" a woman's voice called out.

I raised an eyebrow, "he actually got an assistant?"

"Ah, Mr. Spider-man, Director Fury warned me about you. Yes sir, he did in fact place me as his assistant, I am in charge of all his meeting and contacts. You may call me Tina if you wish, now then, how may I help you?"

I sighed, "can I talk to Fury? It's urgent."

"Oh I'm sorry, but the director is asleep right now, can I help you with anything?"

" high is your clearance rating?"

"Level 7 sir," she replied cheerfully.

I raised an eyebrow, "7 huh? Not bad, same as Natasha...fine, I'm sending files to Fury's personal computer, I assume you have access to it. It contains proof of Roxxon connection to human trafficking and human testing. Basically they are creating human weapons of mass destruction. I'm also sending you the location of the one factory I am aware off, I'm currently inside. I am requesting a strike team to come and detain everyone here. Do you have any questions Tina?"

"...I-I'll connect you to director Fury."

I smirked as the call was transferred. He picked up in seconds, "what the hell Spider?!"

"Trust me eyepatch, you're going to love this."

An hour later:

I stood on the roof of the building and watched as the Shield agents littered around the facility brough every person employed in the building outside in cuffs. So far they were just security guards, but there were also a listing off all the scientists that worked here, I'm guessing right now other agents were going to arrest them at home.

As the guards were taken away in trucks, the five people in hospital beds were being carried away in planes to a private SHIELD medical facility. Hopefully the doctor's there would be able to get them stable.

I was about to go down and catch a ride with one of them When suddenly I felt something, deep in my soul I felt a pull, something that churned my stomach and forced my body to rumble in excitement.

I turned around to the source of the pull and saw the door to the roof open up as a woman dressed as a SHIELD agent walked out to the roof. I heard her footsteps as she walked out, a definite swing in her h.i.p.s.

Jessica Drew smiled, "hey Spider, long time no see."

She looked older, more m.a.t.u.r.e. She wore the standard dark blue SHIELD issue uniform with their emblem displayed proudly on her arm's side. Her dark hair was let loose, framing her face as her green eyes lured me in with their stare.

Her figure was fuller now, she looked well feed and more importantly she looked curvier. Her h.i.p.s wide and full, curving her pants. Her b.r.e.a.s.ts were filling out her uniform's top very well, her zipper pulled down till her mid c.h.e.s.t to give a clear view of her cleavage.

I suspect she did that last part just for me, and judging by the saucy look she gave me i suspect I was right.

"J-Jessica?" I asked surprised, "what are you doing here?"

"That's agent Drew to you Mr." she winked seductively, "and for your information, Fury sent me. He's a little pissed off that you tried to take on an entire organisation by yourself...again."

I blinked, "you're an agent now?" I did my best to push away my growing need to push her against the ground and f.u.c.k her raw, and I did my best, but the feeling never left. I felt myself harden slowly, damn I really hate this suit!

She nodded as she walked up to me, her h.i.p.s swaying seductively, her b.r.e.a.s.ts bouncing just a little to show off their fullness, "I graduated top of my class. And since I have….experience with you, Fury figured I should probably become your liaison agent. Though he prefered to call me your babysitter."

I gulped, " man" my eyes were on her a.s.s as she suddenly stopped, much to my frustration.

She stood ten feet away and c.o.c.ked her h.i.p.s to the left, placing a hand on it and raising an eyebrow, "so...what now Spider?"

I felt like growling and telling her that now she had to strip and bend over the roof's railing as i f.u.c.k.e.d to orgasim after orgasim. And then pull her over my knee and spank her a.s.s repeatedly for even asking the question. But as soon as those thoughts came I pushed them aside, I took a deep breath and took control of myself once more, I needed to focus, now more than ever.

"...The two mutants that Roxxon made, they need to be watched if HYDRA is-"

"-Already taken care off," she cut in, "Fury is keeping a personal eye on them. The one with technology altering powers is being taken to a secure facility in Utah and the psychih is being treated in Amsterdam. Don't worry, HYDRA won't get their claws into them."

It frustrated me to no end that she had so much control over herself, I guess SHIELD training really did wonders. I sighed and nodded, " have you been?"

"Honestly? I'm awesome," she smirked and folded her arms under her b.r.e.a.s.ts, popping them upwards,, "my job is kind of awesome. I mean I'm finally doing something I've always wanted to do."

"Which is?"

"Being one of the good guys," she smirked, "I don't' have to run anymore, I don't have to hide," she swayed her h.i.p.s seductively as she walked towards me, "and I guess I have you to thank for that."

"No, you really don't," I replied back, "you did it, all on your own. You chose to fight for us, against Wyndham. You did."

"And I never would have known to do that if you didn't tell me the truth," she smiled before doing a full 180 and changing her tune to a professional one, " did you discover this place?"

I blinked, damn this woman! "Well...there was this guy who turned himself into a giant lizard. He kind of started killing everyone, I was tracking in New york, but I couldn't stop it. But after digging a little I found that he gained the help from Roxxon, more specifically this compound. I tracked them down and...well," I monitored over to the SHIELD agents.

"I see...and what happened to said giant lizard?" she asked, not skipping a beat the mention of a giant lizard in New York city.

"Probably still in New York's sewer system," I sighed, "but that's a problem for another day."

"Maybe...Fury wants us to go dark on this front."

I blinked, "what do you mean?"

"The formula you discovered, the one that unlocks a human's latent's too risky to let out. And if HYDRA does have people in SHIELD..."

"Then we would be giving it to them on a silver platter. But if an outsider like me had it….fine, did he erase the email I sent him?" I looked at her deep cleavage and suddenly the mental image of pinning her to the ground and f.u.c.k.i.n.g them came into my head, but as soon as it did I crushed it. 'Keep it together man!'

Drew nodded as she walked next to me and leaned on the railings, sticking her a.s.s out, teasing me as she angled it away, showing off her firm behind, "you have the only digital copy. I already scrambled all information regarding the formula from the building's servers."

She was so close now, there was a loud rumbling in my ears, blood pumping furiously as it moved downwards. A primal part of me called out to try and claim her, to f.u.c.k her right over the roof until she could no longer stand. And right now I found no reason to say no.

Wait what?! No! Stop thinking like that! Focus asshole!

"Right...where do we begin?" I asked.

"Well I suppose for now we have to track this giant lizard of yours and find out what he knows, who knows, it might be fun," Jessica smirked as she got off the railing and approached me.

My eyes widened a she slowly pulled her body suit zipper down till her navel, revealing the black lace bra she wore underneath.

"I have to give it to you Peter, you really did a great job," she said in a husky tone as she closed the distance and leaned forward, one hand pressing on my c.h.e.s.t, pushing me back onto the roof railing while the other went to my gut, just a few inches over my hardening groin.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as all instances of wanting to remain 'professional', going out the window. My left hand went to her a.s.s, cupping it's form as my other hand came on her t.h.i.g.h, sliding it up slowly.

"I mean, you did a good job resisting for as long as you did," her hands came up to my helmet, she tried to remove it but failed, "take it off, now," she growled.

I found no reason to disobey as I took off my helmet and showed her my face. Jessica licked her lips, "oh you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," she grabbed the helmet and threw it aside.

AN Note: First off, this is going against every fiber of my being doing this; interrupting the flow of the story midway, but I felt I had too. The Following scene contains heavy lemon, like just imagine a truck full of the stuff laced with the salty tears of Spider-man haters.

So, you have been warned. The plot woven into the lemon is insignificant: Jessica and Peter go back to the safe house he used in Queen when under the training of Black Widow, the next day Gwen Stacy calls and asks Peter to come back to Conner's lab as she found something important. Jessica decided to tag along.

There, now, if you wish, you can just skip the whole of the remaining chapter to the next chapter. DO NOT DARE SAY I HAVEN'T WARNED YOU.

She grabbed my hand and brought it down to her zipper, "do you know how hard it is for me to not shove you down onto the ground and f.u.c.k you raw?"

I pushed my hand down, pushing underneath the zipper and pushed my fingers to her over her mound. I cursed, I couldn't feel a thing, "believe me Jessica, I know exactly how you feel," I pulled my hand out and grabbed her and spun her around.

"Peter!" she shrieked in joy as I shoved her against the railings and bending her over.

"It's been hard for me as well," I growled into her ears as I reached around and played with her t.i.t.s, cupping her molds, bruising the fact that my gloves hide so much from me still. I'm really starting to hate this thing.

"Oh I know," she mumbled back as she shock her rear deeper into my groin, digging my c.o.c.k into her a.s.s cheeks, "go ahead, show me what you got Spider."

I pressed my rock hard member against her a.s.s, the primal need I was feeling asking me to f.u.c.k her right then and do it now. But I resisted, because I knew as frustrated as I was, she was twice as so.

I reached out and grabbed her uniform and pulled it down, freeing her b.r.e.a.s.ts and arms from the suit. I shoved my c.o.c.k against her h.i.p.s, pinning her to the railing as I slammed my c.h.e.s.t piece to release the suit.

I pulled it down and stood in my boxers. She looked behind, her l.u.s.t filled green eyes landing at the thin fabric barely hiding my erection, the buttons on the flap being stretched out from its length trying to break free

She licked her lips, "oh god yes."

I growled back as I grabbed her neck and pulled her up, holding her close to me as I shoved my right hand down her pants, passed the zipper and under her p.a.n.t.i.e.s, feeling the dampness of her c.u.n.t as I flicked c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s that was erect in excitement.

"F.u.c.k!" she growled as I shoved a finger into her and moved to, making her legs jerk sideways in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. I bite her neck line, holding her in place as she threw her head up and gasped, letting go of all forms of restraint.

"Please Peter," her voice was begging, "f.u.c.k me."

"Why should I?" I asked, her, curious to know what she was willing to do.

"Because if you don't I think I might lose my MIND!" I pinched her c.l.i.t gently, judging by the way her c.u.n.t began to spasm and drench my hand, she liked that a lot.

"I see...and if I do f.u.c.k you, what will you do for me?" a controlling and m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic side of me came out, one that demanded ownership of the woman in my arms.

"Anything, everything," she gasped as she looked at me, "f.u.c.k me, please!"

All notions of being gentle and passionate flew out the window. I wanted a f.u.c.k toy and she's going to be it for me. I knew this wasn't normal, but I really ddin't care. The last person I f.u.c.k.e.d was Jean on Valentine's day, it's been too long since then. Two whole months, and I honestly didn't care anymore. Jessica Drew was mine.

I grinned, "well, since you said please," I grabbed her lips in a kiss and let go of her neck, cupping a b.a.r.e b.r.e.a.s.ts and squeezing it.

Her tongue began to fight mine as she tried to gain dominance, her hand moving back to cup my c.o.c.k and grab it's length, jerking it back and forth, slowly, almost painfully slowly. She was about to win back the power in the act, her tongue moving to dominate mine, when I grabbed her n.i.p.p.l.e and twisted.

"Mh!" she mean, her eyes going wide in surprise. I took advantage of her shock to push her tongue into her mouth and attack her back. I slipped two fingers into her damnp c.u.n.t and began fingering her.

She m.o.a.n.e.d as she raised her leg upwards and placed a knee on her railing, opening up her legs, allowing my hand to move in deeper inside. She removed her hand from around my c.o.c.k and slowly danced around the elastic before pulling it down, releasing my hard meaty pole free from it's container.

She broke the kiss, painting hard as she turned towards me, my hand inside her moved in deeper as she did. Both her feet were planted on the round as her eyes went downwards, widening at the sight of the thing standing straight between my legs.

"Holy shit," she whispered.

I pulled my fingers out of her, she m.o.a.n.e.d as they slipped out of her. I held them up, they were drenched with her c.u.m. I smiled as I licked it, "you're not too bad yourself. Turn around, now."

Eager to obey she did as I told her. Grabbing the railings and spreading her legs. She turned around, her eyes going to c.o.c.k once more. "Hurry," she begged, shaking her rear.


I spanked her a.s.s hard, the sound so loud I feared the agents downstairs could hear it. I smiled as instead of pain I saw p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e fill Drew up, she shivered and m.o.a.n.e.d as I grabbed her hip and stood behind her.

"I really hate this uniform," I growled as I grabbed it part around her h.i.p.s and pulled down, striping her down.

She pulled her leg out and kicked the skin tight suit away, revealing a black tongue cover her quim. She bent down, sticking her a.s.s out, I could see her c.u.n.t, hidden behind a single silky black string, drenching her garment fully with her own c.u.m.

I smiled and grabbed my c.o.c.k and brought it forward. I pushed the string across her c.u.n.t to the side with the head of my c.o.c.k and pressed it against her entrance. And then I stopped, both hands going to her h.i.p.s.

I didn't say a word, there was no need. I used my powers to stick my feet against the floor of the roof and my hands on hip. I drew my c.o.c.k back, she looked at it in anticipation, a drop of her c.u.m dripping down the side of her leg.

And then I slammed it into her, hard. It came in fast, but the moment it entered her tight c.u.n.t the momentum of my trust slowed from her tightness. By the end I had to force it inside again, pushing past into her core.

"F.u.c.k!" she cried out, no pain, only p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

I pulled back, my h.i.p.s pulling away, my arms pulling her off. And then I slammed my c.o.c.k back into her, causing her to scream yet again.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she cried out over and over as finally the itch was scratched. I knew she could feel the relief as I f.u.c.k.e.d her up against the railings, her giant t.i.t.s swinging freely in the air, her mouth hanging open as she cried out in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

I used all of my strength to f.u.c.k her, because I knew she could handle it. I was strong, very strong. Felicia was just a human, I always had to be careful with her. And while Jean had a powerful mind, her body was human.

But Jessica, oh Jessica's body was built for me, her c.u.n.t felt right, every time I shoved my c.o.c.k's full length into it I felt her body squeeze down, refusing to let it go. I had to put so much effort in pull out, i could see her lower lips trying to keep it in.

The sound of my h.i.p.s hitting her behind were loud, every time I slammed into her ripples formed on her a.s.s. They bounced, her legs planted firmly, so they didn't move, so she could take all of my force with no lose.

I saw Jessica's hands crush the metal railing she was holding, she hanged her head, she was trying to control herself. I refused, no more control, from now on, I didn't care.

I let go of her h.i.p.s and grabbed her arms and pulled them back. She threw her head up as I pulled her back with her arms, shoving my c.o.c.k deeper inside.

"D-don't stop Peter! Please!" she cried out.

I grabbed both her wrists with one hand and pulled them backwards, forcing her to move up and stand straight. I was forced to bend down and angle my thrusts, but as I did I used my free hand and cupped one of her giant creamy b.r.e.a.s.ts and bite down on her neck.

"Oh f.u.c.k me!" she screamed, her giant t.i.t.s moving up and down from the sheer force of my thrusts. Suddenly her legs came up, she had ripped out the tiles on the roof from sheer force alone. I had f.u.c.k.e.d her so hard that was even possible, but she didn't break, she just took it, I smiled, I was right, she was my perfect f.u.c.k toy.

I pulled her against my body, her back flat against my c.h.e.s.t as I released her arms. My left hadn moved to her clint and began to rub it while my other hand grabbed a leg and pull it upwards, allowing me to shove it into her deeper by spreading her legs.

"I'm close, I'm so f.u.c.k.i.n.g close!" she cried out.

I growled as I bit into her neck and flicked her c.l.i.t. Her leg rested on the roof railing allowing my other hand to grab her n.i.p.p.l.e and play with it.

"Damn it, no c.o.n.d.o.m," I growled as I buried my c.o.c.k into her over and over again, using more energy to take it out than pushing it in. She was going to come. I could tell.

"I don't care," she hissed, "put it wherever you want, I don't care!"

I smiled, "f.u.c.k!" I wrapped her arms around her h.i.p.s and pulled her off the railing and turned around and put her down on the ground.

She was on all fours as I f.u.c.k.e.d her harder, both hands on her h.i.p.s, pushing into her harder and harder.

I reached forward and grabbed her hair and pulled it back, she cried out, but didn't complain or ask me to stop as suddenly her c.u.n.t squeezed around me tight, the sheer pressure around my c.o.c.k forced me to almost come. But I used everything ounce of willpower I had and stopped myself.

I let got of her hair and pulled out of c.u.n.t, it's pulsating from letting me go gently. I got on my feet and looked down as she collapsed on her elbows and knees, panting hard.

"Jessica," one word, and she turned around. She looked up at me, green eyes filled with l.u.s.t and wanting still. I didn't have to say anything else, she raised up, placing her hands on my t.h.i.g.hs and sticking onto them.

She opened her mouth and swallowed my head easily. She began to bop her head on my c.o.c.k, l.i.c.k.i.n.g it's tip as she did.

But she was too slow, I growled in frustration. I reached down and grabbed her hair and pushed my c.o.c.k deeper inside.

"Gawk!" the sound of her throat struggling to make room was music to my ears. Every truth was met to a sound of her wet throat trying to push more and more inside.

I felt myself come closer to the edge, "get ready," I grunted. She didn't even make me stop, instead she tried to take me in deeper.

And then, I let go. I felt three, four, five spasm go through my c.o.c.k as my c.u.m was shot down her throat. Immediately my c.u.m filled her mouth, causing her to spill some out.

I didn't care though, I grabbed her head with both hands and shoved it down my c.o.c.k deeper, forcing my c.o.c.k into her mouth all the way, before I slowly pulled out.

I titled Jessica's head upwards, making her look at me. Her tongue came out of the sea of white c.u.m in her mouth. She began to swoop in all the c.u.m inside, I heard her throat gulp it all down. And whens he was done, she brought her mouth to my length and licked it clean.

She kissed my tip and finally, when she was done, she looked at me, l.u.s.t still there, "next time, we should do it somewhere more comfortable," she looked at the rooftop where we had f.u.c.k.e.d like animals, "and somewhere soundproof."

I growled, "next time, we don't stop until one of us faints."

She smirked, "I don't see why we can't do that this time around."

"Because I'm pretty sure someone down there heard us," I looked over my shoulder and saw a few SHIELD agents coming to the building, "we need to get dressed, quickly."

"If you say so," she smiled as suddenly she opened her jaw wide and swallowed my softening member hole, squeezing down on it with her lips before pulling back, pushing every single drop of c.u.m I had out into her mouth.

I heard her swallow it and sigh, "I think our pheromones did more than just give us s.e.xy tension. It also make the other person taste delicious."

I raised an eyebrow before looking at my right digits, still covered with the remains of Jessica's juices. I licked it clean and blinked at the pleasurable taste, "huh, you're right..."

"I usually am," she smiled as she leaned forward and kissed the tip of my c.o.c.k once again before standing up and grabbing her uniform, "do you have a ride?"

"I used to, but it's kind of in the shop," I said as I grabbed my suit and slipped it on before activating the locking mechanism.

"Then I can drop you," Jessica said as she simned her long shapely legs into her skin tight suit once more, her a.s.s filling it out to the limit as she slowly unzipped it back up, hiding her cleavage, I was right, she was trying to seduce me the moment she walked in here.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I looked around and found my helmet across the roof, I picked it up and dusted it off before turning to Jessica, "what's your ride anyway?"

She smiled as she took out a keychain fob and pressed a button on it. Immediately I heard a mechanical whirring as a small jet like the one That flew during the chitauri invasion came flying out of the woods and stopped before us.

I smiled, "cool." The plane's backdoor opened up and we both jumped up, clearing 30 feet easily as we entered inside. The door closing behind us as the jet leveled off.

"I'm going to set up base in the safe house you at agent Romanoff used," Drew explained as she set the coordinates I recognized were for New York, "I'll be living there 24/7 until this whole Roxxon thing is solved. When you get a lead or you need help just call me and I'll be right over."

"Your number?" I asked as the plane took off, zooming away from the Roxxon facility.

"I'll message it," she replied.

"Hm..." I looked around, "hey Jessica, this thing has auto pilot right?"

She turned her seat around and nodded, "yeah, why?"

I said nothing as I tossed my helmet over my shoulder and grabbed her arm and pulled her off the chair. I slammed her against the side of the c.o.c.kpit and growled as I pulled down her zipper and grabbed her a.s.s and squeezed.

"Good, then you don't have to focus on flying it," I felt myself harden once more as she smiled. I pulled open her suit and released her b.r.e.a.s.t once more, growling as I bite her perky mammaries once more, "how long until we reach New York?"

"Oh who f.u.c.k.i.n.g cares?" she said as she threw her head up and m.o.a.n.e.d the moment my teeth bit down on her flesh. Oh yeah, who the hell cares.

The next day:

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I opened my eyes and sighed, my body feeling refreshed and full charged. The entire week has been one thing after another, with Doom getting diplomatic and the possibility of Spider-man getting sued.

Then came the Lizard and Roxxon, I haven't been sleeping very well in quite a while, but now, not I think I finally slept my fair share. And judge from the way my mind sang and my eyes felt, I got the full eight hour recommended sleep.

I looked around and realised I wasn't at home or at my lab, but instead I was in the lower bas.e.m.e.nt room of the Queen's SHIELD hideout, the same room Natasha used while she was my handler.

The room was spartan like, only a bed and a closet. The walls were painted dark blue with a single ceiling light. The bed at least was comfortable, queen sized and very soft.

I turned to my left and saw Jessica curled up besides me, a leg thrown over my body and her head resting my c.h.e.s.t.

I smiled as I remembered last night. We f.u.c.k.e.d all the way back to New york, instead of dropping me home she took me directly to the safehouse. We began stripping the moment we stepped into the safehouse. Eventually we made our way downstairs to this room.

I don't remember how many times we did it, and I don't care. We only stopped when Jessica was unable to go on, her stamina finally peaked and she collapsed onto the bed, fainting with her most recent o.r.g.a.s.m. Guess even though we were equals in most things, I still had the advantage by a small margin.

I looked down at her and immediately I felt myself harden. That face, god I wanted to make it scream my name over and over again. I reached down to her a.s.s and squeezed it, she mumbled something, I smiled.

"Jessica," I whispered as I roll her over and slowly got on top of her, the sheet covering us slipping away as my knees were between her h.i.p.s.

"What?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes, slowly waking up.

"I just wanted to say," I lowered my c.o.c.k and slowly touched her entrance, pushing forward into the familiar warm c.u.n.t once more.

"Ep!" her eyes opened up wide, "d-damn it Peter!"

I grinned as she grabbed my shoulders for support as I began to pick up the pace, her t.i.t.s bouncing up and down as she closed her eye and cried out in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

"You know the best part about us Spiders?" I asked her as I plunged myself fully into her.

"W-what?" she asked.

"I'm pretty sure we're s.e.x gods," I grinned as I reached around and picked up Jessica and hugged her as I picked up the pace.

"You may be, but I'm still mortal," she g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "God, how did your girlfriend ever manage to satisfy you?"

I grunted, "she was creative," looked down at her judging darier and smiled as reached down with both hands and grabbed them, using them to pull her up closer, "although if you can't keep up, we can always invite Jean, I'm sure she would love to met you."

"Jean?" she grunted, "the psychic?"

"Oh yeah," I spanked her rear, watching it jiggle every time I trust into her, "and she loves to share. Just saying."

"You're a f.u.c.k.i.n.g beast, you know that?" Jessica smiled as she pulled back from ema and smiled down at me. For a moment I was mesmerized, she was beautiful, I was attracted to her yes. But god was she beautiful, those green eyes and that dark hair reaching down to her lower back, god it was perfect.

She placed her hands on my c.h.e.s.t and kissed me hard, pushing me back on the bed as she did. She bite my lips playfully as she straddled my h.i.p.s and picked up the momentum.

"If you want," she said as she pulled away and stood up straight, her b.r.e.a.s.ts proudly displayed as she bounced on my c.o.c.k like an exercise ball, "we can call her over tomorrow. I'll even hold her head down as you shove your c.o.c.k down her throat. But right now? You're mine. And you're going to f.u.c.k me until I can't walk."

I smiled, "of you are going to regret saying that."

But just as I was about to release a new form of hell on her, my phone's ringtone rang out. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "really?"

I sighed, "f.u.c.k them," i reached up to her h.i.p.s and helped her bounce on my groin, "damn them all. Focus on me."

The call ended after a moment before again picking up. This time Jessica looked worried, "it could be serious."

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked her as I pulled her down and rolled over, pinning her down, giving me to traction to be a little more forceful, making her grunt with each trust.

"No," she smiled, kissing me again.

And then the thing rang for a third time.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell!" I cried out, "someone better be dead or dying!" I looked up from Jessica's delicious body squirming underneath me and searched the room, finding my costume hanging off a closet door on the other side of the room and my phone in it's backpack.

I sighed, "great, just great."

"Oh come on," Jessica cried out as she wrapped her legs around my h.i.p.s, "I'm so close!"

I rolled my eyes and focused on on drawing in magic, trying to focus on the spell rather than the hot tight c.u.n.t currently wrapped around c.o.c.k and the s.e.xy legs wrapped around me. I reached out and tried to summon the wh.i.p.s of vastha.

And surprisingly, the spell came to me quickly, and far stronger than ever before. I was shocked as the glowing red and gold band of energy came out and flew across the room, grabbing my backpack and bringing it back to me.

"How did you do that?" Jessica asked as she relaxed her legs a little, though still refusing to let me out of bed.

"Magic," I told her as I grabbed my phone and threw the costume aside. I looked at the caller ID and saw the name Gwen Stacy on it. I sighed, "Jessica, it's Coroner's assistant."

"Pick it up, it might be important," she said in a very professional voice, one you wouldn't expect from a woman who was currently being ploughed into her bed. She then spoke up again, this time in a far more flirty voice, "don't worry, I'll be quite."

I sirked, "I'm sure," I picked up the call, "hello?"

"Peter? Is everything okay?" Gwen immediately asked, "why didn't you pick up?"

"Sorry about that Gwen, it was a long night," I sighed looking down at Jessica who stifled her laughter, "I was kind of doing something important."

"Is it related to doctor C?" she asked.

"Ah, kind of," Jessica rolled us around on the bed and pushed me down, straddling me again as she began to bounce up and down, smirking as she leaned forward, placing her giant b.r.e.a.s.t right above my face.

"Okay...right, anyway listen I woke up a little early today and decided to see if the police missed anything at the lab. When I came I noticed several equipment were missing, expensive kind. I asked my dad if his people took and he said no."

"So it was stolen?" I asked as I lifted my head and caught a n.i.p.p.l.e in my mouth and began to suck it, Jessica stifled a m.o.a.n as I played with her, slowing down her bounces, making me pick up the pace.

"No, I don't-Peter, what's the sound?" Gwen suddenly asked.

"What sound?" I asked, rleaseing the n.i.p.p.l.e before lickign it gently.

"It sounds like a patting sound, like someone slapping something."

I looked down at Jessica's fat behind hitting my t.h.i.g.hs every time I plunged into her, "hm, must be bad reception. I'm at the office right now, Reed or Johnny is probably doing something. Anyway go on, you were saying?"

"Right...anyway, it may be a thief, but those things are very difficult to sell. They only have one use and they aren't...well, really black market stuff. No one would buy them, hell it was difficult enough for Doctor C to get them in the first place."

"I see," I grabbed a tit with one hand and played with it while l.i.c.k.i.n.g the others, "so what do you think happened."

"Well I don't know...I was hoping you could come and help me search for it?"

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Gwen, why do you sound so worried? What are these things used for anyway?" Jessica suddenly pulled away, Peter shot her a confused look, but she just winked in return before pulling herself off his c.o.c.k, letting the fully soaked member stand up straight.

She then lowered herself down and quickly swallowed it whole into her mouth, l.i.c.k.i.n.g her own juices off of it as she did so.

"Peter...the things that were stolen? We used them to make the serum in the first place. And along with them...they also stole several things that could possibly be combined to be used as an aerosol distributor."

My eyes widened as suddenly Jessica plunged my entire c.o.c.k into her throat, for the first time ever a woman was able to do that, and I wasn't ready. "F.u.c.k!" I cried out as suddenly I found myself coming directly down her throat.

"So you get it right?! Someone is trying to poison the city! I told my dad but...he doesn't believe me. You're the only one I can turn to Peter, please, you need to help me."

I panted as I felt Jessica pracitcally suck all the s.p.e.r.m my ball produced out of me. I sighed, "where are you?"

"At the university, please hurry," she said urgently.

"Yeah, don't worry," I sighed as Jessica s.u.c.k.e.d the last bite of my c.u.m into her mouth, popping it out as she did. She looked at me opened her mouth, displaying its contents before swallowing it whole with a wink.

"I'll see you soon Peter," Gwen replied.

"Yeah, soon, bye," I grunted, cutting the call. I put my head down and groped, "okay, here's the plan, we go out, find this thrice damn c.o.c.k blocking Lizard and kick his a.s.s. You in?"

"Peter, c.o.c.k blocking only applies when they stop you from having s.e.x," Jessica raised an mischievous eyebrow.

I snorted, "you and I both know this is foreplay, we aren't even close to the real deal."

Jessica smirked, "maybe, now, let's get going. We have a city to save."

"Yes ma'am," I smirked. Personally, I think this is the best morning I have ever had in my entire life.

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