Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 52 - NY City Tours: Lizard Hunting special!

We drove through New York in a bright red camaro. The same kind BumbleBee in the transformers movies turned into. Honestly, this was a childhood dream coming true.

"This is one hell of a bitching car," I whistled as we cut through traffic.

"I know," Jessica smiled, "that's why I specifically. My boss said it wouldn't be very covert, not a car someone who didn't want to be noticed would drive. But I told him it was so covert, that nobody in their right mind would ever think I spy would drive it."

I blinked, "that's...actually pretty smart. Huh."

"Not just a pretty face you know," she smiled and suddenly I realised there was so much about her I didn't know. I knew her story but...just who was she? She grew up in the past, was frozen in ice for so did she even adapt?

"Hey Jessica," I called out, "what are you doing tonight?"

She looked over, "I told you, until this whole Roxxon thing is wrapped up I'll be in NY as your liaison."

I smirked, "great. Then do you want to watch a movie?"

She blinked, "like a date?"

"Not like a date, a date."

"You do realise we're already sleeping together right?"

I chuckled, "yeah but...I don't know, I'm curious. We both are attracted to each other, yeah, but I honestly think it's worth seeing what each other are like inside."

Jessica smirked, "aren't you a big softly. Alright Peter, tonight, movie, it's a date. Although, you kind of need to know one thing."

"And what's that?"

She looked at me, "I didn't f.u.c.k you because of the pheromones. I did it because I wanted you."

I blinked, "what? Why?"

"Simple," she smirked as she looked at the road, "I knew you would rock my world. You didn't disappoint."

I won't lie. Kind of a proud moment for me there.

We reached Empire state university soon and waiting outside was Gwen, wearing a purple hoodie and black pants with her hair tied back in a small ponytail and a touch of makeup on her face.

Jessica parked the car before her, surprisingly the girl. I quickly got out, her eyes widening as she saw me, "Peter? Is this your ride?"

"No, it's hers," I said as Jessica came out, standing up straight and looking down at Gwen with narrowed eyes.

"Oh...hello," Gwen said nervously, obviously intimidated by the taller and...more m.a.t.u.r.e woman. Her eyes darted between Jessica's b.r.e.a.s.ts and a.s.s, immediately I smelt sadness creep out of her.

I chuckled, "Gwen, this is Jessica Drew. She's a friends and kind of a badass. I figured if we're going to do this we shouldn't go in unprotected."

", you're like a bodyguard?" Gwen asked nervously.

Jessica looked down at the shorter girl and nodded, "kind off..and you're?"

"G-Gwen, Gwen Stacy," the girl gulped, "hi." Jessica didn't respond, looking serious as she narrowed her eyes at the blonde. But I smelt her amus.e.m.e.nt, she was having fun intimidating the smaller girl.

I smirked, "right then, shall we crack on? What did you find Gwen?"

"R-right, follow me," she motioned as he did, entering the iron gates of this creepy place once more. Though admittedly it was less creepy in the morning.

We made our war to the lab once more, this time yellow police tape locked out path, though all three of us didn't blink and continued stepping over it.

I looked at the room, the blood of the murdered officer was no dry, though the stains remained. Guess they hadn't gotten around to it yet. I grew angry when I felt Jessica touch me shoulder, calming me down quickly. Right, focus.

Gwen walked in and looked around, "when I came in this morning the machine were gone," she pointed at one corner of the room which lighter than the other parts, indicating something had been placed there for a long period of time and recently removed.

"Do you have the model name?" I asked as I examined the trace of the machine on the ground.

"Yeah, here," she handed me a paper pad with a listing of several machines on it, and one thing that matched the machine's description was a machine known as the micro dispersion unit.

"If this is the thing that was taken..." I hummed, just like the plot of the Amazing spider-man, the lizard wasn't to turn all humans into...well, giant lizards. I turned to Jessica, "this could mean a bio war, we need to get the city put on a quarantine and have SHIELD search the tunnels for this thing."

Jessica nodded, "you sure?"

"This thing has the potential to become a bio weapon, depending on the serum used in it, it can possibly be deadly. Even if it wasn't the Lizard who did this, we still have a possible bio weapon on our hands."

"What do you mean possible?" Gwen asked.

"This machine, it can disperse a serum into the air, but not in large quantities. For that you would, an actual bio weapon. This is basically a bootleg version of it, if they want to cause real damage, they are going to have to use a real one."

"Where would they get something like that?" Jessica asked, already taking out her phone and texting away.

"Hm...well, Stark industries for one," I shrugged.

"Steak stopped all productions on his weapons," Gwen argued, "I doubt he would have a state of the art bio weapon on hand."

I humned, "true...well, then within city limits I can only think of one other company which could possibly have something like this."

"Who?" Jessica asked, Gwen also curious.

"Oscorp," I grumbled, "it's always Oscorp..."

"I'll call SHIELD and tell them about this, at the very least Homeland security will get involved," Jessica informed me as she moved away and began calling someone up.

Gwen turned to me and blinked, "does she seriously have SHIELD on speed dial? What type of bodyguard is she?"

I grinned, "the amazing kind. Now, we better..." I came to slow stop as I was suddenly hit with a gust of wind. I turned back and saw the shattered window from last night, I blinked, something

"Peter? What's wrong?" Gwen asked, but I ignored her completely, walking towards the window. Jessica was speaking to someone off in the corner, but she also looked curious.

I stood before the window and sniffed the air, something I sniffed again and this time I got it. Sewer water. I looked out the window and saw the manhole cover on the road the lizard used to escape, I looked at it, hm, a possible escape route.

The sewers...damn it, I just got my costume fixed from last time! I sighed and turned to Gwen who looked eager for an answer. I smiled, "sorry, it was nothing."

Gwen sighed, "it's fine...anyway, what are we going to do now? I mean, will anyone actually listen to us? A giant lizard is one thing, but a possible biochemical bomb is...well, kind of crazy."

"They will listen to us," Jessica spoke as she hanged up, "a SHIELD team will be in Oscorp in moments, hopefully, they will run into whoever is stealing these weapons."

"I think it's the same person," I replied.

Gwen's eyes widened, "you think the Lizard is trying to poison the city?"

I nodded, "it's just a theory, but yeah," my eyes landing on the sewers, I need to try and stop him before it's too late…

"Peter," Jessica said in a soft tone, "what do you need?"

I turned ot her and Gwen, both looking curious. I sighed, "I think you two need to find Gwen's dad and convince him to evacuate the city. Do whatever you have to, get Homeland security involved if you have to, but get the people out of here."

"What will you be doing?" Jessica asked.

"The Baxter foundation has the top most genetic scientist in the world working for them," I smirked, "if the Lizard is planning on poisoning people, I'm sure she will be able to give us a solution. Plus...I think I can get Johnny to bring Spider-man into this. He'll be invaluable if that's the case."

Gwen's eyes widened, "with….Johnny...Baxter know Johnny Storm?!"

I sirked, "know him? He's my best friend."


I chuckled, "I promise I'll tell you later. Right now you and Jessica need to leave."

"What about you?!" Gwen asked in a worried tone, "we can't just leave you here."

"I have a ride, it's fine," I waved her worry away, "besides, the Baxter building is just a few blocks away, I'll be fine."

"Peter," Jessica began, but I shot her a sharp glare and immediately she stopped. She sighed, " careful. And if anything me."

I nodded, "I will, promise."

"But-but," Gwen stammered.

"Relax pixie, I'll be fine," I winked, "and just incase, I always have a trick or two up my sleeve," I motioned to my forearm and immediately Gwen's eyes widened as she realised what I meant.

"R-right," she nodded, now a lot more sure in regards to my safety.

"Let's go," Jessica prompted Gwen to move as we all walked out of the building. As Gwen and Jessica got into her car the latter shot me a warning look. The message was clear, 'don't die'.

I waved them off and the moment the car turned the corner I vanished as well. I jumped into a tree and changed into my costume thanks to the dense foliage of the leaves. I then shot out a webline grabbed the sewer lid and flicked it into the air.

I leaped out of the tree and dived down, the manhole cover coming down the moment I jumped down, I doubt people even saw me.

I crawled along the top of the sewer tunnels, the water inside so disgusting I didn't even want to imagine what was inside. I tried not to puke several time, and it took a lot of hard work to force myself to remain in here. God I hate the damn Lizard, first he c.o.c.k blocks me and then makes me go through the sewers!

Sigh, today started out so nice too.

"S.e.xy, call," I hurled as I almost puked the moment I opened my mouth, "S.e.xy engae air filtration please."

Almost immediately my helmet began to whirl, giving me semi filtered air making the sewers a little more bearable. Though it did nothing for the smell, which was really the problem.

I sighed, "good enough I guess. Anyway, S.e.xy, send Susan Storm everything we have on conners project with Roxxon, including the files we have on the blue mutant serum we found in their mutant farm. And then call Susan, quickly."

The call went and she picked up in two rings, "hello? Peter?"

"I just sent you a mail with a lot of files. Look at the one labeled 'Lizard juice' and tell me what you think."

"Right, wait a moment," she replied as she began to work, I heard her typing away. She then almost immediately came back on, "this is….holy shit. It's like a broken down version of your own blood."

"Hm, Conners did base it on Richard's formula, that would make sense I guess."

"What? Peter what are you talking about? What's going on?"

"Sue, a man named doctor Curt Connors tried to reinvent my parent's formula, he was...partially successful. He ended up mutating himself into a giant Lizard hybrid. And I think, I'm not sure, I think he now wants to infect the rest of the city."


"Yeah, I know. Not what I wanted to do today either. Anyway, I need your help, I'm trying to stop him, but if I fail and he succeeded, I need something to reverse the formulas effects. Do you think you can do that?"

"I...I guess. I mean when I compare your blood work with this...I do see some similarities, like the way they deal with lipoproteins and all. But there is a second part here that's missing...which is odd."

"Open the second file labeled Roxxon mutagen," I told her. The tunnel slowly gave way to a giant swirling cease pool of sewer water. It was like a giant hub of drains for the collected four blocks. Great, just great.

"Peter...what is this?"

"Roxxon wanted to start an arms race but turning people into mutant slaves. I managed to stop a single facility but I doubt this is going to stop them. This is highly dangerous Sue, please delete it the moment you are done.

"I see...and is it the second component for the Lizard formula?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Alright then, I'll get to work, I'll call you if I have something," she hanged up, the enthusiasm was clear in her voice. She may mainly focus on the financial side of things, but she too was a scientist at heart.

I sighed 'alright, time to focus,' I looked around at the sewers. There were over twenty possible passages he could have gone through. So which one? Hm….wait, he was carrying the device with him, meaning it would have been heavy and he couldn't afford to get it wet, it was far too delicate for that.

I looked around, trying to search for any sort of claw marks, he would have had to crawl on the side of the tunnel walls to avoid damaging his prize.

And then, I noticed it, seventh tunnel from the bottom to my right. It had freshly made claw marks along it's arch, I immediately swung over and crawled through it, going as fast as I could without slipping up.

"S.e.xy, where does this tunnel lead? What's the most significant location?" I asked.

"According to this map you are heading directly North up to Central Park," S.e.xy replied.

I blinked central park...well, it would be packed, it is an early afternoon on a Saturday. But I mean, if he wanted to make a real impact he should just target...Times Square.

"S.e.xy, does it also pass through Time's Square?" I asked.

"That is correct, yes," she replied.

I cursed, Time's Square, always Time's f.u.c.k.i.n.g Suare! I reached the closest manhole cover and jumped out onto the street.

"Hey! It's Spider-man!" someone cried out but I ignored him and jumped onto a lightpol and swung away.

"S.e.xy, send a tweet out, write: Emergency, not a drill, all citizens exit Time's Square immediately!" I cried out.

"Sent," she replied.

Ten minutes:

I landed on top of the jumbotron in the middle of Time's Square and was shocked to say the least.

New Yorkers are stubborn, famously so. But now...well, I just saw proof of the exact opposite. Because right now, i was looking at a deserted Times Square. I saw down the road several people standing a block away. There was no barricade, no police protection, people were just standing there, waiting.

A few of them were recording me with their phones, but other than that...nothing. They were all waiting for me to give the all clear. Damn….this is amazing!

"Ah many peopel saw that tweet?" the AI put up a hologram of the tweet on my screen. I whistled, "twenty nine million in twenty minutes? Nice...and scary," I dismissed the tweet and looked around, "use infrared S.e.xy, find me a s.e.x foot tall 400 pound replitle."

My vision turned to a collage of red, orange, green and blue. I looked around, searching for any sign of the creature. But soon I quickly realised that...well, he was a no show.

"Hey Spidey!" someone cried out, "can we get back to work on not?!"

"Yeah man! What's the hold up!" another asked.

"Wait for a f.u.c.k.i.n.g second!" I yelled back.

"Hey we all have shit to do!"

"You think I want to be here on a Saturday morning?! I would rather be in bed instead of taking a trip through the sewers! But right now there's a f.u.c.k.i.n.g giant lizard out here trying to hurt people! So shut the f.u.c.k up!"

"What does it look like?!" someone far away cried out.

"What?!" I asked, not being able to hear them properly.

"WHAT?! DOES?! IT?! LOOK?! LIKE?!" the entire crowd asked.

"It's like six feet tall and green!" I yelled back.

" that?!" one guy pointed over at the top of a building across the street. And there, sneaking along the rooftops was the Lizard out in broad daylight carrying a white device in his arms.

"F.u.c.k! Everyone! Get out!" I yelled as I jumped and swung towards Corners, the people all rushing away, while a few stayed back to take videos.

I swung over to the building he was sneaking through and landed before him in a crouch. "Esh, you're uglier than the Hulk when he wakes up. Tell me, is your brother Voldemort? Cause I see the family resemblance."

"SSpider," he hissed, his forked tounge coming out and flickgin the air.

I shivered, "so creepy," I looked down, the device was wrapped around his tail and held back. It was a testament to his tail's strength seeing at he held it up with barely any effort.

"Get away," it hissed at me, "or I'll kill you..."

"Trust me buddy, better people than you have tried," I raised my fists and charged my repulsor, "now then. Put down the machine...or don't. I don't' really care, either way I'll just blast you...wait….why am I even talking to you?"

I leaped forward, the Lizard dashing away to avoid me. I sent out twin repulsor beams, but the thing was far too agile for anything his size had any right to be. I cursed and jumped, clearing the roof in one swoop and landing before the Lizard.

I was about to charge him head on, when he did the unthinkable, he threw the device at me.

I was so shocked I had just enough time to duck under the flying machine. It flew over the roof and threatened to land on the people on the streets. I cursed and jumped to the roof's edge and shot a webline out, grabbing the machine before it crashed and hurt someone.

"I told you guys to leave!" I cried out as I pulled the machine back up.


I grabbed the machine and lifted it back to the roof, just as my spider sense tingle. I couldn't move though, I turned to see the Lizard's giant tail come flying at me. I cursed, 'f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell.'


That was the sound of something breaking. I flew off off the roof and down into traffic. "Deploying emergency webline!" I heard S.e.xy call out as the arms in my back popped out and created a four way webline hampor for me, catching me before I hit the ground.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I held my sides in pain. I watched as the Liard leaped away, rushing through building blocks just as fast as I would. God that thing was fast.

And knew I could catch the machine, it knew the people would get hurt if I didn't. It isn't just strong and fast, it was also smart.

I coughed, "S.e.xy, deploy a monitor drone," I saw a miniature version of the drone I had made to monitor Harry before he became Glider come flying out of my utility belt. "Track the Lizard, don't lose sight of him."

"Understood," S.e.xy replied as the dorne flew off.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "how long until I'm healed?"

"My scans show that it will take...maybe 10 minutes for you to properly heal. You are suffering from five broken ribs, a collapsed lung and a sprained shoulder."

"All that from one tail," I coughed, " Johnny Storm please."

The ring went through, he picked up within seconds, "not the time Pete, I'm on a date."

I blinked, "oh...okay then. Sorry to bother you," I disconnected the call and blinked 'why did I do that'….sigh, f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell, I think I may have a concussion as well.

Immediately I called him back. "What? I told you-"

"-There is a giant six foot Lizard threaten to turn people into Lizards hybrids. I am sure Liz will understand."

"But dude-" I heard Liz's voice on the other end, I could hear the muffled note of, 'with great power comes great responsibility'. I snorted, I didn't expect her of all people to say that. I heard Johnny sigh, "fine, where?"

"I have a drone monitoring him, I'll send you the information," S.e.xy displayed the message being sent, "you should be getting it right now?"

"What about you? What are you doing?" Johnny asked.

"Ah," I looked down and saw several people taking photos, "I'm kind of spent right now. Give a moment to catch my breath."


Johnny connected and I sighed, "I really hate this day."

"Hey Spidey! You got a nice ass!" I heard a woman call out.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "please don't tell me people are snapping pics of my b.u.t.t and posting it online."

"Actually..." my AI spoke up, displaying several images that was being uploaded with my name as a tag. They were all close up snaps of my a.s.s. On a side note...I do have a very nice behind.

Ten minutes later:

I swung by Central Park zoo, "S.e.xy, are you sure this is where the Lizard came?"

"The Drone's single died off here last."

I landed on the zoo's sign and looked around, " doesn't look like he's here-"


There was a giant explosion as a fire bomb went off in the distance. I sighed, "I stand corrected," I immediately swung away.

I came upon a very strange sight to say the least. Johnny Storm through fireballs at a giant Lizard, who grabed and threw giant boulders at him from inside the open animal cages.

I looked around, it was empty, good, that meant no casualties. "S.e.xy, hack into the security cameras and search this place for any civilians."

"Right," she replied promptly.

I swung over and landed on the pit with the Lizard, the giant green scaled freak was too busy trying to hit Johnny to notice me.

"Payback," I grinned as I stretched out my c.h.e.s.t piece and release a unibeam at full power.

"SCREW!" it cried out as it got hit right in the side, sending it flying through the air and into another pen.

"About time you got here!" Johnny cried out as he flew down to met me, "honestly, why is a giant Lizard taking so long to beat?!"

I blinked, "are you asking me?"

Johnny snorted, "whatever man, let's just get this thing."

I jumped up and threw my hands forward, Johnny catching me and flying me up into the air. We spotted the Lizard for a second before it scremaled away, hiding in the trees.

"Can you find him?" Johnny asked.

"No," I tapped heat vision mode and cursed, "his body temperature is...alternating, it doesn't stick out enough."

"Spider, I just discovered a group of students still inside the zoo. They are located up North by the Snow Leopards and from what the security feed shows the Lizard is heading there as well."

"You heard the AI! Vamanos!" I cried out as Johnny took off.

We reached there in seconds, just in time see the six feet monsters towering over a group of kids. And what's worse, the cage for the Snow Leopards were broken, the animals were free.

"You get the leopards Il get the Lizard!" I called out.

"Right!" Johnny threw me down.


My arms popped out of my back as I came flying down and landed on the Lizards' head, leaping off and landing before him and the kids.

"Stay back!" I warned them without turning. The monster growled and charged me, swiping at my head. I ducked and commanded two arms to plug into his side, piercing him.

I then punched his solar plexus and pushed him back by a few feet from the hit. He growled, holding his side in pain before charging at me once more. He swung his tail and I jumped over it before sending a web shot at his eyes and blinding him.

"Screech!" it cried out, charging me blindly. I was about to jump away when I realised the children were behind me. So I stayed and slammed into him, forcing him to stop by grabbing an arm and putting his snout in a headlock.

I grunted as I strained myself to my limit, forcing myself to hold him as he struggled to break free. I looked up, the children looked at me in awe, I think they were in shock.

"What are you waiting for?!" I asked, crying out, "run!"

They stayed rotted in place, but the child at the front, a ten year old black kid wearing a black and red hoodie inspired by my costume nodded, "r-right! We gotta move you guys!" he told his friends, finally causing them to all run.

I waited until the kids were gone before trying to shoot a weblink into the Lizard's mouth to suffocate him, only for the monster to gain the upper hand thanks to a sudden rush of strength.

He flipped me over before I even know what he was doing, pining me to the ground. His fist closing around my windpipe and a clawed fist raised to punch my head in.


Immediately all four arms came and plunged into his body. "SCREECH!" he cried out in pain as he grabbed the arms and swung it over.

I was flug around, he spun my by the arms over his head, like a ball, faster and faster, until the joints of the arms couldn't take anymore and snapped.

I found myself flying into a wall. I crashed into it, hard, my head ringing as I collapsed down. I turned and looked up, the Lizards rushing quickly to me, his tail sining down.

"Unibeam-" I croaked out as immediately the blast of energy came flying out, blasting away the Lizard's tail off it's body.

"ARGH!" his cries sounded almost human as it feel to the ground in pain. I looked at me, growling as it did. It crawled over, grabbed and held me down with one hand, rising the other into the air.


He dug into my c.h.e.s.t with his claws, ripping away the c.h.e.s.t piece with a single swipe, cutting into my c.h.e.s.t and causing deep, deep slashes inside.

I felt the black liquid of the parker blood mix with my owe red life blood, forming into a mess black and red that exploded outward.


He truck again, this time slashing at my stomach. Already I felt my body's pain reduce as the wounds on my c.h.e.s.t healed, the lizard saw this, his red eyes visibly widened. It growled, it took offence to the fact that I healed so quickly, I could smell his jealousy.


Once more my c.h.e.s.t was ripped apart, by now my costume front was ripped apart into shreds. 'Come on Johnny!' I thought, I saw him ready to slam it down, when suddenly-


A fire extinguisher hit the Lizard up the head, startling both him and I. We turned and there, standing with a look of pure fear and shaking legs was the black kid form before.

"SCREE!" the Lizard let go of me and charged the kid.

"ARGH!" he cried out, putting his hands up in defense.


Three shots fired into the Lizard's side, causing the thing to cry out in pain and jump away, hiding in the trees.

I turned and found Jessica in her SHIELD uniform with a smoking gun in hand and a very pissed off snarl, "hands off!"

I sighed as I got to my feet, my head spinning, the Lizard isn't the hulk or the Rhino, but it's certainly powerful enough to make things hurt. God, it's like fighting a super alligator! Not that I would know how that would compare…

"Are you okay?" Jessica came rushing to my side, gun still out. She looked at me with a concerned look, immediately I felt the urge to mate with her right here, but I resisted, obviously.

"I'm fine, don't' worry about me," I sighed looking down to see my wounds already close up. I sighed and shook my head, "God that thing hits hard."

"Spidey!" I looked up to see Johnny floating above me, "the leopards are caged! Anything else?"

"The Lizard managed to escape, do you think you can find him from up top?" I asked. Johnny nodded and took off without another word. I sighed and turned to Jessica, "how did you get here so fast?"

"Oscorp is just a few blocks away, and I follow you on Twitter," she smirked.

"I see, did you get the tech from Oscorp settled in?" I asked her.

Jessica nodded, "yes. I had Homeland security seize it, they should be taking it out of the city as we speak."

"And Stacy?" I asked.

"She's with her father, we finally got him to take this seriously and call in all units to help. She wanted to come with," Jessica sighed as she holstered her gun, "Gods that girl is stubborn."

I chuckled, "yeah, I guess so," I looked over and noticed the kid that helped save my life look at me in awe. I smiled, already used to the look, "hey there little dude. Thanks for the save! I got to say, I didn't think I have ever seen someone knock a six foot tall giant Lizard with a fire extinguisher!"

The kid blinked, "y-you're welcome Spider-man," he gulped, "oh my God, Spider-man just thanked me!"

I laughed while Jessica smirked, "yeah I did. You did save my life after all. God, you must be the bravest kid I've ever met. What's your name?"

The kid blinked, "M-Miles, Miles Morales."

And I felt shock. Jessica looked at me, I guess she smelt my shock, she turned to Miles with a froan, quickly I pushed away my surprise, I can deal with the ramifications of this later.

"Alright then...Miles huh," I smiled as I approached him, "why didn't you run kid? I told you run, it was dangerous."

"I-It looked like you were in danger," he said before immediately following that up, "I couldn't just do nothing!"

I chuckled, "you could have run?"

"I-I didn't want to see you get hurt…."

I smiled, I placed a hand on Miles' shoulder, immediately shocking the kid still, "listen kid...what you did was incredible brave. And oh so stupid," Miles gulped, I smelt fear in him, "I appreciate what you did, but next time think. Always think. I may have powers, but it's mind that will always be my greatest weapon, you hear me?"

"'re not mad I helped?"

I shook my head, "no, why would I? You saved my life, I would have prefered if you thought a little ahead though...listen kid, you have a brave heart, and the will to act. But you also have a responsibility to yourself, and to your family, to stay alive."

Miles nodded, "yes sir. Think before I leap."

"Exactly," I nodded, "now, I want you to leave this place okay, and make sure you tell everybody to stay out for now. Think you can do that."

Miles nodded eagerly, "yes sir, I can!"

"Good, now then," I took out my phone, "you want a selfie?" I swear I have never seen a kid change from serious to excited so quickly.

Jessica did her best to stifle her laughter as Miles and I did various poses for the picture. In the end we settled on one where he and I stood hand over shoulder, hugging like old friends. Miles we grinning so proudly he looked like he was going to break a cheekbone.

I posted the image online almost immediately: Just met an amazing kid, NewsFlash: He saved my life! #NYC #OnlyNYC

After I posted the pic I sent him on his way, making sure he got out safe. When he left I turned to Jessica who looked at me with a raised eyebrow, obviously waiting for an explanation.

I shrugged, "he's got potential. He's far braver than I ever was at his age."

"You recognized him?" Jessica asked.

I nodded, "'s complicated."

"Right..." she sighed, realising that i obviously wasn't going to explain further.

Just then Johnny came flying down, "can't find the green asshole anywhere."

"It's fine," I waved him off, "for now we need to focus on finding the bio agent he stole, that's the objective. S.e.xy, the video, came you show it to me?"

"Sorry Spider but the drone video has been sent into your cloud storage and has been put under lock, as per design."

"Why would you do something like that?" Jessica asked.

I sighed, "it's a feature I built so that if the drone I sent out ever got captured or compromised they wouldn't be able to erase the footage from the device. We need to go to my lab."

"I don't think I can carry both of you," Johnny argued.

"Just her," I pointed at Jessica, "I can swing my way over."

Johnny smiled, "oh, that I can do," he landed before Jessica and grinned, "so, what's your name pretty lady?"

Jessica raised an eyebrow and looked unimpressed, "agent."


"Agent none of your business," she snorted before walking past Johnny and walking up to me, "turn around."

I blinked but did as she said. Immediately she jumped on my back. Her legs locked around my h.i.p.s and her arms around my neck. I reached back and grabbed her to hold her steady, "hey! Watch it!"

"Oh stop pretending I'm that heavy," she snorted, "now let's go, time's a wastin."

Johnny growled, "why is it always him?!"

I sighed as I jumped onto the trees and leaped over, reaching the edge of the park and leapt into the air. I shot a webline and swung into the city, Johnny flying above me and from what I could make out, grumbling.

"He's really jealous," Jessica whispered into my ear as she pressed up against my back, her leg tightening around my h.i.p.s, "you can tell can't you?"

I nodded, "yeah, but it will pass. He's actually in love."

"Hm, I could tell," Jessica mumbled as we made out way to the Baxter building.

I swung over and landed on the veranda, Jessica finally getting off my back, though if I was being honest, I kind off miss the feeling of her amazing b.r.e.a.s.ts on my back.

We quickly walked in, just as Sue came rushing out the lab, holding in her hand a test tube filled with some mysterious blue liquid.

"I got it," she held it up, "it took some time but-OH MY GOD! PETER!" she screamed when she saw my blood stained uniform.

"I'm fine Sue," I touched the now fully healed surface, "see? No scars."

She looked scared, "i-if you're sure."

I turned to the formula in her hands, "will it reverse the Lizard formula?"

Sue nodded, "yes, it should be able to do so. In theory at least, I don't exactly have a way to prove it and..." she looked over my shoulder at Jessica, "ah, sorry, but who are you?"

Jessica looked surprised, "I...I'm agent Drew, I'm Spider-man's liaison for this investigation."

Sue narrowed her eyes, "is that so...oh...oh," Sue's eyes widened, "subject-D?!"

Drew nodded, "exactly."

"Wait, didn't you help us break into that HYDRA base?" Johnny asked in realisation.

Jessica nodded, "yes, that's right."

"So cool," Johnny blinked, "huh, you look a lot different from before."

"Eyes above the neckline Johnny," I warned before turning to Sue and the cure, "alright, good job Sue, this should be enough for us to reverse whatever the Lizard's planning. Right now we need to find the damn machine though."

"Okay, but why are you here?" Sue asked.

"I used a drone to track him," I explained as we all made our way to my lab, "I'm hoping it got something useful before it broke down."

I immediately went into my terminal and began typing away. I pulled up the video file and we all watched as the Lizard entered the zoo with the machine. It entered through the kid's petting zoo, and when ti came out the other end, the machine was gone.

"I think it stashed the machine in the petting zoo," I grumbled.

"What are the chances of it still being there?" Jessica asked.

"Next to zero," I sighed as I sat down on my chair and opened my mask, setting it aside and leaning my head back, "it's smart...and vicious. Damn thing's more trouble than it's worth."

"Spider! Your helmet!" Sue cried out as she immediately made my head invisible, eyeing Jessica who just smirked playfully.

"It's okay Doctor Storm, I know he's Peter Parker," the agent chuckled.

Johnny blinked, "how?"

Jessica shrugged, "we're close," she then sat down on my chair's armrest and smiled down at me, "really close." Oh I so wanted to grab her a.s.s and shove her onto my l.a.p instead. But something told me that wouldn't be appreciated right now.

"Wait...what?!" Johnny cried out in horror, looking at me with wide eyes, "don't you like blondes?!"

"Who said that? I mean, I do like blondes, but I also like all kinds of women" I gulped, obviously trying to distract him. Jessica giggled besides me, not helping women!

"And besides, what she means is we have similar powers. Almost identical," there, that should be enough to deflect attention!

Johnny blinked, "so...she's a Spider too?"

Jessica nodded, "yes, I am."

"Woah," Johnny blinked, obviously surprised, "I didn't realise there was someone else with Peter's powers," he blinked, "trust me, I was thinking a lot worse,"

"We can guess," Jessica rolled her eyes as Johnny laughed, obviously he believed me easily enough. But the looks Susan was giving Jessica didn't really seem...trusting. She glared, but the s.e.x goddess sitting on my arm rest just ignored it, though I'm sure she picked up on the pheromones as well.

"So what now?" Johnny asked.

Jessica sighed, rubbing her temple, "we don't' know it's plans...we don't' know where it's going or what it's trying to accomplish...this is exactly why I hate it when we fight semi sentient villains!"

Johnny snorted, "I know what you mean. Sandman was such a pain."

"And don't forget about the Chitauri," I sighed, "though at least they had some sort of mission...this just doesn't make any sense."

Just then Jessica's phone began to ring. She picked it up and immediately her eyes winded. She turned to me, "that was Homeland, the Lizard just attacked Oscorp, he stole the tech they were guarding."

I crushed, "this day just gets worse and worse." I was wrong, it wasn't just clever, it was devious. This was like playing a chess match with a screen drawn over the opponent's side, you won't' know what's going to happen until it already did.

I know now I can't just treat this thing as a dumb creature I thought it was going to, it was clever, it had a plan, it had a reason. The wasn't just a by product of an experiment, it was a threat to this very city.

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