Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 53 - Lengend of lizard

"Anything?" I asked Jessica while pouring over traffic data S.e.xy got from google's servers. I looked at dense pockets of people on the city, trying to figure out where the Lizard would hit.

"No, nothing. They haven't even seem the Lizard," Jessica hissed as she put her phone away, "useless f.u.c.ks."

"I think we need to focus more what his plan is rather than trying to locate him," Sue suggested, "since we're obviously failing at finding him," she ended, sending a glare at Jessica, which the woman ignored with a roll of her eyes.

"Well the problem with that is we don't know anything about this creature," I shrugged, "it's like trying to figure out why assholes love to be seen eating apples, I'm guessing it's for dramatic effect."

"And what's more it's not like we know who it really is," Johnny shrugged, "like, at all. It just kind of showed up didn't it?"

Sue nodded, "yes, it did."

"Actually...not quite," I cut in.

"What do you mean Peter?" Jessica asked, obviously curious.

"The Lizard is Doctor Curt Connors, the man experimented on himself, converting himself into that...thing," I shivered, damn, I'm going to have haunting dreams about my trip in the sewers for a long time.

"Conners is the Lizard?" Jessica blinked.

"Why? Did you guys not know?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"No!" they all yelled back, harshly.

I flinched, "sorry...anyway, yeah, Conners is the Lizard."

"Hm...but that doesn't help to tell us what his motivations are," Jessica hissed.

"Yeah...but we do know someone who does..." I hummed.

Jessica blinked, "you can't be serious," I shrugged, the woman sighed, "fine. But I suggest you change out of costume, I'm guessing she will be a lot more willing to talk to you as Peter Parker than Spider-man."

I shrugged, "it's, you going to call her or should I?" Jessica sighed as she took out her phone.

Half an hour later:

"This is so amazing!" Gwen cried out as she looked starry eyed around the loft.

I did my best to stifle a chuckle as I and the others stood back. I was now dressed in my civilian uniform, my ruined costume stashed away in a hidden compartment in my lab.

"This is like a dream come true all at once!" Gwen cried out as she kept looking around in wonder, "I always wanted to work here! Oh my God, oh my God!"

Sue smiled good naturedly as she walked Gwen in, "well if you want, you could. From what Peter tells me you already graduated college and are pretty smart. If you're searching for a job, I wouldn't say no to an application."

Gwen's eyes widened, "oh my're serious?!"

Sue nodded, "yes. I'm always on the lookout for new talent. But since out labs have a reputation of being...well, blown up, we haven't really had many people come over. So, if you want, you can apply."

"Yes!" Gwen cried out immediately before blinking, "wait, no."

Johnny raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"I mean I...I can't," Gwen gulped, "doctor C, I still work for him. I know he's missing and all but...I mean, I can't really quiet on him."

"That won't be a problem," Jessica snorted, "I doubt you'll be employed still after Conner's ends up in prison."

"What?! Why?!" Gwen asked hysterically.

"Because he turned himself into a giant Lizard and is currently trying to poison the city with a mutagen bomb?" Johnny replied sarcastically.

"What?!" Gwen looked pale, her hands shivered, I smelt fear and dread seep out, she was frightened.

"Gwen," I called out, her eyes meeting mine, "it's true...I suspected it to be the case when we first went there...look...forget who you think Conner's was, right now, he's a monster. And we need to stop him before he does something...drastic."

Gwen looked at us, all of us, before turning around and running away. I sighed, Jessica rolled her eyes while Sue looked sad. Johnny however...well.

"What's her deal?" the flame man asked.


"Owe!" he jumped into the air as Jessica's bioshock stung his back side numb.

"God you are dense," Sue sighed.

"You should talk to her," Jessica said turning to me.

I blinked, "why me?"

The girl gave me a knowing smirk, "you two have a bond..."

I sighed and followed after Gwen, but not before noticing Sue send me and Jesica a very narrowed look. Honestly, women are so weird.

I walked over, Gwen had rushed over to the corridor and dropped down next to the elevator, curled up in one corner, her legs pulled up to her chin. I heard her sniffles, she was crying. I knew we didn't have time for this, I knew there was a bomb out there threatening us all but...I ignored all that and sat down next to her, silent, waiting for her to talk.

Finally, after a minute, she spoke, her voice cracking occasionally from the grief, "I-I...I owe him everything."

"Why is that?"

"He was the only one who believes in me," she freely admitted. "My dad...he doesn't understand what it means to be know everything, to be smart. He's not dumb but...he's not a genius like me. He didn't understand how it felt to move ahead in classes, to graduate at 13 from highschool, to have no one to call a friend."

"But Conners did..."

Gwen nodded, "I didn't have friends...or anyone who could stand the fact that a 16 year old could be smarter than them. But he didn't care, he understood I needed guidance, he knew I had talent and he...he helped me get a job, to work on things I loved, he gave me a chance to prove myself..."

I sighed as I leaned back, resting my head on the wall as I looked straight ahead. We were silent for the longest time, Gwen's tears slowly halting.

"He doesn't sound like a bad man," I finally said, "in fact...he sounds like a decent man."

Gwen nodded, "he is."

"Then he can't be the one who killed officer Kimber," Gwen looked surprised. Was it because I remembered the officer's name? Or the statement?

I turned to her, "I don't think Conner's killed the man...I think the Lizard did. Whatever he became, it isn't the man who you looked up to. As have a responsibility to him. He's trapped inside that thing he us stop him before he does something that we can't change. Gwen...he's your responsibility, help us stop him, to bring back the man you know."

Gwen looked at me with searching eyes, for a moment I feared she would just walk away her emotions still a storm. And then there was a calmness that washed over her, her emotions became stable, confident, iron.

I was surprised, the change was so sudden. But the passion was still there and going strong, like a river, she pushed me onto the floor on got on top of me.

Finally she broke the kiss and looked down at me, her hands on my shirt's collar as she looked down at me, "ah...that was...was that bad?"

"Oh God no," I shook my head furiously, "that was great."

"Really?" her smile was almost infectious.

"Oh yes."

"I thought it was too sudden,"

"Well a little, but the follow up made up for ti."

"Good," Gwen smiled causing my heart to beat faster, she was so adorable. She cleared her throat, "so ah...are you and the bodyguard lady a thing or..."

I raised an eyebrow, "you kissed someone you thought might have a girlfriend?"

"Hey! You kissed me just yesterday!"

"Now that's just being picky-"

"-Are you two done?" Jessica's voice cut in, we both looked up and saw the woman standing over us, leaning on the wall with a sly smile on her face.

"Ah..." Gwen blushed, "I-I...this is..."

"Get up," Jessica's face was cold, but I could smell her amus.e.m.e.nt just below, "we have a giant Lizard to find."

Gwen was quite as she nodded and did just that. We followed Jessica as she lead us into my lab where the Storm siblings stood waiting for us.

"You feeling better?" Sue asked Gwen, concern in her tone.

Gwen nodded, "yes, thank you."

"That's not all she's feeling," Jessica huffed in a teasing tone, turning Gwen red and making me chuckle.

"Alright then," I cleared my throat, "S.e.xy, pull up all footage we have of the Lizard and a map of all the locations we can confirm he's been too."

Immediately several holograms popped up. Three screens showing video while a giant map of NY showed in the center with red dots signifying where we saw the Lizard and what he did.

Gwen approached the hologram, though she was clearly impressed by all this, she pushed it aside and tried to look at it objectively, squinting her eyes at the map, "so...what do you need me to do?"

"What does Conner hate?" Jessica asked, "we need a profile, a look into his habits, his...everything. If he was to send a message, what would that be?"

Gwen humned, "well...I guess, it would be Oscorp," she tapped the tower that was both a target and a point of interest.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well, Doctor C always went on about how Norman Osborn's thesis on muscular replication technology was stolen from Conner's own research. He claimed when Norman Osborn worked for him, he outright stole the research and claimed it as his own."

"Why didn't he ever try to sue?" Sue asked, obviously disgruntled with the news of someone's research stole so easily like it was.

Gwen shrugged, "he said he didn't have proof. And any proof he did have Norman buried with his swarm of high paid lawyers. If Connors wanted to do anything...he would do it here. Just for revenge."

I hummed, "sounds karmic...his greatest triumph on the building of the man who destroyed him...which means..."

"He's still inside Oscorp," Jessica caught on, grabbing her phone and walking out, "it's Agent Drew, get all units to Oscorp, we believe the Lizard is located there..."

I turned to Gwen, "thank you, I promise she'll try and get people to be more lenient with him."

Gwen nodded slowly, ", what do I do now?"

"It's best if you go home now," I motioned to Jessica talking frantically into her phone, "SHIELD has this, and if not I'm sure Johnny and Spider-man will be able to deal with this."

Gwen blinked, "wait...that's it? That's all you need from me?"

I nodded, "yes, and right now, it's best if we let the heroes take care of things," I motioned to Johnny and Sue, "do you need a ride?"

"No...I got one," Gwen replied slowly.

"I'll see her out," Sue offered quickly, guiding the girl out of the lab, turning back around and sending me a distinct node.

I nodded back and the moment she was out of the door I turned to the moniter, "S.e.xy, the suit, is it ready?"

"Unfortunately no," S.e.xy displayed a holographic image of a half made suit, barely even finished properly, "it is only 27% completed, it will take a few more weeks for it to be full formed."

"Woah, what's that?" Jessica asked as she came back, shutting her phone and putting it away.

I sighed, "a new suit. It'll be the most advanced one yet's taking too long."

"Do you have a spare or something?" Johnny asked.

I sighed, "that was my spare. It takes a lot of time to build my suits Johnny, I don't have a production line or Tony's level of free time. I spent most of my time focusing on the new suit...well...I guess I do have one more option."

"What's that?" Jessica asked, now also curious.

I walked over to my customized unstable molecule fabric maker, the machine had been placed into hibernation since I wasn't currently working on the suit. I started it up and walked over to the display panel to its side.

"What's this for?" Jessica asked.

"It's machine that makes clothes," I replied as I began to type in specifications for the new suit.

"You have a literally clothes making machine?" Jessica blinked, "cool. What can it build?"

"This," I pressed a button and the machine began to whirl. We stepped back as slowly the top of the machine opened up revealing a compartment inside which was a plain white bodysuit with dark grey circuits lining the sides and a single circular pad on the side with a USB port attached to it.

I picked it up and looked it over, the design was perfect, exactly how I made it. I felt the residual electric current go down my hands, the suit was perfect.

"What is that?" Johnny asked.

"It's the project I was working on," I replied as I walked over to my table and took out a USB cable and connected the suit to my computer resting it on the table.

"So what is it?" Jessica asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a sort of all purpose suit," I responded as I turned to my computer and began programing it's apticulars, "it's made out of unstable molecules of my own design and a nano robotic weave structure that I got from a research group in Kyoto."

"And that means what exactly?" Jessica raised an eyebrow.

"That means I can do this," I typed into the keyboard as a 3D picture of a red and black version of the classic Spider-man suit came up. The image was then sent into the suit, it shimmered as suddenly the entire suit changed, transforming into the image they just saw on screen.

"Holy shit!" Johnny cried out.

"How the hell-Peter, this is amazing!" Jessica said excitedly.

"Thanks," I unplugged the suit as I picked it up, "it's unbreakable, untearable and unburnable. Johnny, give it a spin," I handed the suit to him.

The blonde looks unsure but shrugged and continued, lighting his hand on fire, and along with that, attempted to light the suit on fire as well. Only to find the task literally impossible.

"How?" Johnny asked.

I smiled as I took the suit back, "it's a unique trait of the suit. I can design it to be unchangeable, or, transform into any design uploaded into it's system."

"How many designs can it store?" Jessica asked.

"As of right now? Five," I shrugged, "but I'm working on improving the memory and all that."

"Is it bullet proof?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I had the unstable molecule take on the form of the same polymer blend the SHIELD tactical suit, but I made it much thinner," I handed the suit over to her to annalyse.

Jessica g.r.o.a.n.e.d as she felt it, "it's thin...almost like spandex."

I shirved, "yeah….I know..." Johnny and Jessica looked at me with a raised eyebrow, I sighed, "the design is last minute okay! Shesh! Give me a break!"

They snorted, Jessica threw the suit back to me, "alright then, suit up. The moment you're ready we'll head off to Oscorp."

They left the room, I locked the door behind them. I sighed as I placed the suit on the table and took out my helmet and my web shooters, the only things from my last suit that still worked.

I would have to be careful, this suit didn't have repulsors or a unibeam, it would just be really, really strong spandex and webs. Just like the real Spider-man. I would need to be careful with how I fight and the Lizard...he's proven to be one hell of a challenge.

I was just about to strip when I heard the door open and saw Jessica walk back in, a smile on her face as she did.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "did you forget something?"

"Yes, I did," she whispered as she walked over to me, the moment I saw the seductive sway on those h.i.p.s I knew what she wanted.

"Jessica, we don't have the time," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d out, trying my best to resist.

Jessica walked forward, she slowly pulled down her suit zipper, revealing her supple b.r.e.a.s.ts that still had several red love bite marks from just this morning, "I have been trying my best to resist all day Peter, you owe me."

I gulped as she slowly pushed me up against the wall, her hands placed between my head as she corned me, "especially after that little hussy kissed you. Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"I didn't realise we were exclusive," I slowly wrapped my hands around her a.s.s, cupping it in my hands and pulling her closer, "because if I recall, you said just this morning you would be happy to hold them down while I f.u.c.k.e.d them senseless."

"Yeah, I guess I did, but you should also not forget about little old me, okay?" she begged as she pulled her uniform down with a seductive smirk that was so familiar now I knew it meant that I was going to be busy for some time.

I run my fingers down her body as I immediately cupped her familiar mond, dampness met my touch and in seconds I had my digits inside of her, causeing the s.e.xy goddess before me to m.o.a.n as she approached a quick climax.

"You're getting better at that," she said as I leaned down and bite into her neck, s.u.c.k.i.n.g on her soft skin. She quickly acted, removing my shirt, almost ripping it off. She then reached for my pants but stopped and gasped, I flicked her clint, causeing her to lose balance and lean on me for support.

"Someone's eager" I whispered as I pulled my soaked fingers out of her. I smiled as I licked them clean, I suspect Jessica was right, our powers did demand us to be a perfect mate to each other.

I reached around and unhooked her bra throwing the offending piece of cloth away. I then unwrapped her body from the skin tight suit and turned us both around, placing her back flat against the wall.

"Peter," she m.o.a.n.e.d softly as I removed her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r and threw them aside, her c.u.n.t leaking all over my floor, "shut up and f.u.c.k me."

"Yes," I m.o.a.n.e.d as I slowly opened my pants and dropped them down to my knees and grabbed her legs in my hands, lifting her wholey into the air.

I slowly lowered her onto my c.o.c.k, feeling her familiar hot core stretch to fit me in. She immediately wrapped her legs around me, her finger digging into my back as I moved, f.u.c.k.i.n.g her for all she was worth.

And then the door opened, "Peter, I sent Gwen off, what do-WHAT THE SHIT?!" Sue cried out as she stopped dead in her tract spotting me and Jessica, humping each other silly.

"Get out!" Jessica and I cried out, the woman however didn't move, staring right at us, her eyes glued to my h.i.p.s as it continued to push into Jessica, refusing to even stop.

One would feel embarrassed by getting caught, but for some reason, Jessica's c.u.n.t just felt tighter. And I would be lying if I said I didn't find a perverse enjoyment in it as well. Sue moved back slowly, her eyes still stuck on us, and for a moment I smelt both l.u.s.t and regret coming from the woman.

"S-stop-it, get out!" Jessica cried out as suddenly her legs started to spasm, unlocking as her c.u.n.t tightened around. The woman threw her head back and grinned, climaxing before leaning forward and resting her head on my shoulder.

She was panting, I felt my slowly release into her as well, the sigh of her reaction alone was enough to send me over the edge. I grunted as I bite into Jessica's neck, the woman smiling as she wrapped her legs around my tighter.

I turned around, Sue's eyes were latched onto Jessica and I, and more importantly, it was locked onto Jessica's smile that was both smug and satisfied.

I felt my c.u.m seep into Jessica, any idea of a pregnancy flew in and out, if anything did happen, I guess we would have to deal with it. But as the liquid entered the woman's body, I felt a bit of it seep down and dripped out.

Sue's eyes flew down immediately, her pupils increasing in size as they did. Her mouth was agape, "shit."

"Did you like that?" Jessica asked, panting all the while. Her question seemed to break Sue out of her stupor, making the woman look up at us, first to Jessica, then to me.

"If you want, next time you can join us," Jessica said with a deep sigh as she rubbed her cheek against mine, "he is difficult to satisfy...I could use a hand."

That was enough to make Sue blush and turn and run out the door, her body turning invisible as she did.

I looked down at her, "did you have to do that?"

"Yes," Jessica kissed me, her tongue fighting mine for dominance before slowly being overpowered and put down as it always was. She pulled back and smiled, "now, get ready, we have a monster to fight."

The woman put on her uniform and in a span of a few seconds she was back to a professional demeanor. She walked out and I quickly put on my hastily put together suit, praying this would be enough.

I walked out and found Johnny on the couch look at a SA, skimming through a report of sort. "So?" I asked, walking out to let him see the new suit, "how do I look?"

The Human Torch looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "who cares how you look. Does it work?"

I sighed, "yeah, it works," I looked at my HUD screen, it had the suit's internal system and my gauntlets displayed on it, as they were the only systems that were still attached to my suit.

"Right then, shall we leave?" Johnny asked.

"Ah...wait, where's your sister?" I asked, pushing away the embarrassing feelings I got from remembering what just happened a few moment ago. At the time I didn't realise the implications of what happened, I had given into my l.u.s.t fully and wholly...guess that's what happened when I hanged around with a woman that turned me into a s.e.x freak.

"She's in her lab I think," Johnny shrugged, "I heard her slamn her door shut and the scary agent lady going in after her. Did something happen?"

I gulped, "I-I'll go find out," I walked away, leaving Johnny to his work, which I'm guessing from the pictures and big catchy titles featuring 'The Human Torch' were blog posts that spoke about him as a Superhero.

I walked to Sue's lab and was about to enter when I stopped, the muffled voices coming from inside were loud. They were talking...about me? I enhance my hearing and listened.

" old are you?!" Sue cried out, "twenty two?! Twenty five?!"

"I'm actually over fifty years old," Jessica's voice replied calmly.


"I was frozen in ice, I don't match with how I look. So if I'm going after someone my age, I'll be stuck with an old geezer."

"Fine! Then forget about what I said about dating people your own age! Peter's a minor! A kid! You're committing a crime!"

"Like I give a damn," Jessica snorted.


"I said I don't' care. I spent a lifetime hidden away and scared because of my powers….because of what I can do. Now, I finally found a guy who shares that burden, no way in hell I'm going to give him up just because he's too young. So what if he's a little younger than me, I want him, I'm taking him."

"B-but you'll be arrested!"

"Yeah...probably. But only if you tell...are you?"


"Are you going to tell on us? Are you going to tell everyone you watched him f.u.c.k me? Are you going to tell them you were excited at the sight and then sad because it wasn't you?"


"-You don't have to lie," Jessica called back, "I honestly don't mind. Like I told you before, I don't mind sharing him. Especially with someone who loves him." I felt my ears burn at the proclamation.

"I don't love him!"

"Yes you do," I heard Jessica snorted, "Peter can't smell it, his powers aren't as refined as mine. He can smell l.u.s.t, but he can't tell the difference, he thinks it's always l.u.s.t. I can, you want to f.u.c.k him, yes, that's true, but you also want to love him...isn't that right?"

Silence reigned for a long, long time. Sue finally did speak, "no...I don't."

And i didn't have to be in the room to smell the sadness and regret that came out of Sue, it was literally all around me. It was a lie, and a bad one.

"Whatever you say," Jessica opened the door and turned to me, nodding, "ready?"

I nodded back, "r-ready."

"Then let's go," she replied as she walked away. I turned and saw Sue inside the room, looking horrified. I wanted to tell her something but reframed, obviously this wasn't the time for this conversation.

I walked back to the lounge, Johnny and Jessica were ready. "Alright," I tightened my gauntlets, "let's stop this mad man."

"Wait," we turned around and saw Sue walked up to us.

"Hey sis, what's up?" Johnny asked.

"I'm coming with you," she took off her lab coat and revealed her uniform underneath.

"Are you sure? You usually aren't up for these sort of things," Johnny asked.

Sue nodded, "I'm sure, let's go," she looked at me, immediately blushed and looked away, walking up to Johnny who carried her in his arms.

Jessica meanwhile got on my back as we walked to the veranda and I jumped out, swinging away as Johnny flew ahead of us with his sister in his arms.

We arrived at Oscorp in a few minutes later, the building was already being evacuated, I saw people rushing out of the front doors, men and women in suits guiding them out. Obviously Homeland security took this situation very seriously.

I turned to Jessica who nodded, "it's secure. The building should be empty, meaning the only person left inside is the Lizard."

"Alright then, S.e.xy, can you scan the building's video feed?" I asked as I walked up to a data port on a dish tower located on the roof and inserted a cable from my helmet into it.

"Accessing…, no sorry, Oscorp's security is far too advanced, unless you give me a direct line into their servers I can't do anything significant," the AI replied in a dejected tone.

"It's fine, we'll just have to search the building," I motioned to the others, "Johnny, can you search the window and fly around? If you see-"

"-got it!" he took off in a hurry, flying into the air and down, spinning around the building and scanning the windows.

"Jessica, Sue, we'll split up, if anything happens and you find him, contact the rest of us immediately," I told the women who nodded and with another word they walked into the building through the roof access door.

I turned to the roof's edge and took off, running and leaping off the side of the building and shooting out a web line to catch the edge and swing around. I landed on the side of a window and stood up, walking adjacent to the building, searching the floors quickly for any outward sign of the Lizard.

It took us ten minutes before we got anything. "I found him!" came Johnny's frantic cry, "he's on the thirty first floor! I lost him already, but I'm sure he's not going anywhere else!"

"I'm on my way," Jessica replied.

"So am I," Sue cut in, louder and with more force.

"S.e.xy, what is on that floor?" I asked my AI.

"Nothing of importance. It contains the accounts department as well as maintenance."

"What sort of maintenance?" I asked curiously.


Suddenly, everything clicked. The mutagen was airborne, he would release it in the ventilation room and it would go pour of the tower and into the city. For anyone else, it would like the tower caused the accident, doctor C would have his wish and Osborn would once more be humiliated.

"Guys, I know what he's planning," I activated my compns as I turned around and ran to the roof once more, "he's going to release the toxin in the ventilation room."

"That makes no sense!" Jessica hissed, "why would he steal the dispersion unit if he's going to rely on the building's ventilation system?"

"Because he's going to super charge it," Johnny cut in, "the machine will produce b.u.t.t loads of the gas, but if he released it on the roof it would just disperse outwardly and not affect anyone, assuming the mutage is lighter than air."

"It is," Sue replied.

"Then….then he would need to combine the mutage with toxins, such as the back draft from the ventilation shaft! That's why he's going to try and use it the tower's ventilation!"

I growled, "I f.u.c.k.i.n.g hate this thing! F.u.c.k! Fine, you guys focus on stopping the Lizard, I'll block all the ventilation points with my webs! S.e.xy-"

"One step ahead of you boss," immediately a map of the building and all the active ventilation units was displayed before me. Unlike what most people believed ventilation didn't just take up on the top, there were also several shafts along the side of the building, and for Oscorp especially, since it had multiple towers attached to it, there were several openings.

In this case, ten in total.

I adjusted my web settings to consett thick and swung over to the nearest vent. I reached the vent, the loud roar of its engine was clear to me even on top of the windy

I grabbed the vern's cover and ripped it open. I looked down, there was a fan inside. I took out a web grenade and throw it in.


The grenade exploded on impact and caused the entire fan system to shut down. I then threw down several concert hard webbing onto the vent shaft, covering it fully, it was effectively airtight. I placed the vent back in place and then took off.

I moved quickly, three vents, five vents, seven vents, all in quick successions. The moment I closed off the ninth vent I heard a scream on the open comms system.


My eyes widened, "Sue!"

"Peter! She's about to fall out a window!" Jessica cried out.

I ran away from the sealed off vent, "where's Johnny?!"

"He's holding the Lizard back, hurry!" she yelled.

S.e.xy displayed Sue's location, I swung over, she was facing the North side, I was in the South. I swung over and immediately spotted the short haired blonde woman in blue falling with increasing velocity.

My eyes widened, "no! Sue!" I let go of the web and folded my arms together, shooting down like a rocket. Imagines of another blonde fall off a bridge came to mind, the idea of Sue Storm taking Gwen Stacy's place terrified me.

'No,' I told myself, 'I won't ever let that happen!' I shot out both hands and focused, shooting out two glowing red and gold wh.i.p.s of Vastha that soared out faster than my webs ever could.

They were almost sentient in the way they grabbed onto Sue's sternum, I suppose in a way they were. I pulled her and the woman came flying into my open arms.

"Got you!" I cried out as I had an arm wrapped around her waist and shot a web line out with my other.

The line latched onto the building and it was quickly strung tightly as we came swinging into the window. I protected Sue as we hit the window, lucky she was safe, her arms wrapped around my neck protectively.

I sighed, my heart slowing down as I looked down and I saw the woman look down in fear, those blue eyes then turned to me, a look of absolute awe on her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I planted my feet on the windows and let go of the webline that saved our lives.

"I-I...are you?" her tone begging, almost hurt.

I chuckled, "I'll be better," I rotate my free hand, "I think I snapped something, that much force and weight in one arm was...well, let's just say it's a good thing I have super strength and can heal, or else I would be the amazing one armed Spider instead."

I chuckled, trying to defuse the tension, but She didn't look like she was up for it.

"You idiot!" she cried out, "you didn't have to do that! What if you got hurt?!"

I blink, "I can do know that right?"

"You could heal?! Really?! I didn't know that! Can you heal if you were crushed into a paste?!"

I growled, "hey! I just saved your life! I would appreciate it if you didn't yell at me!"

"Yeah well f.u.c.k you!" Sue cried out, her eyes now filled with tears, "I didn't ask you to save me!"

"Well you didn't have too!" I growled back, she was quite, crying as she did. I sighed, rolling my eyes, "for God's sake...Sue, why are you acting like this?"

She looked at me, she reached up and tapped the side of my helmet, unlocking it and removing it from my head. The cold breeze of the night hit me hard and then suddenly Sue's lips sent a warmth through my whole body.

It was so suddenly I didn't realise she had even done it. And then it was over. She moved back from the kiss, looking at me with those perfect eyes now filled with a strained focus.

"I….I don't know why I did that," she whispered.

I blinked, "I...did you like it?"

She nodded, "yes….please, let's not talk about this. We need to stop the Lizard...please, just get us up there."

I nodded slowly, she placed the helmet back on me and I swung us back up to the window out of which she flew out off. All the while wondering just what has happened to my life.

I loved Felicia, if truth be told, I still do. That woman...she was my love. She left me and one day I would get her back. But then Jean came...and I honestly don't know what to think about the woman.

Then came Jessica, and while the s.e.x was fun, before fun even, I again didn't know what to think off her. And now Sue? Damn, if I didn't know any better I would say I'm starting to get a harem...shit, I have a harem don't I?

I pushed my thought of love aside, obviously the Lizard took priority over them all. I reached the floor She flew out of, the broken window kind of gave it away.

We landed on the office room and Sue got off my back. We both charged through the man size hole in the wall before us and followed the sound of cries and bullets. We ran into the maintenance room and found the Lizard inside with his machine and surrounded Jessica and Johnny. The former was shooting him with blast s of green energy while the latter sent fireballs to blast him into a corner.

"We almost got him!" Jessica cried out, "keep going!"

"SCREECH!" the Lizard jumped, swerved and doged several energy blast and headed for an open vent, just as Sue summoned an invisible barrier to block the monster's path, causing him to slide headfirst into an invisible barrier.

"Sis!" Johnny cried out happily, he was distracted, and in his distraction he didn't see the Lizard jumping up to collide into his burning form. "Off!" Johnny cried out in pain.

"No! Johnny!" Sue held out her hands and formed a bubble to grab her brother.

"SCREE!" the Lizard cried out as it was on fire now. It began to claw at it's scales scrapping them away to stop the fire.

"Get back here!" Jessica took out her gun and fire off two rounds into its c.h.e.s.t. The Lizard jumped and rushed to his machine, grabbing it and lifting it over it's head with a mighty roar.

"F.u.c.k!" Jessica cried out as the Lizard threw its own machine at her.


The Spider enhanced women jumped away in time, landing on the other side of the room, leaving the Lizard free to escape through the vents. But before he did I saw him reach into the machine and grab a veil of green serum and run away.

"Are you okay?" I asked Jessica.

"Fine," she grunted as she turned to Johnny, "you flame butt?"

Johnny grunted as he stood up, "yeah, I'm good. Thanks for the lift sis"

Sue nodded, "no problem."

"He got away with the serum," Jessica hissed, "did you seal off all the vents?"

"All except one," I replied, "which is probably where he's going to be."

"Then that's where we are going too," Jessica replied as we all moved, once more going through the broken window, moving up to the main roof where the last vent was located. Jessica was again on my back and Johnny carried Sue.

The moment we arrived the vent cracked open as it's ventilation fan was sent flying out through the air. The Lizard crawled out and the moment it did I sent a web grenade at it. The monster ducked, but I was never aiming for it.


The grenade exploded inside the vent, sealing the monster's escape route. And judging by the Lizard was glaring at me, it knew exactly what I just did.

"Spider," it hissed.

"Oh, so you can talk," Johnny snorted, "what? Are we not good enough to talk about or something?"

The Lizard said nothing, growling at us as we slowly surrounded it. Jessica readied her gun in one hand and her bio electricity in the other, "you aren't going anywhere doctor Corners, please, come with us quietly."

The Lizard hissed, "Screen."

"I'm going to take that as a no," I grumbled, "Sue, contain him," I took out the blue antidote, "I'll change him back."

"Right!" Sue cried out as she created an invisible barrier around the Lizard. The monster immediately tried to escape by tackling into it. And though the dome did shake several times, and Sue looked like she was being pushed to her limits, the barrier held.

"Damn," I whispered, "you should totally work on your powers. They are so badass!"

Sue grunted, but said nothing. The Lizard looked at it, it's beady eyes filled with fear. It was trapped, we knew it, it knew it. It slowly turned down to the serum in its hands and smiled.

"Oh f.u.c.k," I gasped as it opened the tube and swallowed it whole, "no!"

The Lizard threw the test tube aside as it began to shiver and then spasm. It growled as it was crouched over and morphing, changing before our eyes.

"Guys! This doesn't look good!" Johnny cried out.

"GRA!" the Lizard there it's head up and yelled out, it's features morphing as it grew bigger and stronger. It's scales began to shimmer as they grew to look like tiny little blades. His nails grew three times longer and it's tail that was blown off grew back all at once.

"GRAA!" it cried out as it threw it's hand out as shards of sharp bone like protrusions came out of its elbows and knees. They even grew on shoulder and along his spine, all the way to his tail.

"Sis, what the hell is going on?!" Johnny cried out, "how is that thing changing?! Is it a freaking super saiyan?!"

"I don't know," was all she could say, nothing else could explain the confusion we all felt as we saw the Lizard growl and turn to us with fury in its eyes.

"GRA!" it threw it's fist forward and smashed into Sue's barrier. This time, it didn't last a second.

"ARGH!" Sue cried out, holding her head in pain as the barrier explodes upon impact, the Lizard was free.

"Sue!" I ran to her side as she held her head in pain, "are you alright?"

"Stop him!" Jessica fired off several rounds. Johnny matched her aim, but the Lizard's new form was faster, so much faster.

It went behind the vent and hide. The moment Johnny took off into the sky it grabbed the vent and pulled it out of the roof without any effort. It then threw it at Johnny, the teenage barely had enough time to dodge, though it still clipped his side, sending him spiraling down into the ground.

"Shit!" I ignored Johnny, Jessica was already tending to him. I turned and ran to the Lizard, it spotted me instantly. I growled and threw my hands out;


My stingers flashed brightly, "bring it!"

The monster roared, accepting the challenge. It came at me and swiped at my head, I ducked and skidded under its massive arms. I stopped on the other side and jumped over its body and landing uned a swing of it's fists.

"ARGH!" I plunged my fist into his gut, puncturing his side and spraying blood out of one corner. It grunted in pain as its own sharp scales had hurt me, bad. The Lizard looked down at me and growled, reaching down it grabbed my hand and pushed my whole body away.

I landed on my feet and watched as it's wounds healed up in seconds, it stood now whole once more, growling, snarling.

I felt my anger take hold, it was time to truly fight back. I charged him, he charged back. We were like animals, relying on pure instinct alone to try and kill each other. None of my carefully honed styles of martial arts mattered anymore, I didn't have the time nor the focus to apply them.

I hurt him, he hurt me. His claws stung my body like needles, his scales hurt my fists and arms when I punched him. My stingers cut into his body and made him bleed, my costume prevented any actual puncturing, my healing factor taking care of any bruising or battering.

I pounced on him as we caught each other in a hold as we rolled around on the roof, constantly trying to get the upper hand, until finally the Lizard's superior weight and size won out, managing to pin me to the ground.

I managed to pull my strength together and pushed my legs against his c.h.e.s.t, shoving him away and back away from my person.

The Lizard flew threw the air and landed on his feet, growling as he turned back and saw the exit to the roof. I cursed, i forgot about that. He turned tail and ran, "no! Sue! Stop him!"

"Right!" the woman replied as she tried to form a barrier, but before the Lizard even broke through it, a glowing green orb of light came flying threw the air and hit him in the side.


"KREEE!" the Lizard cried out as he started to spasm out in pain.

"Am I late to the party?!" I looked up and saw Glider came flying down, a pair of giant gauntlets in his arms and a staff in hand.

I had to say that honestly, this might be the only time in my life I would ever be glad to see that wannabe.

"Right on time!" I cried out as I socked the Lizard across the jaw. Glider then came behind him, grabbed the staff on his back and swung hard, smashing the Lizard's jaw in.

The monster cried out, it tried to get away, but before I could do anything to stop it, Sue was on her feet, slamming an invisible wall in the Lizard's path, startling the creature.

We slowly surrounded him, it looked around frantically, looking for a way to escape, but we obviously weren't going to let him.

Harry sent another bomb that shocked people instead of exploding. The Lizard was then bathed with Johnny's flames and a giant invisible hammer crushed him to the ground. Jessica fired off several bullets from her gun, each charged with her own form of bioelectricity and I threw all my remaining web grenades at him, pinning him to the ground.

The Lizard cried out in pain, it couldn't move, it was constantly being bombarded. Even it's newly thickened skin and regenerative powers did nothing to ten seconds, it was all over. It collapsed to the ground, finally knocked out.

We all were panting, tiered. Glider chuckled, "that was easy," immediately we all turned to him and glared, "d-did I say something wrong?"

I grumbled as i sat down, "this...was a long, long week."

Jessica had SHIELD come on and take Conners away. We tried to administer the antidote to turn him back, but after the second dose...well, we weren't sure what we were dealing with anymore. He didn't change bak, not fully anyway.

SHIELD did promise to try and change him back though, and I think they could actually do it, hopefully. Johnny and Sue decided to go back to the Baxter building for a nice well earned rest while Jessica was forced to stay with her unit and fill in an incident report. While this did leave me alone, I didn't mind, I honestly had more than enough adventure to last a month.

I swung back home and snuck into my room. I peeled off the unstable molecule suit and threw it across the room. I sighed, the suit did well for a initial test run. However, it was honestly a little rough around the edges.

It had the potential to be so much more, yet I kept a very limited scope. Maybe I should get someone else to take a look at it to suggest some changes into it.

I sighed and collapsed on my bed, exhausted. I looked up at my ceiling and felt my eyes droop down, I was so...tired.

As I drifted off to sleep though I wondered...what was Felicia doing? Was she happy? Was she safe?

I don't know why I keep wondering about her...she did leave me. But still...even after all this time, after Jean, Jessica and even the potential romance with Gwen or Sue...God, that women still had me.

I sighed. Hopefully, whatever comes next will be kinder to me. I pray that I wasn't just getting started on a long long tiring journey...oh what I am saying, it's me. Of course that's exactly what's going to happen! F.u.c.k!

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