Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 55 - Spider man vs Dr. Doom


I jumped away from the missle, running straight for the football field. I had no choice I had to get these things away form the school.

Suddenly one of the five robots landed before me, all it's missiles armed and ready, "destroy," it spoke, firing all ten missiles at me.

"Shield of Sharum!" I cried out, forming the circular shield in front of me before bracing for impact.


The explosion sent me flying off my feet and threw the air. I managed to gain my balance back quickly, landing a crotch, but just then my spider sense flared, warning me of something approaching me from back.

I jumped into the air, just as the missile flew past where I was. It flew straight ahead at the Doombot that blocked my way, exploding on impact.


I landed on the ground, one down, four to go. I was about to move when I felt my spidey senses go off again, but before I could move a robot managed to grab me from behind.

"Initialising self destruct sequence," I muttered casuhally.

"F.u.c.k no!" I flexed my muscles, my superior strength allowed me to break out of the robot's I then turned around and grabbed it and threw it into the air, right at an approaching Doom bot.


Both of them exploded at once. Three down, two to- spider senses, I jumped, avoiding the another missile before landing on the school flag pole. The resulting explosion shock the base, the pole began to shake before slowly falling down.

The robots came flying at me, I jumped down and grabbed the pole, holding it up before lifting ti and using it as a bat to hit one bot into the other.

They went flying away, I planted the pole into the ground before running away, covering a lot of ground while the robots were down.

I quickly found a roof with a elevator shed on top. I broke inside and closed the door behind me. The sound of the elevator's machnerary was loud, this thing must have been built in the 70's or something. I knew the noise would mask me, those bots didn't look very smart.

Immediately I felt my phone ring, I looked, it was Fury. I sighed and cut the call, immediately he called again. I cut him off again and began to text instead;

You: Can this wait? I'm running away from robots the man you pardoned made.

Fury: Are you alright? Where are you? We'll come pick you up.

You: Oh really? Are you going to gift wrap me to Doom?

Fury: Kid, now is not the time! You're in danger, we need to pull you out.

You: You want to help? Get my family to safety, May and Ben, I'm sure Richard is already safe with whatever lab you guys have him working at. I'll take care of myself.

Fury: Peter you can't! Don't you get it? The secret is out! You're in more danger now than you ever was! No amount of covering up can make this better! There's already a video of you fighting Doom's robot as Peter Parker!

You: No offence Fury, but SHEILD is the last place I would feel safe. Get my family to safety, I can take care of myself. Spider out.

I then put the phone on silent and looked outside, no sign of any Doom bots, good. I touched my right b.r.e.a.s.t pocket on my suit and whispered, "activate Spider-mode," the suit shimmered as it changed from my civilians clothes to my suit.

I stepped out and swung into the city, but even though I searched far and wide, the robots weren't there. I landed on a building across school and hide in the shadows, watching what was happening.

The police had arrived and were currently calming students down, most were ushered back inside while the remains of the robots I destroyed were littered out on the campus grounds.

Immediately I called MJ. The phone rang once, she picked up. "Where are you? Are you safe? Did you escape alright?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"I'm fine," I told her, "what about everyone else? Did they get hurt?"

"No they're-"

"-Peter," Harry voice came through, "where are you?"

"I'm safe," I replied. I heard a lot of noise in the background, MJ and Liz yelling at Harry, but he seemed to ignore them.

"Is it true?" Harry asked, "are you Spider-man?"

I was silent, I couldn't lie, he was just asking as a way to tell where we stood. I sighed, "not the time Harry."

"Then when is the damn time!" Harry cried out, "how could you hide something like this?!"

I snorted, "you're one to talk, Glider."

Harry gasped n the other end, "h-how did you know?"

"I'm a smart person, how do you think?" I snorted, "listen, I have to hide for a while...if you're serious about being the hero this city deserves then while I'm gone it's your job to make sure everything stays in one piece, do you understand?"

"I-I...yes, I do."

"Good. Tell MJ and Liz I'm sorry. And keep an eye on them. Doom might target them...make sure they're safe Harry. Please." Without waiting for a response I hung up and shut off my phone.

I took off, swing away into the city. I need time to think… Doom declared war on me, he targeted innocent children, just to kill me. But I'm not his only target, the FF, I need to make sure they're safe from whatever he has planned for them.

I swung into the city, going as fast as I could. I saw the Baxter building in the distance, smoke coming out of ti's windows. I cursed and swung into the lounge, flying through the broken doors and landing in a squat in the middle of what looked like a war zone.


The entire building began to shake, I felt it move just a little. There was a flash of light outside, I turned and ran to the window seeing a green hue surrounding the building. And flying overhead the building was a giant green circle.

I cursed, magic. I couldn't identify the spell but the amount of energy it gave out, I could tell it meant business.

"Spider! Move!" I turned around to see a half broken Doom bot flying right at. I ducked, the robot flew through the window and into the barrier, exploding the moment it touches the green light. It's parts went all over the place, but the barrier was in one piece.

I turned around to see Johnny, Sue and Reed approach me, each looking worse for wear. "What happened?!" I asked them.

"Doom," Johnny spat, "he spent a drone army at us. That right there was the last one."

"It was a distraction," Reed's eyes widened as he ran out and looked up, "it looks like those magic circles Peter can make," he turned to me, "do you know what it can do?"

I shook my head, "no, I think it's a barrier, but I don't know...oh my God! He's trapped us in here! It's a trap!"

Suddenly the TV came on, Doom was displayed on the screen, he stood on top of a building overlooking a small rural town, his armour was different, more streamlined. He looked like his drones, as if someone had ripped off Tony's Mark 42 armour and had painted it green and silver with a hexagonal c.h.e.s.t piece. God, not only is he tacky but he's also super unoriginal.

"Richards," he spoke before looking around and noticing the rest of us, " you all survived. You as well Peter...I'm impressed. I thought for sure you would have been caught off gaurd. Did you like that little present? I thought it would be fitting I end your career with the same method you made famous. Twitter truly is a dangerous thing."

I growled, "yeah, it is. But you just made one mistake."

"Oh? And what's that?" he asked.

"You destroyed my civilian life Doom, meaning now I can focus all my attention on you," I spat.

"Maybe...for however long that is," he turned to Reed, "I'm sure you recognize this place, don't you Reed?"

The man looked horrified, "t-that's my home."

"Yes. It was here where you first had the idea of traveling through the dimensional barrier. Here where the plan that would lead to my accession into Godhood. This place will be the only reminder of your actions Reed Richards...that is, after your death. Good bye forever Richards...Sue, I'm sorry."

His face vanished and in its place was a two minute countdown. Immediately my spider sense went off.

"We need to get out of here!" I yelled, "he probably has the entire building rigged to blow!"

"We can't!" Sue cried out, "there are people working on the floors below!"

"We need to find that bomb!" Reed cried out, "Sue, can you turn the walls invisible?"

Sue nodded, "yes," she immediately ran to the wall and began to push her powers outwards. She closed her eyes and focused. Slowly the walls began to shit, become transparents, displaying the wires and layers behind the surface.

She kept pushing, slowly sweat began to pour down her face. Slowly her own body began to go invisible, Johnny tred to speak up but Reed stopped him, not wanting to distract Sue.

And then, in the edge of my vision, I saw something odd. "There!" I pointed at the floor below the couch, a green box around three feet long and two feet deep, and on its face, a digital timer.

"Gah..." Sue gasped in pain as she dropped her arms and fell to the ground, only for Johnny to catch her in the last minute, making sure his sister was unharmed.

I ran over and released my stingers, showing them into the ground and pulling out the tiles, revealing the bomb underneath. I grabbed it and pulled it out, I looked it over, but the design made no sense!

"I can't figure it out!" I hissed.

"Give me," Reed hissed as he grabbed the box from my hand and broke the cover to reveal several wires. He began to sweet as he tinkered with the settings.

I knew he wouldn't make it, I knew Doom wouldn't make it so simple. So we needed a back up plan. Twenty seconds left and-pocket dimension!

"Give it!" I grabbed the bomb and ran away.

"Peter no!" Sue cried out as they followed me into my lab.

I kicked in the door and ran inside. I went to the shelf on the far end of the room and grabbed a spare bag of infinite storage I had made for beta testing the magic before applying it to my car and the new suit. It was around the size of a normal school bag, perfect.

I shoved the bomb into the bag, the bomb falling inside the pocket dimension for infinity, landing at the 'bottom'. I then grabbed my original bag of infinite storage and threw this bag into that. And then, the timer hit zero.

We all flinched and waited, but nothing happened the bag was unharmed. I opened my bag and looked inside, spotting the other bag immediately. I reached in and pulled it out. It had been burnt, it's material reduced to ash, leaving only a few patches behind.

I gave a sigh of relief, leaning back, "oh that was way too close."

"Damn straight," Johnny gasped as he sat his sister down on my chair while he leaned on my desk, "how did you know it would work?"

"It's a bag of infinite storage," I told Johnny, "it's its own pocket dimension. It has infinite space for the bomb to explode in."

"That was some quickly thinking," Sue nodded, "you just saved us all...again...this is becoming a habit with you huh?"

Reed nodded, " is," he looked at me with something akin to hate, before he looked away, "the barrier, it's down," we all looked outside and sure enough the green barrier was gone, "we need to move, Doom is not far, we can still catch him."

"No," I spoke up, Reed stopped walking towards the door.

He slowly turned around, "no?"

I nodded, "no. It's clearly a trap."

"Ah dude, he just tried to kill us, why would he make another trap?" Johnny asked.

"Because he's f.u.c.k.i.n.g clever," I hissed, "come on, you guys know Doom, you know the type of shit he gets into. Do you really think he would ever kill us with a f.u.c.k.i.n.g bomb?! Come on! He wants to be the one to do it! He wasn't to look into our eyes when he does it! Not this! It's clearly a trap!"

"And?!" Reed cried out, "and what if it is?! He's in my hometown Peter! As long as he's in there he's holding the entire town hostage!"

"Exactly! Would Doom really do that?! He's a lot of things, but he isn't a f.u.c.k.i.n.g psychopath! He wasn't to be seen as a benevolent God! Not a mass murderer!" I hissed, "think Reed! He wants us! If we go there, we're walking right into his hands!"

"And if we don't, we let him get away!" Reed yelled right back.

"So what if he does?!" I asked, "he's already lost everything! When he came after us the second time he broke the deal he signed with SHIELD, as of right now, he's on their shit list as well! We can use this Reed, this is a chance for us to take him down once and for all. But if you run out there like a monkey after a banana, then he wins!"

Reed and I stared each other down, his anger clearly written on his face. He spat, "if you want to hide like a coward, then go right ahead," he turned around and walked out.

"Reed!" Sue cied out. We all immediately went after him. We follow him to his lab where he approached a large object hidden under a white sheet. "Reed, what is that?" Sue asked.

In response the man grabbed the sheet and pulled it off revealing a shining new silver mobile with four separate pods attached together in a diamond formation On it's side the logo for the FF shined brightly.

"It' the Fantastic car," Reed replied as he jumped into the lead and started the engines, "I finally had enough time to build this damn thing….I'm going to stop Doom, with or without you."

Sue looked at me and sighed, "I'm sorry Peter...but Reed's right. Even if it is a trap, we have to stop Doom before he hurts anyone again."

"Are you crazy?!" I cried out, "he's not going to do that!"

"No offence man, but you don't know that," Johnny replied as he and Sue got into the car, sitting in their individual seats.

"Opening hangar doors," Reed called out as he flicked a switch causing the entire far wall of his lab to open up, showing the city skyline before them. He turned to me, "stay here Peter...this is our fight."

And without another word, they took off, leaving me behind in their dust. I clenched my fists. For supposedly the smartest men and woman in the world they were a bunch of fools. Don't they see this is a trap? Doom expected us to live!

"ARGH!" I smashed my hands into the wall, breaking it open. I sighed, I have such fools for friends...damn it, I didn't want to do this would seem I have no choice.

I turned around and walked back into my lab. I took off my helmet and threw it on my table, "S.e.xy...initiate the Black Spider protocol."

"Are you sure Spider?" S.e.xy asked,

I nodded, "yeah, it's time," I touched my arc reactor causing the suit to shimmer and return to it's pale white form. I quickly shimmed out of it and packed up the suit before throwing it into one corner. It was just a temporary suit after all, I never intended it to be my full time apparel.

Over the past few weeks since the beginning of project Technomage I found myself making significant progress with the unstable molecular fabric. And by that I mean I was successful. The only reason I didn't go shouting it out to the world was because I was saving it for something special. Doom.

The floor in the middle of my lab opened up as a black briefcase rose up on a pedestal that was lifted by a repulsor desk underneath. I pressed my palm on the case, it read my biometrics before cl.i.c.k.i.n.g open.

I lifted the case and inside found my newest creation. The bleeding edge of what science had to offer and my own personal experiments with magic. A white undershirt.

This is the most advanced tech I have ever made. Of course I wouldn't leave it lying around in an obvious manner!

I put the white shit on, it began to slowly tighten before stretching out. To anyone else it would seem to be a function of the suit, but in reality there was a high tech scanner being run over my body which confirmed I was who I said I was. It scanned me on a genetic level, didn't want someone like Mystique getting their hands on this.

"Activate, password: ! #$%^&," the password was something no being alive could ever crack. My real name. So even if they got this far, they wouldn't be able to do this. Not even Mephisto, the devil, knew what my real name was.

"Confirmed," S.e.xy's voice spoke out, "Black Spider activating."

The fabric glowed as goldish red runes covered their surface. I carved the runes into the very threads of the fabric, ever single thread count was now a portal into its own pocket dimension, and coming through that hole were nanobots that weaved vibranium laced unstable molecule threads.

The entire costume exploded outwards in motion, in seconds I was suited up. The threads weaved by the nanobots also contained minute robotic parts such as wires and machinery, as the threads weaved together, so did the suit's system. I stood now in a vibranium weave UMF costume. Tear proof, bullet proof, energy absorbing, stretchable to any size and can be altered to any form only to return to its original shape without a scratch on it.

Tony Stark, Batman and the Black Panther can kiss my a.s.s.

The suit was pure black with white highlights. The spider in the middle was large and it's legs wrapped around my shoulder and sides reached around the back. It was vibranium silver that matched the gauntlets that covered my forearm. The soles of my feet were also covered with silver, nothing too fancy there.

Slowly a silver diamond shaped backpack formed on my back, it was shaped similar to Superman's shield and served as a pocket of infinite storage. I figured I would need it on the field.

In the palm of my hands the repulsor disc formed, shining brightly for a second before vanishing. The suit had many many more function, but I had them all on standby for now.

The helmet formed around my head was shock absorbant and fitted with every sort of protection I could need. Immediately the lens light up and the HUD appeared before my eyes.

"We are running at 100% efficiency Spider. The Badassium core that Mr. Stark provided us is giving out ten times the output the old core could."

I nodded, "thanks S.e.xy, initialize a full system check, how long until we are combat ready?"

"Calculating...twenty minutes for the weapons systems to be fully operational," S.e.xy replied.

I grinned, "perfect." I grabbed my original bag of infinite storage and put it into my silver backpack, it had over a hundred canisters of vibranium, the left hand of the devil and my magic books. I do not want this lying around, especially if the Baxter building was compromised. If only Doom knew what was in here…

I reached to the far wall of my lab and pressed a secret compartment inside, unlocking it with a click. Slowly the panel came out and I reached inside, taking out a vial of red blood. Blood that...that I had hidden here the moment I came back from Earth 982.

Franklin Richard's blood. I sighed, "S.e.xy, what's my blood toxicity?"

"Last time we checked it was at around 5% Spider."

"Low...but not low enough," I couldn't' risk it. And even if I did, I didn't have the time to waste to allow the blood to change me or the skill to use whatever power it would grant me. I growled, I just couldn't use it...not this time.

I put the vial of blood back into the wall and closed it off.

I turned around and left, walking into Johnny's lab where my car sat under a large black tarp, waiting for me. I ran my hands along its side before pulling it's sheet off to reveal the modified car below.

I had done a complete overhaul for its entire system. I reinforced its body with reinforced titanium and installed an air lock system and sooo much more. I opened the drivers side and sat down behind the wheel.

I pressed the ignition button, the car whirled to life. "Spider mode detected, making suitable adjustments," Doc's voice rang out as the car began to transform.

The car's dashboard changed into a red and blue theme as various new buttons and a HUD came up. My own seat back opened up revealing three date port that connected to my suit, locking it in place, allowing me to access the car's systems through my suit.

The outside of the car glowed reddish gold, the runes for storage popped up, causing the truck to open up and plates of titanium armour come flying across the car's surface before fusing together, changing the outer structure from looking like a DeLorean into a tank.

The car lifted into the air, the thrusters working just perfectly, even with the new weight. Slowly the colour of the car changed, some a silver trim to a black and silver finish.

"We have a problem Spider," S.e.xy spoke out, "we can't leave the lab without going through the service elevator."

"Engage weapons system," I called out.

"Is this wise?" S.e.xy asked.

"This is payback for leaving me behind," I call out as the truck of the car open up and a giant three feet in diameter canon came out. "Charge 1%," the engine whirled to life, I clicked the red button on my dashboard closest to the steering wheel.


The entire back wall exploded out, all the concrete and metal inside reduced into dust, so I didn't have to worry about any debris falling down and hurting someone.

I hit the accelerator and took off into the sky. I was tracking the FF, Reed's new vehicle ran on muon particles for thrusters, I can track those. So I quickly followed them, though I suspect they would reach there first. After all Reed built his for speed, I built this for war.

Twenty minutes later:

Reed Richards landed the Fantastic car on the roof where they saw Doom broadcast from. It was an abandoned building, no one around for miles, at least according to the scanners.

"Where is he?" Johnny asked.

"Forget that, where is everyone else?" Sue asked as they looked around, the small town that factory sat on the edge of was completely silent, not even a mouse squeak. Sue looked at the onboard scanners again, "I'm not getting anything, not a single life form."

"That's because Doom scared them all away," Reed said as he and the others got out and stepped on the roof. They looked out and sure enough they found small smoke clouds forming out of house and roads broken into pieces.

Johnny turned on his flames and flew into the air looking around, "it looks like there as a fight here but...I mean, I can't see anything. It look abandoned. And judging by the way the cars and house are left open I would say they left in a hurry."

"We need to find Doom," Reed said adamentally, "if he did anything to them...he'll pay dearly."

"Don't worry Reed, we'll get him," Sue gave a reassuring pat on Reed's shoulder.

"Ah guys," Johnny called out, gaining their attention, "I feel like something's off. The entire city's empty but the lights football stadium in the center of town is active. The scoreboard and the lights are on."

"He's there," Reed hissed as he and Sue got into the Fantastic car and flew to the small stadium. They were flying quickly when suddenly something came crashing into their side.

"KYA!" Sue cried out as she was flug out of her seat and into the air.

"I got you!" Johnny cried out as he came in and caught his sister in his arms, only for the same thing that crashed into the Fantastic car to come into Johnny, forcing the boy to drop Sue yet again.

Thinking quickly Sue formed a telekinetic platform below her, allowing her to stand in mid air. "Johnny!" she cried out and turned, gasping at the thing her brother was fighting.

It was a giant white gorilla wearing armour. "Get off me!" Johnny cried out he sent a blast of flames at it, sending it flying away. He flew to his sister, hovering next to her, "what the hell was that?!"

Sue said nothing, instead her mouth was hanging open in shock. Curious her brother turned around, and flyin before them, wearing green jetpacks that were clearly Doom's design, was an army of giant white gorillas, each looking eager for a fight.

They didn't last long, Johnny lasted ten minutes. Sue lasted fifteen, putting up a better fight than her brother. But eventually they were both captured and brought to the stadium where Doom was waiting for them.

Sue looked up, one side of her head bleeding hard, the blood seeping into her eyes making it had to see.

Doom walked up to her with a swagger in his step. He carefully cupped her cheek, raising it towards him, "such a pity," he sighed, "I told them not to hurt your face...but then again, they are just monkeys."

The white gorilla next to Sue growled. Doom turned to him and held out a single finger, sending a blast of lighting at him, hitting it right in the c.h.e.s.t sending the gorilla flying back and hitting the ground dead.

"Put her into the machine," Doom turned and walked away, allowing Sue to finally see what was located in the middle of the football field. There were four pillars that served as containment pods and connecting each of them on top was a giant circular metal disk.

Sue's eyes would have been on the familiar green energy the circular machine was making, but instead her eyes were glued to one of the pillars which was currently occupied by a giant organe rock faced man.

He was different, he now wore white robes that covered his whole body. He looked like a shaolin monk, but Sue still recognized one of her closest friends.

"BEN! NO!" sue cried out.

"Did you really think you could hide him from me?" Doom asked, "foolish girl, Doom knows all about the magical reality of this world. I have learnt from the Ancient One herself, before she too mistook my brilliance for arrogance! How else did you think I survived the Negative Zone for as long as I did?! Grabbing Ben was so easy...he didn't even know I was there."

Sue looked at Victor with hate, "what are you planning Victor?! Why go through all of this?! Why not just blow us up and be done with it?!"

The man in the metal suit looked down at her as if she was lower than dirt and spoke, "it's simple...because you're nothing more than a means to an end Susan...all of you. It was almost too easy. You see, I don't care about you...but what I do care about is what is inside you...the transdimensional energy, I need it."

"Why?!" Sue cried out. As she stood up, only for the gorilla holding her down to smack her across the face, sending her to the floor.

She withered in pain and looked up to see a look of hate on Doom's face, "I'm sorry, they're still a little hard to control," he raised a fist and suddenly the gorillas around her began to cry out in pain, holding their heads. And there, resting on Doom's right hand index finger, was a golden yellow gem the size of Sue's eye.

"Strap her into the machine," Doom ordered half heartedly as he turned to see one gorilla enter with Johnny's body tossed over his shoulder nd Reed's body being dragged behind him.

Sue tried to fight, but found the closer she got to the machine, the weaker she became. And finally she couldn't move anymore without every single tissue causing her whole body to quiver. She was shoved into a pillar along with Johnny and Reed, her limbs locked in place with straps as Doom and his army watched.

"It's a pity really," Doom spoke, his voice partially muffled to Sue's ears, "I had hoped to break down all my thorns today...but it would seem I will have to make special arrangements for Peter."

'No...not him,' Sue cried, wanting to cry out to beg for his life she threw away her pride, she didn't care. Peter...he had to live. That man, that wonderful man who was so damn selfless and kind. He gave so much for them, willing to become a criminal for them, willing to be everything she needed him to be.

And in that moment, when Sue Storm was strapped into a machine and believing she was about to die did she realise, she was head over heels in love with Peter Parker.

Beep! Beep!

"Hm?" Doom held up his hand as a hologram displaying an aerial look at the town, green dots circling the entire area. And then suddenly, there was a wave of red cross appearing on the North side.

"What's going on here?" Doom hissed, "all troops, move to the Northern quadrant, get me a visual!"

Sue strained to keep her eyes open, slowly more and more of the green dots began to disappear, replaced with red crosses. And then suddenly the image changed, it looked like a video stream from a gopro. And the image shown set a shiver down Doom's back and a spark of life into Sue's heart.

A black and silver car, heavily armored and flying through the air. A giant cannon from its trunk and several smaller repulsors canons along it's side and back. And inside in the driver's seat was the man Susan Storm loved.

Peter Parker.

With Peter:

I growled, "how the hell did Doom get access to a f.u.c.k.i.n.g army of Balurrians?!"

"Well, since there is a Negative Zone in this world, one can assume it also has a race of Balurrians living in it," S.e.xy reasoned.

"But how?!" I cried out, "did he like become their BFF's while he was trapped there?" I pressed the canons and fired another dozen of them out of the sky. "I hate these wookie rejects!"

Soon all the Balurrians in the area were circling in around my position. I hit the steering wheel hard, causing the car to spin quickly, sending out repulsor blasts out in quick successions. I managed to clear a route to the streets, immediately I bought the car down and hit the road.

I spotted a giant green portal forming in the football field in the middle of town, I'm assuming that's where I had to go. I could fly, but it would take away a lot of energy to maintain that elevation, now however I could direct 98% of my total energy into the canons.

"Prepare Angle lock-on system," I called out, suddenly the HUD on the my helmet displayed a 3D landscape of 90 feet of space around me, including the Balurrians who were flying right behind me.

"Lock on," I took out a keyboard from the car's main dashboard and inputted the aiming preamiters, each Balurrians was taken a different flight path, I had to predict each one and allot a canon to it. Soon each flying white ape had a canon pointed at it, "fire!"


Ten small cannons around my car fired off a condensed stream of muon particles, puncturing the Blurriness hide and body.




Forty Balurrians fell. They kept coming but my automatic weapons system was more than happy to keep mowing them down.

Beep beep!

"Warning, energy blast incoming-"

The hit was so jareing my car was sent flying into the air, trunk over hood before the stabilizers kicked in and it righted itself, floating in the air.

I looked out, Doom was floating before me, his armour glowing with power as his army of Balurrians swarmed up behind him.

The car's windshield opened up and my seat unplugged itself from my suit. I walked out onto the hood of my car and stood tall and proud, the armor shining in the sunlight.

"Impressive armour," Doom looked me over, "I'm unable to scan it...what is it made off?"

"Unstable molecule fiber fused with the special secret sauce from KFC," I shrugged.

Doom scoffed, "unstable molecules...I see. Impressive, once again I'm reminded you're not as dumb as you would like people to believe."

I couldn't help chuckle, "yeah, I guess so," I looked around, "so...Balurrians huh? How did you get them to obey you?"

Doom looked startled, "how do you know of these creatures?!"

I shrugged, "I took a dimensional picnic to another world. So? I answered your question, will you answer mine?"

Doom scoffed, "they will do much for what they hold dear," his right hand moved behind his body, he didn't want me to notice, but I did. A rock...a yellow glowing way.

"You got your hands on an infinity stone?" I gasped.

Doom looked startled, "what?! How do you know of the stones?!"

"I know a lot Doom," I began to think, blue is space, red is reality, green is time, purple is power, yellow is mind or that must mean… "the mind wonder they all obey you."

Doom growled, "Balurrians! Attack!" he held the stone up and immediately they all cried out in pain before charging forward. I see, so the stone did control their minds, how did he even get it? Isn't it supposed to be in Loki's scepter? With HYDRA?!

Pew! Pew! Pew!

My car began unloading into them, the Balurrians falling before they even came close. And then Doom struck. He threw his arms forward, sending an EMP flying right at me. I leaped away, my car swirling to the right, just in time to avoid it.

The back of my costume began to shift, creating a small backhold with thrusters on it. Immediately it clicked on and I took off into the sky, flying into the sky.

"Interesting," Doom sent a blast of energy, which I swirled and voided, "you're armour is impressie, nanoweave technology applied with...magic?!"

"Yup!" I cried out as I tackled into a Balurrian and threw him into another. I then jumped away, just as Doom formed a magical circle and sent a blast of energy at me.

"How?! How is this possible?!" Doom cried out.

"The same way you learnt magic Doom, through hard work!" I hissed as I raised my palms and sent out repulsor blast.

Doom immediately formed a shield of magic to protect himself, but the force of my improved repulsors pushed him back far, forcing Doom to land on the roof of a tall building.

I quickly followed him, the Balurrians tried to follow, but luckily for me, Doc had my back. "Enemies targeted," his robotic voice came, the Balurrians turned and gasped, seeing all the canon on the car pointed right at them.


I landed before Doom, the both of us ignoring the cries of pain from the Balurrians slowly falling down from the sky.

And then, we attacked. I released my Unibeam, Doom did the same with blats of magic.


The entire building's roof collapsed form the feedback of the attack. The ground below our feet gave out as we flew down several stories. I jumped between the rubble, using it as a jumping points to leap towards Doom.

"Die Spider!" Doom cried out as he constantly sent out blasts of magic that I barely managed to avoid.

I quickly shot out a web line and grabbed a falling chunks of rock and swung it sideways at Doom. Seeing the ht coming the villain blasted it away before sending large waves of energy at me.

It circles around my body like a bunch of chains, tightening around me to fix my arms to my body. But I wasn't really worried.

Out of my backplate a large silver arm popped out and fired off a web line, allowing me to safely swing down to the floor below that hadn't gotten caved in from mine and Doom's attack

Doom floated down slowly, his cape billowing in the wind. I looked down and was surprised, "the bands of Crimson Bands of Cyttorak? Impressive."

Doom grew tense as he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, "delusion."

A shimmer of green covered his body as he vanished into thin air. But I knew he was here….I knew, because I could see him coming right for me.

I ducked and dogged, avoiding the invisible strikes. "That won't work Doom," I told him, "it's pointless," I leaped into the air and swung my free legs at his helmet, the man managed to avoid by the skin of his teeth.

He took to the sky once again, I choose to remain grounded. He dropped the invisibility spell and hissed, "how?"

"Simple," I replied tapping the lens, "I can detect trans dimensional energies. It's not much, but it's the one thing I have learnt technology can do when it comes to understanding magic."

"I have come far in your goal for vengeance Spider...I applaud you," Doom growled, "but now...this is where you end," he snapped his fingers and suddenly the entire sky began to go green.

"Witness the genius of Doctor Doom! Witness the power I discovered during my incarceration in that horrid world! The power of destiny!"


Lighting came down, suddenly the building's window were blasted open as Balurrians came flying in surrounding us.

"You may have shown your strength Spider, but in your rash choice you failed to save what was really important! And because of your stupidity, I Doom shall rule the world!" Doom cackled, throwing his arms wide apart.

"DOOM! DOOM! DOOM!" the Balurrians cried out, raising their mighty fists in barely held excitement.

The sound of victory were ecstatic, the entire town rumbled with power coursing through. And then, something cut through the cries of 'Doom', a single loud voice.

"Wahahaha!" I cried out throwing my head back and laughing as hard as I could. Balurrians were stunned, slowly they acquitted themselves as they watched me half harder and harder.

"What I the meaning of this?!" Doom hissed.

"Please-please, don't stop! Wahaha!" I stomped my feet on the ground repeatedly, "this is too much! Oh this is good!"

"What are you laughing?!" Doom cried out, "answer! Doom demands it!"

I slowly my laughter to a chuckle, "y-you want to know why?" I snorted, "simple. It's because you think I'm actually here!"

Doom blinked, "what?"

And then the armour moved, turning into a semi liquid state and slipping out of the crimson bands bdining it. Balurrians cried out in shock but could do nothing as the liquid moved towards their forced master like a liquid snake.

The black and silver material immediately bound around Doom's body, seeping into his armour's machineries and systems, slowly destroying it from the inside.

"What-is-happening?!" Doom cried out as he found parts of his armour completely seizing functions.

Slowly a blob of the liquid metallic material around him came out and took the form of my Spider-man mask. "If you still don't get it," I opened up the helmet like a face plate, revealing nothing was inside, "ta-da! You've been punked son!"

Doom's eyes widened, "what?!"


Another explosion, but this time, it was different. Everyone looked up at the sky and sure enough, the green hue covering it was slowly dying away, the dimensional energies reversing.

"NO!" Doom cried before turning to the 'face' sticking out of his body, "where is the real you?!"

With the real Peter Parker:

I looked at the interface on Sue's pillar and released my stingers, "well, you could say I'm kind of ruining your whole evil plan," I shoved the metal claws into the machine and immediately it clicked open, releasing Sue.

I grabbed Sue, her eyes slowly coming into focus as she blinked, looking at me, "Peter?"

I grinned, "hey there Blondie, fancy meeting you here."

Sue smiled softly, I smelt joy rushing out of her, "'re here...thank God I," she looked down and l.u.s.t quickly followed, "'re n.a.k.e.d."

I looked down and sure enough I was, well, I did have a pair of boxers on, but that wasn't important.

"Yup," I nodded, "I am. Had to use my armour to distract Doom, he pretty much bought it."


We turned around and saw a giant blast of green energy come flying out of a building, leveling it to the ground. I reached up and touched the bluetooth headset I was wearing, causing a holographic display of my suit's HUD to appear around my face.

I winced, "Doom just blew a casket."

"That's not the only thing he's going to blow!" Johnny cried out.

Sue finally took her eyes from me and looked around, realising she wasn't the first one I had saved as Johnny, Ben and Reed stood protectively around us.

"Sue...are you alright?" Reed asked softly.

Sue nodded, "yeah...I think," she looked up and framed, "this machine, it did something to my powers."

I nodded as I helped her stand, "it's a sort of leech for dimensional energy, the kind you guys produce. Doom was siphoning ti for something, but I managed to shut it off."

"You never cease to amaze me kid," Ben snorted as he smiled at the rest of them, "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too big guy," Johnny grinned before looking down at Ben's robes, "also...did you become a monk or something?"

"It's my apprentice robes wise guy," Ben growled.

"They suit you Ben," Sue smiled as she tried to walk forward only to stumble, I immediately caught her, "damn, I'm still a little weak."

"Guys, we need to focus up here!" Reed cried out pointing at the sky to a flying green dot surrounded by white gorillas, "Victor's coming for the machine," Reed turned to his oldest friend, "Ben, think you can break it?"

"Hell yeah!" Ben cracked his knuckles.

"Johnny, you need to take the flying monkeys, Sue, Peter and I will deal with Doom," Reed called out before turning to me, "think you can work without the suit?"

I snorted, "I won't have to," I raised an arm and suddenly, out of the collapsed building a blast of energy shot out as my suit came flying towards me in it's liquid metal form.

It reached us in seconds and blasted into my c.h.e.s.t, quickly surrounding me whole and reforming into its original state.

I rotated my shoulders, "systems working at 100% capacity."

"Dude...make me one, please," Johnny begged.

"Focus up," Reed called as Doom hovered over us, his army surrounded the football field.

"Richards," Doom growled, "Parker...I did underestimate you both. Richards' stupidity and rash emotional choice and Parker's...deceitful nature."

I scoffed, "really? Because if you didn't like that, then you're going to hate this!" I snapped my fingers and suddenly ten black surveillance drones shimmered into existence all around us, one right before me and the FF, one near Doom's army and the rest floating far far away.

"What are these?" Doom asked.

"Surveillance drones. I had them built for...another purpose," I cleared my throat, "but, I figured now would be a great time to use them as well. They have been recording this, all of this. Our fight and you're grand scheme. And you know the best part? It's being transmitted all over the world, live streamed through several social media accounts. Meaning right now, the entire world just watched you admit trying to rule the world."

Doo scoffed, "and I should care why? What does a God have to care for ants?"

"Because right now, those ants are readying their armies and planning to aim their biggest guns at you. Because last time a mad man tried to rule the world with an army by opening a gateway to another world, they did nothing. This time, I'm sure they're eager for the chance."

And just then, a giant shadow suddenly loomed over our heads, covering the entire town. We all looked up and saw the helicarrier floating above us.

"Doom," I heard Fury's voice came out of the speaker's in the football stadium, "stop and desist with your plans for global domination, or we will be forced to stop them for you."

"You cannot do this Fury!" Doom cried out, "I am a diplomate! I have immunity!"

I could almost hear Fury smirk, "oh? Didn't you hear? Your immunity ran out two minutes ago when the emergency General Election meeting conveyed and labeled you as an enemy to humanity. Meaning-"

"-You're a.s.s is ours!" Johnny cried out, "Flame on mother f.u.c.ker!"

"It's clobberin time!" Ben charged into the machine, smashing through the pillars one by one.

"NO!" Doom cried out, "attack! Destroy them all!"

"Fire at will," I heard Fury's voice call as suddenly all the weapons on the helicarrier were pointed at the Balurrians.

It was outright war. The Balurrians ignored Doom's orders and instead chose to fly and attack the helicarrier. Johnny sent fireballs at the one's being slow, blowing each one out of the sky.

"No! NO!" Doom cried out as he sent a blast of energy at the helicarrier, only for it to be deflected by a repulsor blast.

Flying out of the helicarrier was a bright red and gold suit, it quickly fired off dozens of rockets, blowing up the Balurrians that tried to attack the ship.

"Sorry I'm late, had to put the kid to sleep," Tony's voice called out into my helmet.

I grinned, "better late than never."

"Doom!" Reed called out as he enlarged his hand and grabbed the first pillar Ben had broken.

"What do you want Rich-" Doom turned just in time to see Reed swing it at him. Doom flew away, but just then something hit him in the gut lining him to the ground.

I turned to Sue, "did you do that?"

"Yes," Sue grunted in pain, "sorry, I can't do much more."

"It's fine Sue," Reed spoke, "Peter...stay with her...I need to finish this."

I wanted to object but the pain and hate in his eyes...I knew the guilt he was feeling inside was eating him up. Besides...I already got my revenge, the world knew Doom for what he really is, a monster. It's Reed's turn.

"Go get him," I told the man. He nodded and walked to Doom, the man slowly getting on his feet.

"You are a fool Richard," Doom grunted holding his gut in pain. The metal plates broke off to reveal the circuit underneath, Sue's attack really hurt him that's for sure, "a moronic fool. Nothing you do is off consequence."

"You're right...I am a fool," Reed nodded, "but...if I stop you...then that's more than enough for me," he charged ahead.

Doom constable fired bolts of energy and Reed dodge them all, using his flexibility as a means to doge the beams and get in close.

"You destroyed my home!" Reed socked him across the face, "you hurt the ones I cared for!" He punched Doom in the gut, sending him flying up. Reed threw his hand forward and grabbed Doom's leg and whipped him into the ground, "you tried to kill this world Victor! Why?! Why did you do all of this?!"

Doom slowly rose from the ground, his face plate cracked, he held his left arm, it was broken, twisted the wrong way.

"Because you left me there to die," he raised his right hand, the stone on his finger glowing, "no more! Doom will still rule!" He held up the gem in his hand, "I call forth the powers that be! Rip into the flesh of my enemies, and in turn I will-"


The ciant circular machine Doom used came flying through the air like a discuss and crashed into Doom.

"I'm sorry, were you saying something?" Ben asked he and Johnny stood on either side of Reed.

Sue and I joined them, the five of us glaring him down as he pulled himself out of the wreckage. He was about to speak when suddenly a wave of energy passed through us.

Doom looked down, "no!" the stone was cracked, huh, so I guess it wasn't an infinity stone. But then what? I activated Web Vision and looked, and sure enough, I saw dimensional energy, similar to the kind around the portal and the monkey's Doom had summoned. Had he created some sort of proto-mind stone?

"You fools! Do you have any idea what you have done?!"

"If it gets you in trouble? I don't care," Johnny growled.

"NO!" Doom yelled as suddenly the stone in his hand exploded, taking his entire arm with it.


Doom was on his knees, his right arm up to his elbow had been blown off. He sat there in pain and suddenly a giant portal opened up behind him.

Doom turned slowly, "no, no, no!" he stumbled onto his feet and tired to run. Out of the portal giant green tentacles came rushing out and grabbed him, binding him and lifting him into the air.

"NO! STAY AWAY! NO!" he cried out, terror striking his heart, fear leaking out of him like water from a stream. He blasted the tentacles with magic, but they just kept coming back.

"Should we do something?" Johnny asked.

"No," Sue hissed, "he deserves this."

I looked at Reed, the man's eyes narrowed, not in anger, no, in worry. "No," Reed spoke, "no one deserve this."

"Stretch he tried to kill us!" Ben argued.

"Which is exactly why he should stay here, where he'll answer for his crimes," without another word Reid stretched forward, lunging after Victor.

Doom was slowly being dragged into the portal, his arms failing about for help. Reed reached out and grabbed him, pulling with all his might.

"Richards?!" Doom gasped in shock.

"You're not getting off that easy Victor!" Reed cried out as he pulled him away. But it was failing the tentacles were too strong.

"Leave him Reed!" I cried out, "he's not worth it!"

"You should listen to the boy Richard," Doom growled as suddenly reached up and grabbed the side of Reed's face with his remaining hand, "I would rather die than owe you my life."


Reed was sent flying back. "Reed!" Johnny flew up and caught him, the right half of his face smoking.

"DOOM!" I roared, turning to the man, but it was too late. Without Reed there to pull him away, the tentacles won, pulling Doom into the portal and then sealing itself shut. Doom was gone, I cursed, it wasn't fair, even in the end when he lost, he still got the last word.

"Reed!" Sue and Ben ran to Johnny, who flew down with Reed's unconscious body before us. He laid him down and we quickly surrounded the man.

I gasped, this time, Victor didn't just leave...he left a reminder for us before he did. A always remind us of what he did to us. To remind us how far he pushed us all.

The right half of Reed's face was burnt, like melted plastic. His hair was burnt off the side, his skin still smoking.

Sue was crying, Ben looked away in shame and Johnny was gritting his teeth. But me...I had another problem.

There was only one time Reed Richards ever got this sort of scar...and that was a very bad time. In the Ultimate universe Reed Richards had gone mad and became evil, he nearly destroyed everyone in his world, hurting Ben, Sue...everyone.

And in retaliation Johnny had burnt off a side of his face, scaring him, marking him. And now...I couldn't help wondering if my Reed Richards was on the path to become the Maker...and that scared the hell out me.

But for now...I'm more worried about making sure my friend was alright then what he might become one day in the future.

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