We managed to get Reed into the Helicarrier and into the med bay. Ben Johnny and I watched as the medical doctors and Sue worked on Reed's burns, doing their best to save what they could.

I eavesdropped for a bit and heard them say they had managed to save Reed's eye, though the majority of his face was still paralyzed.

I had the suit pull my mask back revealing my real face. Usually I wouldn't ever do that but now...well, I didn't really see the point.

Johnny hanged his head in shame, "it's all my fault."

Ben and I turned to him. "Kid, how the hell is this your fault?" Ben asked.

"I...I should have stopped Reed," Johnny locked away, "or I should have been the one to try and help Doom. If it was me-"

"Then Doom would have blasted your face off," I hissed, "the only reason Reed survived is because of his elasticity saved him from the blast, though not the heat."

They were silent once again, our eyes went to Reed's unconscious body and Sue working tirelessly over it.

I heard footsteps slowly approach, I turned to see Fury and Tony standing outside the medbay doors. Tony wore a nice looking beige suit with a purple undershirt and Fury had his ushal black trench coat on. They nodded me over and I sighed.

"I'll be right outside," I told Ben and Johnny as I walked out and met the two men, "it's nice to see you again Tony," I told him as I shut the door behind me, "how have you and Riri been?"

"Eh, I can't complain," Tony shrugged, "having a daughter isn't all that easy but...well, she's my kid. Sometimes she's impossible," Tony sighed as he rubbed her eyes, "you know she wants to become a superhero?"

I raised an eyebrow, "oh? Really?"

"Yeah, apparently a friend gave her the idea, even gave her a name, Ironheart," Tony said glaring at me.

I smirked, "cool name."

"The last thing we need is another Stark playing hero," Fury snorted, "I can barely stand one of you."

"Yeah, but the thing is I trust Riri to be responsible a lot more than I trust Tony," I snorted.

"You know that hurt, right here," Tony tapped his c.h.e.s.t. His smiled slowly dropped as he patted my shoulder, "how are you doing kid?"

I blinked, "what do you mean?"

"You secret identity just got exposed to the whole world," Fury spoke, "I think he's asking if you need a paper bag to breath into or something."

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair in stress, "I guess...I guess with everything that went on, I didn't really have the time to process it all. Hell...I don't even know where to start."

"I have a suggestion," Fury spoke up, "your aunt and uncle...they are onboard. Don't worry, nothing happened to them," he held out a hand to stop my question before it came out, "I got them out before anything happened. But...they are still confused. You need to talk to them Peter."

I sighed, "yeah...I suppose. Is my dad here as well?"

Fury nodded, "yes. All three of them are in a room, I can show you if you want," he motioned forward and we left.

"So, new suit?" Tony asked looking at the black and silver suit.

I nodded, "yup. I figured it was time for an upgrade anyway."

"Hm, interesting. Nano robots?" Tony asked.

I nodded, "just for the initial process. The material is actually a new invention called the Unstable Molecule Fabric. Tear proof, stretches to any degree, fireproof. Basically anything you do to it it will retain its shape and form."

"Impressive," Fury noted, "is it also bullet proof?"

"Usually no, but my suit is," I tapped the armour, "but if need be it can change its structure to make it bullet proof."

"How so?" Tony asked.

"Well," I taped my belt buckle causing a soft beep to ring out, "scan and replicate."

"Scan complete," came S.e.xy's almost immediate reply from my suit, "what shall I save the design as?"

"Tony Stark's suit," I replied, "activate the new saved suit design."

"Understood," S.e.xy replied as suddenly the shimmered and transformed. Tony and Fury were surprised as instead of my costume I now stood in a suit similar to Tony's, except it was tailor made for me.

"How do I look?" I asked as I checked out the suit's, "hm, comfy. I think I'm going to keep this one. S.e.xy, give it a 5 out of 5 would you?"

"Yes Peter."

Tony reached out and touched the fabric, his eyes widening, "it feels like real fabric, but it isn't is it?"

I shock my head, "no. You see the property of the unstable molecule fabric is just that, unstable. Meaning it's form can change, like memory fabric. It's entire structure is controlled by my AI, meaning I can change it to any form I wish."

Tony's eyes went wide, "does that mean it can also turn metallic?"

"It can yes, but I would need the specs first," I patted the belt buckle, "the system's still new. All I have stored is your suit, my Black Spider armour and the classic armour setting," I snapped my fingers and immediately my suit changed into my black and red armour, complete with metal helmet.

"Amazing," Tony whirled, "a self changing fabric that can even turn into metal...this could remove the need for clothes, you do know that right?"

"Set into suit mode," I spoke as the costume changed, putting me back into Tony's Suit, "yeah, I do. Why do you think it took so long for me to finish this? It's a very important product after all."

"How much for a dozen of them?" Fury asked.

I hummed, "well how much are you willing to pay?"

"How much did it cost to research?"

"Half a billion dollars," I shrugged.

Fury's one visible eye widened, "I know army suppliers that charge twice as much for a project. I'm surprised you managed to create something so revolutionary with such a cheap cost."

"That's because Peter worked smarter, not harder," Tony smirked, "hey kid, now that you're whole secret is out, you want to maybe hang out with me and Banner? I mean, the Baxter building was burnt las I saw."

I chuckled, "thanks for the offer Tony, but no. We can rebuild the Baxter tower...as long as there is a Fantastic Four, there will be a Baxter foundation. But..." I sighed, "damn it, I don't know what to do."

"Well, when it comes to things like this I always find taking things one step at a time helps," Fury said as he opened the door to a meeting room and inside was May, Ben and Richard, all gathered around a table.

"Peter!" May cried out as she jumped out of her set and rushed me, grabbing me in a hug, I could hear her tears clearly, "oh thank God. Thank god."

I sighed and slowly hugged her back, squeezing tightly, "it's alright Aunt May, I'm alright."

And then, she pulled back and slapped me, hard.

I blinked, it stung, but the shock what just happened impacted me more. I slowly touched my red throbbing cheek and blinked, "what?"

"You foolish child!" May cried out, "all this time! All this time! What were you thinking?! What did you do?! All those late nights! All that time, you were risking your life! What if something had happened to you?! What would your uncle and I do?! Did you even think for one second?! Did you?!"

"May, that's enough," Ben called out, stopping the woman.

"What do you mean?! Ben! He's-he's-"

"A hero," Ben completed, his eyes looking hurt, but understanding, "and he saved lives...many many lives."

"By risking his own?! He's our child Ben! How can you even think about anything else?! H-how-"

"-With great power, comes great responsibility," Richard spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. He stood up and walked over, "Peter did what he thought was right...what he believed was right...and he did a damn good job at it."

May glared at Richard, "did you know?"

The man looked at her and nodded, "yes...I did."

"And you let him continue?! What if something had happened to him?! What if-"

"If I may interfere for one moment," Tony spoke up, "ma'am, might say something? You're nephew is one of the greatest heroes I have ever met...and I am including Captain America on that list."

I blinked, immediately Tony had everyone's attention and he took full advantage of that.

"When the Chitauri came...Loki had broken us. He had divided us and we were all each other's throats. But then...your nephew came into the picture. He talked us down, he told us to pull our heads out of our collective asses and get to work saving the day. His actions that day saved thousands, if not millions of lives. And the fact that a fifteen year old had more sense that five grown a.d.u.l.ts….well, I don't have to tell you how amazing that is."

She walked out, not sparing me a second look. "May!" Ben yelled, quickly following his wife. He turned around and looked at me, "I...I'll try and talk to her."

He soon left, leaving me and Richard with Tony and Fury. I sighed and turned to Fury, "so...what's going to happen now?"

The man sighed, "kid...I honestly don't know," he turned on the television in the room displaying CNN.

"We currently don't have any word as to what the UN is going to do now that Victor Von Doom has been...exiled into another world. But it is being reported that the UN's verdict still stands, Doom's status as an enemy to humanity will not be revoked. The overwhelming video evidence streamlined onto the web thanks to Spider-man has turned many people against the Dictator, some even question if actions need to be taken against Latveria, since they may hold hostile intentions against the Western world."

I sighed, "don't bring that country into this, for all the wrong Doom did he was actually an effective ruler...kind of," I shrugged.

"Well that's isn't for us to decide anyway," Fury replied as the news changed to a picture of me and Spider-man, the anchor now talking about the implications of my secret identity getting out.

Fury turned to me, "you going to be okay kid?"

I nodded, "I suppose...but, what's going to happen now? For the first time…I'm totally lost."

"Whatever does happen, we can face it together," Richard placed an arm around me and squeezed gently.

I looked at him, "you're taking this surprisingly well."

Richard sighed, "you're stubborn, just like your mother. I highly doubt something like this would change your mind...besides," he snorted, "it's not like I can ask you to give up the suit, especially when you just saved the world for what...the third time?"

Tony laughed, "that we know off."

"I'll organize a press meet," Fury said as he took out his phone, "he's a public figure now and someone of note. The entire world is going to be watching him...Stark, think you can give him a crash course on being a celebrity?"

"Don't worry one eyed wonder, I got this," Tony grinned.

"I don't really think Tony's the best man for this," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

"Well too bad," Tony snorted, "because unless you have Jay-Z on your speed dial I'm all you have. Now, the first thing you have to know is that cameras are everywhere, and that you're going to have to get used to them."

I sighed, "fine..." I looked over, fury was about to leave when I called him out, "Fury...wait."

He turne, "what kid?"

I narrowed my eyes, "what did Doom do to get pardoned? What project did he help you out with?"

Tony and Fury shared a look, Tony raised an eyebrow, "yes Fury, I think we would both like to know that."

"It's not important Stark," Fury glared back.

"No, I think it is," Tony argued back, "it's because of you're damn deal with Doom that he was given enough wiggle room to do this to Peter. So this is on your head."

"I didn't decide to do this Stark!" Fury slammed his fist into the table, "I was against this whole thing! I may be the director of SHIELD, but that doesn't mean I don't answer to a higher power!"

"The council choose to pardon Doom?" I asked.

Fury sighed before nodding, "yes, they did."

I narrowed my eyes, "why?"

"It's...classified," Fury signed, Tony was about to yell again but fury held up a hand stopping him before he could start, "but...I can tell you that it's something that will help protect us...to make sure the next time alien come knocking, we can knock right back."

And without another word Fury walked right out the door. I turned to Tony, "I don't like the sound of that."

The man looked concerned as he nodded, "yeah...neither do I."

"Could you try and figure out what he's planning?" I asked him in a whisper.

"You want me to hack into Fury's personal computer onboard this ship and invade his privacy?" Tony gasped. I raised a questioning eyebrow and he smirked, "yeah fine, consider it done."

I chuckled, "great...let me know what you find, okay?"

"Deal. But for now let's focus on you. Now, the first thing you have to understand is that people expect you to act a certain way, and if you don't, that'll draw unneeded attention to yourself. If that was your intention, good job, if not, then don't do it…."

As Tony continued to talk I did pay attention to him. Though in the back of my mind I was wondering just what Fury was talking about. What could it be? What did Doom help SHIELD make?

Ultron? No….no that would be a chilling thought. Maybe it was that project with the three helicarriers in Winter Soldier...yes. That could be it.

But I can't be sure because as off right now canon has been thrown out the window. I can't assume anything, so I'll just have to keep an eye out and my ear to the ground.

An hour later:

After Tony's half hour speech I was dismissed, Richard went to talk to Ben and May while Fury organized an official press meet. I apparently am going to be a celebrity now, joy.

I visited Reed in the medbay, by now the surgery was over and the recovery process had began. He was unconscious still, the nurse there told me he wouldn't wake up for some time.

I watched over him for a moment before leaving, the FF had been moved elsewhere to get some rest. I found the room easy enough and walked in, Johnny and Ben stood over Sue who was on the bed resting, looking exhausted from her time treating Reed.

"There you are Pete, I've been looking all over for you!" Johnny cried out, "dude, this place blows! They don't have anything to eat! All they have is like military rations and shit!"

"That's because it's a military ship Johnny," Ben rolled his eyes before turning to us, "you talk with you uncle and aunt?"

I sighed, "yeah...it didn't go so well."

"You sound exhausted kid."

I shrugged, "a little sleepy, but I'll manage….though I am hungry."

Johnny scoffed, "good luck on that front."

I snorted, I then finally noticed Ben still in his robes the same kind I remembered Strange where in Kamar Taj, "they suit you Ben."

Ben looked down, "oh these? Ha-ha, yeah, I guess. Strange thinks it brings out my eyes."

I raised an eyebrow, "Doctor Stephen Strange?"

"Ah yeah, why? Do you know him?"

I nodded, "in the other world I visited, he was the man who taught me magic. My master and guide."

Ben's eyes widened, "woah, are you serious? I didn't realise...to be honest, he's kind of a d.i.c.k."

I chuckled, "don't worry, he grows out of it…." and suddenly a question came to my mind, one that didn't let go once it took root. I sighed, "Ben...by any chance did you happened to also see a girl there?"

"A girl?" Sue asked quickly, glaring at me.

I nodded, "yeah...she's around my age, blonde hair, blue eyes. Tends to stutter a lot and-"

"-you mean Tandy?" Ben asked.

I blinked, "ah, yeah. Do you know her?"

Ben nodded, "yeah. She's kind of the Ancient One's personal student. She, Strange and I actually talk a lot, since we're all from New York. How did you know her Pete?"

I looked down, "she's my friend...is she being treated well?"

Ben shrugged, "well yes. She's actually struggling a little with controlling her powers but Strange and I help her when we can."

I nodded, "that's good..."

"Who was she?" Sue asked me.

I turned to her I could see jealousy in her eyes. I smiled, "she saved my life...and I failed to save her from making a difficult choice. In the end...she did it for me..." I sighed, "what the hell am I going to do?"

"Don't' worry man," Johnny said as he sat down next to me, patting my shoulder, "we have your back. You're family after all."

Ben's nodded, "damn straight."

Sue nodded, "without a doubt…" she smiled with a promise, a promise I couldn't figure out.

"By the way kid.. I think I saw your uncle and aunt down the corridor, you might want to talk to them," Ben said sadly, "they look they want to speak too you but don't have the means."

I sighed, "damn it," Johnny and Sue understood, so I got up and left. I walked around for a bit, I knew where she was, S.e.xy could tell as much by hacking into SHIELD's system. But I needed a few moments to just...collect myself.

I finally did manage to gather enough courage to enter the conference room, where I found Ben and May sitting at one end, May crying in her husband's arms.

She looked up, "Peter..."

"I-I can come back later if you want."

"No," Ben spoke, "no son...come, we need to talk."

I gulped and nodded. I walked up to them and sat down next to them. I couldn't face her, not like this. I hanged my head down and spoke, "I know you're disappointed in me...I know you're angry that I didn't tell you but I...I'm not that kind of man. When I got my powers...I didn't want to do any of this. I wanted to just...work, get some cash to pay off our loans and then help change the world by researching new cures or...something."

"Why did you change your mind?" May asked softly.

"Because...because of that day Hulk trashed Harlem," I told her, "I saw so many people hurt that day...saw them bleeding out. I knew I had to do something...so I did. I didn't actually start out thinking I would end up...well, here. I figured it would just be street crimes, gangs, thugs. Low lives, not...well, fighting an inter dimensional army of aliens. But...I knew that if I didn't do what was needed...people would die."

May was silent for a long time, she said nothing. She looked at me, her tears finally dried. "D-did you have help?"

I nodded, "sometimes...I had friends."

May looked at her husband, the man slimed, "you're certainly happy about all this."

Ben nodded, "why wouldn't I be? He grew up to be a hero...why would I ever feel anything except pride?"

May g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "you are both impossible! He's going out endangering his life and you're proud of that?!"

Ben nodded, "indeed I am."

"If it's any consolation, I can practically heal from any injury," I spoke up.

"Oh? Can you heal from a broken back?!" May glared.

I nodded, "ah...probably yeah."

She blinked, "are you serious?"

I nodded, "yes...very."

Ben looked at her, "see, he'll be fine."

"But Ben," May looked worried, "what if-"

"-Would you rather he not have saved all those lives?" Ben asked, "would you rather have him hide and run?"

May was quite for a moment before she spoke, "no...no I would want him to help...but not at the cost of his own life!"

"Sometimes aunt May...sometimes what I do is far more important than my life," I told her, "and sometimes I'm more than willing to die for what I have to do."

"When? When have you ever thought that would be the right thing to do?!"

"When you and uncle Ben were kidnapped by the same people that kidnapped dad," I told her.

And May was silent. She looked at Ben, the man nodded. She sighed, "so...why a spider?"

I grinned, "Batman was already taken."

It took a while, but May eventually grew to understand why I did what I did. She didn't like it, but she understood. And for now that was enough.

Eventually Fury came and called me out, apparently we had reached New York. My family and the FF were guided by SHIELD agents while Fury, Tony and I went to the hangar bay.

Tony smiled, "you ready?"

I took a deep breath and let it out, the stress and pressure of having my secret exposed like a nerve let up. I could feel...acceptance, May and Ben were proud of me...they didn't hate me. I smiled and looked at Tony, "ready."

Avengers tower:

We stood outside the conference hall in the Avengers tower, the inside was filled with murmurs and people, reporters.

"How are you going to handle this?" Tony asked, "do you want me to be your mouthpiece?"

I shook my head, "no...it's time I face the music."

We moved, pushing the doors open. The moment the doors opened up cameras started flashing. The entire room was filled with reporters, almost at once they began yelling out questions.

"Mr. Parker! When you did start your career as a superhero?!"

"Mr. Parker! Is it true you were only fifteen when you joined the Avengers?!"

"Mr. Parker-"

"Mr. Parker-"

Tony motioned me forward to the podium on the stage, he whispered, 'good luck kid' and smiled as he took a step back and stood in the background.

I sighed and took center stage. I was quite waiting for them to settle down and as the professionals they were they did, eventually.

I cleared my throat, "ladies and gentlemen… my name is Peter Parker, and I am Spider-man. I now am open to questions."

"Mr. Parker!"

"Mr. Parker!"

"Mr. Parker!"

After the meet:

Tony, and I stepped into the elevator. The doors closed and I sighed, rubbing my temples, "that was...difficult."

"No one told you to keep taking questions for an hour straight," Tony snorted.

I shrugged, "they had important questions."

"I hardly think, 'are you single', is an important question," Tony snorted. The doors opened to the main lounge as we walked out, "and remember, you're a celebrity now. Spider-man more so, and there is one thing that is always surrounding celebrities."

"And that is?"

"Paperatzy," Tony explained as he walked over to his bar and poured himself a drink, "you need to learn how to deal with them. Remember, no violence….oh and if you do end up breaking their stuff make sure you replace them before they sue you."

"I see," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I sat down on the couch, Tony sitting next to me, "but what about my aunt and uncle. I mean...I can't risk them...if anyone even thinks that's not the case…."

"Fury already has them in Witness Protection...they'll be safe. Away from you...but safe," Tony said as he sipped his drink.

"I can't live at home," I grumbled, "I….I'll have to hide. Damn it."

"Kid, you saved the world over three times and you're a superhero, I'm sure you're responsible enough to live on your own," Tony scoffed, "so relax, you saved the world Peter. You deserve to relax a little. To Spider-man," he raised his glass high, "the hero of the world."

I blushed a little, "thanks Tony...for everything."

He shook his head, "trust me kid...the hard part begins now..."

That night:

I stood outside my house, standing by the porch while Ben and May directed the moving company SHIELD had hired to help them move. They were almost done packing, they began early this afternoon right before my big speech at Avengers tower, they were almost done now.

I leaned back and watched numbly as they packed everything away. Everything that May and Ben Parker owned was in that truck. Richard seemed to feel my...anxiety, he touched my shoulder loving and squeezed, not saying a word as he did.

"The last of the furniture and clothing have been packed away," the on field SHIELD agent informed us as she held a pad of all the things that needed to be shipped out of my home.

"Right...could you give us a moment?" Richard asked. I was silent for the whole night, quite, unsure off what exactly I should say.

After all, what can you say when your aunt and uncle have to move halfway across the country, and it's all your fault?

May and Ben approached, the woman smiled at me, wrapped in a heavy coat and rubbing her hands, "gosh it's cold tonight, how do you manage Peter? Do your powers help you stay warm?"

I looked at her and smiled sadly, "actually, it's the suit," I pulled on the black hoodie my suit looked similar to, "it's regulates my body temperature...helps me stay warm or cool in extreme conditions."

Ben whistled, "amazing champ, that's one hell of a suit you made. Is this what you were always going on about?"

I nodded, "yeah..." silence reigned, we looked at each other, I for one was unsure what to say...well, except this, "I'm sorry."

May smiled sadly, "Peter-"

"-No aunt May...I know you don't blame me but...it's my fault," I looked down, shame, "I put you in danger and because of me….you have to move."

"Peter….Peter look at me," she cupped my chin and lifted my head, forcing me to look into her eyes, "Peter...I know it took me a while, but I finally understand. I do. Spider-man… he is a hero, and I am proud to know that the boy I raised is that hero. You did a great thing...I-I can't say I like it, but I can't deny that the world is better off with you in it as Spider-man. We may have to hide now, but...I don't blame you Peter. I never will."

"Besides, we were talking about moving from Queens anyway," Ben added as he approached his wife and put an arm around her, "the city has become noisy. You might be there to save it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's no place for old people."

"Do you know where you're going to be staying?" Richard asked.

"Somewhere in Washington state," Ben said with a smile, "a small town up North and to the West, it's called Port Townsend. Supposed to be a quite enough place for us to live in."

"I'll visit," I told them immediately, "no matter what, I'll try to visit at least once a month."

"Peter," Ben hugged me, his arms wrapped around me like a loving blanket as I slowly hugged him back, "take care of yourself first kiddo...then you can worry about us, understood?"

I slowly pulled back and nodded, "yeah...I do."

Ben nodded, "good. And remember...with great power-"

"-Comes great responsibility," May, Richard and I said as one, a small chuckle escaping our lips.

Ben and May said their goodbyes and got into the moving truck. They would go to the airport where SHIELD would have a private plane waiting to transport them and their cargo.

Richard and I waved them goodbye as we stood on the porch and watched them drive away. I had Tony hack into SHIELD and destroy all reference of where May and Ben were being transferred, HYDRA still controlled SHIELD, so I'm not going to let them even get a shred of info about my family.

I knew it was needed but...damn it all to hell. Damn Doom. The first time he nearly killed me and costed me my Kitten, and now, he was in a world similar to hell, and yet he's still able to take away what I value most from me. Damn Doom.

Richard and I walked back inside, the living room was now empty, so was the dining room and some of the kitchen. When I said they took everything they own I meant it. The only things left intact in this house was the furniture in Richard's room and mine along with a few random items here and there.

"We'll need to move," Richard whispered, "maybe somewhere in the city."

"No," I shook my head, "it's too dangerous for you to stay with me. The only reason you're not going with Ben and May is because Fury promised to keep you safe."

The man looked hurt, "Peter...then where will you stay?"

"Sue called an hour ago," I replied, "she offered me a spare room in the Baxter building, I'll stay there for tonight. Are you going to stay here tonight? If you want you can come with me."

"No, it's fine, Fury called me in, I am running damage control, I need to figure out where and how Doom got that picture of you," Richard said, his fatherly side rearing its head in defense of me.

I nodded, "alright...so...call me if you find someplace to stay at...I'll probably swing by and say hi or something..."

"Peter," Richard said stopping me, I turned around and looked at him, "May and Ben might be gone...but we're still a family son."

"Dad...how can we be a family when you hate what I am?" I shook my head, "you never wanted me to be Spider-man, but that's just who I am. How-"

"-I...I don't know," he cut in, "I can't stand the thought of you in danger but...I'm proud of you son.."

I smiled at him, "thanks...dad."

Richard smiled, "yeah...sure. From now on, if you need me I'll be there, I promise."

I smiled, "thanks...dad," I turned and walked away. We went our separate ways, Richard yawned loudly, he was tired. But me? Well, I was superhuman, I didn't need much sleep. And now that Richard gave that fancy little pep talk, I think I might as well go and try to do some good.

I packed a bag and left a note on the table telling him I was going to get some work done. I got into my car and drove out into the city, the roads were filled, but not yet to the limit that I couldn't even drive. City that never sleeps indeed.

I pulled into the Baxter building and got into the elevator, climbing up to the top floor which was still broken apart to the pieces. We were going to have to rebuild everything. Again.

I got flashbacks to that horrible time so many months ago when Doom first destroyed me. I'm glad he's gone, the less people he can hurt the better.

I walked into the living room and sure enough Sue was there, still very much awake.

I blinked, "Sue? What are you doing up so late?"

The woman was a bit startled as she jumped a little in surprise before turning around and smiling, "oh, thank God Peter, hehe, sorry, just been a little on edge."

"Yeah, I can tell," I chuckled as I approached her, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket in the middle of the table, "so, can't sleep?"

"I'm fine," she shook her head, "don't worry."

"Hm...where's Ben and Johnny?" I asked.

"Ben left to Kamar-Taj again, he said he could come by tomorrow to help us clean up, get a leave of absence from the Ancient One and Johnny...he said he couldn't sleep in this place, decided to spend the night at Liz's."

I chuckled, "bold. I hope her dad doesn't find out, because I know for a fact that man has a shotgun."

"Oh? And how is that?"

"He thought I was a potential boyfriend, so the second time we meet he threatened me with it."

Sue threw back her head and laughed, "I wondered how he reacted when he found out he threatened Spider-man," we chuckled softly, but slowly the laughter and mirth died away. I bite into my apapel and ate in silence, She g.r.o.a.n.e.d, noticing my mood.

"Peter...what's wrong?" she asked.

"I-I….May and Ben just finished packing and leaving," I admitted as I sighed, "Fury got them into a witness protection program, because of what happened."

Sue's eyes widened, realising immediately what had happened. She lowered her head in shame, "I'm sorry," Sue said, her voice sounding strained, I saw her eyes tear up, "I'm so sorry."

"Hey now don't say that," I walked to her side and put a gentle arm on hers, squeezing it tight, "listen, this was bound to happen one day, I personally figured it would have happened in a few years but...this isn't your fault Sue. You know that right?"

"Peter, if I hadn't offered you a job with us...all of this, Doom, the portals...none of this would have happened to you. You would have gotten a chance to be a normal sixteen year old boy."

"And?" I scoffed, "do you think I would have stopped being Spider-man?" Sue remained silent, "well? Do you?"


"Exactly. You helped me, all of you did. You made me a better hero, you were there for me, you all helped me improve in ways I never thought possible. Making me...more."

Sue looked up, finally meeting my eyes, "but we're the reason Doom targeted you. If only I had the strength too..."

I reached up and cupped her cheek, "listen Sue," her tears threatened to fall, but she maintained eye contact, "you guys are the best thing that ever happened to me. Johnny is...probably the closest thing I'll ever have to best friend, Ben's the kindest guy I have ever met and even though I tend to piss Reed off sometimes, he's someone I care about."

"A-and me?" Sue asked.

I grinned, "you're my favorite one of them all Sue. You're the reason I'm even alive. If you hadn't saved me with Logan's blood after Doom almost killed me then...well, I wouldn't be here now would I?"

She looked at me for a moment, and time seemed to slow down. I immediately smelt her l.u.s.t roll out, warm maple syrup hit him hard. I was shocked by the rapid change, and then, she kissed me.

I felt her tongue lick my lips, seaking entrance, for a moment I was shocked, but slowly opened my lips, letting her in. She pushed me towards the kitchen counter, her legs raised and placed on top, forcing me to stay in one place as he hands reached wrapped around my neck, deepening the kiss as he pulled me closer.

My hands automatically moved to her h.i.p.s, cupping her a.s.s with one while the other moved up her body, holding her head and pulling her tighter. I heard her m.o.a.n as her hands moved downwards, she began kissing my neck, biting it playfully as her digits moved to my hoodie, reaching under and feeling my skin underneath, her small digits running up sending goosebumps through my body.

And then suddenly, she pulled away. Sue looked up at me, her hair framing her face perfectly, the only thing I could see was her beautiful face looking at me in concern. "Peter..." she said my name like it was the only thing that mattered in this world.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked.

"I...I know I shouldn't do this...that it isn't right," she whispered.

I sighed, "Sue...it's...it's fine...I unders-"

"No, you don't Peter...I can't give you forever or tomorrow, but I can give you at least tonight. Just tonight, for one night...I'll let myself be weak and listen to what my heart wants, just tonight," she pulled me down and kissed me before turning around and walking away.

I was left stunned, blinking as my eyes were stuck on her swinging h.i.p.s, the curves of her h.i.p.s seemingly calling for my touch with every movement. She stopped at the door and turned around, a single eyebrow raised, "well? Are you coming?"

I didn't say a word, I followed her as we went to her room, something I had never done before in all my time here. I didn't have time to observe it as she pushed me down onto the bed and reached for her uniform's zipper, slowly and seductively pulling it down, stripping for me.

She pulled the full body suit away, the darkness of the room hiding parts of her form. She pulled the suit down and suddenly her body shimmered, vanishing from my sight.

I blinked in confusion before channeling magic into my eyes and activating my Web Vision, seeing her golden aura still present before me.

She slowly put her hands behind her back, with a flick she removed her bra. She brought it to the side, I watched as suddenly a sky blue bra appeared in thin air before falling to the ground.

I saw her silhouette wiggle her behind as she pulled down her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, she then kicked it at me, covering my eyes.

The smell of her core hit me first, it called to me, awakened a part of myself that I had met once more, the part that demanded I take what was offered and do whatever I wanted.

I reached up and pulled the u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r down, removing them from my face, allowing me to see a now visible and fully nude Susan Storm, standing before me with a hand on her h.i.p.s and a another running up from the patch of blonde hair down below to her firm t.i.t.s.

"Well...are you just going to sit there?" she asked.

I threw her p.a.n.t.i.e.s away, without moving I sent a mental command, causing my entire suit to pull away and fold itself neatly on the floor, leaving me nude on her bed.

Sue's eyes immediately dropped down, widening as she saw what her perfect body did to me. My member grew harder and harder, standing up like a tower, the Invisible Woman smiled, "is that for me Peter?"

I reached out with my minot telekinetic abilities and pulled her, she yelped in laughter as I pulled her onto the bed, her legs immediately going around my h.i.p.s as her groin rested against my rock hard c.o.c.k.

She was soaking wet, she shuddered as her arms came on my shoulder as she slowly began to move up and down, grinding her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e c.l.i.t along my length.

"Sue," I growled, my patients slowly slipping as I grabbed her a.s.s checks with my hand, they forms nearly spilling out of my palms as I pulled them up and lowered them by a centimeter, allowing just my tip to stay in the beginning of her lips, holding it in place as her juices began running down.

"Peter," she whispered, leaning forward and shivering with excitement, "just do it."

I reached over and bite her neck, making her gasp as I pulled her down. She m.o.a.n.e.d into my ear as I felt myself fill her. And then, the m.o.a.ns turned to silent as she began to shiver, the deeper I went, the more she shook. Until finally, I sheathed myself whole inside of her.

She pushed me down on the bed. I watched as Sue began to slowly ride me, going faster and faster, her t.i.t.s bouncing, her cries muffled. She set the pace, but after a while, I began to grow annoyed.

I grabbed her arms and pulled out, keeping her c.u.n.t right over head, she looked confused, "Peter, what-"


In one swift movement I plunged fully into her core, Sue threw her head back and cried out in shock and p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e as I began to take over, the woman bouncing harder and harder as I kept going, f.u.c.k.i.n.g the c.u.n.t I wanted for so long.

She cried out into the night, if anyone else was here in the building, they might have heard. But there was no one, so we didn't have to be quite. No, we could be as loud as we wanted, and I could be as demanding as I wanted.

We changed forms every ten minutes, the woman's cry's of joy every time I plunged into her made me all the more determined to make the next one even louder.

I had her in the missionary position when she climaxed, wrapping her legs around me and my arms around my head, clutching me tightly as her legs shivermed from the act.

"I'm coming," I whispered into her ear.

"Outside, please," she whispered back as she let go.

I stood up straight and pulled out, her juices covering me wholes, lubricating it well enough that I could see light reflecting off of its length. I ran the underside of my c.o.c.k over her core and grunted as I felt sweet release finally come.

Sue looked down in curiosity, and she got a surprise for that act. Ropes of c.u.m shot out, covering her entire body in a straight line, covering her t.i.t.s before reaching her face, straling the woman.

I painted when I was done, signing in sweet relief. I looked down and saw Sue wipe the c.u.m covering her face off and hold it up in the air. She looked curious, I watched as she slowly stuck her tongue out as a few drops entered her mouth.

She gulped once and then began l.i.c.k.i.n.g her fingers clean. Immediately I felt my body grow bold once more, I felt my vigor renewed as I grabbed my already hardening lenght with one hand and smacked her cunt's lenght with it.

Sue's eyes blinked in surprise as she looked down, her eyes was filled with surprise before suddenly they shot open in shock as I sheathed myself inside her, hitting her cervix as her entire body shivered.

"A-again?" she gasped out.

I smiled as I leaned forward, nearly my entire shaft was inside her now, "one night remember? Just one...I'm going to make it a night to remember."

She smiled, suddenly pushing me to the side as she got on top, straddling me. She cried out into the night and I smiled, for a moment, I forgot all my pain and suffering tomorrow can wait, I'll enjoy the present for now. Until tomorrow came to ruin it all.

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