Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 57 - Phylum- Chordate

The sun was just rising when I woke up, yawning and stretching as I looked around, rubbing the sleep from my eyes to find myself in an oddly familiar room. It took me a moment to realise where I was.

I looked to my side and saw Susan resting her head on one of my arms, a large blanket covering her body's modesty as her hair danced down her body. She was finally letting it grow, I liked short hair, but she just seemed...s.e.xier with it going long.

I wanted to say something, to whisper good morning, but before I could, she woke up, growling. She humned, her eyes flickering open as she looked up, her eyes blinking away sleep as she smiled at me, "morning Peter."

"Morning Sue," I smiled back, "did you sleep well?"

"You know we didn't do much sleeping," she smiled as she leaned forward, capturing my lips in a kiss. She moved her body on top of mine and smiled at me, "last night was..."

"Amazing?" I smirked.

"Spectacular," she whispered, kissing me again, but slowly the happiness in her eyes seemed to slip away as she looked down at me with a sad smile, " was last night...and...I...I'm sorry Peter, but I can't do this...not with you."

I smiled, reaching out as I cupped her face in my hand, "I know...I promise you Sue, I've never hated being as young as I am than I do right now."

She smiled, "I know...and I'm sorry," she leaned down and kissed me again, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as the sunlight danced across that golden curtain, "if you need me a guide, a friend, a shoulder to lean on or anything...I'll be there. But I can't….I can't be anything more than that."

I sighed, "damn my luck..." I looked into her eyes, trying to memorise every single detail on her face and on her body, because I knew, just knew, that one day, I would forget it all. I sighed, "damn it all Susan Storm, why do you have to be so difficult?"

She smiled, and without a word, she leaned down again, this time though, I knew it would be the last.

Her fingers danced down my face, seemingly trying to map every line on it. Her lips soft and now familiar against mine. But just as I started to get into it, S.e.xy's voice came out.

"Peter, I'm sorry to interrupt, but you're getting a call from Mr. Stark and he says it's urgent," the AI stated quickly.

Sue pulled away and smiled, "duty calls."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "can you tell him to wait? I should at least say a proper goodbye..."

"I'm sorry Peter but-" her voice suddenly cut off, replaced by Tony's, "Peter! Get your a.s.s over here now!"

"Get out of my suit's system Stark!" I yelled back.

Immediately the voice changed back to S.e.xy's, "apologizes, Mr. Stark is quite...good at finding out my weak points. It won't happen again."

Sue chuckled as she crawled off me and plopped on the bed, "go on Peter...I'll see you later."

I sighed, with great regret I got out of Sue's bed, knowing it would probably be the last time I would ever be in it. I turned around, she smiled, and I smiled back, emptying on the inside.

I snapped my fingers and immediately my costume came alive and shot onto my body, clinging onto my form like ink before spreading and covering me wholey, suiting me up in my Black Spider costume.

I left out the window, Sue waving goodbye as she held her sheets up to cover herself. I jumped and gave a mental comand, the shield shaped silver backpack wicked alive, the thruster I had installed roared, sending me flying into the air.

The speed, the thrill of the elevation, all of it helped me to forget the pain. The pain of not being with someone I knew liked me. And the pain of all the things that happened to me the last few days. All of it just seemed to come crashing down and I...I just let the wind rush past my head to drown it all out.

I flew to the Avenger's tower and landed on the long wearly ramp Tony had as a balcony, quickly walking inside his pent house where I found him pouring over a bunch of doc.u.ments on his holotable, looking at them frantically.

"Good morning Tony," I nodded to him as I walked inside, "why did you call?"

"Good morning? Why? Didn't you just reveal your secret identity to the world yesterday?" Tony asked, sparing me a glance before returning to his work.

"Just an expression man," the suit pulled away my mask revealing my face. I looked up at the doc.u.ments Tony was pouring over and g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "hey...are these SHIELD doc.u.ments?"

"Yes, the program I had installed yesterday into the main terminal finally came through, it's-" he stopped and looked at me. Perring at my face as he narrowed his eyes.

I blinked, "ah...can I help you Tony?"

He looked me over, and then, without hesitation, he said, "you had s.e.x didn't you?"

My eyes shot open, "what?!"

"Don't' bother denying it kid, I can tell, you have that happy go lucky smirk on your face."

"I always have a happy go lucky smirk on my face!"

"The same week when you had to say goodbye to your Aunt and Uncle for possibly the rest of your life? I don't think so.'re glowing," Tony smirked, "so, who's the lucky lady?"

I sighed, "someone I won't ever be seeing again... so can it, please," I pointed to the files.

Tony chuckled, "fine, lucky dog," he pulled up the files and pushed one in particular over to me, "I thought you would want to see this."

I motioned to the hologram with my fingers and made it larger, narrowing my eyes as I recognized the doc.u.ment.

It was an official pardon from the President of the United States for one Walter Hardy. Felicia's father. And it was dated nearly a year ago.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, something wasn't right. Why did Fury have this? Why did SHIELD? They planned on having Walter rot for the rest of his natural life in prison. But now...why a pardon?

Something didn't add up in my head, it didn't make sense. A mystery was before me, but I didn't even understand what I was searching for.

"Where did you find this?" I asked Tony.

"In Fury's personal computer," the man replied, "it wasn't easy and took JARVIS, the most sophisticated computer AI on the planet over ten hours to do it, but I managed to crack it open."

"What else did you find?" I asked him.

"Nothing else of importance," Tony g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "although there is mention of some secret project here called Project Insight...which I have a vague memory of Fury telling me about."

"You don't remember?" I asked surprised.

"It was during that time when I was working myself to death right after the Battle in New York," he replied, I nodded in understanding, no wonder he didn't remember. But I did.

Project Insight, HYDRA's secret plan to destroy any and all threats to their reign. But, could this have something to do with Walter's pardon? Maybe HYDRA planned on using this to incentivise Felicia to free her father, but after she did it herself found it pointless?

I racked my brain for the longest time but I couldn't figure it out. Something was missing here...something big.

"S.e.xy...can you search for any reports of famous and expensive artifacts being stolen from the most dangerous and secure places in the world?"

"Doing it now," My AI replied as my mask reformed over my face, the screen serving as an augmented reality HUD displaying an image of the entire planet Earth before me as small dots came all over the place.

"Now...remove all the ones where the thieves got caught or were even identified," Felicia and Walter were too good for something like that to happen to them.

Immediately the number of red dots came down to around ten.

"Now, I want you to from a line from the oldest heist to the newest," I watched as the trail began in Rome, a bust was stole. Then England were painting vanished, to Paris, to Tokyo to half a dozen other crimes before finally stopping at Bulgaria, an Eastern European country I wasn't overly familiar with.

But, right next to it was something I knew. Sokovia. The country that was featured in Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. Which is also base to a secret HYDRA base.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, all these places...they all sounded familiar. I blinked, a sudden connection forming in my head, an odd one to be sure, but a connection.

"S.e.xy, do we still have a copy of all those HYDRA bases we found for Fury in Wyndham's lair?" I asked, it was a long shot, but something told me it was worth it.

"Yes, would you like me to display them as well?"

I nodded and watched as the AI did just that. They were represented by dots of blue. And immediately the pattern formed. Out of the ten heists I suspected Felicia and Walter of commiting I found the six matched up exactly with the locations of the first six HYDRA bases.

They then divulged from there, but, the pattern was set. The first one didn't match up, Rome was an oddity, but the next there fit the picture.

Maybe those three places were coincidental, London, Paris and Tokyo were metropolitan cities, HYDRA would of course have a base of operations there.

But the next two, they were smaller and while still had things to steal, they weren't all that common places. Like Zimbwaya, which fit Felicia's MO, steal from the rich and corrupt. So that means, until the fifth place, they were just following this list, and then...they moved on.

They changed courses, all these bases were empty. Fury admitted as much, but maybe they found something in them? But why would she even be attempting this? Tracking down HYDRA bases? That's...that's just f.u.c.kign stupid.

"Peter," Tony said in a warning tone, "you might want to see this."

I truend of my augmented reality setting and looked at the billionaire. The man pushed another hologram at me and I read it eagerly. I looked through the files and immediately I realised what I was holding.

It was a location, just outside of Rome, the first location Felicia had stolen from. The doc.u.ment stated that a signal from this location had come and activated the Doom robot I had in my lab, causing it to free Doom form the Negative zone and cause the worst day of my life.

And, attached to the location was a video. A video of a person in black sneaking into my room and tampering with the Doom robot, placing something inside, I suspect he was the reason the robot even came alive.

Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. The man enslaved by...HYDRA.

"S.e.xy, put the location onto the map," I said with a far away voice, my thoughts running a hundred miles per hour as I watched the map of the globe from before displayed before me. And slowly, the pin pin of a HYDRA base mixed with the red of Felicia's theft.

Six out of ten heists, six and I knew the last place she targeted had a HYDRA base too, that made seven out of the ten place Felicia Hardy is suspect to have stolen from also containing a HYDRA base.

It suddenly clicked.

My suit moved back from my face, my confused and conflicted face. Tony looked at me with curiosity, "Peter? Kid? Are you okay? What happened?"

"I...I need to sit down," I replied as I moved to the sofa and plopped on it, my eyes far off in the distant.

HYDRA was responsible for Doom. I know this now. They...they had the Winter Soldier reactivate the Doom bot and then sent a signal to activate it. They broke me and...Felicia began tracking them.

"Kid. Are you okay?" he asked again, and again, I ignored him.

How did she even know? How did she know any of this? One was a coincidence, twice a pattern, seven times is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g sign from God less subtle than Hulk throwing a temper tantrum!

And she was following it. The places form the Wyndham list she could have just memorized. Hell, I wouldn't' be surprised if she did. But Rome? And Sokovia? No, no way in f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell.

She couldn't have known about Rome, the files were in Fury's computer. It took Tony Stark ten hours to get into it and...unless...he told her.

But why? Why would he?

I gasped, surprise, shock, confusion and then anger. Pure unfiltered anger.

"Tony," I growled, turning the man who took a visible step back as I got on my feet, my suit retracting over my face, covering my entire body, "thank you, I'll talk soon."

"Why? Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah. I'm going to f.u.c.k.i.n.g kill Nick Fury!"

Tony's eyes winded, "what?! Why?!"

I ignored the man, walking to the varanda, I needed answers, I demanded answers! "Peter! Peter wait! JARVIS!"

Immediately three suits of armour came out from hidden compartments all around the room, stopping me from leaving. I snarled and turned around, "Tony, don't."

"At least tell me why Pete! I deserve that!" Tony demanded.

I looked at him, I snarled as my mask retracted showing my enraged form, "Fury had something to do with Felicia leaving."

"What? Kid, what are you talking about?"

"She's been targeting HYDRA bases Tony!" I yelled as I mentally ordered S.e.xy to send him the data I gathered and the model globe I made, "look! Look at that and tell me that's not a f.u.c.kign pattern!"

Tony g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he did just that, looking the format over and slowly, his eyes began to wide, "shit. But why? Why would he do this?"

"Walter Hardy," I growled, "he's the greatest f.u.c.kign thief in the world. Able to get in anywhere...including-"

"-HYDRA bases," Tony concluded as he looked down, going over the data, "what are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna find Fury and beat him until he tells me the truth!" I roared.

"W-while I don't say he doesn't deserve it...maybe, maybe you should hold off."

"Why? Why should I do that Tony?!" I demanded.

"Because I think your ex needs your help far more than Fury," Tony said, "if she is tracking HYDRA, then it's only a matter of time before...well, something-"

I turned and dashed away, 'no! No! No! Not again! I have had it with those f.u.c.kers taking things from me!' I slipped past Tony's robots and ran out to the balcony, jumping and taking off into the sky.

I began to think, really think.

I have been patient too long. I figured I should let things run their course because I had my plate full here. But now...I realised I should have done something about this a long time ago, HYDRA is a plague, I'm so worried about changing things too much I wouldn't recognize them that I let these f.u.c.kers get away when I could have stopped them.

But now? Now after Doom revealed my identity to the world, losing everyone Peter Parker and I care for, losing so very much, I have had all I can take.

So...f.u.c.k canon, I'm making my own rules. I'm going to find HYDRA, destroy every single base they own and then burn them alive. Let's see them regrow it when they have nothing left.

I flew over to the Baxter building and landed on the veranda. I opened the door and walked in, finding Sue and Ben cleaning up the place.

The blonde noticed me first, she smiled the same smile she gave to Peter Parker, her employee, not the one she had this morning. I knew then, what we had was gone, but...I still needed to talk to her.

Sue waved, "hey Peter, that was fast. What did Tony want?"

I faltered, "Sue I...we need to talk," she grew worried, I felt doubt come out of her body.

"Ah, anything I should know?" Ben asked in a confused tone.

"Just a little advice," I told him as I motioned Sue to follow me.

We entered my lab and I locked the door behind me, turning to the woman who looked confused, "Peter, is everything alright?"

"Sue...I..." my mask moved away, my eyes looking into hers as she reached up and gathered my hand in hers.

" can tell me."

I sighed, "I just found out that Felicia is tracking HYDRA bases around the world."

Sue blinked, "and how did you find that out?" I showed her the data by displaying it on my lab terminal. She took a while to study it, inspecting every angle, but in the end, she came to the same conclusion.

She looked at me, "are you going after her?"

"I am...but not just her," I growled, "I'm going after HYDRA. The whole of it. I'm going to burn it all."

"I see...and your doing it to get her back," Sue said as she looked at me, holding my face in her hands.

I squeezed her wrists, "I….am I doing the right thing?"

Sue smiled, I didn't know how, but she had the courage to smile and say, " are. I meant what I said Peter...just that night, that's all I can give you. But Felicia...when you had her, you were happy...happier than you were when you didn't have her. So go, be happy."

"What about you?"

"Will you stop thinking about other for once and worry about yourself Peter Parker?!" Sue snapped with a glare, "I'll be fine...I made my choice and I will stick to it, it's part of being an a.d.u.l.t."

"I...I don't' know if I'm going to be with her again Sue...or even if I can. After what she did I-"

"Peter," she cut me, "don't you owe it to yourself to at least try?"

I smiled, placing my forehead next to hers, "thank you", she said nothing, just smiling in return as she squeezed my hands between her's. We stayed there for a little while longer, I held her in my arms and rested, just one more moment of weakness I knew Sue allowed herself, and I was glad she did.

We walked out of the room to see Ben standing in the kitchen counter looking very curious at the both of us, "what happened? What were you doing in there for so long?"

I sighed, "I found Felicia...and she's in trouble."

Ben's eyes widened, "what?!"

It took me a while to explain, but I did. He understood and offered to come, but I denied him, this was a stealth mission. He was a bit angry, but he understood.

I went back to my lab and began packing supplies, getting food and water and putting them into my suit's backpack. I then had S.e.xy search for any news about any precious jewels or other items being brought into Sokovia, Felicia wouldn't be able to resist that.

I was airborne within ten minutes, my car now in flight mode as it soared across the Atlantic. I had Doc pilot the car as I placed a call to Richard.

"-I you're going after HYDRA," the man humming through the phone, "but why now?"

"Other than the fact I just discovered they were behind the worst day of my life and I now have nothing else to lose? I decided to do something about them. Don't' worry, I'll be careful," I promised.

He sighed, " safe son. I almost lost you once," he said nothing else as he cut the call.

I sighed rubbing my eyes, so much to do. Damn you better have a damn good explanation for this when I find you. "S.e.xy, do you have a possible location for Felicia?"

"Yes Spider," a holographic image of a giant set of royal jewel appeared on the screen, "these are the Smykaria royal jewels, they are the prize holdings of the Smkaria royal family. They are to host a banquet in two day at the palace and have them on display. There is an 75% of Ms. Hardy showing up there."

"But the last place we saw her was Sokovia," I argued, "why would she be in Smykaria."

"The two nations share a border, as such it would extremely easy for Ms. Hardy to travel between the two countries. And the royal family match Ms Hardy's MO, rich, powerful and by the claims of several freedom fighters in Symkaria, extremely corrupt. There are also rumors of a new trade partner supplying arms to the civil discourse happening in the country coming in from Sokovia. There is a 63% chance that this HYDRA."

"Meaning it would be the perfect place to find someone who's tracking HYDRA and loves stealing jewelry," I concluded with a sigh, "how long until we reach?"

"Around 8 hours giving our current speed," the AI replied.

I leaned back and sighed, nodding, "great," I looked out the window at the sky passing by. What am I going to say to her? What am I going to do? Should I just walk up to her say, 'hello sweetie?'

Or...f.u.c.k me. I don't know, I just don't know what to do with her. I need her to tell me why she did what she did, but then...I don't know, or care. HYDRA has to go and I have to make sure she's safe.

A day later:

I sat in a towel on the bed inside the hotel room I was renting, looking at a hologram my suit made through camera planted into the suit, serving as a virtual SA.

DIsplayed on it was various articles about Smykaria and its people. Apparently there was a civil war going on, and a bad one that that. I sighed at the death toll, this was...maddening.

I closed the screen and got up, washing my face in my bathroom sink and sighing, today was the day...I'm so not ready for this.

"S.e.xy, did you hack into the guest list and get me an invite?" I asked as I finished washing up and walked to my bed where the rest of costume layed inactive.

"Yes Peter. I have you listed as one Anthony Whiteman, born in New York city exactly 20 years ago. Both parents deceased, but they left you a sizeable inheritance. A trust fund brat that was kicked out of Harvard for causing a fire and sleeping with a teaching. Also, he's a noted drug user. I have your background information forged, three DUI's and a single arrest dating back three years ago. You're official listing for traveling to this country is for rest and relaxation."

I nodded, "good," I picked up the suit and watched as it covered my body on its own, transforming into a black and white tuxedo complete with a bow tie before the nanobots came upwards to cover my face as well, creating a sheet of nanobots over my face and hair.

"Intiateing the second face program," I looked at myself in the mirror as it shimmered, transforming into a different face. The face of another man, one with dark rusty hair that was untamed with blue eyes.

I looked at the mirror, sure enough I looked like the person S.e.xy described the eyes of a drug addict and the swollen cheek bones of an unhealthy mess. My tuxedo was baggy enough to hide my figure underneath, hopefully no one will get close enough to realise obvious difference form my face and body.

"Hm, S.e.xy, the eyes are a little dead," I noted as I pulled down the skin, the fabric the face was displayed on stretched as it happened, "and the second mask is pretty obvious, can you change it?"

"I'll try," the AI replied as soon enough my face changed, making the eyes seem more real and the skin less like a second mask.

"Cool," I smirked, "let's go impress," I walked out of the hotel and took the lift down. Waiting for me downstairs was a chauffeur and a limo, both of whom I had rented for the evening. I got in and we set off, my stomach tossin and turnin. I was going to see her again.

It took well over an hour to reach the castle. It was off a late 18th century French design...or at least that's what the wikipedia article I found on the subject told me.

As the limo pulled into the gates I spotted armed guards everywhere, on the wall, at the checkpost, even a few hidden in trees. The driver lowered the window and handed the gaurd at the gate my forged invitation. Fortunately they used a digital checklist for the party, menaing S.e.xy had no trouble hacking into the system and getting me through.

The limo was cleared and drove through the opened gates. It waited in line, several other vehicles were present before us. Rich expensive cars like Lambos and Ferraris.

I was dropped off at the entrance and a butler directed me into the main ballroom without even blinking, hm, do they get young foreign kids a lot around these parts? Or was my invitation enough to stay off any questions? Either way, shitty security was shitty.

My footsteps echoed through the halls as I walked through them. I was amazed at the artwork and painting displayed around us, Symkaria had a rich history, as expected of any country of Europe.

I then entered the ballroom, slipping through unnoticed by anyone, which did kind of disappoint me. I mean come on, this is the royal palace of Smkaria! This is just too f.u.c.k.i.n.g easy!

I just know that if Natasha was here she would be rolling her eyes and feeling proud. She really was a great teacher at this sort of stuff.

My thoughts were random, unfocused. But then again after finding out everything I knew for a year had been a lie, anyone would be just the same. I kept looking around, trying to find any sign of Felicia, but failing.

So I turned to everyone else. I then noticed a large group of a.d.u.l.ts gathered around a couple near the center. A tall gentleman with a thick groomed beard in a military garb with several medals attach to his right b.r.e.a.s.t and a sword at his side and an older woman with a thick blue dress that revealed nothing to be seen, very conservative in appearance.


"The Prime Minister of Smykaria and his wife," the AI whispered as I walked far away, taking a glass of champagne from a server and sipped it, the suit opening a small slit, connecting 'Anthony's' mouth and my own, allowing me to drink the fine beverage, "but it's strange because according to the government's publicly available schedule he is supposed to be on the other side of the country treating with the families of fallen soldiers."

I hummed, narrowing my eyes at them as I continued on.

I had S.e.xy run scans on every single person in this room. And sure enough, they were all high ranking diplomats and other important figures in the Smkaria government. As I walked around I gained a layout of the room, I checked everyone in here, but no Felicia.

I grumbled, but as I passed through a large window I looked outside and saw that there were more people outside in the palace gardens. No, not people, children and teenagers. It would seem the children were expected to 'play' while the a.d.u.l.ts planned to screw over the country. How quaint.

I quickly found the way to the garden through a pair of opened porch doors near the back of the room. I walked out and was amazed, the place was huge, bigger than the one Xavier had that's for sure.

The garden had been set up to an extravagant design, drinks and food left to one corner while lights were strung up all around, illuminating the entire land.

There were around fifty kids here, and by kids I meant actually children below 10 all the way to teenagers around my age. The former were running around and playing while the latter were all gathered together around a large round bench of sorts where ten children sat down talking while the people around them laughed and jokes.

Curious, I walked down to join them, slowly mixing in with the group and looking over their shoulders, I was easily the tallest person there, the older children seemed to be the ones sitting down while the younger were standing.

"So I told the french whore to kiss my ass! There was no way I was paying a grand for the horrible painting!" a voice cried out in the local language of Smykarian. A language I had picked up on the 8 hour journey here. I turned to the source of the voice and immediately my eyes landed on a pompous looking blonde boy who made Harry seem poor.

He wore what looked to be a silk suit that was dyed purple with gold highlights. And something told me that was real gold. He wore a giant ruby ring on his left hand and a giant green ring on his right.

The people around laughed at his joke, the blonde prince chuckled. He had to be a prince, no else could possible make me want to hurt him this badly. And then suddenly out of the laughter, a single voice called out.

"So this is what you do my prince? While the rest of the country starves and cries out for justice, you buy expensive paintings from France and throw lavish parties?"

We all turned and sitting down opposite to the prince was a girl with silver hair. And that simple fact alone made me gasp.

I then looked to her eyes, and immediately a lead ball sunk down to my gut. They were not the same. They were blue. They were pretty, sure, but they weren't the green I grew to love, the green of jade.

She wore a silver dress that had a collar around her neck that came down her body, leaving her shoulders and back exposed. She sat up straight, like a queen, her hands covered with gloves and a silver bag on her l.a.p.

She had an icy cold stare leveled at the prince as the boy gave a snarky roll of the eyes, "ah cousin, I don't' want to hear that from you. A woman who spends all her time traveling the world and has spent less than a month in her home country this past year has no right to question me on my actions."

"Those trips as you call them are to countries that trade or wish to do business with us. I wasn't there to party my time away like you do, but rather find partners to raise Smykaria's standing in the world," the teenage woman narrowed her eyes at the prince, "so one can argue I do more for our country out of it, than you ever have inside it, cousin," she spat.

"Care to say that again Silver?" the prince said narrowing his eyes as the people around slowly began to move, covering behind him to show their support.

"Only a coward needs to hide behind others to fight their battles," Silver hissed.

"Only a fool would dismiss the hearts of the people," the prince shot back. I on the other hand just stood and watched them go at each other. Hm, Silver...Silver….wait...Silver?! As in Silver Sable?! Didn't she and Peter Parker have some kind of connection?!

Ah! What is it?! It's been two years since I read a single comic book! I can't be expected to have an encyclopedic knowledge of everything!

"You think you are so much better than everyone else don't' you?" the Prince snarled, "what? Just because your father manages the Wild Pack you are suddenly better than your family? Don't forget, family first Silver, always."

"Not at the price of the country Arthur," she replied.

"Then you are a traitor to us all," he spat.

"I would gladly be a traitor than-"

"-alright ladies, that's enough," the voice alone made my brain short circuit for a moment. I didn't catch the next words, but after I recovered enough I was desperate for them, looking around for the source and spotting her approached the table, "what would the people think if they say you both fighting like this?"

She wore a black dress, because of course she would. She had a pair of black gloves that came up till her biceps and a dress that was a mirror image of the one Silver wore. She had a smile on her face and a look of confidence.

And then she walked past me, like I wasn't' even there. I had to say, I was a little disappointed. And at the same time, I was glad, because I didn't know what I would say.

"Ah, my dear Felicia, my cousin's newest...friend," the price gave a perverse smile, "how glad to see you again. You are always such a fetching sight to behold," his eyes roomed up and down her body, spending ample enough time on her heavy b.r.e.a.s.ts.

"I wish I could say the same prince, but I cannot," she winked, causing many to laugh at the Prince's expense, even Silver cracked a smile. I rolled my eyes, wasn't pissing off people in power my thing?

The Prince looked her over, smiling happily as he admired her curves, "you look very fetching my dear, although," his eyes landed on her hands, "those bracelets are poorly made."

I turned and sure enough she was wearing the silver bracelets I had made for her on her birthday. The ones that acted as web shooters...she still had them. They were beaten and well worn now, some was even scratched to hell and back, but she still wore them.

She touched them gently with a smile, "I'm afraid they're off a sentimental quality."

"So what are you two here for today?" the Prince asked as he leaned back in his seat, "begging for more troops to secure the border? More food for the orphans?"

"All things the royal family should be helping with without us having to ask," Silver snapped.

"The royal family is not the government, Symkaria has a proper democratic government now, is that now what the people wanted when they overthrew out family Silver?" the prince mocked, "if they want so much more off our coffers, we might as well be put in charge again, otherwise why should we waste our money on them?"

"Because they are your people," Felicia argued as she moved to a seat currently occupied by a teenage boy. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow, the boy immediately got up and offered her the seat, she smiled and sat down, turning back to them, "the people have lost faith in the royal family, only Silver's actions have awarded you with some good will. If you don't act soon-"

"-What? Revolt? Ha?! As if they hadn't already tried!" the prince and his entourage laughed hard, "look around you Silver, everyone gathered here are clearly on the right side here. They are the hiers to every fortune and empire in this great country. With them at my side, what have I to fear?"

The kids felt proud at the proclamation, obviously easily manipulated. They all smirked and grinned at each other. Silver's eyes roamed the people's faces, before landing on mine.

She smiled, "not all," she then turned to me, "who are you stranger? I don't believe I have ever seen you here before."

I blinked, I turned around, I was alone. While they talked everyone had moved slowly to the Prince's side, leaving me standing in the middle...alone. Shit!

I looked around, everyone was staring at me. I then turned to Felicia, and she smiled at me. It wasn't her real smile though, it was the fake one she wore whenever she saw her mother's clients, when we had to deal with annoying people, when she left…

"Hello?" Silver asked again, "are you with us?"

"A simpleton, no wonder he supports you," the Prince mocked, the others laughing almost on cue.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm sorry did you say something? I don't speak inbred douchebag." The entire garden grew quite. I blinked. 'F.u.c.k.'

And then Silver threw her head back and laughed, "hahaha! He got you there my prince!"

Felicia gave a polite chuckle, "you have quite a tongue on you...and possibly balls the size of the moon to insult a prince in his castle."

I blinked and turned out the boy, he was fuming red, possible something ruptured inside. I sighed, f.u.c.k it, let's just go with it.

I cleared my throat, "well you see, anyone who is so blind to the struggle of his people's worries, even if they abandoned theme, doesn't deserve that people's respect in the first place," I turned to Felicia and locked eyes with her and smiled, "I doesn't matter what they did to you...all that matters is what you want for them."

Felicia smiled and nodded, "well said."

"Tell me boy, what is your name?" the Prince asked with a snap of his fingers, gaining my attention.

"Antony, Antony Whethermen," I gave a mocking bow, "at your service."

"Hmph, I'm sure," he took a goblet of wine, I'm guessing it was wine, and sipped it, "so tell me, what are you doing here, foreigner?" at the mention of my status, everyone became hostile.

I shagged, "just looking for some fun. I heard you guys have some killer slops, thought I would give them a try."

The Prince snorted, "tourists. No wonder. You dont' know a thing about this country and yet for some reason you are qualified enough to pass judgement when I doubt you can even was that disgusting mop you call hair." The entourage chuckled.

I smiled and slowly walked towards Silver. The girl looked curious and watched as I stood behind her like a bodyguard, "true, my hair is kinda bad. And I am a foreigner, but I would rather place my ch.i.p.s on her than you," I motioned to Silver.

"And why is that?" the Prince asked.

"Simple, it's because she's someone who values people over power, she show's respon-"


A bell cut me off. I blinked and turned, "what was that?"

The Prince snorted as and the others got up, "that means it's time for dinner," he turned and shot me a glare, "I won't' forget this insult Anthony Weatherman. I'll make sure to make your life a living hell"

I snorted, "I very much doubt a child like you can do that, but feel free to try." The Prince glared at me and motion this entourage to follow, he began to whisper to his friends, obviously planning on getting me back. I wonder how far he'll go...maybe attempted murder?

"You really shouldn't try his patients," Silver said as she and Felicia got. She turned to me and smiled, extending her hand, "I am Silver Sablinova, cousin to the Prince. My father is the head of the Wild Pack."

I smiled as I bent down and kissed her knuckles, "glad to have a name for the woman I just risked my neck for."

Silver chuckled, "well then maybe next time you'll learn to hold your tongue."

"As if you have any right to talk," Felicia rolled her eyes, "you have said much worse to him."

"I'm his cousin, he can't hurt me...but our new friend here," Silver trailed off before snapping back to attention, "oh how rude, Anthony, this is Felicia Hardy, a friend of mine from the States. Judging for you accent you are from there as well yes?"

I smiled and nodded, "yes I am. New York actually."

"Oh, I'm Manhattan girl through and through," Felicia said as she extended her hand as well.

Time seemed to slow down as I touched it and held the hand in mine. The rush of emotions I felt was a mix of joy and a bittersweet hello. I brought it up to my lips and kissed ti with an audible smack, pouring every single thought I had into that kiss.

Felicia seemed a little nervous as she hastily took her hand back, obviously creeped out. I gave no outward appearance as I simply smiled back, "so...what exactly is a city girl like you doing here? No offence Silver, but Symkaria isn't exactly someplace you would go for the weather...other than skiing off course."

Silver chuckled, "noen taken. Felicia here is actually somewhat off a rebel. She's a free spirit and has been traveling with her family for the past year."

"I happened to met Silver a few months ago and we have been inseparable ever since," Felicia continued and finished, "come, we probably should eat anyway."

"Oh, right, may I?" I offered my hand.

Felicia smiled slyly, "oh sorry Tony dear, but you're going to have to be a lot more charming than that if you want to hold my hand."

"While I am no such prude," Silver shot in as she quickly looked her hand around mine, smiling at me.

I blinked, "r-right. That's nice..." we walked to the castle, Silver leading me with Felicia walking before us both.

"Don't' take it personally," Silver said in a mockingly loud whisper, "she just has very high standards. Her last boyfriend was somewhat of a legend in the girl's eyes, has never been able to let him go."

"What do you mean last boyfriend?" Felicia shot back.

"Is he not?" Silver raised an eyebrow, "I thought after that red headed vixen you slept with in Paris you would have forgotten about him by now."

"First off all, her name was Francesca," Felicia smirked, "and second off all, I have not. I still care for him very, very much..."


Felicia sighed, "it's complicated."

"It really is not," Silver snorted, "you see, she left him some time ago. Poor thing was heartbroken, she did move on, the french redhead helping her along," THAT BITCH IS SO DEAD! ",but for some reason she insists on staying single forever."

"Because I'm going back to him soon enough," Felicia huffed, "I'm sure he's f.u.c.k.e.d a few women along the time we been separated too...hell, I bet he's done more than a few, knowing him and the amount of women he keeps attracting. But I'm sure off it, after this, we can work something out."

My eyebrow twitched, "real? What makes you so sure?"

"Because it's the kind of man he is."

"Most men aren't like that."

"He isn't most men," she smiled back.

"Oh? And what exactly is this man's name? I simply must know."

Silver chuckled, "you'll never guess."

Felicia smiled and replied, "his name is Peter Parker."

I raised an eyebrow, I smiled and continued in my continued disbelieving tone, "Spider-man?"




"I don't believe you."

"Fine, you don't have too."


Felicia smirked, "yup."

"Do you have proof?"

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"Oh no, not at all...possibly delusional, maybe crazy, but definitely not a liar."

Silver snorted as Felicia smirked and rolled her eyes, "funny. Enough talking about my love life already, Antony, do you have someone waiting for you back at home?"

I blinked, "ah...yeah...kind off."

"What do you mean?" Silver asked curiously.

"'s kind of complicated. You see, she broke up with me and left. I ended up dating a few other women but nothing stuck. And now I recently found out she's in trouble and I'm planning on visiting her soon enough, but...well, I'm pretty sure if I do she'll want to get back together or even if I should get back with her. know, I don't' know exactly how I should react."

"Oh...I see..." Silver humned sounding disappointed.

Felicia frowned at her friend being sad but sighed and continued, "well it depends, do you care for this old flame?"

"Yes, a lot."

"Then why not?"

"I...I'm not sure. She broke my heart Felcia, shattered it and I...I don't know if I'm ready to forgive her., it's complicated it."

Felicia smiled, "well, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

I hummed, " Silver, what about you? Any guys in your life? Any girls?"

Silver smoked, "I'm afraid the rumors about my s.e.x.u.a.lity have been greatly misinterpreted Mr. Weatherman. I am, unfortunately for Felicia, one hundred percent straight."

Felicia rolled her eyes, "oh please, the only reason you haven't fall too my charms is because I didn't try hard enough."

"Sure, sure," Silver waved her off before turning to me, "and yes, I am single. It's difficult to find a partner to be with when you're also trying to prevent civil war."

"How so?" I asked as we entered the palace, Silver guiding us to the dining hall.

"Oh right, you're still new here," Felicia whispered as she continued, "well you see, the economic sanctions the UN placed on Latveria, our neighbor, is hurting our economy as well. The entire West of Symkaria is starving, while the East is being attacked my invasion forces from other countries.

"Only the South is at peace, which is coincidentally where the Royal family resides. All off this is causing panic throughout the country. Some are even fighting back against the government's forces, demanding the royal family be given power to set things right again."

I narrowed my eyes, "so you believe they might be doing nothing so that the people will abandon their democratic government and give the royal family power just to stop this from happening?"

Silver blinked, "that's an awfully huge leap in logic you just made there."

I shrugged, "I tend to be right that's why the Prince seemed so testy...but why? What's the point?"

Silver seemed to have an answer, but before she could Felicia cut in, "who knows. Maybe for the oldest reason possible, power," she shrugged, stopping Silver with a simple glare. Obviously there was more going on here...damn it, why haven't I told her who I really am yet?!

I've honestly been thinking about it for the last day and a half. I was angry she left, happy she to see her again, pissed off because she is apparently trying to take on the whole of HYDRA and win and then angry again for never once telling me the truth!

And I suppose that's why I didn't reveal myself till now...I just didn't know how to bring it up.

Eventually we reached the dining hall, a large table suited to sit two hundred on either side took up the majority of the room. Some have already sat down, I saw the Prince glaring at us, he sat next to a fat woman dressed in jewelry and fine clothing with a gold crown, his mother obviously.

Silver stopped abruptly, I turned to her as she g.r.o.a.n.e.d. I smiled, "what's wrong?"

She sighed and removed her hand, "sadly this is where we must part. While I dislike it, I am still close to the royal family, and as such have a position up there. Felicia, could you help Antony find a seat?"

My Kitten shrugged, "sure, he can just sit with me and my family." Kitten? Did I seriously...f.u.c.k!

"Thank you," she turned to me and nodded, "I hope we speak again after dinner Anthony," Silver smiled as she reached up and placed a kiss on my cheek before leaving.

I blinked as I touched the check she kissed and watched her leave. Felicia smiled as she approached me, "she likes you. That's rare. But then again not many men would be willing to insult the crown prince for her, so that's something."

I turned to Felicia, "yeah, but it's too bad my love life is so complex."

Felicia smiled back, "must be some girl if you're willing to give up the chance to bang a duchess."

I smiled at Felicia, "for that girl, I would be willing to give up banging a Goddess...but then again I may not have too. She would probably join in."

Felicia laughed, "sounds like a woman after my own heart, come, I think I see my parents."

I looked and sure enough there they were. Walter and Valerie. The former I thought off as a deadbeat dad. The latter...well she was just a bitch.

We approached the silver haired couple, both in each other's embrace and smiling happily as they did. Valeri was the first to notice me as she smiled, a more...warmer one than what I have normally seen her have, "Felicia dear, you came just in time. And who's your friend?"

"Mom, dad, this is Anthony Weatherman," Felicia motioned to me, "he's...a friend."

I nodded at the two a.d.u.l.ts, "Mr. and Mrs. Hardy."

"Oh please dear, call me Valerie," the woman smiled, from what I smelt, she actually felt...happy? God this is weird.

"Come, we must sit down, they are about to begin," Walter motioned as got to our seats and sat down. Walter had his wife to one side and his daughter on the other while I sat next to Felicia. My stomach doing flips as I did.

I tried not staring at her, she outright ignored me, probably dismissing me as some love sick puppy or something. I forced myself to look around, Nat would be pissed if she knew I lost focus of my surroundings for even one second.

The prince spared me a glance before he snarled and looked away. Silver was speaking in great detail to the woman to her side, a friend most likely while a man with silver hair, like Silver's, sat to her right, I'm guessing he's her father.

The tabel began to fill up soon, though the head of the table and the rest to the right of it remained empty. Meaning the our host, the king, and whoever he valued higher than his own brother, Silver's father, was missing.

I saw Felicia discussing something with her father, her words coming out quickly as they spoke in french, which I knew. So I extended my hearing and listened in on their conversations.

"Something is changing in the political landscape," Walter said as he sipped his wine, "it seems a new player has come into Symkaria and is changing things."

"They seems to be responsible for the royal family changing their view on their people," Felicia stated, "do you think it's them?"

Walter nodded and motioned or Silver, "that's what my sources say. Apparently the HYDRA base in Sokovia is sending an envoy here tonight, we can finally get into that blasted thing tonight, if we play our cards right."

I gasped, immediately Felicia and her father stopped talking. The girl looked at me with narrowed eyes, "Tony? Are you okay?"

I nodded, "f-fine, just craving a cigaret, that's all."

She nodded nearly as she turned to her father and spoke again, "Silver said her people got us an entrance to help us get inside, all we need is for the location. We move tonight, yes?"

"Yes...and the jewels?"

Felicia smiled as she turned back to her plate, "already replaced them with a fake." I drank from my glass to hide my smile, that's my girl.

Suddenly the door was thrown open with a bang and the people all flinched silent. A man dressed in royal robes walked in, a crown proudly displayed on his head as he did. And walking behind him was a smaller man with a monocle, black and green robes and cut short and combed back.

I knew he was HYDRA, the color scheme and my gut screamed as much. Felicia and Walter also grew tense, their eyes watching him as he passed by.

"Sorry we are late my friends and honoured guest," the King said as he and the HYDRA agent walked to the head of the table, "but I happened to run into a peasant that was most insistent on making a royal statement."

"What did you do father?" the prince asked with a sadistic glee.

"I listened off course," the man smiled before it grew perverse, "and then had him sent to the cellars. Such impudence, the rabel get bolder each day."

The entire room laughed, whether out of mirth or compulsion I didn't know. I noticed however Silver remained silent, and while Felicia and her family did laugh, it was highly fake while I remained silent. The people didn't notice, but as Silver scanned the room with a look of disgust on her face, she noticed my silence and smiled, a satisfied smirk grew on her features.

"Now then," the King stood at the head of the table causing the rest of us to stand up as a sign of respect, as they all raised a glass "allow me to introduce the guest of the hour! Baron Von Strucker! Our chief supporter in the Sokovian war!"

The room applauded, I turned to Felicia, she had her eyes narrowed, so that's why she was here...nice to know.

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