Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 58 - HYDRA agents are paranoid and stupid

Dinner was quick, barely ten minutes per course and a modest five course meal with dessert now being served. Felicia was silent the whole time, whispering to her father and mother and glancing at the HYDRA agent in the room, ignoring me complete.

Not that I minded, no, in this instance I didn't mind at all because I too was focused on Strucker, the man who currently has Loki's staff in his possession. An Infinity Stone in HYDRA's hands, very very dangerous indeed.

"The people of Sovokia are weak," Strucker spoke aloud as he continued his rant, over dinner one would think it would be hard to hear him, but he was very loud and everyone was eager to listen to him.

"They are not strong like Symkaria," he continued, stroking the people's ego, "with the help of my...organization, we can secure your borders and bring stability back to your great country."

The people smiled, all looking eager to join. But Silver's father didn't, he spoke out loud, "and what do you want in exchange for their generosity?" he spat the last word out.

"Ah, Duke Ernst," Strucker g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "it is simple, I want what everyone does. Peace."

"Peace through murder and slavery is no peace at all," Silver cut through. Ernst looked proud while the Prince and the royal family simply glared.

"Control you spawn Ernst," the king shot, "she shows disrespect to our guest."

"Please, don't fight for my sake," Strucker said with a disarming smile as he turned to Silver and spoke like a parent scolding a child, "tell me Duchess Sablinova, what kind of peace do you value?"

"The kind where the people aren't enslaved," Silver shot back.

"So...instead you would have them die?" the baron asked.

"I would rather them die free then enslaved for the rest of their lives," Silver shot back.

"Such a Western sentiment," Strucker snorted, "I think you have been spending far too much time with Americans. Because that is their ideals," a few eyes shifted over to Felicia and her family, and the Cats glared back just as hard.

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean disqualify their arguments for freedom over servitude," Silver tried to argue.

"You don't judge people by what they say, but rather what they do. Did you know Loki and his army came only because of SHIELD's experiments with power they can't understand? That is the nation you defend girl," Strucker snorted as he sipped his wine, the people chatting animatedly, agreeing with his point.

Silver glared, hatred and disgust rolling off her body. She turned to Felicia, the girl gave the lights of nodes and Silver replied in kind. She then noticed me looking at her, the duchess smiled and shrugged, almost as if she was trying to tell me she was going to be fine.

Dinner quickly came to a close, the King stood up, waving to the people, "the entertainment for tonight shall commence, come, let us dance the night away!"

The people cheered goodnaturedly as they all got up, following the royal family out back into the ballroom which was now changed to allow for dancing.

"So, Tony, what do you think about Strucker's proposal?" Walter Hardy asked me, smiling good naturedly at me.

I looked at the man with narrowed eyes, "I think he's f.u.c.k.i.n.g crazy."

Walter g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I would advise you to hold your tongue Tony, the walls have ears."

I growled, "and apparently no balls," the man raised an eyebrow, unsure what I meant, but I still didn't like that man. He may not be the real reason Felicia left me, I'm guessing, but he is one of them.

"Oh Mr. Hardy stop," Silver said as she came up to us, smiling with mirth, "Tony has been known to be quite sly when he wants too, it's part of his charm."

"Something you enjoy I'm sure," Felicia chukled.

"Indeed," Silver shrugged as she turned to me, "well? Are you going to ask me to dance?"

I looked over her shoulder, sure enough Strucker on the dance floor as well with the Prime Minister's wife as his partner, the two exchanging a laugh and chuckle. I need to listen in, I turned to Silver and smiled, "I would love to."

I extended an arm and the girl took it with a surprised look, did she actually expect me to say no? She winked to Felicia, "you snooze you lose," Kitten just rolled her eyes as I escorted Silver to the dance floor, the people moving away out of respect for her and many eyes landing on me curiously.

"So tell me Tony," Silver said as we took out positions on ballroom floor, "do you even know how to dance?"

I chuckled, "don't' worry, I had a good teacher," I placed one hand on her hip and the other to hold her as I guided her to the tune of the song.

Silver was a little surprised as slowly we began to sway, our footwork matching the classical melody of the song. She was a little taken back as I took the lead, something I was instructed to do as soon as possible, making the target flat footed and more susceptible to getting distracted as the more time they spend catching up, the less they spend on you.

Nat really would have been proud. As Silver did her best to keep up, her focus on her foot work as I increased the pace, I slowly directed our dance closer and closer to Strucker.

"The project is coming along nicely. Roxxon stupidity cost them and now we reap the rewards," was all I got from him before I was forced to move away as another couple came in our way.

"You're really good at this," Silver said as I began decreasing our pace.

I looked down and smiled, "thank you. My aunt was a perfectionist."

"Oh," she blinked, "I see. Did your parents force you to learn? Because my father did for me, though I don't even years of training could let me catch up with you," she chuckled, "you have the grace of a gymnast Tony."

I chuckled back, "yeah, kind of," thank you Spider powers.

But just then, I glanced over her shoulders and saw Strucker pick up a call. His eyebrows shot up in shock before he excused himself and walked out.

"Target's on the room, ditch Tony and come on," I heard Felicia's voice on the other end. I looked over to where she was standing before and was surprised to find her and her family gone.

"I'm sorry Tony, but I'm going to have to cut this dance short," Silver said as she smiled up at me.

I looked down and masked my curiosity, "oh...why? Did something happen?"

"Nothing much, just family business," she leaned up and cupped my face, planting a small kiss on my check, "whoever this girl is that you love must be someone special. I'll see you around Anthony Witherman."

She then turned and walked away. Acting quickly I sent a mental comand to my suit causing the cloth under my hand to shot outward as a small black dot flew into Silver's hair and buried itself in there.

I smiled, the tracking beacon was in place. I quickly moved, slipping out of the ballroom and into the toilet, which was easy enough to find.

My tuxedo shimmered as my Black Spider costume covered my body whole. The tracker I put on Silver showed up on my HUD, giving me a way to track her.

"S.e.xy, engage stealth mode," the costume shimmered before slowly it began to vanish from the visible spectrum.

Installing retro reflective panels into the suit was a genius move and tech and magic I used to keep my suit's external heat regulated made me invisible to infrared already.

I walked out of the bathroom and jumped onto a wall, crawling along the surface as I followed Silver's beacon to what seemed like the bas.e.m.e.nt.

I came upon a door which was guarded by two men, two scary looking men. I couldn't move forward without tipping them off so I waited and waited, and ten minutes later Silver began to move once more, now going out of the castle very very quickly.

I jumped out an open window and activated my jetpack, using the near silent thrusters to fly into the night sky and up high.

I soared through the air and looked down. My mask's telescopic vision peered down to the road below and sure enough I saw a car driving down the highway, taling another large limo surrounded by three back SUV's in the front and back.

I sighed, 'of course he's using SUVs, bad guys always us SUVs, meaning,' I turned to the smaller far away vehicle as slowly lowered down, reducing me speed to match it.

I gently placed my hands and knees on the top of the car, the wind howling at my face as I cut off my thrusters, slipping into the car's momentum. I crawled out the side and looked down, the windows were tinted, shit.

But the front windshield wasn't. So I crawled over to the front and looke dinside, finding Valeriy and Walter up front, the latter driving while his wife worked on a computer, while Silver and Felicia sat in the back.

I gave a mental command to S.e.xy to begin my eavesdropping pin, an idea I gained from the Batman beyond tv show where the tip of my fingers acted like audio recorders. I pressed a hand on the windshield and immediately my suit worked the vibrations it picked up into words and tones.

"We think he's heading back to Sokovia, which will be an hour long journey," Valier said, "keep your distance hun, he might get paranoid."

"Right," Walter nodded before looking in the rear view mirror, "you girls ready?"

"Yes Mr. Hardy," Silver nodded, I looked over and realised the reason Silver was taking so long was because she was changing clothes, now wearing a full body silver suit that was similar to the suit I seem to remember her wearing in the comics.

Dman, what is it with my generation of teenage girls and looking amazing in leather? But then again I think Silver is suppose to be a few years older, but semantics.

Felicia on the other hand was wearing the same body suit I had gifted her when we were still going out. Though it had seen some mileage, cuts and stitches along with many many rough patches and sown over bullet holes.

I growled without realising I was doing it, someone did that to my Kitten. Damn it! Again with that my Kitten shit! Was she mine? I mean she said she planned to come back to me when this was over but Sue...damn it, this is too complicated.

"Right, it looks like it might be a long trip back to Strucker's secret liar, but hopefully we can finally find the damn thing," Walter grumbled he too was dressed in a skintight black cat burglar suit, only his was far less appealing to the eye than Felicia's, "Kitten, did you put the tracker on Strucker?"

Felicia nodded, "I put it in his hair, he won't notice for some time." I chuckled, great minds… Felicia then turned to Silver who was checking the barrel of her gun before putting it into her holster and moving to a sharp knife, "so," the girl purred out with a sly smile, "Tony seemed like he was enjoying himself."

Silver snorted as she sharpened her knife, "please, half the time he couldn't keep his eyes of you. Honestly, every time..."

"Well, not every time," Felicia shrugged, "but either way, you know I'm not interested right?"

"Yeah, yeah, Peter's waiting for you, I know," Silver waved her off, Valerie g.r.o.a.n.e.d and Walter sighed, I narrowed my eyes, what's their problem?!

" you know, after we're done getting the Master List, you can probably go find whatever ski resort he's staying at and spend the rest of his vacation in his bed," Felicia suggested with a wink, "maybe you can even convince him to stay longer."

Silver and I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, ironically. The woman rolled her eyes, "not everything is about s.e.x Felicia."

"Oh I know, there's also love and stuff, but s.e.x is a big part," Felicia shrugged with a grin, "did I ever tell you the first time Peter and I did-"

"-Young lady I will turn this car around!" Walter cried out, "no s.e.x talk! No!"

Felicia sighed, " was Christmas and we did it for basically the whole night. 12 days of Christmas took a whole new meaning."

"Felicia Hardy!"

"Fine! Fine! I'll stop!" she said, smirking at her father's embarrassed face.

I chuckled, same old Kitten. And suddenly, I felt some of the pain lift. Some, not all. I still needed answers, still needed to talk to her, in person. But for now...I...I was happy to just listen to her talk.

They talked mainly about the mission and how they were going to get the objective. From what I could gather they were after a digital log of some kind created by Strucker. Apparently the HYDRA man didn't trust the other factions of the organization and had some kind of list regarding them.

Whatever it was, it was apparently worth trying to sneak into the Sokovia base to steal it, something I knew even the Avengers will have trouble doing in the future.

It took well over an hour, but eventually, we arrived on the sight. It wasn't snowing so they wouldn't leave any tracks, thank God for the little things. Walter stopped the car a mile away from the base, I looked ahead with my lenses and saw the fortress which Strucker used for his lab.

I watched as Felicia and Silver took the lead, Walter serving as back up while Valeri stayed behind in the car.

I followed them from the treetops as I jumped from trunk to trunk, using my adhesive ability to stick on the bark and allow me to tiptoe around them.

They made their way past several guard towers and patrols. But along the way, Silver was almost caught as she slipped out from behind her cover just as a tower's spotlight landed on her.

She cursed and moved away, hiding, the guards on top began to speak in loud voices. I knew I had to do something or they were all screwed.

I leaped and cleared the distance in one bound as I landed in the middle of the three man squad on the tower top and sweeped my foot around in a circle, causing the unaware team to lose their footing and fall down.

I charged my bio-electric powers and brought them down, shocking them one by one into unconsciousness. I then got up and slowly moved the spotlight away from Silver and Felicia's hiding spot, pretending like everything was alright.

They waited a moment before looking out, they assumed the guards didn't see anything and quickly moved out. I sighed, guess it was a good thing I had stealth mode.

I followed them, making sure to keep an eye on the guards as well. But luckily there was no other time when I had to step in.

It took them awhile to climb the mountain top the base was built on, but luckily there seemed to be another passageway in, a strong iron door built into at the foot of the mountain hidden behind a large bush that anyone, even I, would have missed.

I'm guessing they had some inside intel helping them out as Walter seemingly knew exactly what to do as he unlocked it in ten seconds flat, granting them access to the base.

They locked the door behind them but no matter, there were other ways into the base. I flew up, the sound of my thrusters almost roaring in my ear, but I knew no one else heard a thing. I landed on the top of what looked like a radio station, inside was a couple of gaurd, few asleep and one watching the monitors with boredom.

It took me five seconds to knock them all out. I had my costume shoot out into the terminal and gain access, granting me full control over the system. I had S.e.xy hack into the bases internal security feed and give me access to it all.

I detected outside interference trying to break into the system, S.e.xy let them, but mointered everything they changed. I had it traced back to Valeri who was back in the van. Huh, she was also decent with a computer, who knew?

I watched as Valeri looped the feed, making Felicia and the rest invisible to HYDRA, but not to me as S.e.xy got me the real video feed.

I sat down and watched as Felicia and Silver made their way down into the heart of the base while Walter moved towards the garage, probably to secure a way out. Smart. Must be Kitten's plan.

But then, something happened, they encountered troops on patrol inside. But before they could fire Felicia shot out a web line and pulled away their guns as Silver threw daggers into their unprotected necks, making them choke on their own blood.

I blinked, woah...that was very, very violent. Felicia however didn't seem to flinch as the two silver haired beauties walked over the corpses and into the base.

They encountered another patrol, but dealt with them. One did manage to pull the alarm, but thanks to Valarie it never went through.

I watched as Felicia and Silver broke into a large server field and began to download something. They looked they were handelign everything, so maybe it was time to explore this place.

"S.e.xy, stay logged into the system and tell me if anything changes," I told my AI as I opened the trap door and dropped down into the fort's inner tunnels, "it's time to get that stone."

"Yes Spider, will do," it replied.

I walked down the corridor, making sure to avoid hitting the many, many soldiers that passed through. Silver and Kitten must have taken the less crowded route, because in this part of the Fort there were hundreds if not thousands of men carrying advanced weapons and the like.

I would almost be impressed if I didn't already know about them. Damn, who knew they could achieve all of this with a single Infinity Gem and some spare parts for a couple of dead aliens.

I had S.e.xy guide me to a lab with over twenty scientist working in a workshop, pouring over some kind of data with various types of gadgets on the table. They were arguing about something, though I personally didn't care what.

What I did care for was the secret door which suddenly opened up to the side, out of which a man in a plaid shirt and woolen coat walked out of. He was listed as Dr. List on his ID badge, the head researcher for HYDRA.

I walked through the secret door before it closed and made my way down. I walked deeper and deeper into the mountain fork until I came across a giant room filled with workers, all pouring over what looked like wreckage from the attack on New York.

It was an underground hangar and on the roof was a strung up Leviathan from the battle, I think it was the one Tony blew up as it was blasted apart from both ends. Ouch.

They scientist also had various tools and corpses under observation and on the other side of the room was several operating beds filled with mechanical droids. The very beginning of what Ultron would one day use as the basis for his robot army.

But none of them attracted my attention. No, what got my attention was the table in the middle of all this where Loki's Scepter stood, suspended in an electromagnetic field as wires and proeds were attached down it's every inch.

I walked down and past the many workers, invisible to them all and any sound I did make was drowned out by their own yelling and chanting. I looked them over, some looking happy, eager even, none looking like they were forced to be here. Which was...odd.

"S.e.xy," I whispered, "can you access the computers here and find out if any of these people are being held against their will?"

"How do you propose I do that?" S.e.xy asked in sarcastic voice.

I sighed, "see if they are getting paid...if not, then they're against their will," I told her I stopped before the scepter, my eyes going to the blue orb in the middle which glowed with a powerful aura, for I knew what it really was. An ingot of creation itself.

"As far as I can tell no one here is being kept against their will Spider," S.e.xy informed me, "they are all listed as employees of SHIELD. They all are."

I looked around, I suppose technically speaking...they are SHIELD. I looked at the scepter and spoke again, "check the listing for prisoners of any kind. Like beings being tortured or such...with the last name Maximoff."

"Searching," S.e.xy replied. I looked around, no one was watching the instruments attached to the Scepter for I bent down at the monitor and typed away, finding out everything HYDRA learnt about the weapon.

They had only begun to even scratch the surface of what this thing can do, and they didn't even know the half of it. The scepter served to chanel the stone's energy. Apparently the energy the stone gave off Gamma energy, something HYDRA claimed they Tesseract also did, which made sense seeing as they were both similar.

The stones gave off massive amounts of energy, even though that wasn't their primary function. Not even close. I can only imagine how much energy the Power stone gave off if the Mind stone did so much.

They believe the scepter could be used to unlock the secrets of the mind, giving off a wide range of abilities I can't even begin to imagine, some people believed this was the key to create armies of human weapons, claiming that the staff could f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y unlock a subject's latent mutant gene.

Fascinating, to know about an Infinity stone is one thing, to actually study The inner Marvel nerd is jumping for joy while my inner science nerd is scared stiff by the possibilities.

"Spider, I have good news and bad new," S.e.xy suddenly said.

"Good news?"

"There is a test subject known as Wanda Maximoff here in the facility. She is the only one out of twenty other mutants brought to this place to have their abilities enhanced by the scepter."

"The only survivor?" I blinked, which made sense since I saw her brother Pietro back in US, "and the bad?"

S.e.xy displayed a video feed, it was off the server room. Silver was down uncious while Felicia was held upside down with an aura of red magic covering her body. It came pouring out of a girl with dyed black hair and lipstick wearing a long red coat and goth makeup.

"I'm guessing the red chick is Wanda Maximoff?" I guessed.

"Correct," S.e.xy replied.

I watched as HYDRA men came inside and arrested Felicia and Silver, taking them away as Wanda followed behind looking bored and irritated. I glared, I expected her to be here...but I didn't expect them to get caught.

On the way here as I listened to the girls discuss their objective I formed my own plan paralleling them. It would seem that now I had to make some changes to it. Whatever, I'm nothing if not flexible.

I looked around and immediately found a radiation particle disintegrator, a tool they would need to have to break apart tough metals. But, I knew it could also be used for something else.

"S.e.xy, hack into all the radiation emitters in the room and have them on stand by," I reached out and grabbed the scepter, alarms started to blare out but I ignored it as I put the scepter into my backpack, the object dropping into the bag of infinite storage and vanishing.

The scientists began to panic as they ran around like headless chicken. The hidden door burst open as several armed men ran inside and began tearing the place apart to find the stone, but I just slipped right through them all.

"S.e.xy, give me a feed on where they took Felicia and Silver," I told her as immediately a security feed of an interrogation room showed up on my HUD.

Felicia and Silver were tied up in chairs with Wanda leaning in one corner with arms crossed and glaring at the girls.

The door opened as Strucker walked in. He looked down and smiled, amused, "so...the ones who have been targeting our many global bases was you Duchess Silver, no wonder. I had a wager with the King that it was actually your father, but it seems we both underestimated you and your...friend."

"For the last time! She and I aren't together!" Felicia cried out, "apparently she only likes d.i.c.ks, while I'm far more flexible," she said winking at Wanda who only raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Please, don't, your petty attempts at seductions will not work," Strucker snorted, "Ms. Maximoff here has only one d.e.s.i.r.e on her mind, revenge. That's why she came to us after all...either way, tell me," he took out a pendrive and placed it on the table between him and the girls, "did you really think you could just come in here and walk out with a list of all the top officials in HYDRA without anyone noticing."

My eyes winded, so that's what they were after. A dossier on every HYDRA agent, inside SHIELD or on the field! F.u.c.k! Was Strucker that stupid?! Oh what am I saying, of course he is!

Felicia snorted, "we would have gotten away if it wasn't for your attack dog," she glared at Wanda who rolled her eyes.

"Well, either way, it was a foolish plan," he smirked, "I was looking forward to having you on my side in the coming war."

"War? With who?" Silver asked.

"With everyone else who isn't born on this planet," Strucker narrowed his eyes dangerous as he stood up. He began to pace around the room, "do you know why mutants are the next stage of evolution? It's because of what they represent...power!"

He threw his hands forward at Wanda, "her father gave her away, ashamed of her lack of power. But he didn't know the truth! That she would one day grow to be not just a warrior for peace, but the saviour of the human race!"

Felicia and Silver turned to Wanda who shrugged, not saying anything.

"Forgive her, her people skills aren't really up to par," Strucker snorted with a wave, "she's after all built to be a weapon. A weapon for us. Imagine if we had her, a whole army of men and women with her powers! We would never again have to rely on Gods and mad egotistical men in suits of armour to save us! We could do it ourselves!"

"Are you talking about Stark?" Felicia asked, "because while I agree he's kind of crazy he isn't that bad."

"Tony Stark killed my mother," Wanda spat, the only words she ever said that stunned both Felicia and Silver.

Just then the door to the interrogation room was thrown open as a soldier walked in and whispered in Strucker's ear. He cursed and snarled at Silver, "so, you didn't come alone. You're companion won't get far, I promise. We'll have the scepter back in our hands soon enough."

He left the room and I cut the feed as I had reached the outside of the room and was currently on the ceiling, watching as Strucker walked out with his subordinate, looking very pissed.

I dropped down and before the door could close slipped into the room as it shut. I found myself on the other side of the two way mirror of the interrogation room, the door to the room further ahead.

I was about to enter the room when I stopped and listened, Silver was talking, "how did your mother die?"

Wanda was silent, glaring at the girl in contempt and remained silent.

"My mother died when I was five," Silver admitted, "she...she died in a terrorist bombing. The man was Sokovian but...I didn't really blame him," she hanged her head, "his family had died in a missle strike form my country...he lost his family too."

Wanda seemed to grow less tense, she spoke, "a bomb….she died in a bomb strike. My brother and I were trapped under the rubble, a missile landed right next to us. But some didn't explode. We stayed there for days, afraid that every breath would our last...and on the missile was the name Stark."

"I-I'm sorry to hear that," Felicia admitted, "but you know Stark didn't pull the trigger don't you?"

"No, he just sold the weapons to the lunatics that did," Wanda glared.

"And he's been making up for that mistake his entire life!" Felicia cried out, "that's why he's helping people now as Iron Man! To make up for the pain and suffering he-ACK!"

Wands snapped her fingers, Felicia's coughed, "shut up."

I growled, I was ready to charge in there and beat the Witch up when Silver cried out, "brother! You said you have a brother! What happened to him?!"

I stopped as slowly Wanda released her psychic hold on Felicia and g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "he...he left. My father took us away to the US...Pietro developed powers but I...I didn't. He didn't want a daughter who was powerless, so he threw me aside."

"Is that why you came to Strucker? Because he promised you power?" Silver asked in an understanding tone.

Wanda nodded, "yes..the power to protect myself, the power to avenge my mother, power so that no one ever leave me behind again. The power to kill Tony Stark."

Felicia was panting, recovering from Wanda choking her when she spoke in a quiet tone, "T-Tony Stark saved my boyfriend."

Wando blinked, "what?"

"H-he saved my boyfriend," Felicia gasped as she slowly down her breath and glared at Wanda, "he...he almost died at the hands of Doom. Almost, but Tony brought him back, he saved his life. He...Peter wouldn't' be alive if it wasn't for him. He may have his faults, but he saved the man I love, for that, I can't see Stark as a monster for things he had no control over."

"Love? The man you love?" Wanda asked curious, "if so, where is he? Where is Peter?"

Felicia looked at the teenage goth before her and looked away in shame, "I...I had to leave him behind."


"To protect him...HYDRA, Strucker, they were responsible for trying to kill him," Felicia snarled, "they nearly took him from me. So I left to make sure that never happens again."

"If you loved him," Wanda held up a hand as suddenly Felicia began rising into the air, pulled up by her throat, "then you should have never left him."

I moved, I kicked in the door, it flew off its hinges and into the wall, crashing with a bang. Wanda dropped Felicia and turned it me, her eyes winded as I shot a web grenade at her, wrapping her up in a cocoon before I pushed at her from using my minor telepathic abilities, sticking her to the wall.

I walked inside, Silver turned around as he eyes widened, "holy shit."

"She's right you know," I walked over to Felicia who shook her head clear, panting as she recovered. I raised a fist and released a single claw, gliding over her bindings to cut her lose, "you never should have left."

Felicia blinked away her confusion as she looked up, gasping as she saw me and the bright white emblem on my c.h.e.s.t. Her eyes began to gloss over as she teared up, "P-Peter?"

I ordered my costume to retract, showing my real face as I looked down at Felicia. I wanted to yell, I wanted to cry. I wanted to say a perverted joke about how her b.r.e.a.s.ts grew since we last met. But I did none of those things.

She got on her feet, the chair pushed away, forgotten as she looked at me, her eyes wide and shaking as I saw her green eyes expand with recognition and joy as she reached up with shaking fingers, touching my face.

"Is that really you?" she asked.

I smiled, "hello Kitten. It''s been a long time."

She didn't say anything, the alarms blowing off in the distance the only thing heard as we just looked at each other, standing arms length apart.

"Oh for God's sake, just kiss him already!" Silver cried out.

Felicia and I moved, she jumped into my arms as I wrapped them around her body as she attacked my lips. Every single kiss seemed to last a lifetime, or at least making up for lost time. I held her in my arms tightly, afraid to let her go, afraid to see her vanish.


"Felicia! I bought us some time but we have to move, now!" Walter cried out as he ran inside and stopped, his eyes going wide in shock as he spotted me and Felicia, "oh God, not you! What are you doing here?!"

I pulled away from Felicia, the girl panting as she looked into my eyes, I never realised but we both had been crying, joy and sadness all mixed into one.

I put her down and looked over her shoulder at her father, "apparently I'm saving your collective behinds. Honestly, who the f.u.c.k came up with this f.u.c.k.i.n.g plan of yours? Do you know how many things could have gone wrong?!"

"Hey!" Felicia cried out, "I made this plan!"

"Oh that explains it. Did it involve you running away for over a year with no reason why?!" I snapped, oh shit….I didn't mean to do that.

Felicia looked like I just slapped her, "I-I just wanted to protect you Peter."

"Well I didn't need protecting. I needed my girlfriend with me while I went through the most difficult and stressful time of my life!" I growled, "why Felicia...why did you do something so f.u.c.k.i.n.g stupid?!"

"What was I supposed to do?! Just let HYDRA try and kill you again?!"

"Kill them!" several soldiers came running in, Walter jumped away and drew a handgun while the HYDRA agents charged their advanced weapons.

I raised my hand and out of my palms a repulsor blast strong enough to destroy the entire room wall came out, blasting the soldiers away and burying them under a pile of rubble. Were they dead? Neah….probably not.

"Do I look like I need protecting?! God woman, you're lucky you're the most beautiful thing on this Earth because you have shit for brains!"

"Oh please, like you didn't have anyone there! Jean would have made sure you're alright and Sue! Not to menton Liz and MJ and who knows how many other girls!"

"Well I didn't want them! I needed you! The woman I loved!"

"Guys?" Silver called out.

"And I didn't want to ever see the man I love brought in on a stretcher fighting for his life again!"


"That will never happen! Never again!"


"Can you promise that?!"

"Yes, I f.u.c.kign can!"

"For the love of everything that is good, GUYS!"

"What Silver?!" we both snapped at her.

She motioned to her bound arms and the guards, "can we do this latter?"

I growled, "fine," I walked past Felicia and released my stingers, swiping them over Silver's binds freeing her, "Walter, take them out through the garage, I'm assuming you have an escape route ready?"

The man glared, "I don't take orders from you kid."

"Daddy, not the time for a d.i.c.k measuring contest," Felicia glared.

"Get the girl's outside," I picked up the USB drive Strucker left on the interrogation table and immediately my costume exploded out, covering it whole as S.e.xy accessed all the files Sliver and Felicia copied.

"Woah," Felicia said, her eyes going wide, "since when can your costume do that?"

"I've been getting upgrades," I told her as I looked at the list of names on this files, hundreds upon hundreds of names. Damn, I was impressed, HYDRA knew what it was doing, they had agents in nearly every secret agency in the world, and this was only the ones Strucker knew about..

"What about you?" Felicia asked in concern.

"I'll be fine," I tossed her the pendrive, "I made a copy, just in case. Take it and go, I'll make sure they can't follow you."

Felicia wanted to argue, but Silver and Walter told her to move, already rushing to the door. She looked at me with a look of longing in her eyes, she gulped, "Peter...I-"

"-Kitten...I promise, we can do this latter," I looked away, "go….please." She nodded and left, leaving just me and Wanda alone, the girl had been silent all along, choosing to observe rather than interfere.

I looked at her and waited she stared right back. It was a stare down, we both waited for the other to talk. Wanda broke first, "I didn't actually think you would show up."

"She wasn't lying you know," I said as I pulled up a chair and sat down, "Tony is a good man. With a good heart."

Wanda snorted, "he saved your life, of course you would say that."

I leaned back on the chair and crossed my arms, "do you know why Tony became Iron Man? Or rather, the circ.u.mstances behind it?"

Wanda raised an eyebrow, "what does that matter?"

I held out my hand as a holographic image of the Ten Rings and clips of their many many atrocities came up, "Tony had a business partner name Obadiah Stane, an older man who worked for Tony's father who tried and failed to take over the company. He tried to have Tony kidnapped and killed," the video of Tony's capture and eventual escape showed up.

"Why are you telling me this?" Wanda asked, "I don't' care about Stark or his petty high society problems."

"I'm telling you this Wanda, because of what Obadiah did," a news report of his death and all the crimes he was accused off came up on a list. I paused at one in particular, arms dealing, "you see, Stane grew greedy, he started dealing under the table to terrorist while Stark industries officially sold only to the US government.

"Stane sold weapons of mass destruction to anyone with the coin," manifests of cargo delivered to various parts of the middle East and Europe showed up, all presented in the legal court case Tony had to face to prove that Stark industries weren't aware of all this back door dealing.

Wanda's eyes grew wider and wider until I had S.e.xy display one manifesto displaying a crate of missiles being delivered to the Sokovian libertarian movement, a local terrorist group.

"Tony Stark didn't know about this, and when he did, he shut down his entire weapons manufacturing company," then the now famous press conference came up when Tony just came back from being kidnapped was shown, "Tony Stark didn't know, he was innocent. But when he did, he decided to do something about it."

The image of Tony suiting up and saving New York showed up, "he sacrificed himself to prevent a nuclear missile from destroying my home. He is lucky to even be alive. He saved my life, he helped me find my father and he...Wanda...he's just as much a victim of war as you are. The only difference is he decided to fight against the ones responsible, while you fight for them."

Wanda growled, "don't assume you know me!"

"I know you're powerful, powerful enough to rip away those webs with a flick of you fingers," I said as I stepped back, "I know you're didn't kill Felicia and Silver when you could have just as well snapped their necks and Strucker would have applauded you instead of being upset."

I waited for her to deny it. She glared as she layered the web cocoon she was wrapped in a glowing red aura before being ripped off her body. She landed on the ground and wiped the loose strands of webbing off her coat.

She looked at me, "'re saying I should what. Forgive Tony Stark? Come and be a superhero?"

I snorted, "sure, I bet that'll go swimmingly. But...don't let your anger to people stop you from being who you really are as a person. That's what your father does and it brought him nothing but pain and suffering."

Wanda glared, "what do you know about my father?"

I chuckled, "quite a lot actually. I beat him into...ah, I kind of ran into him."

Wanda narrowed her eyes, "and? What happened?"

"Ah...I ran away, he's kind of scary you know," I gulped.

Wanda's eyes flashed red, "tell me the truth!"

"He ah, kind of threatened a friend of mine," I gulped, was this version of Wanda a daddy's girl? Oh I hope not.

"So? What did you do?" Wanda pried, her eyes slowly turning back to normal.

"I….may have beaten him into the ground with my fistst and broekn his leg," I gulped.

"You did what?" Wanda asked in shock.

"Hey, he came at me!"

Wanda looked at me with her jaw dropped in awe. I was about to tell her off when I suddenly felt my entire body seize up as she summoned me to her with a telepathic pull. And before I know it she kissed me, I cried out as her tongue found its way into my mouth.

I threw my hands up in surprise panic as I tried t push away, only to have her mental powers pin my arms to the side and keep me wrapped still. Her tongue sn.a.k.e.d into my mouth, tasting, teasing, dueling, until finally she pulled away, a smirk on her face as a bridge of drool connected her mouth to mine.

I blinked, "what, the actual f.u.c.k?!"

She shurgged, "I have issues," she reached over and panted a kiss on my cheek, "you have no idea how many time I wanted to beat his a.s.s into the ground. F.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard. Fine, you convinced me, f.u.c.k HYDRA, I never liked them anyway."

I blinked, "just like that?"

Wanda narrowed her eyes, "if what you're saying is true, and that's a big if." she warned, "then...I've been after the wrong man. I'll need to see for myself...can you arrange a meeting with Stark? Since you two must be friends given the way you talk about him."

I looked at her eyes and she stared back at me. An unspoken agreement passing between as I nodded, "fine, but we need to get out of here now," my suit mask regrew over my face, hiding my features, "oh and...don't tell anyone about ah...the kiss, I kind's complicated."

She snorted but nodded. I guided her out as we walked down the fortress corridor. I didn't put on stealth mode because I didn't need to spook her by vanishing. So we ended up running into some resistance.

But Wanda managed to deal with them all, using her main to throw them around, some out the window or some into a wall.

We managed to make it to the roof, the entire fort was up by now, and from what I could tell from hacking into their feed they lost Felicia, Walter and Silver.

"So what now genius?" Wanda asked as she pulled her red coat around her body, shivering from the cold, "we're up here in the middle of the night. What's the plan?"

"That," I pointed upwards as my car shimmered into view, coming down before us as the doors opened up, "come on."

"Is that...a flying time machine?" Wanda blinked as she got into the passenger's seat.

"Oh, you watched Back to the Future?" I asked surprised as we shut the doors behind us and I hit the gas, blasting off away from the fort.

"I spent a few years in America," Wanda explained as she held on for dear life, her eyes filled with a hint of fear, "that's why I don't have an accent."

"Oh, yeah..." I realised, "damn, I'm getting slow. But in my defense I'm totally distracted right now."

"Because of your Kitten?" she asked in a mocking imitation of my voice, chukleing, "honestly, lovers, you are just the worst."

"Yeah well bite me," I snorted as I tracked the tracker I played in Silver's hair, leading me back to their van. I flew over them, I looked down and sure enough they had just reached, they all looked up and watched me bring the car down, landing before them.

The doors opened as Wanda and I walked out. Felicia's smile immediately dropped as she glared, "what is she doing here? Why isn't she in a cocoon?"

"She's Magneto's daughter and hates his guts," I explained.

Felicia's eyes widening as she looked at Wanda with wide eyes, "shit...I don't see it."

I snorted, "I'm guessing she got her mother's looks while Pietro got their father's."

Wanda blinked, "you know Pietro too?"

I shrugged, "I've been around a lot," I looked over to see Valerie's eyes widen in surprise at seeing me. My mask retreated, revealing my face as I nodded, "Valeri, always a disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

She snorted, "Parker...I didn't think you would show up here."

"Yes well Felicia isn't the only one who has a monopoly on doing stupid things," I snorted as I held up my right forearm, displaying a hologram over it. I began working on the screen, burning through calculations before touching a big red button on the screen, "done, come on, let's go."

"What did you do?" Walter asked.

"Something really cool," I replied as I looked at the mountain fort and waited, ""

Inside the underground hangar in the base, radiation came pouring out, reacting with some of the glowing power rocks that powered the Chitauri tech. I activated a few of them separated off for testing. And as I know, any form of highly powerful radiation would set of a catastrophic explosion. Meaning.


A large explosion went off underground. Immediately alarms started to blare as people began to pour out of the fortress in droves, running for their lives. The soldiers, scientist and all others took over five minutes to rush out, which should be all of them if my calculations was correct.

"Did you just blow up their base?!" Walted cried out in horror, watching as the SHIELD turned HYDRA employees came running out in a panic. Some wounded, some injured.

"No, of course not," I replied, holding out my forearm and displaying a second big red button, "that was a warning. I don't like killing if I can avoid it, so I gave them some time to evacuate….should be enough time," I pressed the button again, this time activating every single radiated piece of purple energy rock they had kept in there for storage.


The entire fort exploded outwards as piles of earth came flying up into the air. The building went up in flames as we felt the shockwave till here. The entire ground shock as the mountain side was reduced to nothing, giant flaming rocks came falling down from the sky, the HYDRA agents screaming in terror as they ran away.

"Now I blew up their base," I replied turning to Walter, "and I'm not even finished."

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