The Triskelion:

Sneaking into the building was an easy thing to do. I was trained by the best, had the latest equipment on hand and the most cutting edge AI in the world to get access.

Project Insight was almost complete, I am guessing maybe a year, maybe more before it would be weapons ready. Which meant it had to be stopped, now.

I snuck into each helicarrier and hacked into its targeting system doing what I needed to do before moving on as quick as possible.

But as I went though it's system I found something, the algorithm HYDRA planned to use to determine who was a threat to it's reign, and who wasn't. When I watched the movie for the first time I assumed this was just a boring a.s.s plot point, but now? Now it was so much more.

I saw a list of names, names of people, men, women and children who would stand up and against HYDRA, a list of heroes. Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Carl Lucas and even my own name were all here. A list of heroes...yes, I can use this.

I then planned a way to get every worker out of the place, it was the middle of the night, so only a skeleton crew was working, it wouldn't be too hard to distract them.

My stomach churned as I went through what I planned to do in my head. I knew the moment I did this I would be kicking off a set of dominos that would alter the course of this universe forever. But at the same time, I knew I had to do something.

Damn it...I need a drink.

Nicholas Fury was not having a nice day. No, not at all.

Since Doom tried to take over the world a few days ago he's been working on stop to prevent the UN from invading Latveria. The country was a third world mess and didn't need the blame for its rulers semi-psychotic actions leveled on it on top of everything else it had going for it.

He was running from the UN building to embassies all week and it started to give him a nasty headache. Then came Parker and having to make sure his family was safe, only problem was the moment they were in the clear all the data about them and their location was wiped clean from all data holds.

He really didn't want to be the one to tell the kid he lost his family. And adding to his growing list of problems was Sokovia.

The Eastern European nation was in disarray as one of it's factory's blew up two days ago. Fury had a guess there was more to this story than what meets the eye, the name Strucker came to mind. He was going to have to have someone investigate it.

But right now, at this very moment, he had only one thing in his mind, a bottle of single malt scotch in his hidden table drawer.

He opened the door to his office and stopped as he saw someone inside sitting in his chair and drinking his liquor. Peter Parker, the Spider.

"I have to say Nicholas, this is an amazing drink," Peter sipped the alcohol and glared, "very good indeed."

Fury froze, something was wrong, Peter wasn't smiling, he wasn't joking, he was serious. And worst of all, he called him Nicholas.

"Peter..., how did you-"

"-The window," he pointed at the far wall where sure enough the glass wall had been cut open with some kind of laser.

"I see," Fury sighed as he walked over and picked up a glass, pouring himself a glass and sipping it, "so? What's wrong kid? I didn't take you for the visiting type. You usually would something wrong?"

He looked up, and for a moment Fury wondered if he should have instead taken out his gun. Fury waited, he waited for him to speak, trying to guess what he would say next. But the words he said, Fury would have never guessed.

"I found Felicia," the Spider took out a pendrive and placed it on Fury's desk, "in there is a list of every HYDRA agent Strucker had on file, meaning every mole in SHIELD, and there are quite a lot, so I would suggest you get started quickly."

Fury's one eye went wide as he looked at the boy before him and the pendrive. Thoughts of what this meant rushed through his head, an explanation, justifications. He had them all ready.

Fury looked at the boy before him with one eye and spoke softly, "Felicia wanted to do it. She...said she didn't want to see the man she loved become a half-dead body ever again."

He glared up at Fury, the tall black man felt intimidated and with reason. Many would underestimate the boy because of his age, and those many people were idiots. He was possibly the most deadly member of the Avengers...and Fury knew it.

Captain America had a line he would never cross and his own moral code. Tony was wracked with guilt, Hulk and Banner were powerful, yes, but a loose cannon. Thor was off world and wouldn't hurt his precious humans. Window and Hawkeye were deadly, but in the end just human.

But Peter Parker? He was different. He started fighting a war against crime when he was fifteen, with the intelligence of match Doom himself and the dedication to carry out a threat. He saw what he did to Magneto, he saw how he let Wyndham inject himself with a potentially deadly formula.

The teenager sipped his drink again, nearly emptying the glass as he threw his hand out. Furby's eyes went wide as he felt a large hand grabs his neck and squeeze, choking the man.

His legs began kicking as he was slowly lifted into the air. He dropped the glass he was holding, it shattered on his floor as he scratched at his neck, trying and failing to free himself, only he couldn't.

"You bastard!" Spider cried out as Fury felt himself being flug across the room and into the far away wall. He crashed hard, something broke with an audible crack.

The man held his side in pain as he looked up, the young man stood over him, finishing his drink and threw the crystal glass at a wall, shattering it on contact.

He stood over Fury and reached down, grabbing his throat and pulled him up again, holding his body as Peter released two silver blue metal claws and pressed them against his neck.

"You had no right," he whispered.

"S-she wanted to make sure you were safe," Fury gasped.

"And she what?! Decided to go after them on her own?! No Fury! You wanted Walter to do that, and the only way you knew he would agree to do something so monumentally stupid was if his daughter asked him too. And you told her, a girl grieving for her boyfriend, that the only way to protect him, was to leave him. You are a monster Fury!"

"I-It was the only way," Fury tried to explain, spots danced around his eyes, he was going to faint, he knew it, "it had to be done, H-HYDRA was too big a threat!"

"We are done," he said in a cold emotionless tone, "anything I owe you or you owe me, it's done. I won't ask a single thing from you and you don't' owe me anything. If the world is in danger, anyone, and I mean anyone but you can contact me. But, if I ever see you again Nicholas Fury, I will kill you. Do you understand?"

Fury spat out a wad of blood, "you don't want to do that kid, you need our help."

"No, I really don't," Peter replied as he tapped his right c.h.e.s.t, a small beep coming out, "Walter told me you have a backdoor communication channel with him. If he doesn't get his pardon within the next few days I'll do to this place what I did to Strucker's base."

Fury's eyes widened, "y-you did that?"

He didn't answer, he just turned around and walked away. His costume appeared over his head as he jumped out of the opening he made in the window and flew away like Stark liked to do.

Fury pulled himself up and leaned back on the wall, panting, trying to force his hands to stop shaking. He was going to have to label Spider-man a threat now. He didn't want to...the kid didn't deserve it, but after what he did, what he was capable off? He couldn't risk it.

Fury limped over to his desk and plopped down on his chair, his ribs hurt, he must have something broken. He sighed, he really needed a drink now.

He reached into his hidden drawer for more glasses, but sure enough, he found them all broken and shattered with a note saying, 'deal with it'. Fury g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he leaned back, guess he was just going to have to drink from the bottle...seems appropriate.


Fury's office shook,no, the entire building shock as suddenly the large concrete and front yard of the Triskelion exploded into flames as concrete and steel flew up into the air before raining down.

Fury jumped to his feet and looked out his window, he watched as seemingly hell itself had risen up to claim him for his many, many crimes. He looked down, a giant pit now there below, the secret underground shipyard, it had been leveled down to nothing.

"Sir!" Agent Hill ran inside without bothering to knock, "Project Insight! It's gone! Someone sabotaged the systems, they blew each other up!"

The man immediately knew who was responsible. He looked at Hill and spoke in a defeated tone, "was anyone hurt?"

Hill blinked, "s-sir?"

"Was anyone hurt?"

", apparently the workers had all been called out of sight by some kind of meeting. Apparently someone hacked into our internal communications and had them all leave!"

Fury sighed as he dropped down to his chair, "so he's not completely insane...good, I doubt we would last long if he was."

"Who? Sir, do you know who did this?"

Fury nodded as he pulled the dripped off his bottle, "yes...get everyone away and safe Hill, I'll be sending you a list, I want these agents brought in and questioned, quietly."

"Sir...was this HYDRA?" Hill asked.

Fury shook his head, "no...someone worse. It was a warning."

"For who?"

Fury gulped some of the burning liquid down and growled, "for me."

With Peter:

I landed on the roof of the Triskelion where my car was parked, and leaning against the hood was an amused Wanda and a curious Felicia.

"I think I'm actually beginning to like you," Wanda smirked as she looked at the flames rising from the ground.

"When did you become a pyromaniac?" Felicia's asked as I walked over, a holographic screen displayed on my forearm as I typed away at it.

"I only bring out the big guns when I'm pissed," I replied emotionlessly as I tapped my helmet to cut out all outgoing audio, meaning Felicia and Wanda didn't hear what I said next, "S.e.xy, did you get all the files I requested from SHIELD's main system?"

"Yes Spider, all 212.9 TB are now being stored in an offshore secure data harvesting field, ready to be given out at a moment's notice," the AI replied.

"Good," I smirked, I wasn't a fool, I knew Fury would be coming for me after what I did. Maybe he would give me a few hours before that happened...for old time's sake. But he will be coming for me. And this would be my ace in the hole if he did.

"Don't you think you're being a little mean?" Felicia asked as I unmute myself, "Fury may be flawed but-"

"-But nothing," I snapped, walking to the driver's seat, "he thinks I'm someone to take lightly, he needs to learn, they all need to learn."

"What?" Wanda asked with an amused smirk.

"Not to f.u.c.k with me," I hissed as we got into the car, Felicia riding shotgun while Wanda sat in the back.

"He's going to come after you..." Felicia warned.

I nodded, "yeah, I know. And I'm already ready for what he's going to do."

"Oh..." she looked away, unsure what to say.

I took off into the air and zoomed through the sky, shooting away from the burning headquarters of the SHIELD, hopefully out of those flames a newer and better one can rise up...hopefully.

"It's faster than I remember," Felicia said, the awkwardness descending down on us again. It took us eight hours to get here, eight hours of quite broken by Wanda's occasional request to play some music just to kill time.

"I made some upgrade," I said, still unsure how I should speak to her.

"Yeah, I can see," she chuckled.


"Just so you two know, I've seen former KGB operatives that talk more than you two," Wanda said with a snort as she looked out the window, clearly amused.

"Where did you meet a KGB operative?" I asked surprised.

"In Russia," she shrugged.

"What were you doing in Russia?" Felicia asked.

"I was given a mission to kill some people, stupid really," Wanda snorted, "dumbasses got caught trying to steal from HYDRA's reserves, so, Strucker sent me to send a message."

"I see..." I snorted, "well at least he isn't a complete idiot. I mean what kind of idiot keeps a list of names of people from the secret organization he words for?"

"He was parrinoid Peter," Felicia snorted, "he didn't trust anyone in HYDRA, he always had something close by to escape or strike a deal if he ever got caught."

"How did you even track him?" I asked.

"Silver helped a lot on that front," Felicia shrugged, "she and her father found out the reason Silver's mom died was because of HYDRA's interference in their land. They swore revenge and...well, they ended up helping me a lot."

"I see...I was wondering how you got a Duchess to help," I nodded, "makes, are you sure your parents will be safe back in Smykaria?"

"Don't' worry, Silver won't' let anything happen to them," Felicia assured, though she herself looked preoccupied with something else on her mind.

I nodded. For a while everything was quite as we flew through the air. Wanda then finally spoke, "where are we going now?"

"Avenger's tower," I replied as I typed away at the HUD, "I already sent a message to Tony telling him you want to met. He's agreed and is waiting for us."

Wanda's eyes opened, "Stark? Already?"

I nodded, "like I said, he knows he has a lot to make up for."

We flew into the Manhattan skyline and right to Avenger's tower. I parked on the roof, where there was an alloted helipad now installed with my logo on it. Since I was coming over a lot in this way Tony thought it only appropriate.

We got out and downstairs where when we entered the living room we found Tony there waiting for us, along with another surprise.

"Pete?" Riri Williams Stark turned and blinked, the girl dressed in a blue denim jacket with black undershirt and jean stained with grease, similar to how a mechanic would look after a day at the shop.

I smiled as my mask retracted back, "hey there Ironheart, how's it hanging?"

The twelve year old girl grinned, "yes! I knew that name would catch on!"

"What are you talking about? I gave you that name," I snorted as we walked down to them, Tony dismissing the hologram he was looking at as he noticed the women behind me.

"Peter...I see you found her," Tony smiled as he nodded ot Felicia, "been a long time kid. Glad to see you again."

Felicia grinned, "you too Tony. And ah...who is this?"

"Oh didn't you hear? I'm a dad now," Tony chuckled as he patted Riri who glared at the man, who ignored her adorable pouting.

"A...A dad?" Felicia turned to me, "okay, how long was I gone?"

It was supposed to be a joke, but it stung, I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "too long," she looked away, obviously hurt, I'm a little ashamed to admit that it felt good...but it did. I sighed and turned to Wanda, the girl looking down at Riri a look of longing and confusion in her eyes.

" Wanda," I motioned to the girl, "she's the reason we're here."

"Yeah...I know," Tony nodded as he patted Riri, "hey hon, why don't you show Peter what you're working on? I'm sure he'll love it."

Riri blinked, "what? Why? I thought we were going to have take out."

"Not right now," Tony whispered before urging, "please, go."

Riri nodded slowly, "r-right," she turned to me, "let's go."

"Right," I walked behind her, Felicia following us as we left Tony and Wanda behind. We walked into one of Tony's labs, the doors to the living closed and I heard Tony ask, 'so, do you drink?'

"What's going on? Why is my dad acting so weird?" Riri asked in confusion as she lead up into what looked like a mixture of a child's room and a mechanic's workshop.

Robots were flying around, almost alive, the walls covered with posters of some boy band I knew will be breaking up soon and circuit boards nailed to wall.

I whistled, "damn Riri, this is a pretty sweet room you got going on."

"Thanks," Riri grinned, "I finally moved in here a few days ago and got to work. Hey, you never answered my question!"

I chuckled, "caught me huh? see Riri, Wanda has some...issues. She's here to get Tony's help."

"Huh...she's not like my sister or something is she? Because I'm pretty sure if he gets another surprise kid Pepper's going to blow a capillary."

I chuckled, "no, no. But she does have daddy issues," I turned to Felicia, she looked around, her eyes looking but not observing. I knew we needed to talk, I knew it had to be done.

I sighed, "Riri, is there any chance you could give me this room for a while?"

Riri blinked, "why is everyone trying to get rid of me today?! Do I have a booger on my head or something?!"

I laughed, "no Riri, I promise, it's just..." I turned to Felicia, she looked at me, "she and I need to talk."

"Oh...and who exactly is she?" Riri asked narrowing her eyes.

Felicia smiled, "well, you see, I'm his girl-" she stopped herself, her eyes blinking as the title seemed to slip out naturally.

I smiled, for some reason, the simple fact that she couldn't stop herself from saying the words' 'girlfriend' while around me made me happy.

"She's my ex," I told Riri, "and right now she and I need to have a long overdue fight. So we're probably going to yell a lot."

Riri seemed to groan, "argh, love, disgusting."

I laughed, "oh right, you're still only twelve right? Give it a few years, you'll come around."

"I doubt it," Riri snorted as she threw her hands up, "fine, I'll give you two soem room, hey J-man!"

"Yes Ms. Strak?" the JARVIS AI asked.

"Is my dad's lab free?"

"I believe so, but might I remind you that you aren't allowed-"

"-Override code: Riri-is-awesome-0927!" she cried out causing the AI to shut up mid way. She walked out chukleing evil with a grin, "come to mama you expensive shiny new toys!"

Felicia smiled as the doors closed behind her, "oh yeah, she's Tony's kid did you met her?"

"Her mom had used an experimental drug to save her life and couldn't fix the after effects, so she came to Tony for help, I just happened ot be there when she did," I as as I turned, noticing how we stood on opposite sides of the same table, a visible distance between each other.

"I suit's nice," she smiled, looking it over, "I like the silver and black much better. Did you have someone special in mind?"

I smiled, "are you asking me if I made it in homage to you?"

Fecalysis smirked, "well, you are currently wearing a full body black and silver suit, so...yeah."

I chuckled, "maybe..." I noticed her own torn and beaten up suit, I reached over, she didn't move as I touched a poorly formed stitch made into her costume side, "yours is a little worn in."

"Yeah," she admitted with a chuckle, "I couldn't' get a replacement. So I had to make due."

"Silver seemed to have decent enough tactical gear."

"Yeah, but it wasn't bullet proof," she snorted, "s.e.xy and sinfully perfect, but this suit still had it beat."

"I see...and the bracelets?" I asked.

She touched those and smiled sadly, "did you really think I would ever get rid of them?"

I looked up, I didn't realise how close I was standing until I saw how big and bright her eyes seemed to glow. She leaned forward, but I moved away.

Felicia looked surprised, stung even. She looked down, and I knew then this was going to be a difficult hour.

"I didn't want to just leave," she whispered, "but...I had to hurry. I needed my dad to help, he taught me everything he knew to get into and out of HYDRA, and along the way...I realised you still hadn't returned to being Spider-man...I knew then I shouldn't have left at all. But did and I was so...happy. Peter I know you can't just forgive me and move on, I know that but I...I'm begging you please, at the least I want to be a part of your life again."

I looked away, " much has happened. So much you weren't there for...I needed you with me and you weren't there."

"I am now," she reached out, her hand touching mine as she slowly squeezed, "and I know it'll take time, but now, I have all the time in the world for you."

"And what if Fury refuses to give Walter a pardon?" I asked pulling away from her grip, "what if he demands something else before that?"

"I doubt he would want to risk pissing you off again after what you did," Felicia smirked.

I looked at her, I glared and slowly her smile dropped. I spoke, "I don't know if I want to be with you."

"Peter...I'm not asking to be together again, I'm not that stupid. But...I just want to be a part of your life," Felicia reached out, this time I didn't move away as she held my hand, "and...I'm alright with just being your friend.."

Friend?! Friend?! F.U.C.K THAT! ARGH! I hate this!

"Fine," I pulled away, my mask covering my face to hide my anger, sadness and the thousand other emotions I was feeling, "so...Francesca?"

Felicia's eyes went wide, "Tony?"

I shrugged, "didn't see did you?"

"No I...oh god, Silver is going to be heartbroken," Felicia whispered.

I snorted, ", are you going to be staying here? Or are you going back to Smykaria?"

"I...I guess I can stay here, that is if you want," she replied with a weak smile.

"You should...MJ and Liz miss you," I replied.

Felicia snorted, "yeah, I'm sure they do. Probably want to kill me too after what I did. I doubt I can return though, I mean...high school? After all I just seems like a step down."

"Now you know how I feel everyday," I chuckled.

"But it's not like you can go now huh?" Felicia laughed, "I mean...can you? With your secret out there and all?"

"I dont' know," I sighed, my mask slipping down, the tension that was building up had been cut down to nothing, literally. I didn't know how, but suddenly it was like the past year hadn't happened, "I mean...I didn't really have time to process all of this. Hell, I haven't even checked Twitter since it happened."

"Oh you should," Felicia smiled as we leaned against the lab wall side by side, "there are so many people coming out in support of you it's not even funny."

I blinked, "really?" I held up my SA and mentally ordered it to bring up my Twitter account. Immediately I saw the rush of notifications I had gotten.

TheAmazingSpider, Peter! Will you go the prom with me?! Please say yes!

TheAmazingSpider, you're sixteen?! Damn it all to hell! Now I'm a pedophile!

TheAmazingSpider, how in hell is a sixteen year old allowed to act like a vigilante?!

I was surprised, out of so many message a majority of them were about how I looked. "Am I really that good looking?" I asked in surprise, cause I'm sure Steve and way better looking than me.

In response Felicia smiled, "yes, you are," she leaned forward, and this time I didn't pull away as she placed a kiss on my lips. I felt...happy. Satisfied, the memory of her betrayal was there but...maybe I could deal with it another time.

Just then the doors opened up, Felicia and I broke apart and moved away from each other faster than the blink of an eye. I turned to see an amused Riri standing over us with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought you said you were going to fight," she snorted.

I sighed, "it's difficult to yell when you're running on two hours of sleep." Felicia just smiled, seemingly smug about getting past my cold exterior...again. F.u.c.k.i.n.g p.u.s.s.y cat.

"Well...whatever," Riri shrugged, "Tony asked me to bring you both to the living room, he and the creepy goth chick finished talking."

I raised an eyebrow, "and he's still alive?"

Riri blinked, "yeah...why wouldn't he?"

"No reason, come on," I got up and without even thinking I offered Felicia my hand. The girl smiled as she accepted it, holding tight before I realise what I did and pulled away. I wasn't ready for that just yet.

Felicia said nothing as we walked back to the living room in silence, Riri seemed to notice the awareness and kept quiet, which honestly made it all the worse.

The doors to the living room open and we all gaped, "what the f.u.c.k?!" Riir cried out.

Tony smiled, "hey you guys, how's it hanging?" he said stuck on the ceiling. A red aura around him and Wanda down below.

"We're leaving," Wanda said, walking away, her face furious.

As she walked Tony came crashing down, "argh!"

"I got you," I said, holding my hand out and using the absolute limit of my telepathic powers slowed his decent so he wouldn't break anything.

He landed on his feet and sighed, "oh thank god."

"Since when you can you do that?" Felicia asked in a whisper as Riri rushed to her dad's side, checking up on him.

"I told you, it's been a long time," I replied, turning to Wanda who now stood out in the cold of the balcony, her arm crossed as she stared off into the city, confused and form what I could smell, angry.

"What happened?" I asked Tony as Felicia and I approached him.

"I...I told her something she didn't want to hear," Tony replied, looking away in shame.

"What?" Felicia asked.

"She...nothing, look it's personal for her, just...make sure she's safe okay?" Tony sighed, "that poor girl has had enough on her mind, right now she needs someplace that can help her..."

I looked at Wanda and sighed, "yeah...I know just the place," I turned to Felicia, "stay here Felicia, I'll be right back."

"No," she shook her head, grabbing my hand, "I promised I wouldn't leave you again didn't? I'm keeping that promise."

I sighed, "fine...don't say I didn't warn you though..."

Sometime later:


Felicia held her check in pain, "shit! That f.u.c.k.i.n.g hurt!"

"How dare you?! You think you can do what you did and just come back like nothing ever happened?!" Jean screamed, even I winced at the sound, and I wasn't the one who had gotten slapped!

Felicia hanged her head, she looked exhausted, "yeah...I know."

"Why? Why did you do this?!" Jean yelled, "do you even understand what you did to him?!"

"Jean I-"

"-Nothing! No! You can't just come here after all this time like nothing happened!" Jean roared as I sighed and stayed away, the red head growled as she lifted a lamp itno the air and threw it at Kitten's head.

"Hey! Watch it!" Felicia cried out, ducking down, the lamp shattering above her head, "you almost got me!"

"Oh I'm going to do a lot more than that!" Jean roared as slowly everything in the room started to levitate into the air.

"Ah...shouldn't you be stopping them?" asked Kurt, who along with the other X-men were forced to sit in the sidelines and watch Jean confront Felicia.

I sighed, "Jean, that's enough."

The red head turned to me, growling, "Peter, you can't just...just pretend she didn't do what she did!"

I sighed, "I know..but this isn't the answer. Control yourself Birdy...please."

The red head looked at me, she sighed and slowly began to lower everything back down, turning to Felicia who looked revelied, "oh, we're not done yet, Felicia," she spat.

I sighed, rubbing my head, "I knew this would happen," I turned and walked to Scott, patting his shoulder, "call me if she tries to kill Felicia again."

The shade wearing boy nodded, "ah..right."

I nodded and left, closing the doors to the living room behind me as I went to Charles's office, opening the door without knocking and walked in, "sorry about that, Jean and Felicia...well, they weren't handling the reunion well."

"It's fine," Charles nodded with a smile as he motioned me inside, "Wanda and I were just get acquainted," said mutant stood with her back facing us as she looked out the window overlooking the gardens outside.

"So...what do you think?" I asked, waiting for the girl to speak.

She was silent, thinking obviously. She turned ot Charles, "so you would take me questions asked, no demands? No tuition?"

Charles nodded, "yes."

"Why? No one does anything for free."

Charles smiled, "I see you share your father's caution...well, you see the reason is simple...there will soon be a great divide in our world, the side of humans and mutants and if one can't provide a safe haven for the latter, then I fear it would be a very cruel world in the future for our kind."

"You're building an army," she galred.

"For peace," Charles replied.

"Kind of a paradoxical statement there professor," Wanda snorted, "HYDRA preached the same thing, control for peace. Are you the same?"

"My students will not fight a battle they have no stake in...and I will not let my d.e.s.i.r.e for cooperation to disarm my student's rights to protect themselves. So...yes Wanda, I may strive for peace, but I am no stranger to war."

Wanda looked away, back at the garden outside humming to herself. She then turned to me, raising an eyebrow, "well? What do you think of all this?"

I sighed, "I don't' agree with the Professor," the statement brought a smile to Charles' face and a look of surprise in Wanda's.

"Why is that? I thought you trusted this man?" she asked.

"I do, I trust him with my life and more importantly the life of my friends, but I don't' agree with his view on certain things...but, at the same time, I would rather be his ally than enemy."

"Why is that?"

"Well, I find being on the side of a mutant who can brainwash you is much better than being his enemy," I shrugged.

Wanda's eyes narrowest the bald man, "then how do you know you're not just saying that because he's controlling you?"

Charles threw his head back and laughed, "why Peter, she seems to be more like you than I thought!"

I smiled, I patted the collar of my suit, the black material shimmering for a second, "my suit has an inbuilt telepathic blocker, I had it installed and turned online every time I visit him. I may trust him, but my thoughts are private to only me, I don't like him that much."

Wanda looked at the bald man and then to me, "can you make me one of those?"

I shrugged, "I have a couple in my car's dashboard, won't' be a problem."

"So, you'll stay?" Charles asked with hope.

"Yeah...why not, it's free right?" Wanda shrugged, "but I refuse to do something I don't' want to. If you even think about it-"

"-I promise you, that is the last thing in my mind," Charles assured the girl with a bright smile on his face, "welcome Ms. Maximoff, to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters," he then closed his eyes and focused, I felt a minot telepathic blast going out and immediately there was a puff of blue smoke next to Wanda.

"Ep!" the girl squealed as she jumped back as suddenly Kurt appeared next to her.

"You called professor?!" the excited boy asked with a smile.

"Yes Kurt," Charles smiled as he turned to a curious looking Wanda, "this is Kurt, he's a student here as well. Kurt, this is Wanda, she'll be joining us starting today. Could you show her to a spare bedroom please?"

"Ja Professor! I would be happy to!" the boy smiled, turning to the girl and immediately stiffening as suddenly he began to stammer, "h-hello."

I smiled, smelling the l.u.s.t rolling of Kurt and the curiosity in Wanda. "So, ah...what's your favorite colour?" Kurt asked.

She raised an eyebrow before pointing at her scarlet robes, "you blind?"

"N-no!" he gulped, "please! Follow me!" The girl said nothing as she let him guide her out of the room.

I chuckled the moment the door closed behind her, "ah, love."

"Hm, indeed, it can make a fool of us all," Charles smiled as rolled from behind his desk, "and speaking of love...Felicia has returned."

I sighed, rubbing my temples as I did, "I really don't want to do this now Professor."

"As your friend Peter, I would disagree. I would say now is exactly when you need to talk about it," the man insisted, "how do you feel?"

"Knowing that she's back?" an immediate smile formed on my face, "happy. But then..I remembered what she did."

"And you're worried she would do it again?"

I nodded, "yeah...and...I feel like it's not fair."

"What do you mean?"

"She left Professor. She left me and then comes back and I'm supposed to just forgive her? Just like that? Like nothing happened? It's not fair!"

"How so?"

"I was hurt, for so saw the way I was before, when I...when she left..."

"And you feel she owes you? You feel she didn't suffer enough?"

", I-"

"-Peter, love isn't about checks and balances, it's about accepting someone regardless of whether it's fair to you or not and being with them because you want too."

"So I'm just supposed to forgive her?!"

Charles was quite, deathly so. He waited I became visibly calmer before speaking once more, "Peter...what's more important? The fact she left you, or the fact that she came back?"

I thought, and for a moment I wanted to say that she left. That I couldn't' forgive her but then I thought, I really thought. And I time, maybe one day we could be together, I think.

I sighed, "let's just go out...I need to make sure Felicia and Jean aren't killing each other."

Charles smiled, "seems like a good idea," I opened the door for him and we moved back to the living room where things seemed to have settled back down. Jean and Felicia sat on chairs across from each other, the redhead glaring while Kitten seems to be have another hand mark on her face.

I raised an eyebrow, "she slapped you again?"

Felicia grumbled, "yeah."

Kathy yawned, "it is 4 in the morning, do we really have to do this drama now?"

"If you really think that you could have left an hour ago," Evan smirked as he, Kathy, Scott and Rouge all sat on a couch near the back, watching all of this eagerly, Evans even had a bowl of popcorn in his hands, munching on the treat like this was one movie to enjoy.

I sighed, "I'm sorry we dropped in on you all like this, I wouldn't do it if it wasn't urgent."

Scott shrugged, "it's fine, a mutant needed our help, it's what we do. So will she be staying?"

"Yes, Ms. Maximoff will be staying with us," Charles said proudly.

"Wait...Maximoff?" Evan's eyes widened by a smidge, "as in Pietro Maximoff?"

I nodded, "she's his twin sister."

"Sister?!" Evan's eyes shot open.

Kathy also looked surprised, "wait...that means that her dad is Magento?!"

"Holy shit!" Evans' cried out, "Peter! What were you thinking?1 What if she's, she's-"

"-A psychopath?" Wanda's voice cut in, we turned to see the girl standing there, her arms crossed defensively as Kurt stood nervously behind her, rubbing his hair nervously.

"She ah, she wanted to see the TV," the german boy squeaked out.

"You have a problem with me?" Wanda asked, walking in and standing over Evans who squealed in fright.

"N-no," he gulped, "'re not going to hurt me are you?"

"No, she isn't," I spoke up, Wanda looking at me with a raised eyebrow, "she's actually a big softy. In fact, her favorite TV show is my Little Pony, so while she may be a brony, she is definitely not dangerous."

Wanda's eyes wided, "what are you talking about?"

I blinked, "ah..just a little light humor to break the tension," I looked around, everyone staring at me, I sighed, "sorry, working on only 2 hours of sleep here people."

Wanda rolled her eyes, "God you're weird."

"Like a motor without a purpose," Scott snorted.

"Like a wheel without an axel," Evans joined in.

"Like a dog without a cat to chase!" Kurt tried to join in.

I smiled, "actually, I think I got a cat to chase," Felicia smiled, though the glare Jean shot her made the girl quieten down.

"So, I don't know about you all, but this is more than enough drama for one night," Scott said, yelling loudly, "I'm going to bed, I suggest you do to Peter, you honestly look exhausted man."

I nodded, I really did. I was way too busy working on Smkariya, HYDRA, SHIELD and then...Felicia. Wanda looked rested and even Felicia to a certain degree. But me, not so much.

I opened my mouth to speak when suddnely S.e.xy interuptted me, "Peter! We have a situation here! I've been monitoring SHIELD's system like you asked me too and I found something interesting."

My suit's system light up a hologram displaying a list of wanted criminals SHIELD had on public listing. And there, on number 1, was me.

Name: Peter Benjamin Parker

Age: 16

Alias: Spider-man, Spider

Species: Enhancement human

Threat level: Level One (Armed and Extremely dangerous)

Wanted for: The Destruction of SHIELD HQ

And attached to the file was a picture take off my Spider-man Instagram page, very artistic if I do say so myself.

Jean's eyes widened, "Peter, what did you do?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples, which I seemed to be doing a lot off lately, "it's a long story. HYDRA infiltrated SHIELD and tried to build weapons to subjugate and take over the world. I stopped them."

Charles g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "you blew up SHIELD's main headquarters?"

I nodded, "yes."

"Peter don't mess with me here," Jean glared, "what are you planning?"

I looked at her, she refused to back down, glaring me down. So I sighed and tapped my suit, giving a mental command to kill the psychic dampness. I then taped my temples, motioning to Jean and Charles, they immediately got the message.

As one they closed their eyes and scanned my brains. I could almost feel them scanning my surface thoughts, and their eyes shoot opened almost immediately.

Jean gasped, "n-no! Peter you can't! It's too dangerous! If you do that you'll paint a giant target on your back!" Charles said nothing, his mind racing as he understood what I planned to do.

I nodded, "I know...but, I refuse to let HYDRA and SHIELD get away scott free."

"I'm coming with you," Felicia spoke immediately, "I know I have no right to ask you, but please, let me help."

"You can help by staying safe until this all blows over," I replied rashly.

"Peter...please," she begged, walking towards me, "please...Tiger, whatever you're going to do," she reached out and touched my hand, "we can do it together."

I sighed, "sorry Felicia...but no," and channeled bio-electricity through my body into her, shocking the girl.

"Ep!" she gasped, falling down into my arms. I had to admit, it felt good doing that. I sighed and pushed her back into her seat, she was knocked unconscious.

I turned to Jean, 'take care of her,' I asked mentally.

The girl looked unsure, but nodded, 'I will...'

"Peter..." Charles finally spoke, "if you do this….then-"

"-I know."

He smiled, "why is it that you feel you must carry this burned on your shoulders alone?"

"Because...someone else might get it wrong," I turned and walked away.

"If you ever need sanctuary...don't hesitate," Charles spoke up, making me stop in suprised, I turned and looked at him curious, he smiled, "it's the very least I can do...for what you are about to do for us all."

I nodded, "I'll think about it," and walked away. The X-men looking confused and unsure while the Professor just sighed, rubbing his temples in discomfort.

I walked out of the mansion and got into my car, flying off into the night. I reached the city in twenty minutes and the moment I parked the car in the bas.e.m.e.nt the entire complex was filled with soldiers, all dressed as SHIELD agents and with their guns pointing at me.

"Spider-man, you're coming with us," the muffled voice of the lead agent on the field ordered.

I raised my hand, not even putting up a fight. I knew the consequences for my actions, but I also had a plan. And more importantly, I knew this was the first step in truely changing the world. F.u.c.k canon. F.u.c.k it all. It's time I do something with my powers and abilities rather than just help people, but save them

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