Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 60 - An Age of Heroes

The interrogation room was...oddly comfortable. Hm, is it supposed to be this nice? Or am i getting special treatment here?


"I can't believe you did that!" Agent David, yuck, slammed his hand on the table, he stood over my shoulder, glaring a hole into my back, "do you have any idea? Any idea how much trouble you're in?!"

I looked around, the walls of the room was lined with black velvet like metal, which was odd. I could feel it give off some kind of radiation, though I couldn't completely guess what it was. X-ray? Maybe some new kind of tech SHIELD was working on to suppress powers?

"Are you even listening to me?!" David cried out, "you're in trouble Peter! And you need to cooperate with me or I can't help you?!"

Oh, I do have a bit of a headache, maybe it's that? Hm...maybe...a headache machine? Sounds stupid.

"Are you listening to me?!"


I looked at him, "I want a lawyer."

He snorted, "no lawyer would ever take on your case Peter. You're a traitor to the government and the people of the United States."

"Matt Murdock, work's out of Hell's Kitchen. Call him up, if he says no, then we'll talk," I looked away. The agent growled for a few moments before ultimately giving up and walking away, slamming the door behind him.

I sighed and leaned back. I knew I wasn't really alone now, the five cameras visible in the room told me that, they probably have more hidden away. There was no one-way mirror though, the cliche interrogation tool wasn't SHIELD's style.

But, that didn't mean I was intimidated at all.

"S.e.xy, I'm bored, play Star Wars would you?" I asked as I kicked my legs back and put my cuffed arms behind my head to relax as my suit displayed a holographic screen in front of me.

They had let me keep the suit, or rather they couldn't force me to take it off. And the cuffs were more for them than me, considering I could break out of them in literally seconds.

I watched the movie to waste away time, it served as white noise for me while I thinked. Thinked of what to do. This was brand new territory for me, as myself and Peter Parker. I hadn't gotten in trouble with law enforcement, and yet I just went and blew up SHIELD.

I was half way into the movie when the door to the office opened up and in walked Matt, looking curious as he turned to let his ear listen, "are you watching Star Wars?"

"Yup," I dismissed the movie, "thanks for this. I owe you one."

"Damn you do. Dragging me into this," Matt grumbled, "do you have any idea how scared Foggy was when SHIELD came to the office? He thought..." he stopped himself, "why Peter?"

"Why you? Or why did I do what I did?"

"Both," the man demanded as he slammed the door shut behind him.

I sighed, he walked down and sat across from me. "I called you because you're the only lawyer I I figured the publicity could help you," I smiled.

Matt snorted, "I'm sure the headlines will be amazing, 'Blind lawyer for lost case'."

"Don't worry about the case," I waved his concern, "I already have that covered. They won't do anything to me, not with the dirt I have on them...on all of them."

Matt raised an eyebrow, "then why? Why did you call me here?"

I placed my hand on the table and began tapping, "I just wanted to f.u.c.k with David. The big scary agent who I'm sure threatened you?"

Matt snorted, "yeah, he did," my tapping began to get rhythmic, and Matt noticed.

"Yeah, he's a d.i.c.k. He's also the one who trained me, so all of this is kind of his fault," I turned to one of the cameras and smiled, "he must feel like shit right now."

Matt nodded, "so...why did you blow up SHIELD?"

"Because they were building extinction level weapons," I replied, my tapping began to growing quicker in pace, "and they were being manipulated by unknown forces. If I let them continue, they would have destroyed the world."

"That's quite a story, think the special council they assembled in Washington will listen?" Matt asked.

I shrugged, "hopefully."

"I see...well...then I promise, it will be safe," Matt nodded.

I smiled, "glad you got the message," I turned to the cameras, "we're done here."

The doors opened as David and a few other agents walked in. They escorted Matt out, the man moving without another word.

"I don't' know what you're planning kind, but I pray you grow some brains before you get yourself killed," David spat as he walked out, slamming the door behind him.

I smiled, the message had gotten through. Any decent investigator would have realised what I was doing, but SHIELD always did have their eyes on the big picture, not the little one. Not the way I sat, or the way I tapped my fingers on the table.

Because if they ddi, they would have realised it was morse code. A code repeated over and over again, one Matt acknowledged he received. 'Protect the city'.

I couldn't bring myself to do what I was planning to do without at the very least ensure the city was protected. And I knew Matt would hold that promise, and I'm sure Harry would help as well. As much as he could.

That night:

The cell itself was white with metallic silver plates along the wall, apparently it was made for someone of my strength level. It couldn't keep the Hulk in, btu I was no problem. But, Fury wasn't stupid, he knew a cell wouldn't' hold me.

I was placed in a full body metal casting that bolted my arms and legs to my side and kept straight up. It felt like a sarcophagus on display in a museum, though I'm sure it was made of much sturdier stuff.

Electrical wiring along the inside of the coffin, powerful drugs ready to be deployed at a moment's notice through the air vents and best off al, a giant picture of a cat hanging from a tree on my pure white walls.

"So...enjoying the view?" out of the shadows of the prison cell walked the bald one eyed monster I was most pissed at.

I looked, the coffin let only my head to move, "when did you have this built?"

"When you took down six super villains on your own," he replied, walking around me in circles.

"I wasn't alone, I had Bruce as my backup," I corrected him.

"Sure you did, and let's pretend you actually needed him yes?" Fury snorted as he stopped before me. His face bruised, his heavy black coat hiding the bandages underneath.

I looked at him, my suit shimmered and retreated back to expose my face, "so.."

" blew up my building."

"You brainwashed my girlfriend."

"You nearly killed thousands of government employees."

"Half of which were HYDRA, and all of whom were working on weapons that could be used to spy and kill people," I spat.

Fury narrowed his eyes, "you know you're going to jail for a long time right?"

I snorted. I flexed my arms and there was a loud snap.


Fury jumped back as a bolt from my iron coffin came flying out.


More and more pieces of the coffin came flying off as I ripped the stupid thing off my person. There was a flash of electricity as they tried to shock me, but thanks to Jessica's DNA and my suit, I didn't even feel it.

"Release the gas!" Fury ordered out loud as he took out a miniature gas mask and put it on himself.

"Don't bother," I replied as my mask formed over my head, "I have this thing can filter out anything you dose me with."

Fury watched as slowly the entire room was filled with green gas, but neither him nor I even wobbled from it's effects.

"Get this through your head Nicholas," I growled as I walked towards him, "I can escape anytime I want. Anytime. The fact that I'm not doing so is because I am not a criminal, and I'm going to prove it. So unless you have anything important to say to me. Get out!"

Fury galred, "don't' do this kid. I don't' want to fight you."

"You did that the moment you pushed her from me," I waved my hand, sending a telekinetic blast that sent Fury to the cell wall. I sat down in one corner of my cell and waved him away, "if you need me, I'll be here catching up on the last episode of the Bachelor," said show appeared as a hologram before my face.

The Director of SHIELD said nothing as he walked out of the cell leaving me alone. But I knew I was still being watched, I doubt I would ever be truly free. Which was why I was going to play them all right underneath their noses.

As the Bachelor played outside, a different screen was displayed on my HUD. Social media accounts, hundred of dummy accounts, on every single platform. I had S.e.xy make them while I waited for them to bring Matt over, though I'll admit Star Wars did have my attention half the time.

Right now I mentally wrote down several provoking or controversial comments on every single social media platform.

The moment I was outed as the bomber of SHIELD, people have lost their minds.

What the f.u.c.k is wrong with the world?! First we find out Spider-man is a boy?! And now this?!

So you're telling me, the guy who saved the world literally a week ago, blew up SHIELD? Yeah...right

Oh my God could he get any hotter!? Ep, falsely convicted people are so hot!

Unless he isn't falsely convicted.

Then he's even hotter!

I think he deserves to be in jail for all the things he did! Let the white bastard pay!

That last one? It was me.

If Niccolo Machiavelli was alive today he would know that to get people to gather around a cause, you shouldn't speak out in support of it. Rather, you should speak out against it.

If he really was a hero then why didn't he tell us who he was before?!

I heard he r.a.p.ed a girl during Freshman year!

I go to the same school as him! It's totally true!

He once had a threesome with a redhead and the Black Cat!

Okay, the last one wasn't mean, but I so wanted people to know!

Either Way, if you wanted something to become and relevant, you stroke the flames. Don't just pour drops of oil, toss a gas truck into it. I was trolling people, posting fake comments on everything, putting up hate message I find around about heroes and me.

Pictures of Ironman flying over poor neighborhoods with the caption, 'What money does', or destroyed buildings in Detroit, 'Hulk Smash!'

And they all got responses.

What do you mean ****?! I got to Midtown high too, I don't know Peter Parker personally, but he's a Goddamn saint! While he literally saves people, you sit in your underground troll bas.e.m.e.nt and masterbate! F.u.c.k you, kill yourself!

He didn't tell you who he was because of his Uncle and Aunt you shit hole! If you had any common sense and knew how to use Google you would know about them! You would also know that they vanished a few days ago, thank you very much WITSEC!

A threesome? Damn...just damn…

That's a picture of Detroit you jackass! If you want to balme someone for that, blame the President!

It was the same way the Russians made Donald Trump President in my Earth, which I sure as shit going to make sure doesn't happen here, but it was an effective technique. Get everyone to feel like the big guy, make a stand, protect the hero for once.

And things took off. People came out in droves to support me. The narrative changed, from me bombing SHIELD to the question of 'why?', which is exactly what I want to happen. Because for what's about to happen, I need the entire world to be watching.

A week later:

The day of my trial I was loaded into a armored van with ten armed guards and taken away. The van rocked back and forth, the men had their guns across their l.a.p.s, ready to be used at a moments notice.

I cleared my throat, "so...anyone see last night's episode of the Bachelor?" they said nothing. I raised an eyebrow, "because you know, Daryl ends up choosing Stacy's over Amanda, which means that-"

"-Don't say it!" one of them hissed, earning glares from the rest of his teams, making the man shy away and me grin.

"Knew there was a fan amongst you," I closed my eyes as my costume shimmered. Transforming from the Black Spider suit I wore into a black and white suit that fit me perfectly. The agents around me were startled and moved for their weapons, but the moment he realised I wasn't trying to get out, they relaxed.

I rolled my neck and turned out the only female operator there and raised an eyebrow, "well? How do I look?"

She rolled her eyes, "like a dead man."

" does that mean you can see dead people? Do I need to call Bruce Willis?" I grinned, getting a chuckle from the all. Ah, nice, who knew scary men and women with guns could be relatable?

The truck eventually stopped as they took me out, the suffs I was in were just for show, but they did weigh a lot. I was pulled out and found myself in front of the steps to the capitol building. And surrounding it were hundreds if not thousands of people.

"Let him go!"

"He's a goddamn hero! Not a criminal!"

"We love you Spidey!"

I felt bad manipulating them like this...but I needed the attention, the whole world needs to watch. I looked around, there were so many people standing behind the barricade, young, old, kids dressed up like Avengers, old men in military uniform looking proud.

As I was guided up the steps I saw so many new reports on standby it wasn't even funny. Did I honestly get much public attention to myself? Each news station reported it in a different manner.

"..We see now the terrorist Spider-man is being brought before the Capitol building," said the Republican Fox News.

"...Everyone is waiting with bated breath to see if the teenage hero from Brooklyn will fight back against the allegations," went CNN.

"..What we do know however, is that Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man, is the first Avenger ever to have become a terrorist, which justifies some of the claims and worries the lead public analysers have theorized over the months since the Avengers first formed."

"...This is said to be the trial of the century..."

"..With overwhelming demand from the public, the Legislative division has been forced to allow cameras into this hearing..."

"...Some say this impartial treatment is because of Mr. Parker's actions as a hero and deem it as a form of nepotism..."

I climbed the stairs as suddenly a hush fell over the crowd.

"Mommy look! It's Ironman!" I turned, and sure enough, Tony came flying down in a new suit, I think it was the same one he used for Ultron, Mark 43.

He floated before me, nodding "Pete."

I nodded back, "Tony."

"Step away Stark, don't get any ideas," the lead officer said as they all leveled their weapons.

"Relax, I'm not here for that," Tony snorted as the suit suddenly popped open as Tony walked out in a well made Armani suit, purple tie and a small circular pin on his grey jacket that resembled my mask, "I'm here as me, not Iron man."

The men looked at each other before slowly putting their weapons down. "You can come along, but don't get any ideas," the lead officer ordered.

"Wouldn't dream of it hon," Tony grinned as his suit flew away, "shall we?"

I rolled my eyes as we continued, the doors to the capitol building was opened as the nearly empty hallway greeted us. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d curiously, "where is everyone?"

"Inside, waiting," Tony replied, "it's going to be the trial of the century, didn't you here? Oh, that's right, you didn't, I doubt you got Wifi wherever Fury threw you."

I smirked at his raised voice, "something biting you Tony?"

The man stopped and turned to me, he looked furious. He looked to my guards and spoke, "give us a minute?" they looked unsure, Tony growled, "we saved the world atleast once, can we not get a goddamn moment of privacy?!"

The men slowly moved back, but never too far away. Tony sighed and rubbed his eyes, they were dark and heavy, he hadn't been sleeping well.

"How's Riri?" I asked.

"Fine...considering she tried to sneak out and track you and spring you over five times the past week," Tony sighed, "like the rest of the goddamn world."

"She's got too much of her father in her," I smirked.

Tony snorted, "figured…." he looked at me, his face growing serious, "Peter...what are you doing?"

"Tony...relax, I got this, I promise," I smiled, "do you honestly think I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to? Please, Fury's cage held me for five seconds before I got bored. I promise Tony, I'm here...because I want to."

"I I'm supposed to expect a sixteen year old child to know what he's doing? Hm?" Tony asked.

I shrugged, "you trusted me to save the world didn't you?"

He clicked his teeth and looked away, "it's not the same."


"Because they will throw you away in prison for life!" he snapped.

I shrugged, "if I fail to do what I set out to do today, then yeah, I deserve it. But right now Tony...I can't walk away form this."

He growled, looking away as he held his head in his hand, "I...I don't want to watch you go to your death're making yourself out to look like a martyr."

"If that's what I have to be," I walked past him, my guards quickly came forward and surrounded me as we moved forward, leaving a disgurentedly and angry Tony Stark behind. I sighed, I really hope I was doing the right thing.

The doors to the main room opened up and I was motioned inside, there were thousands of people inside, all in suits and looking professional as shit. Camera's, photographs, everything. I recognized a few faces, like the senator who tried to take away Tony's suit and some...lady...oh whatever, like I even care.

I was taken to the defense position which was empty, I didn't need Matt here anyway. I was released from my cuffs and placed on the seat as twelve congressmen and women sat before me behind a large circular table.

"The case of Peter Parker Vs. the People shall now begin," the oditor spoke up, "I request silence from the audience and reports at this time, if silence is not met, you will be forced out of this room for the reminder of this hearing."

"Thank you," the councilman from V.i.r.g.i.nia said with a shit eating grin as they all turned their attention to me, "Mr. sit here accused of planning and carrying out a terrorist bombing on the Triskelion, the SHIELD HQ on American soil. How do you plead son?"

"Not guilty," I replied. Immediately the room went into an uproar as everyone began to whisper. It took the orator a moment to bring them all under control.

"I'm sorry, but are you saying that this is not you?" the man snapped his fingers as an assistant turned on the two flat screen TV's they had in the room, displaying a surveillance footage of me on the roof with Felicia and Wanda, thankfully both of their faces were away form the camera, but mine was not.

"Oh, that's me," I nodded.

"So you admit then, you're guilty?"

"Of what crime?"

"Of blowing up SHIELD!"

"Yes, that I am guilty off."

"Then why did you say otherwise?!"

"Because the first time you called it a terrorist bombing, and I assure you, while I did blow up SHIELD, I didn't do it because I was trying to spread terror."

"Oh? And what exactly were you trying to prove?" the man snorted, looking down at me. He wanted me to explain, give me just enough rope to hang me with it. He didn't realise, that was exactly what I wanted.

"I wanted to stop HYDRA who planned on using SHIELD's weapons to rule the world," I replied.


The room went into a panic and I sat back and watched it go down. I waited and the orator brought the court back into order, I stood up as all attention came to me. I turned and faced the cameras, I knew it was a live stream, which was only natural.

"HYDRA is SHIELD, they infiltrated it, took over and tried to use the world's own resources to bring it down," I snapped my fingers, immediately the TV's frizzed out as hundreds upon hundreds of doc.u.ments came up on the screen, "I'm currently uploading every file I have about Project Insight into the web, what SHIELD knew, and what HYDRA kept from them."

The people gasped as they took out their phones and searched, and sure enough, my fake accounts had posted links to the uploaded files and the server farms already, it was like Christmas came early.

"Excuse me, but what is Project Insight?" a reporter asked.

"We are here for Mr. Parker's trial, not a press inquiry!" the councilman tried to bring attention back to them, but I had the reigns now, and it was time for my plan to bring.

I took a deep breath and began, "Project Insight...was a project born out of fear. Out fear of the unknown, of the idea that one day Aliens might come back down and kill us all. But when we allowed out fear to blind us a bigger threat came out, a man-made threat. Ourselves. HYDRA planned on using the weapons SHIELD made to kill anyone and everyone they deemed a threat, using this," I held out a hologram with a stream of code on it, "I found it in the system of the three helicarriers I blew up. It would predict any possible present and future threat to the world, HYDRA would use this list, and kill the threats before they got out of hand."

"Threats? What kind of threat?" a reporter asked as they all eagerly took down every word I spoke.

I smirked, "what kind of person scares an organization who bring about fear? To HYDRA, these people were threats, but to us? They are our salvation, born to fight oppression and for freedom."

"Someone stop him, this isn't a press release!" the councilman from Iron Man 2 cried out.

I turned and pointed a finger at him, "he works for HYDRA too," I had S.e.xy display the list Felicia stole of Strucker and there listed was Senator Stern's full name, "and he planned to f.u.c.k all of you over I'm sure."

"W-what?! He's lying! Obviously! Someone stop him!"

"Oh shut you wannabe Donald Trump reject," I snorted, turning back to the eager reporters, "I gave Director Fury this list of HYDRA operatives, and yet in the last week since I was incarcerated, not one mention of this list was made. I'm sure he's trying to keep things quite, to maintain the faith the world holds for SHIELD but...damn him. No more, no more lies or deceit. We can't keep playing this game of shadows, not when the lives of all mankind are at stake.

"We need to be more...we need to be better. We can't allow hate to guide our actions anymore or else stupid shit like this will keep happening! The world is filling up more and more everyday with people with powers and we can either be afraid and run, or we can stand with them, and earn the right to call us human.

"You know what that word means don't' you? Human? It means to be compassionate, to be empathetic. How can we do that, when we are so ready to hate and reject that which is different from us? Mutants are the next stage in human evolution, we caused it, and now we must accept the consequences of our actions. We must stand together and stay strong, because tomorrow...a threat which even a team of seven heroes won't' be able to face alone might come around, and we'll need everyone..every single person on the planet to speak up and be a hero.

"The time of being afraid is over...from now on, it is the Age of Heroes!"

The room exploded, and I smiled.

"You're sentenced to life in jail! No parole for leaking state secrets and being a traitor!" Senator Stern cried out.

"As far as I care, the only traitor in here is you Stern!" I spat, the wad of spit his tting his face, "f.u.c.k HYDRA!"

"That's enough!" the men standing in the side charged in and grabbing me, I didn't resist much as I let them pull me away. The people cried out and yelled at me, demanding more answers, demanding I be allowed to talk some more.

I smiled as I was dragged away, I had did it. Fury's dirty laundry was exposed, he couldn't hide anymore. HYDRA was exposed, all of SHIELD's secrets. They now had two choices, adapt and overcome, or die. Either Way, the world will not be the same.

This world has too many problems and to few people willing to do anything about it. Heroes were a rare breed, and I needed to make them make a stand, but I knew I couldn't just ask them, no I needed to force them.

There was so much prejudice against powered people, so much hate. I needed this time to speak out against it. I knew people would hate me for it, I knew most wouldn't' listen, but I had to try. I needed to do that at the least, for what I did next would surely ruin their lives as a whole.

HYDRA will now be forced on the run, and for that single fact alone, I'm happy to have done this.

I was thrown into another armoured truck which speed off. I looked around and frowned at the men, they weren't SHIELD, no, they were dressed as army. And the man sitting right next to me wore a beret, not a helmet.

I blinked, immediately recognizing him, "General Ross?"

The man smiled, "hey kid...long time."

"Yeah...what is this? Where is the SHIELD team?" I asked.

"You got sentenced remember? You're being taken to a newly made prison for supers, where you'll be thrown in a hole and left to rot," he said in a worried tone.

I narrowed my eyes, "I see…."

"You don't seem worried," he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't," I knew it wouldn't really hold me, I doubt anything could right now. My tech is too advanced for it, "and besides, why do you care?"

The man smirked, "you would be surprised that I do…." he sighed as he took off her green beret, "do you know the difference between a vigilante and a soldier is Parker?"

I raised an eyebrow, "what is this? Philosophy 101?"

"Answer the question kid," he grumbled.

I snorted before thinking for a moment. I then spoke, "there isn't much...a soldier fights because he's ordered. A vigilante fights because he can."

Ross nodded, "not a bad answer...but do you know mine?"

I sighed, "I'm guessing you're going to tell me even if I say no aren't you?"

The soldiers next to us smirked, Ross himself smiled, " me a soldier is a hero, he laid down his life for something greater than himself...and he is willing to do that whenever he's asked. But a vigilante...they only fight for themselves and for their needs. As such….they have no honour."

I shrugged, "whatever makes you sleep at night Ross...but I know a few people who embodied the very epitome of goodness...and they are damn fine heroes."

He nodded, "maybe...but I can only agree with you on one person."

I raised a curious eyebrow, "really? Who?"

He turned to me, "you," he looked at the soldiers around us, "you don't recognize you?"

I narrowed my eyes and looked around, I realised the soldiers were all smiling, at ease around me, most had even placed their guns aside form their person. "No...why?"

Ross snorted, "they're the soldiers you saved Parker...that day in Harlem more than a year ago. Remember? When you stopped a fuel leak from the saved each of these men's lives that day. Not the Hulk or for that, we all owe you our lives."

"When I told my kid I was the first person Spider-man saved, he was ecstatic," a soldier to my left said with a smirk, "every time you showed up on the news, saving people, stopping monsters, I would at the screen and tell my kid, 'see, that's the guy that brought your daddy home'."

"We all owe you our lives Peter," Ross spoke, "and soldiers don't forget their debts. Not like the whims of a politician. We have our order yes, but damn them, damn them all," he took out a piece of paper and slipped into my hands, "Rogers and the rest are waiting for you at this location."

My eyes widened, "you planned this out?"

Ross nodded, "yes, but we don't have time to explain. Quickly, knock us out and escape, I know you're strong enough to escape out of those cuffs."

"What?! You want me to escape?" I blinked, "why?!"

"Stark told me you were in danger, that's why we volunteered to take you away after your sentencing," Ross motioned to his men, "I hand picked these men because I knew they would be more than willing to cover for you."

"But why?" I asked, "why do you want me to run from the law? What is the end game here?"

"Why? Do you have a better plan?" I thought about, I didn't have one. I always planned on breaking out and doing my own thing, might as well do it now then.


I broke out of my cuffs easily and looked around, "I'm sorry, but this is going to sting," electricity sparked across my finger tips.

"Do what you have to do kid," the soldiers said, smiling all the while.

I carefully stunned each and everyone of them, leaving Ross for last. "Godspeed kid," Ross whispered as I shocked him unconscious as well.

"Black Spider mode," I growled as my armour shimmered alive, transforming form it's suit mode into my armour. I approached the back door of the van and kicked it open. I shot a web line out and jumped out, swinging away as the van turned a corner.

The address Ross gave me was too an abandoned warehouse in the outskirts of the capital. But ten minutes into my career as a runaway from the law, the entire city was covered with police and military personnel.

I had to hide in the shadows and stick to the rooftops, using stealth mode to make my way around. It eventually got so bad they had called in helicopters as well.

I looked over from atop a residential building and saw the sky filled with choppers and personnel. If SHIELD was behind this...that would explain why the city turned into a f.u.c.k.i.n.g war zone in 10 minutes flat.

I managed to finally sneak into the warehouse and sure enough, between several large wooden and metal crates, was Cap. Standing next to him was Tony.

I landed before them, startling them all as my costume shimmered out of stealth mode, "hey."

"You're suit has stealth mode as well?" Tony g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "of course it does. Out done by a 16 year old, I can't believe this."

"Careful Spider, I think you hurt Stark's feelings," Cap smiled.

I allowed my suit mask to retract, revealing me face to them both, "yes well, no reason for me nto to excel at something."

"So...this is what you had planned," Tony remarked as he took out his phone that was playing a newsreel.

"The startling claims and files leaked by Peter Parker has sent the world a frenzy. Ove a million copies of said files have been made. And the listing of HYDRA agents has already found over three hundred names in high government position all around the world. Said people have now been put on a watch list, the FBI and CIA are scrambling to form a task force to investigate them for any truth the charges leveled against them."

"You put up the names of every single HYDRA agent in the world Peter. Fury would have handled it, but now…." Cap said warningly.

"He was moving too slow for my preference Cap," I shrugged, "I don't trust Fury...not anymore. Not after what he did. This way, no more secrets, no more hiding."

"But you also alerted them that we know," Stark argued, "and not they are scrambling to hide, to bury themselves."

"And they can never ever hide again," I argued back, "the world now knows about them….and if they ever plan anything like this again, it won't be a last second surprise. By keeping this fight in the shadows we allowed them to thrive, but the world knows about them, and more importantly, the Avengers know about them."

"So is that your plan?" Cap asked, "to have us handle them?"

I nodded, "yes, and frankly I don't trust SHIELD to do the same...but I know it will be difficult, so I have something that can help," I reached into my belt and threw a pendrive into Tony's hands, "that is the full list. A list every super powered hero who can help you. I got it from HYDRA's system, they already know about these people, so I would suggest you hurry."

Tony foran, "what do you want us to do with it?"

"Find them...recruit them. Train them," I sighed, "we need more heroes Tony, and we need people. Doom almost won last time, not the mention...we have other threats coming for us."

"Like what?" Cap asked.

"The man who gave Loki his scepter," I told them, "Thanos...he's coming. And we, all of us, need to be ready to fight him. So use that list, and build and army, I'm trusting both of you to do it, since I can't really do so."

"And what about you?" Cap asked, "Ross and I didn't have a plan, we just...we didn't think you deserved to be sent to jail for the rest of your life. Not for doing what was right."

"You might be a wanted felon, but I'm guessing you are smart enough to use this to your advantage," Tony hummned.

I sighed, "well...I have an idea on where to go. But first thing's first. Where is my car?" Tony grinned, he snapped his fingers causing a large wooden crate behind him to pop open, relieving my car inside. I grinned, "perfect."

Three hours later:

Felicia walked through the halls of the mansion. When she woke up after her ex tased her a week ago she felt it was karmic. She tased him and left to protect him and he did the same.

The nights following that Felicia was tempted, so very tempted to just get up and leave, to find him, break him out and run. But Jean always stopped her.

The girl didn't talk much, Felicia felt isolated and alone, she couldn't help thinking this might have been how Peter felt when she left. She felt horrible, but she knew, right now, she deserved at least some of this misfortune.

"He got out?!" she heard Kurt cry out, but ignored him, these mutants were always so loud, she figure it was just some game they were playing. She sighed, today was the day of Peter's trial, but she couldn't bring herself to watch the man she loved get thrown into prison.

She was already forming a plan in her head, how to get him out. She could ask her father for help, the man wouldn't like it, but he would agree to help, for her. And even if eh didn't, Felicia knew she could ask at least Jean for help, though the girl still disliked her.

She walked out to the gardens, it really was an amazing and quite place to visit. And best off all, it was quite. They didn't bother her here, they knew she wouldn't like it. Felicia sat down on the outdoor white swing and looked out into the flora, it was so...beautiful.

"Hey..." the voice startled her, but immediately she smiled.

She turned, she saw him standing over him with two small bags on him. A lazy smile on his face as he was dressed in a black hoodie and blue jeans.

"Hey..." she replied, a small smile growing larger and larger, tears running down, "you came back."


"I didn't think you would…."

He smiled, "now you know how I felt when you left….speaking should probably head back to Smykaria. Silver will protect's dangerous here."

"No," Felicia said adamentally, "never again...I'm staying here, with you and Jean...where I was meant to..."

He snorted, "fine..." he looked at her, there was still between them, this wide gap that didn't seem to close anytime soon. But, she hoped, hoped against hope, that one day, it would. And right now, she had all the time in the world to do just that, get this relationship right.

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