Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 61 - Knock-knock-who's there?

End of May:

I heard the doors to the lab open up. I pulled my eyes away from my work and looked over my shoulder, seeing Jean leaning against the door with an amused smile on her face and two cups of hot coffee.

She wore a set of tracks, grey with a blue 'X' on the side, and a black top that hangs loosely of her body. She had her hair tied back, no makeup on her face, but still looked amazing to me.

"Morning," she smiled as she walked in.

"Morning?" I asked in surprise as I took the cup she offered, humming in joy as the scent of the tar like substance hit me.

"It's six, have you been here all night?" she asked curious, amused all the while.

I sighed, "kind off, yes," I sipped the coffee and sighed in relief, I may or may not have developed a caffeine addiction over the months since I can't seem to start the day without a cup at least. But then again these days I need the energy, I was spending a lot of sleepless nights in the X-men's lab, which Xavier was kind enough to allow me to use while I stayed.

"What are you working on this time?" she asked amused as she looked over my shoulder, raising a single perfect eyebrow at the sight behind me, ""

I smiled and turned, on my table was a black box five inches tall and wide. Simple and perfectly leveled. It's edges were rounded so as to not cut anything, and no matter how one looked, they wouldn't be able to find a single mark on the surface of the cube.

"It's made out of vibranium," I explained, "using my limited knowledge of the substance I was about to create a containment box using it."

"Containment? For what?" she asked curiously.

"For this," I tapped the cube's top, pressing my hand against it long enough for the cube to turn blue slowly. I then channeled my magic into the cube, allowing the runes I carved inside of it to react to me before stating in a clear voice my real name, " !$3$! #$!"

Jean blinked, "what?"

"Password," I explained as the box opened itself, revealing a velvet cushion on which rested a single yellow gem that bathed both Jean and I with it's light.

"What is it?" Jean asked curiously.

"It's...complicated, but dangerous, very dangerous," I snapped my fingers, the cube locked itself, returning to its stasis like state, "it gives out gamma energy along with theta waves, as such people can use that energy to track it. But as long as it's in that, no one will be able to detect it."

"But just a fingerprint and a password? Isn't that...I don't know, somewhat basic? I mean if this thing really is that simple, shouldn't it be more difficult to get in?" Jean enquired.

I smiled, "you heard me speak, can you repeat the password?"

Jean blinked, "oh, it's...ah.." she g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "why can't I...why can't I remember it?"

I grinned, "because it's impossible to remember. Plus, even if they do somehow get my bioscan and the password, the second which is impossible, they would have to also replicate my aura and magic, which is most definitely impossible as everyone has a unique aura."

Jean blinked, "magic?"

"Yeah," I snapped my fingers as the box slowly began to levitate into the air, causing the psychic to gasp in shock.

"Peter?! Are you a mutant too?" she asked eagerly.

"Haha, no, I's complicated," I smiled as I summoned the box into my hand, "but yes, magic is real...and it actually holds a few answers that the professor and you might find interesting. You see anyone, and I mean anyone, can learn magic, the only difference is that the x-gene allows mutants to know this knowledge instinctively, thereby serving as a cheat code of sorts to said knowledge. You get it?"

"So...can you read minds?" Jean asked.

I shook my head, "no, telepathy is...harder. I can't seem to crack it, but telekinesis is easier though," to show her I had the cube levitate around my hand, I smirked, "cool huh?"

"So...are mutants magic?" Jean asked.

"In the strictest sense, yes," I nodded, levitating the cube back on the table.

"Magic..." she shook her head, grumbling as she sipped her drink, "it's too early in the morning for this. Next thing you'll tell me Hogwarts is real."

I smiled, "it's called Kamar-Taj, it's not in Scotland but Nepal. And it's not as fun as Hogwarts."

Jean spat out her drink, "what?!"

I threw back my head and laughed, "yeah, Johnny did the same thing."

Jean grumbled, "damn it Peter, everyday it's something new."

I smiled, she smiled back. We stood apart, a few feet separated us. She leaned in and I blinked in surprise as she tried to kiss me. I wanted to kiss her back, but then the thought of the girl with silver like hair staying in the room opposite to mine came to my head.

Almost on instinct I moved back. Jean felt me move back, she opened her eyes, worry in those green eyes shined through, "what's wrong?"

I didn't know. I wasn't with Felicia, I knew that, she knew that. She spent the past few days happy just helping the mutants in the school, talking to them, becoming friends. But every time I entered the room, I saw her looked at me and smile, hope of more there just behind her eyes.

I sighed, "damn you Felicia."

Jean smiled, "too soon?"

I nodded, "yeah..."

" know, I...I feel the same way. She didn't just leave you..."

"Yeah, but you weren't on your death bed when she left."

Jean sighed, placing her cup on the table she took my hands in hers, " know she hates herself for what she did right?"

"How can I know she won't leave again?"

"I suppose you can't be sure but...Peter, she loves you, and if I'm being honest, she also misses me, but you a little more," she smiled.

I chuckled, ", what? We should just be one big happy threesome? You do know that polygamy isn't really accepted socially right?"

"Neither are mutants," she smiled.

I smiled, but slowly, I let my face fall, "I think...I think I just need time Jean."

"No, what you need is too spend some time together. You don't even talk to her can you expect to forgive her if-"

"-there was never anything to forgive," I replied, "it's just that...I don't trust her. I've forgiven her but I don't' know if I can still trust her."

"How can you know? If you don't even try to talk to her? If you don't even spend more than a minute alone with her?"

I looked into Jean's eyes and sighed. I leaned forward, pressing my head against hers, "so...what do I do?"

I could smell her joy, "well...if you must know, my school is hosting a junior prom...since you and Felicia can't come and rest of us are'll be all alone...with her."

"So you want me to spent the time with her?" I grumbled, "that's going to be difficult to do Jean..."

"I'm sure you and that big brain of yours can figure something out," Jean smiled, planting a kiss on my forehead, "now come on, you need to eat something and wash yourself, because Peter, I love you, but you look like shit."

I chuckled, "yes Birdie," I let her pull me away, closing and locking the lab behind me.

We went upstairs into the kitchen, just as a bowl of cereal came flying through the air at me. I ducked as ti sailed over me Jean blinking in surprise, "well, that's new."

"Get back here Kurt!" Evans yelled as suddenly Kurt teleported out of the room and into the hallway.

"Hey! Don't' knock over my cereal! You already threw out yours!" want Felicia's voice as Evans came running out, throwing a brown spike at Kurt who just vanished away before it did any real damage.

We walked inside and saw the kitchen a mess. Rouge had a look of contempt and disgust on her face, something that Wanda, her new best friend, shared as the two gothic girls sat away from the rest to the end of the table.

Scott looked amused, something Storm and Logan shared. Felicia sat away from the rest, looking disappointed as she held her bowl of cereal in her hands while Kathy just looked pissed.

"Lively morning," I grumbled as Jean and I moved to the table. I was about to sit away from the rest, but when I tried I felt Jean reach out and pinch me.

I turned and glared, she pointed at Felicia who sat alone, I sighed and nodded, slipping to sit by Felicia's side, surprising the girl, while Jean sat on my right.

"Ah, Peter, you're alive, that is nice to know," Charles chuckled, "I was beginning to think you had mutated into a stone statue for a moment."

I smirked, "you know how it is, get caught up in something interesting and nothing can seem to take you away."

"Hm, I see, and just what is it that you're working on?" Charles asked curiously.

I grinned, "something interesting...actually, I was hoping you could come and take a look at it. I could use your help..if you have the time that is."

"I'm free this afternoon, I'll be at your disposal," the man nodded.

"So...what are you working on Tiger?" Felicia asked with a smile.

I smiled back, though it took me a moment, "something...that I hope will change the world."

Wanda raised an eyebrow, "that's quite a claim."

"And I don't' make it lightly," I nodded.

"Well, if anyone can do it," Felicia shrugged.

"So...what's new with you guys?" I asked, looking at the remaining X-men in the room.

"Nothing much, just getting ready for prom," Scott replied with a shrug, "I mean, trying too anyway, but someone keeps being stubborn," he sent a look to Rouge.

"Hey! I told you proms are lame," Rouge snorted, "I'm never going to go to one of those."

"A night where we dress up like pompous bitches and move like we're having seizures? Please, who needs it?" Wanda snorted, sharing a node with her new BFF.

I leaned to Felicia, "told you she and Rouge would get along." The girl chuckled and shook her head.

"So what about you Peter? Did Jean ask you?" Kathy asked eagerly, getting both Jean and Felicia to look at me curiously.

I sighed and hanged my head, I was in a world of magic, future science and so many more things. And yet, here I was, stuck between two girls.

"I doubt Peter can come out given his current...status," Professor X said with a smile, "I'm sure he would love to thought." I breathed a sigh of relief, thank you Patrick Stewart!

"Oh, that's too bad," Kathy grumbled before blinking, "wait, but Jean what are you going to do? Are you going to the prom at all?"

"Duncan asked me out," Jean shrugged, "just as friends though, and I honestly don't want to spend the night here so..."

Felicia raised an eyebrow, "Duncan?"

Jean smirked, "yup, he's the captain of the football team."

"Of course he is," Felicia rolled her eyes as quickly they all devolved down to basic high school drama talk. Apparently some girl got pregnant and a new handsome male teacher was hired on. Basic boring shit.

I honestly hated it, these teenagers around me would one day be legendary icons, but now? Teenagers. I feel like I'm the only m.a.t.u.r.e person in this whole-Oh! Maple Syrup! Me want!

That afternoon:

"So what is it that you wished to show me Peter?" Charles asked as we walked into the X-men's lab, read my lab.

"Here," we approached the containment box with the Mind stone inside. I tapped it and turned to him, "I found it in the custody of HYDRA. It's...special."

"What is it?" Charles asked.

"An ingot of creation itself," I explained as I took the box and placed it on the terminal, connecting several sensory pads along the sides to allow the machinery around to scan it, "it releases mild forms of gamma energy...but also theta waves intertwined. It's most common and simplified name however, is the Mind Stone."

I opened the box, the Professor blinked back in surprise as he saw it's golden glow wash over the entire lab. He looked impressed and nodded, "I, what do you need me for?"

"I want you to scan it," I replied.

He raised an eyebrow, "you wish for me to scan it? Like I would a human?" I nodded. He looked unsure, but sighed and turned out the stone. He closed his eyes and began to focus, and immediately his eyes shot open as he held his head in pain.

"aRGH!" he cried out as he moved back.

"Professor!" I slammed the box closed and ran to him, helping him sit straight as I held his hand, "are you okay? What happened?"

"I-I, that was jarring," he replied, shaking his head. He looked at me and the box, blinking in surprise, "I can't feel it anymore...strange. That box, it blocks it's range?"

I nodded, "yes. While in there it shouldn't be able to influence anyone or anything...why? Did you feel something? Did something talk to you?" I asked, worried that whatever created Ultron might have infected Charles too, which is why I refused to discuss the stone with him until I had a way of cutting away it's influence.

" did nothing of the sort," Charles replied shaking his head, "but it odd feeling. Like a sort of psychic mental interference...odd, yet powerful. Dangerous even," he narrowed his eyes, "it's like I was trying to read over a hundred minds at once."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "is it something like Cerebro?"

Charles looked surprised, "I was unaware you knew of that machine, did Jean tell you?"

I shrugged, "we don't' hide much," which was true, she did tell me a few days into my stay here.

Charles hummed, "yes, it did feel like Cerebro, but much...more."

"Interesting," I replied as It turned to the box, if the theory I was working on was correct, then….then it could change the world forever.

"Peter, what exactly is your idea here?" Charles asked with a worried voice.

I turned to him and sighed, "I suppose I do owe you an explanation after see, I...I realised something when I found out about HYDRA. Their methods were twisted...but their idea was in the right."

Charles looked frightened, "Peter...we don't need to have a talk about the just how immoral what you're suggesting sounds do we?"

I chuckled, "no professor, we don't. I'm not planning on creating my own private nazi army, no yet anyway," I winked, "but...what I mean, is the idea of having a unified world. But not through fear and subjugation, but rather through understanding and compassion."

Charles g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "an interesting idea for sure, but how?"

"Though this," I tapped the box, "the stone isn't just powerful professor, it's the actual physical representation of the Mind of the Universe. I have a theory, a working one, but I have reasons to suspect it's practical."

" so?"

" know how a spider forms it's webs?" I asked rhetorically and began my explanation, "it uses the silk threads it produces and starts forming anintrecat and connected web that uses various nodes and strong anchor points to form the powerful structure. Using that principle, I think I can use this stone to save us all.

"The stone can manipulate minds. Putting the perverse idea of brainwashing aside, what it can also do is connect minds, which I suspect you did when you tried to read it's mind."

Charles' eyes widened, "Cerebro allows me to read a vast majority of minds, but that stone-"

"-Can connect minds to each other, providing the silk to join two anchors in my web design analogy," I grinned as I saw the look of realisation dawn on Charles, "imagine it professor, every single man, woman and child turned into empaths overnight. Every single one able to feel the other's more hate, no more suffering, because in the end, you would only be hurting yourself."

"B-but then what about individuality? What about free will?" he asked quickly.

"Free will won't be affected, it's just now we showed them the consequences of their actions," I argued, "and as for individuality...I'll admit, that is a problem. But that's why I need your help Professor, I'm trying to figure out how to make this work, to not go so over the top as too make this...a sort of villain," thoughts of Ultron and Tony's actions came to mind.

But that was the difference between Tony and I, I'm not obsessed with the idea, but a solution came knocking on my door, and I'll be damned if I don't follow it through to its natural end.

The bald man before me looked torn, on one side I offered him a solution to all the world's problems, but on the other, the unknown factors in what I was suggesting was too daunting to ignore.

After a moment, he sighed, opening his eyes and looking at me, "drop your shields."

I did so without a second thought and felt him enter my mind scape. I felt him searching through my thoughts, I didn't know what exactly he was looking for, but it was something important I'm sure. After a moment he removed himself from my head and I engaged my mental blockers.

He sighed, looking at me with worried eyes, "I hoped to find an ulterior motive...a sort of grand scheme you were hoping to achieve. Maybe use the stone for your own benefits...I think I would have almost prefer it if I did find thoughts like that inside."

I snorted, "yeah...would be simpler What do you say?"

Charles looked at me, "for the longest time I have been seeking peace. I don't mean to brag, but I am a powerful enough mutant, I could use Cerebro to force people to be kind to each other. I cannot begin to explain the restrain I have had to enforce every morning I wake up and hear about a woman being rapped or a child being much tragedy...and I could end it..."

"Why didn't you?"

"Forcing people to be kind was never a solution to peace," Charles shook his head, "for a while, it might work, maybe. But then, after my death, what next? Maybe Jean could take my place, and maybe her child after her. But then? There would be a system established, a system that was enforced on people. And when you force people to do anything, there will be push back."

" my solution fleeceable?"

Charles g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "in its present," I sighed, but he continued, "'s better than what I would have done. If this stone is really as powerful as you claim it to be, then it can help us. A psychic link between every single human in the world, not to share thoughts, but emotions. Thereby it wouldn't be a system controlled by a single person, but held up by every single human on this planet...and it wouldn't be forcing them..."

"...We would give them a choice," I nodded as he restated my argument. He looked at me, and I at him. In the 616 universe he was part of the Illuminati, a group consisted of the smartest minds on the planet Earth, I have no reason to suspect this Charles isn't just as worthy of that title.

He nodded, "I'll help you Peter. I'll come everyday and do whatever you need me to do for however long you wish. But...if it seems like this project is going to fail-"

"-I'll destroy every written and digital record I have on it," I nodded.

Charles agreed, he looked out the cube and g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "that exactly will it fit into all of this? What if it gets destroyed? It's far too valuable for that..."

"Nothing will happen to it," I replied back, "it's indestructible. Literally. It would be like trying to destroy a primordial force of the universe, which it quite literally is. It will exist and continue to exist, but...we do need to be careful."

"It could be stolen," Charles argued.

I smiled, I picked up the cube without a word and threw it at the door. The mechanical doors automatically open up, the cube flew a few feet outside before suddenly it flew right back inside and landed on my table.

"I've installed a magical lock rune on it," I tapped the table, "took me a while to get right, but now the cube can never leave this room without me holding it."

Charles blinked, "what? How?"

"It's linked to my blood," I shrugged, "it's kind of complex though, you see-"

"-No, not that. What do you mean magic?" Charles asked curiously.

I grinned, "oh, this is going to take a ah, you have a moment?" He nodded and I explained, thrilling at the sight of seeing Xavier's jaw drop down in shock several times into my explanation, and hang open when I showed him I was telekinetic.


I looked down at the front lawn from inside the mansion. Jean had worn a fairly plain grey dress that went down till her knees. She had gotten into some boring looking blue convertible with a blonde muscle bound jock. He looked pleased, she did not.

Before he drove off she turned up and looked at me, she smiled, "I'll be back soon," she whispered.

I smiled, "if you need me to save you from your date, text SOS."

Jean chukled, Duncan looked confused before smiling and yammering on about something that quickly cause Jean's smile to vanish. They drove off, quickly followed by the black van that Kurt, Kathy and Evans rode to the prom, Logan being their driver for the evening.

I walked away from the window and walked into the parlor, Wanda and Rouge sat across from each other near the back, both reading some book. A glance at the cover had me rolling my eyes, 'Edgar Allen Poe,' so typical.

Scott sat on a black lounger near the couch, headphones connected to his phone as he smiled and bobbed his head to some song.

And curled up on the couch looking through her phone was a silver haired beauty I knew I really should be making out with right now. She wore a black woolen skin tight sweater that hugged her her c.h.e.s.t and covered her neck, the pair of jeans she wore highlighted her a.s.s...damn...I miss holding that a.s.s.

I sighed, leaning against the door frame as I studied her from, remembering how good it felt every time I had her curled around my arms, Christmas...I will always love that holiday because of her.

Jean was right, this awkward silence thing we had must end. And It's time I do something about it. I walked away, heading to the kitchens. I opened up the cooler and found Logan's six pack inside. I grinned and grabbed it along with a slice of cake which I knew Kurt was saving for later.

They were so going to hate me.

I walked back to the parlor and smiled, plopping down next to Felicia, surprising the girl who gave out a startled cry that alerted the others.

I smiled, "hey," I put the six pack of liquor and plate of cake on the coffee table

Felicia smiled, amused, "hey? What's all this?"

"Well, since the other's are out partying, and we are way too cool for that," I rolled my eyes, "I figured we should have some fun too."

"Really?" Felicia said, eyeing me up and down, "what brought this about?"

"I realised that...we need to spend more time together," I shrugged, "and I know I've kidn off been an a.s.s by ignoring you so...I figured we might as well get drunk."

Felicia chuckled, "Peter, you can't get drunk off of this crap," she motioned to the six pack.

I winced, "don't' let Logan hear you say that."

"Hey, it's the truth!" Felicia chukled.

"Well, I'm going to damn well try," I replied as I reached over and took out two bottles, I handed one to Felicia and raised an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes, "fine," she took the offered beverage and smiled as I put my arm over her shoulder.

"Cool," Wanda suddenly spoke up as she got up and walked over, swiping a beer from the pack.

"Hey! That's mine! I stole it fair and square!" I cried out.

She rolled her eyes and she sat down next to me, "you really should learn to share," she winked, opening the bottle and taking a sip, shuddering the moment it touches her lips, "Kitty Kat was right, this is crap."

"Well it can't hurt to try," Rouge mumbled as she walked over and grabbed two bottles, one for herself, offering the other one to Scott who looked surprised. She raised an eyebrow, "well?"

The boy with shades looked unsure, "I-I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh come on Scott, loosen up," Felicia rolled her eyes, "it's just a single beer. Even if you have never drunk before it's not like you can get drunk off of that."

Scott blushed, "well, I mean...what about the Professor? We could get in trouble."

"He's a telepath Scott," I shrugged, sipping my drink, "I'm sure he already knows. And if he doesn't, then that's on him."

"So, drink up," Rouge said, pushing a drink into his hands as she sat on his l.a.p, putting both her legs up.

The boyscout blushed and sighed, " drink," he opened the bottle and sighed. We watched with anticipation as he brought it to his lips and the liquid hit his tongue. Immediately he flinched, spitting it back into the bottle, "God that's terrible! Why do people like this?!"

We all laughed aloud. Wanda smirked, "give it a while, you'll get used to it."

Scott grumbled, "I doubt it," he then noticed Rouge almost inhaling her drink, shocking the boy, ""

The Goth blushed, curling a stay hair behind her ear, "I ah, this isn't my first time drinking."

"When?" Scott asked curiously.

Rouge shrugged, "when I was thirteen. I got into my mama's liquor cabinet. I grabbed the first thing I saw, a bottle of rum, and downed it whole."

"Oh," Felicia and I winced.

Rounge nodded, "yeah, not the smartest idea."

Scott blinked, "I see," he turned ot Wanda, "you?"

The Witch shrugged, "Vodka, raw. When I was twelve I managed to get some from Pietro, he had been drinking it too, but because of speedester metabolism he couldn't get drunk, so he thought it was just water. So did I, so when I drank it..."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I know that feeling."

"How so?"

"Same first drink," I replied, "vodka, with cranberry juice," I shrugged, "figure if I fill half the cup with vodka and half with juice I would be fine...not the brightest move."

Felicia threw her head back and laughed, "Peter! How?"

"Hey! In my defence I was thirteen! And I wanted to show Harry that I was cool," I chuckled, shaking my head at the original memory this body had.

Felicia smiled, "well at least now you don't have that problem," she said as she reached up and held her hand in mine, and for the first time, I didn't feel like flinching away.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Scott asked curiously.

"Oh, don't' you know? I can't get drunk," I shrugged.

Rouge's eyes went wide, "seriously?!"

I shrugged, "well, not literally, but yeah. I have an extremely high tolerance rate. Very, very high..."

Wanda snorted, "I used to live with a speedster, I know how annoying it can get. There was this one time Pietro broke into and drank an entire liquor store. Worst part is, the owner never could prove it was Pietro as no human could have drank so much and lived."

We laughed as soon the night turned pleasant, we chatted on and on, laughing, joking and in some cases, insulting.

"I'm just saying," Rouge put her hands up in defense, "you're dad has a super weird fashion sense. I mean, come on! A cape?! Who wears a cape?!"

"Hey! I was thinking of getting a cape!" Wanda cried out, laughing hard with the rest of us.

"Neah, not a cape, you should get a coat," I told her, "like a long a.s.s coat. Red coat...with maybe a hood. Oh, we could call you the Red hood! Little red riding hood!"

Wanda g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "worst idea ever."

I shrugged, "okay, I may suck at giving names, but I am an excellent costume designer. So you need a suit, just ask."

"You should take him up on the offer, he really is good at designing suits. He made mine after all," Felicia said as she leaned on my shoulder, over the course of the night we had gotten closer together, the girl now had her legs over mine, any awkwardness we shared had vanished.

"Wait, he made that costume?" Wanda blinked, turning to me and looking me over, "do you have a thing for full body black leather?"

I grinned, "oh yeah, I do. And redheads, but also blondes."

Scott chuckled, he turned to Rouge and grinned "do you like leather too?"

Rouge blinked, "darlin', you alright?"

Scott chuckled, "I'm fine, don't' worry about it."

Felicia laughed, "I think he's a little buzzed."

I blinked, "he had one beer!"

"Hey, do you want me to get you a leather whip for your birthday?" Scott asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I sighed, "so he's a lightweight, nice..."

Rouge laughed as she got off Scott, pulling him to his feet, "come on lover boy, it's time for you to get some sleep."

"Don't want too...unless you promise to cuddle," Scott said, wrapping his arms around Rouge who laughed, amused by all of this as she practically dragged him away to his bed.

Wanda sighed, "five bucks says they'll get to second base."

I snorted, "do we look like idiots to you?"

Wanda smirked, "do you really want me to answer that question?"

Felicia snorted, "bite me."

"Sorry, but unfortunately, I'm not interested in joining this little harem you and Red seem to be forming with Spider," Wanda snorted.

I blinked, "harem?" I began to think, I dated Felicia, slept with Jean, and that one night stand with Sue, kissed Tandy, f.u.c.k.e.d Jessica, kissed Gwen….and….oh...f.u.c.k… I turned to Felicia, "no..."

Felicia rolled her eyes, "you seriously didn't notice..."

I blinked, "I think it just kind off...damn it!"

Wanda rolled her eyes, "whatever...but were you serious about the costume thing?"

I shook my head, ideas of future drama and other kinds of romantic entanglement were thrown out of my head, I can deal with them later. I sighed and turned to Wanda, "well, yeah, sure, if you want. I mean, I already have a few spare UMF suit's in my bag, you could take one if you want."

"UMF?" Wanda asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Unstable Molecule Fabric," I explained, "tear proof, indestructible and it can transform into any design of your choosing."

Felicia's eyes widened, "what?" she asked with a sharp tone in her voice.

I froze, immediately realizing my mistake. I gulped and turned to Felicia, "in my defence, I honestly didn't remember..."

Felicia g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "fine...I'll let you off the hook, but...can I please can a suit? As amazing as the old one is, I don't think I can ever use it again."

I shrugged, "fine, not a problem. Just come down tomorrow and we can get you sorted."

"What about right now?" Wanda asked.

I blinked, "ah, I figured you would just want to read your book or something."

"No, I'm free," Wanda replied, "and it's not like we have anything better to do. Beer's done, and unless you two are planning on reconciling right here and now on the couch, you're free too."

I turned to Felicia, she blinked up at me in confusion. I considered it for a moment before looking away. It was way too soon for that.

I cleared my throat, "fine, come on," I took my hand from Felicia, the girl grumbling, sending a glare at Wanda before all three of us moved.

As we walked to my lab Wanda began to speak up, "so, this suit, it can transform into anything?"

I nodded, sending a mental order to change the t-shirt and jeans attire I wore into a suit and then a bathrobe, "anything."

Felicia's eyes burned a hole into my back, "so I don't have to ever buy a dress ever again?"

I nodded, "yup..."

"And you kept this from me?"


"You are so lucky I love-" she stopped herself, again that awkward tension coming down on us all. I sighed, over two hours of bonding flushed down the drain. Felicia refused to make eye contact after that, Wanda just looked like she was having the time of her life, and I allowed myself a small smile.

She still loved me, even after I outright ignored her for the past few days...thank you Stan Lee. I was going to say God, but same difference.

We walked up to my lab and the doors opened up. I walked in as the light's turned on, straight to the metal shelf on the far wall which hand boxes upon boxes of stuff. And in one of those were a set of pure white suits I had taken with me before the Baxter building got blown up by Doom.

I took them suits out and held them up. They were plain white bodysuits with dark grey circuits lining the sides and a single circular pad on the side with a USB port attached to it. The girls looked curious, reaching out to hold the suits in their hands.

"So...these stretch?" Wanda asked as she pulled the material, looking curiously at the design.

I nodded, "yup. And if you hold up a picture of whatever dress you wish to emulate to the belt buckle, the suit will change into it. For example I-" I stopped, looking over the girl's shoulders to my table where the vibranium lock box with the Mind Stone rested.

For a moment, I feared it was gone, but it was right there...right there where I left it.

"Peter?" Felicia asked curiously, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing...I think, it's just," I frowned, something was off. Something wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked around, I couldn't find anything wrong, and just to be sure I ever used Web Vision, confirming we were the only people in here. But still...something was off.

I walked past the two women, both of whom turned their attention away from the clothes and to me. I walked to the table and picked up the box, opening it up and examining the stone inside.

Felicia blinked, "what's that?"

"Something I was working on," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, it glowed, it felt powerful and even in Web Vision it looked dangerous. Just like it did before...but there was something wrong, I didn't know why.

"Looks like the thing HYDRA was working on," Wanda said with a front, leaning on my shoulder, "you took that thing?"

I nodded, "yes, it's far too powerful and dangerous to just let it go," I shut the box and placed it on the table.

"If it was that dangerous you should have just let it burn," Wanda argued, glaring at me, I could smell her anger, though there was good deal of fear mixed in with it.

I sighed, "if a simple fire like that could have destroyed it, it would have been destroyed a long time ago. I'm afraid, that stone, is not so easily-" I stopped, my eyes widening as I sniffed the air.

That, that was the thing which bugged me. The smell, the smell of excitement, love, joy, hate and so much more, all mixing in with the room. The scent was so...weak though. Almost if it wasn't there at all. Like it was being hidden, but, it was there.

And it didn't come from Felicia, Wanda or me. Meaning there was someone else in here! It took me a second to identify from where. Another second to move my feet to point at the far edge of the room which was relatively empty.


My stingers came out, the bluish white metal reflecting the lights in the room as I leaped into the air towards that scent, arm thrust.


My claws made out of unbreakable metal was stopped. A set of three greyish metal claws were held up to block my own. They were coming out the hands of a young boy with silver blonde hair with brown streaks running though and bright green eyes.

He growled, his hair cut short wearing a black skin tight suit with a white circle around the center. But I didn't notice much, I didn't notice anything else, because the moment I looked at his face, I froze.

It was the same face I woke up to and looked at for the past two years, the same face I now grew to call my own.

I looked over his shoulder, two girls behind him. One tall red haired girl standing protectively over a small brunette. I looked at them, my eyes landed on the red head and I gasped, "Jean?"

"Shit!" my silver haired doppelganger cried out as I felt a sudden blast of force throw me away. I went through the air, quickly flipping through and landing on my feet. I looked up and watched in horror as the three rushed through the door.

I turned to the table, the vibranium box on the table shimmered and vanished, it was never there. And I knew who had it.

"We have to stop them!" I cried out as I dashed out the lab door just in time to see the three intruders entered the elevator and the doors shutting behind them.

"Shit!" my costume shimmered alive as Felicia and Wanda came to my side.

"Where did they go?" Wanda asked looking around.

"The lift, S.e.xy, hack into the system and stop it," I said hastily into my coms.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I cannot," the AI replied, "something seems to have locked me out of the system."

"What! You're the most advanced AI in the world! What can lock you out?!" I asked hastily as we rushed to the elevator, the doors still sealed shut.

"I don't know Peter, but whatever it is, it's powerful."

I sighed, "fine, the old fashioned way," I released my stingers and slashed into the doors. I pulled them out and then pulled the doors open, revealing the shaft inside.

"What should we do?" Felicia asked.

I pointed to the stairs, "take the stairs and try to catch up, I'm going ahead," I jumped ahead as my jetpack activated, launching me upwards. I flew through the shaft until I saw the bottom of the lift.


I cut through it and ran. I dashed through the halls of the mansion, looking around desperately. They could be anywhere, maybe they could go invisible? Maybe they were my clones. If they were it would explain the boy's face and his claws.

Just then there was a flash of light. I looked out the window and saw my car fly up into the air.

"Oh f.u.c.k no," I leaped through the window, the glass shattering as I rolled into a ball before blasting upwards.

I flew like a bullet from a gun as I flew to catch up to my quickly retreating car. I pushed my suit to the maximum, the muon particles practically exploded out as I reached out and grabbed onto my car's bumper.

"He's caught up!"

"I said so!"

"Shut up Steph!"

I pulled myself up, gripping the metal with my adhesive powers, pulling myself up to the driver's side and looked in, the silver haired me looked back, glaring.

"For once in your f.u.c.k.i.n.g life, can you make something easy?!" he roared.

"Get out of my ride asshole!" I cried out as I drew my hand up, stingers ready to slice through the glass.

"No!" Jean's doppelganger cried out as once again I was blasted away. The Force was so strong it cause my fingertips to rip off the pieces of metal I was holding onto.

I flew away, head over feet. On instinct I shot a webline out, catching the car's dumper once more. They tried to shake me off, throw me off, but I held on for dear life.

And then, the brunette got out. I watched in surprise as she actually stood on the trunk of the car and smiled. She wore a full body black suit with a white 'X' on her c.h.e.s.t. And over her suit was a giant red trench coat two sizes too big for her.

She smiled, "sorry about this! But we're borrowing this! We'll return it soo! I PROMISE!"

Her voice boomed out, energy wave came crashing out and right into me. It was like I was hit by a train, and considering I know what it feels like to get hit by a car that was no joke.

The web line and my arms were ripped off. My head started to spin as I came crashing down. The breeze rushed past my head as I started to get drowsy, vertigo, I didn't think I could get vertigo.

"Got you!" I felt someone grab me. I opened my eyes and swear I saw Jean smiling down at me before I blinked and found myself on the front yard of the Xavier mansion.

"Peter! Are you okay?!" I turned up to see Felicia and Wanda run towards me.

I pulled myself up, my head spinning, "damn it, God that girl is loud."

"What happened?" Wanda asked.

"She had some sort of super voice," I reasoned, Wanda and Felicia helping me stand, "they all have some power. I think that-woah!" my legs crossed as I feel forward, only for Felicia to catch me at the last moment.

"I have you Tiger," she whispered helping me stay up.

I panted, "thanks..."

"They got away," Wanda said looking at the sky, clear of any sign of the kids or my car.

"Yeah...but the question is, who the hell were they?" I asked aloud, my head still ringing too loud to even think properly. But there was one thing I knew. I had to track them and the Infinity stone down as soon as possible, or else existence itself could change as we knew it.

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