Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 62 - Dad Daddy who? Daddy you

Felicia and Wanda helped me back into the mansion, my head slowly stopped spinning, I think the vertigo was finally wearing off.

The moment we entered the mansion Xavier and Ororo came rushing out to great us. "Peter, what happened?" Xavier asked quickly.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as Felicia placed me down on the main staircase to rest, "someone came in and stole the stone professor, I-I couldn't stop them."

Charles' eyes widened, "they took the stone? How? You said that would be impossible!"

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, rubbing my head, "I don't know...but one of them looked like me, or a support albino version of me. My best guess? Clone. Which will explain why the other one looked like Jean."

"Someone cloned you and Red?" Wanda blinked, "why? And rather, who?"

I growled, "who do you think? Who else knows about the stone and might have the tech to do something like this?"

Ororo narrowed her eyes, "HYDRA?"

I nodded, "seems like it."

"We need to get that stone back," Charles stated, "it's the only proper tool we have to fulfill your dream of a unified world. And, if what you said about its power is true...such a stone is too dangerous to be left in HYDRA's hands."

I nodded, "agreed. But ah, just give me a moment I...I don't think I can move just yet."

"Take your time," Ororo said, patting gently on my shoulder before turning to Felicia and Wanda, "Felicia, get Scott and Rogue, we have a mission."

"Ah, yeah, about that, Scott's, ah...well, he's sort off out at the moment," Felicia said nervously.

Ororo raised an eyebrow, "out?"


"He's drunk," Wanda cut in.

Ororo raised a single eyebrow, glaring at us all. Felicia gulped, "but I'm sure after a few glasses of raw egg yolk he'll be good to go!" She rushed off, heading straight for Scott's room on the first floor.

Ororo sighed and turned to me, "really?"

"I didn't expect someone would clone me and use said clone to steal the infinity stone," I grumbled, rubbing my temples, "God that girl can scream."

Ororo sighed, "fine...Wanda, I understand this isn't your fight, but we can use your assistance in this matter as it is of a delicate-"

"-I'm in," Wanda cut through.

I raised an eyebrow, "you are?"

She nodded, "I know how dangerous that stone is the reason I got my powers after all. So HYDRA having it would be bad...or whatever. Honestly, I'm more curious about the three kids who took it, and how they managed to trick your tech," she ended with a curious frown.

I sighed, I looked at her arms and saw my UMF suit clutched in her grip. "Well, if your serious about this, then you better suit up. You'll need all the protection you can get."

Wanda looked at the white suit and sighed, she glared, "it better stretch."

Ororo nodded, "do it. Peter, is there a way for you to track the stone?"

I sighed, "no. I designed the box so that it can't be tracked...I don't even know how these kids did it in the first place. It should be impossible but….maybe...yes!"

"You have an idea?" Charles asked in surprise.

"Yes, I think," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "my car. I can track it, but not through the GPS. If these kids are half as smart as I guess they are they would have gotten rid of that. But...not the m.o.a.n particles the car lets out to fly! Yes! I can track that!"

"Do it, and while you do that I'll alert the kids at prom," Ororo replied, turning away and leaving quickly.

I sighed, "Kathy is so going to be pissed."

Twenty minutes later:

Wanda pulled on her uniform, "you said it would stretch out more."

I sighed, "I did. If you want there's a setting to increase the size. Just think it and it'll be done."

Wanda g.r.o.a.n.e.d but nodded. She closed her eyes and a moment later her full body UMF suit grew in size. She smiled at the now baggier looking clothes, "great. At least now I don't look like a stripper."

"You say that as if it's a bad thing," Felicia smirked as she stood in her own version of the UMF suit. Before we left the girls slipped into said suits and changed the settings into what they felt most comfortable in.

Felicia turned her into the version of the suit she had before, minus the stitching and defects. It was much more resistance and energy absorbent, so a much better upgrade. The only major difference was that she now had a black choker around her neck with a spider on it. Really subtle there Kitten.

Wanda however just went for an ordinary full body deep scarlet suit with a red overcoat. It was simple and efficient, and I honestly think she didn't really care about what she wore rather than the protection it gave her.

Ororo lowered the invisible Black Bird onto the football ground where the prom going X-men had gathered. The landing platform lowered before Logan, Kurt, Kathy, Evans and Jean as they quickly got in.

"What happened?" Jean asked as she immediately rushed to me. I sat in the back with Wanda and Felicia besides me, the latter looking overly concerned, while Wanda just rolled her eyes.

"Someone took his stone," Wanda snorted.

Jean's eyes widened, "how?!"

"It's complicated," Felicia shrugged.

"You all better have a damn good reason for ruining my night, cause I was having a magical moment dammit!" Kathy cried out.

"Someone took an object of literal infinite power from my lab. It can control the minds of people and turn them into slaves," I replied, glaring at the girl.

The jewish mutant blinked, "oh….well, then where is my costume?"

"In the back," I got up and walked over to the backward locker and opened up the inside revealing five more UMF suits, "get ready."

Kurt looked confused, "I don't mean to complain, but white really isn't my colour."

Twenty minutes later:

As the jet flew over Manhattan, Kurt grumbled tugging on his black skin tight uniform that covered his whole body, "are you sure about this suit?"

I sighed, "yes Kurt. For the last time, you're now bulletproof," I looked at the plane's onboard monitor and g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "that can't be...why would they even go there?"

"What's wrong?" Jean asked,

I tapped the map on the screen, showing the path of muon particles being excluded out into the air, "they're heading straight for the heart of Manhattan…right for the Baxter building."

"They probably want something there," Felicia supplied, "you always did say that place had the best toys. Maybe if HYDRA really does want the stone, they would need cutting edge stuff to analyse it."

I nodded, "maybe. Sigh, this is going to be a long night, S.e.xy, call Sue," I walked away to a corner, Jean and Felicia looked at each other, my suit placed the call as it began to ring. But I was only paying half attention to it.

"What happened?" Jean whispered to Felicia, "I know Peter, he took every precaution against this from happening. HYDRA can't have figured out how to break in if Peter only finished building this thing a week ago."

Felicia glanced over to Wanda, "I...I have a guess."

Jean narrowed her eyes, "no...I don't think so."

"Did you read her mind?"

Jean nodded, "yes, she isn't a spy."

"Are you sure?" Jean glared, Felicia held her hands up in defense, "just making sure."

The call cut off, leaving me nothing but a request for voicemail. I sighed and turned back to the rest of them, "Sue's not picking up. Something's wrong."

"Then we act as if HYDRA already took them out of the picture," Logan hissed as he sat strapped to his seat, trying his best not to puke.

"We've arrived," Storm replied as she slowly brought the cloaked plane down over the Baxter building.

"This seems to be going easier than I expected," Evans whispered as Ororo brought the plane down on the roof.

"It's not supposed to be," I replied as I checked the building's system, "shit. Someone's already hacked into and disabled the entire network. They were here."

"Then let's not waste anymore time," Logan growled, his confidence returned the moment we made touchdown on something solid.

The plane's ramp lowered, I was the first to rush out, dashing to the roof door with Felicia, Jean, Logan and the others right behind me with Storm remaining outside, ready to provide outside assistance, just in case.

We walked down three flights of stairs before I brought us into the main building, which was only accessible through a special access code which only members of the Baxter Building knew.

The emergency exit door hissed open, I peaked inside, the oh so familiar hallway now seeming like from a long time ago. I narrowed my eyes and looked around, it was quiet, too quiet.

I sniffed the air, and gasped. Logan did the same. I turned to him, "that's impossible right?"

Logan growled, "something's fishy."

"What happened?" Kurt whispered.

"There is no scent in this entire floor," I replied.

Jean g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "that's a good thing right? That means the FF are out and those clones didn't make it here after all."

Logan shook his head, "that's not what he means Red. He means there isn't any scent here, period."

"Not the smell of sanitizer on the floor, the smell of overcooked pizza lingering over form the kitchen, nothing," I hissed, "this entire place smells like nothing. Which means someone or something is blocking the scent from us on purpose."


Logan and I released our claws, the Wolverine growled, "which means they are already here."

"Stay close and remain quite," I whispered as we slowly snuck in. If HYDRA was after the stone, they would need tech to analyse it, and if they didn't find it at the Xavier mansion, my lab here would be the next logical option.

We sneaked down the corridor, I halted for a second, pointing over to my lab door which was slightly ajar. I turned it Jean and tapped my helmet, deactivating my mental barriers.

"What is it Peter?" Jean asked.

"Can you connect us all telepathically?" I asked.

Jean nodded, "one sec," she closed her eyes and focused, "done."

"Cool!" Kurt said as his eyes lite up, "are we all thinking alike now?!"

"You're all reading my mind?!" Kathy gasped, "don't think about s.e.x, don't think about s.e.x! Don't think about s.e.x!"

"Enough," Logan growled, "we have a job to do. Focus."

"Wait for my signal," I ordered as I tapped my belt buckle, activating stealth mode. I silently moved forward to my lab door, I pushed it open and peaked inside. My eyes widening in shock at the sight before me.

Sue and Johnny were tied up with rope in one corner of the room with thick metal collars around their necks and gags around their mouth.

"Mph!" Sue cried out as she glared daggers at the people moving around my lab.

The three clones from before.

My clone sighed, running his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry Ma-I mean, Ms. Storm, I really am, but please, just a little while longer and we will be done."

"Make it a few more hours," Jean's clown replied with a huff as she poured over several calculations running through my monitor's system. It was striking how similar she was to Jean, other than the odd fact she wore glasses, must have been a genetic defect of some kind.

"I'm bored!" cried out the youngest of the group, her brown hair shaking side to side as she sat on a chair and spun it around very much like a bored child would, "do you think he has any games hidden around here?"

Jean's clone rolled her eyes, "this was, I mean, is his lab. He wouldn't just leave video games lying around Steph. He isn't-"

"-Cool! A gameboy!" the little girl cried out as she pulled out a silver Gameboy that I stole from Johnny out of top right desk drawer.

The Jean clone sighed, rubbing her nose, "nevermind."

"MPH!" Johnny cried out, frantically kicking his legs and making such a commotion that my clone bent over and ungauged him.

"What?" the silver haired version of me asked.

"That's mine!" Johnny cried out, "don't you touch that!"

"It's so retro," Steph, as the little one was apparently called, said, looking the small machine over, "and so...old," she turned it on and her eyes wided, "what? You can only have one saved game file?! That so sucks!"

"Don't touch my game file Shorty" Johnny cried out.

Steph turned, her eyes narrowing, "what did you call me?"

Johnny gulped, "p-please don't. I've been playing that thing since I was a kid."

Immediately the little girl's eyes softened, "oh...well, then okay, I won't touch it uncle Johnny."

The Human Torch sighed in relief, "oh thank God, that's a relief-wait, did you just call me uncle?"

I narrowed my eyes and pulled back, deactivating my stealth mode. I quickly supplied everything I saw to the others through our shared mental link, updating them on the enemies positions and the hostages as well.

"Should we move?" Jean asked.

I was about to reply when suddenly a faint yellow glow seemed to die my lab. I looked inside and was shocked at the sight before me.

My deformed clone had pulled out what looked like a glowing shard of some kind of stone. It glowed with an eerie humming preceness, one that I associated with the glow of the yellow mind stone, but since that was still in the box and whole...just what is this?!

"Peter, should we move?" Logan asked again.

I held up my hand, "no, no wait. I….I need to see what they are planning," I was walking into unknown territory here, I didn't understand what the hell was happening, how did they possess such a two of the same thing?! Did they just destroy the Mind stone? Or did they find something similar?!

Both cases seemed impossible!

"Are you ready Hope?" my clone asked, placing the shard on the table.

The Jean rip-off, named Hope….odd name, gave the shard a glance before sighing, "yeah, I'll begin the infection process. Can you handle it Ben?"

My clone-called Ben apparently- snorted, "you know I can. Come on, the faster we alter the stone, the better," I saw the smaller child grow alert as she stood up and alert, I saw Hope slowly take out the vibranium lock box I had made, and with a flick of her wrist open it up.

Immediately the room was doused with a yellow glow stronger than before. That was truly impossible. The Mind Stone rose into the air, the Jean clone moved it with one finger, bringing it closer to the similar shard Ben held up. They clicked together and suddenly a low pitch ringing came out.

The Jean clone snapped her fingers, summoning what seemed to be a large magical circle with a flame pattern in the middle. The stone began to vibrate louder and louder, my eyes widened as I realised what they were doing.

Were they destroying an infinity stone?!

"We have to move now!" I ordered, sending quick mental commands to the X-men, they knew what to do I didn't actually have to say it all. Kurt, Evans and Logan were ready to move at a moment's notice while Kathy and a hand on Jean and Wanda's shoulder, ready to shift them through the wall in a second.


I turned, my eyes widening at the sight of the mind stone slowly starting to crack. I had to move! "NOW!" I cried out as I rushed inside, Felicia closely following right behind me.

"What the-" Ben tuned, his eyes widening at the sight of me, "no! Not now! You'll ruin everything!"


"ARGH!" Logan roared as he came down from the ceiling, claws released, Evans threw his hands forward, sending a dozen boney spikes at the kids.

"No!" Steph cried out, the vibrations from her voice so powerful it blasted all three men and the projectiles away.

I shot out a web line to grab the Mind Stone, only for silver me to step in the way and with a flash of claws, ripe the web line into shreds.

"Stay out of this old man!" he growled, "we're doing this for your sake! You have no idea what you're doing!"

"I wouldn't say that," I smirked under my mask as Kathy phase dinto the room, Jean threw her hands out, summoning the stone out of her doppleganger hands.

"What?!" Hope turned, her eyes widening as Jean grabbed the stone.

"Run!" I cried out, leaping forward, bringing my stingers out and down on my silver clone.

"Got it!" Kathy grabbed Jean and ran through a wall.

"No! Steph, stop them!" Hope cried out.

"Right," the little girl turned to move, just as Wanda stepped before her, narrowing her eyes. A flash of red came alive as Wands lifted several items into the air and threw them forward. The little girl cried out, "steel up!" suddenly her skin shimmered metalic as she stood now covered head to toe in a second steel skin, the items bouncing off her body.

"H-how is this even happening?" I asked, distracted at the sight before me.

Jean was running, rushing to the door. She was just about to make it when suddenly a red whip of Vastha grabbed her arm with the stone inside. The end of the magical whip was held by Hope as she pulled Jean back inside, "I'm not letting you go anywhere with that thing!"

"We'll see about that!" Jean sent a telekinetic blast at her doppleganger. And to her shock and mine, the girl didn't even flinch.

"Sorry, but you're going to have to do better than that," Hope growled as she pulled, Jean screamed in pain as her first opened up on reflex, the stone falling down. Hope snapped her fingers summoning towards her.

The stone flew, she grabbed the broken shard they had on their person and the moment she had the stone in her hands she brought them together, causing a shockwave of energy to come bursting out.


My feet instantly activated their adhesive properties, keeping me on my feet while the rest were sent flying back to the walls of the room. Hope stood in the center with what seemed to be two Mind Stones in her hand, cracks slowly appearing in the structure of the whole one.

"ARGH!" she suddenly cried out in pain as her hand suddenly began to steam up.

"Hope!" Ben yelled out.

I watched as the resulting energy form the stones began to burn Hope's flesh, hurting the clone. I needed to stop her, I needed to stop this now!

I raised a foot and brought it down before me. I watched as slowly more and more of Hope's hand started to burn, I was driven by a d.e.s.i.r.e to save her and the stone.

My body struggled against the waves of energy the stone sent out, but slowly and surely I reached the stone, raised my left hand and with a simple mental command my suit exploded out, circling it's form around the stone and plucking it out of Hope's palm.

And into mine.

My n.a.k.e.d palm wrapped around the two stones. Hope seemingly dropped down from the strain, from the pain. I squeezed my fist shut around the stone, I felt the small jagged edge of the second Mind Stone shard cut into my palm, blood pouring out and onto the stone.

I instructed my suit to come and cover the stone, to place it in a vibranium hold, separating it from my body and containing the vast amounts of energy it was giving off. But before I saw it happen, my world was killed by a bright flash of light and a searing pain rushing up my arm.


I seemed to float around in nothing. I felt my body heat up slowly, a burning sensation traveling up my left arm, but slowly cooling down. My body seemed to be going numb.

'Where am I?' I asked myself. I floated in a sea of stars that seemed to extend on forever, but laying before me were two gigantic structure. Both were hued yellow, both in the shape of an enormous diamond shaped crystal.

But while one looked whole and powerful, the other was fractured and broken. It was split in half and covered with burning red runes I couldn't even begin to understand.

I reached out and assembling the floating goliathan figures came closer to me. I felt my hand seemingly reach out and touch the surface of the structure. And then, I felt a foreign preceness invade my mind.

I tried to resist, using every single trick I learnt from Earth 982's Doctor Strange and my own personal training, but unlike Mephisto, I didn't even have a chance. It was like whatever attacked had a backdoor to my mind.

And then, I found myself staring at someone who seemed to be a dark and twisted reflection of myself.

He wore the same armour as I did, yet it's surface was altered with more tech and designs. I couldn't seem them clearly tough as everything below his c.h.e.s.t was covered with a haze. But his profile resembled my own face, except aged.

I remembered seeing the older Peter Parker from Earth 982, while this man had some of his features, he looked far more experienced and hardened with colder eyes which were a striking blue and a large thick beard.

He had a long jagged scar running down his right eye, it was aged though, seemingly been there forever. His c.h.e.s.t was embroidered with my logo, with a small modification of the spider placed on a glowing red circle.

I blinked, and so did he. "W-who are you."

"Why do you ask questions you already know the answer too?" he asked with a smirk.

I blinked, "no way..."


"Prove it," my eyes hardened.

He blinked, "what's there more to prove? Isn't the fact that we're here enough for you? Do you honestly think Doom or Thanos has such skill to try and trick us?"

I looked into his eyes and remained silent. He sighed, "shesh, I never remembered being so paranoid. Fine, if you want proof….!#$ ~$ #!."

I gasped, "my name….no...our name..."

He nodded, "yeah, trust me, this is weird for me too."

"H-how?! Why?!" I cried out.

His eyes harned, "because we needed to talk….I inscribed my mind into the shard of the Mind Stone from my time in the eventuality that this meeting would happen. And I figured it would, as smart and amazing as my kids are they really do have a problem with sticking to a plan."

"Kids?!" I cried out, "what the hell are you-" I paused as I remembered the 'clones' I was fighting. I gasped, "they weren't clones were they...they were...they were-"

"-Yes," my future self nodded, "and I'll let them explain the rest because right now I don't have much time," he pointed to his left at the shard of the Mind Stone where the red runes slowly began to vanish, "the kids are here on a mission, ask them what it is if you wish to know. But I am here for one reason and one reason alone. To warn you."

"Want me? Off what?"

"Off the coming danger," he snapped his fingers as the image of the Infinity Gauntlet appeared before us, "we never did really see all the Phase three movies did we?"

I paused, shaking my head slowly, "no...we didn't. Why? What happened?"

Hs grimaced, "Thanos...we thought we could fight him with the skills we have, we were wrong. He is….he was a plague younger me. He was unstoppable. He could fight and beat the Hulk without a single Infinity stone in hand and he can't ever be stopped. I….I was ill prepared, afraid of my own power, afraid to be consumed by it yet I never realised no matter how much we prepared….we could never really be ready."

I narrowed my eyes, "what happens?"

He smiled, "don't worry, we won in the end, but….the price was too high. At first all I was able to do was delay the Mad Titan from acquiring the Infinity Stones, for a whole decade I was able to fight him and his armies off with the help of the heroes. But then...but then destiny still arrived. He won...and while eventually we managed to fight back we lost a lot in the process."

"How? How did you fight back? How do we win?" I asked desperately, "you did all of this for a reason, so tell me what it is!"

He shook his head, "no."

I blinked, "what? What do you mean no?! You said it yourself, I need to know! Why the f.u.c.k are you being such an ass?!"

"Because I know you," he narrowed his eyes at me, "and I know how you think. If I tell you how we won, then you'll just mimic it in the hopes that doing so will be enough. But it won't' be, nothing will be enough. No….instead, I'm going to do something very, very stupid and very dangerous."

I blinked, "what is that?"

He smiled, "I'm going to show you a movie...or more specifically, four movies." He raised his hand, snapped his fingers and suddenly the Mind Stone shard from the future exploded into light, sending a stream of knowledge directly into my head.

They were the movies I hadn't seen since coming to this world. Three movies after Spider-man Homecoming, which was the last movie I had seen. The first being Thor Ragnarok.

The images streamed into my skull. I saw Thor fighting a fire demon, I saw Hela being released upon Odin's death, I saw he break Thor's hammer. I saw Thor fight Hulk, I saw Thor lose nearly everything. I saw Thor fight his sister and then….I saw him regain his title of God of Thunder.

The movie ended with him escaping from Asgard, letting it burn, rescuing his people alone. The movie ended, and then the second one began. Black Panther.

I remember Civil War, I remember how T'Challa lost his father, this movie showed the fabled city of Wakanda and his ascension to the throne.I saw the traditions of the land, how his sister loved him, how the city loved him. How Erik Killmonger took that all away.

I saw the reasoning behind Killmonger actions and understood his d.e.s.i.r.e to be liberated. I saw all of it and I saw how rich and advanced Wakanda really was. I saw the fight between consuins, I saw how Killmonger chose to die instead of living on in slavery.

And then another movie began. A soft warm movie, Ant-man and the Wasp. It was heartfelt and nice, no this can't be. I watched how in the end Hank, Hope and Janet all vanished, leaving Scott trapped in the Quantum realm. Dust, What did it mean?

And then, I saw the end of everything.

I realised soon that this was my world's MCU movies playing, not visions of an alternate future of my new adopted world. No, this was from my original dimension. And the very last movie I saw was Avengers Infinity War.

And it was terrifying. I saw Thanos beat down the Hulk with his b.a.r.e hands, snap Loki's neck kill all the remaining Asgardians alive and try to kill Thor.

I saw him kill Gamora, destroy so many lives and then, just when I had hope of him being stopped through the actions of Tony Stark and Doctor Strange, he stood victorious once more.

I listened to his reasoning, while a cold and logical side of me could sympathize, I knew it wasn't in any sense logical. He may not be wholly a mad titan, but he wasn't fully sane.

I felt hope when Thor came onto the scene once more, I felt hope in seeing him while his new weapon, Stormbreaker, destroying the armies of Thanos in the war. And when Thanos destroyed Vision for the Mind Stone, I rejoiced when I saw Thor cut into his heart.

But then, he snapped his fingers and everything went white.

I was horror struck as suddenly half the universe died. I couldn't believe what I saw as Peter Parker, that world's Spider-man, died in the arms of Tony Stark, begging for his life. I saw the movie end with a small ember of hope in the form of Captain Marvel. But even then, I knew a dark veil had been placed on the universe. One I knew couldn't be easily lifted.

I snapped out of the vision, my eyes focusing back to the form of my future self. I painted as I processed the memories inside my head. I looked at him, his gaze cold and calculating.


"After defeating Thanos, I managed to find a way back to our home dimension," he explained, "I obtained these memories from there. It was a long a difficult process...but I knew it was needed."

"W-what happens next?" I asked.

He shrugged, "does it matter?"

"Of course it does!" I yelled back, "I need to know how this ends! How to solve this!"

"Even if you did, it would be no help to you now," he explained, "you have changed history far too much in this dimension, it reflects nothing of the MCU, it's too...altered to be off any relevance now. The solution to Thanos shown in the movies is out of our hands and my own solution is only after we have already lost too much."

"So why? Why have you decided to show me all of this?" I asked him, "if you're not here to give me a solution, what's the point?!"

"To warn you," he hissed, "to show you just what is coming for us in a way I know you'll understand."

I looked at him and he stared right back. I sighed, "how? How do I… do I do this? You have to give me somewhere to start."

"You'll figure it out...I'll give you another hint, the stones," he explained, "they are the key. Try and figure out how to use know where they all are right now don't you? Even if Thanos losses just one it will be enough to stop him….but the rest, I leave to you."

And without another word to me, he snapped his fingers, and I felt myself ripped away from wherever it was I was taken.


My head was spinning. I opened my eyes and saw Felicia's beautiful face looking down at me, worry and fear rolling off her in droves.

"He's awake!" she said to someone off to the side. I turned and saw the X-men fight my, not son. My….my son!

"N-no," I cried out, lifting myself up.

"Peter don't!" Felicia warned, "you need to rest. We don't know what that stone did to you."

I saw the kids leave the room, being chased away. "N-no, I have to stop them," I gasped, getting to my feet.

"Peter what are you doing?!" Felicia cried out, "you're going to hurt yourself even more!"

"Sorry," I gasped as I shook my spinning head. I look down, my hand was empty, "w-where is the stone?"

"They took it," Felicia supplied as she came to my side and held me up, "you need to rest Peter."

"No," I grunted, "I need to stop them….I'm sorry Kitten, but please, you have to trust me." Without waiting for her to a thing I dashed off, heading to the window and leaped out, the glass automatically lifting up to allow me out.

"Peter!" she cried out, but I ignored her.

My suit's thrusters activated as I flew into the air, my mind reeling from what had just happened. It seemed impossible, and yet it happened. "S.e.xy, can you track them?" I tapped my helmet.

"The three intruders have the stone and are going to the roof. Ms. Grey is right behind them and Storm is waiting for them on top."

Jean's doppelganger, her name, it was Hope….there was only one red haired woman named Hope from the comic books, Hope Summers, the daughter of Jean Grey and….oh f.u.c.k! How could I not see it before?!

I soared to the roof just as the roof door exploded off its hinges as my supposed children ran out with the X-men right behind them.

"Oh shit!" Hope cried out as Storm stepped out of the jet, her face covered with fury.

Storm's eyes glowed electric blue as slowly the wind began to pick up, "you came to our home, threatened and hurt my friends? We are not weak children! It is time you learnt the weather isn't yours to command, it is mine!"


Steph shrieked, "oh no! She's angry! She's going to fry us!"

I moved, coming down hard, landing between the two groups, "stop! Stand down, all of you!"

Ororo growled, "get out of the way Peter! I'll handle them!"

I snapped at her, "you'll not lay a finger hand on them Ororo! Please, don't!"

"And why not? Peter, they hurt you! They stole from you!" Jean cried out.

I turned to the three kids, by now Kurt had teleported to the roof with Felicia and Wanda in hand, Logan and Evans coming up the stairs, surrounding the three kids.

"You can't hurt them," I said, walking towards the three, Hope's eyes widened, Steph looked curious, while the boy just growled, holding his claws up, ready for a fight, "because they're my children."

"WHAT?!" Felicia cried out.

I walked towards them, the three visibly shaken now. My mask retreated into my suit as I looked at them properly for the first time.

I turned to the redhead first, " your name...Hope Parker?"

Tears seemed to come into her eyes, "daddy," she rushed forward, grabbing me into her arms, holding me tight as I heard her sniffling into my shoulder.

Slowly I moved my hand, they came up and around her body, holding her tight, "Hope...we named you Hope?"

She pulled away, smiling as she nodded, tears streaming down her face, "yes, you did. You-you said that's what mom always wanted to call me if I was born a girl..." she turned, looking at Jean, her eyes watering at the sight of the woman.

"Peter...what is going on?" Felicia asked slowly, "h-how are-"

"-Long story short, time travel," the only boy in the group grunted, putting away his claws. "Dammit, we weren't supposed to let you in, how the f.u.c.k did you figure it out old man?"

"I-I..." I looked them over, thinking quickly I decided to lie. If future me didn't tell was probably for a reason, "the only way you could have did all you did, was if you knew me, intimately...and the only way someone can remove that box from the Xavier mansion was if they had my blood...or in this case, half my blood."

Steph grinned, "told you guys he would figure it out!" We all turned out the youngest and smallest child of mine, she wore a proud smug smile, while Hope looked relieved and the boy just seemed grumpy.

But before I could say anything there was a loud crash as in a sudden rising flash of fire Johnny came soaring upwards into the air, covered in flames, "alright you bitches, time for round two!"

I sighed, shaking my head in disbelief. He looked down, his eyes blinking, "ah guys...why aren't we fighting right now?"

Ten minutes later:

We gathered inside the Lounge. Johnny, Sue and Ororo sta on the kitchen counter, away from the rest, their eyes still untrusting and hostile towards my….children.

Jean, Felicia and Kathy sat on the love seat, the other X-men on the adjoining furniture all around, Logan remained standing and so did I.

And sitting on the couch right smack dab in the middle of it all, with everyone's eyes locked on their forms, were three very eager looking kids.

"So," I began, clearing my throat, "what ah, what are your names?"

Hope smiled, "well you already know mine."

"Mine's Steph!" the little girl cried out, "but dad always just calls me Pumpkin."

Hope sighed, "her name's Stephenie Magda Parker."

Wanda's eyes widened as she gasped, "what? Magda?"

"What's wrong?" Jean asked.

"That's...that is my mother's name," Wanda said slowly, her voice cautious.

Stephany grinned, "yeah, you named me after grandma, uncle Pietro calls me Maggie, says it's what grandpa called grandma."

Evan's eyes widened, "wait a minute, hold the phone, Wanda is your mom?!"

Steph nodded, "yup!"

"But... I thought..." he pointed at Hope, "who exactly is your mom?"

Hope smiled, "Jean Grey, didn't the hair and eyes give it away?"


"You have two kids from two different mothers?!" Johnny cried out, my spidey-senses tingled, I ducked my head, a fork flew over my head, "you bastard!"

Silver haired me sighed, "it's like we didn't even go back in time at all. People form our time react the same way."

I narrowed my eyes, walking up to him, "you….you're-"

"Benjamin Walter Parker," the boy supplied, leaning back, "I bet you can guess who my mom is."

I turned it Felicia's her eyes wide in realisation, her skin pale from shock. I sighed, "I hope you know Kitten, he gets the attitude from your side of the family."

Felicia got up, she approached Ben, her eyes scanning his entire body. The boy immediately grew relaxed, he smiled, ""

"How many children do you have?" Kurt asked aghast.

"A lot," Steph shrugged, "we have like ten siblings, I have an older sister, Katherine, but the rest are all like half siblings. There's May-"

"-No!" Hope and I called out at once. My...daughter, looked at me and smiled, I nodded back as I turned to Steph and sighed, "not that I don't want to know would be dangerous, any knowledge of the future, could change the future."

Logan grumbled, "so why are you three here? Why did you steal the stone?"

"So are we just going to ignore the fact that he has ten kids?!" Johnny cried out.

"Johnny..." Sue said in a weak tone, "not the time."

Hope sighed, crossing her arms, "this is a bad idea."

Ben shrugged, "it's the only move we have," he looked up, and suddenly, his relaxed gaze hardened, "we are here to try and destroy the Mind Stone."

"What? Why?" Ororo asked curiously.

"Because in the future...a Warlord tries to use to to destroy half of all life in the Universe," Hope explained.

I nodded, "Thanos."

My children all gasped. "How do you know his name?" Steph asked in shock.

"I know about Thanos," I told them, "and I know what he did."

"How?" Ben narrowed his eyes.

I turned to Hope, "the second Mind Stone, the one from the future, where is it?"

Hope reached into her suit and took out the vibranium box I made and showing the Mind Stone from the present as well as the future shard inside.

"What does the shard have to do with anything?" Ben asked.

"I think...I think I had something to do with it," I hummed, at everyone's confused looks I continued, "I mean future me, their father. When I touched the stone and bleed on it I saw vision of the future...of a possible future."

"So that's how you knew about Thanos," Hope surmised, and while it wasn't the case, I didn't feel the need to correct her.

"Tricky old man," Ben grunted, "always has a hidden agenda."

"Hey, be nice, technically he is your dad," Evans g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

"He may be my dad, but that doesn't mean I have to do shit for him," Ben glared.

I glared bad, "why exactly do you hate me Ben?"

"Because it's your fault," he spat back.

I was taken back, "w-what?"

"I said it's your fault," he hissed, "Thanos won...because you were too weak to stop him. And we, my siblings and I, were born into a world of war. A war we had no choice in...all because you were too weak to stop him when it mattered."

Felicia turned out Hope, "what is he talking about?"

Hope sighed, "i-it's complicated."

"It's really not," Ben snorted, "when Thanos came knocking, he failed to fight. It's his fault that-"

"-Ben that's enough," Hope hissed with a sharp glare, shutting her brother up.

"I'm sorry, but what the hell's going on here?!" Johnny cried out, "who the f.u.c.k is Thanos?! And why exactly is everyone blaming Peter?!"

Hope sighed, "Thanos is….Thanos was a war lord, a blood thirsty one at that. He was mad and had only one goal in life, to kill half the population of the Universe."

"What?" Sue asked in horror as the rest just listened in avid attention.

Hope nodded, "his argument was thus: the universe and it's resources is finite, so if life was let to breed on unchecked, it would eventually destroy itself. He argued that like a proper gardener, life would need to be...trimmed out."

"That's insane," Wanda whispered.

Hope nodded, "exactly. But...he succeeded."

"How?" Logan asked.

"The Infinity Stones," Ben started with a shrug, at everyone's confusion he blinked, "oh, so daddy dearest hasn't told you about them has he?"

"I did," I defended myself, "I explained to them just how dangerous the Mind Stone is and what it was."

"But you didn't tell them about the others did you?" Ben shot back.

I paused, "no...I didn't."

"Peter..." Felicia called out, "what aren't you tell us?"

I sighed, "the Infinity stones are six singularities that represent the six aspects of the Universe. Space, Time, Mind, Soul, Reality and Power. And if one happened to have all six...they would quite literally become a God."

"And Thanos did," Ben continued, "sure at first you and the Avengers stopped him, but he just coming back again and again. And eventually he got all six...and he won. With a snap of his fingers...half of all life ended."

"What happened next?" Wanda asked.

"The remaining heroes came together and fought back," Hope supplied, "apparently, during the time spent fighting Thanos and his armies, our dad, you," she smiled at me, "found a way to destroy an Infinity Stone."

"How?" I asked.

"By using another Infinity Stone," Hope informed us, "but since Thanos had all six, you had to first steal one from him and use it against him...which was far easier said than done."

"W-what happened? Did we win?" Jean asked.

"Yeah...we did," Ben replied as his eyes slowly turned to his would be mother, "but...we lost too much along the way."

My eyes widened, "no….not her."

"Mom died saving your f.u.c.k.i.n.g life," Ben spat, "I still don't' understand why. You let Thanos destroy the world, and yet for some f.u.c.k.i.n.g reason, she still decided to die for you…." he looked at me, glared, "it should have been you."

It felt like a dagger plunging into my heart. I looked, all eyes were on me. I felt pressure, so much pressure leveled onto my person.

I couldn't handle it anymore, I turned, and I left. "Peter!" I heard Felicia call out, I ignored her and left, rushing out to the hallway, entering my lab and locking the door behind me. I sat on my chair and looked up, my eyes blank.

I began to vent, my breathing stressed.

I was afraid, I was so afraid of what I might one day turn into I never even considered what I had to one day fight. The movies in my head played on and on, so many new avenues, so much...death.

Before I wouldn't care much, after all it was just a movie. But now? Now realising it would happen to my world and the people I loved and knew? Now it became so much more real.

Knock knock!

I looked up, "no."

"Dad..." Hope's voice came from the other side, soft and caring, "please….I can help..."

I was silent, I didn't know why, but something told me to trust my would be daughter. I sighed and nodded, "open the door S.e.xy."

The metal door slid open, standing on the other side was the young girl who supposedly would one day be my daughter.

She walked in, the door shutting behind her. She came and sat down next to me, pulling up a chair for herself.

"You can't blame yourself," she began.

"The hell I can't," I spat back, "I...I killed the world Jean-I mean, Hope...sorry, it's just-"

Hope chuckled, "it's fine dad, I know I look a lot like mom, you always told me so..."

I looked ot her, I narrowed my eyes, "did she ever tell you that?"

Hope was silent, she slowly shook her head, "no….she died soon after giving birth to me...she died protecting us all from Thanos. During one of his invasions he came close to acquiring the stones, she channeled a cosmic entity of life and rebirth into herself to protect us. She managed to beat back his army but it cost her everything."

"The Phoenix," I whispered, my eyes widening.

Hope turned, surprise on her face, " did you know about that?"

"I...I've been studying a lot on powerful being in the Universe, researching the stones and beings as powerful as it and I..." I looked away, I sighed, I couldn't lie to her...I didn't want to lie, "it's because I #$ !# in a movie."

Hope blinked, "a movie, what do you mean?"

My head shot up. I didn't believe it...she...she understood me?! "Hope….my name is ! $$ant."

Hope narrowed her eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't get all of that. Something about your name?"

"How? How is this..." I stopped, shaking my head, "no...sorry I just….did I-your dad I mean- did he ever tell you...about where he came from?"

Hope narrowed her eyes, "no, not really. We didn't really talk too much of the past. Why?"

I shook my head, "nothing...sorry." If future me didn't tell his own children, then I probably shouldn't either. But how could she even understand me in the first place?! Was it because she was my kid? My DNA? Unlike May Parker from Earth 982, she was actually my child, my own flesh and blood so...whatever….this doesn't matter….not after what I do….or rather will do.

I turned to Hope, "who else did I lose?"

The girl stiffened, "you….a lot….too many...Mom, aunt Felicia, aunty Storm, uncle Tony, uncle Thor...a lot of people died dad..."

I looked down, "and it's all because….because of me."

"No! Don't say that!" Hope hissed, "it isn't all your fault! Hell, it's because of you that even had a fighting chance in the first place! You fought back! We all did! Taking the blame onto yourself just removes it from the ones who really deserve it!"

I looked at her, righteous fury in her eyes, "your brother certainly doesn't think so."

She sighed, "Ben….Ben always blames you for what happened to mom. It's not right's how he deals with everything. You and him never got along well...he's just...difficult."

I looked at her, "how did you come back?"

"Time travel," Hope shrugged, "Uncle Strange used a shard of the Time Stone to bring us here."

"A shard?" I blinked, "right, you destroyed the Stones in the future. So you back here planning on breaking the Mind Stone?"

Hope shook her head, "no dad...we planned on changing the Stone's function...hack into it and change just one small feature."

I blinked, "what's that?"

"Locking it's power away into itself, thereby making it impossible for anyone, including you, to use it on more than one individual at a time. So when Thanos himself gets the stone, and assembles all six, he'll never be able to use its full potential," Hope said proudly, "we actually planned on doing it quietly and without you noticing but...well, as you can, things didn't go according to plan."

I looked at her, those green eyes reminded me so much of Jean's, but, the way they were shaped and the sheer brilliance behind them, I recognized that as something she had gotten from me.

I smiled, "Hope huh...well, that's an appropriate name is I ever saw one….fine," I looked up at her, determination in my eyes. I refuse to make the mistake I once made, never will I endanger my children...and my world, "what can I do to help?"

"I could use an extra hand," she shrugged, taking out the vibranium lock box and revealing the two Mind Stones inside. She took it out the shard and passed it over to me, "here, I need you to hold this."

"Right," I placed the shard on my palm and waited.

Hope then took the whole Mind Stone and raised it above my hand, "this might feel funny."

I nodded, "do it."

She nodded and plunged the stone down. The moment both the stones touched they began to vibrate at an intense frequency, becoming more and more violent as it sent waves of energy out.

The door to my lab was thrown open as the X-men along with Ben and Stephen rushed inside. "Peter!" Felicia cried out.

"Stay-back!" I yelled at them, grunting in pain as the shard in my hand began to pulsate quicker and quicker, a rush of warmth left my hand before going directly into Mind Stone.

"Ancient Powers that be, I call upon the omnipotence of the Universe itself, grant this one the strength to entrap the Stone of Mind!" Hope cried out as over a dozen magical circles came alight all around us, slowly circling and binding the two versions of the Mind Stones.

And then, suddenly:


I felt the shard in my hand cool down. Hope panted as the waves of energy coming out died into nothing, the stone cl.i.c.k.i.n.g down into my palm, motionless.

"W-what just happened?" Johnny asked.

"Did you do it?" Ben asked in a hurry as he and Steph rushed to their siblings side.

Hope painted, wiping away her sweat as she nodded, "yeah, it's done. The Stone has been neutralised. If anyone tries to use it in tangent with the other stones they'll find it useless."

I panted, holding the stone in my hand, "'s over? The stone's neutralised?"

Hope nodded, "yes...theoretically speaking."

"What do you mean? Is the stone a threat or not?" Wanda demanded.

"There's no real way of telling," Hope sighed, "as far as we know, yes, the stone is done for. But….well, I wouldn't take the chance dad."

I nodded, "yeah….I won't either."

"Wait, so if the stone is done for, and Thanos will never win, how come you three are still here?" Sue asked, "is time has corrected itself, shouldn't you all...I don't know, be done for?"

Hope sighed as she took back the Mind Stone shard, "sadly, no. Time isn't that fluid. By changing the past we have created a new timeline, a new dimension. It won't affect what happened to our past, least now you all have a chance to have a better future."

"So you did this knowing you won't be able to save yourselves?" Ororo asked in confusion.

Stephen smiled, "of course! That's what heroes do after all! We may not look it, but in the future we're all Avengers!"

"Like our parents," Ben scoffed.

"So...what now?" I asked, "are you going to stay? Or do you…"

Hope nodded, "sadly...yes. It is time for us to go. With our mission over it is best if we go back to our own time."

"You can't!" Jean spoke for the first time since finding out she would one day have a daughter, "we have so many questions! I have so many questions! Please, stay I-I-"

"-Mom," Hope cut her off, the girl smiling at her maybe mother and smiled, "you'll be fine now...I promise."

"It's time," Ben spoke up, holding up his hand, his costume shimmering away to reveal a glowing green ring around his right middle finger.

"The Time Stone?" I asked in shock.

"No," Ben shook his head, "just a conduit."

"Oh, do we have leave already?" Stephen grumbled, "I wanted to talk to uncle Johnny more! He hardly ever smiles at home!"

"Sorry Steph," Hope smiled, dragging her sister to their mother's side, touching his shoulder. She turned to me and smiled, "bye dad….it was nice seeing you again."

A wide arc of green energy shrouded them all. I joined the X-men and the rest in watching in awe as they vanished in an orb of green energy, leaving behind nothing but some scorch marks and a powerful electric current in the air.

"Again?" I asked myself. Shit…I died too didn't I?

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