Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 63 - I'll Make a Mage, out of you

I stood out in the varanda of the Baxter building, looking out into the city night sky. The X-men and the others were inside, I honestly didn't know what they were talking about and I didn't really care.

Ever since children left, I was here, thinking on what exactly I would need to do. A plan on becoming stronger, to prepare to do what was needed, for when Thanos came….I would need to be ready.

But just then my silence was broken as the door to the balcony opened as Jean, Felicia and Wanda walked in, closing the door behind them.

"We need to talk," Wanda spoke first.

I sighed and turned, crossing my arms against them, "yeah….I figured."

"Peter….what are you thinking?" Felicia asked.

I looked at her and sighed, "that I've been taking things far to lightly as it was. I thought I had prepared enough for Thanos, that the world was getting ready for him. But now I…..I realise that was foolish to think so."

"So...what are you planning to do?" Jean asked softly.

I looked at her, my eyes focused, "I need to get stronger… I need to learn more, become more….the way I am not I won't last a minute against Thanos, even with the best of plans."

"So what are you going to do?" Felicia asked.

"Kamar Taj," I replied swiftly, "it's a place where I can learn to be stronger, to harness my full potential."

"Why didn't you go before," Wanda asked.

I shrugged, "never really had the time….but now…."

Felicia and Jean looked at each other, the red head spoke first, "we're coming with you."

"Jean, no, this is something-"

"-What? Something you need to do alone?" Jean cut in, "why? Because you're feeling guilty?"

I signed, "my children from the future just told me I'm partly responsible for a mad man destroying half the universe, can you blame me?"

"No, we can't," Felicia replied, she reached out and caught my hand in hers, "but Tiger….you don't have to do this alone….we're with you all the way."

"Do I need to remind that's exactly how you end up dead? Or were you not paying attention when our son told us how much he hates me?" I glared.

"Peter," Jean reached out, she cupped my face, turning it to her, "we don't blame you for what might happen...but...if you're really going to do this for all our sakes, shouldn't we be able to help you in some way?"


"-We're coming with you web-head, and that's final," Wanda cut me off, "and if you have any more complaints you can stick it up your rear."

I blinked, "you're coming as well?"

She snorted, "no shit Sherlock. Or are you forgetting the fact that apparently I also end up having your kids?"

I sighed rubbing my nose, "why the hell does every Peter Parker have a complicated love life? Look Wanda I-"

"-Save it Webs," she cut in, "I'm not doing this because I'm somehow magically in love with you now. I'm doing it because I was just told some mad man is going to come and my children will have to fight him and possibly die by his hands. So if you're going to train to become strong enough to fight him then that's exactly what I'm going to do as well."

I sighed, "fine….fine….but I have to warn you, Kamar Taj isn't a vacation spot of a resort. It's a dangerous and powerful place...Jean and Wanda, you guys can learn more about your abilities there, but Kitten you..." I turned to her and sighed.

"What? Just because I dont' have powers doesn't mean I'm useless," Felicia defended herself.

"It's not's just that there's a lot of homework involved," I smiled.

She blinked, "oh….well whatever. I'm sure I will manage. You're not changing my mind Peter, I'm coming with you."

"We all are," Jean nodded.

I sighed, "alright then….now, who's going to break it to the team?"

A few days later:

"Stand by mode," I ordered, causing my suit to transform into the white undershirt it was before, leaving me in just my boxers.

I picked up the red robes I gained during my apprenticeship and dawned it. They were a bit tighter than since I remembered last, but they would work.

To put on the finishing touches I put on a large trench coat and a hat, just to add some color to my real identity. I picked up my bag of infinite storage and walked out, and waiting for me outside dressed in the baggiest clothes I have ever seen her wear was Felicia.

"Ready?" she asked.

I nodded, "yeah. Where are Jean and Wanda?"

"Saying goodbye," Felicia replied as we walked downstairs. We walked in silence, thought I noticed her sending me side glances now and then.

I sighed, "what?"

"What what?"

"You know what I mean."

Felicia smiled, "yeah….it's just….well, I'm not used to the fact that we have a son, you know?"

I snorted, "yeah...and what's worse is that he gets his attitude from your dad."

"Hey! He isn't that bad!"

"Now Hope, Hope is my favorite," I chuckled, "super smart and awesome, just like her dad."

"No, I think she gets that from her mom," Felicia rolled her eyes, "and as for Ben, well he gets his attitude from his daddy."

"Gasp, you take that back," I mocked.

Felicia chuckled, "what? It's true…."

I turned to her and smiled, she smiled back. I reached out and took her hand in mine. "He's not that bad I suppose," I murdered, "I mean, he did try and change history and all I suppose he is a little bit like me."

"I'm sure," she chuckled, squeezing my hand.

We reached the ground floor where everyone in the school had gathered. Jean and Wanda were in the middle surrounded by the others, each exchanging hugs and wishing them well.

"I can't believe you guys have to leave!" Kathy cried out.

Jean smiled, "I know...but we have to."

"Yeah yeah, we know," Evans snorted, "an intergalactic warlord is coming and you're future kids are in danger."

"I'm seriously not following what's going on," Scott stage whispered.

"Ah, Peter," Charles spoke as everyone turned, nothing Felicia and I arrive, "I suppose you are ready to leave now, yes?"

I nodded, "Yeah...thank you Professor...for everything you've done for me. I know I haven't always been the easiest person to get along with-"

"-Please," Charle held up his hand, "don't' apologise for being yourself Peter...and as for what you're wishing to do now...well, all I can say is, good luck Mr. Parker. It's truly been a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

I reached out and shook his hand, "thank you Professor. If you need anything, anything at all. You know how to reach me."

"Indeed I do," the man nodded.

I turned out the others and smiled, "it's been real guys...thanks. For you know, helping me understand why my future children wanted to steal from me."

Everyone save Rouge and Scott laughed, those two really didn't understand what was going on.

With a heartfelt goodbye, or a small hug in the case of Wanda and Rouge, we left the mansion, getting into my car and flying to the city.

We reached quickly as I engaged stealth mode and brought the car down over a parking garage just a few streets away from the New York Sanctum.

As we landed I unbuckled my seat belt and spoke, "Doc, hack into this garages reservation plans and alot this spot to us on rent for the next six months. Until given instructions you are to remain in standby mode, understand?"

"Yes sir," the AI replied.

We got out of the car and stretched. "You sure it'll be safe here?" Felicia asked.

"It's a tank with an advanced AI system built into it," I shrugged, "I pity the fool who tries to steal my baby."

"So where exactly is this place?" Wanda asked.

"A few streets down," I replied.

"A place that teaches magic is in the heart of New York city?" Wanda asked in disbelief.

I shrugged, "more like a portal. Come on," I motioned. We left the garage and walked the remaining blocks. Arriving at the building in question.

I took the lead and went up to the door, knocking on it three times and waited. The door opened slowly as Master Drumm peaked out, grumbling as he looked at me and my companions.

"This isn't a spa resort," he grumbled.

I shrugged, "I know. I'm here for sanctuary. And training."

The bald black man looked over my shoulder at Jean and the others, "and them?"

"To learn," Jean supplied.

The man snorted, "really? I don't believe you."

"And yet it isn't your place to accept or reject anyone," I argued, "that lies wholly within the Ancient One and her alone."

"The Ancient One is a woman?" Felicia blinked in surprise.

I nodded, "yeah, didn't I mention that?"

The Master sighed, "fine, come in. She was expecting you to show up soon anyway...took longer than we thought though." He moved aside and let us in, closing the door behind us.

"This place is super creepy," Felicia whispered as she looked around, her eyes widening at the various artifacts inside. "On second thought, I wouldn't mind taking a closer look at some of these trinkets."

"Touch them, even think about stealing them, and I will personally banish you into an empty void with nothing for eternity," Drumm growled, crossing his arms in anger.

Felicia blinked, "ah….okay?"

"He's serious, he can actually do that," I told her.

Felicia's eyes widened, "oh….shit. Okay then, nevermind." We chuckled as I lead them to the portal in the heart of the house, my time spent in Earth 982 helping a lot in guiding me around this place.

I opened the door and walked passed the portal, shivering at the odd sensation of the portal. We arrived in Kamar Taj on the other side, and waiting for us, was the Ancient One herself, dressed in her normal robes and a smile on her face.

"Hello," she smiled, "you're late."

I shrugged, "traffic was a pain."

"Indeed...come, I have prepared a room for you," she nodded before pausing to look over my shoulder, "what is this?"

I turned and looked at the girls, each trying and failing to take in everything around them. I sighed, "they insisted on joining me. Jean Grey, Felicia Hardy and Wanda Maximoff….they wish to be trained as well."

We turned to the Ancient One, the woman was silent for the longest time before she smiled, "very well. Come, we have a lot to do and not much time."

I smiled as she lead us into the monastery.

"While you are here you shall learn the ways of magic," she began, "I understand your mutant abbities may grant you an advantage, but as of right now you will need to learn many things, like mythology and how to fight, I assume this won't be a problem?"

"" Jean shrugged.

The woman chuckled, "good. Now first things first we-"

"-Peter?!" a young voice cried out.

I turned as I was suddenly tackled by a blur of blonde and white as a pair of small arms wrapped around me, holding me tight.

"Tandy?" I recognized her immediately.

"Oh my God it really is you!" the blonde girl grinned as she looked up at me, "I totally knew you would show up! I heard what happened with Doom, I knew you would come here eventually, I mean where else would you go right? Oh this is awesome! Even Ben said you would come by soon!"

"Ah-hem," Felicia cleared her throat loudly, drawing all eyes to her as she raised an annoyed eyebrow, "care to explain Peter?"

"Does he really have to?" Wanda snorted, "I'm sure we can all guess what's going on."

"I would still like him to explain," Felicia growled.

I sighd, "Felicia, Jean, Wanda, this is Tandy Bowen, she's a friend I helped out a while back."

"More like saved my life from living a life as a homeless person and then again as Spider-man," Tandy snorted before blinking, " in Felicia Hardy? As in your ex?!"

Felicia raised an eyebrow, "yes, and?"

Tandy's eyes glowed pure white for moment before preventing back to blue, "I heard a lot about you."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Like how you abandoned him and left," Tandy glared.

Jean snorted, "I like her."

"Yeah, the girl has quite a mouth on her," a deep rumbling voice called out. I turned and saw Ben standing before us, a smile on his rocky face, "hey kid, nice to see you again."

I grinned, "hey Ben...good to see you too, since Doom and all."

He nodded, "yeah...anyway, you here for training?"

"You know it, well, me and the others," I motioned to the girls, "and...well, I need a place to hide. The world does consider me a terrorist after all."

"Yeah, about that, we need to talk," Ben grumbled, "what exactly were you thinking kid? I understand being outed was thought but-"

I held up by hand, "Ben, trust me when I say it's complicated. I'll tell you the whole story. But for now, can we move this along?" I looked down at Tandy and Felicia square off, glaring at each other, "please?"

"Indeed," the Ancient One nodded, "come, I'll show you to your rooms."

We were guided out, Tandy and Ben showing us where to sleep. The rooms themselves were very spartan, just a bed and a desk. But they did have wifi, so that was something. I had a room down the hall next to Ben's while Jean, Felicia and Wanda were on the other side of the building. Smart move.

That night I was invited to the Ancient One's chambers. I walked out through the courtyard, it was empty this time of night with many of the rooms light turned on, showing many a disciple working on their texts and magic.

I walked to her room and waited outside for three seconds before a voice came out from the inside, "come in."

"Right," I pushed the door open and stepped in. The room was strikingly similar to my own, empty, except for a small tea set present on the table where the Ancient one sat waiting for me.

"You don't have much in your room do you?" I stated, sitting down besides her.

"No, sadly I find in the course of a long life….I tend to lose more than I gain," she said with a tone of sadness, pouring me a cup of her famous tea with a dab of honey, just how I knew she made it.

I sipped the drink and sighed, "you make a damn good know, I don't actually know your name. It's strange to just call you Ancient One all the time."

The woman smiled, "sadly my name is meaningless to what I am right now. There is no relation between what I am to what I anything I was called cannot relate. But if you wish, I do tend to us the name Ray from time to time as an alias."

I chuckled, "sorry, but no, Ray is far too odd for me to call you. No offence, but you don't look like a Ray."

She smiled, "true….do you know why I called you here?"

"I'm guessing it's not just for tea?"

She shook her head, " is not...I called you here for one reason alone. You know don't you? I assume the Stephen Strange of the Earth you visited, your true Master...he told you what happened to me didn't he?"

That wasn't the case, but I understood what she wanted. "You don't want me to save….you want me to let you die?"

She sipped her drink and placed the empty cup down. She looked at me and nodded, "yes…..when the time comes. I want you to let destiny take its course death will allow Stephen to finally take up his destiny..."

"With all due respect Ray, that is a pile of horse shit," I spat. The Ancient One raised an eyebrow as I continued, "do you know why I finally agreed to this? To come here and be trained?"

"Because you finally understood your place in this world?"

I shook my head "no, because I reject it. My children from the future came to warn me Ray...warn me about my future, a future where half the population of the Universe laid dead at the feet of Thanos...and I'm not about to let that happen."

"So you wish to change the future?" she asked, seemingly to take the whole time travel deal in stride.

I sighed, "yes...and I don't care about destiny and such Ancient One. Strange will be great no matter what, but we need you, your death...I'm sorry, but it'll have to be postponed."

"You realise by taking the lead of this war against Thanos you now b.a.r.e the responsibility of the world on your shoulders?" she asked rhetorically, "and not just that, but also the roles of everyone who burdens you take for yourself?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The Age of Heroes," she stated.

"Oh," I sighed, "I suppose you would know about that."

"By declaring that….you have painted a target on your back. You have become the icon for the next generation of heroes….you have become the world's champion Peter….are you sure you are ready for such responsibility?"

I finished my tea and sighed, "Strange once told me that the Web of Life was the greatest power in the multiverse. The greatest power bares the greatest responsibility. If I wasn't ready for that, what right do I have to wield the power of the Web? I fear power Ancient One, I don't like it...but I understand now I will need it."

She sighed, "very well...we will begin your training tomorrow. Sleep well Apprentice Parker, for tomorrow will be the start of a difficult life."

I nodded, "I know...believe me I know."

"Oh, and before you leave," she took out a small rectangular sheet of paper and placed it on the table.

I picked it up and examined it, there was scripture written on the surface, some I could identify, some I could not. I hummed as I looked them over, "what is this?"

She smiled, "a present. It will ward a room from any sound going in or out. I expect you will need it soon."

I blinked in confusion but shrugged, accepting the token either way.

That night, as I was getting ready for bed, the door to my room slowly opened up. I saw Felicia walk in, closing it behind her. She leaned on the door and smiled, her scent rolling off l.u.s.t, wearing a very loose set of bright white robes.

"You know...ever since we met again...we haven't really...well," she pushed off the door behind her, "together."

I raised an eyebrow, looking amused, "really?"

"What?" she asked, her fingers dancing along her robe's belt as her h.i.p.s swung with every step she took towards me, "I may not be able to sence when people are honry Tiger, but I know when a man wants me, especially if I want him back just the same."

"Really?" my hands moved around her waist as she pressed her body up against mine, her hands on my c.h.e.s.t as she looked up at me, "well then tell me Kitten...what do I want right now?"

My hands went to her behind and sank into her firm behind, getting a good hold on it as I pulled her closer until I could feel her wetness right against my groin. She smiled, "I think I can guess Tiger," she leaned forward and bite into my neck.

I pushed her to my bed and got on top of her, she grabbed my robes and pulled them off in a hurry, banishing them across the room. I bent down and bite her neck, she m.o.a.n.e.d, a powerful flush of her scent attacked me, demanding I take future action.

"I missed you," I bent down and bite the collar of her robes and pulled it to the side to reveal her heavy white b.r.e.a.s.ts. I bent down and bit a n.i.p.p.l.e playfully, she m.o.a.n.e.d into my ear.

"I-I missed you too," she whispered, cupping my face, throwing her head up as I continued assaulting her every single weak point I knew she had. I attacked her, made her m.o.a.n my name before I even had her, I needed her to realise that she wouldn't be walking out of her anytime soon.

But just then, the door to my room opened and we quickly moved away from each other, Felicia covering herself, and I ready to block the newcomers line of sight.

"I should have known," Jean smiled as she came in, closing the door behind her.

Felicia binked, "how did you know?"

"You were being loud," Jean snorted, "I may not have advanced hearing, but I didn't need it for you two."

I blinked as realisation struck me, I looked down at my table at the talisman the Ancient One gave me a few minutes ago, "damn...she is good."

"What was that?" Jean raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, just that I'm pretty sure the Ancient One is a psychic," I replied as I picked up the talisman and placed it on the top of my door frame, "there, that should cut out all the noise coming in or out of this room."

"Good," Jean replied as she flicked her finger, banishing me gently back to the bed where Felicia blinked in surprise. The beautiful redhead approached us, slowly stripping away her fabrics untils she was n.a.k.e.d before us.

Not a word was said as she joined us in the bed, not one. I watched her kiss Felicia first, just once, to tell her all was forgiven, and then she turned to me, and kissed me as if she wanted to carver her very name into my mouth.

I threw off the rest of my robes, almost tearing it apart into shreds before I pinned Jean down below me. She wrapped her arm around my neck and her legs around me h.i.p.s, holding me tight as we kissed deeply.

"Not fair," Felicia purred. Jean pulled back and smiled, without a word she grabbed the girl and pulled her into our grip as well.

"Felicia," I whispered into her ear as Jean kissed her front, pushing her back against my groin.

"W-what?" she asked.

"Never leave us again. Never. No matter what happens, never again. If you have to go, have to save someone, your family, your friends, then go. But never, ever just leave us without telling us...why...without promising to come back. Promise me," I told her, no, ordered her, a side of me I was always embarrassed to admit came out. The side that told me to claim her as my own, to break the necks of anyone who ever looked at what was mine. To make sure she wouldn't even leaving again.

She looked at me, "I promise, never again...I swear." I looked into her eyes and I saw love.

"Promise me the same," Jean whispered, pulling Felicia's face to her, "you didn't just leave him alone Felicia...promise me, from now on, we shall be together..."

She leaned down and kissed Jean. My already hardened length screamed at me to move, to claim them both immediately before anyone even thought otherwise. I moved, aiming against Felicia's protruding bottom and slowly sheathed myself into her.

She m.o.a.n.e.d into Jean's mouth as I pushed myself wholly into the familiar tunnel, tightening around my length. I pulled back and I felt her shiver, Jean's fingers reaching down to attack her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e core.

In seconds, Felicia screamed in approval. Breaking down and rolling off the the side, panting, covered with sweat, "that so wasn't fair. Two against one."

"Deal with it," Jean whispered before pulling me down, "my turn Tiger."

"I know Birdy," I whispered back and claimed her as well. She was far less quieter, throwing her head back and cry out in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e over and over again.

I pulled her up, the girl laughed excitedly as I stood, her body wrapped around mine as I turned nad pinned her back against a wall and began claiming her once more. I was never going to let them go, never again.

Jean was with me when no one else was. She understood me on such a level I could never appreciate. I didn't think it was possible, for the longest time I didn't believe in the possibility of being able to truly love two people at once. But now, right now as Jean kissed me, wrapping her hands around me and Felicia breaking in to kiss us both, I knew I loved both these women before me.

I made up my mind then and there and without thinking, I spoke up, "I love you," Jean's eyes widened, Felicia's two, "both of you."

Jean smiled, pushing off the wall telekinetically and brining all three of us to bed. She cupped my face in her hands and smiled, "I know...I've always know never had to say it. But...thank you….I love you too."

Felicia brough Jean's lips to hers and kissed her, Jean did the same. In seconds I felt her tight and c.u.m, her body letting every single worry she had be swept away.

We went into the night, the last time this happened we were drunk, but now, we knew exactly what we were doing. And we knew exactly what we wanted. Each other. Jean wanted this, and I know now, so does Felicia.

As we went on into the night I realised this right here, a promise of a future family and the love of these two women, it was mine. Not Peter Parker's not Spider-man's mine. I earned their love, and I swore, Thanos, Loki or whatever psychotic lunatic came next, they will have to kill me before I let them touch the ones I love.

Ben Parker, Hope Parker, I swear one day, you'll be born into a world free of violence, even if it's the last thing I do.


The months seemed to fly by. I grew more adapted to the mystical arts, though it didn't grant me any more fore knowledge into the Web of Life. It seemed to truly be able to master that, I'll have to gain much more knowledge in every other visible field.

My birthday had come and gone without notice. Only Jean and Felicia even wished me, to be honestly, I had actually forgotten myself. I didn't feel much like a seventeen year old, hell, right now I feel so much older than I was supposed to be.

"And begin," Mordo ordered.

I moved through the kata like I have a hundred times, swifting through them with precious and grace before ending with a fist strike that would have broken a man's c.h.e.s.t cavity in if it had made contact.

The past few months I spent training here I grew much in height, now standing at six feet 1 inch. I wore blue robes now, marking my rise through the ranks of the monastery, now an able practitioner of the magical arts rather than just an apprentice.

The past few months I had learnt a lot while I was here. I learnt how to fight with magic, properly that is, more into the mystical nature of the universe and most importantly, made steps that advanced me to the eventual usage of the Web of life.

"Now summon a weapon," he ordered.

I nodded, spinning my wrist and summoning a spectral double sided axe with a faint reddish glow that I used to move into the next kata, a more complex set that eventually lead to me ending with a powerful downward strike.

"Too slow," he whispered. My spider sense blared, commanding me to move. I ducked just in time to avoide Mordo's expanding staff/whip. I rolled away and brought up a shield of Sharum just in time to block his second swing.

"Argh!" he roared, attacking me again and again, but I held the shield strong.

Eventually the black man with green robes stopped and backed away. He smiled as he bowed, "I will admit, your attendance here at the request of the Ancient One did seem strange at first. I doubted if you would be able even get a single wording write, I am pleased to be wrong."

I dismissed the shield and bowed back, "thank you Master Mordo. I'm glad I define your surprisingly low expectation."

The man chuckled, "can you truly blame me Parker? All I knew off you was your heroic career and nothing else. I assumed you were nothing more than a child playing at hero trying to understand that which you did not. I am glad to know I was wrong."

I smiled back, "again, I'm glad to have proven otherwise."

"Yes well, while you may have impressed me, I cannot say the same for her," he looked across the courtyard, I followed his gaze to the white robed novices, and there amongst them was my own white haired lover, sitting calmly as she meditated in order to gain access to her own internal energies.

"She excels at the physical combat nature of our monastery, but fail to even grasp the most simplest of magical exercises," Mordo friend, "perhaps you could help her Parker, I'm sure a more personal touch is what she will require."

I sighed, "I'll try."

"Master Mordo," we both turned and found Tandy approach us, now dawning crimson robes to show her advancement in her teachings, "the Ancient One asks for you preceness."

Mordo nodded, "I'll be with her momentarily Roshanee," he turned to me and nodded, "you are dismissed for the rest of the day to conduct your private training Parker. I'll see you tomorrow at dawn."

I bowed, "take care Master."

Tandy and I watched Mordo leave, the girl closing the gap between with quickly, giggling, "you know, Ben and I actually have a wager going about whether or not Mordo and the Ancient One and doing it."

I blinked, turning to the Lightforce user, "seriously? What do you think."

"I think they are totally doing it," she smirked, "Ben doesn't think so, says it's a professional relationship."

I shrugged, "I think he's right. Besides, she's like, a thousand years old, I'm pretty sure she's way past finding any sort of enjoyment in a relationship."

Tandy pouted, "see, now you're just being a bummer. Anyway, what are you doing now?"

"Probably just going to work on my stuff," I shrugged as we began walking towards the dorms.

"Oh, can I come?" she asked, "I have the day off, Master said I should relax for a bit."

I shrugged, "fine with me." We walked over quickly, I looked over my shoulder and notice Felicia sighing, trying to focus her mind. I closed my mind and sent a telepathic message to her, forming a bridge between our minds, "Felicia, relax."

"Peter?" she replied, her face scrunching, "right, forgot you can do that now. Damn, first Jean, now you. I so need to learn this magic shit."

"It's fine," I replied, "take your time. Don't rush into this."

"How did you do this?" she asked.

I smiled as I sent her a stream of my memories, of me training and how I used her as a focus to clear my mind "I had someone to get back too."

She didn't reply back, though I could see a big smile form on her face as she continued meditating, now with renewed passion.

"Are you helping her out again?" Tandy asked, looking over my shoulder at Felicia and glaring, "I honestly don't know why you bother, she's not really suited for the mystical arts you know."

I shrugged, "I know, but she's still brilliant in her own right. I'm sure she'll eventually get it right."

Tandy huffed, "whatever."

I smirked, "you really shouldn't let your dislike of her cloud your judgement Tandy...why do you hate her so much anyway?"

The girl raised a single eyebrow, "really? Are you really that dense Peter?"

I sighed, "no...I suppose not..."

"It just doesn't seem right," she replied, "you're such a nice guy, you deserve better than...well, her."

I stopped and turned to Tandy, the girl blinking as I glared at her, "Tandy, she has done a lot, sacrificed a lot and bleed for me. Have I ever actually told you why she left?"

The girl gulped, shaking her head, "n-no, you didn't."

"It's because she was trying to save my life," I told her, turning and walking away, heading straight for my room.

She hesitated a moment before running to catch up to me, "what do you mean? What did she do?"

I turned to her and sighed, "sorry I snapped, it's just…. A lot to process right now...come on, I've been delaying this talk for awhile anyway."

She nodded as we entered my room, now littered with various texts and other loose sheets of paper describing the various theorems and formulas I was currently working on. I pulled a chair for her and brought up a pot of water.

"Do you remember...when Spider-man 'died' at the hands of Doom?" I asked her, sitting before her as I placed the pot before us.

"Yeah," Tandy froaned, "MJ and Liz said you were like super depressed or something...I thought it was because Felicia left you."

I sighed, "that was...kind off the case. You see, the reason Felicia vanished, hell the reason Doom got released out of his prison in the first place was because of...HYDRA."

She blinked, "that nazi cult you said was trying to control everything?"

I nodded, "yes. I see you guys know about them all the way out here."

Tandy scoffed, "we're warrior monks, not savages Peter. Anyway, what do they have to do with anything?"

I snapped my fingers, bringing a magical circle under the pot of water. Immediately the tea inside began to boil as I applied a temperature modification spell of my own design, "everything."

An hour later:

Tandy and I finished our third cup of tea. The girl spent the last hour listening in rapt attention to everything I had to say. Why Felicia left, how I left, how I got her back and what exactly we were now.

"So," she hummed, "you and her are in this open relationship?"

I shock my head, "no, not really."

"Then how does the red head fit into all of this?" Tandy asked curiously.

"She's ah….she's part of it too," I hide my blush behind the last of my tea.

"So….you three…."


"And Felicia's fine with this?"

"Oh yes…."

"And Jean..."

"Her idea..."

"And you?"

"Surprisingly, I am...I thought it would be weird but...after all the times they stood by me I honestly can't imagine a future without them," I sighed, 'not to mention the fact that I have a child with them both in the future.'

"And what about Wanda?" Tandy asked.

"She ah….she's kind of just a friend," I shrugged.

"I see..." Tandy shook her head, "no offence Peter, but this shit is weird."

"Yeah, you're telling me," I scoffed.

Just then the dinner bell rang out, Tandy and I quickly packed up and left, reaching the mess hall quickly.

We grabbed a tray of food, which in this place meant it was just a bowl of rice, some curry and one delicious looking cup of chicken, or veggies if you were vegetarian. We walked around for a bit before quickly finding Ben sitting in one corner, finishing his meal.

We sat down on either side of him, I nodded in greeting, getting a short nod back.

"So Ben," I spoke, grabbing a pair of chopsticks to eat with, "any progress with your spell training?"

"Actually kid, I think I made a breakthrough," Ben grunted with a smile as he held up a finger and closed his eyes. He was focusing hard as slowly the rocks around his smallest finger broke down, revealing raw red skin underneath. Human skin.

I gasped, "Ben! That's amazing! How?! When?!"

"A few days ago," he grunted as slowly the stone quickly returned and covered his finger once more, he sighed, putting his hand down, "but I can't really hold it for long. All this time...and I have just a pinky to show for it."

"Hey that isn't fair Ben," Tandy said, reaching over and tapping the rock man's shoulder, "you made progress, isn't that what matters?"

Ben smiled, "damn right kid. You're just precious aren't you?" he chuckled, ruffling her hair.

"Hey! Not the hair!" the girl grumbled, pouting in the most adorable way, causing both Ben and I to chuckle.

"Well I see you're having fun," I looked behind me and smiled seeing Wanda and Jean approach us with food in hand. Jean bent down and placed a chaste kiss on my head, "how was your day?" she asked, sitting down next to me while Wanda sat across Ben.

"Not bad," I shrugged, "just more of Master Mordo's oh so gentle training exercises," I sighed, "that man needs to relax."

"Did Lightbright tell you about her bet?" Wanda asked, smirking at sighing Lightforce user.

I nodded, "about him and the Ancient One? Oh yeah. Don't think so, I think she's pretty much as.e.x.u.a.l."

"Why do you think that?" Wanda asked.

"Well, immortality does have its downsides," I shrugged, "I mean, who wants to see everyone and everything they care for dead? I'm sure at a certain point she must have just given up and focused solely on magic alone..."

"Yeah, well you obviously don't' see the looks he keeps sending her," Tandy huffed, "there is totally something going on there, I just know it!"

"Oh please, you're imagining things," Wanda scoffed, as quickly the two began to get into an argument about our masters imaginary s.e.x life.

I however was silent as my head was slowly filled with other thoughts. Mainly, my own mortality. Whether I liked it or not, my powers grant me an extended life span, exactly like Logan. And since I have minimum amount of adamantium in my body the metal also won't be poisoning me to a great degree, so I won't age at all….I'll effectively be immortal.

I looked at Jean, the girl raised an eyebrow before connecting to my thoughts and understanding my worries. Without a word being said she reached over and held her hands in mine, "it's going to be fine Peter...we'll figure something out….I swear."

I smiled, "I know...hey, look at it this way, I'll always be there for our kids...they won't ever be without a parent..."

Jean chuckled, surprising the others, "that's some dark humor you got there Mr. Parker."

I shrugged, "it's my style."

"Have I ever told you how annoying it is when you two do that?" Wanda leveled her chopsticks at us, "it's rude to be having a private conversation you know."

Jean snorted, "I won't apologize for talking with my boyfriend," the word sending a giddy sensation into my core. I still smiled whenever she said it.

"Boyfriend," Tandy repeated to word softly before shaking her head, "right...speaking off, where's the third wheel to this tricycle?"

I blinked, looking around in surprise, "oh yeah...where is she. Jean, have you seen Felicia?"

The red head shook her head, "not recently no. Wanda and I have been in the library all day learning more about telekinetic dueling, why? Do you think something happened?"

"No...I think I know just where to find her," I sighed, finishing my meal quickly and kissed Jean on the cheek, "I better bring the cat in before she gets too worked up. I'll see you later."

"Bye," Jean wished me well. I nodded to the others as well before taking out my sling ring and forming a spinning portal of bright yellow sparks before me, acting as a doorway to the courtyard outside.

I walked through, shutting the portal behind me, and found a few white robes initiates still meditating. And among them was Felicia, sitting right where I last saw her this afternoon.

I smiled and without a word sat down next to her. I watched her as she closed her eyes with intense focus, trying and failing to channel her body's energy through her mind.

I looked back to when this all began, me trying to stop her from stealing form one of her mother's client's. How I chased after her, how she fell for me before she fell for Spider-man. How she loved me...not the mask.

And then how she left me...and then why she did just that. And then...why she stayed. All of that, and now here she was, learning magic, just so that she could walk the same path as Jean and I, refusing to let us go...I was so proud of her. I was in love with her all over again.

I closed my eyes and reached into my mind. Touching it gently, causing her to flinch at the intrusion, before calming down when she realised it was me. She sighed, letting me into her mind, allowing me to send her memory after memory of us together.

I showed her the days we spent fighting together in the New York city rooftops. I should her the very first christmas together, and the one christmas I spent away from her. I showed her everything and every reason I loved her and Jean and slowly i felt her reply back in kind.

She shared her memories of us, of every moment she loved to share with me, the small ones and the big ones. And then she showed me the months she had to spend away from me, how she spent nearly every night hoping to be by my side to help protect me.

I reached out and took her hand in mine. I helped her to her feet. Her eyes opened up, looking right at me. I pushed my sling ring into her hand, and she knew what to do.

"Don't' force it," I told her, "let it come to you. Give in to you gave in to me and I into you…."

She nodded. I quickly moved away, standing a good twenty feet away from her, "come," I ordered her, "come to me."

She held up the sling ring and raised her right hand. She began spinning it in circles, focusing, letting go and letting her instincts guide her.

At first, there was nothing, and then, a spark. But then, nothing.

"Gra!" Felicia growled, throwing her hands down, "this is impossible!" He lowered her head, annoyed beyond belief.

I smiled, walking up to her and touching her cheek, lifting it up, looking straight at her, "Felicia...Kitten...I believe in you...I know you can do it because if you set your mind to something, there's nothing you can't do...try again."

And with that, I stepped away again, and this time I stood further away. She looked at her hands before closing her eyes and sighing. When she opened them I saw an iron will behind them and this time, I knew she would do it.

She spun her hand, immediately a circle of energy began to form before her. And then, suddenly, the portal spun alive. She jumped through, closing it behind her, tripping due to the sudden change in height, but I quickly grabbed her by the hip.

"You did it," I whispered.

"I did it!" she cried out.

"Sh!" one of the other trainees cried out.

"Sorry," Felicia winced. She looked up at me, a smile on her lips as she reached up and kissed me, "thank you."

"Any time," I replied, "come on, it's getting late, I'm sure your hungry by now."

"Yeah, kind off," Felicia grumbled.

We were about to leave to go back inside when suddenly my spider sense began blaring. I stopped, hesitating, Felicia noticed my change quickly, "what's wrong?"

I looked around and felt something change. I immediately shut my eyes and activated my Web Vision. I saw threads of magic spread all around the monastery. I saw so many different auras and magical energies spread out, but among them, glowing the brightest and drawfing everyone else, was a glowing green energy unlike anything else.

The Time Stone was being activated!

I knew instantly what was happening. Strange was finally trying to use the stone, meaning Kaecilius would be making his move now as well! The plot of Doctor Strange! The Ancient One!

I turned to Felicia, "something's happening, you need to get Jean and the others, now!"

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To the source of all of this. Talk to the Ancient One and tell her as well, she needs to be informed," I broke away from her and ran.

"Peter!" she called out, but I refused to wait, "be careful!"

"I will!" I called back, running right to the library. I found it empty, no Wrong, no Mordo. Meaning they were downstairs at the transportation room with the gateways to the other sanctums.

I rushed down and sure enough, there they were. Wong, Mordo and Strange, the latter now wearing the Eye of Agamotto around his neck, looking very very confused.

"You were born for the mystic arts," Mordo told the man, all of them facing away from me.

"Yet my hands still shake," Strange sighed.

Wong nodded, "for now, yes."

"Not forever?" Strange asked.

"We're not prophets," Mordo supplied.

"Maybe you should start telling me what we are," Strange demanded. Mordo and Wong looked at each other, unsure and quite.

"It's time," I spoke out, gaining their attention. They turned to me and watched as I approached them, my hands behind my back, "he deserves answers Master Mordo."

Strange narrowed his eyes at me, he and I never had a conversation, the man avoided most of his fellow disciples, one of the many reasons he is disliked in the monastery. This was honestly the first time my would-be master and I shared the same space for more than just lessons.

Wong sighed, he motione dus to follow as he entered the inner chamber where the Eye of Agamotto once rested on a pedestal, "while people the Avengers and our young friend here safeguard the world from physical dangers, we socceroos protect it from a more mystical threat."

He approached the dias and spun the discs present on it, lighting up the globe hanging over us, displaying several mystical line intersecting all over the world.

"The Ancient One is the latest in a long line of Sorcerer Supremes," Wong continued, "this tradition goes thousands of years to the father of the mystic arts, the Mighty Agamotto. The same sorcerer who created the Eye you so recklessly borrowed."

Strange looked away with a small smirk, something Morod didn't seem to appreciate. I rolled my eyes as we listened to Wang continue.

"Agamotto created three sanctums," he pointed at the large globe overhead, "in places of power where great cities now stand, New York, London and Hong Kong. Together, the sanctums create a protective barrier around the world."

"The sanctums protect the world and we sorcerer's protect the sanctum," Mordo supplied.

"From what?" Strange asked.

"Other dimensional beings that threaten our universe," Wong informed.

"Like Dormammu?" Strange asked.

"To name a few," I shrugged.

"Have you experience with this?" Strange asked me.

I nodded, "my old master and I fought a demon named...well, I really shouldn't say it, if I do he'll know we're talking about him. Needless to say it wasn't an easy fight. Barely got away with my life."

"Wait," Mordo spoke, "Strange, where did you learn that name?"

Strange blinked, "I just read it in the Book of Time. Why?"

Wong and Mordo looked at each other before they began to explain just who and what Dormammu was. I gave the entire explanation only have my attention, after all I had learnt it all before.

In the end Strange squinted his eyes with focus, "so the pages Kaecilius stole-"

"A method to contact and draw power from the dark dimension," Wong nodded.

Strange looked at Mordo, Wong and I and chuckled, "okay..." he chuckled, expecting this to be a joke of some kind. He blinked when we didn't laugh back, "okay….I came here to heal my hands, not to fight in some mystical war."

"Of course you did," I sighed, I really much prefered my old Master Strange, the m.a.t.u.r.e one who knew shit, not this arrogant a.s.s...though I suppose anyone would react such a way at first.

Wong looked like he was about to say something when suddenly a bell started to chime. Immediately Mordo and Wong grew alert and afraid, they knew something was happening.

"London," Wong realised as we all turned to the door leading to the sanctum. They were thrown open as the master protecting it ran out. I looked inside and saw a transparent crystal fly and pierce the man's c.h.e.s.t just as he crossed the barrier.

"Kaecilius! No!" Wong cried out as said former master sent out a wave of explosion that seemingly destroyed the London sanctum.

The resulting backlash sent a wave of destructing right at us. I knew I had to move, springing into the air before my spider sense could veen warn me of danger and grabbed Strange. We were then blasted backwards, flying right through the doors of the New York sanctum, appearing in the familiar corridors as the portal shimmered and deactivated.

"Wong?" Strange asked as we got back on our feet, he turned to me in shock, "what happened?"

I painted, looking at the dead portal, "we ah….I think we're alone." I looked at the solid rocky wall structure before us. We were in the plot of Doctor Strange now.

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