Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 64 - Repeating something makes it happen

I stood in the middle of the New York Sanctum and sighed as Strange came rushing back in, "t-that's New York outside. We're back in New York."

I nodded, "yeah, Wong told you didn't he? Three sanctums."

"What are we to do now?" Strange asked.

"I guess…,well if Kaecilius is coming after the sanctums, we need to inform Master Drumm he might be in danger," I told him, looking around, "but ah...he doesn't seem to be here at the moment...strange."

"Yes?" Strange asked.

"No, not you, I mean strange, it's weird," I sighed, "God, so many puns, so little time."

"Right…." Strange shook his head, taking off to search the sanctum for Drumm. We quickly found the teleporting cupboards, each mirror serving as a portal to several locations all around the Earth.

We then went upstairs, to the armoury. Strange got quickly distracted by all the trinkets present there, and to be honest, I was a little taken as well. The items here were of amazing power and quality, few would ever select an owner for itself as most lacked the will power to use them.

I saw Strange pass by the cloak of levitation, his soon to be item of power. The cloak was almost alive in the way it moved, I always suspected it held a certain sentiance to it's manner.

"Hello?!" Strange cried out once more, only to get no response.

"It's pointless," I told him, "either Drumm is dead, which is unlikely since this place still stands, or he's getting ready, which means he won't hear us anyway."

"What are these things?" Strange asked.

"Items of power," I quickly replied.

"You have gotta be joking," he gasped, looking at the cases, "all of them?"

I shrugged, "one would think." I walked by when suddenly I felt something. A feeling of familiarity as I looked around and found what looked to be a pure black blade at least four feet long suspended vertically by magic

The blade was pure blade, the only break in the colour was the golden crossguard it had which was in the shape of a pair of thin and sharp bat wings with a bright red gem in the middle.

The metal was odd, the blackness didn't seem to reflect...well, anything. I suppose it was similar of vantablack, the material I knew the scientist in my world were just discovered. However, it didn't feel scary, not at all. In felt...welcoming.

But just before I could do anything to address this sensation I was feeling, I was broken out of the trance. "Peter," Strange called out, "I sense something happening downstairs."

I hummend, stepping away from the metal weapon, "right, coming." I walked with him as we both went down the stairs, back to the ground floor. We stopped as we recognized Drumm standing there with a staff in hand, I was about to call out to him when the entire building suddenly flipped on its own head.

Strange and I grabbed the railings of the steps and steadied ourselves as the house shifted. Drumm took several steps back as the floor, walls and windows bacme copies of themselves, shifting across the surface repeatedly.

And just then, the doors flung open as Kaecilius and his disciples studded in, there were two red robed apprentices behind the former master, one male, one female, and Kaecilius himself locked eyes with Drumm.

"Daniel," the man bowed, "I see they have made you the master of this sanctum."

"Do you know what that means?" Drumm asked.

"That you'll die protecting it," Kaecilius grumbled as he clapped his hands and brought them away slowly, summoning a transparent crystal like staff.

Kaecilius was brought back his hand to stab him when I jumped in, a whip of Vastha already wrapping around Drumm's c.h.e.s.t and pulling him away form the strike that would have ended his life.

"Stop!" Strange yelled as he joined me on top of the stairs. Drumm back flipped, i disengage my whip as the man landed next to us, the three of us looking down, the attention of the three traitors now on us.

"Thanks," Drumm nodded.

"Don't mention it," I replied.

Kaecilius looked up, amused, "much tricks you have. I'm honestly surprised, I didn't think you would have assistants Daniel."

"Shut your mouth traitor," Daniel hissed, "you will not pass the three of us."

"Maybe," he shrugged, "but we shall see." Without another word the three of them attacked. Strange immediately smacked his hands together, conjuring a whip similar to mine, though it seemed to lack control and structure that I had.

The two traitors apprentices climbed along the wall, running with great speed as they came right at us. I leaped away from the female as she swung for my head. I ducked and swirled away from her attacks. Moving back as I let her think she gained the advantage

I saw Drumm take on Kaecilius once more while Strange seemed to have his hands full with just one apprentice.

I ducked under a swipe and smirked, "you're not very good at this are you?"

"Shut up!" she growled, trying, and failing, to stab me.

"You know maybe I can show you a thing or two about fighting," I ducked under a swipe and reached up, grabbing her arm and holding it tight.

She tried to break free but couldn't. Her eyes widened as I brought my fist up and hit her right in her jaw with a mean uppercut.

The traitorous magician was sent flying backwards, but I pulled her back to me with my tightened grip, spinning around and leveling her against the wall, headbutting her hard enough to break her nose.

I stepped back, watching her sink down unconscious. I summoned a few more wh.i.p.s of Vastha and bound her tight, I took out the sling ring and formed a portal to the middle of the monastery and kicked her through. I'm sure they would make sure she was well taken care off.

I turned turned and saw Strange being thrown into the corridor with the teleporting cupboards. Knowing he would take care of himself I went to help Drumm with Kaecilius, jumping into the fry by sending a kick at the man's back, knocking him to his feet.

"You are agile," the man turned nad narrowed his eyes. He blocked Drumm's staff without even looking and threw his hands at me, out of which several hundred small spike of crystal structure flew out.

"Nope!" I summoned a portal before me through which they flew through. Drumm moved back and swung his staff, striking Kaecilius across the face.

"Two against one seems unfair," Kaecilius growled as he crossed his arms in a flurry, causing the entire room to suddenly shift, pushing both Drumm and I away from each other while Kaecilius vanished into a curtain of reflective glass.

I looked around, panting as I knew he wouldn't just run. Suddenly, Drumm cried out, "argh!" he dropped to his knees, holding his side in pain as blood seemed to rush out.

"Master Drumm!" I called out, about to run to his side when my spider sense wanted me of an attack. I moved aside, just in time to see a hand appear out of nowhere, with a very sharp crystal dagger at the end.

Then suddenly a large crystal blade came right at me, pinning my large robes to the ground. I was halted for a second before I got back on my feet, ripping the robes as I did.

"ARGH!" Drumm cried out again, I looked up in horror as I watched Kaecilius come back to our realm, a blade in hand that sheated itself into Drumm's c.h.e.s.t.

"NO!" I cried out, charging at Kaecilius in rage. The man jumped back, vanishing into his mirror dimension. I skidded to the floor, reaching Drumm as he feel to the ground, bleeding out.

"Kaecilius is using the mirror dimension to perform sneak attacks," Drumm told me as he gasped, blood pouring from his c.h.e.s.t like an open faucet, staining my hands, "don't let him win, protect the sanctums. I beg of you."

"No, don't say that," I begged, holding the man in my arms, "you'll make it through this, I swear. Just let me get you to Kamar Taj and the Ancient One will heal you!"

"No time," Drumm grunted, "let me the sanctum," and without another word his eyes became vanct as he dropped down, his body growing still.

"No," I whispered. I wanted to change destiny, but it would seem certain things would never change. I put Drumm down and got up, "Kaecilius, come out and face me you coward!"

And just then Strange came running in, painting, "I got him!"

"Duck!" I cried out, just in time as the moment Strange dropped down Kaecilius came flying into our reality, twin blades in hand ready to strike Strange down.


My stingers came out as I jumped, leaping across the room and bringing them down over the traitorous master.

The man turned and in the last moment managed to hold back my stingers with hsi crystal blades. He dropped to one knee from the force of the attack and grunted as I kept pushing him down.


His eyes widened in shock as he saw my blade cut into his blades, "w-what are you?" I did respond, instead I kicked him, he flew backwards, gasping for air.

I jumped onto him, but at the very last second a sheen of mirrors appeared over him as I landed in the mirror dimension, a reflection of the real world.

I looked around and saw what happened in the real world, Strange ran away and Kaecilius followed him. I reached down and took out my sling ring, reaching out and creating a portal out of this nightmare world.

But for some reason I found resistance, the moment I opened a portal into the New York sanctum it immediately changed locations, opening up in what I recognized as the forest in Central Park.

I realised Kaecilius must be blocking portals from getting into the sanctum somehow, which was probably why the Ancient One didn't come sooner, but only after the lunatic was dealt with. Strange created a portal to the hospital from the inside and then kept said portal open, I'm guessing that was the exception from the warding.

I jumped through and closed the portal behind me. I looked around and knew I had to go stealth, not only was I the most famous criminal on the nation's watch list, I was in New York, where I was considered a legend by some. I'm sure someone would recognize me.

I looked down, my robes were torn to shreds and covered with blood...but not my own. I sighed, these were the days I wish I was still just a regular teenager and not a superhero.

I took off my robes and placed them aside. "Activate Black Spider mode. Password: # $!%! %." The costume shimmered alive, covering me while, displaying the white spider logo on my c.h.e.s.t proudly.

I couldn't go to the Sanctum directly, it was for one too far away and for another if Kaecilius warded it from the inside, the outside was probably equally unbreakable. But I did have a way in.

"S.e.xy, enter stealth mode and find out which hospital Strange worked for before his accident," I ordered the AI as I grabbed my clothes laying on the ground and stuffed it inside the pocket of infinite storage I had on my back.

"Right, Strange worked for Metro-General hospital, do you want me to form a route?" it asked as my costume shimmered and became invisible.

"Damn right," I replied, jumping into the trees and quickly rushing towards Strange's former workplace. If my calculations are correct, by the time I reach there Strange should have arrived there with his stab wound needing emergency surgery.

I swung threw New York city once more, smiling at the sight of the buildings around me. It's been a few months since I was here and yet I took to it like a fish to water.

I swung over to Metro-General and snuck in through an open window near the tenth floor. I rushed inside, making sure not to bump into any of the doctors or nurse who couldn't see me.

As I rushed threw I felt a spirit pass by. Squinting my eyes i noticed it was the astral form of the red male student of Kaecilius, here to try and kill Strange. I didn't have time for this, Strange could handle himself, Kaecilius was mine.

I rushed to where I guessed the portal was and sure enough, five feet above the ground in a janitorial closet was a glowing portal right into the heart of the New York Sanctum. I jumped in, rushing through the corridors as I noticed Strange's cloak fight against the body ot the traitorous apprentice.

I rushed through to armoury where Kaecilius has just taken off the last of his restraints. He looked up in shock as I opened my palms and sent two repulsor blasts right at him.


He opened a portal the mirror dimension absorbing the energy. I used my telekinesis and banished a large drum to him, the man ducked, allowing it to sail over his head as I then summoned a whip to grab his leg.

I swung with all my might, sending the maniac into a wall. He grunted in pain before immediately getting back up and sending a wave of crystal shards right at me. I brought up a shield before shooting out a web line to his robes and pulled.

He came flying at me as I kicked him to the side. He crashed into a exhibition of a giant golden mace. He grabbed the item and roared, "beat that who vexes me!" quickly chanting a mantra in sanskrit, causing the weapon to suddenly come flying right at me like a cannonball.

I grabbed it by the sides, but was immediately swept off my feet as it made me fly back.




I landed in a pile of glass and wood. I looked up and saw the black blade from before. I noticed Kaecilius rushing at me, weapons in hand. Acting on instinct I grabbed the blade by the handle and swung.


It struck Kaecilius' shard of energy. I watched in surprise as the blade seemed to cleave through it like butter, cutting into his body and slicing his forearm deeply.

"ARGH!" he cried out, jumping back.

He looked down at his bloody hand, by now I was back on my feet, ready to defend myself, but he never struck back.

He looked at me and then the blade, "that relic...will be your death," he then turned and ran, jumping right through the giant circular window with the seal for the New York sanctum present on it.

"That's right! You better run!" I cried out and rushed to the window, waiting for Kaecilius to return, but to my surprise, he never did.

I sighed and sat down on the steps, leaning back as I relaxed for a moment with the blade at my side. I looked down at it and blinked, "what are you?"

Just then a portal appeared behind me and out of it stepped the Ancient One and Mordo. I got up, the masters turned to me in shock. Mordo spoke first, "you're alive."

I snorted, "don't' be too surprised, I used to face morons like Kaecilius every other week I'll have you know."

"I apologise, we couldn't come sooner," the Ancient One replied, "Kaecilius had wards all around..." she looked down and saw the blade by my side, "oh my...the Ebony blade."

Mordo's eyes grew wide as he looked down, shock obvious on his face, "how? It is...that relic is said to be-"

"-Dead, yes," she narrowed her eyes and then looked at me, "how did you gain access to it?"

"I honestly have no idea," I replied.

"That blade was forged by Merlin himself, given to Sir Percy of the Round table."

I blinked, "woah."

"Sir Percy inhibited the true codes and ethics of a Knight, serving to be the purest and noblest, well deserving of his title. It is said only the pure of heart could wield the blade, someone who could match it's original owner...if not, well then they would be consumed by their own evil…."

I blinked, "what the hell is this thing even made off?!"

"Starstone," the Ancient One hummend, "apparently it was a meteorite that Merlin used to forge the weapon. It's said to cut through magic, the perfect weapon to use when dealing with magic users."

"I did manage to get a good swing in," I replied as I looked at the blade, it's properties seeming to be better and better every second, "tell me, what happened to the last owner of this blade?"

"Dane Whitman...he was a good man, but as time went on, the power the blade granted him got to his head...he died soon after."

"The blade is like an amplifier Parker," Mordo stepped in, "it takes what little vile emotions you have and applies to them. If you intend to use the blade at all, well then be warned as is has turned better men than you into killers."

I sighed, "damn, you don't make things easier do you...fine, anything else I should know about?"

"A lot," the Ancient One nodded, "after this is over, I'm sure you'll have a chance to find out."

Just then we heard footsteps approach, turning to the steps we found Strange rushing up the stairs towards us, clock around his shoulders.

"The cloak of levitation," Mordo observed in what seemed to be a supring day for him, "this is...most impressive."

"A notable achievement indeed," the Ancient One smiled, "though be warned, it is a fickle thing."

Strange painted, looking around as he noticed the empty trap which held Kaecilius. He turned to me, "who are you?"

I blinked for a second before I realised I still had my mask on, and I don't think Strange knows who I really am. That guy really doesn't pay much attention to use these days.

My helmet drew back, revealing my face, "it's me Strange."

The man blinked, "oh. Parker, I didn't're Spider-man?"

The Ancient One and Mordo chuckled, the latter speaking, "you really must remove your nose from the books once in a while Strange."

Strange panted, "he's escaped."

"Kaecilius?" the Ancient One asked.

Strange nodded, "yeah...he's he's something else. He can fold space and matter at will."

"No," the Ancient One's eyes widened, "if he can do that outside the Mirror dimension many more?"

"Two, that I know off," Strange sighed.

"I capture one and sent her to Kamar Taj," I informed them.

"Yes, we subdued her as soon as she arrived," Mordo nodded.

"And the other is….is lying downstairs," Strange said, shaken to his core, "dead, and Drumm-"

"His body will be taken back to Kamar Taj," Mordo assured the doctor.

"The London Sanctum has fallen," the Ancient One said cautiously, "only New York and Hong Kong remain now. You both defended the New York sanctum, Parker has his duties elsewhere, but with Drumm gone this sanctum will need another protector, Master Strange."

Mordo looked offended, "Master no, Strange isn't ready. Parker is more qualified to gaurd this sanctum than him!"

The Ancient One sent Mordo a glare, shutting the man up. She turned to Strange and raised an eyebrow, "well?"

Strange looked down before turning, fury in his eyes, "no. It is Doctor Strange, not Master Strange, and Mr. Strange, Doctor Strange. And when I became a doctor I swore an oath to do no harm to another life and I have just killed a man! I am not doing that again, I became a doctor to save lives, not take them."

The Ancient One shook her head, "you became a doctor to save one life above all others, your own."

Strange scoffed, "still seeing through me are you?"

"I've seen what I've always seen, your overinflated ego," she pressed, "you want to go back to the delusion that you can control anything...even death," she turned to me, "not Peter Parker, and not even the great Doctor Stephen Strange can do such a feat."

Strange glared, "not even Dormammu?" the Ancient One went stiff, "he offers immortality."

"It is our fear of death that gives Dormammu life, he feeds off it."

"And you feed off him," he approached her, "I know how you do it, I've seen the missing pages in the book of Time, I know-"

"-Strange," I cut in, "that's enough."

He turned to me, "you knew?"

I looked at them, each wearing a different emotion, Mordo in confusion, Strange in anger and the Ancient One wearing a brilliant poker face. I sighed, "I suspected."

"What are they talking about?" Mordo asked.

"Her life, the source of her immortality," Strange turned to Mordo, "she draws power from the dark dimension to stay alive."

Mordo scoffs, "that's not true..." he turned to his master to see her face cold, "is it?"

She didn't say a word to Mordo, "once they regroup, the zealots will will need reinforcements..." she turned and left, summoning a portal and vanishing threw it.

Strange turned to Mordo, "you don't know her."

"You have no right to judge her," Mordo defended his master, "you have no idea the responsibilities she has as Sorcerer-"

"-No, and I don't want to know," Strange snapped back.

"You're a coward!"

"Because I'm not a killer?"

I sighed, "enough," they both turned to me, "Strange, we honestly have no time for this….Kaecilius and his army of morons will come for us again and we need to be ready. Fighting amongst ourselves will just make it easier for them to kill us. You want answers, let's try and survive long enough to get them."

Mordo and Strange glared at each other. The green robes sorcerer hissed, "you are still nothing more than a coward Strange."


"They're back," I covered my face once more, blade in hand I leaped down the stairs as Mordo and Strange followed right behind me.

We looked down from the stairs as Kaecilius and his zealots formed a large ball of energy, enough to destroy this building.

"No!" Mordo yelled, gaining their attention. He and I jumped down, quickly engaging two red robbed zealots while Kaecilius got ready to blow us all away. "Strange! Get down here and fight!"

"I have a better idea," Strange hissed, sending out a wave of energy that surrounded us all. My spider sense blared, I jumped away and out the sanctum's window just in time.

I rolled out into the streets and looked up, seeing Strange and the others being absorbed into the mirror dimension. I cursed, I moved before I realised what I was doing. But either way I doubted I could last long in a fight with those people in such a kaleidoscopic realm.

"Hey, is that Spider-man?" someone on the streets called out. I turned and realised almost everyone on the street was looking at me. I cursed, I quickly blade the Ebony Blade on my back, the suit automatically forming a back holder for it. I then activated the suit's stealth feature before anyone could take a picture and jumped onto the building, crawling my way out the roof.

From there I tried to open a portal to the mirror dimension, but to my utter shock found myself unable to go in. It seemed Kaecilius didn't want me there at all. No choice: plan B.

I shot a web line and began swinging around the neighborhood. If I recall correctly they have a big fight in the mirror dimension and then result of which is the Ancient One getting hurt...falling and then dying.

I need to keep an eye on making sure that doesn't happen. I looked around but couldn't identify the building she would be falling from. So I did the next best thing. Everything.

I swung down the street and engaed my expecndale back arms. I had them shoot our large web nets that were a bit unstrudy, but should be able to hold a single person's weight.

I moved down the street building the web nets right above the streets, serving a role similar to suicide nets, expect in this case it was to help an immortal awesome sorceress instead. I knew by doing this I would be alerting SHIELD to my preceness, but this was priority.

I moved from street to street, the extra four arms helping my quadruple my time. I covered nearly three square blocks when I felt the shimmer of a dimensional portal activate.

I looked around before spotting the tell tale sign of it opening a street away. I saw a single figure dressed in yellow come fly down. And fall right into one of my nets.

I jumped into the air, "yes! Hell yeah! Take that destiny!" I leaped into the air and swung my way down, landing on the net right next to the Ancient One and dismissing my stealth mode.

"Peter," she gasped, holding her side, "what have you done."

"I told you," I looked down, I saw a stab wound on her abdomen, deep, blood rushing out, "I refuse to accept destiny's ruling."

"Then you will suffer for it," she warned.

"I doubt destiny can be such a bitch," I shoot webbing into her shoot to clog the blood. Immediately I saw Strange approach us through the air, looking down in concern, "she needs medical attention."

"Give her to me," Strange nodded as he picked her up and took off.

"Parker," Mordo approached me, leaping on magical platforms created by his shoes, "perhaps it is best if you waited for us back at Kamar Taj," he looked down at the several cameras now pointing at me, "you draw too much attention."

I nodded, "ah right, I guess you two have it from here," Mordo nodded and vanished, a minor invisibility spell.

I saved her life, Strange would be able to stop the bleeding for sure, and Mordo would refuse to let her die before she told him what he wanted to know.

I looked down at the people staring up at me, I stepped to the edge of my web and revealed my face once more, "remember...the Age of Heroes is now." And with that I took of web swinging away.

Almost immediately I found a helicopter in the air, looking for me. I hide in the shadows of a roof top underneath a water tank, watching as slowly the entire NEw York skyline became infected with SHIELD and local law enforcement aircrafts.

Hell of a response time for little old me. I reached into my backpack and took out my sling ring, summoning a portal to Kamar Taj and slipping right through to the library on the other end. I sighed, looking up to see Wong there waiting for me.

"What happened?" he asked.

"It's a long story...and it's not over yet," I retracted my mask, "bring every able fighter we have on hand. The New york sanctum is under attack and-"


The bells rang once more. Wong and I rushed to the dias and saw the New York sanctum's seal fall.

"Shit!"I hissed, "they must have gone right back after defeating the Ancient One and destroyed the place."

"The Ancient One has been defeated?" Wong asked in shock.

I nodded, "she's been stabbed, she'll be fine," I waved his worry away.

"Then we need to hurry," Wong nodded, "only Hong Kong is left. I'll gather the students… perhaps it would be wise to bring your friends as well."

I nodded, "I was thinking the same thing," we went our separate ways, Wong to the main hall while I found Jean's telepathic connection and contacted her, "Jean?"

"Peter? Oh thank god, we were all so worried."

"I'm fine, great actually. Where are all of you?"

"Your room, hurry," Jean cut the connection as I rushed to the room.

I threw the door pen and found Jean, Wanda, Ben, Tandy and Felicia all waiting for me inside.

"Kid, you okay?" Ben asked quickly.

"I'm fine," I nodded, walking in, "but we have a big problem."

Felicia sighed, rubbing her temples, "what now?"

"An interdimensional being that wants to consume Earth is nearly here. His followers are going after the Hong Kong Sanctum and we need to protect it or else we'll be taken into what is basically hell," I explained.

Jean blinked, "oh, is that all?"

"Every day it's something new isn't it?" Wanda sighed.

"Wait, Peter, is that a sword?" Tandy pointed at the black blade jutting out over my left shoulder.

I sighed, "yes, it is. Long story, but it's useful. Look, whatever may be the case, we need to suit up," I nodded to them, "Wanda, Felicia, Jean, you have your suits?"

"Right here," Felicia, Jean and Wanda stood, their robes shimmered, transforming into their costumes. Felicia in her Black Cat suit while Wanda was dressed in a skin tight black suit with several belts around her hip with small pouches strapped to them and a large red overcoat with a hoodie attached to it.

Jean had decided to change her look, now dawning a black suit with a green overcoat and a green 'X' across her c.h.e.s.t.

"What the shit?" Tandy blinked, "how-what-how….wah?!"

"UMF suits," I shrugged, bending down and pulling out a c.h.e.s.t from underneath my bed, taking out two more suits, tossing one to Tandy and Ben.

"Thanks, but no thanks kid," Ben grumbled, tossing the suit aside, "I don't need it."

"Ben theses suit's can keep you from bleeding to death and turn into any design you want," I insisted.

"Plus it stretches," Felicia nodded.

"No, it doesn't," Wanda scoffed.

"No offence kid, but I don't need the protection. Plus, I'm not much of a fashion model," he grunted.

"This is freaking awesome," Tandy whispered, looking at her suit, "so it can transform into any design?"

I nodded, "just scan a picture and let the suit do the rest. Anyway, we don't have time, get suited up and met us outside, we're heading out."

Tandy nodded as the rest of us left, meeting up with Wong outside.

"Is that all?" Wong asked.

I shook my head, "no, Tandy is coming."

"We dont' have time to wait," Wong nodded to his amassed army, "we shall go on ahead, you come in when you are ready."

I nodded and watched as they all charged into the library, accessing the portal that lead it right to the Hong Kong sanctum.

A few moments later Tandy came rushing into the courtyard, wearing a white full bodysuit with a grey cross down the middle and what seemed to be a quarterstaff on her back.

"You know how to use that?" I asked her.

She nodded, "oh yeah. I've been practising."

"If we're already then let's go already!" Wanda said impatiently as we rushed to the library. The portal to the Hong Kong sanctum was open, but before we could jump through there was an explosion from the other side, killing the portal.

"Shit!" I cursed, stopping before the portal, "Kaecilius must have gotten through already."

"What do we do?" Felicia asked.

"I-" I stopped as a new portal opened up in the middle of the dias. We got ready for another confrontation, drawing our weapons, but out of the portal stepped Strange and Mordo, and limping behind them with a cane was the Ancient One.

I sighed, "thank god."

She smiled, "I should be thanking you...or rather pity you..."

"I told you, I'll deal with we have bigger fish to fry, Kaecilius has attacked Hong Kong. They need back up."

"Then there isn't a moment to lose," Mordo nodded as he formed a portal to Hong Kong. We stepped through, and greeting us was a scene of utter destruction and chaos.

The street we were on was utterly destroyed. And the sanctum that was at the end of the road was leeled to nothing with the bodies of our former students on the ground before us.

"We're too late," Mordo whispered, we looked up at the sky, the world was shimmering, changing as slowly a window into Dormammu dark dimension showed us the infinite horror that awaits us all.

"No, not yet," the Ancient One stepped forward, "hope must never die..Strange, you know what to do."

The Doctor looked down and g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "yes, I think I do." He stepped forward, activation the Eye of Agamotto, causing his arms to be covered with a spinning circular band of time energy.

"No!" Kaecilius stepped out of the ruins of the sanctum and charged at us, spear at the ready, he was about to jump at Strange to kill him when the Ancient one, Mordo and I all moved in front of Strange, each sending out a blast of energy right at the zealot.


The man roared in pain as he went flying back, rolling on the ground to his apostles. Strange's spell then took effect, slowly time began to receiver as Kaecilius suddenly flew back into the air, came towards us and then began running backwards.

We all watched in awe as the world around us turned backwards in time, the destruction caused slowly being eased.

"Look!" Tandy cried out, we saw the zealots start to shimmer, their slow reversal in time changed, allowing them to break free of Strange's spell and move forward in time.

"Did they seriously just break through a spell cast by an infinity stone?" I asked in disbelief as I drew the Ebony blade and stood next to Strange.

"Dormammu's power is dangerous, nearly unstoppable," the Ancient One surmised, "Strange, keep going until the sanctum has returned, the rest of us shall cover you."

"Right," Strange nodded as he began to sweat, somehow maintaining the complex spell.

"Well then, I guess it's CLOBBERIN TIME!" Ben roared as he charged, tackling two sellouts to the ground.

"Jean, Wanda, help him out! Tandy, you and Felicia are with me," I quickly ordered out, my team took off, pouncing into the fight.

Kaecilius came right after Strange, only to have Mordo and the Ancient One stand in his way. The old woman was slower this time, but her skill was still much more than Kaecilius, and thanks to her and Mordo working together, they managed to keep Kaecilius at bay.

Felicia and I confronted two zealots, quickly engaging in hand to hand combat. They summoned their crystal weapons, but we easily evaded them.

Felicia grabbed her opponent's outstretched arm and coiled around it into a lock, brining the zealot to their knees. She flexed her fingers causing claws to spring out the tips, she brought it down and scratched into the zealot's meatly neck, and then, the claws glowed a neo-blue.

"ARGH!" the zealot screamed as he was electrocuted and knocked unconscious.

I so love it when I upgrade things.

I kicked and knocked back two zealots, my advanced strength helping make my attacks much more dangerous. I kicked the one getting up in the c.h.e.s.t, dropping her to the door and quickly webbing her up to the ground.

My Spider sense flashed, I turned and brought up the Ebony blade, just in time.


The glass structure was halted inches from my neck. I growled as I began pushing back, slowly cutting the shard in half. The apprentice noticed this as well and immediately disengaged and jumped back.

He summoned a blade into his other hand and was about to charge when he stopped mid step and fell flat on the ground with several glowing light daggers sticking out of his body.

I looked up and saw Tandy standing behind him, "be more careful Pete."

I grinned and turned, more zealots coming our way. We moved forward as more and more of the street began to clear up. I noticed a pile of rubble clear up, recognizing Wong trapped underneath straight away.

"Wong!" I cried out, rushing to his side. Tandy joined me as she helped pull up, the man blinked, a large gasp escaped his mouth as life came back into his body.

"W-what happened?" he asked desperately.

"Strange," I motioned over, the sorcerer was focused, increasing his reversal of time to twice its initial pace.

I saw Ben and the others take down the rest of Kaecilius army while Kaecilius himself was bound by the Ancient One's spell, brought down to his knees and knocked unconscious.

We saw the pieces of Hong Kong slowly being brought back together, the sanctum restored, all the destruction and the lives lost, reversed. And as the Hong Kong sanctum reformed, the window to the Dark dimension vanished.

But then, something happened. The Time Stone died out, the window refused to close. Strange and everyone was shocked, the only one who seemed to understand what happened was the Ancient One.

"Dormammu is refusing to give out his footing," she brought up her magica circle before her, "I'll deal with him," she tried to move but gasped in pain, her magical weapon dismissed as she held her side, gasping in pain.

"I...I have an idea," Strange replied, using his cloak to fly into the Dark dimension.

"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.

I looked at everyone and sighed, "this is going to be such a pain."


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.


"What's he doing?" Wong asked.

"Saving us all," I replied.

Many times later:

Strange came back down as slowly the rift in the Dark dimension begum humming, slowly shrinking in size.

"No!" Kaecilius cried out, wiggling on the ground like a worm, "no! We were so close!" And then, suddenly, he and the rest of his apostles rose into the air.

We didn't try to stop them as they were drawn into the dark dimension, turning into these black feature less things. We watched them vanish into the other world and with it, the window to Dormammu.

The Ancient One turned to Strange, the man dropping to his knees, exhausted, "well….now that was impressive. Congratulations Doctor Strange, the Earth is safe once more, thanks to you."

"But at what cost?" Mordo asked, confronting the Ancient One, "your powers are spitting on the rules of nature itself. What Strange did defies the laws of nature, of balance!"

"Mordo...I know you feel betrayed, I know you feel like I owe you an explanation and I do," the Ancient One sighed, "I owe you all...but now is not the time," the turned out the sanctum where the previously dead students of Kamar Taj walked out, "we need to tend to them now."

"Fine," Mordo spat, "after this, we will speak."

The Ancient One modded, "indeed we will."

A few days later:

We stood in the inner chambers of the library at Kamar Taj, I, Jean, Felicia, ben, Wanda and Tandy along with the Ancient One, Mordo, Strange and Wong.

It took a while, but the other students had finally recovered from their battle with Kaecilius. They suffered a great load of mental stress, being dead would do that to you, but eventually they all recovered well.

"He seemed to have calm down," Jean leaned in and whispered, motioning to Mordo with her eyes.

I nodded, "apparently he and the Ancient One had a nice long talk."

"They totally did it," Tandy giggled, Wanda rolled her eyes while Felicia gave her a subtle high five. Who knew those two would bond over something like a bet?

"Doctor Stephen Strange," the Ancient One spoke in a clear voice, her health fully restored, no longer requiring a cane to walk.

Strange walked up to her, his cloak billowing behind him as he approached the raised dais the Ancient One stood on.

"In our time of greatest need, you came up to the challenge," the Ancient One began, "and as a reward, if you wish," she took the Eye of Agamotto and wore it, "I will return to you, your hands."

Strange's eyes widened, he looked down and was about to extend them when he stopped. He looked at them and sighed, shaking digit retracted back as he shook his head, ""

The Ancient One smiled, "well it seemed I was wrong about you Master Strange, I am glad."

Strange snorted, "I live to defy expectations."

"If you're interested, the New york sanctum steal requires a Master to protect it..."

Strange seemed to think about it for a second before nodding, "yes...I accept."

"Wonderful," the Ancient One modded, "speaking of which, the London sanctum has been now restored to its original state and lacks a protector," she turned to me.

I blinked, "I'm not half as skilled as a Master."

"And yet you are more qualified to be the sanctum's defender if needed, yes?" the Ancient one raised an eyebrow.

I blinked, "I ah...I guess. I mean, you'll need someone qualified to properly take over, but I don't mind helping out until then."

The Ancient One modded, "understandable. And if you wish you may have someone from the monastery serving as your assistant. Ms. Grey and Hardy perhapes?"

I blushed, covering my mouth with my hand and coughing, "argh, yeah, sure."

"Hey! What about me!" Tandy cried out.

The Ancient One gave a smile that seemed oblivious, "you have still yet to learn control over the Life Force, while you have improved, you have a long way to go Tandy Bowen, as such, you shall stay here….until you are m.a.t.u.r.e enough in mind to b.a.r.e your powers."

"But-" Tandy began, only to stop as the Ancient One glared at her. She sighed, "yes master…."

" wouldn't happen to know something about an ongoing wager regarding myself and Master Mordo do you," the Ancient One spoke and a thinly veiled threat behind her smiled, "if you do….I would very much like to hear about it."

Tandy gulped, "y-yes master."

"That is just cruel," Strange chuckled, shaking his head.

Soon after the ceremony we were all dismissed, Strange and I however were asked to remain to be keyed into the wards at the sanctums. After which the Ancient One left as well.

"Don't worry too much," Strange told me as he unlocked the portal to the New York sanctum, "you're...something. When you showed up out of the blue so many months ago I was confused as to who exactly you were. I had never heard of you before and yet you were very skilled. Tell me, who exactly was your master?"

I smiled, opening the doors to the London sanctum, "his name was Doctor Stephen Strange."

"Oh, I see-wait what?!"

I chuckled, walking through the portal, "a story for another time. See you soon, Master Strange!" closing the doors behind me. I smiled, that would make him panic for a while.

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