Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 65 - New Home, New Life

I huffed, carefully placing the huge stack of boxes in the middle of the London sanctum's inner chambers.

"Is that the last of it?" Jean called out from upstairs.

"Yeah," I yelled back, closing the portal I had made, "is everyone finished?"

"Almost! Wanda just finished up,come and see for yourself!" Jean called out.

The London sanctum wasn't anything like the New York one. For one, it was located in the middle of a very small neighborhood and was very very small, basically squeezed into two identical building with narrow walkways and narrower windows.

It was cozy to be honest, maybe something a family of five would find comfortable living in. Which was why it was also decorated as if a family was meant to be staying her. Lilly yellow wallpapers and a set of antique furniture, all of which I knew to be magical.

The house itself had three floors, the first being the ground floor with a door, the kitchen and dining area along with a single room that served as my private lab, which I had to trade Jean and Felicia the master room for.

And pushed up against the back of the ground floor was a hidden panel that opened up to the portal to Kamar Taj. Simple design really.

The steps leading upstairs were pushed to one corner, the cupboard underneath said stairs served as a small closet for cleaning materials and to hang coats and a shoe rack.

The first floor had the living quarters. The previous master had this area used for martial arts practise, a small dojo. However the moment we moved in we all decided it would be nothing else be a living room to watch TV and veg out.

The first floor had my room, which was a small confined space, big enough for one in wall closet, a queen sized bed and a bookshelf. Jean and Felicia got the Master bedroom, sharing it. It was three times bigger than mine with a single large king sized bed. They hadn't been here for a day but they already had posters up and clothes lying every which corner.

The second floor had two bedrooms, one was empty while Wanda took the other. And the rest of the space had various smaller rooms for things such as a smaller but still impressive collection of relics and weapons as well as a large library.

The third floor had many more mystical rooms I had yet to explore, a set of teleporting cupboards like I had seen in New York, a couple of rooms for storage and a telescope that looked at the sky through a giant circular window where one of the mystical seal of Agamotto was present, like the largest jewel on a crown.

There was also an attic where older spokey items were kept. But I mostly kept away from that, too much dust and all. Plus very much a hassle.

I picked up the boxes I was carrying and walked up to the first floor. Jean and Felicia were relaxing on the couch, Wanda however seemed bored, skipping through channels without a second glance.

"You guys settling in alright?" I asked, putting the stack down and telekinetically lifting them and banishing them away, two boxes to the Master bedroom and three to mine.

"TV is shit," Wanda shrugged, "shouldn't there be something interesting? Why does London have such shitty programs?"

I rolled my eyes, Wanda was…. Well, a surprise to be honest. She hadn't been asked by the Ancient One to become a guardian of this sanctum, but she insisted. And after a small argument, which Wanda won, the Ancient One allowed her to join us here...which was...odd to be fair.

I hummed, "well if you want I can take a loot at the dish later. Make it so that it pick's up America networks instead, shouldn't be a problem," I sighed leaning down on the couch between Felicia and Jean, the girls sent me a smile before cuddling into my sides.

Wanda looked at us and scoffed, "you three planning on bringing Ben and Hope quicker into this world?"

I blushed, "W-Wanda!"

"If I seem to recall, you also had a time traveling child Wanda," Jean teased with a grin, "or did you forget Stephen?"


Wanda shrugged, "the kid was cute, but that doesn't mean I'm going to join your polygamous relationship just yet. I have standards you know and I don't like sharing, ever."

"Can we please talk about anything else? Weather? Food? It's lunch time isn't it?"

"I'm not cooking," Felicia snorted, looking through a magazine.

I raised an eyebrow, "thank God, I didn't want to die to food poisoning anyway. And considering my healing abilities that's saying something."

"Hey!" Felicia cried out, hitting my arm playfully.

"It's fine," Jean chuckled getting up, "I'll cook," she stretched her hands, causing her shirt to ride up her perfectly smooth stomach, I had to admit, Jean had an amazing stomach. "So what do you all want?"

"Anything's fine," I shrugged.

"Pizza!" Felicia cried out.

"Anything edible," Wanda shrugged.

"Pizza it is," Jean grinned as she went down to the kitchen.

I sighed, "I'm going down to my lab okay, if anyone needs me just call," I placed a gentle kiss on Felicia's head and got up. The girl smiled at me as I walked downstairs, opening the door to my private lab and shutting it behind me.

As I closed the door behind me,the machinery inside began whirling to life the moment I stepped in.

"Welcome Peter," S.e.xy greeted me as the lab grew brighter and brighter displaying everything inside.

After we got this place set up I went back to New York and got my equipment back piece by piece form the Baxter building. It was a risk, but I wasn't just about to let half a billion dollars worth of equipment stay there unused, or worse, to be taken away by SHIELD.

The room was smaller than I was used to but good enough. It had several computer processors up against the back and a single terminal to access them. There were several sectioned off areas, each dedicated to various projects with beakers, chemicals and other tools resting on the table.

Using the tech I was about to make a lot of progress in my research to help my newly minted journey to find the power to stop Thanos.

I decided to use the materials I had on hand. Vibranium, the Mind Stone and the vial of Franklin Richards blood.

In order to better understand Vibranium I began researching metallurgy on a fundamental level, drawing connections to it and physics, trying to figure out just how the metal work. And a few days ago as we just finished moving in bar a few boxes, I got it.

All this time I've been looking at it as nothing more than an indestructible material to be used in making a cool suit. But I never considered the other avenues it could be implemented in. Not once. But my new found knowledge about the Black Panther movie changed all of that.

I remember the movie I saw in the Mind Stone well. So many varied fields in which the metal could be used. It could be used to augment plants, animals, even humans. The metal could absorb and distribute energy in such a unique way I barely understand it, and I already know it can behave in such a way!

This was why half my lab was dedicated to unlocking the mysteries of vibranium and it's unique composition. I used five canisters so far out of the hundred canisters I had on hand. And with those five...well, let's just say things have taken a turn for the weird.

The way vibranium reacted with everything around it was...well, to put it simply, it is literally a metal out of my own heart. It can adapt to any situation, the most versatile element indeed.

The other projects I had in mind was also progressing well, the Mind stone being chief among them and even advancing in the mystical arts. But right now, as of this moment, they all took a backseat.

And as for the vial of Franklin Richard's blood...

"S.e.xy," I began typing away at my terminal, pulling my medical record and gene squeezing tools, "check my toxicity level," I took a small injector and drew a drop of blood, inserting it into the machine.

"You blood has returned to normal Peter, resting at exactly 0.002%, if you're planning on executing the Mutant Spider protocol once more, than I would say now would be the best time."

I humned, nodding in understanding, "right….I understand..." but if I was to do something this dangerous….I should tell Jean and Felicia first, or else I knew for a fact they were going to kill me.

So with that delayed for a little while I decided to go back to work. Vibranium.

The material was hard to come by, but easy to use. I knew already that vibranium infused into the soil served as a sort of fertilizer, while intentional or not. I also knew that Wakanda was extremely fertile while still being a metropolitan, which is in itself a paradox.

As such I have to assume the Wakandans knew some way of using the Vibranium to help spread life, which is exactly what I wanted to try and figure out.

I spent yesterday working the vibranium into a more usable material, a cake layer, a mixture of the growth prompter serum I had made and the precious metal. I had bought several empty pots recently, placing them in an incubation chamber in one corner of my lab. I buried the mixture into the ground, covering it with dirt and then planting seeds into it.

And the best part? The deterioration rate was like any other radioactive element, meaning it had a half-life that went on for centuries, according to my calculations at least.

But as I scanned the vibranium cake I found something...odd. A sort of secondary interference in the system. But that didn't make sense, the only active raw untreated vibranium in this room was in my bag of storage and placed aside, other than that it would be….the Mind Stone.

I've been putting it off for sometime now, but finally...I suppose since Franklin's blood was also going to be delayed, I might as well go ahead and try the other method I had in mind.

I turned to the other half of my lab, this one made for the sole purpose of examining the Mind stone which I still had placed in Vibranium lock box, suspending it in an energy field. Now, even if the box broke, the stone would be kept in stasis and stable, though it seemed even the odd strand of radiation leaked out now and then. Almost undetectable, unless you knew what to look for.

I began working on the Stone, finding out just how to activate it and use it. Though it seemed ti was just as stubborn as before, getting me nowhere fast. Sadly.

I sighed and sat back down, I stared at the glowing piece of rock before me and I hummed, the stray piece of radiation it gave out was really intense...but if I used the Vibranium box I could channel..and being an infinity could be used forever.

An idea came to my head, an awesome unbelievable idea. One I couldn't believe I hadn't thought up off before.

I needed to protect the stone, I swore on my future children that I would do so. I swore to my future self that I would do so. So what better way is there to protect the stone, than to keep it close to me at all times?

"S.e.xy, new project," I moved to a free table, bringing up several magnetrons and disabling the field around the Virbank lock box and taking out the Mind stone, "Bassasium-Vibranium-Mind core."

"Understood sir, what do you need from me?" the AI asked.

"I want you to run through the exact calculation the system will need," I replied as I placed the stone back in suspension before rushing out the door, locking the lab behind me, "I'm thinking, Vibranium is has excellent durability and the Badassium core tends to overheat whatever housing unit it has. So, what's one plus one S.e.xy?"

"Infinity," the AI replied.

I smirked as I rushed into my room, "exactly," I opened my closet and grabbed a pair of sweats before rushing out.

"Hey now, what's the hurry?" Feliccia asked lazyly from the couch.

"Eureka moment babe!" I called back, rushing back downstairs without a single look back, cause I knew Felicia and Wanda would be rolling their eyes at my antics right now.

I locked myself in my lab once more as my clothes melted off and moved towards the operations table. I quickly put on some real clothes as my artificial suit rested on the table and unlocked the central energy core, which honestly I had quite a bit of difficulty working on.

But I had even more creative inspirations to draw from. Namely the Ironman armour from Infinity war with a single housing unit for all his nanobots. I was forced to use a more simple design before I didn't want to give a big shiny target, but if I was going to use an Infinity stone to charge my nut, then I can't afford to compromise the core.

So I began working, creating a new power core for the suit, made wholly out of vibranium and a badassium core. The energy output was stable, but not good enough. With a stable disc shaped core ready, I moved to the next step.

I took the Mind Stone, and placed it at the core of the arc reactor. The stone's yellowish glow spread through to the rest of the system. I watched as the signature blue design transformed into a eerie yellow glow similar to the rays of the morning sun.

I then began working on the rest of the suit. It was difficult at first, breaking it apart. I had put in a lot of magic intertwined with science into this suit, so taking it apart was difficult, as was designed. But I managed to do it, and now came the final phase.

I brought the newly made core and held it up to the light. It was around four inches in diameter and nearly half an inch deep. I began carving storage runes into the sides of the core when I heard a knock on my door.

"Peter," Jean's voice came out, "lunch time honey!"

"Right, give me a minute!" I called out.

"No, I know when you say a minute you actually mean three hours. So get out here before I come in there!"

I sighed, putting the material away and activating the wards around the lab, don't want anyone touching this before I was done. I walked out of my lab and found Jean smiling, waiting for me outside.

"There, was that so hard?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No dear," I smiled, reaching around and pulling her closer.

"Oh, someone's feeling handsy," Jean smirked, leaning in and planting a kiss on my lips, biting my lower lips before pulling away, "come, I got some pepperoni."

I smiled, "nice," I followed her into the kitchen and was surprised to see everyone already there, munching on what seemed to be a very large pizza.

"Hey Tiger," Felicia winked, "glad you could join us. Work on something interesting?"

I smiled, "you could say that," I sat down, grabbing a few slices and a plate for myself, "anyway...there is actually something I need to talk to you all about."

"What is it?" Jean asked as she sat down and ate as well.

"Remember...remember what I did with Logan's blood?" I asked, better to bring up something they knew first before addressing the future.

"You mean how it gave you increased healing?" Jean asked.

Felicia blinked, "oh, so that's why you needed him..."

I nodded, "yeah. As some of you might know my blood...kind of adapts to the dna of others, allowing me to gain their skills, or powers, if they have any. That's why when I gained Logan's powers I gained his healing, and..." i held up my hand, releasing my stingers, "these."

"Neat," Wanda whistled.

I smirked as I put the metal weapons away. Jean g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "so, why are you telling us this? Are you experiencing some side effects?"

I shook my head, "no...far from it actually. I'm telling you this because...during one of my adventure I visited a parallel Earth."

Wanda snapped her book shut and slammed it down, her eyes focused fully on me, "you have my attention."

I chuckled, "right...well, there I met a mutant with...abilities. Abilities far beyond most others. He was ranked as beyond Omega level and after speaking with him and explaining my powers, he entrusted me with a vial of his blood. So that one day...when I was ready...when I had too-"

"-You could use it for a power boost," Felicia completed for me.

"I didn't want to, all this time I didn't….but after Thanos...and Dormammu I...I don't' want to leave this up to chance," I replied.

They were silent for a moment, and then Jean spoke up, "so why did you tell us?"

I turned ot her, "well...I figured if I did this without telling you, you might just have killed me."

"Got that right," Felicia snorted, she reached over and grabbed my hand in hers, "Peter...whatever you feel you have to do, do it. We're with you all the way...but please, don't' put yourself in danger for our sakes, okay?"

I smiled and nodded, "okay...I'll tell you guys when I'm going to do it, just in case, okay?"

Jean nodded, "yes...sounds fair...and if you need out help-"

"-I won't hesitate to ask," I smiled at the red head who sent me a mental picture of what she wanted to do to me and Felicia tonight.

"So, about this other world," Wanda began, "did you happen to meet people you knew?"

I smirked, "I'll do you one better. I met a future version of me."

"Shut up. No way!"

"Yes way. He did have a goatee though," I hummed, "not very nice. But I did have a kid though, her name was May-Day, she became Spider-girl, so that was nice."

"Of course you had another child," Wanda rolled her eyes, "who was this one with?"

I cleared my throat, "someone, ah...someone I think off as a friend."

Felicia narrowed her eyes at me, "Sue?"


"Liz?" Jean guessed.

"Seriously you guys?"

"MJ?" Felicia asked again.

"Dude, stop."

"Oh my god, you and MJ?!" Felicia cried out in shock.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Stan Lee, help me."

After I told them everything that happened in Earth 982 they finally let me go. Though the way Felicia and Jean began to whisper had me worried for both mine and this world's MJ's health.

I got back to my lab and continued my work, carving storage runes all along the edges. I then began storing all the vibranium infused unstable fabric nanobots inside the newly made infinity stone power core.

And when it was all said and done, I had my entire suit stored neatly in the small disc.

"Alright, let's take this baby for a spin," I stood up and took of my shirt, standing half n.a.k.e.d and picking up the disc. I carefully placed it in the middle of my c.h.e.s.t and grunted as the microbots on the bottom began fixing itself to my skin. Now the only way this thing came off is if someone ripped it off.

"Activae. Password: #$$% $#^ " I spoke clearly. For a moment it seemed like nothing was going to happen. I looked like a half n.a.k.e.d idiot standing with his arms spread out. But then, the disc exploded alive.

A wave of black ink like substance moved all over my body, covering my head to toe. It went under my clothes and even my u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, forming a skin tight black bodysuit. And finally, to complete the costume, a layer of vibram silver covered the Infinity core, making it seem like it wasn't even there in the first place.

I flexed my muscles, finding negligible amount of weight on my body. "Alright S.e.xy, show me what we got," I opened my palm, allowing the vibram around it to gather around my hand and create an elongated nozzle that would amplify the repulsor blast, another feature I stole from Infinity war.

I smiled, the suit was perfect. I can only imagine what else I could do to improve upon it. And with this done and over with I ordered the suit to change, turning into a plain back shirt with a silver hoodie, the Infinity core now plain as day for anyone to see. Hm, I would need to fix that.

I quickly made a few adjustments and managed to create a layer of vibranium over it to act as a set of retroreflective panels, so why the core might be present, it was invisible to the n.a.k.e.d eye. All of this would cost a lot of energy, more that I might have been comfortable with, but with the Mind Stone serving as my fuel, I doubt energy will be a problem anymore.

With that resolved I turned to Franklin Richards blood and got to work, "S.e.xy, bring up the plans for th recovery chamber," I called out, causing a holographic display of a pod to appear before me. I hummed, examining the design, if I was correct, this thing would allow me to reduce my recovery rate from radiation poisoning by half.

So with determinate and excitement, I got down to work. Excited to see just what would happen next.

A few days later:

"Are you sure it's safe?" Jean asked as the girls and I were all gathered in my lab. It took me a few days to ready myself, but it was finally time.

I turned ot her and sighed, "yeah, I'm sure. Relax Jean, I know what I'm doing. I swear."

"Just don't overdo it, okay?" Felicia pleaded.

"Promise," I smiled, "S.e.xy ready the recovery chamber," I ordered is out of the floor of my lab a circular disc five feet wide came out, revealing a bed resting along vertically. The pillar came up straight and the glass casing around the bed opened up, a bluish silver glow covered the insides, indicating it was active.

"This is like out of an alien abduction story," Wanda whistled as she looked around, noticing the inside glow with a faint bluish gaze, "have you thought this through?"

I nodded, "trust me, I have."

One of the first things I learnt from Vibranium and its effects on the human body is how it was able to channel energy, the magical kind, into the cells, prompting them to heal. I'm sure Wakanda would have a name for this princess and a scientific explanation, but I didn't, I only had a magical one.

And while I was inside this chamber, laced with vibranium my body would heal faster, which will hopefully subvert any negative effects Franklin's blood might cause in me.

"S.e.xy prepare the radiation gas," the machine's whirled as it did just that, the chemicals required for the process already loaded up and waiting for me.

I pulled out my bag of infinite storage and reached in. After searching through all the stuff inside, pulled out the indestructible vial of blood I brought with me from Earth 982. The vial filled with Franklin Richard's blood.

I still remember when Franklin gave me this blood. He said to use it when I needed an extra power boost. And if I wanted to protect what I now knew was coming for us all, I would need that power.

I honestly don't' know what this will do to me, it's a lottery I know. It might give me all of his powers, doubtful, or something useless. But I will be changed in some way, of that I am sure.

"Peter, the gas is ready," S.e.xy called out as a gas mask was dispatched onto my terminal. It was a simple design, made to cover only my nose and mouth, it had a glass casing at one of the evaporator ports and an empty one on the other.

I picked up the mask and sighed, "right..."

"Careful bug boy," Wanda called out.

I smiled, "don't tell me you're growing soft on me now Wanda," the witch glared as I chuckled at her attitude.

"Sir...are you sure you want to go with this? Subject- F's blood is supposed to be extremely powerful, we cannot even calculate how it will react."

"I know...but...I have to try at the least," I sighed, I won't lose them again, never again. I looked at them all, my present family and them remember my future one. I took the mask and put it on, the vacuum seal kept in place. I took the vial of Franklin's blood and placed it in the empty evaporator port.

The cheimalcs began to mix, I looked down under my nose and saw the green grass and red blood mix, fuse, before the mask sent blast of the gas differently into my nostrils.

I took a deep breath, it stung going down, my head started to throb immediately. I began choking, but I knew it was natural. I removed the mask and threw it aside, slumping against the table.

"Peter!" Felicia cried out, rushing to my side and helping me to my feet, "what now? How can I help?"

"Bed," I said weakly, pointing to the chamber before them. Jean opened the door as Wanda helped Felicia put me inside and shut the door.

I leaned back on the vertical bed stand as my suit came alive and covered my entire body, monitoring my vitals and every single aspect of my body as the glass casing for the chamber closed up and the vibranium inside the chamber started working on healing my body.

"Don't worry," i smiled at their worried faces, "I'll be fine."

My suit helped amplify the energy field, giving a direct influence on my body's surface. My eyes grew heavy, I watched my body start to change, something was happening But before I knew what, I fell back and went to sleep.

Several hours later:

I gasped, I kicked off and hit something hard. I looked around, the recovery chamber glass panel slid open and I dropped down, landing on the ground in a heap.

I was alone, though I could see signs that the girls must have been here just a while ago from the empty coffee cups and boxes of junk food.

I panted as I mentally ordered my suit off my body, "S-S.e.xy, what happened?"

"You were unconscious for over five hours Peter," the AI replied as a record of my vitals for that five hours came in the form of a hologram before me, "I cannot say for sure, but I believe the vibranium healing chamber has caused a change in the process of acquiring your powers."

"Really? How so?" I asked as the suit moved on its own, not requiring me to make an effort, guiding me to a chair and letting me rest on it instead of the hard floor.

"Well, it seems the radiation vibranium released to heal your body allowed your blood to adapt the radiation infused blood much quicker and easier. According to my scans your body's blood toxicity level is only 20%. It will be only a few weeks before can adapt a new power, instead of the year waiting period before."

I grinned, "well that was the plan. And? What else? Did my body go through some physical changes?"

"Not quite, but your mind on the other hand is a different matter," it displayed a scan of my brain, a live feed of it, "there has been some alterations but I cannot determine what. There is not enough research done on this subject to be in anyway conclusive."

I hummend, "I see...fine, we'll just have to wait and see...damn it, I need a bath," so without another word my suit took me out of my lab and up the stairs to my bathroom. It also placed me in the tub and ran me a bath, after which it retreated back into the Infinity core. Let's see a symbiote do that!

I sighed, sinking into the warm water, letting any and all left over radiation spee out of my body and into the water. After ten minutes I felt my sore muscles cry out in relife. After an hour I felt myself return back to normal.

With a deep sigh I pulled myself out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked out into the living room, the night sky clearly visible through the windows. I didn't notice it before due to still recovering from the process, but it was the middle of the night.

I heard a door creak open and turned, Jean walked out, rubbing her eyes, her hair a mess and her night dress a mess, "Peter?"

I smiled, "hey," she walked towards me, I carefully took her hand in mine and squeezed.

"Are you-are you okay?" she asked, looking me over.

I smiled, "I'm fine. A bit sore, but fine."

"I'm glad," Jean sighed, hugging me tightly, resting her head on my shoulders, "the girls and I waited, but it didn't seem like you were going to wake up any time soon. How are you feeling?"

"I don't think I have any new powers yet if that's what you mean," I sighed, "but it does take a while to kick in, that's for sure."

"Come on, you can sleep with Felicia and me tonight," she pulled me into her room. I had my suit make me a pair of baggy black sweats, cutting out the glowing light the infinity core gave off.

Jean pushed me to the middle of the bed, crawling in and cuddling up to my left while Felicia rested to my right. It seems we woke her up in the process, but she didn't seem to mind. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Hey Tiger," she purred, snuggling in closer and holding me tight, "love you."

"Love you too," I kissed Felicia on the head and held them both tight. This, this was why I did what I did. And without another regret I let myself sleep.

The next day:

When I woke up I felt refreshed. I was feeling...well, amazing. No more pain, nothing holding me down. I looked around and found myself flanked on both sides by silver and red and with the slowest of movement, I somehow managed to pull myself out of bed.

I made my way down to my lab as quietly as I could, not wanting to wake anyone. Using the systems there I tried to discover what my new powers might have been, but I got nothing. No, less than nothing. I tried to see if Franklin's blood boosted my telekinesis at all, but no, it was just the same.

I had S.e.xy scan me again to see if I gained an physical changes, but no, nothing. I grumbled maybe it would take a few days for the powers to kick in, it was after all possible. The same thing happened with Logan's claws after all.

So with that done I continued my research into Vibranium and its various uses. I knew for a fact that it had the ability to control Franklin Richards powers as I seemed to recall him using a vibranium crown to remain in control of his powers. Maybe I could do something like that for myself.

So with that in mind I went back upstairs to the living room where Jean was already awake and curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee in hand watching TV.

"Your awake?" I asked in surprise.

Jean nodded, "just got up. You?"

"A few hours back," I replied, plopping down on the couch next to Jean. immediately she curled into my arms as I held her in my arms.

"What were you doing?" Jean asked, sipping her cup.

"Just trying to see if I developed any new powers," I told her with a shrug, "nothing yet."

"Hm, I'm sure it'll happen, after all, I highly doubt you of all people made a mistake in your calculations Tiger," Jean chuckled as she leaned up and planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

I smiled back and curled up besides her, "so, what are we watching?"

"Nothing special, just bored," Jean replied with a shrug as she began going through the channel before noticing a program that got her attention. It was a news program about New York city, I had fixed the dish to pick up American programs just a few days ago.

"That's right you heard it here first folks, there's a new Spider in town! And this time, it's a she!" the reporter, a young black woman standing on 45th with a small battle scene unraveling right behind her, "around the early hours of this morning, a bank off 45th was hit just as a new batch of bills were brought in for a currency exchange. The robbers were armed and dangerous and the leader of this gang appears to be a known criminal named 'The Shocker', who has personally gone up against the Spider-man, also known as Peter Parker, many many times! He had almost made his escape, when at the last moment he was stopped by a woman dressed in white and black!"

Jeans's mouth was agape, "you have got to be kidding me," the camera changed, now focusing solely on the fight that was going down.

There were car exploding, people running scared. The shocker stood in the middle of the road, blasting street corners like a made man. And moved across the street quicker than the Shocker could aim, was a woman wearing skin tight spandex that was white on top with a black leggings. She had a hood with the inside covered with purple-pink spider webs and blue soles on her feet.

At first I was petrified, scared out of mind. I only know one person who would ever wear that costume, and last I remembered in this world she was just a normal human.

But then I saw her move, dodge the Shocker's blasts and weave threw his punches before knocking him out with a steep uppercut that dropped him like a sack of potatoes. She stood triumphant, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't impressed.

She had powers...I don't know how, but she got them, somehow, some way. I smirked, "well I'll be..."

"Peter, do you know who that is?" Jean asked in confusion.

"Yeah..." I smirked, watching proudly as the newest Spider leaped away and into the night, "I'm pretty sure that's my legacy. The first of the new generation of heroes. That's Spider-woman."

And then the camera caught her miss a landing and slip and fall from the roof to the fire escape, rolling to her side in pain. She got up and hopped away.

Jean turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Ah...she may need some training."

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