Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 68 - Visiting heaven

"Annnd, now!" Felicia snapped her fingers, her focus evident. Her form shimmered as suddenly in the green eyed silver haired blondes place was a brunette with bright blue eyes with freckles across her face.

Wanda frowned, "not bad...but you still look like you, just the hue has changed."

"Na-hum! Can't you see!" Felicia pointed to her cheeks, "I added freckles!"

Wanda g.r.o.a.n.e.d, rolling her eyes, "you ponce. This is a disguise," she snapped her fingers as her form was covered with a sheen of light as in her place was a blonde with blue eyes that seemed to be older looking that what Wanda was. She had a rounder face with stress creases all over her face, making her very different from original form.

Jean whistled, "that's very good Wanda. You look very real."

"Thank you very much love," Wanda said in a British accent that was obviously forced.

I winced, "drop the accent, it's really bad."

Wanda raised an eyebrow, "really? Fine. There, better?"

I nodded, "much. Jean? You want to go next?"

"Don't mind if I do," Jean closed her eyes and focused. I looked at her form, she had made a full recovery in a few hours. And while she didn't show any outward signs of the Phoenix taking over...I was still worried.

Jean snapped her fingers as she shimmered. In her place now stood a pixie cut raven haired girl who was thinner than Jean's original form. Her jade eyes were now a dull brown, though she definitely now looked nothing like her original form.

I smiled, "I like the hair."

"Thanks," Jean smiled, reaching up and touching her black strands, "you're turn."

I nodded. With a quick snap and mental recruitment of the spell in question, my form shimmered, and in my place was a slightly bigger dark skinned man with black hair but bright blue eyes. A starking paradox that I hope will gain people's attention and alienate this form from my real one.

"Not bad Spider," Wanda whistled, "how long can everyone hold the spell?"

I shrugged, "few hours."

"Same," Jean nodded.

"I think I can manage if we don't move too much," Felicia grumbled.

Wanda nodded, "then I suppose we are as ready as we can be."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Felicia asked with a grin, "let's go out and have some fun!"

Jean chuckled, "someone's eager."

"It's too late today," I said, looking out the window, the sun was already going down, "we can go out tomorrow, with a plan on what to visit."

"B-but, argh," Felicia g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "fine. Whatever. I'm going to my room to research London sites. Maybe we can sneak into a bar or something."

Jean rolled her eyes, "you remember the last time we got drunk together right?"

I nodded, "damn right I do. Or as I fondly remember it, 'Best Night of My Goddamn Life'."

Wanda rolled her eyes as she dropped her illusion, "I'm assuming it had something to do with s.e.x. Wait, don't tell me, you all got drunk and made out?"

Felicia shrugged, dropping the illusion, "it was Jean's birthday. And Peter and I were kind of exclusive back then. But then the fiesty red head over there got some very fun ideas on what to do next and next thing I know we're in her room, on her bed, having s.e.x."

I grinned, "like I said, best night of my life."

Wanda g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "whatever. I'm going to the library, if you three are planning a repeat performance, please, put up a silencing ward."

Jean chukled, dropping her illusion, "don't worry Wanda, we'll try our best to be quite."

"Jean," I called out, "can we talk? I my lab? I want to give you a check up."

Jean g.r.o.a.n.e.d, sensing my agitation she realised I was worried, "Peter, what's wrong?"

I sighed, "after what happened today, I just want to be sure, you know?"

Jean looked worried, but nodded, "yeah, of course. Let's go."

"Night you two," Felicia called out as she went to her room, "try not to f.u.c.k without me."

I rolled my eyes, she was never going to change. Jean dropped her illusion and followed me down to my lab. Once inside I had her sit down on the metal slab in the middle of the room as I walked around, placing monitoring cables all around her.

I put up the readings on my monitors. From the outside, everything was fine. More than fine in fact. From my readings her theta wave output rate has increased three fold, meaning that she was stronger than ever.

Which only served to make me more worried.

"Peter, what's wrong?" Jean turned to me, pulling herself up, "you've been stressing about something all day….is everything alright?"

I wanted to lie, I wanted to tell her everything was fine. But, I couldn't. I couldn't' lie to her….and I didn't want too.

"Jean," I sighed, pulling up a chair and sitting down next to her I looked up into her bright green eyes and sighed.

"Peter," Jean reached out and took my hand in hers, "you can tell me. Whatever it is...I can take it."

I smiled, "I know you remember what I said about… other dimensions? Other world with versions of us that have gone through different things?"

Jean nodded, "yes, you did. What does that have to do with me?"

I sighed, "one of those worlds, in one of them….you die.."

Jean smiled, "Peter, it's the multiverse, I'm sure in some of them I die. Heck, you yourself always talk about how in some of these worlds Peter Parker is dead don't you?"

"I do but I...I don't mean just one world Jean...I mean it's happening in most of them," I squeezed her hand, "and when Hope and the others came...they told me it's going to happen to you as well."

Jean's eyes winded, "h-how?"

"It's called...the Phoenix," I whispered, "and in almost all the multiverse, you either die because of it, or die from it and I can't-I won't let that happen to you. Do you remember what happened inside my head? When we went in there to control my powers? Do you remember….do you remember what happened?"

Jean froaned as she nodded, "yes...I-I think I somehow managed to push the lightning back...did I?"

"Yes Jean, you did. You protected us and you saved us….but do you remember how?"

"I-I….were there flames?" she asked, confusion obvious on her face.

I nodded, "yes...and that's the first sign that the Phoenix is wakening inside of you. The first sign of your true potential."

Jean's eyes widened, "m-my true power?"

"In almost all the multi-verses I know, Jean Grey is either a conduit for the Phoenix, or the Phoenix herself. In some worlds the Phoenix is a cosmic force of psychic power, the avatar of life and rebirth. In others….well, in others it's less weaker, but just as deadly. And frankly, from what I understood from Hope, in our world, the Phoenix is a cosmic force as well."

"Wait, so, am I the the Phoenix me? Peter, I'm confused, I don't understand," she moved, sitting properly, her legs hanging off the side of the table.

I reached out and held her hand with both of mine, "Jean, I don't know. From what I do understand is this. You are a conduit for the Phoenix, meaning you the potential to become it's host….but you aren't it just yet, you are still you...and if I have my way that's the way it's going to be. I won't let you die Jean, not on my watch."

"Peter….how long have you know?" Jean asked, looking into my eyes.

I looked back at her, "I've known since the moment we met."

Jean's eyes winded, "and you didn't think to tell me!"

"Jean, you said it yourself. Different worlds, I didn't think in this one you would become a host. I didn't….I didn't want to believe that the woman I loved could ever be taken away from me….and in denying that I...I...I'm sorry Jean, but if I had told you all of this back when we first meet...would you have believed me?"

Jean looked into my eyes and sighed, "you stupid man...of course I would have. do you know all of this? When we first met, you weren't a magician yet, were you? Did you know about the multiverse even back then?"

I sighed. She had finally asked the real question. And I knew now that I couldn't tell her the truth. I sighed, "Jean, the reason I know all of this is because I !%^ !$##! Saw it !$#! ! "

Jean narrowed her eyes, "you saw it? How?"

I did a spit take. Looking up at her with eyes wide open. "What did you say?"

Jean g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "I said 'you saw it'. Didn't you just say that? I mean, I think you did, I couldn't really hear the rest."

My heart began skipping beats. She had heard me? She heard me?! My heart began beating faster and faster in excitement. I had told her the sentence, 'it's because I saw it from several movies and tv shows'. Usually, the entire sentence would have been blurry, but this time? This time she heard it.

But how? How?! Hope heard me too, my daughter form the future did as well. I assumed it was because she was my daughter, but maybe it's more because she was Jean's daughter….which meant...the Phoenix.

Of course...because of it….Jean could hear me...the real me! I could tell her the truth, everything! There was always a part of me hidden away, that I could never share, no matter how much I wanted too and now...

"Jean," I held onto her hand, kissing it, "I...I can't tell you've always known that I could never share all of myself with you girls and that I...I-"

"-Peter...what's going on?"

I sighed, "there's a side of me Jean that I want to share with you. Secrets that I would like nothing more to reveal. But I can't… I want too, but you remember that Dark Tower? The one inside my mind?"

Jean nodded, "yes...I tried to scan it when I first arrived, find out why you believed it could handle the lightning, but I didn't understand."

"It's because that Tower contains the secrets I want to share with you, with all of you. But I...I can't. I'm unable too...everytime I try you don't hear me well or the words get jumbled up and you all automatically forget the conversation ever happened but I can finally share them with you..."

A weight was picked off my back as I leaned forward, relief flowing through my body. I felt Jean's hand touch the back of my head as she pulled me closer to her, resting my head on her l.a.p as she gently stroked my hair.

"Peter, whatever you can't share…, is it important?" Jean asked, "will it change the way I feel for you?"

I looked up at her, "I-I hope not..."

Jean smiled, "does it change the way you feel for me?"

"No," the word was instantaneous, not a pause felt.

"Then doesn't matter, I love you and whatever this...power inside of me is I...I will learn to control it, to fight it."

"Jean, it can't be fought...and it can't be controlled," I whispered, "so many others have tried...and have died because of it."

"Have all those other Jean Grey's had you as a boyfriend?" she asked with a playful smirk.

I smiled, "no..."

Jean leaned down and kissed me, the feeling sent warm through my body, "then Mr. Parker, I think I'll be the first one to win. With you and Felicia by my side, I don't really think I can lose."

I smiled back, "I love you too….come on, we should probably get some shut eye. I'm sure Felicia is going to wake us up first thing tomorrow."

Jean chuckled, kicking herself off the table, "yes, she's determined when she wants something," she held my hand as we walked out of the lab, "so tell me Peter, all these other Jean Grey's you've seen, are any of them cuter than me?"

"Are you kidding? You're the hottest one of them all….although, there is this one Jean Grey with short hair who has this latex fetish, she's a close second."

Jean rolled her eyes, "of course she is. You're lucky I love you Mr., other girls would be kicking out the door for saying things like that about another woman."

"Well, technically, she's still you...I mean does it even count if it's still Jean Grey?"

"Well...I suppose it's like having a twin?"

"Huh….I guess so. Twin huh? Not a bad idea…..twins..."


Jean hit me up the head, "don't even think about it."

"Hey! Don't read my mind."

"I didn't have too. That smile tells me all I need to know."

The Next Day:

Wanda grumbled, rubbing the sand out of her eyes, "I can't believe you woke us up at 6."

Felicia chuckled as she latched onto my arm and practically skipped out of the sanctum, "don't care! Today is going to amazing! I already have it all planned out!"

"But still, 6 in the morning is far too early."

"Whatever," Felicia snorted as she turned to me and smiled, "you are going to love this, promise."

I smiled back, "if you're sure….how are we getting there again?"

"Well, we are in London so..." she turned to an entrance to the underground subway, "subway it is!"

"You know, since we are in London, we should probably call it by the local term, the tube," Jean corrected as she hanged off my other arm.

"Tube, such a stupid name," I huffed, "sounds like a water pipe. Subway is so much cooler."

Wanda rolled her eyes, "you're right, it doesn't at all sound like an sandwich place, not one bit."

We chuckled as Felicia took charge and lead us down to the station. We had our disguises up and had them fixed in place. Felicia was practically bouncing on her feet with excitement, it was the first time we were leaving the house in a month, needless to say the extroverted girl was very pleased.

"First stop is the London Eye!" Felicia smiled as the train took off. She looked out with glee, watching the station pass by.

I leaned to her and kissed her forehead, "I'm glad we could do this Kitten."

Felicia turned up to me and smiled back, "I know...this...this isn't a bad life huh?"

"What? Running for our lives and hiding underneath a magical spell?" Wanda snorted, "yes, not bad at all."

"But at least we're free," Felicia shrugged, "that's more than most people can say..."

I nodded, "you're right's isn't that bad a life...and I'm glad you and Jean are there with me to share it….you're fine too Wanda."

"Bite me," the witch snarled, though I detected no malice from the goth.

It took ten minutes for us to reach the Eye. We left the tube and were swarmed by people. Felicia looked almost as if she was going to faint from joy. She really was more of an outdoor cat.

"This is nice," Jean whispered as she leaned to my side, "we should do this more often, for her sake than nothing else."

"We should, yeah," I leaned to her and planted a kiss.

"Come on you three! Hurry up! We need to reserve out seats!" Felicia called as she practically flew to the back of the line for the giant river side ferris wheel.

"What's the hurry Cat? You that excited?" Wanda snorted as we joined Kitten.

"Just happy," Felicia flashed a smiled. She then held up a hand, and on her wrist were several watches and three wallets, "and wanted to scratch a certain itch."

I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose, "are you serious?"

"Hey, you can take the girl out of the city, but you can't keep her from being her," Felicia purred.

"You're a kleptomaniac aren't you?" Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Just a little bit, yes."

"I swear, everyday it's something," Wanda sighed, turning to Jean and me, "honestly, how do you two even deal with her?"

Jean smiled, "it helps if you're in love with her."

"Or if you also happen to be sleeping with her," I replied, "trust me, that a.s.s is worth it."

Felicia grin almost doubled, "you bet it is."

Wanda shrugged, "I don't know, I think Peter has a better a.s.s out of the three of you."

"Excuse me?" Felicia asked, sounding almost insulted.

Wanda shrugged, "truth Cat."

Jean hummed as she nodded, "she isn't wrong, but then again of course you would think that. You can't really appreciate the feminine booty, can you?"

Wanda raised an eyebrow in challenge, "trust me Red, I can appreciate it just fine."

"Oh, something you want to tell us Wanda?" I teased, wiggling my eyebrow, "you know, I always thought Stephene was cute kid..."

"If you even think about it, I will neuter you."

"Hey! Don't' punish us for his mistakes!" Felicia cried, "we still need him!"

Wanda snorted, "I'm sure it'll grow back. Ain't that right Peter?"

I was just about reply back to her when I heard thunder roar out in the distance. Starling everyone around me as we all looked up expecting rain, only to find clear clouds...well, as clear as the London sky could get.

"Was it supposed to be raining today?" Jean asked, frowning.

Felicia sighed, "I have a bad feeling about this."

'Loud thunder...middle of the day….sounds like a mood lightning. Shit!' Suddenly the Infinity core began to light up, glowing brighter than normal. It glowed from underneath my shirt, I managed to cover it up before another noticed, the girls however got a glance.

"Peter, are you pulling an Stark on us?" Wanda raised an eyebrow.

"S.e.xy, what's going on?" I asked looking down at the Mind stone.

" seems the stone is reacting to something. According to my readings it's...reverberating to something with a similar energy signature."

I narrowed my eyes, "London...a stone in London...the Reality stone," Great, just great, Thor 2 was about to begin.

"An Infinity stone? Here? Now?" Wanda hissed, "that's just great."

"I knew it," Felicia cried out, throwing her hands into the air, "just when I thought we could have one stinking day for ourselves, something just had to come in and throw a wrench in that plan."

"We need to move, get to some place alone," Jean looked around, spotting a dark alley across the pier, "there, we need to move."

Felicia sighed, "just one day, that's all I want."

I sighed, "I'll make it up to you Kitten, I swear. But this kind of takes priority."

"I know, I know...damn my luck."

We quickly ran into the dark alley, the people passing us by without even giving us a passing glance as we all huddled inside.

"Costumes?" Jean asked.

"No, not until we know what we are dealing with," I replied, "S.e.xy, hack into every camera in London and the every police scanner and find reports for anything that could relate to...well, I'm guessing since we have lightning, scan for Thor."

"Will do boss," the AI as it becan it's process.

"Thor? Here?" Felicia blinked, "damn. But why?"

My eyes winded, "Jane...S.e.xy, hack into London's current foreign residency office and find one Jane Foster currently in the country," I hummed, "she is Thor's girlfriend. So if she's here and in danger, he'll come, also, change the parameter, maybe Thor hasn't arrived just yet. Find Dr. Foster or any of her other companions."

"Right," the AI replied as it proceeded to work quickly.

"I assume we're going to be in the thick of it the moment we reach there," Wanda said as she dropped her disguise and turned out the alley entrance. Using her powers she moved several dumpster and trash cans and barred the way in, giving us some privacy.

"We need masks," Jean said as she and Felicia dropped the illusions as well. As one all our street clothes shimmered and in their place were our costumes, "Peter you might want to change as well. No point hiding here if you announce to the world that Spider-man is in London."

I nodded, "agreed. S.e.xy, Dark Knight mode."

"Understood," the AI replied as I took on the costume I wore when testing Gwen.

Felicia's eyes wided, "I don't know why, but I'm very much arrounsed. Where have you been hiding that?"

"Something special. Call me Batman," I replied, my voice now disguised.

"Yes sir," Felicia saluted me.

"Can we use the same template?" Wanda asked, "we do need the mask and yours will do."

I nodded, "right, S.e.xy, upload the specs into their suits and make the needed adjustments."

In seconds, their costumes changed, instead of their respective uniforms the girls now stood in female versions of my own Dark Knight suit, cape and all. The only distinguishing features, aside from the feminine curves, were the colour of the bat emblem they wore. Jean had green, Felicia, white, Wanda, red and I had black.

Jean looked at her costume and whistled, "well, this is different. Never wore armour before."

Kitten lifted her cape and looked around, "Peter, did you make my costume a size smaller on purpose? Because I swear my a.s.s looks huge in this thing."

"" I replied nervously, I couldn't help it! Her a.s.s was divine!

"I got something!" S.e.xy called out, quickly displaying a hologram before us all, "I just received a 999 call from one Darcy Lewis reporting a missing person, one Jane Foster."

"Can you get us a location?" I asked.

"Already on it," she replied, bringing up photos of the closed of shipping yard where the call came from.

"Can you jump it?" Wanda asked, leaning in to see the images.

"Only one way to find out," I closed the images and stood up.

With an image of the place in mind I took out my sling ring and quickly opened up a portal to the area in question. We jumped through immediately, the portal closing behind us. I looked around, finding several shipping containers standing up right and odd cloud patterns, even the rain fall seemed peculiar as certain parts were pourign and others were dry.

I looked around until finally spotting the God of Thunder himself, near the back where a blonde man standing at six feet and then some wearing metal and leather armour with chainmail. And in his hand was a big a.s.s hammer.

"Thor!" I cried out, walking towards the God. Said blonde God turned away from the woman who he was talking to, Jane Foster.

He immediately grew cautious, raising his hammer warningly, "identify yourself stranger." Jean and Wanda grew cautious as well, raising their hands in warning.

"It's fine girls," I sighed, turning to him, "really? You're going to hit me again? Because I remember last time you did it you felt pretty bad."

Thor blinked in confusion, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

I looked down at my costume and sighed, "oh, right, the costume. Figured you wouldn't recognize me, S.e.xy, go classic," my costume shimmered, turning back to my good old red and black suit.

Thor gasped, "Spider?! Is that truly you?!"

"Spider-man? Peter Parker?" Jane Foster asked in disbelief, "w-what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help," I nodded, "I detected something odd going on around here and came to check it out. Jane Foster, tell me, did you touch something red and jelly looking thing?"

Jane's eyes widened, "what….how could you possibly know that?"

"I have a gift," I shrugged, turning to Thor, "we need to get it out of her, if we don't, she could die."

"Die?!" Thor roared, "what is in her?"

"The Aether," I spoke quickly, Thor's eyes widened in horror while Jane looked confused.

Jean narrowed her eyes and she connected with me telepathically, "the Aether?"

"Another name for the Reality stone," I told her.

"Aether? I'm sorry, but what's the Aether?" Foster asked.

"Something very dangerous," Thor told her, turning to me, "can you help her?"

I nodded, "yes, come on, we'll be done in a giffy," I turned and took out my own sling ring forming a portal to the sanctum. The girls jumped through and turned, waiting for the rest of us.

"W-wait, I can't leave just yet," Foster cried out, "I need to take care of Darcy and the cops, they'll be asking questions."

"Not the time," I replied, "your life is in danger Jane. We can help them later, we need to help you now," I insisted, walking through the portal and waiting. Jane looked unsure, but at Thor's insistence she stepped through, surprised and in awe at the portal's feature.

Thor stepped through as well and I closed the portal, throwing my arms wide, "welcome to the London sanctum, please, make yourselves at home," I said, retracting my mask to show my real face.

"Spider, is that really you?" Thor asked in surprise, "you're much younger than I thought."

"You don't know?" Foster asked in surprise.

Thor shook his head, "no, the last time I came here to Earth was to stop Loki, and back then there wasn't much time to catch up. I'm surprised you're so…."

"Young?" I guessed with a smile.

Thor nodded, "indeed."

"I'm surprised you didn't know," Foster spoke up, "it was quite a scandal when his secret identity was revealed to everyone you know? I mean, no one though the hero who saved the world twice was just a kid."

"Twice?" Thor raised an eyebrow.

I grinned, "inter-dimensional monkeys."

"Oh...well I saved the nine realms since we last met. So if you're counting, that's nine to two," Thor smiled as he turned to the girls, who by now had also removed their helmets, revealing their faces. The God of Thunder's eyes widened in shock, "by Odin's beard! Spider, who are these fetching maidens?"

I blinked, "ah...dude, you're girlfriend is right there."

Thor turned to Jane, who looked very pissed. The God of Thunder blushed, "I-I merely meant it as a complement! Just words Jane, nothing more I swear."

Jean chukled, "he's in for it tonight. And if you must know Prince of Asgard, we are Peter's companions. Much like the warrior's three are yours."

Thor's eyes winded, "you are well versed in our stories red haired one, tell me, what is your name?"

"Jean, Jean Grey," Birdie smiled, giving a little bow. After all, Thor was technically royalty...wait a minute, if Disney owns Marvel and Thor is a prince….holy shit, Thor is a Disney prince! Damn, file that away for later pondering!

"And we aren't exactly like the Warrior's three," Wanda put in with a smirk, "unless of course you happen to be sleeping with two of the three warriors."

Jane turned to Thor who gaped, "no! I swear! I most certainly do not think off them in a manner! Wait...did you just say two?"

Felicia shrugged, "we have a weird relationship."

Jane snapped to me and the girls, "you….you are in a polyamorous relationship?"

Wanda shrugged, "not me, the other two. And while you can call it that, I personally like to think off it as Peter and his harem."

"Hey, we are not a harem! It's just three of us and we love each other very much!" Felicia argued back.

"Exactly," Jean nodded before smirking, "although the other women in his life would be considered his harem, we would be his wives.."

I sighed, rubbing my temple, they had been having this exact same argument for over a week. Dont' get me wrong, it's a dream come true to have so many women in love with you...on paper. If you actually care for them, and interact with them, then it becomes a whole nother matter when you are unable to be with them for several reasons.

It's honestly heartbreaking and an emotional rollercoaster.

"By Odin's beard," Thor whispered as he turned to me, "you my dear Spider are very fortunate. It is rare thing indeed to have such women yearn for your affection. Why even I once had such-"


I shot a web line into his mouth shutting him up, "maybe you should stop right there, yes?" Thor looked furious. He seemed ready to argue back before he raised the look Jane was giving him. The look which promised even the God of Thunder a world of hurt should he continue to speak in the topic he was.

He peeled the webbing off and coughed, "a-a story for another time then."

I rolled my eyes, "always lovely to see you Thor, now come, we should begin as soon as possible," I motioned to follow me as I lead them all to my lab.

Jane looked around in awe, "this is so cool...I never realised you were a scientist. How, exactly did you do that thing before?" Foster asked as I cleared out a table for examination and began levitating tools into the air, "how are you doing that now?!"

"Magic," I replied, pushing the table to the middle of the room, "get on."

"What?" Jane blinked.

"Please, let me," Jean smiled as Jane was hoisted into the air and gently placed on the table, "and he is serious, it really was magic."

"How did you do that?!" Jane asked frantically, "and magic is real?" Jane asked in surprise as Felicia helped her take off her coat and onto the table.

"In a way," I began, "it's more like the manipulation of energy fields through our brain's inner processor. Basically, the world is the Matrix and anyone who can change the code with their mind is a Sorcerer."

"And what she did, was that magic?" Jane asked, looking to Jean.

"No, she's a mutant," Wanda snorted, "much different, but kind off the same. All mutants are magic, but not all magic users are mutants."

"What?" Jane asked, stumped.

"Don't try to think about it, it just hurts, trust me," Felicia sighed.

"You're a wizard now Spider?" Thor asked in disbelief.

"A novice compared to most, but yeah," I nodded, "and please, call me Peter. Spider-man is supposed to be my secret identity but, well, things happened," I summoned several magical circles to examine Jane's internal body functions and magical aura, which was off the charts thanks to the Reality stone present inside of her.

"What happened Peter?" Thor asked with worry.

"Well, after you left one of my old enemies, a dictator named Doom came after me and nearly killed me. I gave up being Spider-man for a while before returning a few months later. And then after that he came back, revealed my identity to the world and then tried to destroy with an army from another dimension. Ever since then I've been hiding out and eventually became a user of the Mystic Arts."

I closed my eyes and focused, using Web Vision I saw the red threads of the Reality stone pouring out form within her. I hummed, "from what I can see the stone hasn't quite set in yet, we still have time to remove it."

"Stone? I thought you called it the Aether or something," Jane asked in confusion.

"Same thing, different name," I shrugged, taking out a vibraum radiation emitter and tossing it to Wanda, "hold it over her c.h.e.s.t and don't stop."

Wanda nodded as she did so, "what do they do?"

"Should stabilize her," I replied, "and the Aether is just other name for the Reality stone, it's part of the six infinity stones."

"Jane has an Infinity stone inside of her?!" Thor asked in shock.

"Yes," I nodded, bringing forth several other instruments I knew could keep even an infinity stone in a stasis field having tested it on the Mind stone.

"I'm sorry, an infinity what?!" Jane cried out, panic setting in.

"Jean," I motioned to her. The mutant nodded as she realized what I wanted her to do.

"There there, relax, I have you," Jean whispered as she stood at Jane's top, placing her hand over her head, "you need to calm down Jane, we're only trying to help," she focused her power and immediately Jane became less nervous with Jean pushing her fears to the side.

"An infinity stone is an ingot of creation and an item of incredible power," Thor explained as he held Jane's hand in his, squeezing tightly, reassuring her, "Peter, how did you come to know off them?"

"Well for one, I am currently in possession of one," I tapped my Infinity core and revealed the glowing yellow stone inside, "and I'm going to use this to take the Aether out of Jane."

"How did you get that stone?!" Thor asked.

"Thor, buddy, I promise, I'll answer all your questions as soon as I can, but right now, we need to help Jane, got it?" the god still looked worried, but nodded and kept silent. "Great. Now hold her hand and don't let go."

Thor nodded as he stepped around and held Jane's hand in his. She smiled, "don't let go this time."

Thor smiled sadly, "I won't...promise,"

"Felicia, her legs?"

Kitten nodded, "right. I got them," she pinned Jane to the table giving me a nod.

"Great, then let's get started," I looked over to my operating tray and picked up a scale which glowed bright white, "Jane, this might sting."

"Ah, alright," she gulped, watching as I carefully pulled up her shirt, just high enough that I gained access to her side. I honestly don't want it to even seem like I was trying to cop a feel with her boyfriend, the god of thunder standing right besides me. I carefully pressed the scalpel against her skin, cutting not into her skin, but into her life essence.

Jane winced, "what was that?"

"A friend of my can create weapons like this," I explained pointing to the energy scalpel I had Tandy make for me, "I had her create a few for me just in case. This scalpel doesn't hurt your physical form, but your aura. Even if I stabbed you in the heart, you wouldn't die."

"But why?" Foster asked.

I smirked, placing the scalpel aside, "can't let the scientist in you rest huh doc?"

Jane blushed, "yeah well, I would like to know what you're doing to me is all."

I smirked, "can't blame you...the Reality stone is unlike any other stone, well I suppose in a way each stone is uniquely different. But the Aether you see, it infects its host, like a virus, and grows within them. And if the host is normal, like you or me, they die. But if they are stronger, like say a God, they might survive, or in some cases, gain the Aether's power."

Jane's eyes winded, "'s burning me up from the inside?"

" a way. Alright, the vibranium should have nullified the Aether to a manageable degree," I hummed, scanning Jane once more, "the radiation they gave out reduced to intensity of the Aether...alright, here goes nothing."

I moved to Jane's side, where my costume slowly formed a thick gauntlet around my right hand. I pushed my fingers into the cut into her life force and saw the red energy of the Reality stone just underneath the surface. I held up the gauntlet and slowly reached in, using the sharp claw like edge of the digits to dig into Jane's life Force, and grab the Aether.

"Ergh!" Jane hissed.

"Hold her down Thor," I wanted.

"I am," the God grunted as he held both of Jane's arms, "it's almost done Jane, just hold on."

"How is someone so small so strong?!" Felicia cried out as she held Jane's feet down.

Jean began to sweat, "hurry up Peter, I can't hold on for long."

"Alright, here we go," I pulled, stray waves of the Aether's energy came pouring out, trying to attack me, but quickly absorbed by the gauntlet. Jane grunted in pain but I kept going, getting a good grip on the jelly like substance.

"Wanda, adjust the vibranium fields, push the Aether out to the side," I ordered.

"Got it," Wanda nodded as she moved the radiation fields, pushing the Aether out of Jane's body like toothpaste out of a tube. I pulled it out slowly, Jane's grunts of pain slowly reducing as more and more of the Aether came out.

"Thor," I called out, the God rushing to my side. I pointed at the Vibranium lock box on my table, "grab that."

"Right," he quickly plucked the now empty box and placed it in my hands.

I pulled the Aether wholey out of Jane's body, the woman screaming in pain, "ARGH!" With that scream she sighed, relief washing over her body.

"What now?" Thor asked as he and I looked at the lock box slowly rattle, heating up.

"We wait," I replied, "it should hold it...after all it's designed to hold an infinity stone...though not quite like this..."

Jane gasped, "I really hope that's not what giving birth feels like, because I seriously don't want kids."

I chuckled, "really? No demigods running around anytime soon?"

"What?" Jane blushed, "no!"

Thor smiled, "of course not," he turned to me, now more serious, "Peter, you seem to know a lot about this stone, is there anything you can tell me?"

I nodded, "yeah...look out for Dark Elves," I dismissed my gauntlet and picked up the now quiet lock box, placing it in the status field I had devised for the Mind stone.

"Dark Elves? But they are all extinct," Thor argued.

"I would think not," I humned, "I'm sure by now they would have realised the Aether is active and if even a single member of their race is alive, they will be coming for it."

"Why?" Thor asked.

"The Convergence," I replied.

Thor's eyes widened, "of will happen soon won't it?"

"I'm sorry, the what?" Jane asked, confused.

Thor quickly explained, "it's where all nine realms align together. The realms orbit much like your planets do around the sun. And every five thousand years they align, that is the Convergence."

"And the last time the Convergence happened, the Dark Elves tried to destroy all nine realms," I sighed.

"Do we know it's actually happening though?" Jane asked, "do you guys up there in Asgard keep track of these things?"

"No, but there are signs," Thor explained, "like for example the laws of psychics stop making sense."

"Check," Felicia snorted.

"Like what we saw in the shipping yard," Jane spoke up, getting up, holding her side.

I nodded, " are you feeling?"

"Better," she nodded, turning to the lock box, "is it safe?"

"Yes...well, unless my children form the future come to steal it or something."

Thor chuckled, I shot him a look. He blinked, "that wasn't a joke was it."

Jean, Felicia, Wanda and I all shake our heads slowly.

"We need to get this stone somewhere safe," I told Thor, "somewhere the Dark Elves won't find it. Me personally, I would vote for a black hole."

"No, we cannot do that," Thor replied, "an Infinity stone is too powerful to destroy….I shall take it to Asgard, keep it safe."

"Isn't the Space stone already there?"

"I'm sorry, there's a Space stone?" Jane asked in disbelief.

"The thing Loki wanted from New York," Wanda supplied.

I nodded, "anyway, it's not a good idea to have more than one stone at a place, which is why I don't want to keep it. I'm already keeping the Mind stone with me."

Thor hummned, "I think I know a man, he's a collector of sorts and-"

"-No," I snapped.

"But you didn't let me finish!"

"I know what you were going to suggest and no. Only a fool will trust that man with anything worth having. He would kill his own brother if it meant adding to his stupid collection. He's a monster Thor, I refuse to leave it with him."

"How do you know of the Collector?" Thor asked in surprise.

I sighed, "let's just say I have my ways."

"Then...I suppose it would be best if we consult my father Odin about this matter," Thor surmised, "he will know what to do."

I hummed, "that is dangerous as well. If it's there the Dark Elves will be able to track it...but the lock box does block out almost all energy signatures, so it should be fine...but I suggest you warn them either way for an incoming assault."

Thor nodded, "agreed. Jane," he walked past me and knelt before the woman, "I'm sorry...but I have to go again."

"What!? But you just came back!"

"And I don't' want to go but...I have to keep you safe. And that means keeping you away from the stone."

"Why not just bring her with us?" Felicia spoke up, drawing all eyes to her. Kitten shrugged, "I mean, if you're worried about her safety, isn't a place filled with the greatest warriors in the universe kind of the best place?"

Thor g.r.o.a.n.e.d, turning to me, "will continued exposure to the stone harm her?"

I shook my head, "as long as it's in that box, no. I highly doubt she's it's perfect host. It honestly acts more than a wild animal than something with a plan, so I doubt it will target her specifically."

"Great, it's decided, she can come with us," Wanda put in, raising an eyebrow, "kind of stupid not to take her with us you know."

"Us?" Thor looked confused.

"She means us, we are all coming with," Jean narrowed her eyes.

Thor shook his head, "no, it would be very dangerous if you did."

"It's better we come with you there than risk a war here," Jean put in, "at the very least on Asgard you can protect yourselves from an invasion, here however..."

"We are all coming," I nodded, "can the Bifrost handle it?"

Thor grinned, "the Bifrost can handle teleporting entire armies, I'm sure it can manage. Are you sure Spider? Once you come, you will be announcing yourself and your companions' existence to the universe. I may not have my brother's tact and political savviness, but even I am aware how big a target that would paint on your backs."

I sighed, "the worlds in danger, what do you expect us to do? Not fight back?'

Felicia smirked, "with great power-"

"-Comes great responsibility," finished the girls and I. I chuckled, rolling my eyes, guess I did say that a lot huh.

Thor nodded, "wise words. Very well, we need to get out of here, does the building have an open roof?"

"Follow me," I nodded as I took the lead, guiding everyone to the library where we popped the giant skylight open and climbed up onto the slanting roof tiles. Thor helped Jane up as we all gathered to the middle of the roof.

I looked around and noticed how empty the neighborhood looked, but then again it was the middle of the day. Normal people would be still at work at this time of day.

Thor stood in the middle of the road and turned to us, "you should all probably stay close." We nodded, huddling up closer around the God as he raised his hammer into the sky, "Hymdall!" he roared as suddenly we were doused with a waterfall of light.

"WOAH!" I cried out in shock as I immediately grabbed Felicia and Jean with both hands and pulled Wanda with a webline. The girls held on close, like Jane did for Thor as we took off into space, flowing through the bifrost into what looked like a wormhole.

For a moment everything was black, before we were once more in a sea of stars. We came rushing through and suddenly the moment died, dropping up off in the middle of a room with golden dome. And present in the middle with a sword embedded into a stone pillar, was Heimdall himself.

The girls and I landed properly enough, somehow landing on our feet. I painted, looking at them, sighing in relief when I realised we were all here in one piece.

"Welcome to Asgard," the man said, looking at me with his eerie orange eyes. If I didn't know for a fact the Soul stone was elsewhere, he would have been my first guess.

I looked around, taking the place in, "this is kind of cool."

"Damn right," Wanda said as she telepathically ripped off my webbing off her body, "next time, less webbing."


"Is...all of this real gold?" Felicia asked, looking around in awe. Her kleptomaniac side peeking out just a little as her eyes practically sparkled at the golden dome above us.

"Indeed it is, Ms. Hardy," Heimdall spoke up, "and might I remind you that Asgard does not take kindly to thieves. So please have care while you are here."

Felicia smirked, "so basically, don't get caught right?" From the look Heimdall was giving, the man was this close from opening another portal, this time with Hel at the other end.

"Come," Thor insisted, "we hasn't a moment to waste." he motioned us forward as we came out of the building and stepped onto a crystal platform with a stream of colours rushing across. The bridge stretched out as far as I could see, and before me was a golden city I only remembered in movies.

But now, it was real, it was there, right before me. A massive city that seemed to made of gold and precious metal, with buildings that either all seemed to be skyscr.a.p.ers or a mansion fit for a king.


"-beautiful," Jean whispered.

Thor smiled, "I know...come, we have much to do, I'll summon a boat for us" he said motioning for one of those flying boats to come down.

The boat was magnificent with wings present on the sides that reflected like tiny rainbows. Jane was in awe as she stepped on board, "how does it float? Does it use a repulsion technology like Stark's?"

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, " honestly looks like it uses magic to manipulate air particles to harden below it, acting similar to a liquid surface underneath its wings. The wings themselves seem to be some sort of emitter."

"So they emit a low riding frequency?" Jane hypothesised.

"Similar to how sound can be used in high frequency to shatter glass?"

"But could the opposite be possible?"

"I've seen hard light constructs being formed, holograms that have interacted with the real world in varying degrees, why not the same for sound? It's much more believable with the way vibrations work."

"You have seen hard light constructs? Fascinating."

"Is he always like this?" Thor leaned towards Jean and whispered.

Jean chuckled back, "believe it or not, today he's much more aware of his surroundings."

"Oye nerds!" Wanda called out, snapping Jane and I out of our trance, "you two can geek out about boats latter, we're burning daylight and from what I can tell we have an immortal previously extinct army on our a.s.s, so can we hurry it up"

"Right, sorry," I replied as my costume shimmered, forming my jetpack. I activated my boosters, blasting off into the sky, "I'll fly, no offence, but the boat kind of looks slow."

Thor laughed, "you are full of surprises today Spider! I love it!" he spun Mjolner and took into the sky. He shot off like a bullet from a gun as I did my very best to follow behind him.

"Men," Felicia sighed as the women tried to catch up with us in their boat, tried being the key word.

I cried out in joy as I raced the God into the city. Laughing at the feeling of the wind rushing past me. It honestly felt amazing, Asgard was one of a kind, it was honestly amazing.

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