Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 69 - Meeting Gandalf the Gold

We landed before the largest building in the center of the city. It was a giant golden palace, honestly it was so….tacky. I half expected a couple of Nazis to show up and start looting the place.

Thor landed at the gates of the palace and helped the girls off the boat. We gathered ourselves and walked behind the prince of Asgard as he proceeded to walk ahead at a brisk pace. We followed carefully, I looked around and observed the many many armored gold plated guards with spears and shields walking around.

As we walked by more than a few of them shot us a look, before realising Thor himself was escorting me, to which they simply bowed and kept going. Huh, cool.

"So much gold," Felicia said, she looked she was going to die from blood pressure as she gazed at the gold around her.

"Kitten," Jean wanted.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, paws to myself," Felicia huffed.

"You guys sure do love gold huh?" I noted as we walked up a flight of stairs towards a large seat of royal doors with various animals and runes inscribed into the metal frame.

"Yes well, it's part of our legacy," Thor noted, "my father was a fierce warrior and governs the nine realms justly, as such he gains tributes from our many allies."

Wanda scoffed, "still, this is an ungodly amount of the stuff. And I highly doubt they just gave it to him."

"What are you saying?" Thor asked as he pushed the might doors open to the gigantic hangar sized throne room on the other side.

"That Asgard is known as the real of warriors for a reason," I quickly defended Wanda, flashes of the vision my future self gave me went through my head. Ragnarok, Hela, the destruction of Asgard...the truth to all this gold, a long bloody past.

Thor said nothing in response as we walked into the large room. Several columns lined the sides and several soldiers there, present and on guard. And straight ahead of us was a large old man with a golden eyepatch and a golden spear.

The throne was in the shape of a giant 'U' with a raven on either ends. The King, Odin, sat comfortably on the throne, leaving back with narrowed eyes as he inspected both Thor and I. To his right, sitting in a small throne was an older woman I knew to be Frigga, the Queen smiled, though I could tell that she too was curious.

"Father," Thor stopped before the throne and bowed, something we all mirrored. Though Wanda gave a shallow one compared to the rest.

"It seems my words fall on deaf ears," the King of Asgard grumbled, "did I not tell you that your interest in that realm places Midgard above all the others? Why did you return there Thor? What good did it do?"

"Father, Heimdall's vision was blocked," Thor began, gaining the King's and Queen's attention, "he lost sight of Jane Foster of Earth, and when she returned, she had within her the Aether."

Odin one eye widened, "impossible, the aether was destroyed."

"You can't destroy an infinity stone," I shot back, "not without another infinity stone."

Odin raised an eyebrow, "and who is this mortal you bring before me Thor?"

"This is Peter father, an Avenger, one of my teammates back on Earth," Thor explained, sending me a look to keep silent.

Odin hummed, turning his eye to the others finally, "and these...women?"

Did that bastard seriously….oh who cares, he's going to die in a few years anyway.

Thor nodded, "yes father, this is Jane," he smiled as he introduced Foster to his parents. And Jane looked like she had just met God...which I suppose she had.

"Meeting the parents must be taught," Jean told me telepathically. I stuffed a chuckle as I shot a playful glare.

Jane bowed, "i-it's nice to meet you." Odin dismissed her and turned to the others.

"These are Peter's companion's father," Thor nodded, "the red haired one is called Jean I believe and the raven haired is...ah..."

"Wanda, Wanda Maximoff," Wanda supplied, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, of course. Apologizes. And the silver haired one is called Kitten," Thor said proudly. Odin looked startled as he stared at Felicia while his wife giddled behind her hand.

"My dear, surely that isn't your name?" Freya promoted with a smile.

"N-no," Felicia chuckled, "it's a nickname. My real name's Felicia."

"Ah, yes, thought so," Thor nodded, "that's what I meant."

Odin snorted, "very well. Tell me humans, do you know who I am?" he asked, leaving his one eye at me.

"You are Odin, father of Thor, King of Asgard," I smirked, "the eyepatch and giant throne gave it away."

"We are so going to get kicked out of heaven," Jean sighed to herself, recognizing the smirk I gave.

"Then you would be wise enough to keep your mouth shut mortal," Odin hissed, "you have as much right to be here as a goat in a banquet."

I glared, "listen here you-"

"-Spider!" Thor snapped, "stop." I grumbled, but sighed, nodding and stepping back, Thor turned to his father, "what he says is true father, the Aether is here, it was inside of Jane, through great effort though, we managed to extract it out of her and contain it in this," Thor took the vibranium lock box.

Odin and Frigga got off their thrones and walked forward. Odin plucked the box out of Thor's hands and looked it over, "I sense nothing from it. You have brought me a rock boy."

"That's the point," I replied, gaining the Asgardians' attention, "it's built to block the energy signatures of an infinity stone."

"Oh really? Care to demonstrate?" Odin tossed box over and I caught it effortlessly.

"That would be a bad idea," I replied, holding the box up, "right now the energy inside in contained, if I open it, the Dark Elves might be able to track it here."

"The Dark Elves are all dead boy," Odin hissed, "and while you are here, my word is law, so do as your told."

I glared at the man, "with all due respect your majesty, a few years ago, Asgard was a legend to my people, we didn't know you were all still alive."

"And that is the difference between Midgard and Asgard, we are far above you mortal, now, the box," Odin glared, his fury growing.

"Peter," Thor urged, "show him."

I sighed and nodded. I first pressed my thumb on the cube, channeled my magic into it and spoke the password, "#!$~#$!~", and immediately the box clicked open, just a crack, big enough for the jelly like substance inside to shine an aura of blood red out, bathing everyone in the room.

Jane freaked out, moving back several steps and Thor stood protectively before her, hammer in hand. I then immediately snapped the box shut, tossing it to Odin who caught it with a look of awe and shock, "i-impossible. It should be destroyed."

"And yet, you hold it in your hands," Thor replied, "father, we must keep it safe, if not from the Dark Elves then at least from the hands of others."

"The Elves are dead!" Odin snapped at Thor, Frigga immediately held onto her husband's arm, the King instantly became calmer, " are right," he turned to me, "you, boy, you seem to be competent enough, your technology has done something impressive indeed, can your world's leaders protect the stone?"

"The last time an Infinity stone came to Earth, Loki brought war on us in an effort to take it," I snorted, Frigga sighing at the mention of her son, "and Earth already has two stones, giving it a third to protect will make it a target, well, more than it already is."

"Two?" Odin's eye winded.

I nodded, "yes, two..." I kept quite, not mentioning the one I was carrying, and considering Thor's look of understanding I guess he approved.

"Very well," Odin snorted, he turned it Thor passing the lock box to him, "you brought this to our doors, do you have an answer?"

"I do...but in hindsight I realise my suggestion isn't a very good one," Thor humans, "perhaps we can hold the stone until the Convergence is over, and after that, we can decide to do with the stone what we will."

"The Convergence," Odin snorted, "you take the old stories I said to you with far much more worth than they have any right to be my son. The Dark Elves are gone, and they are not coming back, you are afraid of nothing."

Thor sighed, bowing, "if you say so...All-Father."

I glared, I was pissed, royally pissed. Here was sign of an incoming threat, but he chooses to ignore it? Seriously?! F.u.c.kng hell!

Thor turned around and we walked away. I shot the King one last glare before we left the throne, from the glare he sent back, well, I would guess he dislikes me as much as I him. But as the doors shut behind us, I noticed his eye turn away from me and linger behind Jean's. For a second, I saw it soften.

My brain began to spin, what was that? Why did Odin, hatter of man, horrible father of the century and reformed warlord have such a look? Why did he care about Jean? Why would he? What….this makes no sense.

It wasn't love I saw in his eyes, it was...pity? Nostalgia? Something, not love, that's for sure. As I thought, Thor guided us across the castle grounds and spoke, "come, we haven't much time to prepare ourselves for the Elves."

"How? Your dad doesn't believe us," Jane snorted.

"Aye, but I believe," Thor smirked, "and I meant what I said, as long as I'm alive, I'll fight till my last breath until Midgard is safe. Don't worry Jane, while the whole of Asgard may not be on your side, I am."

Wanda snorted, "nice of you to offer tall, dark and s.e.xy, but I think we need more than you and your beefcake abs to stop an army." Jane shot her a glare, oh, looks like Natalie Portman got some competition.

Thor blushed, "ahl-lucky for us, I do have companions who can help. Come, follow me," he said, guiding us through the castle until we reached what looked to be courtyard training grounds for soldiers.

Thor motioned over to the courtyard where the soldier were being trained. And there, in the middle of the yard, was a woman in red and silver armour, with a sword and shield, fighting off three men at once.

I was amazed at the way she moved, her sword flashing by, knocking a soldier back and knocking another's helmet off. In five seconds her last opponent fell, her blade leveled at his throat.

"Sif," I noted.

"That's right! Lady Sif, how did you know that?" Thor asked curiously.

"We have stories about all you Asgardians on Earth," I replied, "you, Sif and the three others...I can't seem to recall their names at the moment though."

"Well, I assure you Midgard's legends of our abilities have been greatly undernoted," Thor motioned over to Sif who nodded and came forward, "I'm sure much of them aren't accurate at the least."

"I would think so, considering according to our legend's, you and Sif are supposed to be married," I smirked, watching Thor's eyes go wide as he looked utterly taken back.

"What?!" Jane cried out, smacking Thor in the arm, "you're married?!"

"N-no! I swear to you Jane, I am not!" Thor stammered out.

Jean chuckled, "like he said, the stories we have of the Asgardians on Earth are fairly wrong. They probably assumed you two were married due to you two being shield brother and sister."

"Yes! Yes exactly!" Thor cried out.

Wanda sighed, "another love triangle? Of God, kill me now."

"My Prince," Sif nodded as she approached us, she noticed Thor's look of confusion and then Jane, "are you alright? Who are these mortals? I don't seem to recognize them."

"I-ah, yes, thank you," the god smiled before immediately stopping himself, he cleared his throat, "Lady Sif, I wish to introduce you to my friends on Midgard. This is Jane."

The short woman glared at the warrior before her, "hey."

"So you are the famous Jane Foster," Sif said as she looked Jane up and down, "Thor speaks highly of you."

"Right, same here," Jane replied, the glare between those two could practically cut steel.

Thor gulped, "the others are Jean," Jean waved, "Fe-Felicia?" Kitten nodded her head, "and Wanda. They are companions to my alley back on Earth, Peter, he calls himself Spider-man."

"Spider-man?" Sif raised an eyebrow in amus.e.m.e.nt, "curious title. Most wouldn't wish to name themselves after a bug."

"My enemies tend to underestimate me, and my age, which is why they lose," I chuckled as I ordered my costume to remove my mask, revealing my face to the woman. I bowed, "it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to met you Sif, my people have heard a lot about you."

"You're a child," Sif said, blinking in shock as she turned to Thor, "Thor, he looks like he's a milk drinker, let alone a warrior."

"I assure you, Peter is more than qualified," Thor chuckled as he patted my back, his big beef hands sending shockwaves through my slightly smaller frame. Damn that f.u.c.k.i.n.g hurts!

"I highly doubt that," Sif g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "boy, tell me, how many battles have you fought?"

"I don't know, how many times have you saved the city Peter?" Felicia stepped in, obviously annoyed by the way Sif spoke to me.

"There was that time we saved the president," Jean chipped in.

"And destroyed HYDRA," Wanda snorted.

I blinked, "ah...I honestly lost count," I replied with a shrug.

Sif scoffed, "a true warrior would remember...very well, how many enemies have you slain?"

Felicia turned to Thor, "does the Chitauri count?"

The God nodded, "very much."

I turned to Sif, "a lot."

Sif sighed, turning to Thor and raising an eyebrow, "you expect me to believe he's a warrior?"

"I assure you, he is," Thor nodded.

"If you want you could test me," I shrugged, looking around at the small crowd we began to gather, "one on one? Anything goes?"

Sif snorted, "really? I have been fighting for over thousand years boy, do you honestly believe you can best me in a duel?"

"How about this, if you win, I'll give you….oh, I know," I reached into my bag of infinite storage and pulled out a smaller one the size of a handbag, a newer model I had made for short trips to not draw so much attention, "I'll give you this."

"A bag?" Sif blinked.

"Not just any bag," I smirked, opening it up and snapping my fingers, telepathically summoning a sword out of the hands of the many onlooking soldiers around us, "a bag of infinite storage," I grabbed the sword and held the bag afar, slowly inserting said blade into the bag until finally it fully vanished.

"How come I didn't get one of those?" Felicia froaned.

I shrugged, "just finished making it a few nights ago. Besides I brought it with us so that we didn't have to carry too much stuff."

Felicia grumbled, "fine….you're making me one later."

"Yes dear."

"Incredible," Sif muttered as her eyes grew to three times their size, "very well, but what if you win?"

"Then, I want you to teach me how to wield a blade," I replied, the memory of the Ebony Blade In mind when I made the request, "I saw you move, it was very impressive. So, we have a deal?"

Sif waited for a moment before speaking, "if you don't know how to wield a blade, how do you plan on defeating me?'

"I have other tricks up my sleeve," I reached into the bag, pulled out the sword and tossed it to its original owner, "as you can see."

Sif turned to Thor who was grinning like a cat. She sighed and nodded, "very well, you have yourself a wager Spider. Come, let us get this over with quickly."

I nodded as I followed behind her. Immediately the gathered crowd moved away, standing on the outskirts of the courtyard, serving as a ring of sort. Thor and the others stood far away, cheering us on happily, "give us a good match!"

"Do your best hun!" Jean cheered.

"Kick his ass!" Wanda cried. The others turned to her with looks of disbelief. The girl shrugged, "what? He has a bit of an ego."

Sif and I stood twenty feet apart, she glared her eyes and looked at me, her sword and shield out, "last chance to back away Spider, I don't enjoy hurting children, warriors though they may be."

I snorted, my costume covering my head, "oh please, can you sound even more stereotypical? What's next? Going to scream out, 'this isn't even my full power'?"

Sif growled and charged. I grinned, people were so easy to piss off. I waited until she was close before I jumped, leaping over her and landing on the other side. She twirled, her blade came swinging as I leaned back under the swipe.

I sprained my feet forward, a kick contacted Sif's shield head on. She was pushed back an inch before she pushed back, and I was sent flying into the air.

I quickly gained control and spun, landing on my feet near the edge of the courtyard, panting, "right, she's Asgardian, almost forgot."

"Hell yeah! Twenty on the badass warrior goddess!" Wanda cried out.

"Shut up Wanda!" Felicia yelled back.

Sif smirked, "you're reflexes are fast Spider, but you lack the skill. And a weapon."

"Oh I have a weapon my Lady, but if I use it, it would just be unfair," I smirked, "hell, right now, I'm holding back a lot, you wouldn't last long if I took you seriously."

"Ha! Fine then, go on! I am curious to see you at your finest!" Sif sirked, joy dancing through her eyes at the exclamation of a battle.

"Well, you asked for it," I charged, head on. She rolled her eyes and came at me. She jumped, bringing down her blade on top of me. I threw my hands up and released my stingers.



Sif's blade was embedded between my claws. Sif's eyes widened in shock as I flexed my muscles and ripped my arms appart, causing the metal blade to snap in half, sparks flying through the air.


"Yeah! Kick her ass!" Jane Foster cried out, "come on Parker! Show her what a human can do!"

Thor gulped, "Jane-" a look from her shut the god up.

Sif jump back, just as my kick was about to connect with her side. I leaped forward, pushing the advantage as I swiped my stingers at her repeatedly. She was forced backwards, her eyes darting to the sword rack to her left.

"ERGH!" she roared, smashing her shield forward and knocking my head back. I paused for a second, and she dived away, grabbing and drawing a sword from the rack and turning to face me.

"Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! I command you! Bind my opponent!" I summoned the powerful energy constructs and threw them out as Sif.

The warrior grunted as she swiped at the band's, her blade immediately wrapped around them and immobilized.

I pulled, the blade flew from Sif's hands. I dismissed the bands and rushed to her, tackling her to the ground and climbing on top, leveling my stingers against her neck, "I win."

She painted, her eyes open in wide disbelief, "h-how?"

"I'm not much of a warrior, but I am a fighter," I pulled my stingers back and dismissed them, "you were blind as to my powers, I used that to surprise you, repeatedly."

"Those claws, how?" she asked as I offered an arm up.

"Long story short, they were a gift," I smiled, pulling her to her feet.

"That was wonderful!" Thor cheered as he approached, a big smile on his face. The girls came right behind him, Wanda passing Jean a twenty dollar note. Ha, take that Maximoff.

"I must say Spider you have truly changed since we last spoke! That suit of yours is truly amazing, Stark must be very jealous right now!" Thor nodded as he scanned my suit with a warrior's gaze.

I revealed my face and smirked, "oh you bet he is. Almost blew a fuse when I showed it to him."

"Your suit, armour, did it provide the claws?" Sif asked, still fixated on them.

"Ah, no, no that's all me," I ordered the claws to retract and reveal my b.a.r.e hands, out of which the stingers came out, a hint of blue in the steel drawing many eyes.

"What is it?" Sif whispered, "it broke my blade...shattered it even."

"Right...sorry about that," I gulped, "ah...well, this is a metal called proto-adamantium. It's supposed to be...well, almost indestructible."

"Nothing is unbreakable," Thor scoffed.

"I said almost didn't I?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Where did you get such a metal?" Sif asked.

"There this world called the Negative Zone, it had a pantheon of dangerous and powerful material," I explained, "it was….a painful process to say the least."

Sif nodded as she traced a finger across the blade, a small cut coming out, her blood dripped down. She looked at the wound in shock, "it's very sharp."

I looked to the blood, Asgardian blood. The blood of the Gods….if I'm going to do this, then I shouldn't settle from someone like, Thor...I'll ask him….maybe later.

I withdrew my stingers and turned to Sif, "so, lessons?"

Sif snorted, l.i.c.k.i.n.g her wound clean, "I suppose a deal is a deal," she held out a hand and immediately a soldier threw her a blade, "I will give you one lesson today, and not more. For I cannot just teach an outsider all our techniques. For that, you would have to be given special permission from the King himself."

"And seeing as he and I aren't exactly best friends," I grumbled,

Sif looked confused but shook her head, "why am I not surprised. What did you do?"


"-That really isn't important," Thor cut in quickly, "Spider, if you are serious about this, then I suppose you might as well make do with a proper weapon."

"Ah, actually-"

"-Yes, yes, I know, you have your tiny little claws, but tell me, are they really that useful?" Thor snorted as he took a sword from the rack and presented it to me, "I still remember that I owe you a weapon for your sixteenth birthday, and a promise is a promise, here, a fine weapon for anyone joining the Asgardian army."

I took the blade and raised an eyebrow, "thanks...I think?"

"Don't look so disappointed," If snorted, "did you expect some weapon akin to Mjolner? No. All Asgardians will get a weapon, a fine blade like that will do just fine, I assure you."

"Actually, I was just about to tell you both I already have a weapon," I held the Asgardian steel blade with my left hand as my right reached behind my back, and into the bag of storage. Almost as if it heard my call I felt the hilt of the Ebony blade attach itself to my palm.

I drew the sword, it's dark blade causing my eyes to follow it.

"W-what is that?" Sif asked in shock.

"It's called the Ebony blade," I twirled around, "a weapon crafted by a mage back on earth from a fallen star. I don't know much about it, other than the legends. A warrior named Percy wielded it, and with it he was said to be unbeatable."

"May I?" Thor asked, motioning to the blade. I gave it to him without hesitation, letting the God of Thunder examine the weapon.

His eyes narrowed, "by the All-Father's beard, it's Uru!"

My eyes winded, "say what now?"

"It has to be, I've held Mjolnir long enough to recognize the look and feel of the metal," Thor insisted as Sif and I approached his side.

Sif from, "Thor are you saying this weapon was dwarf made?"

"No, it cannot be," Thor shook his head, "the dwarfs would never allow such a weapon like this to go to the hands of any mortal. No offence Peter."

I held up a hand, "none taken, I know the limitations of man, trust me."

Thor nodded, "but there is no question in my mind, this blade is made of Uru, and what more, it seems to be...powerful, I cannot tell the enchantments placed in it though."

"Perhaps the dwarves will know?" Sif suggested, "either way, they must be informed of such a weapon, they would be most angered if we don't return it to them."

"Hold up one second," I raised my hand and called the sword, instantly the blade flew out of Thor's hands and into mine, "you won't' be returning anything, this blade was forged and made on Midgard, the dwarfs have no say in this matter, regardless on what the blade is made off."

Thor g.r.o.a.n.e.d, but didn't seem to object, while Sif just looked surprised, "how did you do that? How did you summon the blade?"

"One of the magical properties of the blade is that it will return to the owner when called," I explained, putting it back in my backpack, "and as it so happens, I am it's owner."

"But the dwarfs," Sif turned ot Thor, "they need to be informed, such a weapon..."

Thor nodded, "yes," I narrowed my eyes, "but, if that blade is anything like my hammer, then it's loyalty is only to it's master, who we can clearly see is Peter...this is a difficult choice."

I snorted, "get used to it Point Break, you're going to be king on day, tough choices are sort of a default feature."

Thor snorted, "I know...very well, I'll speak to Heimdall aboot this, the man has a very good relation with the king of the dwarfs, he'll give the appropriate advice, until then he's all yours," he turned to Jane, "I would like it if we had the healers here on Asgard check you over. It's not that I don't trust Spider's abilities, but it would put my mind at ease if we had a second opinion."

Jane nodded, "sure, no problem."

"What about us?" Wanda asked, "because I would so like a tour of this place, it's not every day you get to visit an alien world."

Thor smiled, "I'll arrange something, come along."

"Take care you guys," I waved, "if you need anything, call."

"We'll see you soon Peter," Jean wished.

"Try not to make any women fall in love with you while we're gone!" Felicia replied back. I sighed, never change Kitten, never change.

"Well...that was different," Sif said as we watched Thor and the girls get on a flying boat and take off into the sky. She then turned to me, "use an Asgardian blade for now, we'll deal with the Uru weapon you possess later."

I nodded slowly and followed her to the training yard. I held up the spare blade Thor had given me and the moment I did she began her attack.

It took her twenty seconds to knock me on my back, "like I said," she smirked, standing over me with her blade against my throat, "your swordsmanship is piss poor. I have much to teach you...and admittedly not a lot of time to do so. Get on your feet Spider, let us see just how worthy of a warrior you are."

I grinned, "you asked for it!"

A few hours later:

I was on my back panting, Sif looked down with a grin, "you lasted longer that I expected."

"F-f.u.c.k you," I gasped as I felt my body slowly adapt to the strain I put into it, healing me of my weakness, but leaving me lack of energy, "I don't think I can move a single muscle in my body."

"Too tired?"

"Too hungry," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "oh f.u.c.k, Sif, I swear, no one has ever pushed me that far, no one could ever push me this far. Every time you came down it's like I was carrying a mountain on my shoulder."

"The strength of an Asgardian shouldn't be taken lightly, though I have to say for a boy from midgard your own strength is nothing to laugh at."

"Thanks, super strength is a nice plus...I'm hungry," I g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

"Then when you have recovered enough to walk, you can join Thor and I in the mead hall," she instructed as she put her blade away, "and with this, your one and only lesson with me is complete. I hope it was worth it."

She nodded at me and left, leaving me drenched in my own sweat and laying on my back in the middle of the training yard.

I painted and looked up at the slowly turning night sky above. I recognized none of the constellations slowly coming out, but I recognized their beauty. I was so entrapped by them I didn't realise I wasn't alone in the training field.

"Beautiful aren't they?" I turned to see Frigga smile down at me.

"All-mother," I nodded, "I would stand and then bow, but ah...I can't."

"I'm well aware of the limitations of the mortal body, worry not. Though to be honest, you have far exceed the expectations placed on you, I doubt If thought you would last as long as you did," the Queen smiled.

I nodded, "thanks….you should tell him," I turned to the stars.

"Tell?" Friga g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "tell who what?"

"Thor, you should tell him the truth….about his sister Hela, the goddess of death," I said bluntly, stunning the goddess before me.

"H-how do you know of that?" she asked.

I had no choice but to lie, giving her a version of the truth, "I have dealt with time travel in the past, in it, I learnt of things that are to come...eventually. One of them is #$! #%%! " I g.r.o.a.n.e.d, damn this stupid curse.

Frigga looked confused, "I'm sorry, but what was that? I couldn't quite hear you."

I sighed, "I apologize. I have an enchantment of some kind that prevents me from revealing any knowledge I have of the future. It is… of the biggest rifts formed between my loved ones and I..." why am I talking all proper like? Is it because I'm talking to a queen? Probably… "anyway, all I can say is, in the events of Ragnarok to come….Thor will lose everything, unless you tell him the truth."

Frigga looked surprised, stunned even. She eventually broke out of her stupor and turned, walking away without another word to me.

I sighed, damn this.

Eventually my body recovered enough to move, I limped my way to the mead hall across the yard and followed the sound of cheers and merry making which lead me to a grand hall where everyone had gathered and drinking to their heart's content.

In the middle of the hall was a large table with food piled up to the bucketloads. All around it were people feasting, drinking and cheering. But near the middle of the room was a large gathering of people, cheering someone on.

I looked around and noticed Thor and Jane off in one shadowy corner of the hall, sitting closer than was probably decent in the public eye. I saw Thor lean down and whisper sweet words into Jane's ear as she kissed his jaw, running her hands through his hair.

I smiled, about time that guy caught a break. Ignoring them I decided to go to the crowd and see what the whole commotion was about. Pushing my way through the people I looked inside and was surprised to say the least.

"How is she doing that?"

"Is she a sorceress?"


Jean, Wanda and Felicia sat in the middle of the group. The warriors three and Sif were with them, each drinking or feasting. And Jean was entertaining all the guest by displaying her powers, making the food dance in the air.

"Amazing feet my dear lady Grey!" the blonde warrior with the french beard cried out, "truly your beauty is only exceeded by your magical skills! Sweet red haired maiden, tell me, how does thou perform such feats?!"

I noticed Jean's eyebrow twitch as she lowered the food back to her plate, "I'm a sorceress in training, this is a skill that comes naturally to me."

"Ah, fascinating! Do tell me me more! Are you fair companions similar?"

Wanda shrugged as she bit into her loaf of bread, "I am, but Felicia's shit at magic."

"Bite me," Felicia growled.

"Now now, why fight?" the blonde pounce smiled as he spread his arms, "I'm sure you three are mighty true companions. You know, I myself have met many a witch in my time, if you wish I could tell you off the tales, I promise, they are quite a story. Perhapes over a glass of wine?"

Wait….is he….is he….oh my god, he's flirting with my girls! Well, expect Wanda.

"Let me stop you right there Fandral," Felicia snorted, Fandral, that's his name...huh. Now I know what to write on his tombstone, neet. "You see, Jean and I are kind of...well, in a serious relationship," Felicia smiled, "so ah...don't' want to lead you on or anything."

"Ah, I see," Fandral smiled, "well that's too bad. But surely which ever mortal you are with can't compare to the might of an Asgardian. Tell me fair Felicia, is your lover a god? And you fair Jean? Can either of your lovers truly compare to the might of a god? I promise you, the stamina of a mortal can't really compare to that of an Asgardian...and that too other physical pa-"

Almost instantly a red hand made of solid psionic energy exploded out of my c.h.e.s.t and hit Fandral right in the face.


"Argh!" he cried out as a stream of blood came out of his broken nose as he flew across the mead hall.

"Who did that?! Show yourselves!" the fat one cried out as he stood up in rage.

"Well what do you know," I spoke up, stepping out of the crowd, the red hand I summoned vanishing into nothing, "looks like a god bleeds just as well as a human. Fascinating."

"Who are you?! Identify yourself! How dare you strike one of the Warriors Three?!"

"Volstagg, calm yourself," Sif reached out and placed a gentle hand on the big bellied man, "that is Peter, one of Thor's companions on Midgard. A guest."

The crowd gasped as they turned to me. Volstagg, the fat one, grumbled, "he may be a guest, but that gives him no right to have harmed one of our warriors unprovoked."

Fandral but this point was on his feet, walking back to the table holding his bloody nose, "he broke my nose!"

"It certainly wasn't unprovoked," Jean snorted, "what else do you expect when you flirt with someone's women and then call him weak? Shit, if one of you had done that to him and said those things about me I would have flung you into the ocean."

"H-he is your lover maiden Jean?" Fandral asked, his eyes wide as he looked me up and down.

"Hey, he's mine too you know," Felicia grumbled, "honestly, I was here first and yet I get treated as second best, so not fair."

"Wait," Sif spoke up, an eyebrow raised in curiosity, "you both...meaning you three..."

I nodded, stepping up behind Jean and Felicia and putting and arm on both their shoulders, "yes, I'm theirs and they are mine."

Fandral, "what? But aren't you mortals strictly only have one wife?"

Felicia shrugged, "usually yeah, but we aren't exactly normal."

"I see, but still, that was uncalled for," Volstagg grumbled, "there is no reason for him to have hit Frandral as he did."

I shrugged, "I was sending a message."

"And what message brokers breaking one's nose?!" Frandral cried out.

I looked at him, "to not stick your nose where it doesn't belong. Next time, I'll cut it out and sew it up your a.s.s."

A gasp rippled through the crowds as everyone's eyes widened, except Jean and Felicia who just rolled their eyes.

"Woah, someone's possessive," Wanda whispered, "never saw this side of you Spider."

"You never seen someone stupid enough to flirt with me," Felicia chuckled, "there was this time a guy tried to ask me out and Peter broke his hand….by accident of course."

"What's going on here," Thor's voice came out as the crowd parted, allowing the god of thunder in. He looked at Frandral and blinked, "Frandral, what happened to your nose?"

"He broke it!" Frandral pointed at me.

Thor turned to me. I shrugged, "he was trying to bed my lovers. Be grateful that's all I did."

"Oh, wow, look at your being assertive," Wanda whistled.

I shrugged, "I can when I want too."

Thor sighed, rubbing his eyes, "Fandral I wanted you several times your philandering will one day get you into trouble that would be justified."

"I cannot help it Thor! It's in my nature!" the Asgardian tried to defend himself.

Thor sighed, "fine, whatever. Peter, please accept my apologies on Fandral's behave. He's what you would call a 'corn dog'."

The girls and I looked at each other. "Do you mean horn dog?" Jean asked.

Thor snapped his fingers, "yes, that. He honestly needs to be put on a leach. Please, we are all allies here, let us bury the past with mead and food!"

"AYE!" the people cheered, I had to admit Thor was definitely a man of the people.

"Wonderful! Peter, please sit down, break bread, I'm sure after training with Sif you might be very tired indeed! Let's put this all behind us!"

I sighed and nodded, "yeah, you're right. Sorry you had to get involved," I then turned to Fandral, "you even look at them funny, and I'll scoop your eyeballs out."

Fandral glared back, "be careful with your words mortal, you a friend of my long time war brother Thor, that is the only reason I tolerate you."

I glared back, "same reason, god. What are you supposed to be the god of anyway? Stupid beards and broken noses?"

A roar of laughter went through the crowds, even Sif seemed to smile at that. I pulled up a chair and sat down between Jean and Felicia, Wanda sitting besides the latter and the Asgardians on the other side of the table.

"If you must know, I am the god of warriors and travel. My skills with the blade are known all over the nine realms! Many call me one of the best to ever pick up a blade!" he said finishing with a dashing smile.

"But Sif's a better duelist then you, yes?"

"Yes," came Sif's swift reply.

"Without a doubt," Thor nodded.

"She almost always defeats him," Volstagg grunted.

"Oye! Stop belittling my abilities! Yes, I'll admit, I may be second best, but I say that proudly as the woman who I lost too is a true goddess of war!" Fandral growled at his friends before turning to me, "what about you mortal, what great battle have you ever done? You look like a milk drinker, I doubt you have achieved much without cheap parlor tricks. Tell me, tell which dastardly fiend you have defeated, please, we're all dying to know."

"Sif," I replied as I took a chicken leg and bit off a piece, "I beat Sif."


"Ha-ha! Yes, it's true, just this afternoon in fact," Thor chuckled heartily.

"Impossible!" Fandral snapped to Sif who was sipping her drink, "tell me this isn't true!" Sif glared at him, and without saying a word she nodded. Fandral gasped, "no….how?!"

"Would you like me to show you?" I raised an eyebrow, "it'll be quick, maybe not painless, but quick."


"Fandral, perhaps it for the best that we retire you for the evening," Volstagg laughed, "get that nose looked at yes?" And without even a chance for the man to argue back Volstagg helped him out and escorted him out of the hall.

Glared at him until he left. Maybe I should have broken his legs as well. Yes, that should send the right message. And maybe cut that stupid beard off his face...and then his hair and then-

"-Peter, that's enough," Jean cut in, distracting me. She smiled and spoke, "that's some seriously dark through you have there Peter. You shouldn't really react so badly you know, it's not healthy."

I shrugged, "he's annoying. I dislike him. It's nothing, I'm fine now."

"From my experience, when you say you're fine, you really aren't," Felicia replied as she held onto my hand with hers and hugged me close, "next time, let us handle it. We would love for a reason to kick some a.s.s."

Jean nodded, "exactly, besides," she connected with Felicia and me, "we told you didn't we? We aren't going anywhere. It's going to take a lot more that a french bearded god to take us away from you."

I smiled, "oh yeah? Like what?"

Felicia hummed, "well, if Thor and Jane don't work out..."

"I am this close from kicking you out of my harem Kitten, this close."

"Oh so you want a harem now?" Felicia rolled her eyes, "I'm sure Tandy would be sooo excited"

I smelt her anger and jealousy and immediately knew what to do. I reached out and tangled my fingers in her hand, "I'm sure, but, I think I'll be more happy with just you two. I mean, after all, what more could I want?"

Felicia's jealousy evaporated and she smiled back. We were honestly having a lovely moment, when Wanda spoke up, "so are you there going to f.u.c.k again? Because if so I'm going to ask Thor for my own room."

Sif spat out her drink and coughed, repeatedly. "Wanda! Have some decency! We're in public!" Jean hissed.

Wanda shrugged, "whatever."

I sighed, "so, what did you guys do while Sif here was breaking my bones."

Jean sent Wanda a look before sighing and speaking, "well, after Thor took Jane to the healers Jane expressed interest in learning more about the Infinity stones, since, you know, she had one in here. So Thor took us to the library."

My eyes winded, "the asgardian library? Seriously?! Damn, I'm sorry I missed it."

"Eh, you didn't miss much," Felicia shrugged as she ate a salad, where did she even get a salad? "Just a bunch of dusty old books. Like any other library."

"Dusty old books that are older than human civilization and containing the archaic knowledge of an alien species!" Wanda cried out, "honestly woman, how? How do you even?! Ergh!"

"Not all of life can be found in a book," a rumbling voice echoed, Volstagg had returned sans Fandral, "some, like the Lady Sif and us warrior's three, find life more appealing while on the field of battle. Books have their place, I promise, but clearly not everyone is suited for such a life."

Felicia nodded, "exactly. After all, I'm more of thief than anything."

"Oh, a rogue are you?" Sif smiled, "how skilled are you?"

Felicia shrugged, "the best. Managed to infiltrate and take down over ten forts by myself."

"And if you recall I caught you during the last one," Wanda put in.

"Of shut up, you got lucky," Felicia snorted.

"No, you did when your boyfriend came to save you."

"Seems like you have had many an adventure," Thor said as he and Jane joined us at the table, Jane sitting close to Thor's side, much to Sif's eire.

The God of Thunder took a mug of ale, "Peter, I spoke to the dwarves, they said they'll send an emissary tomorrow to inspect your weapon, they swore that is all they'll do however, they would never separate a warrior from a weapon, I promise."

I nodded, "thanks, that's good to know."

Thor smirked, "yes I'm sure. Now then Peter, since we can finally sit down and talk, tell me about your adventures friend, it's been a while since we last spoke and I'm curious."

I shrugged, "there honestly isn't much to tell. Everything that's happened has been...well they aren't war stories to share. Not like yours anyway, I don't think mine count."

"What about that time you destroyed SHIELD and told the US government to go f.u.c.k itself?" Wanda smirked.

"Or that time you blew up that HYDRA base to save Sliver and me," Felicia raised an eyebrow.

"And the time you stopped Doom with the FF," Jean shred, "or that time you helped us stop Magneto."

"Or that time when you saved New York from the Sinister Six on christmas," Felicia shrugged.

"Or that time you helped save the president from terrorists," Jane added, "I remember seeing that in the news, it really made you out to be a real hero. Although looking back now that might have been a wrong call."

The Asgardians looked to me with disbelief in their eyes. Thor blinked, "don't get me wrong friend, but it seems to me you have quite a few stories to share..."

I sighed, "alright...maybe one or two."

The night moved on from there. We shared hundreds of stories, after the girls and I shared ours, it was the Asgardians' turn to share theirs. And boy did they have many to share. Living more than a thousand years, that was kind of expected.

We drank, we ate, and finally it became late so we decided it was time we retired for the night.

"So, will we be staying here for the night?" Jean asked as Thor escorted us out of the mead hall.

Thor nodded, "yes, I have made arrangements for you all, if that isn't a problem. If you wish I could always ask Heimdall to send you back to your home for the night."

"No, no need to trouble yourself," I shook my head, "it's best if we stay here. I have activated wards around the sanctum before we left to alert us if anything happens. And if the Elves do come, we'll be ready."

Thor hummed, "yes, I suppose. But not to worry, if they come anywhere close, our sensors will detect them."

I nodded, "hopefully they will. Don't want a repeat of Loki's invasion happening here...How is our trickster friend? Last I heard he was in a comfy little cell under the castle?"

"Did Sif tell you that?" Thor asked.

"I have my ways," I smiled.

"Well yes, he is in a cell, though I wouldn't call it comfortable," Thor argued.

"Fine...whatever. Just make sure he doesn't come back to Earth. Because be he your brother or not, I will gut the guy if he even thinks of threatening this world again," I growled.

Thor nodded, "I assure you, I won't let that happen."

"Oh Peter, stop threatening our host would you?" Jean huffed.

I turned and sighed, "yes dear…."

"So Thunderpants, do we get separate rooms, or do we have to share?" Wanda asked.

Thor nodded, "I have made arrangements for individual rooms, not to worry. Peter can share one with his lovers, you can have one of your own."

"Oh, and where will Jane be sleeping?" Felicia asked with a coy smile.

Thor coughed, "s-she will ofcourse gain her own room, not to worry."

I smiled, turning to Thor, "whatever man, I just hope your walls are thick. Because I have super hearing and I don't want to hear the God of Thunder m.o.a.ning into the night."

"Peter!" Thor cried out, "I-I assure you, the rooms are proper."

We chuckled at the God's expenses, even Jane looked a bit red. I was about to say something when someone approached us out of the shadows. I was alert for a second, before the figure stepped into the light, revealing Frigga's gentle smile.

"Mother!" Thor smiled, "we were just retirement for the night."

Frigga nodded, "I'm sure. And I'm also sure that Jane and you and quite eager for your...night rest."

"M-mother!" Thor cried out. We all stifle a chuckle. God of Thunder, strongest avenger, still getting trolled by his mom.

"I am in need of your friend Peter," Frigga spoke, once Thor calmed down, "I wish to speak to him," she turned to me, "I promise, it won't take up too much of your time."

I nodded, "yes, of course," it must be about Hela. I turned to the others, "don't wait up, I'll find you."

Thor nodded, "very well, I'll have a gaurd escort you. Come, I'll show you all too your rooms." Jean and Wanda shared a look while Felicia blew me a kiss. The latter didn't suspect anything, but the red psychics sure did.

"Come, please," Frigga motioned me to follow as we walked into what looked to be the royal gardens of the palace. There was a properly light path on which rose bushes were grown on either side. Frigga took me to a fountain in the middle of the garden and stopped, smiling at it as the silence of night descended upon us.

I smelt curiosity and fear coming off her. But she wasn't scared of, I know that for sure. I waited, standing behind her as small sphere of light flew over us, fireflies I were to guess.

Finally, she spoke, "your knowledge of the future, what else does it show?"

I took a deep breath and spoke, "enough...a lot….and sometimes, barely anything. It varies. My own future, I can barely tell, but certain moments in time I...I dont' think can be avoided."

"And Ragnarock is one of them?" Frigga asked, turning to face me, her eyes focused, "tell me, what do you know of my oldest?"

"I know that she is by far the strongest being Asgard will ever know," I explained, remembering the third Thor movie as best I could, "I know that her power comes from Asgard itself and that she will be released from her prison...the moment Odin dies."

Frigga sighed, "I had hoped that….what you said was a farce. That you were a charlatan, but it would seem truly have seen the future….tell me Peter, what is to happen to my son?"

I sighed, "# $~#!$% *&*&."

Frigga raised an eyebrow, "the enchantment?"

I nodded, "yes. There is so much I wish to share with the women I love, so much I wish to….but now I fear that I can never be free, I...I'm sorry, but I can't tell you what happens to Thor, no matter how much I want too."

"I see...well then tell me this, in the future, are my sons happy?" Frigga asked.

I noticed the plural in that noun. Sons, meaning Loki… and I remembered what had happened to them. Loki was supposedly dead, he could be faking but… I don't think so. And Thor...he lost so much.

I shook my head, remaining silent. "I see...and the future you have seen, are you working to prevent it?" Frigga asked.

I locked eyes with her, "yes. With every fiber of my being, I'm trying to prevent the future I've seen...and the first step to do that is to stop your-" I stopped myself. Huh, it would seem telling Frigga about her death wasn't a taboo...maybe because it was already going to happen...either way, I should tell her.

"My what?" Frigga prompted.

"Your death," I finished.

Frigga's eyes widened. "H-how?"

"# !^#$&$%."

She sighed, "I you can tell me what happens, but now how?"

I nodded, "apparently."

"I see...will it happen soon?"

I nodded, "yes, the #!$^$#^%, mother f.u.c.ker!"

Frigga raised an eyebrow, "language."


Frigga sighed, "very prevent this fate for my sons...I must survive?"

"Your death leads to Rangnarock, yes...and perhaps have Loki and Thor makeup. Your supposed death brought them together, and if that doesn't happen-"

"-Then they won't be able to forgive each other...I see, I understand...thank for you telling me. You have done much in the service of my family. You must truly call Thor a friend for going out of your way to assure his happiness. Tell me, what can the All-Mother do for you? Surely there must be something you d.e.s.i.r.e."

I looked at her, and without needing time to think I spoke, "tell me everything you know about the Phoenix Force."

Frigga's eyes went wide, "t-the Phoenix? How do you know of that?"

"I...the woman I love, Jean...she is to be it's next host."

Frigga gasped, covering her mouth in horror, "how do you know of that? Your visions?"

I nodded, "in a manner of speaking, yes."

Frigga narrowed her eyes and studied me, "this girl...who is she?"

"Her names is Jean-"

"-No, not that. I mean...who is she to you?"

I was silent for a second before I replied, "she's the only thing that's keeping me together. When I was broken in mind and soul she pieced me back together one by one. She is the only reason I found the will to live again, so in essence, she is a third of my everything."

"Only a third?"

I shrugged, "I have another in my life...but tell me…Odin, he know. He looked at Jean and I don't know why but I think he recognized her...why?"

I was silent, waiting for her answer. It was a guess, true, but an educated one. The way he looked at Jean? Not at her, but through her? Something was up and back in my world I remember a story about Odin and Phoenix being...close.

Frigga took a deep breath and began, "many years ago, before Asgard was even a quarter of the size it is now, Odin went on a journey of self discovery...similar to the one he sent Thor on."

I raised an eyebrow, "family tradition?"

Frigga shrugged, "like father, like son. In those days, you humans were barely out of your caves and huts, fire being your greatest weapon. And it was there where he meet...her," there was malice in her voice, but no jealousy, no envy. Just regret.

"The Phoenix?" I asked.

Frigga nodded, "yes. A host, quite similar to your lady love I might add. Red hair, piercing green eyes. Odin spoke of her many times...he fell in love with her instantly."

I blinked, "oh."

Frigga smiled, "worry not, I doubt he still feels the same. Even then, he is the All-Father, he will not just around stealing the lovers of others."


Frigga nodded, "they had many an adventure together, if you ask him, he would boast about how it were the most joyous years of his life, before he became king, before all the war. And she was his first love, an uncontrollable force of nature that could never be tamed. He loved her, but she...she did not love him. And one was time for the Phoenix to move on, she left him, he broke down and I was there to pick up the Jean has done for you."

"I don't want her to go," I snapped, "it's not fair…."

"If the Phoenix has marked her as her host, then I'm afraid there is no chance for her...for you.."

"Please, there has to be a way! The Phoenix has no hold on her yet, isn't there something that can, I don't know, delay it?"

Frigga smiled, "if you have ever seen it, truly seen it...then you would not say so. It is a cosmic force Peter, it cannot be bargained with, it cannot be reasoned with. It if fire is the representation of life in the universe, not even the Eternals were foolish enough to challenge it."

I clenched my fists, "then I am just supposed to stay back and watch as it takes the woman I love away from me? Am I supposed to just stand by and watch her fly away?!"

"That is exactly what you must do," a new booming voice cut in. Frigga and I turned to see Odin approach us, his one eyes narrowed, "that was not your story to tell Frigga."

"Odin, do you not think he deserves to know? Can you not say you wish to help this boy who was once very much like you were?" Freya asked.

Odin snorted, "indeed, I was a heartbroken little cur, but then I found you...and I forgot about her. He will too, from what I recall he has two women does he not?"

"Yes, but how long did it take before you forgot about her?" Frigga argued, "a century? Two? They don't have the time."

"Please," I cut in, falling to my knees, tossing my pride without a second thought, "please, if you remember anything...anything that could help me protect the woman I love then I'm begging you. Tell me. Anything, a legend, a story, a whisper. Anything..."

Odin looked down at me, silent. Without a word, he turned, walking away. His spear tapping away at the stonewalk, "the archives, they may hold knowledge. I would not hold my breath if I were you mortal as I have combed through those times more times than there are stars in the sky. You fight a losing battle...may fortune favour you."

And with that, he walked away. I stood up and turned to Frigga, "he's a complex man huh?"

Frigga chuckled, "indeed...but that's as far as you'll get as a blessing from him...go, speak to your lovers, tomorrow, they can help you, maybe together you can find a way to save the one you love."

I knew she didn't believe those words, but...I had to try. I bowed, wished her well and left the gardens. Once outside I was escorted to my room by a gaurd Thor had sent to collect me. I was sent to the room, and inside Felicia and Jean were waiting for me.

"So," Felicia began, "what did she want?"

I turned to Jean, "Jean...we need to tell her...about the Phoenix." Felicia looked confused while Jean just sighed. We were in for a long night to be sure.

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