Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 77 - Coming Together Is Marvel-us

"So what exactly do we do with her?" Rocket asked, looking over his shoulder at the now asleep Carol Danvers.

"We could take her home," Quill suggested, "better than my ship," he looked nervous, and I don't blame him. After seeing what she did to Ronan, she could tear apart this ship like it was tissue paper without too much effort.

Ronan's army scattered after their leader fell. Seeing no other option, we ran, finding an unconscious Drax, we booked it to Peter's ship.

"Her home is Earth Quill," I told him, "and if I'm being honest, I don't think she should be there right now."

"Why?" Gamora asked.

"Things are a bit… tense on the super powered side of things," I shrugged, "but needless to say, there has to be a place where she can go...if need be."

"Then you take her in! It's your fault she's with us!" Rocket cried out, "you're the one who brought her with us!"

"She fainted right after taking down Ronan Rocket, what would you have me do? Leave her there on the street?" I asked.

"Yeah! Maybe I do!" the racoon replied, "I ought to rip your throat out!"

"I would like to see you try," I hissed.

"Alright, enough!" Quill hissed, "we need to first figure out what to do with her, then you two can go kill yourselves for all I care!"

"Quill's right," Johnny spoke up, "we need to figure out what to do with her."

"You ain't one to speak lover boy!" Rocket growled, "why did you bring that Krylorian slave girl on board!" pointing to the medbay are both Carina and Drax were currently resting, watched over by Groot.

"Hey! What was he supposed to do? Leave her there?!" Quill asked, coming to Johnny's defence, "besides, it's my ship, so I get the final say, so watch it."

"Fine! Whatever! You want a fan girl following you around like a lost puppy, far be it for me to give a crap!" Rocket grumbled, "but we still need to do something about the other one!"

"Maybe you should ask her instead of pretending she isn't there," Carol suddenly spoke up. We all turned and found her getting up, holding her side in pain. Her hair fell across her face, a look of fierce determination across her face as she glared at us.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, walking up to her.

"Fine," she nodded, eyeing the others. I turned, everyone was frozen solid, Johnny looked suspicious but the others, well, they looked scared.

"What did you do to get such looks?" I asked.

She looked up at me, "you don't know?"

"I'm from Earth," I replied, "Peter, Peter Parker."

"Carol, Danvers," she replied, looking over, "and I assume the others are human too?"

"Yeah," Johnny waved, "Johnny Storm."

"Peter Quill," Quill waved, his arms folded. I heard his heartbeat increase, he was afraid, they all were. Gamora looked ready to draw her blades and Rocket already had a gun in hand.

"What's going on?" I asked, addressing the elephant in the room, "everyone one of you are looking at her like she's about to attack us."

"That's because her reputation precedes her," Rocket hissed, aiming his guy at the woman's head.

"Holy-is that a talking racoon?!" Carol cried out in shock, looking at me, "tell me you can see that."

"Eh, it's a long story," Johnny shrugged, "but seriously, what did you do? I've seen Rocket stare down the worst criminals the galaxy has to offer and not flinch. But you, he's terrified!"

"I ain't terrified!" Rocket cried back.

"You kind of are," Quill replied, "just a little."

"Shut up Quill!"

"I wish I knew, but I really don't," Carol spoke up, "why do you all look at me like that? Have I...have I done something?"

"Do you not remember?" Gamora asked, "did the stasis pod affect your memories?"

"Well,'s just…." she looked unsure, "I don't think so. Last thing I remember is the Kree...and the Skrulls...they were attacking Earth, Fury and I...Earth! What happened?! Is it safe?!"

"It's safe," I assured her quickly, "it has amazing people protecting it."

"Fury? SHIELD?"

"...Yes, I suppose," I sighed, rubbing my neck.

"Thank god," Carol sighed again, turning back to the would-be guardians, "but I still don't understand, why are you scared?"

"There are legends about you," Gamora explained, "legends off what you did. You single handedly stopped the Kree and the Skrulls from taking over a destroyed tens and hundreds of sh.i.p.s...alone."

"Well...I did have help," Carol chukled, wincing, holding her side in pain.

"You okay?" I asked, walking over.

"Yeah, just bruising I think," she replied.

I reached out and touched the exposed cut on her clothes, feeling her ribs under my fingertips move, "bruised, not broken. Rest and you can heal up quickly. I'm thinking regeneration is a part of your...abilities?"

"Yeah, kidn off," she nodded, looking down at my suit she blinked, "what's with the suit?"

"Could ask you the same thing," I raised an eyebrow.

"It's a uniform," she hissed. I raised an eyebrow, "sorry, touchy subject. You?"

"Superhero," I smiled.

"Ha, funny," she chuckled, looking at my serious demeanor she blinked, "wait...are joking right?"

"Nope! Peter and I are legit superheroes! He's Spider-man! And I'm the amazing Human torch!" Johnny flashed a grin.

"Excuse me Mr. Torch, but I believe 'Amazing' is my adjective, get your own," I huffed.

"Oh yeah, the Bugle did call you 'the Amazing Spider-man' huh?" Johnny tapped his chin, "then how about...the Magnificent Human Torch!"

"Better," I shrugged.

"Alright, if you two are done talking code names, can we focus?!" Rocket growled, "we need to get that walking talking weapon off our ship, pronto! Before we end up on every watch list on the universe!"

I nodded, "he could have phrased it better, but Rocket's right," I turned to Carol, "is there somewhere you can go? Someone who can take you in?"

" maybe?" she suggested.

"No," Johnny and I said as one. I explained, "right now things are pretty tense when it comes to...people like us."

"People like us?" she asked.

"Superhuman," Johnny explained, "right now, thanks to a certain someone," he glared at me, "people are divided, either they hate superheroes or love us. So you won't really be safe there."

"I see… said you knew Fury right? Could he not help hide me?" Carol asked.

"He could, but honestly he would sooner use you as a weapon than hide you," I snarled, "he doesn't see people, he sees weapons or tools to be used."

Carol narrowed her eyes as she got to her feet, "don't you ever talk like that about one of my friends again," her hands began to glow, I felt the energy radiate out of her body in waves.

"Woah!" Quill cried out, "you two need to calm down! Don't break my ship!"

"I will talk damn well about whoever I want," I ignored Quill and locked eyes with her, towering over her by a few good inches, "you don't know him anymore Danvers. You know nothing about the person Nick Fury has become. Twenty years is a long time."

"People don't change that much," she replied back.

"No, they just become more of what they already were," I snapped, "and the quicker you learn this lesson the better. Earth is off limits. At best, Fury will find you and use you as a weapon. At worst, you'll bring the whole Kree and Skrull empire to our doorsteps and I cannot allow that to happen. Do you understand?"

She narrowed her eyes, "fine...Xandar, the Kree won't dare search for me there. Not to mention the Xandarians would be happy to have me there, anything to throw mud on the Kree's face."

"Alright, fine, we have a travel location, now can you please stop...glowing?" Quill asked. Carol looked over and slowly released the energy in her hands, Quill sighed in relief, "thank you."

"Xandar….that might be the perfect place to go next," Gamora spoke up, holding onto the Orb which we still possessed, "the stone needs to be protected. Xandar can do so."

"Are you people crazy?!" Rocket cried out, "we literally escaped from a Nova Corps prison and you want to go back?!"

"No, that's perfect!" Quill cried out, "only an idiot would go back there, they won't expect us!"

"And what about their deep space detection units?" Rocket huffed, crossing his hands, "they'll spot us a light year away."

"I can help with that," I spoke up, "I had my AI analyse the systems they used on entry. I should be able to make up a blind spot."

"How sure are you?" Quill raised an eyebrow.


"Are you asking me or telling?"

"Telling," I shrugged, "we'll be fine."

"Oh, great, so there's only a 20% chance of us getting thrown into prison again!" Rocket cried, kicking a box of scraps before he walked away, "the moment we reach Xandar, we're done! You hear me?! I have a short lifespan as it is and I don't want to shorten it anymore!"

"He's right," Gamora nodded, "we need to go our separate ways, with the stone in their hands, we need to scatter."

"Well, let's not be too hasty," Quill quicklys poke up, flashing Gamora a smile, "you don't have a ship right? We could always go together?" Gamora drew he blade, "I-I mean, until you get enough credits to buy your own ship!"

Gamora narrowed her eyes and slowly lowered her blade, "fine...there is a bounty office on Xandar, we can get paying work there."

"Ah, and if we find ourselves on one of those lists?"

"We'll manage."

"Do you guys have some clothes I can change into?" Carol asked looking down at her torn up suit, "I ah, could use a change."

"Well, I have something you can borrow I guess," Quill spoke up, "you like red?"

"Sure," she nodded, shooting me a glare as Peter took her away. I glared back, she disliked me, but I understood why. But she didn't know Fury...and is she did, know the real him, and approve, then I need keep an eye on her.

Johnny went to the med bay to see his new crush, leaving me alone. The Guardians were split, I didn't realise it then, but when Carol destroyed Ronan, she took away a plot point that would bring them together.

So, now, the truth was this, there was no Guardians of the Galaxy, and there never would be.

I don't know how to feel about that if i was being honest. I didn't particularly care for them, they have their own self contained adventures in space, no interfering with Earth. Peter would never show his powers so Ego won't know his son's true powers, which I suppose is...fine. Always handy to have a Celestial on hand that could stand up to Thanos if the need ever arose.

Gamora would always fight Thanos, no matter what. Maybe I need to deal with her memories of the Soul stone...but not now. Not with so many eyes on me.

Drax...will be pissed. Ronan was taken from him, he wouldn't understand. He would go after Thanos, alone. He doesn't bond with the others enough to stay with them. Same with Rocket and Groot.

This...this was a mess.

I sighed, walking up to the navigations controls, I typed away, accessing Quill's codes to make the changes needed to pass by Xander's systems without notice, occasionally getting help from S.e.xy now and again.

I was focused on the programing, my suit translating the tech for me whenever I didn't remember something, slowly though I managed to make a worm that should technically help us pass through without notice, took a while, but it was done.

"What did Fury do to make you hate him so much?" came a voice behind me.

I sighed, "how long have you been standing there watching me work?"

"Ten minutes," Carol shrugged, walking in front of me, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She wore Quill's clothes, a baggy set of black pants along with a blue collared shirt and a red jacket with the logo of Ravagers on it's right pocket.

"Losing my touch," I sighed, rubbing my neck, "well, if you have to know...he used my girlfriend."

"Excuse me?" Carol raised an eyebrow.

"She's a thief, and her father is the best thief in the world. He used her to infiltrate and take down a secret organization."

"And...that's wrong because?"

"She did it because I was being targeted by said organization, so in order to keep me in the dark he had her lie to me and pretend she had left me for other reason."

"Well...I mean, that sucks but-"

"-I was dying."

"Shit…..damn it, look kid I'm sorry, but I'm sure Fury had his reasons," Carol tried to defend.

I nodded, "I know...but by that logic, the Nazi's also had their reasons." She didn't like that logic, glaring down, I sighed, "look Carol, I don't….I don't blame Fury for doing what he, that's a lie, I do blame him. But I understand why. Problem is...I didn't think he would ever do that to me. He betrayed my trust….look, none of that matters right now, just drop it okay?"

"Fine..." she looked down at the navigations controls, "you seem to know your way around a computer."

I nodded, "yup. Something of a techie."

"Cool, never really got that myself, more of a physical girl myself," Carol shrugged.

"I see...what were you?" I asked, "back on Earth I mean."

Carol grinned, "ace fighter pilot."

"Oh...and how did..." I looked her over.

"The powers? Well, one day during a flight, I kind off...well...crashed into them. They took me, remade me and next thing I knew, I was flying through the stars, blasting beams out of my hands."

"By them, you mean the Kree right?" I asked.

She nodded, "yup," her smile fell, "they were….my team...until they betrayed me."

"Can I ask how-"

"Where is she?!" came a loud roar from deep within the ship. I jumped out of my seat and turned, just in time to see Drax come charging in, locking eyes with Carol, "you!"

"Me?" Carol blinked, moving away form the wall as Drax charged, "wait-OF!" he charged into her, bagging her against the wall.

"Drax?!" I cried.

"You took my vengeance woman!" Drax threw a punch, connecting to her jaw. Carol growled, trying to kick his legs out and failing, only to have Drax toss her to the ground.

"I really don't want to hurt you!" Carol growled as she pushed her elbow against Drax's neck, keeping him back.

"I would like to see you try!"

"Guys stop!"



A beam of yellow energy hit Drax, sending him to the ceiling and then back down, unconscious again. Carol panted as she got back up, her hands glowing. "Woah!" Quill ran in, looking at Drax and then the roof, "you dented my f.u.c.k.i.n.g roof!"

"Guys! Drax's awake!" Johnny came running in, immediately spotting the unconscious green man, "oh...I guess you already knew that."

"This is going to be one long ride," I sighed, rubbing my temples. What the f.u.c.k was going to happen now?


There was a knock of the door that drew the attention of all the people in the newly purchased and furnished apartment.

Logan stepped forward, his claws already out, he turned it the others to hide and they moved. Sue turned invisible and followed Logan. Felicia and Wanda used the couch as a barricade while Tandy, Rouge, Scott and Beta-Ray Bill waited by spaceship currently placed in the middle of the living room.

Logan slowly opened the door, ready to attack, only to stop and snarl, "oh, it's you."

"Yes, quite," the Brooker said, stepping in, turning and looking around, "when you informed me that you currently had a place of residence, I did not think you meant...this." The apartment had a single room, a cot and an attached bathroom located several levels underground Xandar, hidden away from most polite company.

"It was the cheapest place we could afford," Sue replied as she appeared out of thin air, startling the alien.

"Oh-my word! You gave me a scare! Is that a personalized invisibility device?" the man asked, looking her over to try and find such a device, "it's very well hidden."

"It is," said a voice to on his otherwise, Jessica coming out of her hiding spot behind the opened door, "password?"

"Damacleas," the man replied with a sigh, "honestly Ms. Drew, your security measures are admirable, but like I side, Skrulls are a rarity, especially these days."

"Not taking the risk," she simply replied.

"Besides, no one knows you all are here in the first place," the man said, looking at the small apartment, noting the spaceship in the middle, "how do you all even fit in there? It must be very cramped. If you want, I could always-"

"-Thanks, but no," Felicia quickly spoke, "the less exposed we are the better. Now, why are you here?"

"I come bearing news...of the Kyln," the man said, immediately turning the relaxed atmosphere once again tense.

"Is it Peter? Did something happen?" Felicia asked as she and the others quickly gathered around.

"It is...or rather it isn't," the man sighed, taking out a handkerchief and rubbing his head, "you see, there was an attack."

"Excuse me? Who would attack a prison?" Beta-Ray asked, shocked.

"Ronan," the Brooker stuttered out, "his army was spotted leave the destroyed prison...the people inside..."

Sue gasped, "was Johnny….Peter…."

"No, that is the good news," the Brooker replied quickly, "Sir Parker and his friend was not among the dead, I checked," the people gathered sighed in relief, "they are however missing and with the rumors I'm hearing..."

"What rumors?" Felicia asked, her eyes flashing between her cat-like slits and her human emeralds.

"That Ronan is dead," the Brooker replied.

"Wait, isn't that guy some kind of terrorist?" Tandy asked, "why is that a bad thing?"

"Because of who killed him," the Brooker replied, "she is...she was dead. But suddenly reports are coming in that she was last seen blasting a hole into Ronan the Accuser's c.h.e.s.t, being taken away by a man dressed in a back suit with a mask and a white spider on his c.h.e.s.t."

"Oh my god, what is with that boy and women?" Rogue smiled with amus.e.m.e.nt shared by her boyfriend.

"Who is she?" Jessica asked, a little too quick for her liking.

"She is known only as Captain Mar-Vell, former member of the Kree's elite hit squad...and she is very, very dangerous."

Some time later:

"Alright kid, time to see if you're any good," Quill spoke up as we slowly began entering Xander's atmosphere, "engine program now."

"Done," I said, launching the worm into the various signals that Quill's ship detected was scanning us. We were all gathered, save Drax who was still confined to the cargo bay, waiting with bated breath to see if we were in the clear.

Ten seconds felt like an hour, and then, Quill grinned, "we got the green!"

"Oh thank God," Gamora whispered, wiping away a single drop of sweat, "I didn't think that would work."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I snorted, leaning back on my chair with a grin.

"How did you do it kid?" Rocket asked with curiosity, the only other emotion he seemed to have for me other than anger, "Xander's systems is one of if not the strongest in the galaxy."

"It might be that, but you can't fight something you can't detect. I used an Earth style worm into its systems, it didn't even know it had to scan for such a thing," I shrugged.

"Hm, whatever," Rocket grunted, backing away, going back to wherever he usually did.

"I'm getting a signal to the ship Peter," Johnny called over, "I left them a message, but I don't know when we'll get-"

"-I'm getting a response," Quill spoke up.

"Never mind," Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Johnny?! Peter?!" came Sue's frantic cry over the radio as an image of came over the holodeck before us. She was standing inside The Liberty with everyone behind her, looking at us.

"Guys!" Johnny cried out as he and I rushed over, "boy do I miss you guys!"

"Johnny!" Sue cried out, a sigh of relief exploding through her lips, "oh dear lord I thought I lost you forever!"

"Johnny, who is that?" Carina asked, walking forward in a protective manner, glaring at Sue.

"Oh, right, Carina, this is my sister, Susan," Johnny introduced joyfully, obvious to the jealousy that suddenly vanished from the red alien girl's face.

"Wait, Johnny, who is that?" Sue asked, turning to said girl.

"No way," Tandy spoke up, "Johnny, how did you get sent to prison and them come back with a girlfriend?!"

"Look, we'll talk about this later, right now we need to land and regroup," I stepped forward, "do you guys know any place we can do that?"

"Yeah, we bought a small apartment in the under layers, you can land at a nearby port, I'll send you the coordinates now," Sue nodded, quickly typing away at the computer.

"Tiger," Felicia spoke up.

I smiled, a proper smile finally on my face, "Kitten...I'll be there soon, okay?"

"I know...get here quickly, and please don't get yourself thrown in prison again, okay?" she giggled.

"No promises," I smiled back as the signal cut off.

"We got the location," Quill spoke up, turning to me, "so the silver haired girl...she and you?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Don't forget about Jean," Johnny spoke up.


"Shut up and drive Quill," I hissed.

We landed quickly at a space port that looked like it belonged on a set Star Wars. Criminals eyed Quill's ship and use as we came out, but after seeing Gamora and Drax, the latter who looked ready to kill something for sport, they stayed clear of our way.

"I suppose this is where we depart," Gamora spoke up, turning to the rest of us, "Quill, the Orb?"

"Right…" Quill spoke up, taking out said object and holding it up sadly, "I'm going to miss the little guy."

"Oh brother," Rocket rolled his eyes.

"I am Groot," Groot smiled.

"Hehe, he's funny," Carina giggled.

"You can understand him?" Johnny asked, surprised.

"Yes, can't you?" No one really answered back.

"If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask," I spoke as Gamora passed the Orb to Carol, "I have a feeling we're going to cross paths again...especially since we share the same goals."

"Which is?" Gamora asked.

"Destroying Thanos and his army," I replied.

She looked me over, "fine...but until then, stay out of our way," she turned and walked away.

"Yeah, what she said," Quill shrugged.

"Quill," I spoke up, "see you later, Star Lord," I extended my hand.

"You too, Spider-man," Quill smiled back, giving me a powerful shake with a look of respecting passing between us.

With them gone, we turned to wish Rocket and Groot off, only to find them gone as well. "Where did-"

"They left while you and Quill were staring into each others eyes," Carol snorted, putting the Orb away, "let's go before someone spots us."

I nodded, we began to move, I did however notice Drax looking around, lost, rooted to hsi spot. "Go ahead, I'll catch up," I told Johnny and the ladies, walking back to the giant humanoid.

"Go away Bug-man," Drax grunted.

"It's Spider-never mind," I sighed, "you know...I can tell you from experience that revenge isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"How would you know?"

"I….I haven't suffered the same lose you did, that's true. But I have seen others that have Drax, and it twisted them. Made them something they weren't before. Ronan is dead...isn't it time you move on?"

"There is only one path left for my vengeance, and that is to see the heart of Thanos beating in my hands," he alien growled, closing his fist so tightly drops of blood came out the end.

"Then come with me," I offered, "eventually, the Mad Titan will come for me, and when he does, you can take him."

"Why would he do that?" Drax snorted.

"Because I killed one of his generals, his 'Children'," I replied, "and I stopped him from getting what he wanted, twice. Once on my world and once on Asgard. He'll come for me, I know it. So….you in?"

Drax considered it for a moment before nodding, "fine...but when the time comes, you will not stop me Bug-man, understand?"

"Crystal," I nodded.

"Crystal? Why do you speak of gems? Do you not take this seriously?!" he roared.

"No, it's an expression!" I sighed, "you know what...just...come on."

We regrouped back, Carol sending Drax a weary look, but lucky the man had put away his dislike of the woman for now, hopefully I won't have to deal with them trying to kill each other.

Using the directions Sue gave us I managed to find the apartment complex they were staying at. And after getting lost twice, Carina finally managed to get the directions right and lead us to the right place.

I knocked on the door twice, it slid open and I was attacked by a blur of silver.

"Peter!" Felicia cried out as she jumped into my arms, her lips already going around mine. I wrapped my hands around her and sighed into the kiss, her fingers seeping into my hair, she pulled away, smiling, "so, how's life being a criminal?"

"Lovely. Understand why you like it," I smirked.

"Johnny!" Sue hugged her brother, quickly looking him over, "are you hurt? Did they treat you well? What did you eat? Have you been experiencing any indigestion?"

"Sis! I'm fine, promise!" Johnny called out, blushing, "stop it, you're embarrassing me."

"Oh?" Sue looked over to Carina, who looked eager to speak, "and who is this?"

"This is Carina, my...friend," Johnny spoke, rubbing his neck.

"Hello, it is nice to meet Johnny's family," Carina smiled, bowing a little.

"Johnny got a girlfriend," Felicia stated.

"Yup," I replied.

"Does he know that?"

"Give it a few days."

"What, no kiss for us?" an amused voice called out. I put Felicia down and smiled, Wanda and the others were all waiting for us, all looking eager enough.

We shuffled inside and after a quick catching up I introduced them all to the two people with us.

"This is Drax," I motioned to the green shirtless man who grunted in greeting, "he's agreed to come along to stop Thanos."

"Why?" Logan asked, bringing out a mug of beer, looking at the man with eyes of mistrust.

"Thanos ordered the murder of my wife and child. Though the one who did so is dead," he glared at Carol, "I will have my revenge."

"Hmm," Logan waited for a while before passing his mug over, earning a gasp from us all. Drax nodded his appreciation and drank, enjoying the taste of the ale.

"Why is everyone so surprised?" Carol asked.

"Logan never shares his ale, never," Beta-Ray replied, learning that lesson very quickly when he first joined up.

"Anyway," I said, turning away from that bonding moment the two men shared, "this is Captain Carol Danvers of the US Air Force. She got into a dog fight with the Kree and then via some freaky science, got super powers."

"Hello," Carol smiled, waving her hand, "it's nice to meet you all."

"How did you meet her?" Jessica asked quickly.

"Stasis chamber," Carol replied, "Peter, Carina and Johnny woke me up. If it wasn't for them I'd still be in there."

"I see," Jessica narrowed her eyes. Sue, Tandy, Wanda and Felicia turne dot her. She shook her head and the girls sighed in relief. Damn it all, of course I didn't sleep with her! What type of person do they think I am?!

"Anyway, now that you're back, what's the plan Pete?" Scott asked.

"Well..." I closed my eyes and sighed, "Planet Prevor-2344, that's where Jean was last spotted, that's where we'll go next," I replied.

"Jean?" Carol asked.

"It's a long story," I replied with a shrug, "basically she got kidnapped by a force of nature. We're going to save her."

"Wait, what about bringing the fight of Thanos?" Drax asked.

"Our friend is powerful, immensely so, so if we get her back that's one more person against the mad Titan," I explained, "besides. We don't have to go after him, he'll come after us himself."

"Looking for this right?" Carol said taking out the Orb.

I nodded, Sue stepping closer to examine the object, "Peter, is that-"

"-Another Infinity stone? Yes," I nodded, "the Power Stone. Too dangerous to take with us. Since...well, anyway, Carol here is going to hand it over it the Nova Corp, hopefully they can gaurd it against Thanos….for now," I had no illusion they would fail if Thanos ever decided to attack. But hopefully by then Jean will be back with us and we can defend Xandar in time. The other option of taking it with us was too dangerous.

"So will the Captain be joining us?" Jessica asked, looking said woman over.

"Well….I wouldn't mind," Carol spoke up, looking at me, "you seem to be on the right track trying to stop this Thanos character...from how you and Gamora behave speaking about him sounds...dangerous."

"And psychotic," Drax spat.

"And powerful," Beta-Ray Bill whispered.

"Then this is exactly where I need to be," Carol smirked, "besides, being among humans again will feel kind of good."

"Great, another one," Wanda sighed, rubbing her temples.

"I wish to join as well," Carina whispered, "I don't have anywhere else to go to now….but if that's not possible-"

"-We would love it," Johnny spoke up, before quickly turning to me, "ah….I mean-"

I chuckled, "-he means, we would be happy to have the help. I'm sure you know much more off the universe than most people giving your previous...employer's status."

"If my time spent there can prove useful in some manner than I'll be happy to help," she nodded.

"Are my concerns just white noise to you people?" Wanda asked, "we can't just bring them on without knowing anything about them!"

I chuckled, "oh come on Wanda, Carol stopped a mass murderer and Carina is a former slave. They're good guys."

"And the walking christmas tree?" she pointed at Drax.


Knock knock knock!

Frantic knocking on the door made us all silent. I mentally contacted Sue and had her turn Johnny, Drax, Carol and I invisible.

Drax was alarmed, "what the-how am I suddenly-"

"Shut it bub!" Logan growled, "we can't risk someone seeing you yet."

Felicia walked up to the door and opened it, sighing, "oh, it's you Brooker."

"Have you heard the news yet?!" the man cried out frantically as he charged inside with what looked like a suitcase in toe, "either way it doesn't matter! We need to leave, now!"

"Wait, what? What happened?" Jessica called to the panicking alien, "calm down and tell us."

"The Kree just broke the peace treaty!" the Brooker cried out, "they are coming here! And if my contacts are right, they bring with them a Child of Thanos!"

"What?!" Drax roared as he charged forward, grabbing the Broker by the throat and lifting him with ease, "talk puny man!"

"Drax, stop!" I cried out as She dropped her invisibility barriers at once.

"Sir Parker?!" the Brooker asked in shock before his eyes landed on Carol, "you! You did this!"

"Drax, put him down, now," I spoke up, putting my hand on his shoulder and squeezing hard enough to man even his superhuman strength falter for a second. He snorted as he did so, "thanks, now, Brooker, explain."

"They're after her!" he cried out, rubbing his neck, "she gave them the excuse they needed to attack us! Turn on the holonet, you'll see it yourselves!"

I turned to Felicia, "is there-"

"Already on it," she walked up to a nearby wall with a small hook like instrument on it, waved her hand over and activate a screen that showed what could only be described as Xander's planetary warning system playing a recorded news casting.

"..Their claims be that Xandar has knowing and with purpose released a dangerous criminal from the Kree's past war with the Skrulls. This is supposedly a direct violation of one of many clauses included in the peace treaty signed recently with the Kree and as such, the treaty is now considered void. A small fleet of Kree sh.i.p.s have been spotted crossing into our borders, Nova Prime insists that Xandar has not committed any crimes, but urges all citizens to find shelter as soon as possible as war will inevitably arrive at outdoor steps."

"No," Carol whispered, "that's not fair, they can't do this!"

"The war started again," I whispered, turning to Carol, what exactly did she do? Either way, it was a story for another time. I turned to the Brooker, "Xander's fleet, can they stop the Kree?"

"Of course they can! But that isn't the point!" Brooker cried, "what they didn't tell anyone is that one of Thanos' generals comes with the Kree! They are smaller in number, I suspect here to slip past the engaged Nova Corp and destroy Xandar! So we need to be leaving, now!"

"Where is Kortta?" Logan growled.

The Brooker snorted, "at some bar I would wager."

"Why isn't she here with you?" Logan growled.

"Why would she?! There is not time for this debate! We need to leave, before the whole world is carved into nothing!"

"You left her behind?! To save your own skin?!" Logan charged, slamming the Brooker into the wall again, his claws out and pressed under his chin, "you're sc.u.m."

"F-fool, are you in love with such a thing?" the Brooker spat, "she's a slave, nothing more."

"Slaves are living beings too!" Carina cried, growling in rage.

"You don't need to be in love to be a decent person bub," Logan growled, tossing the man down and walking to the door.

"Where are you going Logan?" I asked.

"To find Kortta," Logan replied, turning back, "you going to stop me?"

"No, of course not. But we need to plan first," I turned and looked around, "look...this might not be our fight but we can't-"

"-I'm going to stop you right there Parker," Scott spoke up, "an we get the speech later? We all know the 'Great Power comes Great Responsibility' speech, so shut it. We aren't going to watch as a planet gets blown up. Tell us what to do and let's stop wasting time."

I grinned, I knew there was some reason I liked that guy. I looked around, everyone eager to fight, "alright, then we need to move, we don't have much time. Brooker, Thanos's strike team, how big?"

"I don't know!" he screamed, "you people are insane! You can't seriously be thinking of going out there, do you?!"

"We are, the numbers, now!" I cried.

"I'll tell you, but only if you promise to get me outta here safely!" the Brooke replied.

"Fine, you can stay inside my ship, while inside nothing can harm you."

"No! You will get me away now!"

I rolled my eyes, "alright, hard way it is," I peered into his mind, the alien thoughts foreign to me, but easy to navigate as the number was just below his surface thoughts, "500,000 thousand, thanks."

The Brooker's eyes winded, but I ignored him, turning to Carol, "you get to Nova Prime, tell her we're here to help. Since You're something of a fleet killer I'm sure they'll only be too happy to accept."

"Alright," Carol nodded.

"Logan, Bill, you two find Kortta and bring her back here," before I even finished both were out the door, "Drax, Johnny, Carina, find Gamora and Quill, they won't need much convincing to come back. Bring them here so that we can plan together."

"Why them?" Drax grunted.

"Gamora is a daughter of Thanos, she knows how they fight," I replied with a shrug, "Johnny I need to talk to Quill as soon as possible, got it?"

"On it boss," Johnny gave a mock salute as they moved.

"We will need weapons," Jessica spoke up.

I tuned to her, "and how do you know where to get said weapons?"

"Oh Tiger, you know we aren't the wait and worry type of girls," Felicia smirked.

"We got a few contacts in the black market," Jessica explained, "we ordered some pretty strong gear. They should be here by now."

" careful," I replied, "you have money?"

"Of course, we payed them using your bank account," Felicia leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"We need to focus on protecting the people as well," Tandy suddenly spoke up, "if this is going to be like New York, thousands will get hurt."

"Maybe one of the texts you brought from Kamar-Taj could help," Wanda said.


"Tandy," I spoke, gaining her attention, "you can do this. I know it."

Wanda nodded, "I agree. We got this, right?"

"Right," she said, a smile of confidence on her face.

Kitten purred, "well, what are we waiting for?"

"Let's go," I told them, "we'll meet up as soon as possible..provided everything goes right."

Nova Central command:

"This is f.u.c.k.i.n.g crazy," Carol whispered as she flew above the command center of the Nova corps. On her way here her mind was spinning. Parker was...interesting, and his crew even more so.

They acted more alien than any human she met before. They her. Heroes maybe? Yes….but Carol didn't think she of all people deserve that title anymore. After how she was tricked by the Kree, not now. She pushed her thoughts away, she needed focus.

This planet, it was in danger, and it was because of her.

She flew down to the open air balcony on the northern side of the building and walked in. The central command was before her, Nova officers gathered around the room, running around following orders issued by the woman standing in the middle; Nova Prime.

"Excuse me," Carol called out, only now gaining the attention of everyone in the room, "er...hi?"

"Don't move!" several officers cried out as they drew their guns and surrounded her. Carol threw her hands up, staying as still as possible.

"I didn't come here to fight, just talk," Carol spoke slowly.

"Vers," Nova Prime spoke up, walking forwards, her eyes looking at Carol in disbelief, "you really are alive."

"Yeah, well," Carol shrugged.

"Stand down," Nova Prime spoke up.

"Ma'am?" a soldier asked.

"She has enough power to blow this building into a crater, if sh wanted us dead we would be, stand down," the leader of the command unit ordered again. Slowly they lowered the woman and she turned to Carol, "why are you here?"

"Thanos has sent a smaller unit after Xandar while your main fleet is engaging the Kree, is this true?"

"Sadly," Nova Prime nodded, explaining, "the Kree practically pounced into tearing apart the treaty once rumors of you arose."

"I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean-"

"They would have always done so, your preakness just gave them the excuse they needed," Prime replied, "I alway suspected they had a direct connection to Ronan, the amount of resources he has at his disposal couldn't have been gained without help. The Kree supplied him, at least that's the working theory."

"You have proof?"

"They are too good for proof, as well you know," she replied, CArol's eyes darkening, "are you here to help?"

"Yes, I am….if that's okay that is."

A bar a few complexes away:


"Haha! Take that Xorbian sc.u.m!" Rocket laughed as said alien flew into a wall, knocked unconscious by the blast from Rocket's canon.

"Hey man! Keep that down! I just built that wall!" the barkeep protested.

"Shut up and buy me another drink!" Rocket cried, jumping onto the bar stool, his blaster by his side, eyeing anyone else who dared to try and talk down to him. No one did.

"I am Groot," the walking tree replied, sipping his jug of water.

"Shut up! He's asking for it!" Rocket growled, snatching the drink placed before him, doing it in one go, "lozy week. Lost a bounty, lost four billion credits to a bunch of do gooders and now I'm here, drowning my sorrow with an idiot for company!"

"I am Groot!"

"Yeah, well you are!"

"Rocket," I spoke up.

He turned around and snarled, "oh, it's you," throwing the shot glass at my face.

I caught it an itch before it hit me, tossing it over my shoulder at the Xorbian who was slowly getting back up, knocking him out again.

"Heh, nice," Rocket snorted, ordering another drink.

I walked up to the racoon and sat down next to him, "you heard?"

"That the kree bitch destroyed the peace treaty by just existing?" Rocket snorted, "yeah, I heard. Why do you think I'm here?"

"When my AI picked up reports of you and Groot being here I was surprised, I thought you would have left by now," I admitted.

"I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot," the tree replied, I narrowed my eyes and read his thoughts, "he couldn't get a ship to take him. There's an blockade around the planet."

"I see, a blockade huh?"

"You can understand him?" Rocket asked surprised.

I nodded, "yup," I smiled at an excited Groot who seemed grateful at finally being heard by someone else other than Rocket.

"Yeah well, whatever," Rocket nursed another drink, "why you here Parker?"

"Thanos is sending another team at us, the Nova Corps didn't admit it so as to not cause panic. I'm sure you noticed they are trying to evacuate the city as we speak," I motioned to the windows outside where the skies were empty of all hovercrafts, "the Nova Corps members agents stationed here won't be able to fight off Thanos' army."

"And? You can?"

"So far I'm two for zero, and learning," I smirked.

"Heh," he snorted, silent, before speaking, "kid...why do you do it? Why risk your life for a bunch of arrogant jerks? I mean, you see the way they treat people like Groot and me. And you and Quill and all your Terran friends. They think you're beneath them. So why?"

I smiled, "you know, Terrans aren't the only species on Earth," I ordered a drink getting it quickly from the nervous barkeep, "there's another minor species on our planet, we call them mutants. They are like us in every way except one, they have...abilities."

"Like the fire kid?"

I nodded, "yeah. And to honest, we humans treat them like Xandarians treat us...but that's wrong. I know a whole school of mutant kids who are trying everyday to get their kind a good name. They save the world Rocket, they always try and do the right thing whatever it is and I...I admire them for that. The world can hate people like us, heck, the galaxy can, but the truth it, we shouldn't let them change us. You're a good person act like an asshole, but you aren't one."

"How do you know?"

"I doubt someone as kind as Groot would follow an major d.i.c.k," I smirked, sipping the drink, it tasted very much like Earth rum to my tongue.

"Heh, got that right," Rocket turned to his friend.

"I am Groot," the plant replied, 'we're going right?'

"Yeah buddy, we're going," Rocket drowned the rest of his drink, turning to me, "fine kid, you want my help, you got it. But this is a one time thing, you hear me?!"

"I hear you," just then my communicator began to beep, I tapped it, Carol's voice coming through.

"The Nova Corp agents stationed here are onboard," Carol spoke up, "I have them bringing up possible defense strategies."

"Great, I'll grab the others and come right to you," my communicator beeps again, "I have another call, see you soon."

I switched channels and hear Quill's voice, "so what do you need old buddy?"

"You still have Yondu's number?"


"Because we're going to make him an offer he can't refuse," I smirked.

One hour later, Nova Central command:

We were all gathered around in the main war room of the Nova Corps. The Nova members on one side, my crew, plus Rocket, Groot, Gamora and Quill on the other.

"You promised me help," Nova Prime turned to Carol who stood between out two groups, "you've brought me criminals."

"I don't think you have any right ot be picky," Carol smirked.

"Look, Nova Prime, we're here to help, right now isn't that what's important?" I asked.

The woman turned to me with narrowed eyes, "and what are...seventeen people, seven of whom are criminals, be able to do against an armada?"

"Hey, if you don't like it, you can kiss my tail lady!" Rocket growled.

"Silence rodent!" an officer cried out.

"Who you calling rodent?!" Rocket grabbed his gun, ready to fire.

"Okay, that's enough!" Quill stepped in the raccoons line of fire, throwing his hands up, "look, you may not like it, but you guys need out help to stop these guys okay?! So can we all just try not killing one another until after we saved the planet?!"

"Fine," Nova Prime hissed, ordering her men to stand down, turning to Carol, "your plan?"

"He's the one with the plan," she turned, motningo to me.

"Him?" Nova Prime raised an eyebrow, "he looks like a child."

"Pardon?" I asked, did she not see the s.e.xy stubble growing on my chin?

"Like I said, a child," Nova Prime snorted, turning back to Carol, "you defeated the Kree and the Skrulls form invading your homeworld did you not? I thought you were in charge of these...people."

"No, I'm not," Carol admitted, turning to me, "he is. And yeah, he's young buy...well, if he's telling the truth, Thanos tried to come after my home and he and his team stopped him then. So like it or not, he's technically the most qualified individual in this room...unless someone else here has faced Thanos' army and won?"

No one moved, no one raised their hand.

"Is this true?" Nova Prime asked me.

"Yeah, it is," I nodded, "I had help, but we stopped him."


"The Avengers," I replied, she looked confused and I explained, "Earth's mightiest heroes, it's kind of our codename," Carol's eyes winded, but she remained silent.

"I see….well, we'll see if you don't become the Avengers of the Galaxy as well," she turned to her men, "tell us your plan."

"Right...pull up a schematics of the city, identity every single high cl.u.s.ter of people and highlight them. We have a way of providing additional defenses to the area. We'll also need to set up a medical bay for the injured and a clear place to bring down the incoming war sh.i.p.s without resulting in property damage. We'll need bombs and any sh.i.p.s you have on hand."

"Done," Nova Prime turned, "move, you heard the man."

"Yes ma'am!" the soldier ran in a hurry, going around frantically.

"The Avengers of the Galaxy huh?" Quill smirked, a twinkle in his eyes.

I sighed, "oh God...that's going to be our name now isn't it?"

"I don't know, kind of like it," Carol smirked, "alright then Captain, your orders?"

I took a deep breath, I was about to explain when suddenly;


The ground shook, supringin everyone into a stand still. "That was a sonic boom," Carol looked out the windows, "something just broke the sound barrier."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I was a pilot, you don't ever forget that sound," we all ran out to the balcony and there, looming over the previously clear skies was a giant war ship shaped like the head of a beetle.

Out of it's mandible like extensions launched several hundred smaller sh.i.p.s that circled the sky like a plague of locusts. Then suddenly a hologram sparg up underneath the ship, the face of Thanos seen looking down on the capital of the planet.

"Xandar," Thanos spoke, "your time, has come. Worry not, for in this culling, balance, will be achieved." And with that very short message over, the battle began.

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