Recarnation Of Ultimate Spider Man

Chapter 78 - The Battle for Xandar

"We need to build a perimeter around the ship," Nova Prime cried out, "those drones have enough firepower to tear through our infrastructure!"

"What are those things?!" Quill cried out.

I leaned on the railing and narrowed my eyes, my mask covered my face, activating my telescopic vision, spotting the sh.i.p.s around the main one and also recognizing them, "Chitari."

"Those things that came after us on Earth?" Felicia asked, growling as memories of that day came back to us both.

"The very same," I whispered, removing my mask and thinking, "I have a plan."

"What is it?" Johnny asked.

I turned it my team, all eighteen of them, I never realized how big it would get, I couldn't help but smile, with these guys on my side...we would never lose.

"Alright, here's the thing, the Chitauri are a hive mind of sorts. Destroy the main ship and the rest go down in seconds."

"That sounds like a major design flaw," Rocket pointed out.

"And a tactical advantage," Gamora explained, "one mind means onedrive for the army. You cannot beat them head on."

"So a distraction?" Carol offered.

"Exactly," I smirked, "they can't focus on more than one thing, we can. Divide and conquer. Our objective should be getting into the ship and taking down the main system."

"Why not just blow it up?" Drax asked.

"Do that and you send the ship into the city, kill nearly half the population from the impact and fallout," Gamora replied.

"We need to keep that thing in the sky, or bring it down outside the city limits," Jessica nodded.

"Exactly," I nodded, "and contain the damage. Wanda, Carol and I are the heavy hitters, we'll deal with the army. Tandy, set up a tent at the foot of the building, Johnny, Scott, Carina you two go out there and bring back the injured to her, Logan, be her bodyguard?"

"No, I'm coming with you," Scott spoke up.

I blinked, "Scott, we'll be right in the middle of it all, we're going to bring every single one of those mother f.u.c.kers to us, yo-"

"-Peter," Scott cut me off, "I can handle it, I'm coming with you."

I looked at him, he didn't look like I could change his mind. I sighed, "fine, Tandy, can you manage with just Johnny, Carina and Logan?"

Tandy nodded, "yes, not a problem."

"Felica, Quill, Gamora, Drax, Jessica, take our ship and get your a.s.s into the main ship. Don't engage the Child of Thanos, whoever they are it's not worth it. Gamora, how are the chitauri controlled?"

"A central command terminals to the best of my knowledge," she replied.

"Then you guys get to it and destroy it."

"Great, I'm flying," Quill replied.

"No you're not," Felicia replied quickly, "I am."

I nodded, "my ship isn't standard regulation Quill, it's custom made, you won't be able to drive it. Jessica and Felicia can, they can get you into the chitauri mothership and past their defenses thanks to the size and the cloaking tech I have onboard.

"Rouge, Bill, Sue, Groot and Rocket, stay on the ground and take down any soldier we miss. Rouge, take a bit of Scott's powers, how long will it last?"

"Two hours without it affecting him too badly," she replied, "I can manage." Scott nodded, he held out his hand and she took it, a second later she released and Scott wobbled, she looked sorry, but it was needed.

"This is your plan?!" Rocket cried out, "it's a terrible plan!"

"We won with less," Felicia said, giving me a confident node.

"Yeah well, I got a bad feeling about this!"


We all turned, just as a Nova corps drone was shot out of the sky by a Chitari flyer that came swooping down towards us. I was about to fire off a repulsor blast when Carol suddenly leaped into the air and fired twin energy beams into the invaders, blowing the ship clear out of the sky.

"How's that bad feeling?" Bill leaned in and whispered.

"Ah...getting better," Rocket replied.

"Everyone, move!" I cried as we all split up. I grabbed Scott and Wanda, following behind Carol as we shoot into the city. "We need to grab their attention, focus the fight on us," I spoke up, "something flash, something big, something-" I stopped as suddenly a large shadow came down upon us.

"Oh f.u.c.k," Wanda cursed, looking up to see a massive Chitauri Leviathan flying over our heads, turning around to come charge right into us.

"I got this!" Carol cried out, ready to shot up and blast into the thing's side, only for a red energy beam fly past her, hitting the beast's jaw, chipping a tooth.

"Peter, put me down there," Scott called out, pointing to a top of a tall I looked at him, something felt….off. I flew over and we dropped down. Scott walked past Wanda and me, even Carol landed down and waited, watching him stand at the edge of the building.

"ROAR!" the beast cried out, the sound was….almost too much. It curled around itself in anger and came charging down, descending and coiling around to fly right at the building we stood on.

"Scott, what's the plan?" I asked, Carol charging her fists, I held up my hand and she turned to me, confused. Scott had something planned.

"You know...seeing you through the years, improve by leaps and bounds I….I have to admit, I was jealous...I didn't know how exactly I would be useful….but I remembered something you powers aren't form this world is it?" he reached up and rested his finger to the side of his visor, "and it's limited by the amount of energy I give out….the fact is Pete...I've always held back….so I guess it's time to see what exactly I can do when I stop."

There was a click, I heard the crystal in his visor lift as the very building around us was gathered in a sudden red light.


The energy blast exploded out of his head, traveling faster and faster, for a second, I wondered if it would break the sound barrier. And then;


It collided with the leviathan, hitting it head on, ripping the armour around its head like it was nothing. I saw what looked like motor oil exploded out of the beasts mouth as it released back, stuned, before suddenly twitching.

"KRA!" they cried, all turning to us.

Scott panted, turning to us, "I-I think we got their attention."

"Good," Carol turned, her eyes suddenly began to glow, her hands exploded into energy that I couldn't believe a human, be it a mutated one, could ever produce. Her hair began to stand up, a yellow aura circling around her, turning her into a giant flashlight.

We all turned, at once every single chitari charged at us. Wanda's eyes glowed red, Scott's fingers were already on his visor and I formed two miniature shields of Sharum.

They charged, so did we. It was a tidal wave of enemies, dropping form the sky, climbing up the building, energy beams firing at us from all sides. I extended the shields around us, covering us in a bubble of energy.

They began clawing at the shield, climbing on top of it, hitting it over and over again. I waited, waited until the last second, and before the shield fell, I explained it till it covered the whole roof, throwing all of them over the side and fall down to their deaths.

Their numbers were soon replaced, but the others were ready by then. Carol and Scott blasted anything that came close, Wanda used the fallen bodies like a mace to hit the others with, using more and more of them with ease. I covered them all, blasting anything that came too close with repulsor blasts.

It was an orgy of bright lights and power, grabbing the attention of every single chitari around us, hopefully, this will but the others enough time.

The streets:

Ka'ila didn't want to come out today. He wanted to stay at home and finish his project, have it ready by this time tomorrow to show his boss. But as luck would have it, it was the end of the world and he needed to leave.

He stepped outside just as the ship came. He ran when he saw the Mad Titan's face, afraid for for himself, afraid he would get a blaster bolt to the face before he could even cross the street,

He ran, ran into the fire, into the war that once was his home. Just last week the streets were so quiet one couldn't find a single thing to complain about. But now bodies littered the ground.

He turned a corner, sticking to the alleyways, he heard someone scream, but he didn't move, he wasn't a hero, he was….he was a coward. Suddenly, he heard something, moving quickly he jumped and hide behind a fallen compound wall, the building it was guarding bombed to oblivion and back.

He peered from his view and saw someone enter the alley, a mother and child, both Krylorian. They ran inside hand in hand, the mother practically pulling the child along, and right behind them was a chitari blademaster.

"AH!" the child cried out in fear as the chitauri took aim and fired a bolt into the mother's back. She fell down without a world, a hole in her gut through and through.

"Mommy! Mommy!" the child cried out, fallen down, her hands bleeding. She turned to her mother, tears falling as she immediately releases what had happened. She began to wail, crying her eyes out, not noticing the chitauri soldier right behind her, already aiming for her head.

Ka'ila didn't know what got into him, he really didn't. He...he remembered his mother, what she would say if she saw him hesitate. What she would think if he told her how he chose to do nothing. How could she stand the sight of him? How could he stand the sight of himself?

The chitauri clicked its teeth, ready to fire, when suddenly, "hey you!" it turned, just in time to see a rock come for it's helmet. "Scree!" the chitauri cried, the Xandarian male looking at it cried in terror and turned to run.

The alien was having none of that, it jumped, leaping over the falled compound wall, landing right on Ka'ila's back, brinnig it's gun to the back of his neck. The architect felt the hot metal on his back, he could see the Krylorian child look at him with tears in her eyes, he whispered, "run."

He prayed she would. He readied himself for the blast, eyes closed. But instead of the metallic hiss of a blaster, the sound of metal and flesh being smashed into a wall was heard as the weight of the chitari's bio-organic body was released from Ka'ila's back.

He blinked in surprise, turning to the side to see the chitauri from before pinned to a wall with cracks appearing around him. Then slowly, as if something large and heavy was pressing down on him, he began to break apart, the purple tar that served as it's blood came out in splashed until it was embedded into the wall, dead.

And then, spearing out of thin air, was a woman with short yellow hair and the bluest eyes Kayla had ever seen. She stood before the child, her eyes narrowed with hate. She turned around and reached down, picking the shocked Krylorian girl up.

"Can you take her to safety?" the woman asked as she approached Ka'ila, "Nova HQ is a protected zone, you will be safe there."

"Y-yes, okay," Ka'ila replied, too startled to say anything else as he accepted the still crying girl into his arms, "I will make sure she's safe...who are you?"

The woman turned away, her body slowly vanishing form her feet up, "someone trying to help. Now go! Head north, my friends will have cleared up the rest of way."

"But I-" Ka'ila stopped, finding himself looking at nothing once again. He was confused, but just then an explosion startled him out of his daze. He could ponder the question of the vanishing woman later, the girl needed to be protected.

So he ran, the crying child in his arms yelled, calling out for her mother, but it was nothing more than a corpse now, he couldn't afford to let her grieve normally.

He turned the corner and found the main road destroyed. The road was covered with holes and broken sky platforms, navigating around it would be difficult. He did his best, holding the crying child in his hands as he did.

Then suddenly, the sound of a thousand engines came alive in the city. A sound any Xandarian would recognize.

Ka'ila stopped and looked up, watching as thousands of Nova sh.i.p.s flew over the city, charging at the giant ship in the sky that was invading them.

"We'll be fine," Ka'ila whispered, the girl turning to him, her attention draw as well. He turned to her and smiled, "see, the Nova Corps is here, we'll be fine now, I swear."

"W-will they bring my mommy back?" the girl asked, and Ka'ila's smile vanished. He hugged her close and continued his walk, careful not to trip and fall.

"You there! Get down!" a large Serbian came around the corner, dressed in a fine suit that was now ruined. Ka'ila had no time to understand why the woman looked so panicked, when suddenly a beam of red energy tore through the building to his right, the middle five floors shattered in half.

Flying across the sky and landing a good fifty behind them was a giant shuttle that was filled to the brim with chitauri soldiers. The side of the shuttle was burnt, the things inside, dead or dying.

But one crawled out, still not willing to die, it clawed it way out of the mount of corpses that were it's once allies, blaster held between its teeth. It turned to Ka'ila and the girl and growled. But before it can even do a thing, a blaster shot caught it between the eyes, exploding it's head off it's torso.

"Told you you missed some!" Ka'ila turned in a panic to see a short furry...thing with a giant blaster turn the corner, by its side was a female with short brown hair with a white streak in it. And if the talking fur ball wasn't odd enough, the girl's eyes were….glowing.

"Bite me racoon," the girl hissed.

"What you call me?!" the raccoon, apparently, hissed, snarling at the girl.

"I am Groot," came a loud voice from behind Ka'ila, starting the man.

"ARGH!" the architect cried out, turning to see a large walking tree man looking down at him and the girl he carried.

"Oye, you there, is that your kid?!" the racoon called out. Ka'ila, too startled to answer, shook his head in fear, "then who's is it?!"

"S-she died," Ka'ila replied, "I'm getting her to the safe zone."

The girl with glowing red eyes looked at the child in Ka'ila's arms with pity. She nodded, "alright, just keep going down this road, hurry, we've cleared out this roads but there are more coming!"

Ka'ila nodded, saying nothing as he ran away as quickly as he could. He climbed down a service lane when he heard the tree man call out, "I am Groot!"

"Head's up white head! We got more incoming!" the raccoon said, sounding almost pleased.

"YARGH!" the woman roared, Ka'ila turned and saw her fire beam after beam of energy at the approaching herd of chitauri soldiers.

The service lane took him into a 't' crossing, he ran as quickly as he could, but the moment he stepped into the crossing he saw a small hoard of chitari waiting for him.

"KREE!" the leader hissed, pointing it's talon at him. Ka'ila was about to scream and faint, when suddenly hover car came flying down and crashed right into the chitauri, exploding loudly.

Ka'ila watched in horror as they were burnt alive, he looked up to where the car came from and saw an orange figure jump from building to building, with a giant stone pillar in hand, smashing chitari away like he was swatting a fly.

The orange man didn't even give him another look, already flying into a chitari drone, breaking the driver's skull with his b.a.r.e hands and kicking the other one out in one motion. He then jumped into the air and onto a building, vanishing from sight.

Ka'ila didn't understand what was going on and frankly he didn't care. These people could be mercenaries for all he knew, but it didn't matter. He needed to get out of here, he needed to bring the girl to safety, that's all that mattered right now.

Ten minutes later:

Ka'ila was panting now, he kept running, not bothering to look back, afraid that if he did, he would see an army at his back, ready to pounce. He felt like he was going to drop dead any second, his gut sloshing about. He really should have kept to his promise of starting daily exercises this year.

He was almost there, all he had to do now was climb the steep service lane and he would reach the Elder Circle Park, a skip away from Nova command. And just as he was half way up the road, there was a bright flash of light.

It came from between the buildings to his back. Angeled in such a way that you wouldn't see it unless you were standing at the very spot he was. It was the Kree Embassy, the fifteenth largest building in the city. Ka'ila remembered when it was built, the outrage at the cost. People demanded they be given something more mundane, but the Kree wouldn't have it.

They wanted the best, and they refused to even talk unless they had a place 'worthy' of their stature. And in the end, they got what they wanted and still the battle didn't end until ten years after the embassy was made.

But now, the place was being used for something else, something Ka'ila couldn't even describe let alone understand.

The very top of the building was covered with chitari, the white building was grey and gold near the top, every inch of the top three floors covered with the invaders. And at the very top, flashes of yellow and red lights. They blasted the aliens away, a war of the tides, purple and gold against yellow and red. The skies around the embassy was covered with those flying giant snake things, and every time they got too close, a blast of energy the same shade as the ones the girl Ka'ila met before made, was released. And fi that didn't stop them a golden comet seemed to bomande them with equally golden energy blasts.

It was the heart of the conflict, Ka'ila knew it was. And then suddenly:


The sonic boom was powerful enough that the resulting gust of wind from it battered Ka'ila's side and shook him to the core.

He blinked away the dust, and when he looked up, a small legion of Nova corp sh.i.p.s were seen falling from the sky in flames, destroyed beyond recognition. The flew down and crashes a great distance away, but Ka'ila could still hear the sound of their metal frames cracking. And looming over their wreckage, was the chitauri mothership.

The front of the chitauri ship was glowing an ethical purple, energy arcing out of it like plasma from the sun. Ka'ila looked at the ship, it was slowly making its way to the Kree embassy, obviously it had noticed the light show going on there.

Ka'ila turned and ran, he couldn't afford to waste anymore time, it was now or never.

He was sweating like a space pig, but he finally reached the top of the road and there before him was Elder Circle Park, the trees looking burt and the gates closed with two dozen Nova officers standing gaurd all around.

"You there! Come quickly!" one of the officers called out, noticing Ka'ila running towards them. Ka'ila felt like weeping in joy, he slowed his pace, when he heard the officer cry again, "don't stop running you idiot! They're right behind you!"

Ka'ila turned, and sure enough, a small battalion of chitari were there, quickly running up the very same road that took him twenty minutes to climb up.

He ran, ran faster with energy he didn't know he still had inside of him. The girl in his arms was silent, she felt numb. She stopped crying half an hour ago, she looked….dead. Like she was almost welcoming death to greet here.

"KRAA!" came a cry, a chitari leaped into the air and over Ka'ila. He stopped as it turned to him, ready to pounce.

Ka'ila turned, curling into a ball, showing it his back, protecting the girl in his arms. Only again, it seemed destiny deemed it wasn't his day to die.

"KRACK!" the chitauri cried, Ka'ila turned and his eyes winded in awe at the sight of a man with six metal blades coming out of his fists stand before him, chitari blood over his body and arms, a sliced up chitauri drone at his feet.

"Whatcha waiting for kid? Scram," the man growled as he charged, roaring like a wild animal, pouncing into the chaitaries, tearing through them line a plasma through cotton.

Ka'ila got up and ran, now used to this strange sights around him. He ran to the park and was given access, told to follow the laid out path before him. He did and soon came to the park's central square which was now filled with people, all injured in some form or another.

There were sleeping bags and food counters all around. People were sheltered and feed. Ka'ila looked around and couldn't believe his eyes, outside it was a war, but here, one could be mistaken it was still a normal Xandarian day, save a few injured people.

"You there," someone called out, "are you injured?" Ka'ila turned to find a girl in white robes and a glowing crescent moon around one eye approach him.

"I-i, no. I'm fine," Ka'ila replied.

"Good, and the girl?" the teenager turned to look sadly.

"She's fine too," Ka'ila replied.

"Tandy! I got a live one!" a voice called out as Ka'ila looked up to see a man covered in flames descend down towards them, carrying an injured woman in his arms, who seemed unhurt by his flames.

"Carina! Bed!" the blind called out as another Krylorian brought forth a hover bed and placed it in front of Tandy, placing also a tray of medicines before her.

"Sue called me and told me about this body she found, still alive but barely. She stabilized her but couldn't do anything else, took me a while to get to her but she's still hanging on," the man in flames landed, placing the woman on the bed.

"Mommy!" the girl in Ka'ila's arms cried out, her eyes alive once more.

"H-how?!" Ka'ila asked, he was sure….was she still alive?! "Can you save her?!" he asked the girl, who was obviously some kind of doctor.

"I'll try," the woman replied as suddenly she became bathed in a white light that startled Ka'ila and the girl, but seemed natural to everyone else. The natives around did seem curious, but weren't shocked. But the most surprising thing however wasn't the woman glowing, but what was happening to the Krylorian mother who Ka'ila thought was dead.

The wound in her stomach was closing, it was healing itself. Her breathing was less strained and in seconds, she looked hole again. The light stopped and the woman backed away, swooping. She was grabbed by the flaming man who eased her into a seat, the krylorian giving her something to drink.

"M-mommy?" the girl in Ka'ila's arms whispered, hope returning to her eyes.

"Miku?" the woman whispered, her eyes opening as she looked up, "Miku, baby, you need to run, you need to...hide..." she then fainted yet again.

"She needs rest," the fire man explained, "Carina will show you to a place, rest there, if you need anything ask," he then turned to the woman who had just brought someone back from the doors of death, "can you do one more?"

"Bring them, bring them all," she replied.

"This way please," Carina, the other Krylorian, gestured, pushing the bed with the unconscious mother to a corner of the square.

Ka'ila sat down with the now silent but eager looking child and her mother. He looked out at the park and the people inside. Their numbers were growing more and more, the glowing angel saving more people in the minutes Ka'ila was observing her than he knew.

The park was slowly growing more and more crowded. He sat there and prayed, but not to any god, but to the brave soldiers of the Nova corp, to these….people who had saved his life, for….fo this war to be over. To wake up the next day and still have a place to call home.

With Felicia:

"I-It's bigger on the inside!" Quill cried out.

"We know," Jessica rolled her eyes as she got to the navigations deck, activating the ship's systems, "activating Peter's cloaking software. Felicia?"

"Let's go," Felicia replied, strapped into the captain's seat. She brought the ship up and blasted through the walls of their small apartment, flying through the air like a bullet from a gun.

"Woah!" Quill cried, grabbing the walls to hold himself up, "lot of kick there huh?"

"There," Gamora pointed at the front of the chitauri mothership, "there should be a fuel service entrance there. With the size of the ship we should be able to get in no problem."

"And once we are in, it will be time to make them pay," Drax growled, his knives drawn.

"The ship has a ion cannon at the front, so be careful," Gamora replied, "how nimble is this ship?"

"Chitari drone 6 'o'clock!" Jessica called out.

"On it," Felicia maneuvered the ship, rising into the air before taking a sharp turn and going through broken building top.

"You got any weapons on this thing?!" Quill cried out.

"No, Peter didn't think of them!" Jessica growled, "but, I do have something else!"


She reached into her bag of storage and took out what looked like a ten foot canon. It looked almost comical, Quill's jaw almost dropped when she held it up from him to see, "this."

"Mine," Drax grabbed the giant holster.

"What? You can't just say mine and take that!" Quill argued.

"I did, open the door," Drax grunted.

"Fine, but at least say something cold," Quill said, opening the door.

Drax pointed the canon out and smiled, "something cool!"


The cannon fired out shoots like a machine gun, blasting away into the following chitari drones, sending them flying down in flames. One of them managed to escape and was closing in, but before Drax could bring them down, Peter fired a shot that hit the flyer between the eye sending the whole thing down.

Drax turned to him and growled, "do not interfere."

"Next time, say something cool."

"I did!" the women rolled their eyes, Jessica taking the cannon back from Drax, putting it away.

"We're coming up to the ship," Felicia called back, "get ready!" They braced themselves as the Liberty slowly got engrossed into the shadow of the giant ship before them.

Felicia brought it into the bay Gamora had indicated and sure enough there was no one there. Parking the ship down safely they all got up, entering the ship from a hatch that Jessica short circuited with her venom blast.

"Where to now" Felicia asked.

Gamora looked down the hallway, pointing to the left, "that will lead to the central core. We can get to it, but we'll need to be silent."

They creeped inside and moved silently. They walked down the large corridor, the sound of machinery whirling in the background. Everything was silent as a church mouse, but then;


They all turned to see Quill with a metal grate in his hand. " fell out," he explained. Gamora growled, pinching her nose.

They moved again, Quill now standing between Felicia and Drax. They eventually reached the end of the corridor which had a large metal door before them, locked with a green unlock pad before them.

"It's just beyond this door," Gamora explained, "but I don't know the passcode."

"We don't need a passcode," Drax huffed, turning to Jessica, "woman, the canon!"

"Are you crazy!" Jessica hissed, "don't you know how much noise that would make?! The last thing we need is-"


"-to be discovered," Jessica ended as they all turned to the now moving metal doors.

The metal doors opened up as on the other side a tall grey alien stood there with held out arms, fingertips touching, and a calm expression on his face. He wore white and grey robes, looking very much like a anthropomorphic squid from a children's tv show.

"M-Maw," Gamora stammered, stepping back, blades already in her hands.

"Gamora," the Child of Thanos nodded, "it's been a while favoured daughter of Thanos...when we heard of your betrayal, Lord Thanos was quite distraught. You caused him much unneeded pain I hope you know."


"I know you my dear," the aline smirked, "I know how you think, how you fight. You do remember it was I who taught you how to conquer any foe in command, yes? I who molded your career as a general of the Lord's armies. I knew you would come here first, to retrieve this," he reached around and took out a grey and purple coloured sphere, "but will will die. Now."

With Peter:

"Peter! Come in!" Johnny's voice was suddenly bursting into my ear.

"Kind of busy here buddy!" I called out as I ducked under a chitari balster, firing my own repulsor blast at it, sending it and the five soldiers behind it off the building.

"One of those snake things are coming after the park! We can't get everyone out in time!" came Johnny's frantic cries.

"Shit," I turned, Scott and Carol were flying on empty, I knew they were. So was Wanda. We had killed nearly half the army and more, the rest taken care of by the Nova pilots, but they were too busy trying not to get shot out of the sky by the Chitauri mothership.

"Can you guys hold them off for a few moments?! I need to go help Johnny," I asked Carol.

"Go!" she replied, saving energy by speaking as little as possible. Wanda gave me a node, wishing me luck. I charged at an oncoming hoard of chitari, tackled them and blasted away, pulling them to the sky before dropping them to their deaths.

I flew with my suit's thrusters and made my way to the park, spotting the leviathan that was slowly inching closer towards it, and flying around it's torso was Johnny, blasting fireballs at it, only for there to be no effect seen at all.

I closed my eyes, channeling the remaining energy I had in my body. Magic on low, psionic energy on low, stamina high but….that's it!

"S.e.xy, divert all power into my thrusters, we're going to tackle this thing!" I called out

"Doing so now," the AI replied, blasting me towards the creatures. I came up it's side, rushing faster and faster, and when I got into position, I floored it.


I collided into its side with enough force to divert its body to the side, into a building that then collapsed onto it, pinning it down to the streets.

I panted, landing before the park, Johnny landing next to me. "We need to take this thing down, fast! You got enough juice for that Godzilla thing I heard you do?"

"No even close man," I panted, "fighting for an hour has that effect….but….I…..I think I do have something."

"What?" Johnny asked.

"I need a moment, I never really did this before ever and it's only ever been something I thought up in theory I-"

"-Pete, tell me what you need."

"Keep it on the ground," I replied, closing my eyes and drawing my senses inwards.

I activated Web Vision and saw myself, the chaotic mixture of energy within my body. I accessed my mental landscape and moved through the city of my memories, now containing a miniaturized version of the Klyn for my time in prison.

I quickly found what I was searching for, a pedestal placed before the Dark Tower, with steps leading up to it. I walked the steps and looked down at the mental representation of Thor's powers within my body.

Mjolner. The mental image was an anchor, a way to suppress the power within me so that I wouldn't burn out. I needed time to adjust, time to...adapt. But now...I needed it, I had no choice.

I reached out and closed my hand around the handle. I took a deep breath and pulled. It was heavy, unbelievably heavy. I could never imagine something so...raw. Electricity began flowing through my body as I felt...more, more everything, more power, more energy, more me.

I pulled, but the hammer refused to budge. But in its place where vibrations, Thor's powers were hurting me, rejecting me, testing me.

But I insisted, the vibrations inscribed, my hands began to feel numbs, before suddenly, I felt the hammer rise an inch from the pedestal.

I opened my eyes and felt my body exploded electricity outwards.

"Warning! Energy overload eminent! Shutting down all suit functions and converting power directly from energy output!" S.e.xy flashed a hundred pop ups, but I ignored them all.

Lighting shot out of my body, my arms, legs, everything, vibrating more and more. The energy hurt me, but charged me up as well. It felt like I was holding up a car without any super powers. I didn't have time, I couldn't hold onto this form for long.

"GRAAA!" the leviathan roared, wiggling out of the building I threw it into and charging at me. It tried to fly but a stream of flames form Johnny's own hands caused it to lower down, sliding over the road.

I took a step forward and began to run, my speed increasing slowly, my arms pumping, my legs hitting the ground strong enough to form cracks. Lighting shot out, burning the ground around, my blood pumping so loud I could hear it.

"GRAAA!" the leviathan roared.

"GRAAAA!" I roared back as I charged at it, an aura of energy flying around me, cloaking me in lightning. We were a good fifty away from each other, I felt my muscles ripples as lightning charged them.

Twenty feet, my suit seemed to slip away, revealing my face and my upper body, the electricity was messing with the nanotech, overloading it.

Ten feet, I timed it perfectly, throwing my hands out, crashing into the beast's mouth. I was pushed back, it's momentum made my feet dig into the ground as I roared out, pushing it away with the very lightning in my muscles.

It didn't stop, but I didn't either. It was pushing me back towards where I first began, the park was right there, the people running, they wouldn't make it. I had to stop him here, I will stop him hear!

And for a second, I felt the Mjolnir in my mind rise up a few more inches.


Lightning exploded through my whole body, through my arms and into the leviathan's body, blasting it away, killing it's momentum in its tracks.

Smoke rose and I pulled away, letting go of the energy within me as I felt my body ache in pain, it's natural regenerative properties already fixing the damage, but leaving the pain.

I was panting now, stepping out of the small crater I had made from the energy I gave off. Johnny flew down and landed besides me, his eyes wide open, "dude, the f.u.c.k?"

"A trick I picked up from THor," I replied, wiping away the sweat as slowly my nanobots gathered back around me, forming my suit. I need to fix this little 'feature' when I get the time.

"Yeah, well either than or Raiden and...hey, your hair, did you dye it?" Johnny blinked, confused. I was about to open my mouth and reply when Johnny's eyes winded, he pressed his communicator and cursed, "shit!"

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's Felicia, she said they're in trouble," Johnny called out.

I reached up to my communicator, wondering why she didn't call me first, only to find it fried, nothing left of it but ash. I turned it Johnny, "what happened?"

"Apparently the Child of Thanos their fighting is powerful as hell, giving them a run around," Johnny explained, "Maw something?"

My eyes winded, Ebony Maw. A psychic to end all psychics. Even Strange had trouble with him, and this was a man who could take on Thanos with four Infinity Stones in his hands.

"Where are they? Tell her I'm on my way right now!"

"That's not the trouble," Johnny replied. I looked confused and he pointed up, I turned and my jaw dropped.

A second Chitauri ship came down from the sky, breaking the clouds and releasing it's army, a dozen more leviathans came out, hundreds of chitari drones and even blaster fire rained down on the city.

"This is bad," Johnny replied, "this is very bad."

I was about to agree, when I noticed something very interesting. I smiled, "actually, I think we'll be fine." Johnny was about to ask me why when I pointed at the sky once more, this time, a fleet of ravager sh.i.p.s, similar to Quill's, came flying down, engaging with the Chitauri.

"Who are they?" Johnny asked.

"Yondu's Ravagers," I replied, "I had Quill contact him with an offer."

"What?" Johnny asked.

"A weapon from Nidavellir," I replied, "costs about a cool hundred million, had the Brooker back me up on the price range."

"Huh….cool," Johnny whispered as we watched the Ravagers taken on the chitauri, backing up the few remaining Nova corps sh.i.p.s. I was about to suggest we go help when the first chitauri ship suddenly began to explode.


I turned to Johnny who already activated his ear piece, "apparently Drax did that."


"And Quill did that one."

"We need to get that ship, now!" I took off into the sky, byt my whole system felt, off. It was slurring and slower than before, a quick reading told me it's because it still hadn't recovered from the lightning trip I had given it, basically it was suffering from a hangover.

We flew over just as it crash landed into the heart of the city. The collision so loud and powerful it shook the whole city as a cloud of dust and metal feel over the ten blocks around. I can't even imagine how many people died that very instant, but I was more worried about my crew inside.

"S.e.xy, can you track their communicators?" I asked.

"Y-yes," the slurrered reply came. I cursed, next time I use Thor's power I'll need to remove my clothes...won't that be fun.

It took a moment, but I managed to track their location to the front top of their ship, landing on the hull with Johnny.

"They should be right below us," I said, releasing my stingers, ready to slice into the hull, only for my spider sense to warn, "get down!" I tackled Johnny, just as the very hull we stood on exploded outwards, tearing apart like a tin can.

We rolled and landed away, I looked up, just in time to see Ebony Maw lift himself out of the giant hole he had made in the hull, wiping away the dust on his white and grey robes. He looked down at me and raised an eyebrow.

"You," he said.

"Heyo Squidward, how's it going?" yeah i stole Tony Stark's joke, bite me.

"The Spider," Maw growled, swiping his hands forward. Spider sense wanted me again, I kicked Johnny away, costing me as I couldn't avoid the metal sheets that Maw had summoned off the hull and wrapped around me.

I struggle, but he slowly began to squeeze his fist, "you have been a thorn in my Master's side for far too long Spider. First on Earth and then on Asgard, that is twice you have defined the will of Thanos, but no more."

"Thrice," I spoke up.

"Pardon?" the alien asked.

"Thrice," I stood up, slowly crossing my hands underneath the metal wrapping, "I'm going to stop you again. Today, right here and now."

"Oh? You and what army?"

"My army."

"ARGH!" Carol came flying in like a bullet. Maw's eyes widened in surprise as he managed to doge her by the skin of his teeth, only for him to come face to face with Scott's optic blast.

Maw threw his hands open and formed a barrier of sorts before him, blocking the attack, but being pushed back a few good inches.

When Scoot's attack relented several large items were thrown at Maw, he banished them all with a wave, spotting Wanda across the ship, throwing more and more items at the Child of Thanos, "irritating," he spat, fl.i.c.k.i.n.g his hand to send a wave of telekinetic energy at the girl, blasting apart the ship's hull as it did.

But before it reached her Bill jumped in from nowhere, grabbing Wanda in the nick of time and jumping away, covering more than seventy feet in a single bound.


I released my stingers and sore through the restraints holding me. Maw turned to me, growling, about to use his abilities again, only for a stream of fire to catch him in the face, courtesy of Johnny who had finally gotten on his feet.

Maw cried in pain, quickly putting out the fire with his mind, but when he looked up, he found himself surrounded.

"So, this is your team?" Maw asked in a bored tone, though I could smell the fear coming off him.

"Yeah, it is," I replied, "and it's the same team that's going to stop you and your master."

"I highly doubt-"


Gun fire rang out as Maw snapped around, stopping the blaster bolt before it hit his face. But before he could speak Drax and Quill jumped out of the same hole Maw had made, proceeding to charging him, only to be banished away.

"Hey ugly!" Carol called, firing a blast at her. Maw turned and froze that in mid air as well.


Scoot fire his beam and Maw stopped it. Wanda and Bill landed besides me, she mentally threw everything she could at him while Bill did the same but with his hands.

Johnny threw his flames, I shot out repulsor blasts and slowly we could tell Maw was being overwhelmed. Until he snapped.

"Enough!" he roared, a wave of telekinetic energy coming right out of his body, blasting our blasts and us away. I grabbed Johnny again, he was about to hit a sharp metal beam.

"You lack the power to challenge one such as I!" Maw roared, panting, "I am a Child of THanos! Above you all!"

"Then I suppose only another Child of THanos will be able to put you down," a voice called out. Gamora was standing across from Maw, blades in hand.

"Child, do not be foolish," Maw warned, Gamora lowered into her stance, "you know you cannot win. You never have."

"I was alone then," she looked at us, "I'm not now."

She charged, Maw summoned parts of the ship's hall to protect himself, Gamora slicing through them all. He then summoned a pice and then rolled it up like a newspaper, bringin the metal rod and parrying Gamora's blows.

Maw was sweating now, his focus shifted, so distracted was he, did he not notice the woman in black with silver hair sneak up behind him, camoflaused.

Felicia picked his pocket and jumped away. "What?" Maw turned, wondering what had happened, the lose in focus allowing Gamora to slip past the metal rod and slice Maw's hand, cutting the digits of his right hand.

"ARGH!" Maw cried, blasting GAmora away, he turned, seeing Felicia reaper next to me, holding what looked like a grey and purple sphere in her hands. Maw's eyes winded, "no..."

"Never, ever, underestimate a thief," Felicia smirked, "yo fly girl! Blow up!" she threw the orb at Carol, who proceed to blast the thing into dust.

All around us the chitauri began to shut down, while the ones that came from the second ship were still active, that still meant a lot more were now dead and gone. Maw looked around in panic, "t-this is not right! How do you possess the strength! Who are you people?!"

"Haven't you heard? We're the Avengers of the Galaxy," Quill smirked.

"No, we are not," Gamora replied, hissing. Quill looked defeated.

"What we are Maw, doesn't matter," I replied, "but what we do is...we're going to stop Thanos...I want you to know that...from this moment on, his days are numbered Maw, and we'll be the ones to stop him."

"KGRA!" the roar of a levithan broke us up as he saw the beast charging towards us head first.

"Scatter!" I cried out, grabbing Felicia and Quill while the rest paired up and flew/jumped away.

The leviathan crashed into the ship and tore through the hull before flying back up. I looked and saw Maw on it's back, rushing towards the second chitauri ship.

"He's escaping!" Gamora cried out as she and Jessica were carried by Carol, "we must stop him.

"No, wait," Quill pointed up, and sure enough, it seemed like the chitauri were withdrawing. And as soon as Maw got into the ship, it left Xander's atmosphere, leaving behind it's deployed troops that were soon slaughtered into nothing by the Ravagers.

"He ran away, the coward," Wanda hissed.

"And he knows it," Carol replied, "I doubt this Thanos guy is the forgiving kind."

"So….we did it? We won?" Quill asked, looking around at the destroyed city around us, "did we?"

"I….I guess so," I replied as we all gathered on the roof of a nearby building, looking at the now slowly settling city. I felt tired, so unbelievably tired,I turned to my crew, they looked at me, waiting for a speech, for me to give the motivational talk of a century, but I was frankly way to tired for that, "alright team, let's just get something to eat."

"Damn right," Johnny grinned, "I'm so hungry I can eat a horse!"

"Why would you eat a horse?" Drax asked, "they do not taste nice and are very ugly creatures."

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