In the underground laboratory, on a wide test bench, Qian Shouyuan stood on the side at this time, and Bai Jue lay quietly on the test bench.

Just as in Qianshouyuan’s impression, the white in front of him has short pale green hair, his skin is a sickly paleness, there is no body temperature on his body, he can’t distinguish between men and women, his eyeballs are light brown, and he looks no different from normal people from the outside.

Under the observation of white eyes, there are no internal organs in Bai Jue’s chest and abdomen, and the whole body looks more like an empty shell, which is very strange.

Obviously, there are no internal organs, but there is a strong vitality on the body, and the strangest thing is that this thing has no brain.

Yes, there are no brains.

That is to say, this thing does not even have an organ for thinking, but it shows that intelligent life is a little wise, it has thoughts, and it seems to have a concept of self, which is very surprising.

Qian Shouyuan carefully observed, all kinds of inspiration flashed in his mind, and suddenly smiled after a moment.

“So it is!”

Under the observation of his white eyes and spiritual sense, he finally found the clue.

The finger pointed at the door of his head, and Senjuyuan closed his eyes.

“The soul breath is extremely mixed, but there is no soul itself, that is to say, this thing is the product of countless soul breaths. Combined with the statement that Bai Jue’s predecessor was transformed by someone who read the infinite moon, then Bai Jue can think about this and explain it clearly. ”

Qianshou Yuan opened his eyes, and just at that moment, he had already gained insight into the essence of Bai Jue’s ability to produce wisdom.

“Being able to think in a state without a soul is a mixture of countless soul breaths, forming a self that is different from normal people, which can be said to be intelligent life or a collection of countless soul information. Its wisdom is more like a ripening program, which also explains why every Bai Jue character in the original plot is different. ”

As he spoke, the finger of the Thousand Hand Source Point on his forehead hooked, and a faint point of light slowly floated.

The light spot is very stable, so quietly suspended, without the slightest movement.

With the appearance of the point of light, Bai Jue’s body on the test bench trembled slightly, and then softened, as if it had lost some kind of support, but his body was still alive.

This point of light is the “soul” of Bai Jue, to be precise, it is the root that supports its thinking, and it is the product of the mixture of countless soul breaths.

“Datumu Kaguya uses the infinite moon reading, plus the things that the divine tree binds out, so many people in the infinite moon reading, the souls will naturally mix together. Then the living died, but the body still survived because of the divine tree, and through the transformation of the divine tree, it is said that these mixed soul breaths are distributed on each living body, and for a long time, the body comes back to life, and this is the origin of the white absolute. ”

Senjuyuan took out a scroll from behind his back, spread it out on the ground, and pressed his palm on it after making a seal.

The incantation appeared, followed by a thud, and the half-finished shallow striking appeared on the scroll.

“It just lacks something, the slashing knife now lacks soul breath, with this thing, the shallow fight can finally really take shape.”

Qianshou Yuan picked up the shallow beating, and with a finger of the other hand pointed at the point of light, the finger hooked, and the point of light was actually dragged, flying directly to the shallow knife, and then blending into it.

There is no movement, the integration of the point of light is silent, others may not find anything, but in the perception of the thousand hand source, there is a touch of spirituality on the slashing knife in front of him, a touch of very immature spirituality.

“As I expected, after incorporating such a mixed soul aura, it is enough to complete the slashing knife. After that, there is a dialogue between the heart and the slashing knife, knowing the true name of the self born from the slashing knife, and thus producing an ability unique to the slashing knife. ”

Qianshou Yuan gently stroked the blade, his movements were gentle, as if he was stroking a treasure, with a satisfied smile on his face.

“So… It’s time to start trying. ”

Qianshou Yuan closed his eyes slightly, and his spiritual sense expanded, connecting his consciousness with the slashing knife.

In the haze, Senjuyuan heard a noisy sound, which gave him the feeling that it was like a noise in a broken radio, very messy, without the slightest regularity.

But in this chaos, Qianshou Yuan is keenly aware of a trace of order, hidden in the chaos, but real.

“Tell me, your real name, respond to me, my creation!”

Senjuyuan called in his heart, without the slightest impatience, this process was indispensable, even for him.

Because this is the process of the birth of the ability of the slashing knife, only by knowing its real name, the slashing knife can give birth to itself, thus producing unique abilities.


The blade suddenly trembled, producing a burst of ringing, as if in response to the source of a thousand hands.

Qianshou Yuan did not have the slightest urgency, but sank his heart, calling again and again, distinguishing the messy noise little by little, wanting to catch the hidden name from it.


The blade trembled, and it became more and more intense.

Qianshou Yuan still maintained the action of closing his eyes, and his mind had completely sunk into it.

If he were to be in the corpse soul world, Thousand Hand Yuan estimated that it was like such a call, and the slashing knife would have responded as early as the first time, but this is the ninja world, lacking the rules of the spirit sub-system of the corpse soul world, this brand new system is from scratch, and it is naturally difficult to get a response.

But fortunately, it is now in the stage of “have”, the zero-to-one problem has been solved, and the rest of the road has been smooth.

Finally, a voice sounded in Senjuyuan’s ears, it was the slashing knife that answered his call.

“Master, please remember my name – Mixed Light.”

(Ask for flowers, score !!! )

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