“Mixed light?”

Qianshou Yuan opened his eyes, and his doubts were clear again.

The doubt lies in the meaning of the name, but it is clear that he already knows his ability to slash the knife.

With a sigh of relief, Qianshou Yuan held a shallow beating in his hand, and slowly spoke out: “Open up a new life – mixed light.” ”

The tone is calm and calm.

But the slashing knife in front of him suddenly appeared a burst of light at this time, and in that light, the originally curved blade converged and became straight, but it was still a long knife with a unilateral edge, but it changed from a tai knife to a horizontal knife.

As for other aspects, the change is not much, the length has changed from the original two feet one to two feet three, the knife head has an extra strand of spikes, its color is dark, but it has a colorful color, and there is a black pearl-like color.

Holding the knife in one hand and wielding it gently, the weight of the knife is very heavy, but the thousand hands source is handy to use, and it is not difficult at all.

After thinking about it, the source of the thousand hands disappeared in place.

At the same time, in the depths of the Forest of Death, on a thick tree, a thousand hands suddenly appeared on the branch, more than twenty meters above the ground, and at its feet, there was a Ku Wu with a special spell engraved on the trunk.

That is the Flying Thunder God Mark, in the past few days, after learning the art of the Flying Thunder God, Senjuyuan took time to leave nearly a hundred Flying Thunder God Kumu in various places in Konoha Village, which is still very convenient as a moving coordinate.

The moment he knew the true name of the slashing knife, he already knew the power of this knife.

As in the first commentary, opening up a new life is the ability to slash the knife, and its function is that after a knife is cut out, everything that is cut by it will be given life.

Isn’t it a scary ability?

It’s scary indeed.

There is almost no limit to this ability, whether it is a dead thing or a living thing, after being beheaded, life will be born.

To say that it is life, its practical wisdom and self are more aptly described.

For example, if Qianshou Yuan hits a stone, then the stone will come to life and become a thinking living form, from a dead thing to a living thing.

But what if it is beheaded on a living animal? Like beheading people?

As a result, there is one thought in that person’s body.

That’s right, it’s a thought in multiple places, in other words, being beheaded is schizophrenia, but it doesn’t have to be so, because the body of a living creature is full of its own will, that is, spiritual power, so after being beheaded, a random part of the body will appear a new thought.

This part may be the hands, it may be the feet, it may be the internal organs, in short, everything is possible.

This ability is indeed very terrifying, but in fact, there is a limit, and this limitation is very difficult for ordinary people to overcome.

That is the thing that was slashed by the slashing knife, and it must be understandable to the source of a thousand hands.

Or take the stone as an example, cut the stone, if you want the stone to have thinking, you need a thousand hands to understand the structure, composition and other information of the stone, otherwise, the ability of the slashing knife will not be effective.

This restriction is very large, at least for ordinary people, but this restriction is nothing at all in exchange for Thousand Hand Yuan.

With a talent for understanding, he is not too easy to understand something.

In addition, the thinking born after the killing of dead things is controlled by the source of thousand hands, because for dead things, it is the source of thousands of hands that “creates” them, and the thinking that is “created” is naturally inherently close to the source of thousand hands.

However, living things are not controlled by the source of thousand hands, because living things carry the spiritual power of the original body, which is a new thinking born from the spiritual power of the original body, so strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with the source of thousand hands.

At the same time, the effect of being beheaded is not indispensable, and there are various methods, and if the dead thing is directly destroyed. The minds born in living creatures are either removed, killed, or worse, directly forcibly suppressed by their own will.

But even so, the ability to mix light is not terrible, at least in the middle of the battle, the effect is extremely strong, this naturally needless to say, because not everyone can directly suppress the new thinking with their own will.

Qianshou Yuan looked at the slashing knife in this hand, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

“So, what was going on in my heart the moment when Mixed Light spoke to me?”

Senjuyuan pondered for a moment, and then smiled slightly.

“Yes, at that time, a mixed soul aura was added to the shallow fight, and at that time, I hoped that the slashing knife could really take shape, so that I could give birth to myself. Therefore, when the slashing knife spoke to me after it was formed, it heard my heart’s voice, which gave rise to this ability, and the birth of self is not a new life. ”

Thinking of this, Senjuyuan understood the whole process.

The next moment, he gently swung his knife, and the mixed light slashed at the tree trunk beside him.

Laugh at!

There was an additional crack in the trunk that was not deep, and then the light in the crack surged and disappeared.

Immediately, Senjuyuan felt the trembling of the branches under his feet, which was slight at first, but soon became violent.

Senjuyuan landed steadily from the branch, and then looked up at the entire tree.

The rough wood was hugged by four or five people, and the height was also fifty or sixty meters, the crown of the tree was thick, the branches were luxuriant, and at this time it twisted slightly as if it had come to life.

A moment later, a strange scene appeared.

I saw that on the thick trunk, a pair of eyes opened, a pair of eyes like the rings of the trunk, and under the eyes, there was a wide mouth.

“Whoosh, whoops!”

The big mouth opened and let out a rough and low roar.


Senjuyuan stretched out his finger against his lips.

The roar stopped suddenly, and then the pair of eyes slowly looked down, and when they saw Senjuyuan, the movements of the thick wooden body quickly stopped.


The voice is low and deep.

The corners of Qianshouyuan’s mouth turned up, very satisfied with the scene in front of him.

The ability to mix light is undoubtedly the most suitable for him, which he is very sure of!

(It’s about to be on the shelves in the last two days, and finally ask for a wave of support before listing, asking for flowers, ratings!!! )

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