Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1027: second legend

In just over a month, more than 50 leaders of large and small forces were invited to the Hailong Islands to visit the combat preparations of the Hailong-Seagull United Kingdom.

Among these leaders of various factions, many people left silently after watching the preparations for the Sea Dragon Islands, and some did not understand at all. - These are not important, anyway, whether they have other ideas or ignorance, when the war begins, reality will teach them to be human.

More than the general leaders of various organizations, after the visit, they chose to negotiate with Mr. Buka, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sea Dragon-Seagull United Kingdom. After some negotiation, they all chose to bow their heads and surrender, and none of them dared to attack the case. , shouting "the orcs will never be slaves".

"How many islands are basically under our control?" Yunero asked at the meeting at the end of the month.

Prime Minister Lana flipped through the notes and replied: "There are more than half of the Walrus Islands; nearly half of the Nanfeng Islands; nearly half of the Red Coconut Islands; many bigwigs in the Bald Islands have run away, and we are confident to directly receive one-third; The Goat Milk Islands can also receive about one-third; the Big Red Fish Islands, the Long-billed Gull Islands, the Tuna Islands, and the Green Heron Islands can at least make a solid base—that’s it for now.”

Yunero thought about it, looked at the map again, and couldn't help but smile.

"We haven't started the fight yet, even if the surrounding nine archipelagos are basically taken by us, right?"

"It should be regarded as basically won. As long as they can occupy the next stronghold, when our army goes over and knocks a little, they should recognize the reality."

She paused and said with a smile: "In other words, it won't be long before our country expands to 11 archipelagos, with a habitable land area close to that of the entire Molai Federation, with a total population of more than three million."

Yuneruo was stunned for a moment and asked, "So many people? After we received refugees from the world of 'Doomsday Panic', the two islands have a combined population of more than 800,000. The Sea Dragon Islands are already the largest and most inhabited in this area. The most extensive archipelago. Those archipelagos add up to a population of more than 2.2 million?"

"I'll explain this." Jack, the leader of the temporarily closed "Sea Dragon Security Company" said, "There are many marine groups living in the waters near the Bald Islands. I have negotiated with them, and they said that if we can be more moderate by means of occupying the Bald Isles, and willing to treat them well, they may join the kingdom and become our inhabitants."

This unexpected good news made Yuneruo unable to help but smile and asked, "How many of them are there in total?"

"Nearly sixty thousand," Jack replied. "Their demographics aren't quite the same as ours."

Yuneruo asked curiously, "What's the difference?"

"In those groups, there were several tribes of murlocs," Jack said, "among them were the murlocs—a race that reproduced exactly the same way as fish, although the vast majority of their offspring would never become Murlocs are just ordinary grey-fin elephant trunk fish, but they also regard these fish as their relatives..."

Yuneruo's mouth widened, and after a few seconds, he asked, "What do they mean, if they join the kingdom, I may need to issue an order to strictly prohibit the killing of gray-finned elephant trunks from now on?"

Jack smiled awkwardly: "Probably...that's right."

"How can this be agreed!" Before Yuneruo could speak, the Minister of the Navy, the former commander of the Second Navy Fleet, General Aluha, roared, "If you start this, can the tuna people also ask for 'no tuna hunting'? Can the salmon people also ask for 'killing of salmon is prohibited'? If one day we bring the intelligent octopus family under our command, won't even octopuses be killed after that?"

Jack smiled sheepishly, speechless.

Yunero imagined the scene for a moment, and couldn't help but sighed and said, "Fortunately, the pigmen on our side didn't make similar requests, otherwise the brothers would have been halal..."

Lana, Mundu, Skye and others burst into laughter.

"In that case, you can change your title and call it 'Yunero the Great Caliph'." Buka raised his thumb, "This is quite awesome!"

"Come on, the lo*ic*n imam didn't follow through, we don't even have anyone here who can memorize scriptures!" Yuneruo pretended to be serious, "I'm thinking, if no one reads the scriptures, it's considered fake and halal and needs to be revoked. Licensed..."

After speaking, he couldn't continue, and he laughed.

After laughing, he said to Jack solemnly: "You go and tell those gray-fin weevils, we can allow them to set aside a territory, and the gray-fin weevils in the territory are considered their private property, and illegal fishing is prohibited. . But we absolutely cannot grant citizenship to any non-intelligent creature, it's a non-negotiable thing!"

He was afraid that Jack would not be able to understand his spirit, and added: "There are many rich people who keep cats and dogs. They regard their cats and dogs as relatives. Some people even celebrate their birthdays, hold banquets and so on. There are even cats and dogs. The great nobles canonize their cats, dogs, and knights, and it is said that they even grant territories. I am firmly opposed to this kind of behavior!"

He raised a finger with a serious expression: "A pet is only the owner's private property, no matter how much the owner likes it, it is not a human being and has no human rights. People hurt pets, no matter how high status the pet's owner gives it. , I only regard it as a property dispute. Do you understand what I mean?"

Jack nodded: "I see."

"It's good to understand, please go to those gray-fin elephant-trunked murlocs again and have a good talk with them." Yunero said, "I do want to acquire these residents, but I will not change the established policy for them. All races in our kingdom are equal, and no race can be above others. Cats, dogs, and dogs raised by others don’t have human rights, and so do their fish relatives.”

Jack nodded in understanding.

"Wait, what if those fish can prove that they have a 'low-level intelligence' equivalent to a child's level?" Skye, a ranger who specializes in biology, suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Then let them prove it first." Yuneruo said nonchalantly, "When they prove it, I will naturally consider changing the policy."

The eight characters have not been written yet, so he will not worry about this kind of thing.

Soon, the navy set off, and Yuneruo went on a personal expedition, and arrived at the Walrus Islands with the fleet.

They did not attack immediately, but took a leisurely turn around several major islands of the Walrus Archipelago, large and small.

This time, the two fleets of the Sea Dragon-Seagull United Kingdom were almost in full force. Together, more than 60 warships of various sizes formed a mighty team, lined up in a row with extraordinary momentum.

Before the circle was over, they received a magical message from the leaders of the "Iron Armored Deer" organization.

The diehards who were unwilling to surrender in the Walrus Islands finally surrendered.

Or rather, surrendered.

Regardless of whether they surrendered actively or passively, in short, when King Uniero got off the ship and set foot on the land of the Elephant Archipelago, there was no organization openly opposed to him on this archipelago.

not a single one!

When meeting with the leaders of the original Walrus Islands, Lana told Yuneruo in a private chat that there were a few fewer people in the group.

"The leaders of two groups didn't show up," Lana said. "Their groups weren't mentioned either."

Yunero frowned, followed her introduction, named the two organizations, and asked what was going on.

The former leaders of the Walrus Islands suddenly became nervous, and many people were sweating profusely, and some even had their legs trembling.

It wasn't that they were timid, but that Yunero had activated a special skill.


Dragon people were originally orthodox dragons. In terms of bloodline purity, Yuneruo's dragon bloodline was not thinner than ordinary dragons. However, as a special branch of the dragon family, he not only possesses many abilities that giant dragons cannot possess, but also loses many abilities that giant dragons naturally possess.

Longwei is one of them.

Fortunately, with the improvement of the level, when he raised the relevant skills again, and after reaching a certain level, the ability of "Dragon Might", which can almost be said to be the signature of the dragon family, finally recovered.

Although his Dragon Might is far from the real dragon, at such a close distance, it is absolutely impossible for these people who are not strong enough and who have already been shocked by him or his fleet to resist this power.

So, without exception, they all fell into fear.

Of course, Yuneruo didn't really plan to do anything to them. After giving them a little disarming power, he restrained his dragon power and allowed them to breathe.

Then he got the news he wanted to know.

Just when he took the fleet to "tour around the island", the various organizations that were shocked by the huge fleet quickly made up their minds and held a meeting again to discuss the issue of total surrender.

At this meeting, those diehards from before finally bowed their heads.

But there are always exceptions to everything. Even if they saw the mighty fleet of flying dragons riding their faces, the leaders of the two organizations refused to surrender.

So they died, along with their organization.

When everyone was busy surrendering to save their lives, they jumped out to die, so you can't blame the brothers for not showing loyalty - although loyalty is important, the lives of the brothers are more important!

Among the leaders of the major organizations, there are not no brave people who are not afraid of death. But they themselves are not afraid of death, but they cannot use the entire organization to die.

So, the final result was the scene that Yunero saw.

Knowing the cause and effect, Yuneruo said leniently: "Everything has passed. I will not pursue the past. As long as everyone abides by the law from now on, I will guarantee that you will be fine."

What will happen to those who still refuse to obey the law? Of course no one would ask such a mentally retarded question.

So the Walrus Islands were successfully incorporated into the United Kingdom—this time, Uniono removed the prefix of "United Kingdom".

Some nobles who are keen to brag about history, bloodline and glory will expel several of their titles one by one. According to their style, the United Kingdom should probably be called the "United Kingdom of Sea Dragons, Seagulls, Walruses, South Winds, Red Coconuts, Bald Men, Goat Milk, Scarlet Fish, Long-billed Gulls, Tuna Islands and Green Herons".

In Yuneruo's view, this name is simply an old lady's foot-binding cloth, smelly and long!

If he unifies the entire South China Sea in the future, will he include all the more than 100 archipelagos in the South China Sea in the name of the country?

Then when the ceremony is held, it takes several minutes just to report the name of the country!

This is a disease that needs to be cured!

Shortly after the decision was made, His Majesty, King Yunero of the United Kingdom, officially entered the legendary realm and became a powerful legendary master.

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