Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1028: How to become a legend?

"If you want to be a legend, you must be a king first? That's not quite right..."

Inside the library, several people from the strategy group were discussing. He Yin, the librarian who has always been "all-knowing", has a book that is about to be torn over next to him, and his face is full of confusion.

"I don't think it's right, but that's what it is," Eric sighed. "So does Emmy, and so does Union. If there was only one example, we could say 'no proof'. But there are two instances where the nature is completely different."

"But it's totally wrong! If we have to be kings to become a legend, do we all have to be kings?" Feng Huang shook his head again and again.

"I do have a suggestion," said Buka, who came back from the United Kingdom. "If we can become a legend just by being a king, we can occupy a country, implement a concession system, and change the king every three months. In a few years, people above level 70 have become legends."

Everyone was stunned, and after a while, Eric smiled and said, "This... seems to be fine."

"Indeed, if you just want to be king..." Kazuo pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "It can't be that simple! Absolutely impossible! If you just want to be king, Yuneruo has long been a king, why only recently. Did you just break through?"

"Perhaps there are requirements for land area or national population?" Feng Huang guessed.

"Then the question is - why are there requirements for land area or national population?" Heyin asked.

Everyone was lost in thought.

After another moment, Eric said, "Could it be... that means a change of identity?"


"Yes, the king of a small country and the king of a large country are completely different identities." Eric said, "The king of Unero before, to be honest, was actually at the level of a marquis. Even within the Sea Dragon Kingdom, many people understand this. But now, the United Kingdom is already a real big country, no less than... at least no less than Molai. This level, many times in history, have been It can be regarded as a great country with great strength.”

"But what does this have to do with the legend?" Heyin asked, "Could it be that a legendary powerhouse needs a special identity to support it?"

Everyone shook their heads.

The power of the legendary powerhouse is not because there are many people supporting him, but because of his own strength, which is well known to everyone.

However, the practical results of the transmigrators are completely contrary to this common sense.

This is really bewildering and confusing.

Today's discussion is already the fifteenth time the strategy group has discussed the topic "How to step into the legend". But the result of the discussion was no more than the previous fourteen times.

Research in this area has gradually fallen into a deadlock.

For the research on legendary powerhouses, the traversers have accumulated a lot of information. Comparing these materials, the strategy team believes that to become a legendary powerhouse, all you need is a strong power, nothing more.

Yes, as long as the power is strong enough, no additional conditions are required at all.

A typical example is Queen Katerina. When she was not strong enough, no matter how hard she cultivated, she was just a step behind. Later, with the help of blood sacrifice, it improved a bit on the original basis, so he stepped into the legend.

The same is true of "Tiangong" Amy Wei. She also broke through the limit unknowingly in her daily practice and progress.

Even Norman Speke, the "Sage of Secret Spell" of the magic department. He continued to practice magic power to improve his own strength, and then he broke through, and there was no special special work.

These research data were combined into a paper. The traversers have used everyone's social connections to find several legendary powerhouses to review this paper, including even the most powerful person in the contemporary world, "Saint" Jager.

Every legendary powerhouse has affirmed this paper, and not even one person has objected.

... But how to use it on the transmigrants themselves, the situation is completely different?

The depression of the Raiders group did not have much impact on others.

At present, among the traversers, there are not many people whose level has exceeded 70. The speed of gaining experience after level 60 is really painful. Except for people like pandas who treat themselves as human beings and **** them to death; or people like Long Biao who kill monsters all over the world and become paranoid. Ordinary transmigrators are stuck at this stage.

Since the level has not reached level 70, of course there is no need to consider the issue of legends.

In fact, even if you don't open the legend panel, so what?

At least Panda doesn't think there is any problem.

In terms of force, he has determined that he has the ability to fight head-on with a legendary powerhouse or even equal; in terms of skills, although he does not have the rich abilities of a real legendary powerhouse, he also has the key legendary skills.

That's enough.

They already have immortality, and they already have the plug-in of discretionary experience points. What else do you want?

He talked to Long Biao about this issue, and Long Biao's evaluation was: "The emperor is not in a hurry, but the **** is in a hurry."

Among the members of the strategy group, the highest level Buka and Eric are only level 68. Do you need to be so anxious about things above level 70?

He also talked to Locke about this issue, and Locke's evaluation was: "They are all full of time! If you have time to do this kind of research that has no social value, it is better to come to me as a teacher. Even if you can't teach, you can accompany the children. It's good to have fun."

In the entire guild, the one who cares most about the "Legend" is not the Raiders team, but Liu Daoqing.

Since Yuneruo also broke through the legend, Liu Daoqing has been looking for someone to discuss what he should do.

He is just level 70 now, and he can indeed step into the legend. But like Panda and the others, his legendary panel was not activated.

According to his idea, when the king can activate the legend panel, then when the queen - oh, the king - should be able to.

However, reality told him, no.

Liu Daoqing, the prince of the Kingdom of Ellants, did not get the qualification to break through the legend because his status was no less than that of the queen.

He discussed this issue with Katarina privately. When Katarina learned that "the aliens must become kings in order to fully exert their full abilities", her eyes widened and her shocked expression seemed like a cat.

Well, like a cat, very cute.

So Liu Daoqing put aside the legendary problem for the time being and went to "playing cats".

After some fun, he felt that the legend was not a legend, and it seemed that it didn't matter.

My wife is a legendary powerhouse, and I haven't seen any difference between the past and the past...

But after a few days, he began to think about how to become a legend again. This matter has almost become his obsession, and he can't let go.

After a few more months, he finally couldn't help it. He went back to the castle to find the strategy team, and discussed with the strategy team the question of "if I become the king's father, will it work?"

"I see it." Harmony said, "No matter from any point of view, the status of the king's father will not be lower than that of the king. If your child can really become a king, then at least your status is completely in line with the 'king of a country'. level."

"Then you are the queen mother..." Feng Huang whispered.

Liu Daoqingquan didn't hear it, and continued to ask, "So, do you think this is okay?"

"It should be possible."

Liu Daoqing nodded and turned around.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing that he was about to leave the library, He Yin couldn't help but ask curiously.

"In order to have a child to be a king, what else do you think I can do?" Liu Daoqing's voice sounded serious, but there was a smell in it that made people want to tie him up and pour gasoline on it and burn it .

In the end, Liu Daoqing was not **** and poured gasoline on it.

This is of course because everyone in the strategy group is civilized, civilized, how can they do such cruel things as setting fire to people?

Anyway, Heyin and the others would never admit that they couldn't catch up with this fatty fish.

When they were chasing in the castle, the panda just came out of the training ground and went to the cafeteria to eat.

"What are you doing?" he couldn't help asking, "A new way of training?"

Feng Huang, who was just joining in the fun, stopped, looked at the panda who was soaking wet as if he had been fished out of water, frowned and said, "Panda, can you stop thinking about training all day? I think you It's been a little crazy."

"Going crazy? I don't think so." Panda shook his head. "I think I'm in good shape. Although I'm a little tired, there is no problem with my mind or body."

"No problem?" Feng Huang sighed, "How many days have you not slept this time?"

Panda lowered his head, calculated for a while, and replied, "Not much this time, only half a month."

"Isn't it uncomfortable not to sleep?"

"It's not uncomfortable, I'm used to it when I was guarding Xiwa Village." Panda said with a smile, "Actually, when you're not used to it, you will feel that it is difficult to accept suicide to refresh the state instead of sleeping. But after getting used to it, you will find that it is actually a normal thing, there is nothing wrong with it.”

"I'm not saying there's no problem...won't you be mentally exhausted?"

"Of course, so I eat on time every day."

Feng Huang covered his face with his hands, feeling that there was a kind of pain that chickens talk to ducks.

"You just want to become stronger?" he couldn't help but say, "If you want to become stronger, you should try to be a king!"

"Why?" Panda asked in surprise, "Is there any inevitable connection between being a king and becoming stronger?"

"When you become a king, you can activate the legendary panel and truly become a legendary powerhouse."

In the face of the emperor's plausible words, Panda was stunned for a while, and then said in a strange tone: "But... I have activated the legend panel just now."


"It's because of the activation of the legend panel that I ended the training early. I plan to eat a little more than usual to treat myself." Facing the emperor who was about to stare out his eyeballs, Panda said calmly, "Don't you realize that? , isn't it time for dinner yet?"

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