Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1039: trade of knowledge

Faced with Panda's question, the handsome young wizard apprentice did not answer, but looked at him suspiciously for a while, then said, "There is never free knowledge."

Panda couldn't help laughing, he knew that was the way wizards did things.

There is a saying on earth that "knowledge is power", and in the wizarding world, knowledge is often not only power, but also a weight that changes the balance of victory and defeat at critical moments. Therefore, most wizards attach great importance to knowledge and are reluctant to teach it to others.

"There is never free knowledge" is one of the beliefs of wizards.

To gain knowledge, you have to pay a price. It can be wealth, it can be labor, it can be the equivalent of knowledge.

Panda naturally has wealth, labor, and knowledge - and his wealth, his labor, and the knowledge he has mastered are not much more than the shrewdness of the wizard apprentice in front of him.

So after a little thought, he decided to solve the problem in the simplest way.

Before crossing, Wang Tuhao had a mantra: If you can solve the problem with money, try not to beat around the bush.

Where does this mantra come from? Why is it subtly different from the mantra of ordinary local tyrants? Panda is unknown.

But he felt that it was quite appropriate to use these words at this moment.

"How much?" he asked simply.

"Money is useless to me," replied the handsome wizard apprentice. "What do I want money for? I want magic stones!"

Now it was Panda's turn to be embarrassed.

He has just overlooked a very important thing-because they control almost the entire human society, wizards can easily obtain massive wealth, and money has no real value to them.

What wizards need is a magic stone that contains a lot of magic power, can absorb magic power for cultivation, or use it to cooperate with spellcasting.

A gem of various colors that resembles a tiny crystal column.

Magic stones are both natural and man-made. The value of the two is comparable, and there is no difference. What determines the value of a magic stone is not its source, but the magic power contained in it.

The more magic power it contains and the higher the quality, the higher the value of the magic stone.

Of course he doesn't have such a thing.

If he can reach the Black Earth Continent, I believe there will be many ways to obtain the magic stone. But in the barren wasteland continent, no matter how powerful he is, he can't conjure magic stones out of thin air.

If it comes from an alchemist like Eric or Ilo, they can cast a spell to convert ordinary gems into magic gems, or simply into magic gems - this is not difficult for them, in fact they often In doing so, it is also a common method of earning income among magicians who are proficient in alchemy.

In this world, many wizards often do the same thing.

But Panda can't do this, he does have powerful mana, but if he pours holy power into ordinary gems, he can only create holy gems.

Sacred gems are good things. They are used in alchemy and can add positive effects such as "protection", "healing", "blessing" to props, and are very popular.

But... in the wizarding world, such gems are not welcome.

The background of the wizarding world is very strange. Here, the priests representing justice and morality are rejected by the wizards. Once discovered, they will immediately be attacked by the wizards, and even beheaded. In order to eliminate a cleric, wizards can kill a village without hesitation.

And the mortal lords... of course they all listen to the wizards.

Under this cruel siege, the clergy system has not developed at all in this world, and has no influence at all.

On the contrary, once the clergy appears, it is often followed by a **** storm.

Sacred gems contain powerful divine power, and anyone who knows a little about priests can recognize what it is.

Panda doesn't want to cause trouble.

Although he is not afraid of trouble, but... even if he wants to cause trouble, at least he has to wait until the Black Earth Continent.

From the wasteland continent to the black soil continent, there is a vast ocean in the middle. There are all kinds of dangerous natural disasters in the sea, as well as terrifying sea beasts.

With the strength of the panda, natural disasters and sea beasts can't do anything to him, but he doesn't want to swim across the vast ocean with his hands and feet!

Therefore, the sacred gem can never be taken out.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said, "I don't have a magic stone... In terms of labor, I don't think you need any help. Then, let me exchange knowledge."

The wizard apprentice smiled: "No wizard would refuse the exchange of knowledge."

"What kind of knowledge do you want to gain?" Panda asked. "Always give me some direction. Or...whatever I say?"

The wizard apprentice immediately shook his head and said, "Of course I have to ask what I am interested in first... Do you know how to strengthen your body?"

Of course Panda understands, but he is not sure if his method will work on the other side.

"...Exercise, does it count?" he asked. "I know some very effective exercises."

The wizard apprentice shook his head: "I also know a lot about knight breathing and knight training. But I have to wait until the medicine is ineffective before using them... Once these methods are used, resistance will develop. I don't want to let precious The effect of the strengthening potion is weakened!"

Panda was stunned for a moment, contacted Heyin through private chat, and got a definite answer.

Almost all magical potions that strengthen the body are poisonous, and their essence is to stimulate the human body and stimulate potential through appropriate toxins. And if a person strengthens his physique through exercise, he will have a certain ability to resist poisons-obviously, this is in conflict with the goal of the medicine.

The amazing thing is that, unless they are in the same series, the enhancement effects of the enhanced potions in the wizarding world will not weaken each other, just like - the potential stimulated by different potions comes from different parts of the body.

"This is an interesting research topic." Heyin said to Panda, "If possible, help me collect some fortifying potion formulas, I want to study it."

Panda agreed, but couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

It seems that he needs to come up with some relatively high-end knowledge in exchange for the required knowledge...

After thinking for a while, the panda said, "I know a few ruins, are you interested?"

"Relic?" The wizard apprentice showed an interested expression, "Where exactly? When is the relic? How dangerous is it?"

Panda asked Heyin, and after a while, replied: "It will take about two weeks to ride the carriage from here. I can't say the exact location right now. The time should be at the end of the Holy Broken Year, the level of danger... Anyway, I went in, Not dead, but alive."

This time, the wizard apprentice thought for a long time, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I'm willing to make this deal!"

"That won't do." Panda laughed, and now it was his turn to gain the upper hand. "The value of a relic that only a few people know is much more valuable than some well-known knowledge. You have to make up the difference."

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