Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1040: unexpected plot

Relics or knowledge, which is more valuable?

It's hard to say, after all, the value of both is uncertain. Relics may be hoaxes, or they may be long gone; knowledge may hide fatal critical errors, and may even be outdated.

But what the panda said is undoubtedly correct. A relic that few people know about is definitely more valuable than some well-known knowledge.

Hearing the request to "make up the difference", the young and handsome apprentice wizard showed an angry expression. He frowned and looked at the panda fiercely, as if he wanted to turn his face and act if he disagreed.

The panda didn't move at all, just pressed a hand on the green light mask that covered the fields and the small western-style building.

From the beginning to the present, the two sides have talked through the mask. That wizard apprentice didn't mean to come out, nor did he mean to lift the protection and let the panda in, so beware.

He showed a shocked expression when he saw the panda put his hand on the mask indifferently.

This mask was not arranged by him, but the work of an official wizard who established this base. It mixes the medicinal properties of various magical plants planted in this field, and combines the magic power into a mask with both protection and strong toxicity.

Unless blocked with fresh wood material, no matter how you touch the mask, it will be damaged by the toxicity it contains.

He once did an experiment. After a rabbit touched the mask, its body instantly stiffened, and then it turned into a pool of green ashes. He collected the green ashes, dipped a little with a needle, stabbed another rabbit, and poisoned it in no more than ten seconds.

This terrifying poison is already one of his top tricks, and he is full of confidence in its power.

But now, he actually saw a person who touched the mask with bare hands and seemed to be completely unaffected!

"You... who are you?" he asked in a voiceless voice.

"A person who wants to go to the Black Earth Continent." Panda replied, "If you want, you can make a deal with me."

"No! I don't want to do this deal!" The wizard apprentice immediately shook his head, his face full of vigilance.

A person who can even resist the poison of the mask, he dare not fight against the opponent. Maybe as soon as you leave the mask, the other party will attack you...

Seeing his expression, Panda understood what he meant, sighed, and asked, "To be honest, you think too much. I really don't plan to do anything to you."

The wizard apprentice nodded with a dry smile, but the vigilant look on his face did not change at all.

Panda said helplessly: "Since you don't want to do this deal, what are you going to do to tell me the information?"

"You let me see a very wonderful scene, that's enough." The wizard apprentice said without hesitation, "I'll tell you now, you can know anything you want."

The panda sighed more and more, he was sure that the other party was completely wrong.

But... if you think about it, this seems like a good result.

Anyway, he only needs to know the information.

Next, the wizard apprentice, who had no plans to introduce himself, told Panda all the information he knew about the Black Earth Continent.

In the Black Earth Continent, a powerful and vicious force is raging.

Although almost all wizarding organizations can be called vicious - even if they are not necessarily powerful, even the "white wizards" who are relatively friendly to mortals are no exception, but this organization is particularly vicious.

It destroys everywhere, killing wizards and mortals under their rule, for no reason and no warning.

Each time, this group of terrifying guys swarmed with a roar, destroying everything, leaving only the rubble and the white bones.

The existence of such a terrorist organization makes everyone on the Black Earth Continent in danger. Several powerful and established organizations have been attacked, and more than one has been directly wiped out.

In this case, the major forces united and formed a military alliance to fight against that terrorist organization.

Except for some wizard apprentices who guard the wasteland continent, almost all wizards and wizard apprentices have joined this alliance.

In a dire situation, trying to stay out of the picture is tantamount to being a deserter on the battlefield. Wizards have nothing to do with words such as kindness and kindness. They will never allow anyone to be at ease when they are born and die!

The alliance and that mysterious organization fought several times, and the two sides were irrelevant and damaged each other.

But as far as this wizard apprentice left before the impression, in general, every time the confrontation, the mysterious organization can take some advantage.

Either the loss is smaller, or a piece of territory is seized, or although it has suffered serious losses, it has completely wiped out a certain wizarding organization...

It had been almost three years since he left the Black Earth Continent.

As far as he feels, the situation over there has become more and more tense, and now it is no different from courting death.

After listening to his introduction, Panda frowned and asked, "What are the characteristics of that organization?"

"I am not sure."

"What kind of people are they?"

"I just know they're all good looking."

"Have you seen anyone who fought against them and survived?"

"never seen it."

Panda is also very helpless to answer this question and answer. He sighed and asked, "So... are there still flying ships going to the Black Earth Continent?"

"Yes, every Monday, Thursday, July, and October 4th, the flying boat will pass by the St. Francis Mountain, stay here for a morning, and leave at noon." The wizard apprentice replied.

He paused for a moment, then added, "Today is January 1st—oh, it's already the second. If you're going to the Black Earth Continent, just wait until the 4th to come early in the morning."

"Where's the toll?" Panda asked, "Can I buy a ferry ticket with gold coins or gems?"

"Tolls?" The wizard apprentice smiled. "You are willing to go to the war, but it is too late to welcome you there. How can you ask for tolls?"

Panda was taken aback, only to realize the seriousness of the situation.

The ticket for the flying ship is very valuable, and all the savings of ordinary low-level wizard apprentices may not be enough to buy a ticket. The wizards of the Black Earth Continent have already waived tolls for the sake of raising the strong. Does this mean that the battle situation there is quite tight?

He couldn't help but ask, "How bad is the situation in the Black Earth Continent?"

"You think too much." The wizard apprentice shook his head and explained, "You people with no roots will definitely be forced to go to the battlefield. Since you are all going to die or even die, then a mere ticket for a ferry will cost you a lot of money. What does it count?"

Only then did Panda suddenly realize, but he was even more curious about that mysterious organization.

He was certain that the world should never have such an organization. Whether it was the plot he remembered or the information compiled by Harmony, there was absolutely no such thing in it.

So, what is the origin of this organization?

Could it be... what does it have to do with Aaron who has been missing for many years?

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