Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1041: so treasure hunt

The missing traverser, Aaron Igor Kunzlin, has the game ID Cold Wind, occupation is taboo scholar, and his race is Wangdu.

In terms of appearance, his appearance is actually very handsome, he can be called a first-class beautiful man, and he has the feeling of "cold noodles and fresh meat". It's just that he's a little too cold, and it's really impossible to associate him with the "little fresh meat" type of character.

According to what Panda knows about him, if he wakes up in this world, he will probably have two choices:

The first option is to get in touch with everyone, then commit suicide and return to the Western World, too lazy to pay attention to the affairs of this world.

The second option is to get a research institute and continue to study his synthetic beast, and he is also too lazy to pay attention to the ups and downs of this world.

All in all, he is a man of indifference and indifference to almost everything in the world. Apart from his fellow travelers, he only cares about his own research.

And his research projects are mainly biological modification - synthetic beasts, such things.

Probably... he will transform the dog into a shape-shifting dog, or transform a slime into a giant slime, or transform a bird into a halal self-destruction bird... something like that.

However, there is a big problem with biomodification, and that is intelligence.

The intelligence of low-level creatures is very poor. This is a congenital chronic disease and it is difficult to change. With Aaron's character, he couldn't accept it because "it's innate", and he would definitely find ways to improve the intelligence of the creatures he created.

So what will he do?

Panda thought about it, and then felt that he might use his genes to sneak into the synthetic beast, thereby enhancing the wisdom of the synthetic beast.

If his genes were embedded, the synthetic beasts that were created might be handsome men and women, assuming they were humanoids.

Of course, Panda himself felt that this conjecture was a bit ridiculous.

There are very few things Aaron cares about, but Companion is definitely one of them. If he wakes up, there is no reason not to contact everyone.

The evidence is strong enough to overwhelm everything else.

So he only thought about it for a while, then put the thought aside and considered other possibilities.

(What is it that makes the wizarding organizations of the Black Earth Continent so nervous that they desperately grab cannon fodder?)

(I don't remember such a plot in the game at the beginning...)

Panda pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out what was going on. Finally he shook his head and decided that he didn't want to, just do things first.

Thinking has never been his forte. What he is good at has always been "doing" rather than "thinking".

So now, what should he do?

In this regard, he already has a draft.

Since you want to mix in the wizard's circle, you can't live without the currency of this circle. You can exchange knowledge once or twice, but you can’t always exchange knowledge for something that requires money.

Knowledge is not so cheap!

Therefore, his top priority is to get some money as soon as possible. You have food in your hands, don't panic.

The currency of the wizarding world is magic stone. In the wasteland continent, there are very few magic stone veins, almost none. The magic stones here generally come from two sources - contemporary man-made ones, and ancient ones.

The former comes from the making of wizards, and the latter comes from the legacy of ancient wizards.

The former, pandas don't expect. He has no friendship with the wizards in this world, and he doesn't intend to sell some knowledge in exchange for magic stones - more importantly, he can't find a wizard with a lot of magic stones for a while to do such a business.

So, he set his goal on the latter.

There are many ancient relics in the wasteland continent, and most of these relics have the legacy left by ancient wizards.

For wizards or wizard apprentices, the most valuable ancient heritage is the powerful "witchcraft props", followed by the ancient wizards' cultivation experience, then some precious medicinal materials, and finally... Naturally, magic stone.

Although, they didn't want to get the magic stone in the ruins.

Because ancient ruins are generally dangerous - wizards are rarely stingy, and stingy people obviously don't want others to easily inherit their inheritance. So for those explorers, if only magic stones are found in the ruins, it is really not worthwhile.

At the risk of his life, he earned a sum of coins that he could earn by other means, which was not a good deal no matter what.

But what the panda needs now is precisely the money left by these ancient cheapskates.

So after he learned the time of the next flight of flying boats from the wizard apprentice who did not want to be named, he hurriedly left the St. Francis Mountain and flew towards a forest in the distance.

At first glance, the forest seemed to have nothing, but according to his memory, there should be the remains of more than one ancient wizard there.

In the wasteland continent, there are still many ancient ruins.

The panda was running like a fly, and before the sky was full, he came to a nearby ancient ruin.

This ruin is completely invisible from the outside. Even if you pass by at close range, you can only see a dense forest, and its hiding ability is excellent.

But the panda didn't need to look at it with his eyes at all. He only checked the coordinates on the map to be sure that he had found the right place.

No way, who said that the coordinates of these two ruins are easy to remember.

Location Grey Forest, coordinates 594, 438 and 233, 666.

These four numbers come from the stalk of a mobile game. Panda was also taken by his friend Amway and played this mobile game.

The content is very simple, and the gameplay is also very simple, but there is a kind of magic that makes people unable to let go after playing. So although everyone mumbles "You play pills" every year, but after muttering for several years, many new-generation games are really finished, but this old-style mobile game has been dragging on half-deadly, and it has never really meant to die.

(Actually, if everyone didn't travel to "New World", but to that game, maybe it would be better?)

(Not necessarily, after all, there are not many ups and downs in that world. If you really travel through the past, probably the story is almost over...)

Thinking so, Panda randomly chose a ruin and rushed in.

There are indeed many dangers in the ruins, including traps and monsters. But these are useless for pandas.

The trap was smashed by his fist; the monsters that came to attack him, he only glared at them, then all whimpered and ran quickly with their tails between their tails.

Among the two ruins, the only thing that really posed a threat to him was a standing vanity mirror.

When he happened to pass by and looked into the mirror subconsciously, he found a white figure behind him in the mirror, raising his hands to attack him.

And then... no more.

The panda subconsciously emitted a strong holy light, and as a result, a cracking sound came from the mirror, and a sharp scream came from behind him.

... He didn't even have time to identify what the monster was planning to attack him.

After some hard work, the panda ended this short treasure hunt.

In addition to some bits and pieces of information, medicinal materials and broken witchcraft props, the most important magic stone, got more than 200 pieces.

The value of the magic stone is very high, and I believe this is enough for him to use it for a long time.

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