Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1097: Sword Immortal Journey to the East

The banquet goes on and so does the discussion. Although the atmosphere is not very warm, but everyone is not really depressed.

Among the traversers, those who are as pessimistic as Loma are, after all, a minority. The opinion of the vast majority of people is "As long as you light up the health bar, even if you hit you with a little blood, grinding can kill you".

Reality is not a game, and there is no strange situation of "recovering full blood instantly from the battle boss". In addition, there is no limit on the number of dungeons that are deliberately made difficult in the game, so the traversers can dispatch nearly 200 people together and launch attacks continuously.

Others dare not say, they are still very confident in their "stamina".

After all, after death is resurrected, negative states such as "tiredness" and "drowsiness" will be refreshed.

So, the big deal is to set up a resurrection point near the Dragon of Doom, and everyone rushes up one by one. While being killed by an instant, the Dragon of Doom is knocked out a little bit of blood, then resurrected, queued up, and then climbed up... It's like ants moving a mountain .

It's nothing more than a word for "grinding". If you can't wear it for a day, it will take a week. If you can't wear it in a month, it will take three to five months. If you can't wear it in a year, it will take ten years and eight years. when it dies.

Yuneruo is one of the representatives of this kind of thinking. He even carefully studied the efficiency of the "Blood Grinding War" when the traversers started, and finally came to the conclusion that about 0.8 blood can be rubbed off in one second. According to this conclusion, even if the dragon of doom has 100 million blood, it will only take less than four years.

Only four years, nothing!

But even he knew that his thinking was a little too idealistic.

The dragon of doom in the game has been huddled in the "space-time crack" all day long, motionless, allowing players to come and find trouble for themselves. But in reality, the Dragon of Doom is absolutely impossible to be such a serious otaku, even if it is really a hopeless otaku-a special otaku is not mentally retarded, who would sit there and wait for a group of cats and dogs to find them one by one Trouble yourself?

Friends, you are afraid that you have a wrong understanding of otaku!

Don't say you can beat it, even if you can't beat it, won't you run?

What exactly is the Dragon of Doom, no one understands until now. But it is certain that it has legs, feet and wings. It doesn't matter whether it is flying or walking, it can always move. When the situation is bad, it can naturally run away.

That is to say, if the traversers are at a disadvantage, it is another matter. Once they have the upper hand, they must consider the issue of how the Dragon of Doom escapes and how everyone should hunt and kill.

Although if the Dragon of Doom reaches the point of escaping, the threat to everyone will be drastically reduced, but there are too many situations where the snake is not killed but suffers from it. Trouble.

During the discussion, Panda sighed: "Tai Yi went to the East Earth World, and has been walking for almost two years, why hasn't he flown to the East Earth yet? Is the endless sea so big?"

Everyone also sighed and deeply regretted.

In the face of the dragon of doom that will destroy all worlds, the traversers certainly do not intend to fight alone. Their original plan was to pull up the heavens and hells of the Western World and the powerhouses of all ethnic groups, and then unite with the group of gods and sages from the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places in the Eastern World to form an unprecedented huge crusade team and unite to besiege the doomsday. Dragon.

It's okay to say that the various forces on this side of the Western Land World can meet each other anyway, and can slowly manage their relationship with each other, and then reveal their trump cards at a critical moment. Although we usually have various contradictions, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, which had a deep feud in the past, could temporarily cease fire and cooperate when the Japanese invaders invaded China in an all-round way.

If anyone really doesn’t understand, it means that the quality of his brain is too low, and the inside of his skull is all slurred, so he should quickly get rid of it and replace it with a brain.

In contrast, it is more troublesome on the other side of the Eastern World.

According to the plot in the game, about 60 years ago, the pioneering fleet from the east land will visit the west land. The two sides had a little friction at first, but they soon eased their emotions and reached a compromise, and then the east land The teleportation array between the two worlds of Tuxilu was completed, and the residents on both sides could finally go to each other directly through the teleportation array without having to trudge across the dangerous endless sea.

Since then, the commercial and cultural exchanges between the two worlds have never stopped. In the game, there are towns with a distinct Eastern style in the "Narwhal Cape" area of ​​the Western World, and there are many Eastern supplies in the store; and the Xianyang City area in the Eastern World is also greatly affected. There are many things in the Western style, even to the point of "Chang'an 360 Square, the sound of silk and bamboo in the Western Regions every night".

Counting the time, it should be not far from the arrival of the Dongtu pioneering fleet. It's just that the traversers are anxiously waiting, and they really don't want to wait for ten or eight years to hold back their temper. So two years ago, Sword Immortal Taiyi set off alone, riding the flying sword from the Narwhal Cape on the easternmost side of the Western Continent, and flew all the way east.

At that time, she said: "I don't know how far it is from the Western Land to the Eastern Land. But the Tang monk went from Chang'an to the Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, and it took only ten years. Delay, do not cause any trouble, I want to come here for at least three to five months, as long as a year and a half, and I have flown to the East."

Then she set off, heading east.

About half a month later, she flew out of the signal range of the castle's communication tower, and from then on, the traversers could no longer communicate with her through the group chat channel.

Fortunately, the private chat channel is still available. Along the way, she often uses the private chat channel to contact everyone, reporting her position and the surrounding situation.

It's just that no one thought that she had been flying for almost two years since she left, and she still hasn't been able to find the slightest trace of the Eastern World.

As early as half a year ago, Taiyi went deep into the endless sea and entered a place where the system map could not mark the location-according to her, opening the map now can only see the situation of herself and the surrounding area. The place is completely invisible. As for the coordinates, they simply don't exist at all. Where the coordinates were originally displayed, the words "special area" appeared.

This situation is very similar to some maze areas. As long as you don't get out of the maze, the system map won't help much.

As for the method of getting out of the maze... The maze areas are often different from place to place, and there is no certain rule.

The maze that Tai Yi encountered this time seemed to be extraordinarily vast. She had been in it for half a year, but she still couldn't find a clue.

Fortunately, every night, she will determine her direction according to the stars in the sky. The only consolation is that she can be sure that she is still heading east.

Well, even if you lose your way during the day, at least you're still heading east at night...

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