Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1098: gatekeeper

Taiyi went all the way to the east. During the day, he roughly estimated the direction according to the time and the position of the sun, and walked and rested. At night, he accurately judged the direction according to the stars, and hurry up.

After walking for two years, there was no sign of reaching the Eastern Land at all, and he did not even know when he would be able to reach the Eastern Land.

The strategy team is also studying her situation. According to their estimates, Taiyi may need to find the pioneering fleet from the East in this labyrinth-like area in order to break out of the labyrinth.

But, where exactly is the pioneering fleet?

According to the plot in the game, the Tang Dynasty declined, and the military governors from all walks of life established themselves as kings, attacking each other and fighting endlessly. In this era of war and chaos, the territory relied on several Jiedu envoys from the South China Sea to unite, cooperate with several immortal factions, and established a large-scale fleet, trying to leave the war-torn Eastland and find peace and tranquility. Live overseas.

This fleet consists of 108 large and small ships, the most important of which is an extremely large flagship named "Dongtian". This ship is loaded with a paradise that was relocated by a secret method. Hundreds of thousands of mortals and elites from several immortal sects lived in that cave.

When sailing, the entire fleet forms a formation, which will continuously absorb the essence of the surrounding sea water to replenish the heavenly blessed land on the flagship, so that the spiritual energy in the blessed land will never be lacking, and it can continuously produce resources to avoid the most dangerous sailing time. of water and food shortages.

As for judging the direction, killing the sea monsters blocking the road, etc., it is naturally the responsibility of the strong in the fleet.

This pioneering fleet is powerful and has broken through countless difficulties and obstacles along the way, and finally arrived in the Western World after ten years of departure.

At that time, the people who received them were the descendants of the ancient Dongtu people who stayed in the Western Land, the "gatekeeper" Zhang's family. The contemporary Zhang family, Zhang Jinyan, welcomed the group of fellow villagers he had been looking forward to for many years, and actively helped them to gain a firm foothold in the Western Land world. .

It is precisely because of the assistance of the "deep seas" headed by Zhang Jinyan that the Dongtu Pioneering fleet, which originally came alone, did not suffer because of their unfamiliar life, but instead gained an advantage in the early conflicts. Fortunately, the immortals were not carried away by the temporary advantage. They understood that they would go deep alone and would not be able to fight for a long time. If they really started a full-scale war, they would only end up being consumed to death, so in the end, there was a compromise between the east and the west, as well as a big deal. The opening of the teleportation array.

... All of the above are the plots in the original game. Except for Laisha and a few newcomers who registered their accounts later, most of the traversers have experienced this plot and are quite familiar with it.

Old birds such as pandas have simply played against Zhang Jinyan and others, and even killed this fellow many times in the dungeon...

It's just that it is no longer a game world, and the original game plot can only be used as a reference, not a complete copy.

Although... the traversers have determined that Zhang Jinyan, the "gatekeeper" of this world, is still the second or fifth boy in the East.

Before Taiyi set off, he had a detailed discussion with Zhang Jinyan. Zhang Jinyan said that he was a descendant of Zhang Tang, a famous official of the Han Dynasty. Zhang Tang was a character in the "Ku Li Zhuan" in the Western Han Dynasty. It's a killer knife. However, it was easy to break down. Zhang Tang was later counterattacked by officials and tyrants, and was falsely accused and convicted. He was finally betrayed by the emperor he trusted, and was killed by a rabbit.

Before being forced to commit suicide, Zhang Tang quietly sent his family away in order to prevent his family from being attacked by the powerful. This group of people did not dare to hang around in the mortal world, and finally joined the Xianmen and became an outsider.

Later, when Xianmen went westward, there was a small-scale exchange between the two continents. During that fairly friendly exchange, the Zhang family chose to stay in the Western Land World, guarding a landline that was most suitable for establishing a large teleportation formation for the Eastern Land.

In the future, as long as the East Earth Immortal Gate arrives again, we can rely on this leyline to establish a large teleportation formation that communicates the two worlds, and open the portals on both sides.

That's where the name "gatekeeper" came from.

... Of course, the name "gatekeeper" on the bright side is because the Zhang family has been guarding the easternmost part of the Western World for generations, as if they are guarding the gate of the Western World.

This is a beautiful misunderstanding.

Zhang Jinyan was originally a cautious person, but in the face of the unique sword immortals of the East, he let go of his vigilance a lot. Especially when he learned that Taiyi was going to the East, he let go of most of his guards and talked with Taiyi in detail.

It was also from him that Taiyi learned a lot of information about the endless sea - for example, how to walk is safer, for example, there are special disasters and terrifying monsters in the sea... Although the passage of the undead body As far as readers are concerned, these problems are not really a problem, just go again after the resurrection, but relying on these materials, she can at least save a lot of trouble, and the journey will be much smoother.

So Tai Yi left the gatekeeper Zhang's family and went to the East.

It's just... She flew to the present, and it was supposed to arrive at the East Land, but she was still in the endless sea, and she couldn't find the East Land.

So how long will it take to go?

Faced with this problem, Tai Yi seemed very calm.

"One year, ten years, or even longer... It doesn't matter anyway." She said, "In the depths of this endless sea, there is no shortage of spiritual energy. Some powerful sea monsters, you can fight me a dozen times to kill time, so that I will not be bored."

She is so open-minded that everyone will not persuade her.

Anyway... as long as you go all the way east, sooner or later you will be able to find the east land.

Even if this labyrinth really has boundaries and there is no way to forcibly break through it, with her ability, she will definitely be able to find clues.

When that time comes, just think of a way to get out of the maze.

In contrast, the traversers are more interested in Zhang Jinyan. In the past two years, they have tested this "gatekeeper" many times, either overtly or covertly.

Zhang Jinyan was a little tired of this, but he neither dared to reveal his true identity, nor dared to tear his face with the transmigrator, so naturally he could only endure it.

In fact, even if he really dared to tear his face with everyone, is everyone still afraid that he will fail?

This guy's level is only level 75. If he is against everyone who just crossed over, he is indeed very dominant. Maybe even everyone together can't beat him. But now, among the traversers, there are more than 70 levels and a lot of them. There are many more than 80, and even more than 90. Do you want to do it?

Haha, I'm afraid there is something wrong with my brain!

Even... good deeds such as Yuneruo, Long Biao, etc., still want him to turn his face and do it.

If you don't do it, everyone can be polite and reasonable. Once you get your hands on it, it doesn't make sense.

Who will reason with experience value?

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