Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 755: Aaron's Conspiracy

The traversers cheered up their spirits, surrounded them on all sides, and surrounded the Frost Sword Holy Group, and all kinds of tricks were beaten like a storm.

Seeing that he was about to be divided into pieces, the Frost Sword Saint was not afraid, but his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked a little depressed.

"It's really... a little unexpected!"

Saying so, he swung his sword.

This sword is astonishingly crooked, not only is it not aimed at any traversers, but it is not even aimed at any attack.

He is swinging his sword against the sky.

However, this crooked sword was swung out, and all the traversers were like marionettes, blasting their all-out attack in the direction of the sword. Even the spells or sword qi that had already been shot changed direction and gathered above the swordsman.

In an instant, there was a roar, and the flames and storms swept the surroundings, and the passers-by stood unsteadily one by one, staggering back.

In the storm, came the voice of the swordsman: "The tricks are very powerful, but people are not good. You are still far behind!"

As he said that, the sword qi burst violently, blowing the flames and storms away, and I saw him standing still, with a tear mark on the surrounding ground, but it was left when the sword qi burst. As for the various tricks of the traversers, they have all disappeared without a trace, and there is no trace of it.

Panda's eyes shrank slightly, and he couldn't help being a little terrified.

After several fights, there were still nearly 20 traversers who participated in this battle. He originally planned to shoot with nearly 20 people, no matter how powerful the Juggernaut was, he would suffer a big loss. Death should not be possible, but at least some injuries, perhaps serious injuries.

Unexpectedly, the Juggernaut suddenly broke everyone's joint siege, and it seemed that there was no damage at all.

How strong is the "No. 1 powerhouse in the world"? !

Just as Panda was thinking, the crossbow knight Neckerhart, who was retreating and aiming at the back, was already angry and shouted: "Pretend to be your sister! Pretend to be struck by lightning!"

As he said that, his heavy crossbow was shrouded in lightning, and the whole person was shrouded in a beating electric arc. Countless electric arcs continued to condense on the crossbow bolt, and finally completely condensed on the small crossbow bolt. Turned into incandescent white, it looks like the filament of an incandescent lamp, emitting a dazzling light that is difficult to see directly.

In the next instant, the incandescent crossbow arrow cut through the air and shot in front of the Sword Saint.

The legendary skill of the crossbow knight, the thunderbolt!

It is said that this crossbow will explode in the air, turning into an infinite thunder to completely cover the surrounding area, and launch an extremely violent attack with both physical and lightning attributes. hit.

The thunder roared, and the thunder arrow exploded in the air, turning into a thunder. It was not covered as usual, but only exploded into a circle of thunder light, and then dissipated like this, only a little bit of broken light and countless ice flowers fell, like snow.

"It's just superficial, it's flashy!" The Sword Saint said lightly, "I think I can run the world by practicing some legendary tricks? This method can only be used to deal with those juniors who have just stepped into the legendary realm. I want to Showing off in front of me will make you think too highly of yourself!"

While he was speaking, the transmigrators did not stand still in a stupid way, but attacked one after another with their own tricks. But the swordsman was talking and swinging his sword. No matter what attack came, he just swung his sword and slashed it in the air. There were only bursts of blasting wind that kept blowing, but it failed to cause any damage to him.

At this time, the chat channel was already in a frenzy, and everyone was shouting "the idea is tricky", calling friends and friends, and wanting to have a "side by side" - you don't believe in the nonsense of the Juggernaut, what nonsense is "flashy", What kind of **** is "far worse", it's nothing more than the fact that this product has high level, high attributes, and strong skills, and it's just suppressing everyone!

Since more than a dozen people can't beat him, let's add more! The number of people who can fight in the traveler is now three digits. The Ice Sword Saint Lep Heinrich has beaten more than a dozen people. Can he still beat a hundred or dozens of people!

The most important thing is that if everyone is determined to attack and kill the Frost Sword Saint, there is actually a way to come all at once.

In the basement of Mangchuan Earth Castle, there is a large-scale teleportation array. In order to prevent accidents, the traversers never connected it to any known teleportation array in the world, and only used it to travel between the castle and the wolf's den. between the lakes. But the link system of the teleportation array is intact. If the travelers want to use it, it only takes half a minute at most to connect it to the Elanz Castle teleportation array where everyone has obtained accurate spatial coordinates and teleportation coefficients.

The Ailanz family should not refuse this link, then everyone can use the teleportation array to immediately rush to the Ailanz Castle, and then gallop to the battlefield to besiege the Frost Sword Saint.

For a time, many people proposed this suggestion, and everyone agreed. But the president San Yu was still a little hesitant - he felt that this was a big deal, and he must not decide on a whim. The link to the teleportation array is two-way. When the Elanz family wants to visit the castle in the future, how should they refuse?

However, he couldn't think of any suitable reason to refuse for a while, and he was sweating profusely.

At this moment, Aaron suddenly spoke in the chat channel.

"You can't beat the Juggernaut, can you hold him back?"

Panda and the others were stunned for a moment, then replied, "It should be alright to hold on..."

"Since we can hold him back, why are we going to Ellants?" Aaron sneered and said, "Go directly to Thrace City and destroy the entire palace and the Thracian family! Richard is left. A bachelor, even if he wins this war, can he still conjure a family out of thin air?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then someone asked: "But... we can't do anything about the palace formation."

"'No way' was a thing before, but now it's different! I got a lot of good things in the Mad God World, some of which can pollute the leylines and destroy the formation. Wu Mian and the others have studied the palace formation for a long time. With the detailed node data, unless the Juggernaut is still presiding over the palace, in ten minutes at most, I will be able to break the palace formation!"

Faced with this unexpected proposal, many people were moved, even pandas.

The Juggernaut is so powerful that even if the transmigrators swarm him, they may not be able to beat him to death, and most likely will let him escape. But if everyone went to fight the palace, even if he could arrive in time to repel everyone, it would never be too late to rush back.

Without him, the most powerful man in the world, the Thracian army would never be able to stop the charge of the Alanz army. Coupled with the assistance of the traversers and the strength of the legendary powerhouses on their own side, I am afraid that this battle will destroy the Thracian noble coalition!

Of course, if the Juggernaut escapes, it is estimated that Richard will also escape, and even the masters of the Thracian army and the great nobles who command them... may be able to escape. But they can run, but the army can't. The mighty crusade in front of them is already the entire strength of the Thracian royal faction. As long as they are defeated, even if some people escape, what will happen?

I am afraid that starting from tomorrow, all parts of Thrace will become independent, and the whole country will collapse!

Thinking of this, Panda immediately echoed: "Good idea! Even if it's just to force the Frost Sword Saint and others back! If you win this battle, you won't be afraid that they will be able to figure out tricks without an army!"

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