Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 756: Legendary War (1)

Aaron's suggestion was quickly supported by everyone.

Panda, the leader of the trouble-making faction, wanted to win the battle. President Sanyu thought that the castle should not be exposed anyway. Eric, Harmony and other raiding parties wanted to take the opportunity to verify the results of the previous research on the great formation of the Thracian palace and go home. Pai felt that the experience value of blood washing the Thracian palace must be higher than the siege of the Frozen Sword Saint... In short, unanimous support, even Lao Bai and others who eat, eat, sleep and sleep all day, all said, "Oh, I'm going, this is interesting" .

Since the time when everyone was provoked by the Norma massacre, the traversers have not had such a complete agreement for many years.

As for celebrating Prett's that a controversial thing? It's a matter of course for a friend to congratulate and give gifts when they get married!

After making up their minds, the traversers immediately started. Eric returned directly to the city from Tara Khan, and then rushed to Thrace city with the help of human cannons. His mission is the most important - when he arrives in Thrace, he will find a place to lay a one-time teleportation array, so that everyone can go directly into battle in good condition.

At this time, you can see the advantages of the technicians. If you switch to the martial arts faction, you have to wait for the weak state to pass before you can restore your combat effectiveness. But Eric didn't use it at all, and his weak state didn't affect him at all in laying the magic circle. As for the power needed to activate the magic circle, he had magic crystals.

In order to complete this plan, the pandas and the others need to change their tactics, from onslaught to containment, and strive to contain the legendary powerhouses such as Frozen Juggernaut on the battlefield of Elanz, the longer the better.

So, without warning, the traversers who were onslaught by the Frost Sword Saint dispersed all of a sudden. Some of them merged into the cavalry of Elanz to continue to protect Katarina, and some rushed Entering the scattered Thracian army nearby, they started to kill, and some lurked in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

The Juggernaut never imagined that this group of people were still in full swing just now, with a posture that would consume themselves to death, but in the blink of an eye, they scattered and went their separate ways, as if there was a problem with their brains.

This kind of thing is completely unreasonable!

As powerful as him, he couldn't help but be a little stunned when he encountered such a situation.

It was this stupefying effort that the traversers could no longer find it.

Panda was one of the people in charge of protecting Katarina. He returned to an empty horse next to Katarina and asked Katarina, "Juggernaut and Shield Mountain have already shot, the legend on our side. What about the strong ones?"

Katarina was silent for a while and asked, "Can you hold the Sword Saint?"

"It's not a question of whether it can be dragged on, it's not worth it." Panda replied, "We can't beat him, but if we fight an ordinary army, we can exert the power of a legendary powerhouse."

Katerina sighed, waved her hand, and a bright red light shot into the sky.

On the roof of the Castle of Ellands, an altar has already been placed. Sage Ernst Lopez, who was sitting on the altar with several auxiliary magicians, saw the red light, smiled slightly, and stood up.

"Go!" he said.

The auxiliary magicians immediately waved the instruments that they had held in their hands for a long time, chanted spells, and drew runes. The spells appeared out of thin air and merged into the altar under their feet.

The entire altar immediately glowed, connected with the leylines below the castle, and the powerful magic power that had been prepared for many years roared out, turning into a beam of light pointing to the sky.

Inside the beam of light, Sage Lopez exudes a light that is stronger than the magic power of the earth veins, but there is no sense of disobedience at all.

Seeing this scene, several legendary powerhouses in the Thracian army changed their faces at the same time.

"Outline the earth?!"

"Lopez shot!"

"Be careful!"

The Frost Sword Saint reacted the fastest, leaping into the air, turning his entire body into a streamer, and rushing towards the Elanz Castle.

In other places, the Juggernaut is not afraid of a junior who has stepped into the legend for less than a hundred years. But here is Elanz, the old lair that Ernst Lopez has spent hundreds of years running. Every leyline here must hide the means he uses to control it. As long as he wants, this side of the mountains and rivers will be his help.

Here, the strength of the sage Lopez will be greatly improved. He will no longer be a junior at the legendary level, but a master who is qualified to challenge the title of "the strongest in the world"!

Even the Frost Sword Saint Lep Heinrich himself would not dare to say that he would definitely be able to defeat Lopez here. What he wants to do now is to hold Lopez as long as possible, so that this guy can't attack as much as he wants.

Both Thrace and Alanz knew each other's abilities. In terms of high-end force, their vision is to be one-on-one by the Sword Saint Heinrich and the Lopez Sage, and they will restrain each other.

Under this premise, there is still the "Shield Mountain" in Thrace, as well as other legendary powerhouses in the new generation. At best, the Elanz side could only barely defend, and even if they invited help, they would only help to contain them, and it was impossible to fight to the death with the legendary powerhouse on the Thracian side.

That's why the Ailanz family has never dared to talk about independence lightly, and that's what they're afraid of.

This time, however, things were different.

Seeing Lopez's shot, he knew that the swordsman was coming. At the entrance of the Castle of Ailanz, the two old men with white beard and hair, who looked too old, smiled at each other.

"Finally, I have to wait until this day." The one on the left is a little taller, with some muscles on his face and body. It can be seen that the old man with a good physique in his youth smiled and said, "Let me surprise him."

"Old Ewing, be careful, don't let him kill him!" said the old man on the right who was already trembling and seemed to be unable to stand still.

When he was young, the legendary powerhouse of the older generation who had the name of "Sword King" laughed, took out a bottle of emerald green potion with infinite vitality, and drank it as soon as he raised his head.

"I've lived for so many years, and it's long enough! If I can fight the 'strongest man in the world', what a pity to die!"

As he spoke, the potion had already worked. His hair turned from white to black, and the wrinkles on his face quickly disappeared. Some of his hunched waists were straightened again, and his muscles became full and powerful again. Even his slightly cloudy eyes were revived. bright light.

In just a few words, the one standing here is no longer the old man who can only hid in the underground secret room to cultivate, and has almost no fighting power at all. The sword traverses thousands of miles, leading soldiers to sweep across the central and southern parts of the continent, swept away the troubled times, and established a generation of heroes of the Terrera Kingdom.

"Sword King" Ewing Terrera, reappears in the world!

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