Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 762: Stealth and Rampage (below)

There were about two or three hundred people who rushed over to try to stop Panda and Redding.

There are a lot of them, the equipment is good, the armor is bright, the weapons are sharp, and they are murderous.

If it weren't for the flustered look on his face, it would be a vivid portrayal of the word "strong soldier".

It's a pity that the panicked expression on their faces, the worried look that turned back from time to time while running, completely ruined their momentum.

Who would be afraid of a group of panicked and worried people? Not even goblins!

Wait, the "Shield Mountain" Owens Pieduc, who was protected by their heavy soldiers, seems to have been injured by a goblin... Although the race of Gondor is actually the legendary race "High Goblin", but Before the descendants of the Goblin Republic returned to this world, whoever saw his appearance would only think of Goblins.

Even if he looks stronger than ordinary goblins, his eyes are clearer and wiser, and his aura is stronger, he is still a little green-skinned dwarf, just looking at his back, he is nothing more than a clothed goblin. That's it.

Thinking of this, Panda couldn't help but smile.

He laughed magnanimously and happily, but even more frightened the Thracian soldiers who were rushing towards him.

In the face of hundreds of people, who can still laugh so happily, is it a lunatic?

... He can rush here, even if he is a lunatic, he is also a powerful lunatic!

What kind of lunatic is the scariest? A mighty lunatic!

These Thracian soldiers were afraid, and their morale dropped a little. Panda and Redding saw it in their eyes and rejoiced in their hearts—they were here to hunt down Owens Pieducs, and if they were delayed too long by these ordinary soldiers, they would be in trouble.

Now they are afraid, and when they break through the block, they will definitely have less resistance.

However, this is not enough!

Panda carefully looked at the group of Thracian soldiers rushing over, nodded slightly, and suddenly said, "I will open the way, you will kill."

"Okay!" Redding replied loudly.

The panda smiled, dismounted, shouted, charged, and drew out his sword.

He charged faster than a galloping horse, and his swords seemed to have turned into a whirlwind of silver glittering around him.

Where the whirlwind comes, the **** rain. The Thracian soldiers couldn't resist his frenzied attack at all, and they were slaughtered and devastated. Many timid ones were scared and turned around and ran away. Even those who were relatively brave were completely unable to match his divine might and could not stop him.

This time, Panda did not use the light and ingenious oriental swordsmanship at all, but used the knightly swordsmanship of this world. Simple, violent, direct.

No matter whether the opponent is attacking or defending, whether he is facing a sword, spear, halberd or an axe and shield, he swings his long sword vigorously and slashes head-on.

His whole body is surrounded by golden light, and his double swords are even more radiant, like filaments burned to incandescent by high temperature, and like the Force lightsaber borrowed from the Star Wars studio, no matter what kind of weapon or armor he goes, he Vulnerable to a single blow, it will break if you touch it, and it will break if you cut it.

The weapons and armors made of metal are still like this, not to mention the flesh and blood. The fully-fired panda turned into a whirlwind of slaughter, and in just a few seconds, at least ten corpses were left on the road, and double the number of wounded.

In the face of such a formidable opponent that was almost despairing, the courage of the Thracian soldiers, which had already been wounded, was severely attacked again. Ordinary soldiers have completely dared not approach, only some particularly brave and strong knights dared to rush up to block the road.

But their courage and strength did not allow them to last longer than ordinary soldiers in front of pandas.

Although the limit state cannot be maintained for a long time, during this period of time, Panda can almost be regarded as a shrunken version of the legendary warrior. Although these soldiers are also considered elite, they are still far behind him.

If you want to stop his pace, at least you have to be a powerful soldier like the Mountain Legion!

The panda moves all the way, beheading all the way. He chopped down all the Thracians who dared to stop him, and there was no one under his sword.

Behind him, Berserker Redding rode his horse and ran all the way, holding the battle axe tightly in both hands, but he did not look at the surrounding Thracian soldiers at all, but focused on the figure lying on the ground in the distance.

"Shield Mountain" Owens Pieduts.

his goal.

Because he can fully explode all his power in one attack, Panda is responsible for clearing the way for him, and he doesn't have to do anything along the way, just concentrate on making sure that Owens is killed with an axe.

As for anything else, don't think about it at all!

The panda was slaughtered in front of the ground with blood all over the ground. A pair of sacred double swords, which were doped with many rare metals and could easily cut through steel, had a few curled blades, but Redding still rode steadily on the horse and did not encounter any encounters. even one attack.

He inhaled deeply, exhaled deeply, sucked the air with the strong smell of blood into his chest, hot like strong wine, burning from his chest to the top of his head, making his eyes scarlet and bright.

On his body, lines gradually emerged one after another. The golden mane of the lion man gradually turned blood red, and the armor on his body was stretched open due to the continuous expansion of muscles, and even meant to burst.

He clenched the battle axe tightly in both hands, the muscles on his arms bulged, strange lines also appeared on his arms, and then extended to the battle axe along his hands. The entire battle axe looks like it has been painted with many runes, glowing with a disturbing light.

He breathed heavily, his body exuding a shuddering aura, the warhorse he was riding had long been frightened, but he was shocked by his momentum, and ran faster and faster, but there was white foam in his nose and mouth, and his eyes were a little bit frightened. Red, it seems to have gone mad.

Of course Redding didn't care about the life or death of a horse, and he didn't care about it now.

As a berserker, he needs to seize the time to adjust his strength, so as to wait for a single blow to hit his full strength to ensure success!

As for the things before that, just leave it to Panda.

In front of the galloping warhorse money, the panda charged faster than the warhorse.

The golden light on his body was already bubbling like steam, and the whole person seemed to be shrouded in golden mist. And there were long sword glows on his double swords. As far as the sword glow came, all the enemies who approached couldn't make any meaningful response at all, and were directly hit by two swords.

Weapons, armor, and people, all with one sword and two pieces.

Every time a sword is swung, the golden light on the panda's body is exuberant, and the golden steam is thicker.

Later, even those who could no longer see him could only see large groups of golden steam. Inside the steam, accompanied by a low roar, something was moving forward unstoppably.

The Thracian soldiers screamed in panic, throwing their weapons wildly into the golden steam, but it was of no use.

Finally, they collapsed completely and no longer dared to stand in front of the panda.

Finally, the distance between the two and Owens was enough to launch the special skill "jump attack".

Redding, who had been waiting for a long time, let out a deafening roar like an angry thunder and jumped up. Because of its great strength, the warhorse was directly crushed to the ground by this jump, and with the sound of bones breaking, it ended its life with a brief cry.

And Redding, like a boulder thrown from a counterweight catapult, whistled through the air, flew over the last Thracian soldiers who surrounded Owens for protection, and flew towards them. The middle fell heavily.

With the roar of the soldiers, four or five spears stabbed him at the same time, causing many terrible wounds on his body. Any of these wounds is enough to turn a normal person into a dead person.

But Redding didn't care at all, he just roared, raised his battle axe heavily, and fell down, slashing Owens Pidou, who was paralyzed on the ground by the cursed power of the "Curse Killing Dagger" and couldn't move for a while. on Z.

Blood spurted high, both from him and from Owens.

At the same time, a scarlet light lit up on every Thracian soldier who attacked him. They all showed expressions of extreme pain. twitching nonstop.

This is the "Avenger" skill that he learned after doing a lot of tasks, the roar of revenge. Although effective for a short period of time, any attack received during the roar will reflect the same amount of pain back to the attacker. It is extremely useful for berserkers, and it helps a lot every time.

Unfortunately, this did not prevent him from being knocked to the ground by several swords after exhausting one blow, turned into a light spot, and resurrected in the castle.

After the resurrection, Redding didn't say a word, and immediately opened the system log to check.

After just one look, he frowned.

[Lion King Redding: Panda makes up for the knife! Owens has a life extension technique on him, and he is not dead yet! 】

Panda was taken aback, and he never thought that Owens would be so tough. Looking at Owens who was under the protection of a group of people, he gritted his teeth, and he didn't care that the limit explosion state was about to end, he raised his last strength and rushed towards Owens.

He was greeted with the same treatment as Reading just now.

Guns, swords, siege.

He roared and blocked those fatal attacks with his double swords left and right. As for other attacks, he simply ignored them.

With the special ability that the lower the health value, the higher the defense, and the foreshadowing of Reading's revenge roar just now, he just broke through the last block and slashed the neck of Owens, who was already covered in blood.

This time, there is no way to save the "Shield Mountain".

After a while, the panda, who had been fished out of the blood pool hell, frantically treated himself, while taking some staggering steps, rushing in the direction of a cavalry of Elanz that was sweeping around, accepted by them.

He looked extremely embarrassed, but looking at the key line in the system log, he couldn't help laughing.

This assassination, which turned from an assassination to an open killing, was finally a success!

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