Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 763: Some panic, some cheer

The hero of the battle of the founding of Thrace, the founder of the Pieduc family, one of the pillars of the kingdom, and the strong wearer "Shield Mountain" Owens Pieduc died.

Except for those who witnessed his head being chopped off by a panda and Gululu rolled to the side, among all the people who were not at the scene, the first to get news of his death was Richard in the Thracian palace.

He was sitting in his study resting at the time, anxiously waiting for news from the front. Then suddenly, he saw an ornament on his desk burst violently, breaking into several pieces.

His face suddenly changed.

The ornament was a statue made of crystal, made very crudely, and it could only be roughly seen that it was a warrior holding a large shield. Now that the entire statue has been torn apart, even a professional gem craftsman might not be able to put it back together.

Richard knew what it meant - the man who left a breath on this statue, "Shield Mountain" Owens, was dead.

"How is that possible?!" He exclaimed, "Impossible!"

He couldn't believe his eyes - Owens Pieduts was almost the most defensive legend in the world today, even if he was naked and wearing nothing, ordinary swords would only leave a white mark on him , it is impossible to even see blood when the skin is broken. Not to mention that he was wearing a full set of magical armor, so even in the face of a hail of bullets, he could still be unscathed.

If you want to hurt him, unless an entire army forms an army and rushes forward. But he's not a fool. When he sees a large group of people rushing over, wouldn't he avoid it?

What's more... even if he is injured, there is still a gap of 108,000 miles between "injury" and "death"!

It's just an injury, who hasn't been hurt? But how many people died from a single wound? That's all for the poor. A great noble like Owens is also a legendary powerhouse. No matter how many injuries he suffers, he can't just die like this.

Are all his guards dead?

Richard frowned, clenched his fists tightly, and his body trembled slightly.

He was angry and fearful.

The death of Owens caused an important pillar of Thrace to collapse, and the political pattern of Thrace, which had been tilted because of the overly powerful Alanz family, would be completely subverted, even if the Alanz family was defeated and prevented With their independent plans, the losses are too great to estimate.

Only by completely destroying the Ai Lanz family, filling the treasury with their wealth, and shocking Xiao Xiao with their blood, can the country's situation be re-stabilized.

Is that possible? Richard was not at all sure.

Fear is stronger than anger.

If even Owens can be killed, who in the world can't be killed?

Neither the Frost Sword Saint Lep nor himself could guarantee that he would be safe in the face of an enemy who could kill Owens.

Therefore, in Richard's heart, there are actually some flukes and some relief.

(Fortunately I escaped...)

As soon as the idea came up, he was strangled to death by him, followed by even more anger.

Richard Thrace had always thought of himself as a brave man, so when he realized his cowardice, he couldn't help but get angry.

However, no matter how angry he was, it was impossible to imagine that the palace was more than two thousand miles away from the battlefield, not to mention him, even those legendary spellcasters could not do anything meaningful over such a long distance.

Sending a message, or sending a little thing in the past, is already the limit.

The fierce monarch with the name of "The Lion King" sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair slightly slumped.

"The future of Thrace... what will it be like?"

On the battlefield, many people also felt Owens' death.

The eyes of the Frost Sword Saint, who were fighting hard against each other, became extremely vicious in an instant, and the murderous aura emanating from him turned into an icy cold wave, forcing the sword king who was chasing to slow down. Not far away, the old sage felt as if his heart was caught by something, and even the beating became difficult. The rune being drawn in his hand suddenly collapsed, and a spell that was about to be completed vanished.

At the top of the Elanz Castle, the corner of Sage Lopez's mouth was slightly raised, showing a surprised expression. But then he became serious again, frowned again, and looked ready.

In the position of the Thracian army, Ronald and Othello exclaimed at the same time, turning to look at the location where Owens died.

"how so?!"


By coincidence, the idea of ​​escaping arose in the hearts of the two of them.

An opponent who can even kill the "Shield Mountain" is really scary. They just take money to do things, it's not worth losing their lives for a little money!

At the scene of the magic ceremony behind the Thracian army position, always under the hood, and with long hair and tattoos to completely cover some of his unusual features, the great elder of the Thracian Magic Association, " Sage of the Secret Curse" Norman Speak frowned.

He didn't turn his head to look, but whispered: "Miss Sislin, the battle outside may need your assistance."

"Heavenly Bow" Emily Sislin, who was guarding here with a splendid magic bow, hesitated for a moment and asked, "What about this side?"

"If the outside is lost, everything here is meaningless."

Emi Wei understood what he meant, nodded, and turned to leave.

Norman sighed and said to the high-level mages around him who also felt Owens' death and were full of fear and anxiety: "Don't panic, panic will never solve the problem. This is war, and war will always kill people. If you don't want to die, the best way is to win."

The high-level mages calmed down and continued to cooperate with him to complete the magic ritual.

It is not easy to lead the stars from the sky. This magical ritual takes a long time, and it is still too early to succeed.

Also reacting were Katerina, who was leading the battle of the Elanz Army, and several remaining senior commanders of the Thracian coalition.

Katarina naturally smiled, and loudly announced the good news to her soldiers. The Alanz army, who was a little tired from the hard fighting, was suddenly boosted by morale, and they attacked again and again, killing the Thracian army in front of them. However, in the face of a large number of enemies who are still receiving reinforcements from all directions, they still cannot break the enemy line.

Among these Thracian troops, a large number came from the Pieduc family, or were middle and high-ranking officers trained in the Pieduc family. Under their command, the Thracian army, with the advantage of the number of people, put up a thick formation layer upon layer, completely in a posture of turning human life into a city wall and letting the storm return without success.

At the same time, in another military tent that was not noticed, someone spoke.

"Your Majesty Kamara, it seems... I still have to ask you to take action..."

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