Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 764: Marquis Drake's trump card

The Marquis of Drake, the commander-in-chief of the southeastern Thracian front, should have been canonized as a duke in the history of the game when Richard became emperor. There were four dukes in that batch at that time, namely, the Henry family, the Duke of Iron Wall in the north, the Drake family, the Duke of Fire in the southeast, and the Duke Heinrich of the Excalibur who should have been canonized long ago. The Alan Vina family, the Duke of Shadows, came out.

Among these four families, the Heinrich family is the leader. They have a high status. When the country was founded, the "Eagle King" Lucifer Thrace originally wanted to confer the title of Leip Heinrich. Hope was a duke, but Leip said that he was a person who focused on swordsmanship, he was too lazy to care about foreign affairs, and resolutely refused to accept it, so he canonized him as a marquis, as the head of all the marquis.

When the Kingdom of Thrace was upgraded to an empire, as the pillar of the empire, of course he could no longer be a marquis, so it was logical to confer a duke and become the head of the four dukes.

Duke Henry and Duke Drake are both old-fashioned and powerful. The Sislin family, which is subordinate to the Henry family, has produced a genius and strong "Sky Bow" Emmy Wei Sislin, and the Henry family has also played a major role in presiding over the Norma campaign. Becoming a duke is a matter of course—the Sislin family was canonized as a marquis at the same time, which is of course Tiangong's face.

As for the Drake family, they are the confidants of the Thracian family, and they have always helped the king deal with some things that are not so open, or simply shameful. For a long time, they and the Henry family were the backbone of the king's line. In the Molai invasion war, the first stage of the Norma campaign was presided over by the Henry family; the second stage of the sweeping of the central and northern parts of Molai was presided over by the Drake family.

Therefore, when the war was in a stalemate, Richard became emperor, in addition to the Juggernaut of course, he promoted the two reliable families he had supported.

The last of the four dukes, the Alan Weiner family, was of course because of the "King of Shadows" Alan Weiner. At that time, Alan Weiner had not yet become a legendary powerhouse, but because of his important performance in several wars—whether Whether it was the Leyton War or the Molai War, Alan Weena and his assassins had made great contributions, and naturally they should be rewarded.

Of course, the key to Alan Vena becoming a duke is for the purpose of checks and balances. The King of Shadows is the direct descendant of the Thracian family. He came forward to establish a new family and became a duke in one fell swoop, which can greatly enhance the power of the Thracian family and further stabilize the political structure of the kingdom.

These four dukes, together with Ailanz and Pieduts when the country was founded, and the three dukes who were later conferred by the third batch, as well as the Thracian family themselves, the ten families jointly discussed politics, which was after the decline of the Thracian family. , the political structure of the empire.

Judging from the current development of the world, it is unlikely that the ten major families will discuss politics. The Henry family suffered a heavy blow from the transmigrators. Although it was not as bad as a fall, it was not a matter of three or five years to recover its vitality. Even if they had Tiangong to rely on, it would be difficult for them to go further. On the contrary, the Sislin family might use Tiangong's Dongfeng to break away from the Henry family and open the door on their own.

In the Molai War, the main profit is the Ayrantz family, and the Ayrantz family has now declared independence, no matter whether it is successful or not, it is impossible to become one of the ten dukes of Thrace.

In addition, Alan Weiner failed to make great achievements, and the Pieduc family even died of the legendary powerhouse Owens... The whole pattern of Thrace has been in chaos, and no one knows what the future of this country will be like.

But at least one thing is certain, in the foreseeable future, Thrace should not have the strength to continue the war. Whether it is the fall of Molai or the battle of the royal capital of Trela, it should never happen again.

Compared with the plot in the game, this world will definitely be much more peaceful.

But in the midst of this peace, there are still parties that do not want to be peaceful.

That's right, this is the Drake family!

The contemporary Marquis of Drake, Frans Drake, is a bold man. This young nobleman in his early thirties has a wild heart that does not match his handsome appearance. When he was eight years old, he secretly went to the cemetery to shoot skeletons. , when he was nine years old, he took a few peasants to destroy a group of goblins, and when he was twelve years old, he embarked on the battlefield to suppress bandits. He has also traveled in the arena as an adventurer many times, and has gained a lot and gained a lot of fame. If it wasn't for the death of his father and he needed to succeed him, perhaps he would still use the nickname "Half Yuan" to make his way through the arena.

This "half-dollar" dude is really fearless, a real troublemaker, and he's always making trouble whenever he has the chance.

Soon after he succeeded to the throne, he encouraged Richard Thrace to set up a secret military camp-according to the investigations of the traversers, most of the "pseudo-storm charge" that appeared in the Terrera Knights Tournament was in Trained here.

And then the army that united the undead to invade Tara Khan also set out from the Marquis of Drake.

In just a few years, this fellow has made two big news, which shows how intense his inner enthusiasm for doing things is.

However, although Frans did things, he didn't just die. He would make a lot of preparations every time, so that he could do things in a safe and stable manner without causing danger to himself. Compared to those neuroses who have been concentrating on dying for a hundred years, he probably belongs to the kind of rational and calm neurosis... Although, he is still neurotic.

Frans felt that he had to do something in this Elanz War, so he made some special preparations.

Let's say he invited a helper.

Inside a tent that was far more gorgeous than Frans's own residence, a tall, ugly, green-browed, green-haired, naked man was enjoying the various services of a large group of maids, so happy that it was completely out of tune with the swords and shadows outside.

Hearing Marquis Drake's words, he raised his hand, let the maids spread out, and sat up leisurely.

"Are you sure you want me to shoot?" he asked in a hoarse voice, "If I shoot, the asking price is very high!"

"The situation is not good for our army now. If we lose, we will lose everything!" Marquis Drake said without hesitation. "No matter how high your asking price is, it will not be higher than the loss of our defeat!"

The ugly man smiled: "You are a decisive person! I admire you!"

"It's my honor to be appreciated by you, Your Majesty," replied Marquis Drake, "but you'd better hurry up, our army is about to be unable to hold on to the situation!"

The ugly man laughed: "What are you afraid of! How can we see the outcome of the war so soon!"

As he said that, he didn't even bother to approve a towel, so he walked towards the entrance of the tent naked, saying as he walked, "More than half of a person's weight of gems must be emeralds, at least 50,000. The gold coins are all brand-new. Twenty skilled craftsmen, one hundred skilled maids, one thousand specially trained high-quality meat animals... This price, please confirm."

"No problem!" Marquis Drake replied without hesitation.

The ugly man who had already reached the door of the tent nodded in satisfaction, pulled the curtain open, and walked out.

In the surprised eyes of the guards, he laughed and jumped up.

A highly poisonous green mist was created out of thin air, and was then blown away by the gust of wind. A huge green dragon appeared in the air, let out a majestic roar, and soared into the sky.

"I'm the master of the swamp, the green sweeper, the guys of Ellants, blame your heads for being too valuable!"

Saying that, he circled in the air for a while, and then charged towards the Thracian cavalry.

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