Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 775: previous

(Why chapter 182 again? Of course because I made a mistake in the last chapter...)

The traversers are all actionists. Now that they have decided, they will put it into practice immediately. They will be broken into pieces. Except for Pret, Panda, and Loma who are still guarding Katerina, the rest are dispatched in all directions. Start spreading the news everywhere.

At about this time, the same news had already reached the ears of the great nobles of the Thracian Army from the capital.

"What?! The capital was attacked, and the entire palace was frozen?!"

"Impossible! Go and verify again!"

"...Oh my God!"

The great nobles who led the army were in shock, wondering whether they should believe this incredible news.

However, they soon confirmed the authenticity of the news-of course there are channels for communication between the great nobles, everyone checked it and found that the news they got from each other was the same, so even if it was absurd news, it could definitely be true. .

Not only that, but they also heard the Alanz army shouting, "The Thracian palace has been broken down, and the tyrant Richard has been sealed.

King Richard was sealed?

how is this possible!

Of course the great nobles don't believe it, but if they don't believe it, they still have to go to His Majesty the King to confirm it.

As a result, this confirmation is a bad thing.

The large tent of the Chinese army was empty, and neither the king nor the swordsman was there.

It's okay if the Juggernaut isn't there, the King isn't around... that's bad!

The big nobles who came to confirm, look at me, I look at you, all of them are dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

Could it be that... the news announced by the Elanz Army is true? His Majesty the King really hid in the palace and was sealed by them?

This... how to do this?

Not only that, but another news that shocked them spread.

The legendary powerhouse who supported the Thracian kingdom, "Shield Mountain" Owens Pieduc has died in battle!

This news was much easier to confirm than the previous news. There were not many Thracian soldiers present at the time, and the news had already been reported. It's just that the general who got the news was lucky and wanted to try to hide the news.

Now that the news was leaked, of course he stopped hiding it and told it.

Seeing the bad news one after another, the generals of the Thracian army were all dazed, even those sent by the king had already given birth to a retreat, not to mention those who were originally sloppy, and even had to follow suit. The thoughts of the Ailanz family, they just didn't dare to put them into practice.

When Thrace was strong, of course everyone did not dare to act rashly. But now... Thrace doesn't seem to be that powerful anymore!

For a time, many nobles lowered their heads, their eyes flickered with strange colors, and their minds changed.

After being silent for a while, Marquis Drake spoke up: "Our top priority now is to determine two things. First, to determine the whereabouts of His Majesty. Of course, the words of the traitor of Ai Lanz are not credible, but His Majesty's disappearance is no trivial matter, and Thrace cannot The group of dragons has no leader, so confirming the whereabouts of His Majesty is the most important thing, and we can do whatever it takes to do this!"

The nobles nodded, without any objection.

"The second thing is to look for Lord Juggernaut. With the ability of Lord Juggernaut, I don't believe that anyone in the world can kill him. It is very likely that he was trapped somewhere by the people of Ellants and isolated from the outside world. As long as we find him and have his leadership, we will be invincible no matter what."

Everyone nodded again, agreeing with his opinion.

After Marquis Drake finished speaking, he said that he was going to arrange search work, and took the lead out of the big tent. The rest of the people were silent for a while, and then they all left, leaving only the empty tent of the Chinese army.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but they didn't even mention the Ayrantz Stormtroopers who were still in the Thracian army position, nor did they mention the unfinished meteor magic ritual.

Naturally, the Alanz Army did not know what happened in the large tent of the Thracian Central Army. But they soon felt that the Thracian army's will to fight was greatly reduced, and even where they went, the Thracian army was not even able to shoot cold arrows except for the formation and defense.

What this means is self-evident.

When Katarina got the news through Panda and the others, she couldn't stop smiling.

She had planned that this battle would be extremely dangerous, and she was even mentally prepared to die in battle. Unexpectedly, the development of things took a turn and turned several times. Now... on the contrary, the Elanz Army has the upper hand!

But she also knew that the immediate advantage was only temporary. There are two huge risks facing the Elanz Army.

The first is of course the ongoing meteorite magic ritual. As long as the ritual is not destroyed, once the meteorite falls from the sky, the castle of Elanz and a large area around it will be turned to ashes, leaving no dog or dog.

At that time, even if the battle was won on the battlefield, the Ayrantz family's war of independence would be considered lost.

The second is the Frost Sword Saint Lep Heinrich.

Now he is only being fooled by Liu Daoqing and blocked by the Mermaid Queen, so he can temporarily delay. Once the isolation fails, or Liu Daoqing can't fool him, then he will be a fierce tiger, and no one can stop him!

Therefore, the Alanz Army must seize the time to break through the Thracian position and destroy the magic ritual behind it. Only by destroying the magical ritual can there be any hope of victory.

As for the Juggernaut... I can only hope that Liu Daoqing will work harder and stick to it for a while...

Watching the poisonous fog left behind by the death of the green dragon gradually dissipating in the wind, Katarina, who had been waiting for a long time, let out a long roar, raised her sword, and led the storm cavalry, who had also rested for a while, to march forward bravely, vowing to break through the obstacles. , take the rear of the Thracian army and destroy the magic ritual!

Go, go, go!

This time, the Thracian army could no longer stop them.

The army rushed forward, and the golden light of the storm charge enveloped everyone, giving them a steady stream of courage and strength, roaring forward all the way.

Before long, they saw a shocking battlefield.

The ground is full of potholes, and the traces of the explosion are next to each other, and there is hardly any one that is slightly flat. A figure holding a longbow stood in the center of the battlefield, looking at them coldly.

That is the legendary powerhouse of the new generation of Thrace, "Sky Bow" Emily Sislin.

Although she still looked majestic, she knew that she was very tired and exhausted by looking at the vindictiveness on her body that was so thin that she could barely see it, and the exhaustion she couldn't hide even if she tried to hide it.

In the battle just now, Emi Wei opened the bow more than a thousand times, killing Maiev, Klein and Atlas who were all intent on procrastinating for time, but she also consumed a lot of her own, if it wasn't for her strong Willing to hold on, I am afraid that even standing is not stable.

At this moment, facing the roaring storm cavalry, even a legendary powerhouse can only call for help.

Emi Wei reluctantly opened her bow and shot Katarina with an arrow. Then, without waiting to see the result, he activated a life-saving magic tool, and the whole person turned into a ray of light and flew away into the sky.

The arrow shot well, but it didn't work. Prett, who was already prepared, rushed in front of Katarina and blocked the arrow with his shield.

Although he himself was knocked off the horse and fell to the ground, Katarina was unscathed, and the momentum of the Elanz cavalry's charge was not affected in any way.

When Norman Speke, the great elder of the Thracian Magic Association, who presided over the magic ceremony, saw the Elanz cavalry wrapped in golden light, the hooves of the horses roared like a flight. At that time, he could only sigh deeply.

Until now, the ceremony has only been more than half completed. Several times the strength, so many legendary powerhouses, actually only blocked the Ailanz army for so little time!

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