Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 776: Big Bang (5 more!)

Since ancient times, the mage has not been a profession known for its courage. Except for some "undead" guys, most normal mages like to keep their useful bodies for the future - as for what the "future" they are planning is, only they themselves know.

So when the Elanz Army was less than a hundred paces away from the magic ceremony venue, Norman Speke shook his head, his whole body turned into a golden light, and soared into the sky.

As soon as Norman Speak ran, the rest of the mages did not hesitate to follow suit. The rays of light of the teleportation spell came one after another, like a rain of light falling on the ground. After the light rain dissipated, among the mighty and huge magic ritual composed of thousands of mages, there was only a group of low-level mages who could neither cast teleportation spells nor teleport scrolls. A little bit of fighting spirit.

In the face of the menacing Elanz army, they could only be captured.

However, will Norman Spike, the dignified half-blood demon, leave the Elanz army a glorious victory? Will you leave these hundreds of low-level mages to them?

Obviously not!

Therefore, before the Alanz Army rushed to the front, everyone clearly felt that a terrifying change was taking place in that huge magic circle.

The massive amount of magic power accumulated in it no longer flows smoothly as before, but violently agitates. With each turbulence, these magic powers will become violent, like a group of furious beasts, slamming into the cage that imprisoned them.

What's more terrifying is that the cage is already crumbling, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

Katerina's eyes were splitting, she didn't even think about it, she shouted "withdraw", turned her horse's head, and led the storm cavalry to turn around, trying to escape from the battlefield.

As for the remaining mages, some were trembling and speechless, some were dumbfounded, some screamed and ran desperately, some burst into tears and cursed constantly, and some screamed for help and tried their best to cast spells. Those who want to stop the explosion, those who lie on the ground with their eyes closed and wait to die... If someone records this scene, it will be like a picture scroll of "Doomsday".

About ten seconds later, a huge explosion came as expected.

The first is that the ground is cracked, and countless beams of light emerge from every stripe of the magic circle, in a mess. All the mages hit by the beam, no matter what they are doing or whether they are prepared, are directly penetrated, and their movements are instantly frozen, as if they have become statues. There were also many people in the Elanz army who fled behind. Although they were running wildly, they stopped even with their horses.

Then, with the altar in the center of the magic circle as the core, the ground bulges upwards, like a huge water bubble, but the bubble is not composed of soap or other things, but mud, dust, magic, and quilt. Composed of various sundries rolled in it.

Of course, people are also part of the "clutter".

This "bubble" grew rapidly, and soon grew to the size of the entire magic circle. Its inside was bizarre and full of dazzling colors and lines. Any creature with magic power, as long as it looks at this mess, the magic power in the body will be completely uncontrolled, burst out suddenly, and erupt from all channels that can be vented.

Around the same time that the first mage exploded for staring at it, the "bubble" also burst.

There was no sound, or it was too late to make a sound, and a violent blast first swept everything around. The wind was so strong that it was unimaginable that the things that were a little closer were turned into ashes. Only those who fled farther—for example, the cavalrymen of Ellants who fell behind, could barely keep some relatively intact ones. Fragments, or at the last minute there was enough time to scream.

With the blast of wind, the flames finally came too late. It swelled towards the surroundings, erupted towards the sky, rolled up all the ashes that could be contained in the sky, and spread out in the sky, like a huge mushroom.

The traversers who were spreading the news in the Thracian army watched this scene in stunned eyes, and more than one person exclaimed: "Mushroom cloud?!"

What is a mushroom cloud? The vast majority of people on earth with secondary or even primary education know it.

Isn't this a nuclear bomb?

Of course, the mushroom cloud is not necessarily a nuclear bomb, it could be something else. But there is no doubt that as long as you see this spectacular cloud of flames and dust, it means that the explosion must be huge.

Well, huge, can only be described in this pale way.

Those Thracian magicians are long gone, not even a small fragment that is slightly intact. The cavalry of Ellands have also turned their backs on their horses, and only those who rush in the front—the last ones before—can have the opportunity to challenge the limit, relying on ingenious riding skills and incredible luck, with the help of the explosive wind All the way hurricane, ran to a relatively safe place.

They ran so far that they actually crossed the distance that they had been running for for a while in a few seconds. The front one rushed out of the Thracian army's position in one breath, and fell to the ground exhausted. He gasped for breath and burst into tears to celebrate that he had survived.

Yes, celebrate.

In the face of this unimaginable explosion, even the brave storm cavalry lost any courage to confront. Being able to save one's life in it is already something to celebrate.

Even the auxiliary soldiers at the rear of the Thracian army position were blown away by the blast, unable to stand firm, and stumbled. More than one person lost his life because he fell too hard, and the cries were continuous.

Then, a violent explosion sounded, sweeping the entire battlefield.

This sound was like a thunderbolt hitting the ground, but it was countless times louder than it was. I don't know how many people and animals were shocked and bleed, and the strength was slightly lower, and they even fell to the ground on the spot and were shocked to death.

After the blast and loud noise, hot dust fell from the sky. Thracian army tents, military assets and even the soldiers themselves, anything that can burn, as long as it gets a little dust, it will instantly ignite and turn into a flaming torch.

The soldiers who survived screamed and rolled on the ground desperately. But only a few survived. Most were lost in the shock of the loud noise. When they woke up, it was too late.

It only took a minute or two for the entire Thracian army to turn into a sea of ​​fire.

Whether it was the cavalry of Ellants who charged bravely, the Thracian soldiers who stood firm, or the grasshoppers who were ready to flee, there was no difference in the face of this big explosion.

The raging flames covered everything.

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