Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 781: Juggernaut's death

In an instant, he was hit by six swords. Not only was Frost Bingjian's transmission spell interrupted, but his whole body was shot by the power of these six swords, and he fell to the ground heavily.

Regardless of the serious injury and severe pain, he reluctantly turned his head to look, but saw the "Sword King" Ewing Terrera, who had grown old again from youth, was lying on the ground, holding the sword in his trembling right hand, and sneered at him. he.

Beside the Sword King, "Old Sage" Majik Norley lay quietly on his back, his body was scarlet, his chest didn't rise and fall at all, and he was obviously dead.

"I said...after this don't want to go to Trela ​​again!" He seemed to be weak, and he couldn't help coughing twice. ...the word must be done!"

Juggernaut laughed twice, but did not refute.

Wearing six swords is a real fatal injury. Even if the "Saint" Jager was personally present, he would not be able to save him. The reason why he was still barely alive was because he was struggling to the death with great strength - just like what the Sword King did.

From his experience, he could see at a glance that the Sword King was also mortally wounded. The power of his sword was extraordinary, and the two legendary powerhouses suffered from the sword intent that he had accumulated for more than a hundred years at close range, and both suffered fatal injuries. However, I don't know if the old sage helped the sword king with his superb means, or whether the sword king was really old and had a strong will. Ewing Treyla was able to survive until now under such circumstances, and seized the opportunity to give hit him the fatal blow.

At this moment, five legendary powerhouses arrived one after another. The dwarf king who rushed to the front was naturally impatient, followed by the dragon lord who directly transformed into a giant dragon, and then the mermaid queen wrapped in blisters. The sage of moving mountains accompanied his eyes to restore clarity but The blood axe, who seemed very tired, walked slowly to the end.

"Haha! You deserve it!" Seeing the Sword Saint lying in a pool of blood, the Dwarf King laughed, "If you do too many bad things, there will be retribution after all!"

The swordsman did not quarrel with him, his eyes were slightly closed, and he slowly adjusted his breath, as if he wanted to die peacefully.

"Hexi, don't talk about it." The Dragon Lord advised, "He is about to die, let him die quietly. As the strongest man in the world, he should at least be respected."

The dwarf king pouted, but did not refute, he hurried to the side of the sword king and asked, "Ewing, are you alright?"

"I'm... going to die," Ewing whispered, "but... being able to kill Leip... is... earning!"

The dwarf king sighed, of course he could see at a glance that the sword king was also mortally wounded.

At this moment, the mermaid queen arrived, and with a wave of her hand, two circles of water mist fell on the sword king and the sword saint respectively. Although it could not save their lives, it could at least make them feel more comfortable and die a little more peacefully. .

The sword king smiled reluctantly, and was about to say something when a black shadow flew against the ground and turned into Locke in a tattered dress.

"His Majesty Ewing Trela, I am Count Dracula of Trela ​​Kingdom." He said politely, "Is there anything you need me to help convey to His Majesty the King?"

The Sword King was stunned for a moment, looked at him sideways, smiled politely, and said, "I have already explained everything that should be explained. If you have the heart, send back the bodies of Majik and me. As a thank you, you can choose half of my six swords."

Locke shook his head: "I don't need your gift. For the sake of the country and the descendants, you dragged your old body and fought hard, and finally killed a strong enemy. You are a hero I respect. I will give you and President Majik Noley. The body and all the relics were safely returned to the city of Terrera."

The Sword King was stunned for a moment, and his smile became sincere: "Thank you."

He is not worried that the other party will go back on his word. If he agrees in front of several legendary powerhouses, he will not be able to go back on it casually.

He closed his eyes, sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "In my life, I have defeated countless enemies and created a great cause. When I am too old, I will have good friends with me. Fighting a battle with no chance of winning, in the end, you are about to die, and you can even drag the strongest person in the world to death...I..."

The old man wanted to say "I have no regrets", but hesitated again and said, "Unfortunately, I have been scrutinizing the technique of 'controlling the magic sword' that I have been trying to accomplish for nearly a hundred years, but I have not been able to complete it! If you give me ten years..."

Locke smiled and interrupted him: "Is this what you said?"

As he said that, he flicked his finger, and a cold magic sword flew out from his sleeve, twirled in the air a few times spiritually, and then stopped in front of him: "I have been researching similar techniques, I found inspiration just now in your six swords flying together, and finally completed it."

The Sword King widened his eyes, looked at the magic sword full of aura in surprise, and then grinned like a child.

"Very good! Very good!" He murmured to himself, his voice gradually getting lower and lower, "My thoughts are correct... I have no regrets in my life..."

As he spoke, his breath was finally cut off, and there was no more vitality.

Everyone sighed again and again, not only sighing at the strength and bravery of the Sword King, but also rejoicing that he was able to fulfill his lifelong wish when he was dying.

I don't know how many people in this world can't rest their eyes with their wishes, and it is a kind of happiness to die in peace like him.

Just then, they suddenly heard a sneer.

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look, only to see that the Sword Saint, who had been lying on the ground with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were cold.

Although he was also about to die, everyone who saw the cold glow in his eyes would not regard him as a dying wounded, but would only regard him as an extremely dangerous and powerful enemy.

"Blood Axe" Ora Papa roared, took out a spare axe from the space prop, and threw it at him with a flick of his hand. The Dwarf King did the same.

On the contrary, the three spellcasters were a little more reserved, and they just chanted their own spells, trying to cast a protective spell to avoid being dragged and buried by the swordsman's dying blow.

Although... no one understands, this person who was smashed into a ball by the spell first, and then opened twelve blood holes by the six swords, lying on the ground and almost draining the blood of his body, how is he still alive? Is there any way to attack them?

Everyone's doubts were quickly resolved.

In the eyes of everyone who was either surprised or puzzled, the Juggernaut showed a sarcastic smile, raised his right hand that was completely red with blood, drew a sword art with his fingers in the air, and then snapped his fingers.

The magic long sword that he had been injured and fell to the ground rose up and flew out at an unimaginable speed, directly catching Ernst Lopez, the "Sage of Moving Mountains".

Sage Lopez's spellcasting speed is incomparable to that of the Dragon Lord, and he didn't even have time to complete the spell at this time. Although Locke arrived in a hurry and stopped in front of him, he couldn't stop it at all. He was shot directly through his body by the sword, and he still remained strong, hitting the heart of the mentor of the Elanz family.

The blood splattered, Lopez fell down with only an exclamation, and the Juggernaut was heavily slashed by two flying axes, and the whole person almost became three sections.

In the last moments of his life, he said nothing but laughed.

Although he couldn't say a word, the sneer on his face clearly told everyone what he wanted to say, and even the dullest dwarf king could clearly understand what he meant.

[On this matter, do you still need to spend time researching? I'll take a look at it! 】

【You guys are really useless! 】

This is the silent last word left by "the strongest in the world", very confident and very arrogant.

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