Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 782: The natural ending

"Ice Sword Saint" Lep Heinrich is dead after all.

But when he was dying, he still showed the terrifying strength of "the strongest in the world", using the "magic swordsmanship" he was learning and selling now, he killed the "sage who moved mountains" Ernst Lopez with one sword.

Although Locke, who saw the clue, blocked it with his body in time, the power of this sword was far beyond his imagination. The body of a vampire of more than sixty levels could not weaken its power at all. This shocked him greatly - if he also shot a sword, his magic sword would not have such power.

Fortunately, the Juggernaut is finally dead. If he escapes this time, I don't know how many lives will be piled up next time to kill this terrifying opponent!

The sage Lopez died, the sword pierced his heart, and the strong sword intent contained in the sword directly invaded his body, destroying the sage's insufficiently strong body.

In a way that no one could have imagined, he died at the moment when the victory had come, and he didn't even have time to leave a last word.

Locke, who was pierced by a sword, was not a big deal. Although he was also seriously injured, he immediately turned into a mist, and drove the sword intent contained in the sword out of his body, and then changed back again, so the injury It weakened to the point that it was roughly equivalent to being slashed with a knife.

What happens when you get cut off? It's nothing more than a pain, the flesh suffers, the blood bleeds, and at most a little bit of bruises -- unless it's a heavy machete, or it happens to be cut to the point, or it's like some amateur martial arts that punches a few knives with your fists. Homes are cut into blood gourds, otherwise normal people are unlikely to be hacked to death with one knife, but there are many people who are stabbed to death by one knife.

That's why there are sayings such as "three cuts are worse than one stab" and "knock people eat prison food, stab people eat guns" and so on.

The means of Locke's incarnation of mist to relieve the injury, the legendary powerhouses are also amazed. They were interested in talking to Locke in detail and asking if this trick could be learned, but Locke said that he was busy escorting the bodies of the two seniors back home, and he would talk about it later.

This reason is really serious and legitimate, and no one can find a word to refute it. So Locke sorted out the relics of the Sword King and the old sage in front of them, put their corpses and relics into their respective space props, took these two space props, and moved towards the southeast Trellera. Fly in the direction of the city.

"This kid is really capable. If you use the 'magic swordsmanship' well, it's very powerful!" When he was far away, the dwarf king said, "However, this trick requires too much equipment, and if you don't have a good sword, Everything is in vain."

"He will have powerful weapons," said the dragon lord. "A person with such skills, weapons or something, will not be able to beat him."

The Dwarf King nodded and looked at the corpse of the Sword Saint on the ground again, with a hint of horror in his eyes, "Leip Heinrich is really a terrible opponent! Seven legendary powerhouses, and finally used a sneak attack. He was killed by the means of his own. Even when he was dying, he could learn other people's tricks on the spot, and then use them to kill people—I've never heard of such a powerful guy!"

"Perhaps even in the era of the second era, when the masters were like clouds, he could be considered outstanding..." The dragon lord sighed, "If he didn't have to stand on the side of the evil Thrace, in fact, I really I really want to make a friend like him. Such a powerful friend is not easy to make!"

"Yeah, obviously you have such skills and talents, but you have to... it's a pity!" The Dwarf King couldn't help but sigh.

Blood Axe interrupted their sighs and asked, "Do you have anything else to do? I'm going to go back to the Great Swamp to cultivate for a few years."

"Ah, I also want to go back to Hot Spring Township to soak for a few years. Today I feel like I've used up all the hard work I've saved for at least 20 years!" The Dragon Lord immediately echoed, saying that he was lazy to the point of being lazy, "Hexi, Do you want to go back? Let's drop by, I can take you for a ride, and let you be a legendary dragon knight and enjoy the scenery."

"I don't want it!" The king of dwarves immediately rejected this seemingly majestic proposal, "Dwarves are the sons of the mountain, and we are used to walking down-to-earth."

"You can honestly admit that you are afraid of heights!" The mermaid queen also knew them, and she naturally knew that the dwarf king had a fear of heights and was flying on a dragon? I'm afraid that he will vomit out in the air, and when he gets to the place, most of them can't even stand.

The dwarf king smiled awkwardly, packed his things a little, said goodbye to the two friends who left first, and said, "Then... I'll leave the matter here to you."

"I don't care about these things!" The Mermaid Queen said with a smile, "Except for the cavalry rushing out to fight, the rest of the Ellants family should hide behind them. I'll find them out and leave the matter to them. Just deal with it."

The two said it lightly, and did not take the relics of the Frost Sword Saint at all.

One of them is the king of the dwarf kingdom, and the other is the king of the mermaid kingdom.

At this moment, there was a sudden thunder in the sky. The two looked up, but saw that dark clouds from nowhere quickly gathered, and after a while the whole sky turned dark, and it was about to rain.

"This is the rain summoned by magic." The dwarf king said subconsciously, and then suddenly became happy, "Hehe! That kid Rhode is flying in the sky, don't be struck by a thunderbolt on his tail..."

The mermaid queen was amused by the old dwarf's escaping thinking, shook her head, ignored the words, and took out a crystal wand and pointed to the sky.

"It's going to rain to save people... I'll help too."

After a while, the torrential rain fell, finally extinguishing the blazing flames on the Thracian army positions.

Liu Daoqing, who had just recovered from weakness and tried his best to rain a heavy rain, showed his prototype, carrying Katerina, who finally woke up, but was still a little dizzy, with the group of remnants who had escaped from the explosion and fire. , flew slowly back to the castle of Ellants, which had been turned into a dilapidated house in the battle of the legendary powerhouses.

Seeing the corpse on the spot, the Frost Sword Saint and the Sage Lopez asked about the battle. They had a lot of things to say in their hearts, but because of their mental and physical exhaustion, they didn't want to say anything. .

In the end, a thousand words were condensed into a long sigh.

After the king of dwarves and the queen of mermaids left, Katerina invited Otto, Pied and others who had been arranged to the rear in advance to arrange some urgent matters such as the preservation of the tutor's body, and then shouldered shoulders with Liu Daoqing. Sit side by side by the castle drawbridge.

The rain has gradually decreased. This rain not only extinguished the fire, but also brought a lot of coolness to the hot summer.

"Katrina, this we won?" Liu Daoqing asked tiredly, looking at the black smoke that was still rising in the direction of the battlefield.

"Of course! The Frost Sword Saint, the Shield Mountain, the emerald rogue... We killed three legendary powerhouses, and it can almost be said to have wiped out hundreds of thousands of Thracian noble coalition forces." Katarina squeezed out reluctantly. With a smile, "This is a glorious victory, the kind that can go down in history!"

"But we have also paid a lot." Liu Daoqing said, "The Storm Legion is over, the Castle of Elanz is almost over, and even Mentor Lopez... This victory is too heavy!"

"We have no choice, if we cannot win, we will be forced to give more."

Liu Daoqing smiled bitterly and said, "I still can't believe it, we actually won... The Thracians actually destroyed themselves..."

"If we hadn't rushed over and forced Norman Speak to escape, would the magic circle explode on its own? Of course it's our credit!"

Thinking of the hellish scene he saw on the battlefield just now, Liu Daoqing couldn't help sighing deeply: "Alas! It's too miserable! Hundreds of thousands... Except for the stronger ones, those ordinary soldiers are almost all dead. now..."

Katerina also lowered her head, and after a while, said, "No way, this is war! It's better for them to die than to die for us."

"I understand, it's just... a little uncomfortable." Liu Daoqing nodded with a wry smile, thought for a moment, and asked, "So... the independence war of the Ai Lanz family is a victory?"

"It's not certain for the time being. Although we won on the battlefield, until the negotiation is over, we can't say that we are sure to succeed." Katerina said, "It can only be said that we already have a huge advantage. This war of independence , we won at least 90%."

"I hope there will be no more tragic wars like this in the future."

"Well, you're right!"

The two sat for a while, and Liu Daoqing hesitated a few times before finally plucking up the courage and saying, "That...there is a famous saying in my hometown, called 'getting married and starting a business'. Generally speaking, after a successful career, family issues should be considered. …”

Katerina turned her head and said nothing, just looked at him with a smile.

Liu Daoqing became more and more nervous when she saw him, and he hesitated to speak. He clearly knew what he was going to say, but when he was talking, it turned into "payment of salary", "buying a house" and even "mortgage loan", "down payment", "six wallets"... Later, he simply talked about He didn't know what it meant by saying "it's very troublesome to keep a cat, maybe you should keep a dog", "children are also very troublesome, but it's not impossible".

He was sweating profusely, but the more anxious he was, the more incoherent his speech became, and his head became more and more dizzy.

Finally, Katerina had seen enough of his jokes and covered his mouth with her hand.

"Okay, okay." The rainbow that appeared after the summer rainstorm was reflected in her eyes, so bright that Liu Daoqing was about to sink in, "What you said at the beginning made a lot of sense, starting a family and starting a business - me too It's time to become a queen, it's time to start a family, are you interested in changing your title and being 'Prince Ellants'?"

Liu Daoqing's eyes widened, almost jumping up in excitement.

After a while, he posted "I'm getting married" in the chat channel, followed by at least twenty exclamation marks and a hundred smiling faces.

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