Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 790: Founding of the Kingdom of Ellands

January 1, 783 in the mainland calendar, the New Year.

Taking advantage of the good days of the Vientiane renewal at the beginning of the year, a new country, the Kingdom of Alanz, was announced in the south-southwest region of the Western Continent.

The Kingdom of Elanz is based on the new territory of Elanz, and through the method of territorial replacement, the original Duchy of Elanz is replaced by the territory of the southern part of the Kingdom of Thrace. In general, it now includes the former Thrace. The southernmost and the central and northern parts of the former Molai, the total land area is close to one-tenth of the entire western land.

Don't think that "one-tenth" is very small. For a country to occupy close to one-tenth of the "world", it is already a very great thing - on earth, this has almost surpassed Antarctica, It leaves Europe and Oceania by a significant margin. Or for a more intuitive statistic: China accounts for 6.44% of the earth's land area, the United States accounts for 6.39%, and the whole of Europe accounts for about 6.8% - by the way, Europeans This place is divided into forty-eight countries and regions, which is nearly half more than China's provincial administrative regions... This is still not counting those small-scale island "territories", otherwise, twice may not be enough to count.

They're really good at "separation".

The founding ceremony of the Kingdom of Ellands was very solemn and solemn, but not luxurious. In the whole ceremony, the two most eye-catching events were Queen Catalina leading the crowd to worship the Martyrs' Shrine, and the Queen's wedding.

In the Martyrs' Shrine of Ailanz, the people who fought bravely for the establishment, expansion and independence of Ailanz since the first ancestors of Ailanz were enshrined in the battlefield. From the ancestors of Aylanz and his six knights, to more than 15,000 people, including the sage Ernst Lopez and the Storm Legion who died in the war of independence in Aylanz not long ago.

Inside the huge building, row upon row of stone tablets, in addition to introducing the cause, process and result of each war, are densely packed with names.

Here, regardless of strength or title, all those killed in battle only have names and positions. Take, for example, the sage Ernst Lopez, whose title is simply "Chief Mentor". And the second-generation ancestor of Ai Lanz who died in the battle that year, the title is only "the head coach of the pioneering army".

Is this practice good or bad? Difficult to determine. But at least judging from the reaction of the Airlands military, they were in favor and support.

Perhaps for Queen Katarina, that's all she wants.

She didn't care much about the representatives of the various countries watching the ceremony-to the south of the Kingdom of Ellants was the Molai Federation, a weak chicken; to the east was the Kingdom of Terrera, but the two counties of Dracula and Tara Khan were directly adjacent to each other. Everyone is allies, so don’t care at all; Thrace to the north is a strong enemy, but at least that’s when the civil strife in Thrace is over and the new king has grown up smoothly.

As for the west... the west is the sea, and there are no enemies.

The situation at the beginning of the establishment of the Kingdom of Ailanz can be said to be very good. Throughout the ages, I am afraid that few countries have had such a good situation in the early days of the establishment of the country.

Therefore, at the founding ceremony, they even had the mind to engage in private affairs.

Like getting married or something.

The Queen's wedding was also quite simple, so simple that Ambassador Trella showed some disdain, and Ambassador Mo Lai was puzzled. On the contrary, the Thracian ambassadors, the Western Veneraika ambassadors, the orc ambassadors, and the Layton ambassadors were all smiles.

Of course, the four had different reasons for laughing.

Naturally, the Thracian ambassador laughed, and the Elantz people lost face, but they were very happy.

The ambassador of West Brunei laughs because he is funny. As a long-lived elf, he has participated in dozens of major ceremonies. Of course, there are also limited conditions, which can only be simple and simple, but those simple and simple ceremonies are often accompanied by The host of the ceremony was embarrassed by forcing his composure. Only Her Majesty the Queen of Alanz was really not embarrassed at all, and didn't care at all that it would lose face.

Such a thing is certainly worth laughing at.

The orc ambassador is a hero in the wine country. Although the ceremony is simple, the wine is enough. In particular, the sweet potato wine from Tara Khan and Dracula is crisp and powerful, and one mouthful is hot from the throat to the heart, which suits his taste best. At this moment, he has drunk almost five jars of wine, nearly fifty kilograms.

As for Ambassador Layton... He is in a good mood these days, laughing at all times, just like the smiling Maitreya in a temple.

He laughed righteously, because the Grand Duchy of Leyton had just regained its status as a kingdom, and with the help of the dwarf soldiers, the Thracian army who had occupied their own land and mines was killed and lost their armor and armor, and successfully recovered. homeland occupied for nearly five years.

As the eldest prince of the Kingdom of Layton, he played an outstanding role in this battle. When the spring flowers bloom, King Layton will pass the throne to him, making him a new generation of King Layton.

Therefore, he is the person who should hold his head high and laugh.

But there is no doubt that the one who should laugh the most today is Liu Daoqing.

Oh, now it's time to honor him as "His Majesty Prince Liu Qing Dao Alanz".

"It's the first time I've seen someone who can still laugh so happily with the door open." Luo Ma looked at Liu Daoqing's mouth that had been closed all the time from a distance, snorted coldly, and whispered to the panda next to him, " He must belong to M! The level is not low, at least the same level as Li Wei, who 'focuses on the queen for 30 years and will not waver'!"

"If Li Wei heard what you said, he would be very sad." Panda said, "he would say, 'My wife is married, the groom is not me, I'm already miserable, you still mock me, you are Suicide

"Fart! Li Wei likes women like Yuji Fan'er, such as princesses in military uniforms. Katerina, a legal loli with **** and thin waist, is completely out of his defense range."

"Huh? Really?"

"It's more true than the Jiuyin Sutra. If you don't believe it, you can ask him in person after the seal is unlocked."

"Then why didn't I see him go after Fisna Trera? Yuguo likes Katerina, so he's very active."

"He doesn't dare." Sanyu next to him sighed, "You have to know that not everyone in this world can muster the courage to pursue the goddess they long for, and not everyone can even marry the goddess. I don't even care when I'm a son-in-law."

"It's called counseling, I understand." Loma nodded and continued to drink.

After a while, Loma couldn't help but ask again, "Panda, do you have any girls you want to chase?"

"Does Salier count?"

"Which Salier?" Loma asked in confusion.

Yuneruo sighed: "Besides the Moon Archangel Sariel, is there another Sariel worth his pursuit in this world?"

Loma was sluggish for a few seconds, and raised his thumb: "You are strong! Super strong! Brother, I am willing to be defeated!"

"Panda, if you can really catch up with Sally, I will respect you as the fourth man in the world after Dong Yong, Xu Xian, and Ning Caichen!"

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