Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 791: make big news

After the founding ceremony of Ai Lanz, the travelers were really stable for a while.

They really don't have the energy to do things right now, because they're preparing for a big event.

An earth-shattering event, a major event that shocked the world, a major event that can change the entire world pattern.

...Although it is not the Western World.

The huge seal of the Thracian palace has been dug out by a large number of people. The pig-headed man Lao Bai complained that he wasted a lot of time and energy in calculating the amount of engineering, while carefully directing the construction - there is no way, there are too few people in the guild who have presided over the project, and now he is the only one left.

"The last time I was in charge of a project was almost 20 years ago. You are not afraid that I will forget the technology and cause some accidents?" He said unhappily.

"Don't be afraid." Loma said frankly, "Anyway, if there is an accident, it will only blow up the Thracians in half the city. It's none of my business!"

Old Bai was so angry that the few remaining hairs on his head had no wind, as if he was going to transform into a Super Saiyan, and it seemed like he was going to complete the key transformation from a mortal to a one-punch superman. Loma didn't know which one was in front of him, but he didn't want to try any of the fists, so he hurriedly returned to the city and ran away.

Fortunately, the whole project went well, and on April 6, the excavation work was all over.

Unfortunately, because the time inside the seal is stagnant, the light cannot pass through - which means that from the outside, the entire seal is pitch black, and there is no light at all, which is heart-pounding.

"Isn't this a **** egg..." Loma, who had just attended the reconstruction ceremony of the Leyton Kingdom as a new generation of outstanding young people in the dwarf kingdom, took a sip of wine, smacking his lips, and commented, "Is there anything in it? Hatching a dark Ultraman or something?"

"Even if a Dark Ultraman hatches, he will definitely stare at you for three minutes." Lao Bai said coldly, "When you are slaughtered by him, we will probably have time to sit down and drink with him. Have a glass of wine and say 'good wind'."

"...Fuck, you didn't avenge me?" Loma was shocked.

The pandas, Sanyu, Yuneruo and others next to them were looking at the sky, the ground or the nearby scenery, all of them silently answering.

Loma's expression was as ugly as eating an indescribable thing: "Your reaction makes me so sad! Is our friendship so fragile?"

"You can't die anyway..."

"Loma, you are so cheap. When someone beats you on the street one day, I'm too embarrassed to go out and persuade me to fight..."

"Actually...I think you should be used to it."

Loma was speechless by what they said, and just picked up the wine bag to drink. After a long time, he asked, "Is my mouth really poisonous?"

"That's right." Sanyu replied.

"Am I really annoying?"

"Sometimes it does." Panda replied.

"If I get cut off, you really won't help me?"

"It depends on the situation. I think at least if a dark Ultraman really jumps out now, I won't fight for you." Yunero replied.

Loma shook his head and sighed deeply. Everyone expected him to be a little sad, but instead he was smiling.

"That's right! I also think I'm very poisonous, annoying, and rude... I thought I wasn't good enough, but you don't think so!" He said happily, "Since you also If you think so, then I will be satisfied.”

Everyone was stunned, feeling that there was absolutely a fundamental difference in each other's brain circuits.

After a while, Panda sighed: "I always thought that in our guild, only Aaron had a problem with his brain..."

"Who said no!"

"Clearly you are mistaken."

"I'm thinking... I have a problem with my brain, I'm afraid it's not just the two of them..."

Talking nonsense didn't affect their work. In fact, out of the four of them, only Lao Bai needed to work - that's why he spoke so little.

His job was to instruct those civilians to draw a huge magic circle on the newly paved slate floor around the seal. This magic circle can make this large ground fly up, hold up the entire seal, and fly together.

This is the most practical way to move the seal that they have found after a long period of research and repeated attempts.

It's not a good way, but it's the only way to go.

Of course, the material cost for laying this huge magic circle is paid by the travelers themselves. Even the expenses of hiring the people are paid out of their own pockets - the Thracians sold the former king for a good price, which is really unconvincing.

Such unscrupulous things, the transmigrators really can't do it.

Even if they wanted to follow suit, they didn't have a king to sell--more than three guildmasters? If the price can be sold at a good price, Sanyu would not mind dying three or five times. He even said that if the price is right, the other party can specify that he speaks his last words in Chinese, French or Japanese to ensure that he is sincere and will perform seriously. If the price is higher, he can bring an onion and squeeze out a few tears, which will definitely satisfy the uncle who paid for it.

Unfortunately, so far, no one has paid for the lives of the traversers. I don't know if everyone has learned shrewdly and knows that the lives of the undead are worthless...

This thing flew a little slowly, and in the trembling eyes of the Thracians, it slowly passed over their heads, until half an hour later, the huge seal flew out of the city of Thrace. The passers-by escorted this slow guy to fly all the way. It took more than a month to fly to the vicinity of Wolf's Nest Lake before it stopped.

This day is May 8th, and it has been almost ten months since the traversers attacked the Thracian palace and were sealed.

Fortunately, things are busy at this stage, and it is finally coming to an end. The one-time extremely large-scale portal near Wolf's Nest Lake has been erected. As long as this thing is transported in, it can be regarded as truly completed.

According to the plan of the traversers, they will send this huge seal to the world of Mad God, and use it to hit the final boss of that world, the ancient **** "God of Madness".

They don't know how powerful this thing is, but it must not be small in the future - after all, it can contain the huge magic power accumulated by the entire Thracian capital's leylines for more than 200 years. Even if part of it was consumed before, the rest is still an astronomical amount.

The God of Madness is absolutely capable of breaking this seal, and even if he can't break it, the traversers will help. At that time, so much magic power will be detonated all at once, no matter how powerful the mad **** is, he will be blown up half to death.

And then... of course, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, to clear up the scourge of the mad **** world, and give them a bright future.

This is the big event that the traversers spent months preparing for!

Since it's going to explode horizontally and vertically, let's just make a big news!

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