Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 798: I came a little early

The "Third Person Trio" plans to use the identity of exorcists in this world. The paladin Panda is "Master Bear", the guardian Loma is "Alo the Fighter", and the psionicist and evil **** Alfin is the "Scholar Feijie" ...with such a down-to-earth name, it is obvious that only Panda can come up with it. Although Loma complained "Panda, are you a translator from Hong Kong?", although Alfion complained "Sister Fei? I'm a Filipino maid!", Panda is the person in charge of this trip, and this little power is still there. .

What's more, if you're used to it, these three names sound like they're quite tasty, a bit like a Hong Kong zombie movie in the 1980s and 1990s.

Facing the "Master Bear" who suddenly blocked the road, Helen naturally couldn't believe it immediately. Although he has encountered a lot of strange things recently, and was awakened by a nightmare again this morning, he actually suffered no actual damage or loss. Although when he woke up in a nightmare, he vowed to go to the exorcist to solve the problem.

But... when he faced a Garen who suddenly jumped out of the grass - oh, wrong, it was Master Bear the exorcist who suddenly jumped out of the corner, his first reaction was still shock, backing, doubt, And then want to run away.

Honestly, I can't really blame him, but Panda himself.

Because this world does not have the kind of orcs in the Western World, the half-human and half-beast are either monsters or temporary transformations during special bloodline battles, so after seeing the human town, the panda uses the transformation orb and becomes a human being looks like.

It's just... This time, he had a whim, and instead of using his normal human appearance, he decided to manually design his appearance - commonly known as "pinching your face".

However, the panda's face pinching skills are really not very good. In the end, what he squeezed out was a... how should I put it, it is probably equivalent to an enlarged version of the famous basketball player Anthony Davis, who is commonly known as "Brother Thick Eyebrows".

Well, at least the eyebrows are similar to others.

As for the other facial features... That's it. According to Loma, "the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and ears are all where they should be, and the error is not more than five centimeters. Panda, your aesthetics are okay."

It might have been more convincing if he hadn't turned his head away when he said this, laughing so hard that his shoulders shrugged like convulsions.

Helen's courage is obviously not very good, and he is not familiar with pandas, so when he sees pandas blocking the road, he only glances at pandas, and turns around subconsciously to leave.

Strange to say, when an ugly man walks into a pub, everyone just finds it funny. But an ugly man blocks your way early in the morning, and most people will choose to run away.

Helen also fell into the category of "the vast majority", so he turned and ran.

Panda grabbed his collar, frowned and asked, "What are you running for?"

"I...I..." Helen found that she couldn't run away, her legs were weak, and she couldn't answer for a long time.

Panda sighed, dragged him, and walked towards the tavern.

"Stop crowing, let's find a place, sit down and chat slowly."

They quickly found a place and sat down to talk.

As the saying goes, wine is strong, and so is Helen. After drinking a large glass of sweet wine, his spirits were obviously lifted a lot, and he no longer regarded the panda as a dangerous person who arranged his way, and introduced him to the strange things he encountered during this period of time.

"So... it's just a nightmare?" After listening to his introduction, Panda compared the plot in his impression and asked, "Nothing else?"

"No, it's just a nightmare." Helen replied, and then emphasized again, "But... Master Xiong, even if it's just a nightmare, it's terrifying! You don't know, that nightmare is really... Really..."

He hesitated for a while, and finally found a good adjective: "It's really too realistic! Too realistic!"

Panda nodded, thought about it, and asked, "So, how do you want me to help you solve it?"

"Of course it's to stop me from having nightmares!" Helen replied immediately.

"As long as you don't have nightmares anymore?"

Helen was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Is there... is there anything else?"

Panda laughed softly and said, "What about your situation? I haven't conducted a site survey yet, so I can't be sure what's going on. But if I just want to avoid nightmares, I have a very simple solution."

"What way?" Helen asked hurriedly.

Panda took out a silver coin and drew a rune on it with his finger, and the divine power turned into a golden light into it. Immediately, the entire silver coin glowed with a faint golden light, which seemed to be somewhat gilded.

"Take this with you and go to sleep when you get home," said the panda.

Helen took the silver coin, looked at it repeatedly for a while, and asked hesitantly, "Is this all right?"

"If you just want to avoid nightmares, this should be fine." Panda nodded.

Helen hesitated for a while, then asked: "So how much does this... cost?"

"Just give me back a silver coin." Panda smiled, "To be honest, I personally think your problem is probably not as simple as having nightmares. But since you only ask not to have nightmares, then let's do it first. Anyway, these few God I live here, if you think there is still a problem, or if you find that the light of this thing has faded, you can come to me."

Helen looked at the silver coin with great confidence, then looked at the panda, saw his calm and indifferent expression, hesitated again and again, then sighed, returned him a silver coin, and carefully placed the coin that had been blessed with divine power. Collect the silver coins, go out and leave.

"Master Xiong, your method really works?" After he left, the bartender Serin, who replaced Alex, asked curiously, "Can you exorcise evil with that silver coin?"

"How can a silver coin exorcise evil spirits?" Panda said with a smile, "but we exorcists should pay attention to 'you love me'. He only asks not to have nightmares, and doesn't want anything else, so of course I can only do this. level."

"What if... the exorcism fails?" Serin asked worriedly.

Panda shook his head: "Failure is not enough. The power on that silver coin can protect him from sleeping for a time or two. It's just... He obviously has evil spirits in him, and it's probably not enough to just rely on 'not having nightmares'. ."

"Then why didn't you make it clear to him?" Serin asked.

Panda sighed: "Am I not hinting clearly enough? He's not a fool, of course he understands what I mean. It's just that although he understands, he insists on 'don't have nightmares'... What can I do?"

Serin thought for a while, then shook his head: "Helen, it can be said that he wants money or death! Alas! Even a master can't save a miser!"

The panda smiled mysteriously and said nothing.

(Can't help? Of course not. I just found myself a little early, and there's plenty of time now, so I'm not in a hurry.)

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